Eyes of the Emperor
Eyes of the Emperor | ||
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Battle Cry | "His Eyes are upon you!" | |
Number | XIX | |
Founding | First Founding | |
Successors of | N/A | |
Successor Chapters | Brazen Wings, Sand Keepers | |
Primarch | Shakya Vardhana | |
Homeworld | Marusthali | |
Strength | 170,000 at the beginning of the Heresy | |
Specialty | Ranged specialists | |
Allegiance | Loyalist | |
Colours | Saffron and green, with black robes in battle |
This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.
The Eyes of the Emperor were one of the great Legiones Astartes, once led by the Primarch Shakya Vardhana. They were known for their subtlety and discipline in times of peace and war alike.
History[edit | edit source]
Neither the past nor the future is written with any certainty.
- Sayings of the Vardhana
Much of the Legion's history is clouded in shadow. Its leaders rarely kept written records and filed only those reports which were demanded of them. Journalists were unwelcome on their Expedition Fleets. Despite the lack of evidence, some key episodes could be reconstructed from the histories of other formations.
Beginnings: XIX Squad and the Council of Ten[edit | edit source]
Fragmentary evidence, including a commendation by Malcador the Sigilite in which the XIX Squad of the Sacred Band are praised as having redeemed the dishonor of their sires suggests that the Eyes of the Emperor drew their Terran recruits from among the families of those who had defied the Emperor. Even less survives of their battle record in the Pacification of the Merican Hives, but it is clear that Hektor Cincinnatus came to trust them as he did few others. Hektor's dispatches show that the squad's main role was to serve as battlefield snipers, guarding over the brotherhood of the Sacred Band from on high. After the end of the Unification Wars, this band of warriors would rule the XIX Legion as the Council of Ten and spoke with one voice. Their influence was spread through their gene-descendants, the Acharya caste of officers and teachers. Though they claimed the Primarch as one of their own, the rediscovery of Shakya Vardhana greatly disrupted Nineteenth Legion and even the fulsome praise of Hektor could not soothe the discontent.
Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
During the first years of the Primarch's leadership, the Nineteenth were relocated to the Death World Marusthali, where their Neophytes could be tested against the ferocious native predators. Throughout the Great Crusade the Eyes of the Emperor acquitted themselves with honour, winning many notable victories, but they were never among the great conquerors of the Legiones Astartes. Their contemplative, almost spiritual ways were suited to careful consideration of possibilities and judicious use of force, not carving a swathe through the stars. The Eyes brought many worlds into compliance without firing a single shot, deploying agents to teach distant worlds rather than warriors to subdue them.
Those who were loyal to Shakya Vardhana accepted his teaching that the wars of the Great Crusade were important, but that their true trial was still to come. For a long time, this prophecy had a far-off air to it, but as the 31st Millenium began the Primarch announced that he sensed darkness swiftly approaching. Attempting to head off the crisis, the Eyes of the Emperor brought evidence of sorcerous acts among the Black Augurs to the Emperor, triggering the Council of Nikaea. The Edicts of Nikaea stripped the Librarians of their special rank and barred their use of psychic powers, reducing the Council of Ten to the Council of Nine.
Notable Campaigns
- The Society of Inquiry on Telos III. In 843.M30, agents of the Legion established a polite, respectable society of academics and intellectuals on the civilised world of Telos III. These learned men and women vigorously opposed theism, expounding the moral and intellectual superiority of philosophical materialism (the belief that matter, not thought, is the primary form of being). Although largely apolitical, the Society's work helped to condition the Telosians for receiving the Imperial Truth. When the Cruiser Stillness of Being arrived bearing warriors of the Eyes of the Emperor in 862.M30, the task of bringing Telos III into compliance required little more than an explanation. (Given the political conditions arising on Ciban IV before its formal contact with the Imperium, some have theorised that the Eyes of the Emperor undertook a similar operation there.)
- The Illuminated Fraternity on Ceres VII. Ceres VII was a populous Feudal World at the time of its compliance and went on to become a major agricultural exporter in the last century of the Great Crusade. In 873.M30, the Eyes of the Emperor seized control of the planet with just a single squad of Satria, thanks to their foresight. For a quarter century, scholar-adepts in service of the Legion carefully established fortress-monasteries full of warrior monks. These human soldiers served the Eyes with great distinction in the brief compliance campaign, and many of their younger brothers became Aspirants for the Legion.
- Last stand at Vorthorn Station, 882.M30. While on long-range operations deep into the Ultima Segmentum, the Spectre-class Warp Runner Silent Mouse detected a distress signal in a dialect of Low Gothic. While the vessel's technicians translated the signal, Brother Somporn Thaksin ordered a course change to investigate. When Silent Mouse broke Warp, the Eyes of the Emperor discovered a space station being boarded by Orkish roks. Brother Somporn ordered his squad into action without hesitation. Silent Mouse docked and the Eyes of the Emperor deployed to hold back the Orks while civilians were taken aboard. Somporn's men were stretched thin in the battle and as the Marines died, their cordon shrank. With 217 men, women, and children loaded upon the Silent Mouse, Brother Somporn commanded the Warp Runner to get under way just before a Nob's choppa cut him down. The final sight that the technicians of Silent Mouse had of their brave commander was Somporn holding back the greenskins with his dying strength.
