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[[image:Roman Empire at height.png|thumb|300px|right|A map of the Roman Empire at it's height, civilizing the fuck out of unwashed Barbarians]]
[[image:Roman Empire at height.png|thumb|300px|right|A map of the Roman Empire at it's height, civilizing the fuck out of unwashed barbarians.]]
The '''Roman Empire''' (''Imperium Romanum'') was a civilization which was based out of the Italian City of Rome. It was notable for unifying the Mediterranean under their rule and being one of the most advanced civilizations of Classical Antiquity, with only China and a few others surpassing it.
The '''Roman Empire''' ('''[[Imperium of Man|IMPERIVM ROMANVM]]''', or as they called themselves '''SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS''', (The Senate and People of Rome, aka '''SPQR''') was a civilization based out of the Italian City of Rome. It was notable for unifying half of Europe and all of the Mediterranean under their rule and being one of the most advanced civilizations of Classical Antiquity. Even today, its system of Government, and its language of Latin, formed the basis of modern Law and Politics all throughout the World e.g. the United States of America.  Its only rivals were the [[China|Chinese Han Dynasty]] and the Indian Satavahana Empire as well as its arch-nemesis the Parthian Empire (and its successor the Sassanid Empire), with the Roman-Persian wars spanning a period of ''six hundred years'', each subsequent war doing almost nothing to shift the [[Warhammer 40,000|perpetual status quo]], that is until the [[End Times]] inevitably came in the form of the emerging Muslim Caliphate.
==Roman History 101==
=== The Mythos ===
According to the legends, the ancestry of the Romans can be traced back to the once-powerful city state of Troy. Initially, Troy was winning, but thanks to a [[tactical genius]] named Odysseus, they were tricked into accepting a gift horse statue... which contained Greek warriors who [[Exterminatus|sacked and burned the city and all its inhabitants]]. Troy's salvation would only come when a Trojan aristocrat, Anchises, managed to impregnate nobody else but Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, herself. Aphrodite gave birth to whom the Romans consider their Saviour and Ancestor: the man, the myth, the legend, Prince Aeneas.
Aeneas and his surviving Trojans sailed from Asia Minor (Turkey) all throughout the Mediterranean, fighting monsters and disasters through the way, eventually landing in what is now Tunisia, ruled by a city called Carthage: Hera's favourite city, and dominion of the queen Dido. Hera hated the Trojans, doing in all her power to prevent them from accomplishing their destiny, and hence manipulated Dido and Aeneas to fall in love so that they could waste their time fucking each other for so many years. Zeus, realising what Hera had done, came down and bitched-slapped Aeneas to fulfilling his destiny of making a new Troy in the unknown lands of Italia. Aeneas came to his senses and left Carthage, but in doing so, Dido fell into a massive depression, killing herself in a pyre while cursing him and all his descendants.
One of Aeneas's descendants in Italia, Princess Rhea, would be impregnated by the God of War himself, Mars. Their children would be known as Romulus and Remus. After rebelling against the Etruscans, they formally founded the city of Rome in 753 BCE... unfortunately Romulus accidentally killed his brother over a dispute on where to place the Pomerium (i.e. city borders). Rome, as the city was known, was underpopulated, consisting mostly of refugees. In order to populate his new city, Romulus enticed Sabine women to come to their little city, and while everyone was drunk, Romulus would then signal to rape (meaning [ abduct]) every Sabine woman in sight, which naturally pissed off the Sabine men. Luckily however, Stockholm Syndrome prevented war from breaking out and Rome got to live on. What we actually know of that time period was that Rome was one of several minor city states in that area and was ruled by Kings. Somewhere down the line the Roman kingdom is no longer ruled by a Roman, but by an Etruscan, whose son named Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (yes, his name was [[awesome|Superbus]]) rapes (meaning [[rape]]s) a girl named Lucretia.
=== Early Wars ===
Everything above is... suspect to say the least.  But this is the point where we do know things.  Rome was a city built on seven defensible hills.  They were surrounded by tribes that didn't like them, namely the Etruscans.  They fought a bunch of wars with them, and had some internal disputes as well.  In 509 BC, the Roman monarchy was thrown down and replaced by a Republic.  Over the next two hundred years the Republic got better and better at fighting, eventually defeating all the tribes around them.  What made them different was how they treated the losers.  As individual Etruscan tribes and cities were knocked off, they were assimilated into the Republic, ultimately giving the men of those cities more liberty than they'd had previously had.  So Rome didn't so much "conquer" as "expand", taking a system that basically worked pretty well (at least at this scale) and forcing it on their neighbors, who eventually grew to appreciate how well it worked.  But it was working well because at this point the whole of the Republic was still confined to central Italy and could be crossed on foot in a week or two.

== Roman History 101 ==
=== The Early days ===
According to the Legends, Rome was founded in 753 BCE. What is more well established is that Rome used to be one of several city states in Italy and was ruled by a King. Eventually the Romans got fed up with monarchy and did away with their kings, becoming a Republic. At the top of Rome were Patricians, wealthy landowners who could run for senate if they served in the arms. That army had a lot to do because the Romans ended up conquering their rivals one by one. Those people who accepted Roman Rule were integrated into the empire without much fuss, those that did not were enslaved. Either way each new conquest giving them manpower and money to conquer more city states. Underneath them were the Plebians, who were regular citizens who did not own much land but still had civil right and eventually managed to get the Patricians to give them their own council. Eventually they eliminated their rivals and got most of Italy under their control, even if they had to put up with unwashed Gauls rampaging through their northern frontier.
=== The Punic Wars ===
=== The Punic Wars ===
Meanwhile, in what is now Tunisia there was another power on the rise, a city called Carthage. The Carthaginians were good traders, were ruled by an elite class or wealthy merchants and financiers and spent their money on Mercenaries, which they used to conquer an empire of their own in Africa. Eventually their began to be some friction between the two groups as Carthage moved into Sicily and Sardinia. This let to three wars called the Punic Wars where Rome and Carthage clashed.

The first Punic War (264 BCE to 241 BCE) involved the Romans fighting the Carthaginians over Sicily and Sardinia. The Romans begin to take to the sea for the first time. A Carthaginian war galley crashed on the shores of Italy and the Carthaginians were so go good as to use standardized and numbered components to speed up production (for people interest in the history of manufacturing, that's standardized interchangeable parts two thousand fucking years before Eli Whitney), the Romans quickly copied the design. Eventually the Carthaginians threw in the towel and accepted terms with the Romans , even though one of their generals, Hamilcar Barca had been doing well in his campaign up until then. He got pissy about this and led an army into Spain. The Carthaginian government did not authorize this, but since news of this came back with a lot of money they allowed him to continue and set up his own personal kingdom in Spain. From which, he and his son Hannibal prepared for round two.
Meanwhile, Carthage, the city once ruled by Dido, was the dominant superpower of the Western Mediterranean, unmatched in wealth and influence, able to bend the Greek kings to their will. Eventually there began to be some friction between the two groups as Carthage moved into Sicily and Sardinia, compromising Roman trade in the Mediterranean. This led to three wars called the Punic Wars where the descendants of Aeneas and Dido clashed.

Eventually shit happened involving a Greek colony in 218 BCE and Rome and Carthage were at War. Hannibal marshaled his army and marched east through Spain. Then he took the Romans by surprise by marching that army, with tens of thousands of men, horses, supply carts and fucking elephants so forth across the alps and into Italy. More than half of his army froze to death doing this, but he still managed to get this force through, and once it was there, it was damn near unstoppable. Every time the Romans mustered up a huge army and sent it against him, Hannibal was able to shatter it. However, he did not have the gear to take Rome itself ([  the battle of Cannae], killed just enough to prevent it), so he decided to lay waste to the roman countryside instead. The only strategy that worked against him was Fabius Maximus's strategy of following Hannibal's army around and launching surprise raids, eating away at their numbers bit by bit. Everyone in Rome hated Fabius for this because was seen as a cowardly thing to do instead of going against Hannibal face to face gloriously, but this ploy did work at eating away at his numbers and slowing him down.
The first Punic War (264 BCE to 241 BCE) involved the Romans fighting the Carthaginians and its Greek allies over Sicily and Sardinia. The Romans begin to take to the sea for the first time. Rome suffered massive casualties at first, until they reverse-engineered a Carthaginian ship and started pushing back (with the incredible innovation of adding a ramp to the front)... while still taking massive causalities. See Rome was still pretty new to this whole "navy" thing and kept losing fleets to storms. But after twenty three years of fighting, Carthage threw in the towel, paying Rome over three thousand talents of silver to leave them alone (a talent of silver, 26 kilos, was the usual measure of enough silver to maintain and crew a ship for a month). [[Nazis|This crushing economic burden fostered resentment]] making a second war all but inevitable.