The Heresy[edit | edit source]

At the outset of the Heresy, the Eyes were scattered across the Galaxy. Shakya Vardhana and his Disciples arrived on the moon Malluma, where they had been dispatched at the orders of the Warmaster Hektor Cincinnatus. Contrary to the intelligence provided to them, the Eyes of the Emperor encountered no Orks on Malluma. They faced a far more dangerous foe, as the treacherous Warmaster had sent them into a deadly trap - a daemon world, ruled by the Shadow in Time, a powerful child of Tzeentch. The daemon separated Shakya Vardhana from his bodyguard and attempted to win him as the chosen of the Changer of Ways, but the Primarch remained true to the Emperor. In the fight that ensued, the sacrifice of many Space Marines banished the Shadow in Time. Although the Vardhana and the Disciples suffered greatly on Malluma, they emerged resolute and certain that their hour had arrived. The fleet regrouped and made haste towards the Segmentum Solar.
Behind the Vardhana's back, the Council of Nine and their descendants in the Acharya had led the centre of the Nineteenth into alliance with the traitor "War Council" of Hektor Cincinnatus. The Expeditionary Fleets were redirected to begin operations in the Galactic North, seizing critical resources for the rebellion. If the ordinary Satria and Wesias Battle Brothers were confused by these orders, they were long accustomed to following the dictates of the Acharya. Only Phirun Soun, former Chief Librarian of the Legion and the missing Master of the Council was aware of the true threat. He sensed the Mark of Chaos on the most debased of Hektor's allies and did not hesitate to act. Phirun seized the Warp Runner Devotion of Illobian and fled towards the Galactic South, trusting in fate to bear him safe to the Vardhana. Despite the convulsions of the Warp triggered by the onslaught of the Ruinous Powers, Devotion of Illobian sailed swift and sure. Soun's vessel broke Warp in the outer reaches of the Tramezzino system, far in the south of the Segmentum Solar. To the horror of the ship's company, warships broadcasting Nineteenth Legion identification codes were present. The only man on Devotion of Illobian to greet the news calmly was Phirun Soun, for he already knew what the ship's technicians would soon discover - the ships were led by Virtue of Patience under the command of Shakya Vardhana.
Using the intelligence delivered to him by Phirun Soun, the Primarch led a battle for the soul of the Legion. The Loyalist Eyes shadowed the movements of their brothers still obedient to the Council of Nine, bringing the truth to the ordinary Battle Brothers and gradually breaking the control of the Acharya caste. This effort was entwined with a series of strikes on Traitor supply depots in the Segmentum Solar, a key contribution to the defence of Sol in the early stages of the Hektor Heresy.
Culture[edit | edit source]

Perfect motion can only come from perfect stillness.
- Sayings of the Vardhana.
The Eyes of the Emperor saw themselves as monks first and warriors second. Though they spurned talk of gods, they were a deeply contemplative brotherhood and maintained great libraries in its strongholds. Written works of all kinds were stocked by the Eyes, including many beautiful illuminated manuscripts hand-crafted by the Marines themselves. Their fortresses and warships were places of quiet, restorative beauty, adorned with silks, fine metalwork, and decorative plants. Many of the Legion enjoyed cultivating miniature potted trees and would, on occasion, make gifts of their work to their closest allies.
The Eyes did not entrust serfs with their secrets. Menial work in the Legion's own places was performed by servitors, the marines themselves, or rarely by child-aspirants. Every member of the Legion has some level of technical training and is expected to supervise the routine maintenance of his equipment. Firing ranges are almost always busy, but the fighting cages rarely see any traffic. All members of the Legion spend time in the carefully prepared meditation chambers, to relax, meditate and recover from injuries of war.
The three castes of the Legion[edit | edit source]

Under the leadership of the Ten, the Eyes developed a strict caste system. The gene-seed a new recruit determined their rank and role in the Legion. Gene-seed harvested from the smaller Progenoid Gland in a marine's neck would bind its recipient to the same caste as the donor. However, the Legion's medicae carefully inspected the gene-seed of a fallen Brother to determine whether the warrior's life had purified or debased the material and destined his successor for another caste.
The Satria, the lowest caste, were the ordinary warriors of the Legion. They had three orders. The lowest and most numerous were equipped as ordinary marines, filling out the Tactical and Support Squads. The middle order went into battle using the stealth equipment of Reconnaissance squads. Heavy Support roles were reserved for the most highly-regarded of the three Satria orders.
The Wesias, the middle caste, were the most technically able part of the Legion. Their most prevalent duty was the supervision and maintenance of the Eyes' many servitors. As with the Satria, they formed three orders. The lowest formed close-combat squads for the defence of the Legion's warships and fortifications, although their skills would sometimes be used in an offensive role. The middle order operated the Legion's many sophisticated vehicles and bikes. The most honoured of the Wesias aspired to win their gene-seed a place among the Acharya caste. These warriors formed the Nineteenth's Terminator Brotherhood. Cutting across the evaluation of the Council of Ten was the judgement of the Mechanicum. All of the Wesias had the right to petition the techpriests for training, and TechMarines could be found in all three of the caste's orders. Although the influence of the Forge Worlds made the Wesias less reverent of the Acharya's gene-seed, Master Forge was able to command the caste's loyalty thanks to his contributions to the Quest for Knowledge.
At the peak of the Eyes of the Emperor were the Acharya, the direct gene-descendants of the Council of Ten. Some were indoctrinated as Apothecaries or Librarians but the majority were warriors, entrusted with all of the Legion's leadership positions. They styled themselves as "mere teachers", the elder brothers of the other castes who were responsible only for guiding other Marines into deeper understandings of the Imperial Truth. But their grip on the Legion was absolute, especially as the Primarch Shakya Vardhana showed no inclination to challenge them.
Domain and notable worlds[edit | edit source]
Officially, the Eyes of the Emperor had no domain beyond their training world, Marusthali. In reality, their holdings were vast, widespread, and constantly changing. Far-ranging explorer vessels planted Legion enclaves ahead of the Great Crusade, entrusting loyal auxilia with the task of recruiting and training human supporters for the Imperium ahead of the arrival of armed force. These enclaves would often offer up a tithe of recruits for the Eyes of the Emperor when the day of compliance came.
The Death World Marusthali[edit | edit source]
Although they drew their manpower from a wide range of worlds, the Eyes of the Emperor trained all of their neophytes on the Death World Marusthali. If this inhospitable planet was barren of life, its arid heat would still make human life difficult. But it is plagued by horrific predators, including the feared olgoi-khorkhoi, a gigantic acid-spewing worm-like creature. After three failed colonization attempts, the brutal world's name was changed from "Kumul" (the dune) to "Marusthali" (land of the dead).
The world was the last that the Vardhana visited before he took command of the Legion. Few were privy to what had drawn the Primarch to this desolate place, but his actions were above question. For a whole season, Shakya Vardhana lived in the wastes of Marusthali, purifying his spirit before undertaking his Father's sacred charge. This period of solitude and deprivation is echoed in the training of the Neophytes of the Legion. After passing the Aspirant Trial, every Neophyte is brought to Marusthali to be implanted with the gene-seed and trained according to the standards of the Eyes of the Emperor. Thus, this terrible world is the answer to one of the great riddles of the sons of the Vardhana. Although they draw men from a wide variety of worlds and allow these warriors to retain something of their homelands' identities, all go through training together on Marusthali and must learn to co-operate with their battle brothers, regardless of origin. Neophytes make this lesson a part of them or perish.
Notable places
The only man-made sights on Marusthali are the works of the Eyes of the Emperor. Successful aspirants first meet the elegant lines of the Khiruhton spaceport, which perfectly marries a symbolic gateway form with its function as a landing pad. Those who survive the march to the squat fortress, Lothal are sometimes awed by the scale of the building, but rarely marvel at its external appearance. However, the interior is a masterpiece of architecture. Great halls, carved from the living rock, are carefully lit to produce a daunting atmosphere. This hallowed place is the heart of the Legion, housing the genetic repositories that ensure the survival of the Eyes of the Emperor. Neophytes struck down with The Mark of the Vardhana are escorted to the bowels of Lothal, never to emerge.
Farming on Marusthali is extraordinarily difficult, but the Eyes of the Emperor impose this onerous task on their recruits in the belief that a dose of humble work gives a finer temper to a warrior's spirit than a purely martial education. Neophyte companies are seasoned in fortified farming communities on the flanks of the Anshan range. Each commune is presided over by a scholar of the Acharya, with prospective Acharya among the Neophytes tasked with supervising their juniors. For all the efforts of these youths, their survival is only possible thanks to the Springs of the Vardhana, Marusthali's sole source of freshwater. It is a matter of some contention whether the Primarch created or merely discovered the springs.
One of the last tasks of the successful neophyte on Marusthali is to dig himself a Stupa (rock dwelling) in the volcanic rock of Mount Zohhāk. Here he must endure the passing of a full season, nourishing himself by hunting the great predators of the Death World and learning discipline in solitude. After the disappearance of Shakya Vardhana, an occasional recruit would report that they had been saved by the intervention of the Old Man of the Desert, but none have verified these tales. Whether the Neophyte dies or survives to join the Legion, his Stupa is destined to be his memorial. The Eyes of the Emperor go to great pains to inter their fallen in the graves they have wrought with their own hands. Ashtur, the empty Stupa of Shakya Vardhana, is a centre of veneration.
Recruitment and training[edit | edit source]
None of you will fail. Each of you will give to the Legion the whole of your being.
- Nilam Tamboli
As a secretive and highly ritualised Legion, the Eyes preferred to gather their Aspirants at a very young age. By the time that Shakya Vardhana was rediscovered, the age of induction had dropped to 6, with the boys gathered up and given religious and physical instruction ahead of final physical, psychological and genetic screening. Those that failed at this stage were inducted into one of the various meditant orders that provided the Eyes with their support staff. The successful aspirants undertook a final ordeal to test their spiritual purity. The precise details of the ordeal were a closely-guarded secret, with failed aspirants and neophytes converted into Servitors. It is clear that there were many degrees of achievement in the final aspirant trial, allowing the Eyes of the Emperor to separate the recruits into different castes.
Spiritual indoctrination accompanied the process of an aspirant becoming one of the Legion. There were seven vows of purity that each neophyte must take to become a full fledged space marine. Each vow was the result of a long period of spiritual education and meditation and precedes the implantation of new Space Marine organs. Ahead of the first surgeries, the neophyte took the vow of Rapture, affirming his joy at undertaking the path of the Emperor. Once the Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, and Biscopea have been successfully implanted, a vow of Determination corresponded to the Haemastanen and Larraman's Organ. The third vow of Concentration commenced the Neophyte's hypnotherapy courses and the implantation of the Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omaphagea, and Multi-Lung. Next, the vow of Investigation came with the enhanced perception of the Occulobe and Lyman's Ear. Neophytes who survived to the next stage took a vow of Tranquility, finally setting the disturbances of their past life behind them as they accepted the Sus-an Membrance, Melanchroma, and Oolotic Kidney into their bodies. In what would typically be the Neophyte's tenth year in the care of the Legion, he must take a Vow of Mindfullness ahead of the implantation of the Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, and Betcher's Gland. The final vow of Equanimity is a declaration of the Neophyte's dedication to the Legion and the Emperor and his indifference to his own singular fate. Following this vow, the Progenoid Glands and later the Black Carapace are implanted.