Meanwhile, the Romans then managed to attack Spain and eventually broke Carthage's hold on the Iberian peninsula. When Hannibal's brother tried to reinforce his position, the Romans managed to intercept his force and destroy it. Then they managed to take advantage of some conflicts among a few of Carthage's vassels to gain a foothold there and gathered up an army to take the fight to Africa. Hannibal was recalled to defend Carthage and at Zama his army was defeated in 202 BCE. Carthage was reduced in size to a small state, which the Romans would eventually genocide off the map.
Eventually shit happened involving a Greek colony and war sparks again. A guy named Hannibal, whose father commanded the Carthaginian forces last time, swears revenge on the Romans. He invades Spain, [[Creed|brings elephants over the Alps]] and into Italy (at heavy cost), and generally starts wrecking shit, obliterating every Roman army he comes across. The only thing stopping him from destroying Rome is his army is too small to lay siege properly so the Roman regroup under Fabius "[[Troll|The Delayer]]" Maximus, who used hit-and-run tactics to keep the army away from Rome, intending to starve him out rather than risk a direct fight.. Meanwhile, Roman general Scipio Africanus leads his army through Carthagian Spanish colonies all the way through Africa to Carthage itself, Hannibal is called back to defend his home, and gets defeated. Carthage then becomes a dependent "ally" to the Republic, basically being sucked dry of its resources. Eventually around 149 BC Carthage was rebelling and pissing off the Romans again thus resulting in the Third Punic War. A few years later [[Exterminatus|Carthage itself was destroyed, the earth around the city was salted,]] [[Grimdark|and the surviving population was sold into slavery]]...or so the legend goes, as there isn't really any good evidence for the Romans having salted the land but there's evidence ''against'' it (Rome rebuilt and recolonized the area later, and salt was probably too valuable in those times for that to happen).

Notably, this period saw the stardom of [[Creed|Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus]], who displayed tactical, strategic, and logistical genius by consistently kicking the shit out of armies four times the size of his using tactical tricks such as tricking the enemy into fighting exhausted, launching surprise assaults at night, and [[Awesome|taking advantage of a low tide to march his forces over to a coastal city and set up siege ladders]], while distracting the defenders with only a hundred soldiers. After defeating Hannibal at Zama using the man's own tactics, he was offered absolute power in the republic, [[This Guy|but gracefully declined.]]
=== The Height of the Roman Republic===
While Rome's citizen-armies were quite successful militarily, there was a minor crisis brewing; many of these citizens found themselves homeless upon returning from campaign, their land having been sold off in their absence. To deal with this growing problem came the Marian reforms, in which the Roman state (through its generals) would instead raise armies of dedicated professional soldiers ala Sparta: the [[Space Marines|Legions]]. While this solved the immediate problem of soldiers having nowhere to go back to, this created a new one; generals, particularly the emergency military position of Dictator (who had complete control over the armies *and* power to rewrite the constitution), became quite powerful as a result; especially the change of upkeep. The old field-tending citizen soldiers' upkeep was land and they bought their own weapons; now the new, state-funded army needed cold cash, and more taxes during their service AND needed arable farmland for retirement. In short, the end of the Republic had become an inevitability, and Rome needed to constantly fight, enslave and plunder to keep the [[Warmachine]] going. Almost immediately, civil wars centered on factional power struggles started erupting, and the office of Dictator was revived when it had been unused since Hannibal's invasion.

=== The Height of the Roman Republic ===
By the end of the Republic, the real power was held by the so-called "Triumvirate" of Rome's three most powerful men: [[This Guy|Gaius Julius Caesar]], [[That Guy|Pompeius Magnus]], and [[That Guy|Marcus Licinius Crassus]] (Ever wonder where the words pompous and crass come from?). After Crassus died in Persia ([[Lulz|Hilariously, his captor poured molten gold down his throat after seeing his insane greed]]), tensions between Caesar and Pompey grew. With Carthage destroyed, there was nothing left that could stop Rome from taking over the Mediterranean world. When Rome wanted to conquer an area they gave the local rulers two choices: [[Tau Diplomacy|Surrender and pay taxes to Rome]], or resist and [[Blam|be purged]]. Either way, Rome got more territory, more wealth, and more slaves, and expanded more or less uncontested until they got to Gaul. These uncivilized brutes continued to resist until the Romans got sick of their bullshit and sent in Caesar with a few legions to deal with it. [[/tg/ gets shit done|He did just that]], and became very popular as a result.  
With Carthage Dead, there was nothing left which could stop Rome from taking over the Mediterranean world. When Rome wanted to conquer an area they gave the local rulers two choices...

*Become a client state to Rome: the leaders got to keep their positions and titles and whatnot, but adopted roman foreign policy, did not get into any fights with other client states, sent a percentage of their tax income to Rome, had roman citizens in their lands accountable to Roman Law and provide auxiliaries to Rome's military, and in return get stuff built like aqueducts, roads sewers and public baths.
Too popular for the liking of Pompey and the Senate, not to mention now ''hideously'' rich, possessing an enormous army complemented with Germanic (Ubian) cavalry and allied tribes. The Senate also hated how Caesar used the Triumvirate's political machinations to push reform bills instead of the "proper" channels of gaining approval from the Rome's patriarchs; even though they were too gridlocked to do anything about Rome's myriad problems, doing nothing was better than letting an upstart undermine their authority. They ordered him to disband his armies or be labeled an enemy of the state. Caesar's response was "you first"; thus [[Age of Apostasy|embroiling Rome in a civil war]], which he won by Zerg Rushing the city and scaring the fuck out of his rivals. He uses this popularity to become Dictator for life, essentially restoring Rome back into an absolute monarchy. As a result his close friend [[Horus|Brutus]] and his former allies in the Roman Senate stabbed him to death. [[Horus Heresy|This caused another Civil War]], now between Octavian, Caesar's nephew out for revenge, and the [[Traitor Legions|Senators]], led by Mark Antony and allied with Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra lost and committed suicide, while Octavian was proclaimed Augustus, the revered one, and establishing the [[Imperial Cult|Imperial cult]]; due to Caesar's supposed descent from the Gods (the gens Julii from were Caesar was born were directly descended from both Venus and Mars, respectively through Aeneas and Romulus), he was therefore venerated as the [[God-Emperor of Mankind|God-Emperor of Romankind,]] and marking the transition from the Roman Republic to the '''Imperium of Rome'''.
*Resist and be conquered by Rome's large, battle tested and well equipped legions and end up killed, most of your people enslaved, your lands re-settled by Romans and your legacy purged.

Either way, they added land after land to the Empire. The resistance to the locals may have often been strong at first, but lessened due to peace, stability and economic opportunities. This made the Empire quite diverse in terms of ethnicity and religions (if said religions did not cause trouble and people were willing to worship the Roman gods on the side). Though conquered people started out as subjects, they could become full fledged citizens through a variety of means. The end result was not just one capital region ruling over dozens of vassal cultures who always struggled to throw off the yoke of the outside oppressor, but a multicultural melting pot which took conquered peoples and made them into more Romans.
Just go and watch the 2-season TV Series Rome, which is ''quite historically accurate'' except Octavian's mom Atia, who was a religious prude IRL. (Fulvia, another character IRL would do the things she did)

In terms of politics there were two rough "parties" in the senate. The ''Optimates'', which was an old boys club of senators who wanted power strictly in the hands of the senatorial class and the ''Populares'', who wanted more power for themselves and sought to gain that power by getting the support of the people.
For next two hundred years the Imperium ruled the Mediterranean and Europe as one of the ancient world's most influential superpowers, with many states either conquered or offered Protectorate Status under the Pax Romana (they'll allow you independence, as long as you pay taxes and venerate the God-Emperor in some way). It sees a [[Goge Vandire|few bad emperors like Nero]], [[Reasonable Marines|some good philosopher-kings like]] [[Roboute Guilliman|Marcus Aurelius]], and a lot of stability, wars of succession notwithstanding. Rome even manages to make it to the Indian Ocean and make contact with Han China, though this relationship is short-lived; everything goes to the shithouse from there, because...