Once the implantation process is complete, the new member of the Legion is granted the rank of Shishya, or disciple. He is paired up with an experienced battle brother of the same caste, his Guru, who will train and monitor him for seven years before the Shishya is considered a regular battle brother. During this time, Shishya are not exempt from battle duties, but accompany their Guru in the campaigns of the Imperium. As a sign of his wisdom, a Guru bears a veteran bolt implanted in his forehead for each Shishya he has trained.
Organisation and Doctrine[edit | edit source]
The organization of the Eyes of the Emperor was more administrative than military, with divisions reflecting responsibilities and domains rather than just a command structure. At the base of the Legion was the Vihara (roughly "Squad", but also understood as a place of learning), led by a junior member of the Acharya caste. The establishment strength of a Vihara included auxilia and could vary quite considerably, from a handful of Satria brothers from the middle order and the child-aspirants tasked with their menial work, up to an honoured Vihara of Terminator-equipped Wesias brothers accompanied by hundreds of mortal warriors and responsible for a major city or fortification in the Eyes' far-flung realm.
Although the battlefield roles of most Vihara bore some resemblance to the squads of the classic Legion pattern, there were considerable divergences. The basic "battle squad" of the Satria caste had some similarities to a Tactical Squad, but often had marines of varying experience, from green Shishya up to the veteran Gurus who instructed them. The "pioneer squad" that ranged into enemy territory planet-side and in the void had a similar mix of experience to a battle squad, although its equipment was that of the more-familiar Reconnaissance Squad.
In the next tier of organisation, a handful of Vihara were grouped together as a Mahavihara ("Company" but again with connotations of a university) under the supervision of a Paṇḍit (a "Scholar", but also "Captain"). The Eyes' informality makes generalizing about the strength of a Mahavihara difficult, but again the purpose of these organisations was the government of the Legion's domain. It was only at the level of the Sangha ("Assembly", loosely equivalent to the Battalions of the Terran pattern) that the Eyes put military affairs more firmly in the spotlight. The Mahapaṇḍit ("First Captain") at the head of a Sangha was expected to levy battle brothers and mortal troops from his subordinate domains in order to field an Expeditionary Fleet. Finally, the Gana (and here "Chapter" is a close equivalent) under its Adhyakṣa (Chapter Master) grouped the Expeditionary Fleets into areas of operation and helped the Council of Ten with the difficult task of managing their chaotic Legion.
High Command: The Vardhana and the Council of Ten[edit | edit source]

If there are ten brothers, nine wicked and one virtuous, let them be in council together that the nine may learn from the one.
- Sayings of the Vardhana
From their creation, the Eyes were ruled by the Council of Ten. Although these mysterious warriors were among the most famous servants of the Imperium, they carefully cloaked their identities behind code-names and claimed to have been the same ten Astartes that fought for Hektor in the Unification Wars. Regardless of the truth of the matter, Master Silence later disclosed that the Council at the time of Ullanor consisted of:
- Kamal Kulkarni or Master Scroll was the leader of Nineteenth Squad and the spokesman of the Council. His soft voice and languid manner in civilian settings belied a cold cunning.
- Surya Narang or Master Scalpel served the Legion as the head of the Legion's medicae. He was well-known among the other warriors of the Sacred Band, and in contrast to the rest of the Eyes was always eager to share medical knowledge.
- Shresth Nibhanupudi or Master Forge was trained in the forge-fanes of Mars itself shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Olympus Mons. Due to his mastery of the machine arts and proud history, Shresth came to hold dominion over the many Techmarines of the Eyes of the Emperor. He and his direct gene descendants were not members of the Wesias caste, but claimed responsibility for "guiding" their younger brothers. Shresth was considered by many Magoi to not only have an extraordinary understanding of the Machine Spirits but also to have gone far on the Quest for Knowledge. By the time of the Heresy, he had become almost entirely mechanical in form and fused his body with a suit of Terminator armour.
- Madhukar Jain or Master Termite supervised the Legion's Castra. Although the Eyes built few large-scale fortifications, they had many hidden fortresses and caches in their areas of operation.
- Bala Misra or Master Cloud took command of the Legion's fleet strength. He maintained close relationships with many Forge Worlds and his correspondence with Magoi on the effort to match the needs of the Eyes with the technical possibilities of warship design is one of the few substantial written records in the Legion's history.
- Nilam Tamboli or Master Brush supervised the intake of new Aspirants into the Legion. He was pitiless but soft-spoken.
- Damodara Mhasalkar or Master Rat was charged with overseeing the Legion's Frumentarii. Unlike in other Legions, in which intelligence-gathering activities were subordinate to the Victualary and broader logistical concerns, the Eyes put great store in their spies and scouts. He maintained close ties with the Rogue Traders Militant who preceded the Great Crusade.
- Sanjit Chowdhury or Master Leopard had overall operational control of the Legion. Although he deferred to the other Council members on overall strategy, Chowdhury was a gifted planner and military leader who could be relied upon to achieve the goals of the Legion.
- Somchai Metharom or Master Owl commanded the Legion's Victualary and his command of supply made him one of the most influential members of the Council.
- Phirun Soun or Master Silence was one of the most mysterious and powerful individuals in all of the Legiones Astartes. As a boy he was taught by the ancient Lièrén brotherhood in the lands to the south of the Emperor's Himalazian dominion, before being inducted into the Space Marine Project. To the frustration of his trainers, the boy remained true to his vow of silence - but the same mental discipline gave him the strength to withstand daemonic temptation as his psychic powers matured. When his prodigy became clear, Phirun was taken out of the general pool of recruits and personally mentored by Malcador the Sigilite. He emerged from his training as one of the Imperium's strongest psykers and an outstanding warrior. Despite his vow, the other Council members welcomed Phirun into their ranks as the Chief of the Legion's Librarus. He would eventually be stripped of this honour and cast down into the ranks of the Satria after the Council of Nikaea, but bore the dishonour with his customary stoicism.
Nominally above the Ten was the Primarch, Shakya Vardhana. But the Vardhana's mind was little inclined towards the day-to-day direction of the Legion. On his first meeting with the Council of Ten, the Vardhana informed them that they were to continue their work as they had before his rediscovery. The Primarch would intervene in the operation of the Legion sparingly, directing the Ten to use Marusthali as a training world and gathering his chosen cohort of Disciples to carry out missions of his own choosing.
Tactics[edit | edit source]

The Legion greatly values the supplies delivered to us by the Mechanicum, but our greatest weapons are rice and water.
- Kamal Kulkarni
No other Legion looked so far ahead. The Eyes of the Emperor would plan their campaigns years, sometimes decades, in advance. Rather than relying entirely on the reports of Rogue Traders, the Nineteenth sent their own exploratory vessels into little-known sectors and seeded cenobitic enclaves on human worlds ahead of their lines of march. The Legion enclaves would be built up around trusted and loyal auxilia and worked to indoctrinate the native population into the beliefs of the Imperial Truth. The Eyes careful and subtle approach meant that they brought hundreds of worlds into compliance without firing a shot.
When warfare was unavoidable - and the Galaxy had no shortage of hostile aliens who would never accept the Imperial Truth and could never be trusted by humanity - the Eyes of the Emperor favored engaging their enemies at range. This led to ridicule and accusations of cowardice from some close combat oriented legions. Indeed, the Eyes' strange ways were little trusted by any of their Astartes brethren. However, their disdain for melee had nothing to do with a lack of courage. Out of sight of the Imperium, the Nineteenth's Pioneer Squads often threw themselves into desperate battles to protect human worlds that had yet to come into Compliance. A true accounting of the lives saved by these forgotten martyrs of the Great Crusade is impossible, but their valour cannot be doubted.
Imperial records often dwell on the Legion's battlefield use of Pioneer Squads, Heavy Support Squads and Whirlwind Missile Launchers, along with a impressive parking lot of Rhinos. The ideal Eyes of the Emperor attack worked in a three layer format. Pioneer squads would infiltrate through the enemy lines to attack high value targets in their rear, such as commanders and supply dumps. Next, fast-moving Battle squads would isolate enemy strongpoints and eliminate weaker forces. Finally, the Heavy Support would reduce the strongpoints. Artillery was deployed lavishly to assist the forward elements. This formation was known as the Tītana starita dīvāra, or the Layered walls of the Titan.
Although no Legion employed many of the highly-advanced Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter, the Eyes of the Emperor had the lion's share of those assigned to the Legiones Astartes. The skill of the Wesias caste was evident in their deft handling of this difficult, if powerful, weapon. The Nineteenth also made heavy use of the Avenger Strike Fighter.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
The Eyes were an exceptionally well-equipped force, long favoured by august Mars and bolstered by secret pacts with other Forge Worlds. Their Wesias caste frequently deployed prototype equipment. Although it is a fact largely lost on history, this brotherhood of warriors were the first Astartes to deploy the Tactical Dreadnought, or Terminator armour. The Wesias prized the Terminator as a fire platform, but from their first deployment they were well aware of how effective the armour was in close-quarters.
The sniper rifle was considered the signature the Legion, but the expert marksmen of the Satria employed a wide variety of weapons. If they were limited in any regard, it was their disdain for close combat weapons. The Eyes stocked few power or chain weapons, preferring the quiet efficiency of the lascannon and the deadly hail of their bolters and advanced plasma guns.
The signature skill of the Acharya Apothecaries was bionic replacement. It was a testament to their prowess that so many battle brothers bore bionic parts, rather than being among the honoured dead. In some cases, bionic augmentations were carried out, especially among warriors who had taken the vows of the TechMarine.
The Eyes possessed many Dreadnoughts, although these hallowed warriors were not seen as engines of war. Instead, they served as repositories of wisdom, with few outside the Acharya interred within. The fallen Marine would have his former visage carved onto the front of the dreadnought so that all may look upon the machine and see the glory of one who has found their jivanmukti, or perfected state. In keeping with their martial traditions, the Eyes of the Emperor prized the Mortis-pattern Dreadnought and on the rare occasions that their walkers were deployed they contributed a terrible weight of fire. Sadly for the Loyalist cause, the majority of the Nineteenth's Dreadnoughts followed the Council of Nine into Hektor's service and their deadly weapons would claim many faithful servants of the Emperor.