=== The Rise of the Empire ===
===The Collapse of the Imperium===
Besides the Carthaginians, the group that was a major pain in the ass to ancient Rome was the Gauls, celtic Barbarians who lived in what's now France and (early on) Northern Italy. The Romans fought with the Gauls many times and had their butts kicked by them on occasion, including having Rome sacked by them in 390 BCE. Unlike Carthage, the Gauls were not a single unified power bent on Empire Building, but rather a collection of small bickering tribes who looted and raped, but went home at the end of the day with their spoils instead of settling in. The Romans got better at fighting them.
Rome's fall can be attributed to any number of reasons, and any self-styled amateur historian would be more than happy to explain to you his opinions on the subject, but it's widely agreed that there were a number of contributing forces, including but not limited to:
* Even under the reign of Julius Caesar and the early emperors, cracks were starting to form. Population decline had already begun, especially in the cities where death rates routinely outpaced birth rates; [ in part because of archaic Roman society rules, lead poisoning, urbanization], and all of the wealthy landowners having seized up all the good land in Italy and leaving behind a growing unskilled urban population that needed the state to take care of them. This was what partly fueled the Roman war machine, land and funds needed to support Roman's citizens, but of course they couldn't go conquering forever, so once Rome's borders stalled, and the state's costs increased, something was going to give eventually. And even today we all know that a big, dense urban landscape is not a healthy environment for raising large families economically.
* Increased logistical sluggishness of maintaining a sprawling empire, such that it had to split itself into two because it had become too large for a single Emperor to rule on his own. This solution solved that problem but created new ones down the line, as the Western and Eastern halves of the empire (which were ruled by separate emperors that rarely if ever got along) tended to go to war with each other over petty rivalries.  
* The various Legions becoming more loyal to their generals than the Imperium; throughout Rome's history, the Empire had always struggled with the fact that the Roman legions trusted their allegiance more to their local generals than the will of the Senate (although by the time the empire started to collapse, the senate had virtually no power anyway) or the Emperor. Said generals frequently followed Caesar's example and got it into their heads to make themselves Emperors; some of them turned out to be pretty good at work, but far more tended to be better at leading armies than ruling over an empire.
* Said Legions being unable to adapt to new arts of warfare. Footslogging, fortification building, shortsword-and-javelin bearing turtles made of tower shields may have been enough for wild Gauls with no discipline. But when entire tribes of highly mobile horsemen and rapid-moving swarms of densely populated Eastern empires are fought against, it's an entirely different matter. Note that Byzantium, a.k.a Eastern Roman Empire survived for another millennium ''exactly'' because it adapted to its neighbours arsenal, raised its own horse archers named Hippotoxotai after inviting a "barbarian" general or two on how do I shot web, heavy cavalry named Cataphracti (based on Persian Clibinarii), and lightened the legions into rapid deployment.
* Economic and famine crises as Roman farmers were out priced by foreign imports; Egypt and Carthage completely shifted the wheat production to the east, and fields in the Western empire were converted to fruit and vegetable orchards, which were quite perishable. It was not until hardy crops from the Americas (like potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes) reached western and northern Europe several centuries later that said regions developed sufficient food stability to ensure steady population growth. By contrast, the Eastern half of the empire did just fine since they were the half with all the valuable land. Said wealth from food stability and trade enabled the Eastern Empire to bribe off the Germanic and Slavic migrants (until they lost their breadbasket provinces to the Arabs).  
* A disastrous combination of heavy urbanization without understanding germ theory led to events like the [[Wikipedia:Antonine Plague|Antonine Plague]], which killed about 10% of the empire's population.
* [[Barbarian|Germanic barbarians]], who were fleeing from the Huns and usually rebelled after being constantly treated like shit by the Romans despite being responsible for fighting most of the Romans' wars on their behalf. In hindsight, forcing the migrant Goths to sell their children into slavery for just enough dog meat to avoid starvation was a real dick move. And while all of them paid lip service to the Emperors (both Western and Eastern) as vassals in names, they were more than willing not to fight if their people’s’ interests were ignored.
* [[Game of Thrones]]-style court intrigue: Emperors killing emperors, perpetual backstabbing between dynasties, trading places like it's fucking musical chairs, made even worse by the fact that the Empire never had any kind of consistent succession rules at any point during its history. At least the [[Adeptus Custodes|Praetorians]] were ready to off an aspiring Emperor if they believed he was too insane to hold office...or if they felt they weren't getting paid enough, or if they thought they could get more benefits from someone else. On one occasion the Praetorians even sold the position of Emperor to the highest bidder; the "lucky" buyer didn't even last three months before getting overthrown and executed by a rival claimant. This had another side effect of letting the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) lose the recipe for a primitive flamethrower (royal family hid the instructions separately, only for everyone who knew where they were to die in one of the many coups) and get dog piled by Muslims.
* Lead poisoning from widespread use of lead-sealed pipe and pewter-ware; however, this is balanced against them having comparatively clean water for such large cities. 
* Terminus, God of Borders asking Dream to speak to Caesar Augustus in a vision, to let the empire die so he may live on. The alternative was to let Rome conquer the world and the universe, effectively destroying Terminus. (Yes, we are comic nerds.)
* The rise of the Christian faith to political dominance, which resulted in A: a mass transference of manpower from the military to the priesthood (this was LONG before Christian monks and priests were required to practice celibacy & austerity, so the average young Roman man decided that it was way easier, safer and more comfortable to join the clergy than the army), forcing an ever-increasing reliance on mercenaries (always a bad thing, for an empire), and B: the ever-increasing drain of funds away from infrastructure maintenance to pay this increasingly bloated priesthood to do nothing but sit around, give sermons, and hold councils arguing over theological trivia like "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" (all of them) and "was Mary still a virgin after she gave birth to Jesus?" (yes-ish). Note that this contribution is highly [[skub]]by, and people argue '''bitterly''' over whether it's true or not (not helped by the fact that at least some of the historians who championed this theory had a clear bias against Christianity that led them to play fast and loose with facts, such as Edward Gibbon).

The Romans finally sought to put an end to this bullshit in 58BCE when they gave the Populare Consul Gaius Julius Caeser [[Imperium]] (the Authority to Command a Roman Army) and sent him to deal with the Gauls. And over eight years he did just that and sent back to Rome stories of his campaigns to win over more public support.
Heck, even the cooling solar cycle that made the Huns break out in two, one to Europe, another to India, is said to be the driving force in its collapse since before them came every other tribe that wanted to get the fuck away from [[Genghis motherfucking Khan|the teaser trailer of a certain swell guy's antics]]. The East splitting off didn't do the Western lands any favors either, especially when said wheat and exotic produce was utterly cut off. Eventually, the barbarians got all the way to Rome, sacked it (in 410, not in 476, though it had not been the actual capital for about 200 years by that point anyway), deposed the Emperor, and made one of their own the king of Italy. This is the part where most experts say the Western Roman Empire was well and truly dead.
=== Fall from Greatness ===
While historians have [[skub|developed entire cottage industries arguing over when and why the empire collapsed]], it is widely regarded to have started around 238 AD. The third century saw the rise and fall of 26 emperors in the span of 30 years, most of whom were benign military dictators at best and [[Kharn|pretty fun guys to be around]] at worst. If a rival Legate with Imperial Ambitions of being Emperor did not do them in, their own soldiers would due to the fact that they did not like having their paycheques put off indefinately. In short, instead of adding new lands and incomes to the Empire or defending the Empire against Barbarian invaders, the Roman Army was mostly involved in fighting the Roman Army. This parade of failure finally came to a halt in 268AD with Emperor Diocletian, who inherited a gutted out husk on the verge of social, military, and economic collapse. Diocletian's solution was to institutionalize the decline. He split the empire in two, devalued the currency, and reached terms with the Sassanid Persians to the east. How successful Diocletian's reforms actually were in the long run are debated by scholars, but his conspicuous failure to be murdered or go insane secured him a place in history as a great Emperor.  

The newly split empire enjoyed a modicum of peace, but the rot was deep. After Diocletian died the empire promptly descended into the kind of regional clusterfucking that he had worked so hard to prevent. In the east a new Christian warlord became Emperor and dubbed himself Constantine. He oversaw a radical reorganization of his society, bringing relative peace to the east and cementing Constantinople as it's capital. The western empire wasn't so lucky. The emperor Valens allows numerous Germanic tribes to crash on Rome's proverbial couch (their couch having been stolen by huns) which resulted in a rebellion and his death. From here on in barbarian tribes made themselves increasingly comfortable, repeatedly sacking Rome and generally imposing themselves on whatever poor bastard was pretending to be Emperor today. From there the slide accelerated quickly. Attila the Hun joined the party and was only shamed into leaving by the incredible pope-fu of Leo I. The last western Roman emperor, beset on all sides, calls more Germans in to help him retake Italy. They happily do so and then, to the surprise of nobody, claim it for themselves and move right in to form the Ostrogoth empire.
===The Byzantine Empire===

In the east things continued on for hundreds of years. This new Byzantine empire would ebb and flow, but was eventually subsumed by the younger and more energetic Muslim empires of the east. In the west the new barbarian overlords would gaze on ruined Roman cities and start trying to piece their wonders back together. The later descendants of these barbarians came to idolize Rome, starting a tradition of furious masturbation that continues down to this very article.
Things were a bit better in the wealthier Eastern Roman Empire after the split. The Byzantine Empire, as it's now called though they still called themselves the Roman Empire, drifted from Rome in culture and aesthetic to the Greek trend, and more or less carried on much as it had before (including the palace intrigue, which if anything became even worse than ever before). On a couple occasions, they came close to recapturing the glory of the old Roman Empire, but this was foiled by the first known outbreak of the Black Death (the Plague of Justinian) the first time and the coming of the Seljuk Turk raiders (and the rise of the Sultanate of Rum) the second time. The Byzantines' call for aid in the aftermath of the latter decades of conflict ended up leading to the First Crusade.

=== Byzantium ===
Fast-forward to the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The Crusaders lacked the money to sail to the Ayyubid Sultanate as they had initially planned and were deeply in debt to the Republic of Venice, whose doge (we swear, that was the title of their chief elected official) refused to let them disband or leave without paying their debts. The exiled Byzantine prince Alexios IV promised to pay the debt for the Crusaders in exchange for deposing the current emperor and placing him on the throne. While successful at gaining the throne, the new emperor quickly realized that he didn't actually have the funds to fulfill his promises. Anti-Crusader sentiment eventually led to his deposition and execution, which the Crusaders used as an excuse to sack the city for its wealth.

Following the sack, the Crusaders named one of their own as emperor of the new "Latin Empire" (torpedoing any hope of reconciliation between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy in the process), with the old Byzantine state being dispersed between three smaller rump states- the Empire of Trebizond, the Nicene Empire, and the Despotate of Epirus. You probably never heard of them, and for good reason- they didn't accomplish much of interest while they were around. The next few decades were dominated by fighting between the Latins, the rump states, the Sultanate of Rum, and the newly independent Bulgarian Empire.

== Romans at War ==
1n 1261, the Nicene Empire was able to reclaim Constantinople and restore the Byzantine Empire, but the resources from the old Byzantine provinces had been bled dry from decades of war. The new emperors proved to be incompetent and alienated their people through heavy taxation and continued strife with the Latins, and after yet another civil war the Byzantines were forced to become vassals to the Osman/Ottoman sultan. However, their relationship with the Ottoman Turks was strained at best and when hostilities resumed the Byzantines were reduced to Constantinople alone. The city (the modern-day Istanbul) fell to Ottoman invasion by Sultan Mehmet II (seeking to prove he was a strong ruler so his relative wouldn't overthrow/execute him) in 1453, and the Byzantine Empire collapsed with it. Trebizond and Epirus limped on for slightly longer, but both had fallen by 1479, ending the last direct political rule of the Roman world.
Long story short, you don't get an Empire which reached from Iraq to Portugal without being good at fighting and the Romans were good at that. At first the Romans fought in basically the same way as the Greeks did, as spear wielding Hoplites, but latter became more and more swordsmen. At first it was the duty of every able bodied male adult roman citizen who was wealthy enough to afford weapons and armor to keep and to take up arms when called to fight. These Republican Armies were divided into five types of soldiers...