Fleet[edit | edit source]

The chief of the Eyes' fleet was Bala Misra - better known as Master Cloud. He was a warrior every bit as patient and crafty as his peers on the Council of Ten. He instructed the Legion's warships to spurn chaotic, unpredictable close-in fights and preferred to use movement and firepower to destroy the enemies of the Imperium. The Legion's exception to stand-off tactics, as was so often the case, were the Wesias caste. These technically astute warriors piloted the Thunderhawk gunships launched from Master Cloud's warships and were known for their precision handling.
The Eyes of the Emperor were unusual in fielding no battleships at all. It is unknown whether the Legion was ever issued with large vessels, but whenever Master Cloud believed that heavy naval firepower was required he turned to the Nineteenth's allies in the Adeptus Mechanicum. That close relationship also led to the Eyes fielding some of the most modern and experimental cruiser designs, including the stealthy Echo class.
In addition to their regular fleet, the Eyes maintained a vast array of auxiliary vessels, used by their pioneers to scout ahead of the Great Crusade. Many of these ships would typically be classified as warp runners, relying on speed and stealth for their safety. In addition to exploratory duties, these ships would transport auxilia to far-off human worlds to begin missionary efforts. For this reason, most of the auxiliary vessels were under the command of Master Rat's Pioneer Squads.
When the Hektor Heresy began, the Eyes' fleet numbered 32 grand cruisers, 141 heavy cruisers, 182 light cruisers, 395 frigates, 206 destroyers, and 467 auxiliary military vessels. During Shakya Vardhana's brief civil war against the Council of Ten, the majority of the Legion's Strike Cruisers and Battle Barges - the warships with large complements of Marines - were seized by the Loyalists. However, more specialized vessels were often crewed by auxilia and remained at the disposal of the Traitor camp.
Notable Vessels[edit | edit source]
Shakya Vardhana's flagship was the Virtue of Patience, a modified Inflexible-Class Grand Cruiser. It is unknown whether the Primarch refused the honour of a Gloriana-Class Battleship or whether the Fabricator-General of Mars knew that the Vardhana would prefer a less conspicuous vessel. Regardless, the Virtue of Patience was an impressive vessel, swift and powerful and fitted with a sophisticated teleporter array.
Although its name features in few histories, the Spectre-class War Runner Devotion of Illobian played a pivotal role in the early Heresy. This humble vessel was commandeered by Phirun Soun when he became aware of the scope of the Council of Nine's betrayal and bore the former Librarian to Shakya Vardhana's side. Had the Devotion of Illobian's crew faltered in their mission, the Loyalists would have had to pay a terrible blood-price for the secrets of the Council.
Support Formations[edit | edit source]
All of the Legion's Apothecaries were members of the Acharya caste, but they were divided into two sects. The well-known Steel-eyed, led by Master Scalpel, devoted themselves to battlefield medicine and bionic research. Although they were responsible for retrieving the Legion's gene-seed, the Steel-Eyed played no further part in the development of new Space Marines. This task was left to the artisans of Master Brush, who devoted their long lives to genetics and psychology. Rarely seen outside of the Legion, this inner order used their position to carefully indoctrinate new aspirants into the mysteries of the Legion.
Under the guidance of Master Forge, the Legion's Armorium became a centre of production and research. The craftsmen and artisans of the Wesias caste entered into pacts with many Forge Worlds, including Mars herself, and their own forges were among the most advanced in the galaxy. Favoured by the Mechanicum, the Wesias tested many of the new weapons developed in the Great Crusade, such as the Mortis-pattern Dreadnought, the Tactical Dreadnought (Terminator), and the Thunderhawk gunship.
Master Termite's charges faced serious challenges. The Nineteenth abhorred the large-scale, imposing fortifications that most of the Imperium employed. However, they still fought the same foes. The Castra gradually developed the means of quickly constructing small, inconspicuous strongpoints known as Gompa. These fortifications were most frequently employed by Legion auxilia deployed ahead of the Expeditionary Fleets, but the Eyes had small holdings throughout the Galaxy. Beneath a humble exterior, each Gompa was formidably constructed and housed quarters for battle brothers and auxilia, basic recreational and training facilities, and an arsenal of weapons.
The Nineteenth's Librarus was the most ancient in the Legiones Astartes. Phirun Soun was raised in the tradition of the pre-Imperial Lièrén Brotherhood before his induction into the Space Marine Project. As Master Silence he continued the the contemplative tradition of his teachers and instructed his charges to seek inner tranquillity and discipline rather than raw power. Master Silence's careful approach and the Vardhana's psychically-potent gene-seed were an excellent match. The Legion's Librarians became highly-regarded for the wisdom and prowess.
Although many Legions would have seen the intelligence operations of Master Rat as subordinate to the logistical management of Master Owl, the Eyes of the Emperor put these departments on equal footing. The division of responsibilities was clear and elegant. Master Rat's charges were assigned the task of preparing for new conquests, paving the way with monastic brotherhoods that could be relied on to further the Eyes' goals. Master Owl's small staff were the analysts and planners of the Legion, and he held great power in the Council as a result of his control over supplies.
Allies and Auxilia[edit | edit source]
The Imperial Army regarded the Eyes with suspicion, as the Legion rarely employed any forces other than its own carefully trained auxilia. A notable exception were the Haeltoth Starguard, whose sophisticated weaponry and unusual character made them well-suited to co-operating with the Eyes of the Emperor.
Gene-seed[edit | edit source]
The Occulobe of the Eyes of the Emperor is one of the most potent among all of the Legiones Astartes, but it has a high risk of rejection. More of their Neophytes suffer from a problem with this organ's implantation than any other. These unfortunates suffer from "The Mark of the Vardhana" - permanent blindness and strange hallucinations which render them unfit even for use as Serfs. It is a closely-kept secret among the Apothecaries of the Legion that Neophytes struck down with the Mark are used for cultivating gene-seed before being euthanised.