*Velites: The poorest people with light armor (if any) armed with slings and javelins who would pelt the enemy formations at a distance to kill a few guys and disrupt their ranks, then run away.
=== Legacy ===
*Equites: Rich bastards (though not rich enough to be Patricians) who could afford horses. They used those horses to serve as light cavalry, scouting, skirmishing and running down enemy soldiers.
Even after its fall, the Roman Empire left a mark on western civilization in terms of writing, language, military organization, architecture, legal systems and philosophy. Many major European cities like London or Milan started out as Roman Colonies. In certain fields (in particular medicine, sanitation and plumbing) the Romans were more advanced than their European counterparts up until fairly recently. The end of the middle ages is generally known as "the Renaissance", the rebirth of western civilization which did involve some attempts by the upper class to recreate the better aspects of the Empire. For this reason various subsequent western cultures attempted to try to recreate some of Rome's Grandeur. The most obvious of these was the Unholy German Abomination called "Holy Roman Empire", which was neither Roman nor an empire (and was only "holy" because the current Pope said it was) but whatever. The Tsardom of Russia proclaimed itself as The Third Rome. Numerous other European monarchs as well as Ottoman Sultans declared themselves as being Emperors or Czars/Tsars/Kaisers/Kayzar-i-Rum ([[Gay|yup, Mehmed II named himself the real successor to Caesar after sacking the city of Constantinople for 3 days]]). Monarchs drew upon the idea of the authority and splendor of the Emperors, Republics drew on the roman concepts of rule of law, elected governments and civil rights.
*Hastati: Common soldiers armed with swords and a bit of armor, new recruits and poor people, put at the front of the main roman formations.
*Principes: People who were better off than the Hastati and had seen some combat. If the Hastati failed to break the enemy lines, they fell back and the Principes come in.
*Triarii: The hardened veterans serving as the best equipped heavy infantry, they were as hard as nails. If the Principes failed, you brought in these guys.

This is not including mercenaries that they would use to pad out the ranks.  
Arguably its greatest legacy, in the sense of most significant cultural/historical impact, is Christianity and the relations between it and the Empire. Christianity formed and was developed in the Roman world, and was used to preserve various Roman traditions, particularly the military and the government. One of the largest sects of adherents in early Christian history was from the Army; the first non-Jewish Christian was a centurion, and Orthodox processions during the Liturgy are heavily derived from procession of the standards of the legions. On the other hand, Christianity basically divinized the concept of the Roman Empire and office of the Emperor to the point that the majority of Christian kingdoms and empires had a persistent obsession with being the true heir of Rome (which would basically mean that the realm would head the Imperium and thus have a legitimacy to lead the entirety of Christendom, as it is mentioned above).

Another thing of note was at the time, Rome had a near endless supply of troops, the city alone had a population in the millions, combine with their allied cities, resulting in Rome being able to replace any losses quickly.  Best explaime being King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who who's very name now means "victory that cost so much it is render worthless".
== Roman Army ==

The biggest downside of this system was that each soldier had to equip himself, which limits the recruitment pool to relatively rich people. This problem was solved by Gaius Marius, who reformed Roman army from basically militia to the army of professional soldiers, supplied and equipped by the state who's full time job was fighting for their 20 year terms of service. And thus the fabled Roman Legions was born. While roman legionnaires was recruited mostly from poor people, they where the toughest motherfuckers of their time, as each must first pass the boot camp off death and those weak and undisciplined was washed up. Each legionary was armed with:
While the military of Rome went through centuries of evolution in its equipment and tactics, as a whole the armies of Rome can be divided into three parts, one of which is the skirmishers, the cavalry another, and finally the infantry.
* [[sword|Shortsword]], also known as Gladius, his main weapon, optimized for fighting in tight sword-and-shield formation.
* [[Shield|Big shield]], also known as Scutum, his second main weapon, used for bashing people to ensure they won't strike back while you're poking them to death with gladius.
* [[Spear|Javelin]], also known as Pilum, used for breaking enemy formations by maiming their front ranks or destroying their shields.
* Two stakes to set up a portable fortress every night.
* A sling, used to kill those annoying lightly armored skirmishers and shoot retreating enemies in the back.
* A set of lead balls to throw them with aforementioned sling.
* A set of hardened steel balls to Hold The Fucking Line.

The Legions also were Rome's odd job men. If they needed to police a province, set up a mine, build a road or similar, they had the Legionaries do it. Each Legion had 6,000 men when at full strength that was divided into sub-units of 80 called Centuries, each led by a especially badass and literate motherfucker called a Centurion and six centuries made a Cohort. Each centuria can fight as one huge unit, called phalanx, which proven to be effective against barbarians, or split into ten smaller squads called maniples, which on their part was great against other phalanxes, due to their high mobility and flexibility, and because romans being swordsman wasn't as good at phalanxing as other nations, focused on mostly spearmen.
Roman infantry went through many iterations but the typical Legionary would take the field wearing a metal helmet with metal and leather armor, a broad, curved shield, a gladius (a short, heavy stabbing sword), and one or more pilum (a hybrid javelin-spear effective against armor). Legionaries would typically fight in a tight formation behind their shields, throw or stab with their pilum and then finish with the sword. The intense discipline of the Legionaries' training allowed them to pull off several maneuvers, the most famous being the Testudo(Turtle in Latin), a tightly-packed shield wall that effectively protected against arrows.

Roman legion was also the first army that used siege engines on the field, as they realized ballista bolts and stone "shrapnel" thrown by their Onagre catapults could do horrible things to enemy infantry, especially heavy one, which tends to stick in very tight formations. Generally, each centuria had it's own ballista, and each cohort - it's own onagre, and a legion also had a separate unit of combat engineers, who's job was to maintain legion's engines and build new ones if needed. Each Legion also had a small amount of light cavalry attached to it.
Roman cavalry (equites) were, historically, useless, famous for a number of extremely high profile defeats.  In equipment they were similar to Greek cavalry, using flat shields and spears with long swords and leather/maile armor.  But for most of the history of Rome, cavalry were drawn from the richest echelons of society and were not known for being particularly disciplined or brave. While the other nations often fielded better cavalry, such as Hannibal's Numidians, Roman Cavalry was principally used to occupy the enemy cavalry and keep them away from the army; a strategy that sometimes shifted battles in the Romans' favor.

The Legions were backed up by Auxilia, non citizens recruited from the provinces to serve in the Roman Army. They served for 20 years like the Legionaries, but where the Legionary got a big sum of money at the end of his tour of duty, the Auxilery got full citizenship. Auxileries generally served in various specialized roles, such as archers, skirmishers and cavalry. To prevent Auxilia forces from rebelling they were usually stationed far away from their homelands, a fact which also diversified the individual provinces of the Empire. In short, think of them like being the [[Imperial Guard]] minus a fair load of Grimdark.
The skirmishers (velites) were mostly a Republic thing and largely vanished with the appearance of professional armies. In the Pre-Marian army, all new recruits began as Velites before joining the Infantry proper. Typically they were poor young people armed with javelins and slings, put out ahead of the line to soften up the enemy before contact with the infantry. Post-Marian, Skirmishers, as well as archers, were rarely ever used outside of the Auxilia, which consisted mainly of non-Roman support units.

Latter Legions made increasingly heavy use of Heavy Cavalry, largely due to conflicts with the Persians in the East. As things fell apart in the western Roman Empire, Rome could not afford to raise, train and support the legions. As such, they turned more and more to foreign mercenaries for military strength. This proved to be a really bad move as these Mercenaries were of dubious loyalty at best and garrisons of them eventually turned to taking over areas for themselves or betraying the Romans to invaders.
Where Rome really outperformed its peers was in logistics, discipline and military engineering.  Wherever the legions went, they build roads and networks of forts and courier stations.  During Caesar's invasion of Gaul, his legion famously bridged the Rhine in 18 days (and again later in a week).  After the defeat of Carthage, Rome burned the city for two weeks, tore down its walls and enslaved every survivor.  In sieges, where other armies might try ladders, Rome would build a wall around the enemy's wall, and then a wall around THAT wall to protect them from forces trying to break the siege, and finally start slowly building a dirt ramp; [[Rogal Dorn|in the siege of Alesia this amounted to 20 km worth of wall building.]]  '''Roman legions do not fuck around.'''  They'll go to any length, and they don't leave things half-done.
And that is not even the greatest advantage Rome had! In 107 BC for a bunch of reasons Rome reformed it's Army. Before that point the roman army worked like every other army in the world, soldiers would buy there own gear and show up. That meant that armies were small, and had to be composed of troops who had side jobs that let them buy there own swords. If you didn't have property and were poor: you could not be a solider. Under the reforms the Rome would not only pay for there equipment, the state would also give citizenship and Land to veterans. Suddenly every poor person in the empire could suddenly join the army and be assured it have more to fight with then just a sharp stick:  and then it also made sure that solider was supplied and able to fight year around. No more voluntary forces that had to leave when the harvest came or the campaign was done, this was an army that was formed of they poor, they had no land and so they set up a system of contract soldiers, Rome had invented the worlds first professional solider. Sure all that sounds perfectly natural now, but from the fall of Rome it took almost a thousand years for the first professional solider to be fielded again. It meant Rome had an endless reserve of manpower. Rome would lose battles but if Rome wanted to it could Grind an opponent down in attrition fighting.
== Fun Facts and Moronic Misconceptions about Rome ==
* The Romans are one of the first known cultures that practiced the art of the grafiti - you can find everything from penises, scatology, pederasty and funny jokes on the ancient walls. Some notable examples include "Epaphra doesn’t play football well", "Phileros is a eunuch!" and [[Gay|"Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"]].
* More roman emperors trace their origins from the province of Illyricum (roughly the area of former Yugoslavia) than the Apennine peninsula.
* Roman religion was not a copy-paste of Greek religion and mythology but rather the misconception stems from the fact that Romans used to find equivalents of their gods in other religions like many other cultures did and do. In the city of Rome itself, you could find shrines to almost every deity from the known world, which would be quite welcome if they did not interfere with public order. Romans worshipped gods, emperors, heroes, spirits, ancestors, places, concepts like victoria or pax and even trees.
* Rome originally developed from a native italic group of Latines (think Sabinians, Umbrians and Etruscans) and only later came under the dominion of the Etruscan League and while the former gave them much in terms of architecture and deities, the influence of the Etruscans on the roman development was found recently to be a bit overstated.
* Romans were aware of Han China though only dimly as some vast empire in the east, the Chinese meanwhile called the Roman Empire "Da Qin" or "Great Chin". There was trade between the two but the empires of Persia and Kushan that were the proxies between them were not too keen to lose their middleman status and thus kept them separate in addition to the geographical distances being too vast for anything than a theoretical ambassadorial mission at best.
* While Christianity did give rise to some factors that weakened the empire in the short-term the notion that it turned Romans into ascetic hippies or destroyed the Roman Empire is asinine if for nothing else that for the fact that some of the "barbarians" (who were often adherents of Arianism) demolishing Rome were at that point Christians as well, sparing those Romans who took sanctuary in the churches. There’s also just as much evidence that Christianity helped the Empire, and later Medieval Europe, hold together in the face of various crises like the Antonine plague. And without the church establishing new centers of knowledge in the form of the early Universities and monasteries, what little knowledge Europe held on to would be even less than what had been preserved otherwise, especially since the Library of Alexandria had burned down centuries prior.
* Romans did have knowledge of making steel but it was produced in very limited quantities, most everyday metal stuff was either iron, bronze or copper with some other metals like tin or lead also having situational use. In of itself this was not unusual up until the 19th century, as before the invention of the blast furnace, steel production was extremely labor intensive and required specialist knowledge to remove impurities and get the iron hot enough.

== Roman Empire Analogs in Fantasy ==
== Roman Empire Analogs in Fantasy ==
To say time, let's just say the Roman Empire is one of the most heavily copied Cultures in fiction.  
To save time, let's just say the Roman Empire is one of the most heavily copied Cultures in fiction, what with it being precisely what any given European would think of upon hearing the words ancient empire" (not to mention much of it more or less remaining in use today, like its calendar, alphabet, military's not for nothing the Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. decided the Senate would be a part of the federal government). A certainly-incomplete list of fantastical models from them follows: 

*[[Imperium of Man]] - While the Imperium also draws inspirations from other political systems, it's aesthetics and government are strongly based around Roman designs.
*[[Imperium of Man]] - While the Imperium also draws inspirations from other political systems and cultures, like Medieval Europe and the British Empire, its aesthetics and government are strongly based around Roman designs.
**[[Ultramar]] - Ultramar, [[Roboute Guilliman]]'s home system, is heavily based around a Greek-Roman hybrid empire.
**[[Ultramar]] - Ultramar, [[Roboute Guilliman]]'s home system, is heavily based around a Greek-Roman hybrid empire. With Guilliman's return he may or may not be setting himself up as a Roman style dictator: one who holds absolute power so that he can deal with a crisis. Given the [[Grimdark|fun times]] he's living in this can last quite a while.
*[[The_Empire_(Warhammer_Fantasy)|The Empire]] The human Empire of Warhammer Fantasy is an amalgamation of the14th-15th century Holy Roman Empire and Rome proper.
*Codex Alera - Romans end up in a fantasy world and learn how to train spirit Pokémon. That may sound odd but that's actually the literal origin of how the books were written in fact, the author Jim Butcher, was challenged to write a book using two "lame" ideas, the idea in question were "lost Rome legion" and "Pokémon", then went one further by throwing in the Zerg.
*The Galactic Empire of [[Star Wars]] fame, which also evolved from a Republic which gave one of its leaders supreme power. More of a combination of Rome and Nazi Germany than anything.
*The [[Star League]] from [[BattleTech]] is a close sci-fi equivalent. Though, like the Empire in Warhammer Fantasy, the feudalism and myriad of fractious member-states could make it a closer analog to the Holy Roman Empire instead. Regardless, the Star League was considered a Golden Age compared to the [[Succession Wars|three century train wreck]] that came after it. That and none of the Great Houses or the Clans denied being tempted to reform it in their own image.
*[[Pathfinder]]'s Taldor is an empire that was once the center of human civilization but has been decaying and losing territory for centuries. Their founder, Taldarius, is unmistakably Roman looking. Like Rome, their breakaways (Andoran and Cheliax) are waxing while Taldor is waning.
*The Tevinter Imperium from [[Bioware|Dragon Age]] is one of the more unsuble examples out there, being basically a copy-pasted fantasy version of Late Byzantine Empire, only with magical racism and a few iconic characteristics of the Roman Empire added in for good mesure, like the widespread use of slavery (slaves, though they did exist, were quite rare in Byzantine lands), and decadent elites more interested in backstabbing each other than safeguarding the Empire.
*The Mal’Zeelan Empire from the Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer book series is a continuation of the Roman Empire after the Legio IX Hispana got themselves transported to a different world (and after that went through another world gate where they established the empire itself) with dwarves, elves, and all your other generic fantasy races.
== Running a Game in the Roman Empire ==
The Roman Empire can make an excellent campaign setting. That being said, there are a few things that should be kept in mind when doing so.
* The Lex Iulia - The Lex Iulia was a very important law, and one of the things that allowed to Roman Empire to last so long. This law forbade normal citizens from owning martial weapons and armor unless you were serving in the military. While it allowed for things like bows and hunting knives, things like swords, spears, or actual armor were something reserved for the military. This means that unless your PCs are all members of the military or can loot something from one, they will have very little equipment.
* There was also a law that generals and governors from the provinces entering Rome lose all their authority.  If a military commander leads an army into the old boundaries of Rome, they're declared a public enemy (unless it's a declared Triumph, where a general and army parade into the city for awards and victory orgies).  This came up in the civil wars a lot, and basically meant that sorting out the corruption by going rogue was a win or die affair (and occasionally win AND THEN die).
* Another law required that businesses which set up shop alongside roads built by the army (ie, basically all the paved ones) had to post the prices for the services they offered, serve all paying customers if they can, and to give priority to military couriers.  Wherever the army built roads a sprawling network of stables and small inns would quickly spring up where couriers could rest and swap horses.  This was the origin of the modern legal concept of "the commons". 
* Criminals caught in the act usually faced death, even for thievery.  Otherwise, discretion on crime and punishment was basically up to the whims of the magistrate, who was typically interested in maintaining public order.  A spurious accusation against an upstanding citizen would likely be ignored (if not see the accuser kicked out of town), while a string of trivial grievances against a perceived malcontent might provoke some example-making (''"CRUCIFIXION?"  "Yeah, first offense.  Marvelous people the Romans."'').  In some cities, the condemned were sold as slaves or gladiators to be expended at the whims of their new owners; paradoxically a successful gladiatorial career was effectively a get-out-of-jail card for murder by being really good at murder.

Latest revision as of 15:43, 22 June 2023

A map of the Roman Empire at it's height, civilizing the fuck out of unwashed barbarians.

The Roman Empire (IMPERIVM ROMANVM, or as they called themselves SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS, (The Senate and People of Rome, aka SPQR) was a civilization based out of the Italian City of Rome. It was notable for unifying half of Europe and all of the Mediterranean under their rule and being one of the most advanced civilizations of Classical Antiquity. Even today, its system of Government, and its language of Latin, formed the basis of modern Law and Politics all throughout the World e.g. the United States of America. Its only rivals were the Chinese Han Dynasty and the Indian Satavahana Empire as well as its arch-nemesis the Parthian Empire (and its successor the Sassanid Empire), with the Roman-Persian wars spanning a period of six hundred years, each subsequent war doing almost nothing to shift the perpetual status quo, that is until the End Times inevitably came in the form of the emerging Muslim Caliphate.

Roman History 101[edit | edit source]

The Mythos[edit | edit source]

According to the legends, the ancestry of the Romans can be traced back to the once-powerful city state of Troy. Initially, Troy was winning, but thanks to a tactical genius named Odysseus, they were tricked into accepting a gift horse statue... which contained Greek warriors who sacked and burned the city and all its inhabitants. Troy's salvation would only come when a Trojan aristocrat, Anchises, managed to impregnate nobody else but Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, herself. Aphrodite gave birth to whom the Romans consider their Saviour and Ancestor: the man, the myth, the legend, Prince Aeneas.

Aeneas and his surviving Trojans sailed from Asia Minor (Turkey) all throughout the Mediterranean, fighting monsters and disasters through the way, eventually landing in what is now Tunisia, ruled by a city called Carthage: Hera's favourite city, and dominion of the queen Dido. Hera hated the Trojans, doing in all her power to prevent them from accomplishing their destiny, and hence manipulated Dido and Aeneas to fall in love so that they could waste their time fucking each other for so many years. Zeus, realising what Hera had done, came down and bitched-slapped Aeneas to fulfilling his destiny of making a new Troy in the unknown lands of Italia. Aeneas came to his senses and left Carthage, but in doing so, Dido fell into a massive depression, killing herself in a pyre while cursing him and all his descendants.

One of Aeneas's descendants in Italia, Princess Rhea, would be impregnated by the God of War himself, Mars. Their children would be known as Romulus and Remus. After rebelling against the Etruscans, they formally founded the city of Rome in 753 BCE... unfortunately Romulus accidentally killed his brother over a dispute on where to place the Pomerium (i.e. city borders). Rome, as the city was known, was underpopulated, consisting mostly of refugees. In order to populate his new city, Romulus enticed Sabine women to come to their little city, and while everyone was drunk, Romulus would then signal to rape (meaning abduct) every Sabine woman in sight, which naturally pissed off the Sabine men. Luckily however, Stockholm Syndrome prevented war from breaking out and Rome got to live on. What we actually know of that time period was that Rome was one of several minor city states in that area and was ruled by Kings. Somewhere down the line the Roman kingdom is no longer ruled by a Roman, but by an Etruscan, whose son named Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (yes, his name was Superbus) rapes (meaning rapes) a girl named Lucretia.

Early Wars[edit | edit source]

Everything above is... suspect to say the least. But this is the point where we do know things. Rome was a city built on seven defensible hills. They were surrounded by tribes that didn't like them, namely the Etruscans. They fought a bunch of wars with them, and had some internal disputes as well. In 509 BC, the Roman monarchy was thrown down and replaced by a Republic. Over the next two hundred years the Republic got better and better at fighting, eventually defeating all the tribes around them. What made them different was how they treated the losers. As individual Etruscan tribes and cities were knocked off, they were assimilated into the Republic, ultimately giving the men of those cities more liberty than they'd had previously had. So Rome didn't so much "conquer" as "expand", taking a system that basically worked pretty well (at least at this scale) and forcing it on their neighbors, who eventually grew to appreciate how well it worked. But it was working well because at this point the whole of the Republic was still confined to central Italy and could be crossed on foot in a week or two.

The Punic Wars[edit | edit source]

Meanwhile, Carthage, the city once ruled by Dido, was the dominant superpower of the Western Mediterranean, unmatched in wealth and influence, able to bend the Greek kings to their will. Eventually there began to be some friction between the two groups as Carthage moved into Sicily and Sardinia, compromising Roman trade in the Mediterranean. This led to three wars called the Punic Wars where the descendants of Aeneas and Dido clashed.

The first Punic War (264 BCE to 241 BCE) involved the Romans fighting the Carthaginians and its Greek allies over Sicily and Sardinia. The Romans begin to take to the sea for the first time. Rome suffered massive casualties at first, until they reverse-engineered a Carthaginian ship and started pushing back (with the incredible innovation of adding a ramp to the front)... while still taking massive causalities. See Rome was still pretty new to this whole "navy" thing and kept losing fleets to storms. But after twenty three years of fighting, Carthage threw in the towel, paying Rome over three thousand talents of silver to leave them alone (a talent of silver, 26 kilos, was the usual measure of enough silver to maintain and crew a ship for a month). This crushing economic burden fostered resentment making a second war all but inevitable.

Eventually shit happened involving a Greek colony and war sparks again. A guy named Hannibal, whose father commanded the Carthaginian forces last time, swears revenge on the Romans. He invades Spain, brings elephants over the Alps and into Italy (at heavy cost), and generally starts wrecking shit, obliterating every Roman army he comes across. The only thing stopping him from destroying Rome is his army is too small to lay siege properly so the Roman regroup under Fabius "The Delayer" Maximus, who used hit-and-run tactics to keep the army away from Rome, intending to starve him out rather than risk a direct fight.. Meanwhile, Roman general Scipio Africanus leads his army through Carthagian Spanish colonies all the way through Africa to Carthage itself, Hannibal is called back to defend his home, and gets defeated. Carthage then becomes a dependent "ally" to the Republic, basically being sucked dry of its resources. Eventually around 149 BC Carthage was rebelling and pissing off the Romans again thus resulting in the Third Punic War. A few years later Carthage itself was destroyed, the earth around the city was salted, and the surviving population was sold into slavery...or so the legend goes, as there isn't really any good evidence for the Romans having salted the land but there's evidence against it (Rome rebuilt and recolonized the area later, and salt was probably too valuable in those times for that to happen).

The Height of the Roman Republic[edit | edit source]

While Rome's citizen-armies were quite successful militarily, there was a minor crisis brewing; many of these citizens found themselves homeless upon returning from campaign, their land having been sold off in their absence. To deal with this growing problem came the Marian reforms, in which the Roman state (through its generals) would instead raise armies of dedicated professional soldiers ala Sparta: the Legions. While this solved the immediate problem of soldiers having nowhere to go back to, this created a new one; generals, particularly the emergency military position of Dictator (who had complete control over the armies *and* power to rewrite the constitution), became quite powerful as a result; especially the change of upkeep. The old field-tending citizen soldiers' upkeep was land and they bought their own weapons; now the new, state-funded army needed cold cash, and more taxes during their service AND needed arable farmland for retirement. In short, the end of the Republic had become an inevitability, and Rome needed to constantly fight, enslave and plunder to keep the Warmachine going. Almost immediately, civil wars centered on factional power struggles started erupting, and the office of Dictator was revived when it had been unused since Hannibal's invasion.

By the end of the Republic, the real power was held by the so-called "Triumvirate" of Rome's three most powerful men: Gaius Julius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus, and Marcus Licinius Crassus (Ever wonder where the words pompous and crass come from?). After Crassus died in Persia (Hilariously, his captor poured molten gold down his throat after seeing his insane greed), tensions between Caesar and Pompey grew. With Carthage destroyed, there was nothing left that could stop Rome from taking over the Mediterranean world. When Rome wanted to conquer an area they gave the local rulers two choices: Surrender and pay taxes to Rome, or resist and be purged. Either way, Rome got more territory, more wealth, and more slaves, and expanded more or less uncontested until they got to Gaul. These uncivilized brutes continued to resist until the Romans got sick of their bullshit and sent in Caesar with a few legions to deal with it. He did just that, and became very popular as a result.

Too popular for the liking of Pompey and the Senate, not to mention now hideously rich, possessing an enormous army complemented with Germanic (Ubian) cavalry and allied tribes. The Senate also hated how Caesar used the Triumvirate's political machinations to push reform bills instead of the "proper" channels of gaining approval from the Rome's patriarchs; even though they were too gridlocked to do anything about Rome's myriad problems, doing nothing was better than letting an upstart undermine their authority. They ordered him to disband his armies or be labeled an enemy of the state. Caesar's response was "you first"; thus embroiling Rome in a civil war, which he won by Zerg Rushing the city and scaring the fuck out of his rivals. He uses this popularity to become Dictator for life, essentially restoring Rome back into an absolute monarchy. As a result his close friend Brutus and his former allies in the Roman Senate stabbed him to death. This caused another Civil War, now between Octavian, Caesar's nephew out for revenge, and the Senators, led by Mark Antony and allied with Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra lost and committed suicide, while Octavian was proclaimed Augustus, the revered one, and establishing the Imperial cult; due to Caesar's supposed descent from the Gods (the gens Julii from were Caesar was born were directly descended from both Venus and Mars, respectively through Aeneas and Romulus), he was therefore venerated as the God-Emperor of Romankind, and marking the transition from the Roman Republic to the Imperium of Rome.

Just go and watch the 2-season TV Series Rome, which is quite historically accurate except Octavian's mom Atia, who was a religious prude IRL. (Fulvia, another character IRL would do the things she did)

For next two hundred years the Imperium ruled the Mediterranean and Europe as one of the ancient world's most influential superpowers, with many states either conquered or offered Protectorate Status under the Pax Romana (they'll allow you independence, as long as you pay taxes and venerate the God-Emperor in some way). It sees a few bad emperors like Nero, some good philosopher-kings like Marcus Aurelius, and a lot of stability, wars of succession notwithstanding. Rome even manages to make it to the Indian Ocean and make contact with Han China, though this relationship is short-lived; everything goes to the shithouse from there, because...

The Collapse of the Imperium[edit | edit source]

Rome's fall can be attributed to any number of reasons, and any self-styled amateur historian would be more than happy to explain to you his opinions on the subject, but it's widely agreed that there were a number of contributing forces, including but not limited to:

  • Even under the reign of Julius Caesar and the early emperors, cracks were starting to form. Population decline had already begun, especially in the cities where death rates routinely outpaced birth rates; in part because of archaic Roman society rules, lead poisoning, urbanization, and all of the wealthy landowners having seized up all the good land in Italy and leaving behind a growing unskilled urban population that needed the state to take care of them. This was what partly fueled the Roman war machine, land and funds needed to support Roman's citizens, but of course they couldn't go conquering forever, so once Rome's borders stalled, and the state's costs increased, something was going to give eventually. And even today we all know that a big, dense urban landscape is not a healthy environment for raising large families economically.
  • Increased logistical sluggishness of maintaining a sprawling empire, such that it had to split itself into two because it had become too large for a single Emperor to rule on his own. This solution solved that problem but created new ones down the line, as the Western and Eastern halves of the empire (which were ruled by separate emperors that rarely if ever got along) tended to go to war with each other over petty rivalries.
  • The various Legions becoming more loyal to their generals than the Imperium; throughout Rome's history, the Empire had always struggled with the fact that the Roman legions trusted their allegiance more to their local generals than the will of the Senate (although by the time the empire started to collapse, the senate had virtually no power anyway) or the Emperor. Said generals frequently followed Caesar's example and got it into their heads to make themselves Emperors; some of them turned out to be pretty good at work, but far more tended to be better at leading armies than ruling over an empire.
  • Said Legions being unable to adapt to new arts of warfare. Footslogging, fortification building, shortsword-and-javelin bearing turtles made of tower shields may have been enough for wild Gauls with no discipline. But when entire tribes of highly mobile horsemen and rapid-moving swarms of densely populated Eastern empires are fought against, it's an entirely different matter. Note that Byzantium, a.k.a Eastern Roman Empire survived for another millennium exactly because it adapted to its neighbours arsenal, raised its own horse archers named Hippotoxotai after inviting a "barbarian" general or two on how do I shot web, heavy cavalry named Cataphracti (based on Persian Clibinarii), and lightened the legions into rapid deployment.
  • Economic and famine crises as Roman farmers were out priced by foreign imports; Egypt and Carthage completely shifted the wheat production to the east, and fields in the Western empire were converted to fruit and vegetable orchards, which were quite perishable. It was not until hardy crops from the Americas (like potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes) reached western and northern Europe several centuries later that said regions developed sufficient food stability to ensure steady population growth. By contrast, the Eastern half of the empire did just fine since they were the half with all the valuable land. Said wealth from food stability and trade enabled the Eastern Empire to bribe off the Germanic and Slavic migrants (until they lost their breadbasket provinces to the Arabs).
  • A disastrous combination of heavy urbanization without understanding germ theory led to events like the Antonine Plague, which killed about 10% of the empire's population.
  • Germanic barbarians, who were fleeing from the Huns and usually rebelled after being constantly treated like shit by the Romans despite being responsible for fighting most of the Romans' wars on their behalf. In hindsight, forcing the migrant Goths to sell their children into slavery for just enough dog meat to avoid starvation was a real dick move. And while all of them paid lip service to the Emperors (both Western and Eastern) as vassals in names, they were more than willing not to fight if their people’s’ interests were ignored.
  • Game of Thrones-style court intrigue: Emperors killing emperors, perpetual backstabbing between dynasties, trading places like it's fucking musical chairs, made even worse by the fact that the Empire never had any kind of consistent succession rules at any point during its history. At least the Praetorians were ready to off an aspiring Emperor if they believed he was too insane to hold office...or if they felt they weren't getting paid enough, or if they thought they could get more benefits from someone else. On one occasion the Praetorians even sold the position of Emperor to the highest bidder; the "lucky" buyer didn't even last three months before getting overthrown and executed by a rival claimant. This had another side effect of letting the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) lose the recipe for a primitive flamethrower (royal family hid the instructions separately, only for everyone who knew where they were to die in one of the many coups) and get dog piled by Muslims.
  • Lead poisoning from widespread use of lead-sealed pipe and pewter-ware; however, this is balanced against them having comparatively clean water for such large cities.
  • Terminus, God of Borders asking Dream to speak to Caesar Augustus in a vision, to let the empire die so he may live on. The alternative was to let Rome conquer the world and the universe, effectively destroying Terminus. (Yes, we are comic nerds.)
  • The rise of the Christian faith to political dominance, which resulted in A: a mass transference of manpower from the military to the priesthood (this was LONG before Christian monks and priests were required to practice celibacy & austerity, so the average young Roman man decided that it was way easier, safer and more comfortable to join the clergy than the army), forcing an ever-increasing reliance on mercenaries (always a bad thing, for an empire), and B: the ever-increasing drain of funds away from infrastructure maintenance to pay this increasingly bloated priesthood to do nothing but sit around, give sermons, and hold councils arguing over theological trivia like "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" (all of them) and "was Mary still a virgin after she gave birth to Jesus?" (yes-ish). Note that this contribution is highly skubby, and people argue bitterly over whether it's true or not (not helped by the fact that at least some of the historians who championed this theory had a clear bias against Christianity that led them to play fast and loose with facts, such as Edward Gibbon).

Heck, even the cooling solar cycle that made the Huns break out in two, one to Europe, another to India, is said to be the driving force in its collapse since before them came every other tribe that wanted to get the fuck away from the teaser trailer of a certain swell guy's antics. The East splitting off didn't do the Western lands any favors either, especially when said wheat and exotic produce was utterly cut off. Eventually, the barbarians got all the way to Rome, sacked it (in 410, not in 476, though it had not been the actual capital for about 200 years by that point anyway), deposed the Emperor, and made one of their own the king of Italy. This is the part where most experts say the Western Roman Empire was well and truly dead.

The Byzantine Empire[edit | edit source]

Things were a bit better in the wealthier Eastern Roman Empire after the split. The Byzantine Empire, as it's now called though they still called themselves the Roman Empire, drifted from Rome in culture and aesthetic to the Greek trend, and more or less carried on much as it had before (including the palace intrigue, which if anything became even worse than ever before). On a couple occasions, they came close to recapturing the glory of the old Roman Empire, but this was foiled by the first known outbreak of the Black Death (the Plague of Justinian) the first time and the coming of the Seljuk Turk raiders (and the rise of the Sultanate of Rum) the second time. The Byzantines' call for aid in the aftermath of the latter decades of conflict ended up leading to the First Crusade.

Fast-forward to the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The Crusaders lacked the money to sail to the Ayyubid Sultanate as they had initially planned and were deeply in debt to the Republic of Venice, whose doge (we swear, that was the title of their chief elected official) refused to let them disband or leave without paying their debts. The exiled Byzantine prince Alexios IV promised to pay the debt for the Crusaders in exchange for deposing the current emperor and placing him on the throne. While successful at gaining the throne, the new emperor quickly realized that he didn't actually have the funds to fulfill his promises. Anti-Crusader sentiment eventually led to his deposition and execution, which the Crusaders used as an excuse to sack the city for its wealth.

Following the sack, the Crusaders named one of their own as emperor of the new "Latin Empire" (torpedoing any hope of reconciliation between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy in the process), with the old Byzantine state being dispersed between three smaller rump states- the Empire of Trebizond, the Nicene Empire, and the Despotate of Epirus. You probably never heard of them, and for good reason- they didn't accomplish much of interest while they were around. The next few decades were dominated by fighting between the Latins, the rump states, the Sultanate of Rum, and the newly independent Bulgarian Empire.

1n 1261, the Nicene Empire was able to reclaim Constantinople and restore the Byzantine Empire, but the resources from the old Byzantine provinces had been bled dry from decades of war. The new emperors proved to be incompetent and alienated their people through heavy taxation and continued strife with the Latins, and after yet another civil war the Byzantines were forced to become vassals to the Osman/Ottoman sultan. However, their relationship with the Ottoman Turks was strained at best and when hostilities resumed the Byzantines were reduced to Constantinople alone. The city (the modern-day Istanbul) fell to Ottoman invasion by Sultan Mehmet II (seeking to prove he was a strong ruler so his relative wouldn't overthrow/execute him) in 1453, and the Byzantine Empire collapsed with it. Trebizond and Epirus limped on for slightly longer, but both had fallen by 1479, ending the last direct political rule of the Roman world.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Even after its fall, the Roman Empire left a mark on western civilization in terms of writing, language, military organization, architecture, legal systems and philosophy. Many major European cities like London or Milan started out as Roman Colonies. In certain fields (in particular medicine, sanitation and plumbing) the Romans were more advanced than their European counterparts up until fairly recently. The end of the middle ages is generally known as "the Renaissance", the rebirth of western civilization which did involve some attempts by the upper class to recreate the better aspects of the Empire. For this reason various subsequent western cultures attempted to try to recreate some of Rome's Grandeur. The most obvious of these was the Unholy German Abomination called "Holy Roman Empire", which was neither Roman nor an empire (and was only "holy" because the current Pope said it was) but whatever. The Tsardom of Russia proclaimed itself as The Third Rome. Numerous other European monarchs as well as Ottoman Sultans declared themselves as being Emperors or Czars/Tsars/Kaisers/Kayzar-i-Rum (yup, Mehmed II named himself the real successor to Caesar after sacking the city of Constantinople for 3 days). Monarchs drew upon the idea of the authority and splendor of the Emperors, Republics drew on the roman concepts of rule of law, elected governments and civil rights.

Arguably its greatest legacy, in the sense of most significant cultural/historical impact, is Christianity and the relations between it and the Empire. Christianity formed and was developed in the Roman world, and was used to preserve various Roman traditions, particularly the military and the government. One of the largest sects of adherents in early Christian history was from the Army; the first non-Jewish Christian was a centurion, and Orthodox processions during the Liturgy are heavily derived from procession of the standards of the legions. On the other hand, Christianity basically divinized the concept of the Roman Empire and office of the Emperor to the point that the majority of Christian kingdoms and empires had a persistent obsession with being the true heir of Rome (which would basically mean that the realm would head the Imperium and thus have a legitimacy to lead the entirety of Christendom, as it is mentioned above).

Roman Army[edit | edit source]

While the military of Rome went through centuries of evolution in its equipment and tactics, as a whole the armies of Rome can be divided into three parts, one of which is the skirmishers, the cavalry another, and finally the infantry.

Roman infantry went through many iterations but the typical Legionary would take the field wearing a metal helmet with metal and leather armor, a broad, curved shield, a gladius (a short, heavy stabbing sword), and one or more pilum (a hybrid javelin-spear effective against armor). Legionaries would typically fight in a tight formation behind their shields, throw or stab with their pilum and then finish with the sword. The intense discipline of the Legionaries' training allowed them to pull off several maneuvers, the most famous being the Testudo(Turtle in Latin), a tightly-packed shield wall that effectively protected against arrows.

Roman cavalry (equites) were, historically, useless, famous for a number of extremely high profile defeats. In equipment they were similar to Greek cavalry, using flat shields and spears with long swords and leather/maile armor. But for most of the history of Rome, cavalry were drawn from the richest echelons of society and were not known for being particularly disciplined or brave. While the other nations often fielded better cavalry, such as Hannibal's Numidians, Roman Cavalry was principally used to occupy the enemy cavalry and keep them away from the army; a strategy that sometimes shifted battles in the Romans' favor.

The skirmishers (velites) were mostly a Republic thing and largely vanished with the appearance of professional armies. In the Pre-Marian army, all new recruits began as Velites before joining the Infantry proper. Typically they were poor young people armed with javelins and slings, put out ahead of the line to soften up the enemy before contact with the infantry. Post-Marian, Skirmishers, as well as archers, were rarely ever used outside of the Auxilia, which consisted mainly of non-Roman support units.

Where Rome really outperformed its peers was in logistics, discipline and military engineering. Wherever the legions went, they build roads and networks of forts and courier stations. During Caesar's invasion of Gaul, his legion famously bridged the Rhine in 18 days (and again later in a week). After the defeat of Carthage, Rome burned the city for two weeks, tore down its walls and enslaved every survivor. In sieges, where other armies might try ladders, Rome would build a wall around the enemy's wall, and then a wall around THAT wall to protect them from forces trying to break the siege, and finally start slowly building a dirt ramp; in the siege of Alesia this amounted to 20 km worth of wall building. Roman legions do not fuck around. They'll go to any length, and they don't leave things half-done.

And that is not even the greatest advantage Rome had! In 107 BC for a bunch of reasons Rome reformed it's Army. Before that point the roman army worked like every other army in the world, soldiers would buy there own gear and show up. That meant that armies were small, and had to be composed of troops who had side jobs that let them buy there own swords. If you didn't have property and were poor: you could not be a solider. Under the reforms the Rome would not only pay for there equipment, the state would also give citizenship and Land to veterans. Suddenly every poor person in the empire could suddenly join the army and be assured it have more to fight with then just a sharp stick: and then it also made sure that solider was supplied and able to fight year around. No more voluntary forces that had to leave when the harvest came or the campaign was done, this was an army that was formed of they poor, they had no land and so they set up a system of contract soldiers, Rome had invented the worlds first professional solider. Sure all that sounds perfectly natural now, but from the fall of Rome it took almost a thousand years for the first professional solider to be fielded again. It meant Rome had an endless reserve of manpower. Rome would lose battles but if Rome wanted to it could Grind an opponent down in attrition fighting.

Fun Facts and Moronic Misconceptions about Rome[edit | edit source]

  • The Romans are one of the first known cultures that practiced the art of the grafiti - you can find everything from penises, scatology, pederasty and funny jokes on the ancient walls. Some notable examples include "Epaphra doesn’t play football well", "Phileros is a eunuch!" and "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!".
  • More roman emperors trace their origins from the province of Illyricum (roughly the area of former Yugoslavia) than the Apennine peninsula.
  • Roman religion was not a copy-paste of Greek religion and mythology but rather the misconception stems from the fact that Romans used to find equivalents of their gods in other religions like many other cultures did and do. In the city of Rome itself, you could find shrines to almost every deity from the known world, which would be quite welcome if they did not interfere with public order. Romans worshipped gods, emperors, heroes, spirits, ancestors, places, concepts like victoria or pax and even trees.
  • Rome originally developed from a native italic group of Latines (think Sabinians, Umbrians and Etruscans) and only later came under the dominion of the Etruscan League and while the former gave them much in terms of architecture and deities, the influence of the Etruscans on the roman development was found recently to be a bit overstated.
  • Romans were aware of Han China though only dimly as some vast empire in the east, the Chinese meanwhile called the Roman Empire "Da Qin" or "Great Chin". There was trade between the two but the empires of Persia and Kushan that were the proxies between them were not too keen to lose their middleman status and thus kept them separate in addition to the geographical distances being too vast for anything than a theoretical ambassadorial mission at best.
  • While Christianity did give rise to some factors that weakened the empire in the short-term the notion that it turned Romans into ascetic hippies or destroyed the Roman Empire is asinine if for nothing else that for the fact that some of the "barbarians" (who were often adherents of Arianism) demolishing Rome were at that point Christians as well, sparing those Romans who took sanctuary in the churches. There’s also just as much evidence that Christianity helped the Empire, and later Medieval Europe, hold together in the face of various crises like the Antonine plague. And without the church establishing new centers of knowledge in the form of the early Universities and monasteries, what little knowledge Europe held on to would be even less than what had been preserved otherwise, especially since the Library of Alexandria had burned down centuries prior.
  • Romans did have knowledge of making steel but it was produced in very limited quantities, most everyday metal stuff was either iron, bronze or copper with some other metals like tin or lead also having situational use. In of itself this was not unusual up until the 19th century, as before the invention of the blast furnace, steel production was extremely labor intensive and required specialist knowledge to remove impurities and get the iron hot enough.

Roman Empire Analogs in Fantasy[edit | edit source]

To save time, let's just say the Roman Empire is one of the most heavily copied Cultures in fiction, what with it being precisely what any given European would think of upon hearing the words ancient empire" (not to mention much of it more or less remaining in use today, like its calendar, alphabet, military's not for nothing the Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. decided the Senate would be a part of the federal government). A certainly-incomplete list of fantastical models from them follows:

  • Imperium of Man - While the Imperium also draws inspirations from other political systems and cultures, like Medieval Europe and the British Empire, its aesthetics and government are strongly based around Roman designs.
    • Ultramar - Ultramar, Roboute Guilliman's home system, is heavily based around a Greek-Roman hybrid empire. With Guilliman's return he may or may not be setting himself up as a Roman style dictator: one who holds absolute power so that he can deal with a crisis. Given the fun times he's living in this can last quite a while.
  • The Empire The human Empire of Warhammer Fantasy is an amalgamation of the14th-15th century Holy Roman Empire and Rome proper.
  • Codex Alera - Romans end up in a fantasy world and learn how to train spirit Pokémon. That may sound odd but that's actually the literal origin of how the books were written in fact, the author Jim Butcher, was challenged to write a book using two "lame" ideas, the idea in question were "lost Rome legion" and "Pokémon", then went one further by throwing in the Zerg.
  • The Galactic Empire of Star Wars fame, which also evolved from a Republic which gave one of its leaders supreme power. More of a combination of Rome and Nazi Germany than anything.
  • The Star League from BattleTech is a close sci-fi equivalent. Though, like the Empire in Warhammer Fantasy, the feudalism and myriad of fractious member-states could make it a closer analog to the Holy Roman Empire instead. Regardless, the Star League was considered a Golden Age compared to the three century train wreck that came after it. That and none of the Great Houses or the Clans denied being tempted to reform it in their own image.
  • Pathfinder's Taldor is an empire that was once the center of human civilization but has been decaying and losing territory for centuries. Their founder, Taldarius, is unmistakably Roman looking. Like Rome, their breakaways (Andoran and Cheliax) are waxing while Taldor is waning.
  • The Tevinter Imperium from Dragon Age is one of the more unsuble examples out there, being basically a copy-pasted fantasy version of Late Byzantine Empire, only with magical racism and a few iconic characteristics of the Roman Empire added in for good mesure, like the widespread use of slavery (slaves, though they did exist, were quite rare in Byzantine lands), and decadent elites more interested in backstabbing each other than safeguarding the Empire.
  • The Mal’Zeelan Empire from the Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer book series is a continuation of the Roman Empire after the Legio IX Hispana got themselves transported to a different world (and after that went through another world gate where they established the empire itself) with dwarves, elves, and all your other generic fantasy races.

Running a Game in the Roman Empire[edit | edit source]

The Roman Empire can make an excellent campaign setting. That being said, there are a few things that should be kept in mind when doing so.

  • The Lex Iulia - The Lex Iulia was a very important law, and one of the things that allowed to Roman Empire to last so long. This law forbade normal citizens from owning martial weapons and armor unless you were serving in the military. While it allowed for things like bows and hunting knives, things like swords, spears, or actual armor were something reserved for the military. This means that unless your PCs are all members of the military or can loot something from one, they will have very little equipment.
  • There was also a law that generals and governors from the provinces entering Rome lose all their authority. If a military commander leads an army into the old boundaries of Rome, they're declared a public enemy (unless it's a declared Triumph, where a general and army parade into the city for awards and victory orgies). This came up in the civil wars a lot, and basically meant that sorting out the corruption by going rogue was a win or die affair (and occasionally win AND THEN die).
  • Another law required that businesses which set up shop alongside roads built by the army (ie, basically all the paved ones) had to post the prices for the services they offered, serve all paying customers if they can, and to give priority to military couriers. Wherever the army built roads a sprawling network of stables and small inns would quickly spring up where couriers could rest and swap horses. This was the origin of the modern legal concept of "the commons".
  • Criminals caught in the act usually faced death, even for thievery. Otherwise, discretion on crime and punishment was basically up to the whims of the magistrate, who was typically interested in maintaining public order. A spurious accusation against an upstanding citizen would likely be ignored (if not see the accuser kicked out of town), while a string of trivial grievances against a perceived malcontent might provoke some example-making ("CRUCIFIXION?" "Yeah, first offense. Marvelous people the Romans."). In some cities, the condemned were sold as slaves or gladiators to be expended at the whims of their new owners; paradoxically a successful gladiatorial career was effectively a get-out-of-jail card for murder by being really good at murder.