Some speculate that the terrible effects of the Mark are a consequence of the psychically-energising effects of the Vardhana's gene-seed. Certainly, the Primarch himself was an extraordinarily potent psyker and Master Silence's prowess is well-known. However, if the Legion's Librarus as a whole was skilled and loyal, it was not overly large and there were no reported cases of an aspirant without psychic potential becoming a psyker as a result of the gene-seed.
Rules[edit | edit source]
Expeditionary Fleets (Battlefleet Gothic)[edit | edit source]
Echo-class Strike Cruiser (190 points)
The Eyes of the Emperor had little taste for fighting their enemies eye-to-eye and toe-to-toe. Their preference was to strike precisely from a distance, emulating their great founder's marksmanship. This posed certain difficulties for the Legion in space combat. The shipyards of Mars mainly turned out vessels suitable for a close-in fight, prizing heavy armour and great batteries of relatively inaccurate weapons. It would only be late in the Great Crusade that the Adeptus Mechanicum began to manufacture a light cruiser specifically suited to the doctrine of the Nineteenth Legion, but the Echo was fielded in surprisingly large numbers by the time of the Hektor Heresy.
Cruiser/6 | 35cm | 45° | 2 | 5+ | 2 |
Prow Lances | 45cm | 4 | Front | ||
Port Launch Bays | Thunderhawks:20cm | 1 | N/A | ||
Starboard Launch Bays | Thunderhawks:20cm | 1 | N/A |
Notes: The Echo class was a technological marvel. Its advanced engine design gives it +1D6 movement on All Ahead Full orders. In addition, enemy vessels further than 15cm away must make a Leadership check to target an Echo class. |
Nineteenth Legion (Warhammer 40,000 using Forge World's Horus Heresy supplements)[edit | edit source]
The Eyes of the Emperor are a highly divergent force loosely based on the Crusade Army list presented in the Horus Heresy series. Although rules references are made to that series, an Eyes of the Emperor may not choose units from the Crusade Army list unless specified below.
All units with the Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor) rule are subject to the following provisions:
- Legiones Astartes (as per the Crusade Army list)
- Sight of the Vardhana: All models in an Eyes of the Emperor detachment (not just those with the Legiones Astartes rule) have the Acute Senses special rule. Cover saves against models with the Legiones Astartes rule are reduced by 1.
- Caste System: When determining a Squad's leadership, use the highest leadership among models from models with the Acharya rule (if any). If there are no such models, use the highest leadership from models with the Wesias rule (if any). Otherwise, leadership is determined normally.
Headquarters[edit | edit source]
No options from the Crusade Army list.
Shresth Nibhanupudi (HQ)
Shresth Nibhanupudi, First Artisan of the Nineteenth Legion, Brother of Mars, Master Forge
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Shresth Nibhanupudi | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 (6) | 4 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 1 (Unique)
Unit Type
- Infantry (Character)
- Cataphractii Terminator Armour
- Cortex Controller
- Hathiyar
- Machinator Array (the improved toughness from this wargear is noted in parentheses above)
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules
- Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor)
- Independent Character
- Acharya
- Battlesmith
- Eternal Warrior
- It Will Not Die
By the time of the Heresy, Shresth Nibhanupudi's extensive bionic augmentation had led to him being fused with his armour and weaponry. In combat, he can extend or retract a wide variety of arms. In the shooting phase, he may use the Hathiyar as a Conversion Beamer or a Reaper Autocannon. During the assault phase, it functions as a pair of Lightning Claws.
Phirun Soun (HQ)
Phirun Soun, Chief Librarian of the Nineteenth Legion, Master Silence
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Phirun Soun | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 1 (Unique)
Unit Type
- Infantry (Character)
- Artificer Armour
- Refractor Field
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Bolt Pistol
- Force Sword
Special Rules
- Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor)
- Independent Character
- Acharya
- Fearless
- Psyker (Mastery Level 3)
- Vow of Silence
Phirun Soun may generate three powers in any combination from the Divination or Telepathy Disciplines.
Vow of Silence
Phirun Soun has vowed never to speak other than to summon the Emperor's fury. He broke this vow once to tell Shakya Vardhana of the betrayal of the Council of Nine, and will break it once more if he is slain. When Phirun Soun loses his last wound in close combat, he spits out a last curse, causing the model that caused the wound to test Leadership on 3d6. If the test is failed, the model is immediately removed as a casualty.
Elites[edit | edit source]
May choose the Apothecarion Detachment, Techmarine Covenant, and Legion Weapon Battery. An Eyes of the Emperor Dreadnought Talon uses the standard rules for a Legion Dreadnought Talon but is made up of 1-3 Legion Mortis Dreadnoughts. Similarly, an Eyes of the Emperor Contemptor Dreadnought Talon is made up of 1-3 Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnoughts. Non-Mortis Dreadnoughts may be purchased as individual Elite choices of 1 Dreadnought or 1 Contemptor Dreadnought.
Troops[edit | edit source]
No options from the Crusade Army list.
Satria Battle Squad (Troops:CXXV)
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Satria Brother-Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Guru-Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Shishya-Warrior | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 3+ |
Acharya Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 9 Satria Brother-Warriors
- 1 Acharya Warrior
Unit Type
- Satria Brother-Warrior: Infantry
- Satria Guru-Warrior: Infantry
- Satria Shishya-Warrior: Infantry
- Acharya Warrior: Infantry (Character)
Wargear (Satria)
- Power Armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Wargear (Acharya)
- Artificer Armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules
- Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor)
Dedicated Transport
- As long as the squad numbers no more than ten models it may choose a Rhino as a dedicated transport.
- The Satria Battle Squad may take:
- Up to five additional Satria Brother-Warriors: +Xpts each
- Up to five Satria Brother-Warriors may be upgraded to Satria Guru-Warriors. (For each Satria Guru-Warrior in the squad, add a Satria Shishya-Warrior to the squad.): +XIIpts each
- One Satria Brother-Warrior may take a Nuncio-Vox: +Xpts
- Any Satria Guru-Warrior may exchange his bolter for one of the following:
- Combi-Weapon: +Xpts
- Plasma Gun: +XVpts
- The Acharya Warrior may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following:
- Plasma pistol: +XVpts
Satria Pioneer Squad (Troops:CXXX)
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Satria Brother-Pioneer | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Guru-Pioneer | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Shishya-Pioneer | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 3+ |
Acharya Pioneer | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 4 Satria Brother-Pioneers
- 1 Acharya Pioneer
Unit Type
- Satria Brother-Pioneer: Infantry
- Satria Guru-Pioneer: Infantry
- Satria Shishya-Pioneer: Infantry
- Acharya Pioneer: Infantry (Character)
Wargear (Satria)
- Power Armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Wargear (Acharya)
- Artificer Armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules
- Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor)
- Scout
- Outflank
- Acute Senses
Dedicated Transport
- The squad may choose a Storm Eagle as a dedicated transport.
- The Satria Pioneer Squad may take:
- Up to five additional Satria Brother-Pioneers: +XVpts each
- Up to five Satria Brother-Pioneers may be upgraded to Satria Guru-Pioneers. (For each Satria Guru-Pioneer in the squad, add a Satria Shishya-Pioneer to the squad.): +Xpts each
- One Satria Brother-Pioneer may take a Nuncio-Vox: +Xpts
- Any squad member may exchange his bolter for a sniper rifle: +Vpts each
- Any Satria Guru-Pioneer may exchange his bolter for a combi-weapon: +Xpts each
- The squad may take Chameleoline: +Vpts each
- All of the Satria in the squad may exchange their Power armour with Recon armour, gaining the usual benefits (note that the Acharya retains his Artificer armour but gains the same special rules as the rest of the squad): Free
- The Acharya Pioneer may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following:
- Plasma pistol: +XVpts
Satria Support Squad (Troops:CXL)
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Satria Brother-Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Guru-Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ |
Satria Shishya-Warrior | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 3+ |
Acharya Warrior | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 4 Satria Brother-Warriors
- 1 Acharya Warrior
Unit Type
- Satria Brother-Warrior: Infantry
- Satria Guru-Warrior: Infantry
- Satria Shishya-Warrior: Infantry
- Acharya Warrior: Infantry (Character)
Wargear (Satria)
- Power Armour
- Heavy Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Wargear (Acharya)
- Artificer Armour
- Heavy Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules
- Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor)
- Support Squad
Dedicated Transport
- As long as the squad numbers no more than ten models it may choose a Rhino as a dedicated transport.
- The Satria Battle Squad may take:
- Up to five additional Satria Brother-Warriors: +XXpts each
- Up to five Satria Brother-Warriors may be upgraded to Satria Guru-Warriors. (For each Satria Guru-Warrior in the squad, add a Satria Shishya-Warrior to the squad.): +XVIpts each
- One Satria Brother-Warrior may take a Nuncio-Vox: +Xpts
- The Acharya Warrior may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following:
- Plasma pistol: +XVpts
- The entire squad may exchange their heavy bolters for other weapons, using the same options and points costs as a Legion Heavy Support Squad.
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
Shakya Vardhana
Sire of the Eyes of the Emperor
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Shakya Vardhana | 7 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 5 | 10 | 2+ |
Unit Composition
- 1 (Unique)
Unit Type
- Infantry (Character)
- Nirvana
- Manāt
- Shimti
Special rules
- Primarch
- Sire of the Eyes of the Emperor
- Bulky
- Psyker (Level 4)
- Visionary
Nirvana: The Vardhana's elegant golden artificer armour was forged for him by the techpriests of Mars. It provides a 2+ armour save and a 4+ Invulnerable save.
range | Strength | AP | Type | |
Manāt | n/a | S+1 | 2 | Melee, Force, Mighty Spirit |
Mighty Spirit: While this weapon has the Instant Death special rule, it deals additional damage. Each hit causes the target to lose a D3 wounds.
range | Strength | AP | Type | |
Shimti | 36" | 6 | 4 | Salvo 3/5, Rending, Shred |
Psyker: The Vardhana has every power from Sanctic Daemonology. He may use these powers normally, without additional risk of Perils of the Warp.
Sire of the Eyes of the Emperor: The Vardhana's great mind could empower the weapons of his sons. When Shakya Vardhana is in a battle, all saves against ranged attacks from models with the Legiones Astartes (Eyes of the Emperor) rule must be re-rolled. This includes attacks by the Vardhana himself.
Visionary: Although his eyes could not physically see, the Vardhana was more perceptive than any of his brothers. He benefits from the Acute Senses and Night Vision special rules, and can never be affected by Blind.
The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy | |
Loyalist: | The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes |
Traitor: | Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire |