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{{Incoming|product|is in development}}
[[File:9th Age Banner.jpeg|thumb|center|700px]]
[[File:9th Age Banner.jpeg|center|700px]]
'''[ The 9th Age]''' is a community project created in response to the [[Skub]] (a fairly major understatement) that came about from [[End Times]] and [[Age of Sigmar]] in [[Warhammer Fantasy]].  
'''[ The 9th Age]''' is a community project and various fan fiction created in response to the [[Skub]] (a fairly major understatement) that came about from [[End Times]] and [[Age of Sigmar]] in [[Warhammer Fantasy]].  
[[File:Age Of 9th Age.jpeg|thumb|right|350px|What Warhammer Fantasy fans imagine 9th to be.]]
[[File:Age Of 9th Age.jpeg|thumb|right|350px|What some Warhammer Fantasy fans had hoped 9th to be.]]
The project seeks to be a natural evolution of 8th Edition with balanced rules for every Warhammer model, and lore that reflects the army while being changed enough to avoid copyright issues. The team has a lawyer on retainer in case [[Games Workshop]] decides to sue, although the wisdom of them doing so would be poor since it only serves to sell their models for them.  
The project seeks to be a [[Endhammer|natural evolution of 8th Edition]] with balanced rules for every Warhammer model, and lore that reflects the army while being changed enough to avoid copyright issues. The team has a lawyer on retainer in case [[Games Workshop]] decides to sue, although the wisdom of them doing so would be poor since it only serves to sell their models for them. The rules writers grew out of the team that worked on the unofficial Warhammer Fantasy tournament competitive rules after GW eliminated their own official tourneys, while the lore is worked on by a larger crew recruited to adapt Warhammer into a more generic loreset while retaining the same flavor and has relied on work from the community as a whole via the forums. Lore is being carefully written to represent each faction at various points in Warhammer history, so any version of the lore you prefer is represented. In addition, all lore is presented as an account so fans can disregard anything they dislike and count their own favored interpretation.  

The game is in a constant state of production, with dedicated rules creation and balance being an ongoing effort that sees every army tweaked when a new faction is added to best ensure minimum power creep or overpowering.  
The game is in a constant state of production, with dedicated rules creation and balance being an ongoing effort that sees every army tweaked when a new faction is added or an existing faction gets an overhaul to best ensure minimum power creep or overpowering. In addition, beta editions which serve only as a public playtesting have been released (some of the skub regarding balance has in fact come from people downloading these rules and thinking they were the current edition).  

Lore is being carefully written to represent each faction at various points in Warhammer history, so any version of the lore you prefer is represented. In addition, all lore is presented as an account so fans can disregard anything they dislike and count their own favoured interpretation.  
==Major Changes==
NOTE: The 9th Age Team keeps a very good record of change logs, look at the back of any document and you will see the changes compared to the previous version summarized and color-coded.

The players are also renowned to be a bunch of annoying shits.
===8e to T9A===
1.0 designed to be Warhammer Fantasy with all of the Tournament common sense balancing incorporated, as well as many of the long-running gripes resolved. Close as possible to 8e.
* Battle Standard Bearers can take Magic Items, and have a total Magic Item allowance that any Magic Banner fits into. A BSB can take a Magic Banner of any point value, but it also sucks up your Magic Item allotment. For example taking a 100 point Banner will prevent the BSB from having any magic gear, taking a 100 point Magic Armor won't let you take a Magic Banner. If a theoretical 150 point Banner makes it into the game your BSB can still take it even though they have a 100 point limit on their magic items, but you won't be able to take anything else magic on top of it.
* Units now have two point values; the value of taking the bare minimum models of a Unit, and a number of points per additional model. This isn't always equivalent. For example an entry may be 100 points for 25 models but each additional model, to a maximum of 40 total per Unit, may cost 6 points each rather than 4. This is sometimes higher and sometimes lower.
* Riders and Mounts share profiles, sort of like The End Times special characters. The book lays out when you mount a character on something on which model part attributes to use in certain situations (like using Toughness of the Mount when being attacked, or the Initiative of the rider on the offense) but as far as an opponent targeting goes the entire kit is treated as a single target (so no shooting a horse out from under a rider, no shooting a rider off a horse, the whole thing just dies). This is called a Combined Profile.
* Characters and Command all have the First In Rank rule, but you can divide them as you will rather than in a specific order. This is important because in 8e Characters joining a Unit would only have to reach the back of a horde and somehow teleport a full turns worth of Movement in order to reach the front of the Unit to join it, whereas now there are more places it can go and thus less distance it somehow travels (gets crowd-surfed?) in less than a second. 
* In Deployment, both characters roll a die. The one who rolls higher chooses which one of the players chooses deployment sides. The other player chooses who starts to deploy first, and players can deploy as many Units as they want before allowing the other player to deploy Units. Whoever gets all their Units on the board first (other than those which deploy after this step) gets a bonus for however many Units their opponent hasn't deployed on a die roll to see who goes first (so if you put down your entire army at once, you automatically go first since your bonus goes beyond what your opponent can roll). This gives a tremendous strategic importance on deployment, allowing you to sacrifice whatever steps don't matter to you (which side of the board you start on, countering what your opponent deploys, and having the first turn) for what you do want.
* Rather than True Line Of Sight, models have a line of sight based on the type of Terrain between them and model size based on what kind of model it is, rather than just which model is physically taller (which was punishing for players who wanted to do fancy basing for their models or just use things like taller characters, or had random advantages when custom terrain was used).
* Units can March into Buildings. But no model can go more than triple their Movement to get into a building (so a long "bus" formation where most of the Unit can get into the building don't teleport those in the end into it).
* "Move Or Fire" has been replaced by Unwieldy, which adds an additional -1 To Hit if models move that turn.
* Volley Fire ignores Cover provided by other Units, and the entire Unit can shoot rather than just the first two Ranks.
* "Look Out Sir!" is removed. If there is at least five Rank & File of the same Troop Type, they automatically get hit.
* Cannons use Ballistic Skill To Hit, then it becomes a line template. Do Ordinance Wounds, which is D3+1 (+1 additional if Target is Flying) instead of D6. Templates hit whatever they hit rather than just 1 model per Rank and File.
* Flame Template is removed, whatever used it causes 2D6 Hits instead. 
* Spells in general are less powerful individually and won't automatically win or lose a game, less bonuses to casting, less Magic Dice obtained per turn, limit 5 Magic Dice to cast a spell, Overwhelming Power is not automatically cast or dispelled, Miscast is based on how many Magic Dice used to cast the spell.
* Units with a Champion always get a minimum of a 4 result on the Charge.
* If a Unit Flees a Charge, and its redirected into a second Unit that also Flees, in 8e both would count as a failed Charge; in T9A, the Charging player may default to a successful Charge against the first.
* The Make Way rule lets a Character get into the front Rank to get into Combat, like in 8e, but ONLY into the front Rank unlike 8e. This means getting a Flank Charge won't put a blender lord into you until they perform a Combat Reform.
* Rank and File models always target Rank and File models, whereas in 8e some armies could fill the front Rank full of Characters which prevented the Rank and File from being able to attack the Unit.
* Always Strikes First replaced by Lightning Reflexes, which provides a +1 To Hit rather than a To Hit reroll.
* Killing Blow replaced by Lethal Strike, so instead of automatically killing on a roll of a 6 the attack just ignores Armor Save and Regeneration rolls.
* Models are not moved to be in a Challenge. You only get a maximum of 3 Overkill. Characters who refuse a Challenge do not move and cannot attack or use their Leadership benefits (like Hold Your Ground and +1 Combat Resolution, or BSB benefits if they were a BSB), and can still be attacked; in 8e a way to protect weak characters like Wizards was having them refuse a challenge and move to the back.
* No Insane Courage, automatic Break instead.
* Standard Bearers don't die automatically if they Break, they just lose their Standard.
* No Post-Combat Reforms, only Pivots.
* No army-wide Fear (like Undead and Daemons had).
* Fear causes -1 Leadership to any models in Base Contact.
* Fear-causing models take Terror Tests if Charged by Terror-causing models. In Close Combat, Fear-causing models do not take Terror Tests.
* Parry means you cannot be hit by a 4+ To Hit, whereas in 8e it was a 6+ Ward Save. 
* Spears provide Armor Piercing 1, Fight In Extra Ranks if you didn't Charge with them, and gives Lethal Strike against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, and Chariots from the front Rank.
* Flails have +2 Strength as in 8e, but your opponent gets +1 To Hit against models with them.
* Paired Weapons have +1 Attack as in 8e, but also +1 Initiative.
* Units Fleeing with 25% of their starting number or less Rally on half their Leadership rounded up, rather than 2 in 8e.
* Flammable models being attacked by Flaming Attacks allows a reroll To Wound rather than causing double Wounds.
* Flaming Attacks ignore Regeneration just for that specific attack rather than removing it for the entire phase.
* Redirectors are no longer a possibility. Situations where one Unit creates a situation where neither can be made Base Contact with require the Units to be moved as little as possible for that to occur.
* [[Meme|Nagash removed.]]

The project already appears to be flagging despite the many vulture companies of the tabletop gaming world jumping on it's over bureaucratic band wagon. (I'm looking at you avatars of war, you shameless whore.)
===1.0 To 1.1===
* Minor bugfixes, rule clarifications.
* [[Meme|Nagash removed.]]

===1.1 To 1.2 & 1.3===
Designed to move away from Warhammer Fantasy, incorporating some things from older Warhammer Fantasy editions but also moving slightly away from it for legal reasons. Team reports they want as few major changes as possible, and packed most of them into this update.

=Tool Changes=
Because of the loss of some customizations and heavily botched magic, many wargamers called this edition and later ones '''The Nerfed Age'''. It became one of the reasons why the game got banhammered from Adepticon. Massive [[rage]] followed with insiders and youtubers like Lord Tremendous leaving the community.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the complete list of changes to dice and templates.
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* An ordinary D6 may be used as a Scatter Dice. 1 and 6 are Hits, and any other result is an arrow pointing the direction the 1 side is facing.  
[[File:9th Scatter 6.png|center|150px]]
[[File:9th Templates.png|center]]
* All models underneath a line template are considered to be hit.
[[File:9th Line Hit.png|center]]

=Army Building Changes=
* Every army now has its own minimum amount of Core required, rather than a universal core tax. Armies also have different limits on the other categories.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the complete list of changes to creating army lists.
* Rare has been removed as a category in all armies. It has been replaced by army-specific categories.  
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* Lords and Heroes are now just Characters.
* Warband games are games below 1500 points. Grand Armies are games above 4000 points.  
* Standard game size has increased from 2500 points to 4500 points. Skirmish games are below 3000 points, large scale games are 8000 points or higher. Models have has point increases to reflect this, most proportionally although some are cheaper or stronger as a nerf or buff for balancing reasons.  
[[File:9th Army Sizes.png|center]]
* Many Lord and Hero versions of the same basic model are a single option, you upgrade a standard version and based on how many points you have invested in it the model is now either equivalent to the Lord or Hero version.  
* Some models have decimal point values. This is rounded up when determining the total point value of a Unit. Some upgrades have two values listed. The first is the upgrade cost on a Lord, the second on a Hero.  
* Models may now count as being part of more than one category, counting towards the limit or minimum of all applicable categories.  
* Core Units can only be duplicated a maximum of four times. Heroes can be a maximum of 50% of your army points, with a maximum of three of the same model. Lords can be a maximum of 35% of your army points, with a maximum of three of the same model. There is an unlimited amount of Special you can spend, as long as you have a General and the 25% Core.  
* Models now have a model footprint called a Boundary Rectangle, meaning that incomplete Ranks still count as a full Rank for the purpose of determining if a model is visible, in Terrain, and can be in Close Combat.  
* Some armies have rules which allow a model normally in one category to be taken in another, in which case they still count as duplicates from their original category but count their points as their new category. For example if a rule enables you to take Special category chariots as Core, you can still only have a maximum of three chariot Units but the Core chariots count towards your Core points while the Special ones count towards your Special points.  
* Line Of Sight is only a property of the front facing of the Unit, and every individual model has their own Line Of Sight meaning there are circumstances where part of a Unit can shoot and part will not.  
* All armies must have a minimum of four Units, regardless of points level. Characters do not count towards the minimum, and all War Machine models you field only count as a single Unit towards this minimum.  
* Models can temporarily move 25% off the table as long as they end their Movement entirely back on it.  
* Models or upgrades marked "Once Per Army" may only be taken once per army. Models or upgrades marked "One Of A Kind" can only be taken once per army unless playing at the Grand Army (4000+ points) size at which point they can be taken twice per army.  
* Overwhelming Power adds an extra Magic Die, removed from the Magic Pool of the casting player, which is allowed to exceed the 5 Die limit.  
* Models marked "0-X Choice" (for example "0-2") ignore rules for duplication and can be taken until the x value. At Warband level games, the x value is half. At Grand Army games, it is doubled. Fractions round up.  
* Miscasts are determined by rolling D3+1, doubling the result, multiplying it by the number of Magic Dice used in the casting (minus the bonus Overwhelming Power one) and taking cumulative negative effects based on the result.
* Captured Standards can be Raised, all models Raised go into the back Rank unless they have the Front Rank rule.  
* Vortex Spells removed.
* Round templates removed because of some WAAC's fee-feehs.
* Learning Spells is different from becoming a higher level Wizard. Both cost points independent of each other.  
* [[Meme|Nagash removed.]]

=Core Rules Changes=
=== 1.3 To 2.0 ===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the complete list of core rule changes.
* Weapon Skill is separated in Offensive and Defensive Skill.
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* Armour modifiers through Strength removed.
* Anytime part of a model has a separate profile or is otherwise unique such as Crew for War Machines, it is referred to as a "Model Part".
* Instead of rolling for Spells, you choose which you want that is available.
* The final Rank in a Unit can have empty spaces as long as it is aligned with the other Ranks.
* Magic phase is overhauled.
* If two effects happen simultaneously and the order matters, the effects controlled by the player whose turn it is happen first. Players who have multiple simultaneous effects choose what order they happen in. For example regarding rules that take place at the start of the Magic Phase: If a choice is involved, like abilities that are chosen to activate, the player whose turn it is must choose whether or not his will be activated before the other player chooses if his own will.  
* A shit ton of small changes and edits.
* Models are grouped into Height based on what type of model they are. Small is Infantry, War Beasts, Swarms, and War Machines. Medium is Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, and Chariots. Large models are specifically designated as Large Target in their rules.  
* All units now have a maximum amount of times it can be included in a army.
* Line of Sight is anything in a model's front arc not behind Obscuring Terrain or a model that is larger than both target and the observing model. For example a Small model can see a Large model even if there is a Medium model between them, but a Small model cannot see another Small model if a Medium or Large model is between them. Models in the same Unit do not block each other, regardless of their sizes.
* Units can no longer move temporarily outside the Board Edge.
* Model size factors into providing Cover. See chart below.
* General does not need to have the highest leadership
* Models can move within 1/2 inch of anything, but must still try to end their turn at least more than 1 inch from all other models not in Close Combat with them and all Impassible Terrain. In circumstances where there is no option or a rule allows it then models may come within a shorter distance to friendly Units or terrain, but base contact between enemies can only occur if a Charge put them into Close Combat.
* Units freshly rallied are now Shaken (new status, see later).
* Models with 0 Toughness take a Wound on a 2+.
* Removed rules within rules (Example: units with Terror new don't inherently have Fear but is now stated to have it on its unit card)
* When multiple Leadership values are available for the same Unit, players may choose which to use on a test-by-test basis.  
* [[Meme|Nagash removed.]]
* Number modifiers are applied in the following order: First, borrowed modifiers such as Inspiring Presence or modifiers set to a certain value as a result of something such as a failed Fear Test. Second, multiplications such as halved or doubled stats, fractions always rounded up unless otherwise indicated. Finally, addition or subtraction such as gaining a +1 or -3.
* Optional rules exist for a game type where magic items and upgrades are kept secret until used and revealed.
* Rules for generic battlefields and deployment positions are determined by dice rolls if desired. One of these is Flank Attack, where one player has a longer deployment zone on the sides while the other player has a longer deployment zone in the middle.  
* Rules for secondary objectives which award additional Victory Points. These are Hold the Ground (control the middle of the battlefield), Breakthrough (control the other side of the board), and Secure Target (each player marks a point on the board, and both players try to control both points).  
* Players decide at the start of the battle which one of them chooses which deployment zone they begin the game in. The other player is the one who actually deploys first. Players take turns deploying at least one Unit (but as many as they want on that same turn) until all of their models (barring those with special deployment rules such as Ambushing) have been placed. All War Machines and all solo Characters are deployed at once as if a single Unit. The player who finishes deploying first decides if he wants to go first or second, and both players roll a D6 with the player who finished first adding the number of his opponent's then-undeployed Units to his roll. The player with the higher result goes first if the player who finished deploying first wanted to, or second if he wanted to go second. If a tie, the player who took longer to deploy chooses who goes first and second.
* Stand And Shoot can be used as a Charge Reaction even if the Charging Unit is outside their maximum range.
* Units Charge at the lowest Movement score in that Unit.
* If a Unit redirects a Charge at a second Unit due to the first one fleeing and the second Unit also flees, it may then choose to continue Charging either of the two Units but must choose which before rolling to do so.  
* If a Unit Charges, it turns the orientation where the maximum number of models in that Unit were in that arc. For example, if an enemy Unit is Charging from the flank of your Unit but most of their models are in your Units Front Arc rather than the side they were Charging from, they orient themselves to fight face to face rather than attacking from the flank.
* When a Charge is successful, the Unit that is Charging moves into parallel base contact. If this is impossible due to Terrain or other Units, the Unit which is Charged moves to make this possible with the Charger moving the most and the Chargee moving the least possible. If the Chargee is already in Close Combat from a previous turn then it cannot move and the Charge fails. If multiple Chargers engage the same Chargee on the same turn, Units are pivoted so the most models are in base contact with the Chargee moving the least.
* Units that Charge a Fleeing Unit may make a post-combat pivot if they pass a Leadership Test.
* Units that destroy an enemy Unit may make a Post-Combat Pivot or Reform. A Post-Combat Pivot is a new Maneuver allowing the Unit to turn any direction so long as the center of the Unit remains in the same place. In addition, and models with the Front Rank rule may be reorganized so long as they remain in a legal position. If a Post-Combat Reform is done, models cannot Score by claiming Secondary Objectives this turn or Charge on this turn or the next.  
* Enemy Units not currently in Close Combat cannot block a Charge to a different Unit by causing a situation where the Units cannot come into base contact with each other. Models are moved until the two Units are in base contact, with the Chargee and blocking Unit moving as little as possible. The exception is if Line of Sight is blocked to the would-be Chargee due to model size of the Unit between them.
* Units that have been reduced to >25% of their size since the battle began must make a Leadership test at a 50% penalty, rounded up, or Flee.
* A Unit that flees through an enemy Unit or Dangerous Terrain must take a Dangerous Terrain (3) test.
* Units can move backwards or strafe at half their Movement.
* Models may Pivot by being turned in any direction so long as the center of the Unit remains in the same place.
* When wheeling during Movement, no model can move/March further than its possible total allowed distance (so if a Unit Wheels around terrain and as a whole the Unit only moves its allowed 8 inches except for one model at the end which due to the angles technically would be moving 10 inches, then that move is illegal and cannot be made). If a Swift Reform is involved, distance is measured after said reform.  
* To Hit modifiers are added/subtracted from Ballistic Skill when shooting.
* Unless a rule (such as Breaking From Combat or Combat Reforms) otherwise states, models in Close Combat may not move.
* Models who move after becoming un-engaged in Close Combat (such as through Magical Moves) lose their bonus post-Combat Maneuver.
* After Fleeing and Pursuing Units roll for distance moved, the Fleeing models are physically moved then the Pursuing models separately.
* Rank and File Models in base contact with something in an enemy Unit that is not a Rank and File model can still target Rank and File models in the enemy Unit instead. If there is more than one type of Rank and File model in the enemy Unit, the type that outnumbers the others is your alternative target. If there is an equal number of them, the attacking player may choose which is being attacked.
* A maximum of +3 Overkill value is counted in Challenges.
* If Flanking an enemy Unit with a Unit of your own which has at least one full Rank, gain a bonus of +2 to Combat Resolution rather than just +1 from Flanking otherwise.
* If attacking an enemy Unit with a Unit of your own from the Rear which has at least one full Rank, gain a bonus of +3 to Combat Resolution rather than just +2 from Rear attacking otherwise.
* Steadfast causes Leadership modifier difference in Combat Score to be ignored. Units cannot gain Steadfast against Units engaged from the Flank or Rear.
* When a Unit Flees while in Combat with multiple enemy Units with an equal number of Ranks that are not Fleeing, the player who is being fled from chooses which Unit the enemy Flees from. The Fleeing Unit Pivots to face directly away and moves 2d6 distance.
* When a Unit Flees and other Units Pursue, both roll 2d6. If a Pursuit Unit rolls equal or higher, the Fleeing Unit is instantly destroyed.
* If both players are making Combat Reforms, the player who's turn it is chooses who goes first. When making a Combat Reform, the amount of models in base contact with the enemy must remain the same. Characters in bade contact must also remain in base contact, although nothing must remain in contact with the same models as they were before.
* Every Attack that is not made in Close Combat is a Ranged Attack.
* Special Attacks can be made in Close Combat, Movement, or Shooting Phases. Unless otherwise indicated they are never affected by a modifier from Weapons or special rules.
* All attacks that target whole Units only hit Rank and File models unless otherwise indicated. If a Defending Unit is made of mixed models which don't share the same characteristic values or special rules, the models which outnumber the others count as the stats for every model in the entire Unit. In the case of a tie, the Attacker chooses.
* When removing casualties, the priority goes towards first having the most Units still in base contact, then the most models.
* When the game ends, half the points value of each Fleeing Unit is added to the opposing player's Victory Points (rounding up). For every Unit reduced to 25% of its starting Wounds or less (Characters are not counted for this), half of the points value of each Unit is added to the opposing player's Victory Points (rounding up). Every Standard Bearer killed or broken gives +50 Victory Points. Players gain Victory Points for completing any Secondary Objectives used, although Secondary Objectives can only be completed by Units with a Standard Bearer (not the Battle Standard Bearer), do not have any models with the Light Troops rule, are not Fleeing, did not Ambush on turn four or later, and has not performed a Post-Combat Reform in that phase.
* Alternative rules for determining the game winner (seen below).
[[File:9th Victory Points.jpeg|thumb|center|300px]]

== 2.0 to Gold Edition ==
Since December 2018 there is a rules freeze for 3 years and released the new Daemon Legions army book, replacing all the Chaos gods with the 7 sins. The Chaos factions have been going through constant changes since the re-release beta, having the most tweaks than any other faction.

==Army Change Summaries==
Currently there are no named characters in The 9th Age, although the magazine supplements have added some optional armor sets which emulate a named character as a kind of beta test of the idea. Some, like Lord Skrolk or High Queen Khalida who had rules that affect other models have had their rules integrated directly into the army (Skrolk making Plague Monks into Core options is default for the army for example, and Khalida's arrow buff is now contained within a magic item upgrade). Some [[The End Times]] models like Morghasts have rules, others like Nagash do not.  Army changes are listed in the respective army pages (which are in varying stages of completion).

=Magic Changes=
==Lore Changes==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the summary of magic changes
Note that all lore is intentionally written from an in-universe perspective and by other factions, allowing free disregard of anything not liked by players and substitute it with their own in a manner similar to how [[Rick Priestley]] viewed Warhammer lore itself.  
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
All lore is presented as an alternative to Warhammer lore if desired, and is not the mandatory setting.  
* Spells are grouped into Paths (Lores by another name) and each Path has six spells. Wizards roll a dice for each Wizard Level they have (some Wizards can take additional spells beyond their level), and knows a spell of the dice result. No numbered spell in your army can be known more than once. Signature spells, marked with a 0, can be learned by any and all of your Wizards by using one of their spell slots. If you roll a duplicate spell for any Wizard, you may instead specifically choose a spell that has not yet been taken. If all spells are already selected for that Path, only Signature spells may be taken with additional spell slots being lost.
* Wizards who are Level 1 or 2 are called "Apprentice Wizards" and add +1 to both Casting and Dispel rolls. Level 3 and 4 are Wizard Masters, who add +2 to Casting and Dispel rolls. All total casting or Dispel modifiers cannot exceed +3 unless a rule otherwise indicates or the spell is cast with Overwhelming Power.
* Augments only target friendly Units. Auras are spells that affect all models the spell specifies within a radius. Damage spells can only be cast on enemies not currently in Close Combat. Direct spells can only be used in the caster's Front Arc. Focused spells only affect individual models or Model Parts. Hexes only target enemy Units. Ground spells use templates. Permanent spells remain until the end of the game unless the spell indicates otherwise.
* Spells that use a line to figure out who is affected apply to all enemies under the line, and the line counts as a template.
* Vortex spells begin at the caster and move a D6 roll multiplied by the spell range value towards the chosen target location. Once the spell reaches the chosen destination it is removed from play and the spell ends.
* If a spell is cast on a Unit which then breaks into smaller Units, the spell continues affecting all models part of the original Unit when the spell was cast. Models that later join an affected Unit are not affected by the spell. If any model affected by the same spell Dispels it, all affected models have the spell Dispelled. If the original caster of the spell dies, the spell is removed as if it had been automatically dispelled in the next Dispel Phase.
* Winds of Magic is now "Magic Flux".
* No player may ever use more than 12 Magic Dice in the same turn. No player may ever gain more than 2 Magic Dice per turn outside of Magic Flux. No player may use more than 5 dice to cast any spell.
* To Channel Power Dice, roll D6 and add 1 for every non-Fleeing model with the Channel special rule. If the result is seven or more, add one extra Power Dice.
* Both players can attempt to Dispel Remains In Play spells during either player's Magic Phase, with the player who's turn it is currently not having the first chance. Remains In Play spells have to have been in play since the preceding Magic Phase before they can be dispelled. The Wizard who cast a spell can instantly Dispel it, while opposing players must use a Dispel roll. Dispel rolls are made using the same dice pool used to cast spells.
* Spells that affect Attributes must have which ones selected declared before casting.
* Wizards affected by Lost Focus cannot add bonus modifiers to their magic. They still suffer negative effects and modifiers.
* Spells automatically fail on a casting roll using a single power dice that results in a result of 1 or 2.
* Any magic roll with two or more natural 6 rolls is an Overwhelming Power result, which adds the total number of dice used to cast the spell and a D3 result to the result.  
* No Miscast occurs if the enemy Dispels a spell during the casting.
* Miscasts are resolved by rolling 2D6 and consulting a table. All hits caused by a Miscast are Magic Attacks resolved at a Strength equal the total power dice used to cast the spell +2 with Armor Piercing (1). The Wizard who cast the spell cannot make saves of any kind against the damage, and the player's Dice Pool has a number of dice equal to the amount used to cast the spell removed.
* Dimensional Cascade on the Miscast Table is now Breach In The Veil, which has a 50% chance to kill the Wizard if four Power Dice were used in the spell, and instantly does if five Power Dice were used.
* Calamitous Detonation is now Catastrophic Detonation.
* Detonation is now Witch Fire, which deals one hit per Magic Dice used in the spell against the entire Unit, with no more than one (but not necessarily any) hitting the Wizard.
* Magical Feedback is now Sorcerous Backlash.  
* Power Drain is now Amnesia, which reduces the Wizard Level by 2 instead of D3.
* Bound Spells cannot receive a modifier from Overwhelming Power.
* Bound Spells cannot suffer a Miscast. Magic Dice equal to those used in the spell are removed from the controlling player's Dice Pool instead, and if four or more were used that Bound Spell is lost for the rest of the game. Dispel attempts against the use of a Bound Spell have +1 to the Dispel roll of the other player, exceeding the normal modifier limit.
* Captured Standards are not resurrected by spells or abilities.

Some on /tg/ find the lore pointless and say the purpose of T9A is rules for Warhammer rather than being a new thing. Others enjoy the fact that new content of some kind will be produced. What is generally agreed in is anything is better than ET or AoS to anyone interested in T9A in the first place.

=Model Types, Abilities/Troop Type Rules, Special Rules, And Equipment=
The Q&A about lore is presented by an in-universe sage named Sigmund Selig, the son of a Arcalean merchant and a Equitain maid. He was well-educated and is well-traveled and resides in Avras, and many queries about in-game lore earns rebukes from him before being answered, from "you're trying to get me killed by Dwarfs" to "you're trying to get me killed by Witch Hunters".  
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the complete list of changes to model types, troops, and weapons.
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==Model Types==
* Chariots have the Monstrous Ranks troop type rule.
* Monsters have Monster Ranks troop type rule. They have the Large Target, and Terror special rules.
* Ridden Monsters have Monster Ranks troop type rule. They have the Large Target, and Terror special rules.
* War Machines have the Reload! special rule. 
* Any model that can ride something becomes the troop type of the mount. They get a Combined Profile. For example War Beasts become Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts become Monstrous Cavalry, and Monsters become Ridden Monsters.
* Chariots consist of Mount parts, Crew parts, and Hull parts.
* When not attacking or shooting, mulipart models use one set of Characteristics. Movement is the Mount, Weapon Skill and Leadership is the highest among the Crew/Rider, Toughness is the highest Toughness available in any part, Wounds are the sum of all parts (remove entire the model as a casualty at 0), Armor Save/Ward Save/Regeneration are the highest available in any part (Barding and Mount Protection increase that value only if a Crew/Rider value is used. For example if the Rider has 5+ Armor and the Mount has 3+, then adding Barding does nothing).
* Attacks against Ridden Monsters are always against the Monster. Monster models always use their Movement, Weapon Skill, Toughness, Wounds (at 0 the entire model is removed), and Armor Save/Ward Save/Regeneration (unless otherwise noted). Ridden Monsters use the Leadership that is the highest available in any part.
* War Machines automatically fail all Characteristic Tests other than Leadership. They cannot Pursue. War Machines and anything in Close Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms. War Machine facing is ignored, and Charging Unit in base contact with the War Machine does not need to make base contact with Crew.
* Catapults: Templates scatter D6 multiplied by two (not 2D6, D6x2) from chosen location to determine final position. A roll of natural 6 on the scatter is a misfire that is discarded. Catapults sometimes have numbers in brackets, which only affect a single model in the exact center of the template.
* Flame Thrower: Place a 3” Template with its Centre within Line of Sight and Range. Then move the Template D6” straight away from the Flame Thrower (centre of the model to the centre of the Template). If a '6' was rolled for the distance, the Flame Thrower has misfired: the shot is discarded, and the Flame Thrower must roll on the Misfire Table with a ‐1 modifier. Otherwise, all models touched by the Template during this D6” movement are hit, using the Strength and special rules given by the Weapon's profile. Any unit that could potentially be hit by the Template (i.e. is under the Template's initial position and 5 ” forward) is considered a potential target for the attack (and thus may not be a friendly unit or be Engaged in Combat).
* Bolt Thrower: Determine the maximum number of possible hits by measuring in which of the Target's arcs the Bolt Thrower is. If it is in the Front or Rear arc, the maximum number of hits is equal to the number of ranks in the target unit. If the Bolt Thrower is in either flank arc, the maximum number of hits is equal to the number of files in the target unit. If the Bolt Thrower hits its target, roll to wound and roll for saves as normal. If a model is removed as a casualty, the bolt penetrates the rank (or file) and causes another hit on the target with a ­1 Strength modifier. Keep adding hits as long as a model is removed as casualty and each time add another ­1 Strength modifier (to a minimum of 1). No more hits than the “maximum number of hits” can be made (i.e. initial number of ranks or files).
* Choose a target unit as normal, and choose a point within Line of Sight on the base of a model in the target unit. Roll to hit as normal. Ignore any to­hit modifiers from Hard and Soft Cover, and add +1 to hit if the model under the chosen target point has the Large Target special rule. A failed to­hit roll of a Cannon can never be rerolled. If a natural '1' is rolled to hit, the Cannon has misfired: the shot is discarded and the Cannon must roll on the Misfire Table. If a successful hit is scored, draw a Line Template from the chosen point in a direction directly away from the Cannon (from the centre of the model), a number of inches as given in the bracket (X"). This line immediately stops if it touches Impassable Terrain or Walls.
The model under the cannonball's initial landing point suffers a hit with the Strength and special rules given in the Cannon's profile, while the next models under the Line Template may suffer a hit with the same rules, except that the Strength is halved. If a model survives the hit, the cannonball stops and no more models are hit. The second and third hits are at half the base Strength.
* Volley Gun: Volley Guns follow the normal rules for shooting with the following exceptions: all Volley Guns have the Multiple Shots special rule, from which they never suffer to­hit penalties. If the number of shots is a predetermined number (such as Multiple Shots (6)), the Volley Gun cannot misfire. However, if the number of shots is randomized (such as Multiple Shots (2D6)), the Volley Gun can misfire. If one natural '6 ' (after rerolls) is rolled when rolling for the number of shots, the Volley Gun has a ­1 to hit modifier for this attack. If you roll two or more unmodified '6 ' (after rerolls) when rolling for the number of shots, the Volley Gun misfired: all shots are discarded and the Volley Gun must roll on the Misfire Table.
* All artillery shares a single Misfire table.
* If a Character Charges out of a Unit and the enemy declares Stand and Shoot, it takes ALL of the shooting.
* Make Way: Step 3 of the Round of Combat sequence, any Characters in the Front Rank who are not in base contact with enemy models can be moved to the Front Rank as long as they do not displace another Characters and are not on an mismatching base size.
* Choice of General MUST be indicated in the Army List.
* Models do not have to use Inspiring Presence for their own Leadership if the player does not want them to.
* Models do not have to use Hold Your Ground if the player does not want them to.
* When Battle Standard Bearers break from Combat, the Battle Standard is lost with the Magic Standard and Hold Your Ground rule, and model loses all effects as if the Standard was captured.
* Models that refuse a Challenge have their Leadership changed to 0 and the effect of Stubborn is lost by it and its Unit until Combat ends or the Character accepts/issues a Challenge, they cannot make any more Close Combat Attacks, and if a Battle Standard Bearer the Hold Your Ground rule is lost and the +1 Combat Resolution bonus is lost until the end of the Combat Round. During a Challenge models count as having Base Contact with each other, although they do not have to physically be moved to make it so. After a model dies in a Challenge all remaining Attacks may be directed towards it for an Overkill bonus.
* If a Unit causes a Break Test in an enemy Unit and wins the tie by having a Musician, the losing Unit loses its Leadership Modifier for the Break Test and Combat Reform Tests.
* When a Standard is Captured, the model is replaced with a Rank and File model. Some Standard Bearers can be upgraded to Veteran Standard Bearers, who can carry a Magic Standard up to 25 points in value. Veteran Standard Bearers have the One Of A Kind rule.
* All Unit Champions gain +1 Attack, +1 Weapon Skill, and +1 Ballistic Skill. When a Unit with a Champion rolls for a Charge, it will go at least a minimum of 4 inches regardless of any lower roll if that would make the Charge successful. If the Charge is still a failure, use the die results.
[[File:9th Misfire.png|center|550px]]

==Abilities And Troop Type Rules==
* Monster Ranks: Unit only needs one model wide to be a full Rank.
The history of the setting was initially related in a Dwarf poem found on a tapestry in-universe in poem and accompanying illustrations detailing the nine ages of the world. Each completed army book details in more of the history, and reveals complexity in some things which each race has a different version of.  
* Mount's Protection: Models use the best available defense, once. If the Mount has a 6+, the rider has +1 Armor. If the Mount's Protection is 5+ the rider gains +2 Armor.
* Innate Defense: Models use the best available defense, once. If the model has 6+, it gets +1 Armor; as the defense number goes lower, the Armor increases by the same amount.
* All Characters and Command models have the Front Rank rule. If the Front Rank is full, models go into the next available Rank that does not have Front Rank models already. Front Rank models must remain in the front even through reorganization. When Front Rank models are killed, they are replaced with models from the other Ranks with others with the Front Rank rule having priority. If multiple models qualify to move up a Rank, the controlling player decides which do.
* Characters may be a Unit of 1. When a Character joins a Unit, they will always be in the Front Rank although where in the Front Rank is up to the controlling player. They can displace models with the Front Rank rule to make that happen. If their Move wasn't far enough to reach the Front Rank but could still reach the Unit, they take the Front Rank that requires the least amount of extra distance. If a Character joins a Unit with only a single Rank they can displace a model to the second Rank or join the front rank. Characters hit by templates in a Unit with more than 5 Rank and File models of the same type have one of the Rank and File models take the effects instead.
* Terror and spells both cause Units that fail Panic Tests to turn around and Flee in the exact opposite direction away from the source.
* Special Attacks do not benefit from weapons unless otherwise indicated, and do not benefit from other Special Rules that modify Close Combat or Shooting including those that provide Characteristics increases. All other effects affect the attack (for example, a Great Weapon or Thunderous Charge will not benefit a Stomp attack but a Potion of Strength will).
==Special Rules==
* Ambush: After choosing Deployment Zones but before anything is deployed, players choose which of their models with Ambush will use it, starting with the player who chose the Deployment Zones. Ambushing Characters may be deployed inside Ambushing Units they could normally join so long as it is declared during the Ambush choosing. Only one dice is rolled for the entire Unit and any Characters in it.
* Armor Piercing: Armor Piercing is listed as "Armor Piercing (x)" with x being the penalty to the opponent's Armor Save.  If it is listed as "Armor Piercing (+x)", the value can stack with other Armor Piercing.
* Bodyguard: Bodyguard is now sometimes listed as "Bodyguard (x)", the x indicating what models and the number that can benefit from the ability.
* Breath Weapon: As a Ranged Attack it has a 6 inch range and can be used as a Stand And Shoot reaction. In both shooting and Close Combat, Breath Weapons deal 2D6 Automatic Hits to the Target.
* Channel: All Wizards have Channel. Every Channel adds +1 to Channel rolls.
* Crush Attack: Replaces Thundercrush Attack.
* Distracting: Replaces Alluring.
* Divine Attacks: Replaces
* Engineer: Models with Engineer that are not engaged in Close Combat allow one Warmachine within 3 inches before firing to use the Engineer's Ballistic Skill instead of its own and reroll on the Misfire table once per turn. In addition, Catapults may reroll the Scatter Dice andFlame Throwers may reroll for template movement unless the first result is a 6. 
* Fast Cavalry: Fast Cavalry are Light Troops, and may still Move And Shoot even if they usedFlee as a Charge Reaction.
* Fear: All enemy Units in Base Contact with a model with Fear have -1 Leadership.
* Fireborn: Replaces
* Flammable: Flaming Attacks made against Flammable models that fail To Wound rolls are rerolled.
* Fly: Fly is now listed as "Fly (x)", the x being the distance travelled instead of a Movement score. Modifiers to Ground Movement are applied to the x score as well. Models with Fly also have Swiftstride and Light Troops.
* Grinding Attacks: Replaces
* Hard Target: Replaces
* Hellfire: Replaces
* Hidden: Replaces
* Impact Hits: Every Full Rank after the First Rank that is entirely comprised of models with Impact Hits provides +1 Strength to every Impact Hit caused by the Unit. Models with Impact Hits and Grinding Hits must choose which to use per Combat Round. If it is listed as "Impact Hits (+x)", the value can stack with other Impact Hits.
* Insignificant: Replaces
* Large Target: Large Targets have Large Height. Large Targets can never join or be joined by a Unit unless it is a War Platform.
* Lethal Strike: Replaces Killing Blow. On an Unmodified 6 To Wound result, it has Armor Piercing (6) and ignores Regeneration Saves.
* Light Troops: Replaces Fast Cavalry. If at least half the models in a Unit have Light Troops, it counts as having no Full Ranks.
* Lightning Attack: Replaces
* Lightning Reflexes: Replaces
* Magical Attacks: Applies to all attacks including Special Attacks unless stated otherwise.
* Metalshifting: Unmodified rolls of 6 always Wound.  
* Multiple Wounds:
* Not A Leader:
* Otherworldly:
* Random Movement:
* Regeneration:
* Reload!:
* Scout:
* Skirmishers
* Stomp:
* Strider:
* Sweeping Attack:
* Thunderous Charge:
* Toxic Attacks:
* Undead:
* Unstable:
* Unwieldy:
* Vanguard:
* Volley Fire:
* War Platform:
* Weapon Master:
* Wizard Conclave:

'''I''' In the '''Unmeasured Age''' the Coatl (Slaan) and their servants the Saurians (Lizardmen), used the mortal races as slaves to mine and construct their ziggurats. The slaves were Elves, humans, Dwarves (used for mining gems for the Saurians), Ogres, and Orcs. Giants ruled the continent of Vetia (The Old World). When a great comet fell and separated the continents resulting in the Shattered Sea (the Vortex) cutting the Saurian homeland into two halves called Silexia (Naggaroth) and Virentia (Lustria), the mortals united and rebelled successfully.  
* Parry: Close Combat To Hit rolls from the front better than 4+ (before modifiers are applied) cannot score successful hits.
* Flail: +2 Strength, To Hit rolls against models equipped with Flails have a +1 bonus.
* Great Weapon: Strike at Initiative 0.
* Paired Weapons: Strike at +1 bonus Initiative.
* Lance: War Beast and Monstrous Beast models can use Lances.  
* Light Lance: Only grants +1 Strength, War Beast and Monstrous Beast models can use Light Lances.  
* Spear: Armor Piercing (1), has Lethal Strike against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, and Chariots if engaged in the front. Cannot be used by Mounted models.
* Shortbow: Volley Fire.
* Bow: Volley Fire.
* Longbow: Volley Fire.
* Crossbow: Unwieldy.
* Handgun: Unwieldy.
* Throwing Weapons: 12 inch range, has the same Strength as the user, Quick To Fire, Multiple Shots (2).

Magic Items with two point values use the first for Lords, and the second for Heroes and Champions.
'''II''' In the '''Golden Age''' the Dwarves settled the mountains and reunited with their kin in Taphria (the Southlands). The Elves took to sea and settled the continents of the west called the White Isles by other races and Celeda Ablan (Ulthuan) by the Highborn Elves (High Elves) and eventually moved the Pearl Throne (Phoenix King's Court) there, although many of the Elves refused to leave Vetia and a schism formed between the two Elf groups. Humans spread out and founded many diverse cultures from Naptesh (Nehekhara) to Tsuandan kingdom on the continent of Augea (Cathay). Even Orcs built a civilization, led by a king known as the "Fair-Eyed Orc". Only a single Orc named Akrübad saw the end of the golden age coming. Dwarfs managed to get into conflict with Elves dwelling in forests.  
Items affecting the "Model", "Bearer's Model", or "Wearer's Model" affect both Character and Mount unless restricted by the Mount's profile.  

'''III''' Then came the '''Age Of Death''' AKA the '''First Age Of Ruin''' AKA '''The Age Of Woes''' with Beast Herds (Beastmen), a race which has their own tragic origins and did not initially serve the Dark Gods. Dwarves attempted to repel the invaders and called on their allies for aid, but the Elves were dealing with problems of their own. The Beast Herds had destroyed much of the homes of the Vetian Elves with some retreating into the Wyscan Wood (Athel Loren) to become Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves), the rest fleeing to the west. The inability of the Elves to aid the Dwarves was seen as intentional betrayal causing animosity between Elves and Dwarves. In the human kingdom of Naptesh the high priest Setesh (Nagash) and his servants including Nepharet (Neferata) assassinated the king Phatep (Settra) then drank his blood which caused them to become the first of the Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts). Phatep's wife Teput (Khalida) took command of the armies resulting in a civil war which ended when Setesh stole the powers from the Naptaan god of death and the remaining gods cursed the land, rendering it lifeless as no Naptaan can remain dead and the sides loyal to Phatep battle eternally with those loyal to Setesh. The architect Haskhunet fled Naptesh and created an army of undead and animated constructs in the service of Emperor Xun, last Emperor of the united Tsuand.

'''IV''' In the '''Age Of Iron''' AKA '''Second Age Of Ruin''' a city situated between Vetia and Augia called Avras, a Rome expy, grows to become an empire under their primary god named Sunna (Rule 63 Sigmar). Orcs and Goblins turn against the rest of the civilized races, and assail the Dwarves. Avras and the Dwarves unite and manage to repel the combined greenskins and Beast Herds although the Dwarves are driven from the White Mountains (Karaz Ankor).  
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see the complete list of changes to terrain rules.
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* When models fail a Charge through Dangerous Terrain, they do not have to make a Dangerous Terrain Test. Ordinary models make a d6 roll for Dangerous Terrain, Monstrous models roll 2d6, and Chariots, Monsters, and Ridden Monsters all roll 4d6. Some Dangerous terrain has a number, such as Dangerous Terrain (4). This indicates what number the dice have to be higher than to avoid taking Wounds in failed Dangerous Terrain Tests.
* Models always ignore the terrain they are inside of when determining Cover.
* Hills: Obscuring Terrain, a Unit partially on a Hill has Soft Cover while being completely off of a Hill provides Hard Cover, models with more than half of their base on a Hill have Large Height for Line of Sight and Cover.
* Water: A Rank of models that is at least partially in a Water feature does not count as being a full Rank. If more than half of the Unit is in a Water feature, the Unit counts as having no full Ranks. A Unit with Strider or Strider (Water) ignores the rules for Water.
* Walls: A model can only defend a Wall if it is in aligned and in base contact with it.
* Buildings: Models can enter Buildings by getting into Base Contact by the end of the Remaining Moves sub-phase. No model in the Unit can move more than three times its Movement from start position to the building itself while the Unit enters. Models inside Buildings gain the Flammable rule. No more than 15 models, unless they are Monstrous in which no more than 5, may Shoot from inside a building. Units fighting Combat inside Buildings count as having no Ranks for Combat Resolution or Steadfast, and both Standards and Battle Standards only count if the model carrying them was part of the group involved in the Combat. If the Combat is a draw or the attacker won and the attacker is not engaged with any Units outside the building, the attacker may perform a Post-Combat Pivot instead of continuing to attack the building occupants as long as it ends within 1 inch of the Building. If the attacker destroyed the defenders inside or they failed a Break Test and it is not engaged with any Units outside the building, the attacker may either perform a Post-Combat Pivot within 1 inch of the Building; if an enemy not inside the Building that it was engaged with Broke it may pursue them instead of continuing to attack the occupants of the Building. If an attacking Unit fails their Break Test, the building occupants cannot pursue and the attacking Unit while it and any Units it is engaged with are moved 1 inch away from the Building and all Combat participants count as being no longer engaged.

'''V''' In the '''Age Of Plague''' AKA the '''Third Age Of Ruin''' the Dwarves and armies of Avras retook the White Mountains and in gratitude the Dwarves built a great wall to protect Avras. Avras is hit by a terrible plague, followed by an invasion from the Vermin Swarms (Skaven) which claim to be the descendants of the early Avrasians, worshiping evil versions of the Avras gods. The Dwarves claim to have found their "hidden foe" although whether this refers to the Vermin or Dark Gods is unknown. The top general of Avras named Gaius Dexion falls in love with a Vampire and declares war on the Avras Senate, and the High Priest of Sunna named Quintus Augustus tries to ally with the Vermin agaist Dexion. The Vermin betray Augustus and conquer Avras, led by the Rat King (pre-godhood Horned Rat) and their own Senate (the Council Of Thirteen). The Elves who refused to join the Highborn Elves or the Sylvan Elves settle on the continent of Silexia and found the Dathen Republic, calling themselves Daeb although all other races refer to them as Dread Elves (Dark Elves). Hardened by their suffering, the Daeb society is based on freedom and liberty for citizens, with all other beings as slaves and enemies. The Highborn attempt to reassert control over the rest of the world Elves, with a three-way open war resulting.  
=Army Change Summaries=
Currently there are no named characters in The 9th Age. Some, like Lord Skrolk or High Queen Khalida who had rules that affect other models have had their rules integrated directly into the army (Skrolk making Plague Monks into Core options is default for the army for example, and Khalida's arrow buff is now contained within a magic item upgrade). Some [[The End Times]] models like Morghasts have rules, others like Nagash do not.  

Note that these things may come at a later date.  
'''VI''' The '''Age Of War''' AKA '''Fourth Age Of Ruin''' the Dwarves prepared a last stand while humans and Vermin fought over Avras. The Orcs spent their strength against the Dwarves and were then beaten by the Beast Herds, who also exhausted themselves against the Dwarves and were driven back by the Vermin, who themselves similarly spent their strength attempting to defeat the Dwarves. Vermin overrun most of Vetia, and in desperation a small enclaves of Dwarves cut a deal with dark powers from beyond reality called the Dark Gods (Chaos) and become Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs).  
==Beast Herds (Beastmen)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Beastmen.
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===Army Rules===
'''VII''' In the '''Age Of Thunder''' the Infernal Dwarves created a hole in reality cutting into the separation between the realm of the Dark Gods and the physical realm, the result being a magical vortex called the Inferno (collapsed Warpgate/Eye Of Terror) they use to conquer and enslave their neighbors. The Inferno also burns their lands until its a lifeless hellscape called the Wastelands (Badlands). The Dark Gods then betrayed the Infernal Dwarves and used the Inferno to access the world for their own amusement, sending their Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos) into the world. The Vampire Covenant launched their invasion of the world as well, and between the Vampires, Vermin, Infernal Dwarves, Beast Hordes, Daemon Legions, and greenskins the human race was almost entirely wiped out and/or enslaved. The only remaining free bastion of power was the Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia) under King Gilles de Raux, a Vampire.  
*All units in the army have Strider (Forests).
*Primal Insticts (/Fury) no longer gives Frenzy on a double 1.
*Beastmen Ambush is gone, replaced by the normal rules for Ambush.
*Lots of units gained the new Pack Tactics rule, which gives Swiftstride when charging the enemy's flanks or rear.
*The army lost access to the Lore of the Wild, replaced by the Path of Nature (the old Lore of Life).
*Beastmen no longer have anything to do with chaos and cannot take Gifts of Chaos or the mark options presented in The End Times.
*Drunkard is no longer a random result but lets you choose the unit's status at the start of the game: sober units gain Vanguard and Light Troops but cannot score, drunk units gain Immune to Psychology and Thunderous Charge but cannot ambush. A character may only join a unit in the same state of drunkness.
*Blood Offering: when a unit containing a character with this special rule fails a Panic test the character can lose a Wound to reroll it.
*Half Horse: Stomp hits cannot be allocated to models with this special rule.
*Certain heroes and unit champions may bear totems with bound spells. Heroes know all 4 totems and may cast each once per turn as Augment spells with range 18", champions know only one totem and may only cast it on their own unit. The available totems are Gnarled Hide (Innate Defense 6+ and Distracting), Clouded Eye (Magic Resistance (3) and Hard Target), Bloodied Horn (+1 A and Armor Piercing (2)) and Black Wings (+3 I and +d3+1" charge range).

'''VIII''' In the '''Age Of Waste''' AKA '''The Age Of Fire''' the first invasion of Daemons led by Foloy the Skullbringer is destroyed by an Ogre Khan (Ogre Kings) named Tsanas and his army. Mankind has largely been scattered into primitive tribes, with some being drawn into the east where they begin to worship the Dark Gods, becoming the Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos). A small tribe of humans called the Askar under King Warin fleeing the monsters that rule Vetia are ambushed by Beast Herds before being saved by a single powerful warrior woman appearing out of nowhere, who is proclaimed an avatar of Sunna. Inspired by the story despite believing her to be a servant of their own goddess named The Lady, <s>Equitainian</s> Equitan knights led by Uther of Gasconne (Gilles de Breton) overthrow Gilles de Raux and declare Uther the first true king of Equitaine. Sunna drove the Orcs out of the White Mountains and united the races of men in Vetia before defeating the united armies of the Dark Gods. The Rat King, fearing Sunna, sent an envoy to deliver her a message to serve him or be destroyed, forcing her hand and initiating a war between the Vermin and mankind over Avras. King Warin is offered peace if he kills Sunna using a godkiller blade called the Doom Blade, and he does exactly that while Sunna duels the now Daemonic Rat King. Sunna pulls the dagger from her side and kills the Rat King, both gods sent back to their home realms to return and fight again. Avras is reclaimed, the various tribes including the Askar return home and unite to form the Empire of Sonnstahl (The Empire) named after Sunna's own sword with Sunna as their main god. The Empire of Destria (Estalia) and Arcalea (Tilea, Border Princes) are also settled by Sunna's army.

'''IX''' The current date of the game is the ninth age of the world ([[Meme|roll credits]]) when the Age Of Exploration analogue begins, the races of order are reuniting and beginning to push back after an averted end of the world while the forces of evil are finding they too have allies. Sonnstahl creates a system of government where the Council Of Electors (Elector Counts) appoints an Emperor, the first being Leopold Truehearted after he defeated a Dread Elf invasion force that intended to reclaim their former lands in Vetia. The Empire begins many academic pursuits including research into the past via a combination of archeology and magic, particularly Divination magic, although these pursuits are monitored by the very powerful church of Sunna. The Empire also pursues war against the Vampires with moderate success. Equitaine launches many Crusades and smaller scale Quests, all of which end badly. Destria colonizes parts of Virentia and fights against the Saurians. General Fontaine (possibly Vlad Con Carstein?), a former Equitaine knight, conquers Avras using an army of the undead led by a female Vampire and his apparent consort. Emperor Matthias is the current Emperor of Sonnstahl, married to Sophia of Destria which has formed an alliance between the two nations. Matthias's sister Josefa was removed from the line of succession as a child by being given to the Church Of Sunna, but she has ambitions to shake nunhood and take over the Empire. The Highborn Elves gain sweeping addiction to the opiate effects of the leaves of the camillia plant, and through a puppet Raj in the kingdom of Sagarikadesha in the Sagarika region (Ind). The Vermin Swarms in Sagarikadesha region serve a new god named The Plaguebringer (Horned Rat 2.0?).
*Beast Axe: two-handed weapon, strikes with +1 Strength but Initiative 0 and improves the wielder's armor save by 1.
*Soothsayer Staff: can be used either offensively as a Great Weapon or defensively as a hand weapon that adds +2 to the user's armor save.
*Looted Booze: one use only, lets the unit change from sober to drunk.

====Magic Items====
*The Impaler: Magic weapon, 40 pts, only characters without Ambush. Magical spear that strikes with +2S on the charge and can be thrown as a Range 18" S6 Bolt Thrower with Armor Piercing (6) and Multiple Wounds (d3). Never suffers to-hit penalties when fired.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to geographical lore.
*Leeching Blade: Magic weapon, 15 pts, wizards only. Magical hand weapon, if the bearer's unit fails a Panic test the user can lose 1 Wound to make it count as passed.
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*Aaghor's Flayed Hide: Magic armor, 60/50 pts, grants +1T and Regeneration (4+) but prevents the user from using any other armor.
[[File:T9a world map.jpg|thumb|right|300px|The T9A world]]
*Pillager Icon: Talisman, 25 pts. All Razortusk units and single-model chariot units (excluding character mounts) within 12" gain Vanguard.
*Eye of Dominance: Talisman, 15 pts. Swarms, War Beasts, Cavalry mounts, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry mounts, Chariot-pulling beasts, Monsters and Ridden Monster can only ever hit the bearer on a natural 6.
*Seed of the Dark Forest: Enchanted Item, 40 pts. One use only. Before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units), the bearer may place a single Forest (that must be no larger than 10” in length and 6” in width) on the Battlefield with its centre within 12"of the bearer and more than 1” from all enemy units. All friendly models even partially within this Dark Forest add +1 to their casting rolls for Augment spells, Hex spells, and Totems (this overrides the normal restriction of not adding casting modifiers to Bound Spells).
*Gourd of Beetles: Enchanted Item, 35 pts. Bearer can cast Swarm of Insects from the Path of Wilderness as a bound spell.
*Dark Rain: Enchanted Item, 25 pts. During the first turn of the game enemy units have -1 to hit with shooting attacks, -2 if you go second.
*Crown of Horns: Enchanted Item, 10 pts. The bearer, his unit and all models within range of his Inspiring Presence automatically pass Primal Instincts tests.
*Banner of the Wild Herd: Magical Standard, 25 pts. Gives all Wildhorns in the unit +1S for a single round of combat.
*Beast Lord
**Cost reduced from 140 to 125
**+1 BS
**Lost Manbane, gained Pack Tactics
**Has Light Armor by default
**Cost of shield increased by 2, cost of heavy armor doubled
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 5 pts (was 8), great weapon for 15 pts (was 12), lance for 15 pts, beast axe for 20 pts
**May take throwing weapons for 3 pts
**Cost to mount a Raiding Chariot and Razortusk Chariot reduced to 35 and 75 respectively
**If the army general, may take Hunting Call for 20 pts. Units with Pack Tactics can reroll Ambush rolls but must ambush on the first turn unless you go first
*Gnarled Soothsayer (Great Bray Shaman)
**Cost reduced from 200 to 180
**+1 BS
**Gained Pack Tactics and Blood Offering
**Cost for level 4 reduced from 35 to 30
**May take paired weapons for 3 pts (1 pt cheaper) or a soothsayer staff for 10 pts
**Cost to mount a Raiding Chariot reduced to 20, can no longer mount a Razortusk Chariot
*Minotaur Warlord (Doombull)
**Cost reduced from 235 to 230
**+1 BS
**Lost Slaughterer's Call, Bloodgreed and Fear, gained Primal Instinct
**Has light armor by default
**cost of shield increased by 4, cost of heavy armor increased by 3
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 10 pts (was8), great weapon for 20 pts (was 15), flail for 10 pts, beast axe for 25 pts
**Lord of Bulls: if a Minotaur Warlord is your general Minotaur Warlords, Minotaur Chieftains and Minotaurs never lose Frenzy
*Beast Chieftain (Wargor)
**Cost reduced from 85 to 55
**+1 BS
**Lost Manbane, gained Pack Tactics
**Has Light Armor by default
**Cost of shield increased by 3, cost of heavy armor tripled
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 3 pts (was 4), great weapon for 8 pts (was 4), lance for 6 pts, beast axe for 10 pts
**May take throwing weapons for 2 pts
**Cost to mount a Raiding Chariot to 50, can no longer mount a Razortusk Chariot
**If not mounted, may Ambush for 10 pts
**May become totem bearer for 30 pts
*Soothsayer (Bray Shaman)
**Cost reduced from 75 to 70
**+1 BS
**Gained Pack Tactics and Blood Offering
**Cost for level 2 reduced from 35 to 25
**May take paired weapons for 2 pts or a soothsayer staff for 10 pts
**Cost to mount a Raiding Chariot reduced to 40, can no longer mount a Razortusk Chariot
**If not mounted, may Ambush for 5 pts
*Minotaur Chieftain (Gorebull)
**Cost reduced from 160 to 130
**+1 BS
**Lost Slaughterer's Call, Bloodgreed and Fear, Impact Hits reduced to 1, gained Primal Instinct
**Has light armor by default
**Cost of shield increased by 6, cost of heavy armor increased by 4
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 5 pts, great weapon for 15 pts (was 10), flail for 5 pts, beast axe for 20 pts
**May become totem bearer for 30 pts
*Centaur Chieftain
**New option
**Costs 90 pts
**Same statline as Gorrhos Warhoof but with +1 BS, T and I
**Has light armor, Primal Instincts, Strider (Forests), Drunkard and Half-horse
**May take any of the following: shield for 2 pts, heavy armor for 12 pts, throwing weapons for 2 pts, looted booze for 15 pts, Ambush for 15 pts, totem bearer for 30 pts, +1 Wounds for 25 pts (only if general)
**May be the army's BSB
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 8 pts, great weapon for 15 pts, lance for 15 pts, beast axe for 20 pts
**Hoof Father: if a Centaur Chieftain is your general Centaurs may be taken as Core. Centaurs taken this way cannot take magical standards, except for one unit whose standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Raiding Chariot (Tuskgor Chariot)
**Crewman is armed with a light Lance
**Gained Light Troops
*Razortusk Chariot (Razorgor Chariot)
**Crewman is armed with a light Lance
**Lost Fear, gained Impact Hits (+1)
**Can take Hunting Horn for 20 pts. All friendly units within 6" of a model with Hunting Horn add +1 to their charge range
*Wildhorn Herd (Gor Herd)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 50 pts, maximum is 40 at 5 pts per model
**Gained Pack Tactics
**May take throwing weapons at 1 pt/model
**The champion may become a totem bearer for 10pts
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**A unit of 25 models or less may Ambush for 10 pts
*Mongrel Herd (Ungor Herd)
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 80 pts, maximum is 50 at 4 pts per model
**Gained Pack Tactics
**Cost of spears reduced to half a point per model
**A unit of 30 models or less may Ambush for 10 pts
*Mongrel Raiders (Ungor Raiders)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 50 pts, maximum is 20 at 5 pts per model
**Gained Pack Tactics
**Can take Scout and Ambush for 10 pts
*Feral Hounds (Chaos Warhounds)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 40 pts, maximum is 20 at 4 pts per model
**Have Insignificant, Ambush and Vanguard
**Can no longer take any upgrades
*Raiding Chariot (Tuskgor Chariot)
**Cost reduced from 80 to 75, may add up to 2 additional models for 65 pts each
**Wildhorn crewman is armed with a light Lance
**Gained Light Troops
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 125 pts, maximum is 10 at 38 pts per model
**Lost Bloodgreed and Fear, gained Primal Instinct and Frenzy
**Cost of paired weapons increased by 1
**The champion can no longer have magical items but the standard bearer can take a single magical banner worth up to 50 pts
*Longhorn Herd (Bestigor Herd)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 90 pts, maximum is 40 at 12 pts per model
**+1 Ld
**Lost Despoilers, gained Pack Tactics and Bodyguard (Beast Lord)
**Armed with halberds instead of great weapons, may take them back at half a point per model
**The champion may become a totem bearer for 10 pts
**A unit of 20 models or less may Ambush for 1 pt/model
*Centaurs (Centigors)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 75 pts, maximum is 20 at 13 pts per model
**Gained Half-horse
**No longer have spears by default
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 1 pt/model, great weapons for 3 pts/model, light lances for 2 pts/model, lances for 4 pts/model
**The champion may become a totem bearer for 10 pts
**May take a single magical banner worth up to 50 pts
**A unit of 8 models or less may Ambush for 3 pts/model
*Gargoyles (Harpies)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 80 pts, maximum is 10 at 12 pts per model
**+1WS, T and Ld, -2I
**Gained Fly (10), Primal Instinct, Skirmish and Thunderous Charge
**The entire unit may Scout for 10 pts
*Razortusk Herd (Razorgor Herd)
**Minimum unit size is 1 for 50 pts, maximum is 10 at 35 pts per model
**Lost Fear
*Razortusk Chariot (Razorgor Chariot)
**Cost reduced from 145 to 110 pts
**Wildhorn crewman is armed with a light Lance
**Lost Fear, gained Impact Hits (+1)
**Can take Hunting Horn for 20 pts. All friendly units within 6" of a model with Hunting Horn add +1 to their charge range
*Briar Beast (Chaos Spawn)
**Moved over from Rare
**Cost increased from 55 to 60
**Random Movement increased to 3d6
**Sleeper: You may choose not to deploy this unit as normal. Instead the controlling player may choose to awaken the Sleeper at the start of any friendly Remaining Moves subphase: the Briar Beast is placed completely within any forest on the table.
*Cyclops (Cygor)
**Cost reduced from 275 to 200
**+2BS, +1W
**Lost Ghostsight, Soul-eater, Stubborn and Terror, gained Divine Attacks and a 5+ Ward Save, Magic Resistance increased to 3
**Hurl Attack is now a 3" catapult weapon with range 6-36" S3(9) (Multiple Wounds (Ordnance)) Magic Attacks and Divine Attacks

*Gortach (Gorghon)
In general mountain barriers have diminished, making more travel routes than individual passes and the Underway through the world regions. Rather than just slapping "Here Be Orcs" or filling space with mountains on the map, areas such as Greece and the Middle East are left open for expies.
**Cost reduced from 275 to 200
** -1 Ld
**Lost Bloodgreed, Immune to Psychology, Swallow Whole and Terror, gained Primal Instincts, Impact Hits (D3) and Lethal Strike
**New Strength from Flesh: the Gortach's Lethal Strikes cause D3 wounds, and if at least one of the wounds is unsaved it regains 1 lost wound
**Locked Horns: Minotaur Warlords are One of a Kind in an army that includes one or more Gortachs

*Jabberwock (Jabberslythe)
* The Old World is now Vetia. Vetia has (Lizardmen).
**Cost reduced from 275 to 125
* The Empire is now Sonnstahl.
**-2BS, -1A and Ld
* Kislev is Volskaya, with an increase in Bulgarian influence.
**Lost Slythey Tongue, Spurting Bile-blood and Terror, has Fly (8)
* Tilea is now Arcalea.
**Aura of Madness now simply gives all enemies within 6" -1 Ld
* The Dark Lands are now The Wasteland, and connect to Volskaya rather than (The Worlds Edge Mountains). Most (Warriors Of Chaos) come from here. Makhar Steppe (Scythia) is in the southern Wasteland and are partially but not entirely on the side of (Chaos). The Wasteland is shrinking rather than expanding, but very slowly. Those who venture within must have the direct blessing of the Dark Gods; what is corruptible is mutated, what isn’t suffers as if from radiation with their hair falling out, internal organs liquifying, and their skin falling off. Daemons live freely in the innermost part since there is enough magic to sustain them, and even the most beloved and blessed mortals can’t spend long there. There is no visual change in the surrounding area indicating where the Wasteland begins and ends, aside from most Warrior settlements being found there.
**May take Innate Defence (4+) for 30 pts and a S3 Armor Piercing (2) Breath Weapon for 25 pts
* The Worlds Edge Mountains are now The White Mountains.
* Bretonnia is now Equitaine.
*Beast Giant
* Athel Loren is now Wyscan.
**Cost reduced from 225 to 145
* Warhammer Asia is Augea. Yes, the continent gets its own name rather than the Old World being both Asia and Europe.
**Lost Immune to Psychology, Fall Over, Longshanks and Terror, gained Drunkard
* Warhammer gets a Constantinople ([[Meme|not Istanbul]])/Rome called Avras that is the holy land for Vetia humans and the origin of western civilization, the origins lying in a tribe of people known as the Askar.
**Special giant attacks have been changed similarly to other giants (the actual changes should probably go under General Rules Changes since they affect the giants of all factions)
* The Broken Teeth are now the Barren Mountains.
**Can either take Looted Booze for 10 pts or Ambush for 40 pts
* The Mountains Of Mourn are now the Sky Mountains.
* The Silk Road/Ivory Road/High Road are just the Silk Road.
* The Steel Road replaces the Road Of Skulls.
* The Plain Of Bones is now the Blasted Plains.
* Khuresh/Ind is now a kingdom called Sagarikadesha that was once ruled by Elves and has now become independent.
* [[Cathay]] is now Tsuandan.
* Sartosa is split between Corsara and Bellatorre.
* Sudenberg is now Port Reynaud.
* Araby and the Southlands are now Taphria.
* The Land Of The Dead and the Great Desert Of Araby are now the Great Desert.
* The Great Mortis River is now the Napaat River.
* (The Southlands) has two nations; Koghi in the west and Vanhu in the east.
* Naggaroth is now Silexia.
* Ulthuan is now Celeda Ablan.
* Lustria is now Virentia. Both Sonnstahl and Equitaine have colonies.
* The Vortex and the Maelstrom are merged into the Shattered Sea, which separates  Silexia and Virentia.
* The Warp is now the Immortal Realm, divided between an ordered side where gods dwell and the destructive side for traditional Chaos called the Veil which lacks definition beyond every god having a domain to themselves. It opens in The Wasteland rather than a Warpgate at the North and South Poles, but has smaller tears all over the world providing (Warriors Of Chaos) originating from anywhere geographically.
* Albion does not exist. (But the Highborn Elves have taken up the role of Imperial Britain, having the biggest navy of any faction, and until recently having a puppet Raj ruling over Sagarikadesha. (Not to mention the American Revolution analog with the Dread Elves.))


==Daemon Legions (Daemons of Chaos)==
==Beast Herds (Beastmen)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Daemons of Chaos.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Beastmen lore.
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* The Lore of Nurgle is now the Path of Disease.
** The Lore Attribute is now "Necrotic Blessing", a One Turn Focused Augment which causes a target Unit within 12 inches to gain +1 Toughness. This can only affect any model once per Magic Phase.
** The Signature Spell is now "Pestilent Miasma", a 4+ 18 inch range Augment that lasts one turn that causes enemy Units in base contact with the target Unit to have -1 Weapon Skill and Initiative (9+ for -D3 instead) to a minimum of 1.
** '''1''' "Breath Of Corruption" is a 6+ used on the Caster (or 9+ to give a target Model within 24 inches as a Focused Augment) a Toxic Attacks Breath Weapon for 1 turn.
** '''2''' "Putrefying Touch" is a 6+ Augment that lasts one turn with a 12 inch range (9+ for 24 inch range) that grants Poisoned Attacks. If the target already had Poisoned Attacks, the value improves by one point (so a Poisoned Attacks 5+ becomes Poisoned Attacks 4+ for example).
** '''3''' "Mass Of Flesh" is a 9+ one turn Augment with a range of 12 inches (12+ for 24 inch range) that grants Regeneration 5+, improving any existing Regeneration by one point (Regeneration 5+ becomes Regeneration 4+ for example) to a maximum of 3+.
** '''4''' "Cleansing Infestation" is a 10+ 18 inch range Instant Missile Hex that deals D6 S5 Attacks to a Unit and causes a Toughness Test, which if failed causes ANOTHER D6 S5 hits and a Toughness Test, which repeats until the Unit passes the test or is destroyed.
** '''5''' "Leprotic Curse" is an 11+ 18 inch range (14+ for 36 inch range) Universal one turn decrease (to a minimum of 1) or increase at the Caster's choice of D3 Toughness.
** '''6''' "Foetid Wind)" is a 14+ 6 inch range Vortex Ground instant spell using a Template 3. Models touched by the template suffer one Hit of Multiple Wounds D3 Toxic Attacks.
* The Lore of Slaanesh is now the Path of Lust.
** The Lore Attribute is now "Masochism", a range 12 one turn Focused Augment. When selecting a target, the Caster must choose either to +1 Attack and +3 Initiative OR Armor Piercing (+1). A model can only be affected once by each of the two effects per turn.
** The Signature Spell is now "Wicked Lash", a 6+ 24 inch range Ground, Direct, Line Template Instant spell that deals a Strength 4 Hit with Armor Piercing (2) to every model hit by the template.
** '''1''' "Mesmeric Allure" is a 5+ 24 inch range one turn Hex that causes the target to attack at Initiative 0. For 11+ the spell becomes 36 inch range and also caused Random Movement D6.
** '''2''' "Irresistible Waltz" is a 7+ 12 inch range (or 11+ for 24 inch range) Focused Direct Damage Instant Hex that forces the target to make a Leadership Test with an additional D6, if failed the target takes an Armor Piercing (6) Wound and makes another Leadership test, which repeats until the model passes the test or is destroyed.
** '''3''' "Frenzied Hysteria" is an 8+ 24 inch range Universal Remains In Play spell. Target gains Frenzy. If it already had Frenzy, it gains +1 Attack until it loses Frenzy. At the end of every one of the Caster's Magic Phases it takes D6 Strength 3 Hits.
** '''4''' "Lurid Delusions" is an 8+ 24 inch range one turn Hex (or 12+ for a 12 inch range Aura instead). Whenever the Target takes a Leadership Test it rolls an extra dice and discards the lowest result.
** '''5''' "Mind Reaping" is a 9+ 24 inch range Magic Missile, Damage, Instant, Hex which causes D6 Strength 4 Hits with Armor Piercing (2). After Hits are resolved the Target must pass a Leadership Test with no rerolls allowed or suffer an additional
D6 S4 Hits. This continues until the Target passes the test or is destroyed.
** '''6''' "Deafening Cacophony" is a 13+ range 12 one turn Instant Hex that causes 2D6 Hits with Armor Piercing (6) that Wound on a 4+. If one or more Wounds are caused by those Hits, the target attacks at Initiative 0 and gains Random Movement (D6).
* The Lore of Tzeentch is now the Path of Change.
** The Lore Attribute is now "Winds of Change". Permanent, Universal. Every spell cast gives the player a Winds of Change counter. Non-bound spells cast from the Path of Change that have a natural 1 on a Power Dice may be rerolled at the cost of one counter.
** The Signature Spell is now "Blue Fire", a 5+ 24 inch range Instant, Missile, Damage, Hex. Deals D6 Strength D6 Hits with Hellfire. At 8+ has 48 inch range. At 11+ has a 48 inch range and deals D6+1 Hits at D6+1 Strength.
** '''1''' "Pink Fire" is a 6+ one turn spell targeting the caster (or 11+ for a 24 inch Focused Augment) granting a Breath Weapon which is D3+2 Strength with Hellfire.
** '''2''' "Wave of Transformation" is a 7+ 24 inch range Instant, Missile, Damage, Hex. Target suffers 1 Strength D6+4 hit with Multiple Wounds (D3) and Hellfire, which penetrates ranks as a Bolt Thrower (Artillery Weapon) with Armour Piercing (6).
** '''3''' "Secrets Stolen" is a 7+ 18 inch range Instant, Hex, Direct Damage, Focused spell. Target and caster both roll a D6 and add their Wizard Levels. If the target gets a higher total, nothing happens. Otherwise, the target suffers 1 Strength 3 hit with Armour Piercing (6) and loses 1 Wizard Level (if it has any).
** '''4''' "Reign of Confusion" is a 9+ 24 inch range one turn Hex. Target cannot benefit from Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground.
** '''5''' "Inevitable Betrayal" is a 9+ 24 inch range one turn Hex. When the target Unit (not a single model) attacks in either Close Combat or shooting any rolls of 1 are discarded, and counts as if the Unit hit itself at the same Strength with the same rules. Shooting and Close Combat rules apply as normal, including adding to the Combat Score of the target's opponents.
** '''6''' "Eternal Gateway" is a 15+ 24 inch range Instant, Hex, Missile, Damage spell. Target suffers 2D6 Strength 2D6 (Strength results of 11 or 12 only count as 10) hits with Hellfire. 

===Army Rules===
From the dark depths of feral forests, from the wide untamed plains, and from every wild place beyond the gaze of civilisation, nature’s savage heart strikes without warning. Feel the ground tremble beneath thunderous hooves, shiver at the howls of the hunt, and know that you are stalked by the Beast Herds.
*Daemonic has been replaced by the two special rules Daemonic Instability and Otherwordly. The gist is th same but now daemons no longer have army-wide Fear and Daemonic Instability is just rolled as 2d6 + Combat Score - Leadership; it's passed if the result is a positive number and failed otherwise, a double 1 or 6 no longer does anything special.
The Herds comprise all manner of creatures, appearing like local fauna yet able to fight like men, with origins shrouded in the mists of time. Mighty creatures stride through the forests by their side, spreading terror in their wake. Marked in the womb by shamanic rituals and tribal magics, fueled by the desire to prove themselves worthy of the great stories of their peoples, the Herds view the sedentary nations as little more than a convenient larder and a testing ground for glory.
*The army no longer uses Reign of Chaos.
* Your army is aligned to whatever Chaos God your General is. True Chaos (Chaos Undivided) aligned Generals or armies that mix models from different Chaos Gods are subject to restrictions of a maximum of 2 duplicate Core options (1 in a Warband, 4 in a Grand Army), 2 maximum duplicate Special options (1 in a Warband, 4 in a Grand Army), 1 maximum duplicate Rare option (2 in a Grand Army). Armies entirely composed of one Chaos God with a General aligned to the same are subject instead to the normal restrictions and many models gain bonus options as well.
* Models in a Unit entirely made up of models aligned to one Chaos God gain specific bonuses. Mixed or Daemon of True Chaos Units gain no bonus.
** Daemon Of Change: At the start of each round of Combat, before Shooting, every model in the same Unit gains either Flaming Attacks, Divine Attacks, or Hellfire at the choice of the controlling player. Special Attacks are not affected. Daemon of Change Wizards can decide after generating their spells to start over and reroll all dice in the process.
** Daemon Of Lust: Gain Armor Piercing (+1).
** Daemon Of Pestilence: Gain Poisoned Attacks and Regeneration (5+). Toxic Attacks are at -1 To Wound the Daemons.
** Daemon Of Wrath: Gain +1 Strength in the first round of Combat.
* Daemons may be upgraded with Aspects corresponding to their Chaos God. Characters may always take one Aspect, and are the only ones with access to Supreme Aspects. Core Units can take Aspects if they are the same Chaos God as the General. Special and Rare models may only take Aspects in an army entirely sworn to one Chaos God. Aspects of the same kind do not stack effects.
** '''Change'''
*** Far-seeing: Aspect. Bearer's Unit has an additional 6 inch range to all Shooting Attacks that use the Ballistic Skill To Hit.
*** Power Vortex: Supreme Aspect. Spells from the Path of Change case by the bearer's Unit gain +1 Strength to any To Hits with a Strength value.
** '''Lust'''
*** Clawed Caress: Aspect. Bearer's Unit gains Armor Piercing (+1).
*** Dance Of Death: Supreme Aspect. Bearer's Unit gains Lightning Reflexes.
** '''Pestilence'''
*** Contamination: Aspect. Unit gains Poisoned Attacks. If the model already has Poisoned Attacks, they Wound automatically on one less (so a 5+ Wounds on a 4+ for example).
*** Bloated Putrefaction: Supreme Aspect. Bearer's Unit gains Regeneration (4+).
** '''Wrath'''
*** Onslaught: Aspect. Bearer's Unit gains Devastating Charge. Does not affect Mounts.
*** Eternal Fury: Supreme Aspect. Bearer's Unit gains Hatred. Does not affect Mounts.  

* Beasts were the first evil race of the setting, responsible for ending the second age and breaking apart the alliances of the free peoples.  
* Many, but not all, serve the Chaos aspect of the Dark Gods which was unknown in the world until the seventh age when Infernal Dwarves connected the Wasteland to the Veil. But they are also recorded as fighting against Chaos for control of the world.  
* Firebolts: Change weapon. 24 inch range Strength 3 Shooting Weapon, has Quick to Fire.
* Their culture invariably revolves around shamanism.  
* Barbed Claws: Lust weapon. Close Combat Weapon, Hand Weapon. +1 To Wound in Close Combat.
* Although most of their history is war against the Dwarves, their primary enemies are Sylvan Elves who see them as unholy aberrations of nature.  
* Elusive: Lust upgrade. Units entirely composed of models with Elusive can choose to Flee as a Charge Reaction despite being Immune To Psychology.
* Trail Of Mucus: Pestilence upgrade. Enemy Units can't gain a Flank or Rear Combat Resolution bonus against Units with models with this rule.
* Blood Sword: Wrath upgrade. Close Combat Weapon, Hand Weapon. Attacks have Lethal Strike.
* Hell Blade: Wrath upgrade. Close Combat Weapon, Hand Weapon. Attacks always have Strength 5, which cannot be modified in any way.
====Magic Items====
Daemons can only take Magic Items from their own list, which are called Daemonic Items but are otherwise treated as Magic Items as normal. Magical Standards are still pulled from the core book.
* Eternal Sword: Magic Weapon, 50 points for Lords and 35 points for Heroes. Hand Weapon, wielder gains +1 Weapon Skill, Strength, and Attacks while engaged in Combat.
* Mortal Blade: Magic Weapon, 40 points for Lords and 30 points for Heroes. Hand Weapon, attacks made with this weapon have Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2, Monster, Ridden Monster).
* Dissolving Touch: Magic Weapon, 40 points for Lords and 30 points for Heroes. Hand Weapon, every Round of Combat every model in Base Contact takes a Toxic Hit at Initiative 10.
* Lash of Lust: Magic Weapon, 40 points for Lords and 25 points for Heroes. Restricted to Daemons of Lust. Shooting Weapon with a 12 inch range, uses the bearer's Strength, has Quick To Fire and Multiple Shots (2D6). Cannot be used in the same turn a model has Marched.
* Aether Wand: Magic Weapon, 40 points for Lords and 15 points for Heroes. Restricted to Daemons of Change. Hand Weapon, every time the bearer casts of dispels successfully the controlling player rolls D6.  
* Heart Seeker: Magic Weapon, 20 points for Lords and 10 points for Heroes. Hand Weapon, bearer may reroll and rolls of 1 To Hit for Attacks made with this weapon.
* Blade of Grief: Magic Weapon, 20 points. Hand Weapon, bearer gains Fear and attacks made with this weapon have Divine Attacks.
* Trident of Torment: Magic Weapon, 15 points. Hand Weapon, bearer gains +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative when engaged in Combat and using this weapon, Attacks made with this weapon have Armor Piercing (1).

* Nauseating Aura: Talisman, 50 points. Pestilence only. Enemy Units in Base Contact with the bearer have Initiative 1 during Close Combat.
The Beastherds have many units which can harass an opponents deployment and play by using their ambush special rules. Beastherds also have access to bring a lot of chariots to the battle, giving them a fast and dangerous counter to enemy forces. A wide array of monsters and other fast units is often used to surround the opponent and then crush their forces with overwhelming might. Beastherds excel at mobility, using hard hitting units, and ambush tactics to beat their opponents
* Shackles of Reality: Talisman, 40 points. Bearer has Regeneration (4+).
* Iron Hide: Talisman, 35 points. Bearer has Innate Defence (5+).
* Brass Collar: Talisman, 35 points. Wrath only. Wearer gains Magic Resistance (3).
* Veil of Shadows: Talisman, 35 points. Bearer's Unit gains Hard Target and Magic Resistance (1).
* Blissful Bindings: Talisman, 35 points for Lords and 25 points for Heroes. Lust only. Models striking the bearer use 50% of their Weapon Skill (rounded up) against the bearer.  
* Weaver's Eye: Talisman, 10 points. One use only, can be used when the bearer fails a Ward Save to reroll it.

* Blazing Wings: Enchanted Item, 35 points. Change only. Bearer gains Fly (8).
* Horn of Damnation: Enchanted Item, 35 points. Enemy Units in Base Contact with the bearer can't benefit from Hold Your Ground.
* Obsidian Horn: Enchanted Item, 25 points. One use only, instead of making a Dispel roll a spell is automatically dispelled. Can only be taken in an army with no Wizards.
* Hellish Crown: Enchanted Item, 25 points. Bearer gains +1 Leadership.
* Black Orb: Enchanted Item, 15 points. All enemy Wizards trying to cast Path of Light spells have a -2 penalty to the casting roll.
* Token Of Change: Enchanted Item, 20 points. Change only. Bearer can use Wave of Transformation from the Path of Change as a Power Level 3 Bound Spell.
* Token Of Lust: Enchanted Item, 20 points. Lust only. Bearer can use Frenzied Hysteria from the Path of Lust as a Power Level 3 Bound Spell.
* Token Of Pestilence: Enchanted Item, 20 points. Pestilence only. Bearer can use Putrefying Touch from the Path of Pestilence as a Power Level 3 Bound Spell.
* Portal Gem: Enchanted Item, 20 points. Friendly Units within 6 inches of the bearer suffer 1 less Wound from failed Daemonic Instability Tests.
* Elixir of Souls: Enchanted Item, 10 points. One use only. Can be activated at the start of the Remaining Moves subphase to give the bearer +2 Movement during the same subphase.

* Mirror of Change: Arcane Item, 40 points. Change only. During friendly Magic Phases the bearer can choose an enemy Wizard in Line of Sight within 18 inches and for the duration of that Magic Phase knows all of the non-Bound spells that Wizard knows instead of its own. Spells that create new Units or Raise can't be cast.
==Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos)==
* Seventh Seal: Arcane Item, 35 points. One use, instead of rolling to Dispel the spell is automatically Dispelled.
* Soul-Bound Staff: Arcane Item, 30 points. The bearer's Miscasts count as being one less Magic Dice.
* Sorcerer's Lodestone: Arcane Item, 30 points. One use, exception to the Magic Modifiers rule. After attempting Casting or Dispel rolls, the bearer can increase the results by an additional D6. This does not count as a Power or Dispel dice.
* Scrolls Of The Eighth Pact: Arcane Item, 25 points. Change only. Bearer can generate spells from any Battle Magic Path other than the Path of Light. Chosen Path is noted on the Army List.
* Skull of Cacophrax: Arcane Item, 25 points for Lords and 15 points for Heroes. The bearer generates an additional spell.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand"to see a summarized version of the changes to Daemon lore.
* Daemon Prince
**Cost decreased from 250 to 245
**Lost Terror, gained Stubborn
**All marks are now free, except for Change that costs 20 pts
**Cost for Wizard levels 1 to 4 respectively increased by 5, reduced by 5, increased by 25 and increased by 20
**Demonic Flight now gives Fly (8)
**Cost of plate (chaos) armor increased by 35, may instead take heavy armor for 25 pts
**May take up to 100 points of daemonic items

* Weaver Of Change (Lord Of Change)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**Cost increased from 400 to 540
**Lost Terror, gained Fly (8) and Innate Defense (5+)
**Is now a level 4 Wizard by default
**May take Power Vortex for 35 pts
* Courtesan Of Lust (Keeper Of Secrets)
**Cost increased from 375 to 455
**+1 W
**Lost Terror, gained Swiftstride and Innate Defense (5+)
**Is now a level 2 Wizard by default
**Cost of Wizard levels 3 and 4 reduced by 5 and 10
**May take Clawed Caress for 15 pts or Dance of Death for 35 pts
* Father Of Pestilence (Great Unclean One)
**Cost increased from 375 to 475
**+1 W
**Lost Terror, gained Innate Defense (5+)
**Is now a level 1 Wizard by default
**Cost of Wizard levels 2, 3 and 4 respectively reduced by 10, increased by 20, increased by 15
**May take Contamination for 20 pts or Bloated Putrefaction for 45 pts
**May take a flail for 20 pts
* Scourge Of Wrath (Bloodthirster)
**Cost increased from 400 to 450
**+1 W and A
**Lost Terror and paired weapons, gained Fly (8)
**may take Onslaught for 10 pts or Eternal Fury for 30 pts
* Harbinger Of Change (Herald Of Tzeentch)
**Cost increased from 90 to 100
**Armed with firebolts
**Cost for level 2 reduced by 10 pts
**Cost to mount a Blazing Chariot increased by 30 pts
**May take Far Seeing for 15 pts or Power Vortex for 45 pts
* Harbinger Of Lust (Herald Of Slaanesh)
**Cost increased from 90 to 95
**Gained Distracting
**No longer a wizard by default, may take 1 level for 40 pts or 2 for 65 pts
**Cost to mount a Siren Chariot reduced by 15 pts, may no longer mount a Carnal Chariot
**May take barbed claws or paired weapons for 5 pts
**May take Clawed Caress for 15 pts or Dance of Death for 40 pts

* Harbinger Of Pestilence (Herald Of Nurgle)
Chaos got more changes than anyone to their lore, so buckle up. Due to the overlap of Chaos lore, further relevant information may be found in the Warriors Of The Dark Gods entry and to combat article bloat info will mostly be stated once in whichever entry it is more relevant. Fans of these armies are recommended to read both. 
**Cost increased from 90 to 95
**No longer a wizard by default, may take 1 level for 40 pts or 2 for 65 pts
**Cost to mount a Palanquin reduced by 10 pts, may instead mount a Blight Fly for the same cost
**May take a flail for 10 pts or a halberd for 15 pts
**May take Contamination or Bloated Putrefaction for 40 pts

* Harbinger Of Wrath (Herald Of Khorne)
*Daemons no longer have [[N'kari|ran'dom]] [[Ku'Gath|apos'troph'es]] [[Aetaos'Rau'Keres|'in]] [[Amon 'Chakai|thei'r]] [[Be'lakor|n'ames]].
**Cost reduced from 100 to 95
**Has light armor
**May no longer mount an Altar of Slaughter
**May increase Innate Defense to 4+ for 20 pts
**May take Onslaught for 15 pts or Eternal Fury for 40 pts

* The Warp/Realm Of Chaos=Hell, or Hells. There's seven circles, just like Dante's Inferno although the details are quite different. There's no timefuckery, although past/present/future can be viewed.
* Disk Of Change (Disk Of Tzeentch)
**Has Fly (8)

* Blazing Chariot (Burning Chariot of Tzeentch)
* All non-mortal things are called Supernals, which are either gods or lesser beings that usually serve a god. There is no distinction between "Chaos" and "Order" other than intent, [[Archaon|meaning that finding out the divine is just another kind of magic is not a mindfucking revelation]], and its considered a sign of the times just how common Daemons are getting, with organizations outside of sanctioned religions dedicated to studying/fighting them (think Witchers). Chaos is naturally a type of intent, but not the only evil nor is it even responsible for most evil with the influence of Chaos scaled back compared to Warhammer. Daemons are the Supernals who serve the Dark Gods, the Dark Gods are the Dukes of an entity named Father Chaos, and together the Legions of Father Chaos represent everything on the other side of the "Veil" which separates Chaos from the mortal world (which is presumably the realm of Order). Father Chaos has an opposite, Mother Cosmos, who is believed in as a literal goddess by those who fight Daemons exclusively (seems a logical conclusion since Father Chaos is real, and there's no [[Be'lakor|lying assholes claiming there's no Order Gods]]).
**Lost Exalted Fire of Tzeentch, gained Fly (8) and Quick to Fire
**Armed with Searing Firestorm, which can be fire either as a bolt thrower with Range 24", S d3+4, Armor Piercing (6) and Multiple Wounds (d3) or as a volley gun with Range 24", S d3+2 and Multiple Shots (6)

* Steed Of Lust (Steed Of Slaanesh)
* Supernals only have free will so much as no stronger Supernal has given them an order; they are compelled to serve any superior who barks orders at them, unless they are already in the service of a specific Dark God (willingly or by recruitment), with the servants of Father Chaos automatically outranking anyone. While conscription by a Dark God empowers Daemons, or the Father empowers further those already serving a Dark God, it comes at the cost of choice and free will. All Daemons serving the same Dark God are linked to each other, and the shock of a true permanent death is felt throughout the Hells. Mortals can become Supernals either as direct gifts from Dark Gods or by entangling into the high stakes rat race of Daemonic economics and politics, the former usually as a Warrior and the latter as a Conjurer (who does not need to be magically inclined, though it obviously helps).
**Gained Elusive

* Siren Chariot (Seeker Chariot Of Slaanesh)
* Chaos was rarely seen in the world until the seventh age and in the eighth age was beaten back rather than ending the world ([[End Times|GEE, I WONDER WHAT THAT MEANS]]). Despite this there are (Lizardmen) temple reliefs showing Daemons at war with them, and they were involved in the histories of most factions in some way.
**+1 S
**Gained Impact Hits (+1)

* Pestilent Palanquin (Palanquin Of Nurgle)
* As stated, one does not need to be a wizard to summon Daemons. They can manifest anywhere the Veil is weak and there is death of a creature capable of “fear, awe, and madness” which forms the energy they need for their spirit to pass through. The better the being (educated, powerful, noble) the more satisfying the manifestation is to the Daemon and thus the more powerful the Daemon willing to manifest. Their physical form is made up of whatever raw material is around, but sulfur is necessary and a consistent part of the makeup of their bodies; sulfur is like their water, death is like their food. An invocation, the intent rather than any specific magic words or ritual, is simply an invitation drawing the attention of Daemons but due to the simplification of Daemon summoning even an event like an earthquake or flood can summon Daemons. They remain until the death energy that summoned them dissipates, with further sacrifice renewing them (some Daemons seem too stupid to sustain themselves, others cleverly use mundane mortal murder like executions of criminals). Daemon armies require an army of sacrifices to summon in the first place, and must continue to kill entire armies to maintain themselves; as a result true Daemon invasions are rare and short, but can occur without any cult aid when any mortal factions are at war. Daemons can manifest with very little need for death beyond the first sacrifice utilizing Possession in a willing or unwilling host, and can even lurk in a mortal without their knowledge. Most importantly, T9A Daemons can be permanently killed although the methods are very rare. Some Daemons come to appreciate the sense of free will that comes from being temporarily severed from Chaos, and attempt to live as mortals or even oppose Chaos and join the side of Order.
**Type changed from Monstrous Beast to Infantry
**-1 W

* Blight Fly (Rot Fly Of Nurgle)
* There are seven Dark Gods. They represent the seven deadly sins (no, there is no Christianity or other Abrahamic faiths). Rather than four nigh-omnipotent beings desiring and advancing the end of all things, they are more like Fey assholes that fuck with the world for lulz while Father Chaos manipulates them into generalized destruction so he can "be one with Mother Cosmos" (so he wants to fuck the T9A Earth apparently). The nearest comparison is [[The Elder Scrolls|Daedra]] ruled by [[Castlevania]] Dracula. The Dark Gods each focus on positives in mortal existence, tempting and subverting them to a wicked form (for example Sugulag AKA Greed might warp Dwarvish civic duties and industriousness into a [[Shadowrun|dystopia ruled by corrupt elite.]]). Some are hinted to have once been mortals, others as Daemon creations of Father Chaos. The lore treats them less as Lovecraftian eldritch invading monsters from the Id (points if you get that reference) and more of a pantheon of gods.
**Same as the Blight Flies mount (so +1 WS, -1 A, Fear and Fly (6) instead of Hover compared to the original Plague Drone mount)

*Crusher (Juggernaut of Khorne)
* Chaos doesn't seek to destroy the material realm so much as, in the words of a Daemon Prince, "end its order". They indulge their portfolios, but generally don't want to bring an end to all things and as a result are much more involved in the local politics of regions rather than just wanting waves of Chaos Warriors, Beastmen, and Daemons to destroy a civilization once Cults weaken it from within like in Warhammer (although just like the servants they lead into self-destructive paths, the nature of Chaos is one without restraint so the most innocent of Chaos-allied situations ends up a complete wasteland of Daemon cults fighting over what was once a city before Father Chaos steps in and wipes out all survivors among Supernatural and mortal alike). Random Daemon armies still rampage for unknown reasons, but they are rare. Similarly, Daemons don’t always offer Faustian bargains because they’re assholes; sometimes its simply the only end they comprehend, or their only desire to any means. Envy may have you and your neighbor robbed because you asked for them to be brought down to your level, but it also raises up those who did the stealing to the same level as well since that's how Envy operates. Sloth grants knowledge of whatever you want while taking away the desire to do anything with the knowledge, because that’s how they themselves are. Pride, Lust, and Greed just lead you to the natural conclusions of your desires by giving you the means to your ends, the actions and initial invitation being no fault but your own. Rather than the [[Glottkin|mustache-twirling villains chortling about how much they love killin' in the name of Chaos ever since some deadparents origin]] in Warhammer (at least in the later lore), T9A represents more of a Greek tragedy side of Chaos where thanks to some poor choices they are sent into a domino-fall of misfortune all brought about by their own stupidity (like older Warhammer lore) while the audience (and Nukuja) simply watches.
**Lost Brass Behemoth, gained Fear

* Chaos Gods in Warhammer were very obviously evil, technically being made up of all emotions and motivations but most people being stupid and terrible meant that there is only drops of good buried under constant overwhelming evil; metaphorically, Warhammer Chaos is grey morality but is visually so black that nobody can tell the difference. Dark Gods are just as good and evil, but the good doesn’t get buried under the evil so much as the good resulting in the evil, like water and droplets of oil refusing to mix with one sitting on top of the other. The good of the Dark Gods tempts the masses, the evil giving a pathway to greater power for the few and being the road that same few will take the masses down with them as sacrifices (both figuratively and literally). For example, Khorne tempts warriors into RIPANDTEAR berserker “might makes right” assholes right out of the gate, but Vanadra tempts any being into her service by making them into a warrior, believing themselves to be an avenging [[Paladin]] who ends up destroying an increasing roster of people who "wronged" them in some way until there's nobody left.
* Horrors (Pink/Blue Horrors Of Tzeentch)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 80 pts, maximum is 40 at 8 pts per model
**The unit is a Wizard Conclave with the spells Blue Fire and Pink Fire from the Path of Change; for this reason the cost of a champion is 70 pts
**May take firebolts at 2 pts/model
**May no longer have a magic standard, but the standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**If your general is devoted to Change the unit may take Far Seeing at 1 pt/model

* Sirens (Daemonettes Of Slaanesh)
** The leader of the Dark Gods is a single presence called ‘’’“Father Chaos”’’’, and it is only by his will that they unite. He is as Chaos to them as Chaos is to a mortal. He somehow interacted with the Titans before the other Dark Gods existed, and Chaos cultists believe all souls originate from him and will eventually return to him. His actual stated goal is to "tear away the Veil separating him from Mother Cosmos" and "despoil her". Take it as a metaphor or literal as you will.
**Minimum unit size is 15 for 130 pts, maximum is 35 at 11 pts per model
**May no longer have a magic standard, but the standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**If your general is devoted to Lust the unit may take Clawed Caress for 45 pts

* Tallymen (Plaguebearers Of Nurgle)
** ‘’’Savar The Fallen Star’’’: Pride (Khorne + Slaanesh). Seeks to conquer and defeat the most impressive enemies for his own glory, dismissing the weak as unworthy of attention. His Daemon colors are regal blues and purples with symbols of stars, crowns, and heraldry. His Herald is white and wears a crown. His mortal followers are those who feel entitled to more than their station grants, and his path is that of ignorant self-destruction. They are given the ability to elevate themselves and ignore the unworthy, making Savar a god of tyranny over the weak. He tempts the unrecognized, jealous, and ignored who (believe themselves to) possess positive attributes. Savar’s given origin was as a god-king of the mortal world who attempted to enforce his rule over the others (so Savar is possibly another blatant refutation of Age Of Sigmar), and was cast out of their pantheon only to join Chaos instead. He isn’t actually picky about whether or not his followers actually possess positive attributes, instead considering those who praise him as deserving of power and majesty. Those who truly are skilled are converted to him using shame and frustration to lure them into a path of arrogance and selfishness.
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 100 pts, maximum is 30 at 12 pts per model
**May take either Trail of Mucus at 1 pt/model or Parry at 1.5 pts/model
**May no longer have a magic standard, but the standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**If your general is devoted to Pestilence the unit may take Contamination at 2 pts/model

* Slaughterers (Bloodletters Of Khorne)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 100 pts, maximum is 30 at 13 pts per model
**-3 BS
**Lost Innate Defense
**may replace their Blood Sword with Hell Blade and Innate Defense (5+) at 3 pts/model
**May no longer have a magic standard, but the standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**If your general is devoted to Wrath the unit may take Onslaught at 1 pt/model

** ‘’’Kuulima The Lady Of Flies’’’: <strike>Communism</strike> Envy, Nurgle minus the durability. Kuulima minions default to green but in truth they have no consistent color, or even form, as they are described as taking on the form and colors of those who they deceive. Her Herald is similarly without a defined form, its presence heralded by an eclipse and blood moon suddenly happening at the same time as an earthquake when it appears. Her followers are often found among the already diseased, particularly lepers since no inquisitor would bother to police them. Even among Chaos Kuulima is considered mad, and is a metaphorical “fly on the wall” on the plans of others since plots and scheming are also part of her portfolio. Her dogma is “nothing has true value unless compared to all”, and her path is a reactionary one rather than a proactive one. Kuulima tempts the jealous and ignored. Unlike Savar who elevates the worshiper, Kuulima brings enemies down to the level of the supplicant or the masses, although the message of equality is not a rule since some among them use all others as a means for ever-increasing gain. Her symbols are heraldry, armor, and weapons but unlike Savar who creates heraldry and Vanadra who creates wargear, Kuulima’s icons are stolen and mismatched in style. Use of flies as symbols marks her followers more obviously. Its implied in her Primal lore that she wasn’t originally wa Chaos God, coming to power because she desired “one of the god’s great halls”. Kuulima’s current and most active plot is a form of leprosy that infects Elves that an Elf scholar coordinated with her to create and spread before he was caught, despite being a race normally immune to disease, due to him always jealous of the superior looks of his race, and even mortal humans, to himself. She is also the only Dark God to punish the wicked in a form of afterlife by claiming the souls of those who sowed divisiveness in life, cutting them in half but keeping both parts alive, and forcing them to populate her cities full of every imaginable architecture alongside the constantly shapeshifting insectoid Daemons.
* Furies (Chaos Furies)
**Minimum unit size is 7 for 70 pts, maximum is 15 at 10 pts per model
**Gained Fly (10) and Skirmishers

* Igniters (Flamers Of Tzeentch)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 130 pts, maximum is 8 at 25 pts per model
**+1 WS, -1 W
**Firestorm (Flames of Tzeentch lost Warpflame but gained Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots reduced to d3
**In a monotheist army may take Far Seeing at 4 pts/model

* Sky Serpents (Screamers Of Tzeentch)
** ‘’’Vanadra The Adversary’’’: Wrath, Khorne. Vanadra‘s colors are red and black, and she sends her minions to end peace wherever it is found in the mortal world in her negative side of the portfolio, but she also spreads the message of punishing traitors and righting injustices. All that matters is revenge for any sleight real or imagined, and literally all things are worthy sacrifices to that goal. Her Herald has massive wings and never strikes an opponent first, allowing them a single blow before it kills them. Vanadra’s army are vanguards of the Daemon armies of Father Chaos. She tempts the oppressed and ignored as well as those who have been wronged by others, promising either retribution or vengeance. She herself wears armor in her colors, red for fresh blood with black gauntlets as though covered in gore. She uses baboons and lions as symbols. Her origins are a “Primal spurn”, and its impled she lead the slave rebellions against the Saurians (Lizardmen).
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 135 pts, maximum is 6 at 45 pts per model
**Lost Lamprey's Bite, gained Fly (9) and Skirmishers
**Slashing Attack uses the rules for Sweeping Attacks and hits with S3

* Mounted Sirens (Seekers Of Slaanesh)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 85 pts, maximum is 15 at 15 pts per model
**Allowance for magical standards increased to 50 pts
**May take either elusive for 10 pts or barbed claws at 2 pts/model
In a monotheist armies may take Clawed Caress at 2 pts/model

* Siren Chariot (Seeker Chariot Of Slaanesh)
** ‘’’Sugulag The Collector’’’: Greed, Nurgle minus the diseases. His Herald is black as well as large and fat and carries Sugulag’s own weighing scale which he uses to value the souls of mortals like coins. His Daemons are the color of warm precious metals, such as brass and gold. Sugulag tempts the greedy, envious, jealous, and paranoid. Anyone with ambition to gain regardless if by wit or strength. Thieves, raiders, schemers, smugglers, merchants, and so on. Like Kuulima his posessions were taken rather than created, though by all means rather than only by stealing. Sugulag himself even collects mortal objects, claiming whatever is lost for his followers since their property is really HIS property. His symbols are coins chained together, or objects gilded with gold with Daemon iconography, always pointed outwards towards others (or more specifically what they own). Sugulag’s positive is generosity towards the loyal (insert Trump joke here). His Primal origin is as a greedy man obsessed with money, who offended the mortal realm gods by moving on to collecting and trading in souls. He’s also something of a prankster, distributing cursed coins in the mortal realm which inspire intense all-consuming insane greed in those who possess them, which can easily be passed on to another person...once they have lost everything else.
**Cost reduced from 110 to 100
**Crew may take barbed claws for 10 pts
**In a monotheist army may take Clawed Caress for 5 pts
**See mounts section for other changes

* Clawed Fiends (Fiends Of Slaanesh)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 100 pts, maximum is 6 at 50 pts per model
**+1 WS, -1 I
**Lost Soporific Musk, gained Fear
**May take paired weapons at 5 pts/model or barbed claws at 10 pts/model
**In a monotheist army may take Clawed Caress at 5 pts/model

* Pestilent Beasts (Beasts Of Nurgle)
** ‘’’Nukuja The Sleeper’’’: Sloth, Tzeentch with some Nurgle themes. Her Herald is described as pale (and depicted as a white bird covered in dust and cobwebs) with the face of a Strix (a mythological bird from Greek myth which heralds doom) and bears the symbol of the Eye of Nukuja which it all covers with its vulture wings (so its a Lord Of Change). It is described as merely standing and channeling great magic while watching events or showing mortals what they want to see as if they themselves were present. Her colors are dirty white and any kind of rust. Nukuja foretells doom and destruction, and she sees all things that unfold and can predict accurately the deaths of mortals. Her followers watch it unfold, surviving until it comes. She tempts the grim, hopeless, fearful, and curious. Her symbol is the locust as well as anything timeless, and her followers use antique gear which is fully functional despite the appearance of rust and neglect. Her positive trait is that she does not cause any misery, merely foretells it and watches it pass by. Her Daemons are considered amiable, granting whatever sights are requested because they rarely have need of any boon in return, and have the patience for even minor complaining if a summoner just wants someone to listen to their stories. They have immense power but rarely any reason to use it, being removed from the squabbles and politics of the rest of Chaos other than observing and providing information. She lacks a Primal origin, instead being “witness to the first awakening” implying either to have never been a mortal, or to have been a created mortal by the Titans and witness (or mother?) to the first natural birth. Her followers revere her because of her knowledge, with no implication she will share it but instead that her devoted are companions who observe what she does with the same patience.
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 120 pts, maximum is 6 at 60 pts per model
**Has 4 attacks instead of d6+1
**Lost Attention Seeker, gained Fear, Regeneration increased to 4+
**In a monotheist army may take Contamination at 7 pts/model

* Plaguelings (Nurglings)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 75 pts, maximum is 5 at 30 pts per model
**+1 W and A, -1 S and I
**Gained Vanguard
**In a monotheist army may take Contamination at 3 pts/model

* Hellhounds (Flesh Hounds Of Khorne)
[[File:Akaan.jpeg|thumb|right|400px|Akaan, appearing as Slaanesh’s vore/inflation fetish]]
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 130 pts, maximum is 10 at 23 pts per model
**Cost of Ambush increased by 1 pt
**may Increase Innate Defense to 4+ at 6 pts/model
**In a monotheist army may take Onslaught at 3 pts/model

* Crusher Cavalry (Bloodcrushers Of Khorne)
** ‘’’Akaan The Devourer’’’: Gluttony, Nurgle minus the diseases with Slaanesh themes. Akaan was somehow born disfigured and as a result he made a “Primal pledge” to consume all beautiful things. His followers preach that ugliness is a blessing, all forms of restraint to physical appetite is HERESY, and all things will eventually submit for consumption for Akaan’s satisfaction. Akaan’s Herald is a creature with a toothed mouth which has no mind, merely consuming and growing fat off its eternal feast. His followers spread hunger and sow ruin in their wake, as curses lead peasants to consume all stores of food and animals before turning on each other, the dead rapidly consumed by bacteria as if in fast-forward. Akaan’s colors are the darker shades of brown and green, the colors of rot. Tempts those of all physical appetites. They are drawn into a spiral of indulgence, twisting into new forms as they seek constant gratification. Blood, drink, and flesh; all physical hungers. They destroy all beauty in their appetites, leaving nothing behind. His followers leave their mouths exposed in armor and clothing, and are disfigured by his blessings which take the form of disease. The lamprey is his symbol.
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 160 pts, maximum is 5 at 60 pts per model
**Lost Brass Behemoth, gained Fear
**May replace blood swords with hellblades and Innate Defense (5+) at 10 pts/model
**In a monotheist army may take Onslaught at 3 pts/model

* Daemon Engine (Soul Grinder)
**Cost reduced from 250 to 230
**One of A Kind
**+1 BS and W, -1 T
**Lost harvester Cannon, Terror, Caught by the Iron Claw and Implacable Advance, gained Crush Attack
**may no longer take any of its old weapon options
**Marks are optional and they all cost 10 pts
**may take paired weapons for 20 pts
**may take one of the following artillery weapons:
***Hellish Reaper: 20 pts, volley gun with Range 12", S4, Armor Piercing (3), Multiple Shots (2d6)
***Hellish Bolt: 35 pts, bolt thrower with Range 48", S6, Armor Piercing (6), Multiple Wounds (d3)
***Hellish Bombard: 40 pts, 3" catapult with Range 12-60" S3(9) (Multiple Wounds (Ordnance))
***Hellish Breath: 40 pts, flame thrower with Range 8", S4, Flaming Attacks, ignores the -1 modifier on the misfire table

* Blazing Chariot (Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch)
** Cibaresh The Tempter: Lust, pure Slaanesh. Cibaresh’s colors are shades of violet and blue, and her Daemons steal souls from the mortal world who’s lust and indulgence catches her attention. Her Herald is a massive golden Daemon who’s scythe hands hum and remove the cares from those it tends to, while lesser Daemons have golden cat-like eyes. While Slaanesh's Daemonettes tend to lean female while possessing an intentionally unpleasant 50/50 male/female appearance (or at least in modern art and models), Cibaresh's Daemons skew more towards one or the other while maintaining a more attractive androgyny (so basically Cibaresh is more the god of traps than Slaanesh). Cibaresh tempts sadists, masochists, the lusty, the indulgent, and any corrupters who draw others into their aberrancy, although those in need of comfort like the destitute or the oppressed are equally drawn to Cibaresh. They push the senses of their foes and the innocent to the limit until they join Cibaresh. Ordinary folk are indulged in ways their meager earnings cannot afford and their culture/lifestyle forbids, with any sort of fun and celebration being Cibaresh’s positives. Cibaresh enjoys temptation of all beings, leading them away from their convictions onto new paths. Her followers wear masks which are mostly beautiful and all unsettling, and they display lips and tongues as their iconography. Despite all the skills of Cibareshi in outmaneuvering their foes, random unthinking shrieking berserker rages can provide enough defense to survive in combat against them. Cibrash owns a place in the mortal realm, in a Shangri-La-like valley nestled in white mountains where her followers of all races indulge in their pleasure alongside Daemonic servants so long as they spend several months each year as a missionary of Cibaresh's cult. The Primal origin of Cibaresh is less clear, stated to have been born of “pure desire, the Father for the Mother” implying an asexual birth from Father Chaos. His ultimate goal is even less clear, “seeking to recreate that Primal spark, Lord of all lightning”.
**Cost reduced from 150 to 135
**May no longer take Blue Horrors crew
**In a monotheist army may take Far Seeing for 10 pts
**See mounts section for other changes

* Shrine Of Temptation (Exalted Seeker Chariot Of Slaanesh)
Each Dark God has two Daemons associated solely with them, other than Father Chaos who has one. A number of unaligned Daemons exist as well which are drawn into service by any Dark God but on their own have a kind of independence. It should be noted that unlike in Warhammer where Chaos Gods gave shape to Daemons as smaller extensions of their will the Daemons of T9A are preexisting, with some simply attuned to specific types of vice and thus automatically in the service of the corresponding Dark God. Chaos Gods have unintelligent animals and weapons/machines which are possessed by Daemons, while Dark Gods simply have Daemons that resemble machinery and their animals are as intelligent as any other Daemon. As a representative of a Dark God any Daemon can make deals with mortals, and react differently when granted the independence of possession or being trapped in the mortal world.
**Cost reduced from 220 to 180
**Chariot lost 3 Wounds but gained +1 S and T, Temptress (Exalted Alluress) has +1 BS
**Has Impact Hits (+3) instead of 2d6+1
**Temptress may take a Lash of Lust for 15 pts
**Crew may take barbed claws for 20 pts
**May take Aura of Ecstasy for 15 pts (this model and all other Daemons of Lust in the same combat gain Lightning Reflexes)
**In a monotheist army may take Clawed Caress for 15 pts

* Carnal Chariot (Hellflayer Of Slaanesh)
All Daemons are described as having far more forms than the standardized Warhammer Daemons so kitbashing or proxying is expected, but each have unifying identifiers. The closest corresponding GW model will be identified for each below.
**Cost reduced from 130 to 110
**Oracle (Exalted Alluress) has -2 A
**Gained Impact Hits (+1)
**Lost Soulscent, gained "Soulreaper" (functions the same as Soulscent, but also causes Impact Hits to have Armor Piercing (6))
**Crew may take barbed claws for 15 pts
**In a monotheist army may take Clawed Caress for 10 pts

* Blight Flies (Plague Drones Of Nurgle)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 170 pts, maximum is 5 at 60 pts per model
**Riders have +1 WS, BS and A, mounts have +1 WS -1 A
**Lost Hover, gained Fly (6) and Fear
**May no longer take Death's Heads, Plague Proboscis or Venom Sting
**Allowance for magical standards increased to 50 pts
**In a monotheist army may take Contamination at 5 pts/model

* Blood Chariot (Skull Cannon Of Khorne)
**Cost increased from 135 to 165
**Drawn by a Crusher
**Lost Daemon Engine, Gorefeast and Implacable Advance, gained Magic Resistance (1), Impact Hits (+1) and Fear
**Must choose between two options: the Incinerator is a normal flamethrower that also gives the model the Fireborn special rule; the Brass Cannon is only available if the general is a Daemon of Wrath, is a d6" cannon and gained Armor Piercing (2) and it suffer the normal penalty for moving and shooting if the chariot only pivots
**In a monotheistic army may take Onslaught for 10 pts

* Altar Of Slaughter (Blood Throne Of Khorne)
**No longer available as a mount, only as a stand-alone Rare unit costing 180 pts
{|border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0
**Drawn by a Crusher, crewed by 2 Slaughterers and one Doombringer with +1 A
|- align=left
**Chariot gained +1 T
! Daemon
**Lost Daemon Engine, Gorefeast and Totem of Endless Bloodletting, gained Magic Resistance (2), Impact Hits (+1) and Fear
! Dark God
**May take Blood Feast for 15 pts (every time this model successfully charges all Daemons of Wrath in the same combat gain Frenzy for one round)
! Base Size
**In a monotheistic army may take Onslaught for 15 pts
! Games Workshop Model Proxy
! Modeling Notes
! Fluff
| Omens || Savar || 50x50 || [[Daemon Prince]] || Random animals+Daemonic features, all with horns like crowns. || Masters of both combat and treacherous dealmaking, but also are easily fooled in combat and conversation due to disdain and overconfidence.
| Throne Of Overwhelming Splendor || Savar || 50x100 || Any Chariot || Consists of the rider, Chassis, and “Writhing Majesties” steeds, and can fly || The mount option for Omens.
| Blazing Glories || Savar || 50x50 || [[Bloodletters]]/Warriors Of Chaos/Beastmen || Random assortment of Daemonic/human features, all bearing flaming crowns. || Their power comes from their perfection; the moment they are actually struck they start to lose their power. Glories recognize the great deeds of mortals, encouraging and rewarding greatness in Savar’s name.
| Decievers || Kuulima || 25x25 || Anything, kitbash proportion issues encouraged || Resemble exaggerated parodies of any mortals they are facing with oversized and overcompensating weapons, but in their true form have (usually) bipedal insectoid Daemonic forms with bright coloration. || Among the most clever Daemons, and easily drive their company to madness during negotiation.
| Mageblight Gremlins || Kuulima || 40x40 || [[Nurgling]]s || Fat and squishy, but not rotting. || Obsessed with magic and hateful towards mortals that use it. Poor negotiators, easily enslaved by any non-magical mortal.
| Scourges || Vanadra || 50x100 || [[Bloodthirsters]] || Their weapons are not possessed by Daemons, but are actual lesser Daemons forced into weapon shape. || Their bloodlust exponentially rises the longer they fight. Cannot be reasoned with until it gets to kill some shit.
| Brazen Beasts || Vanadra || 50x75 || [[Juggernaut]] || None || The monster is the master, the rider is an Imp hitching a ride into battle. Cannot be reasoned with in the mortal plane due to everything non-Daemonic enraging them; can be reasoned with only on their home plane, or controlled by a superior Daemon while in the mortal world.
| Misers || Sugulag || 50x100 || [[Great Unclean One]]/Ogres || Fat and rotting but not maggot-riddled disease-spreaders, nor in as advanced decay as most Nurgle models. Have armor, but kay not be physical and literal armor. || Brute enforcers sent to confiscate treasure and lives.
| Hoarders || Sugulag || 40x40 || [[Plague Toads]] || Any kind of Daemonic beast that travels close to the ground. || Slither along the ground, taking anything of value they pass over with them. Can be generous with their boons to those who are generous with their treasure although the exponential charge for services results in their business partners becoming their slaves.
| Sentinels || Nukuja || 50x100 || [[Lord of Change]] || Have inky black eyes and staffs. If they have the Strixian Spirit upgrade they are larger and can Fly. || Lean on staffs so as to expend as little energy as possible. Are present to watch battles rather than participate, utilizing unimaginable magical power only when their observations are hindered or interrupted. Can stop time with a screech for a short period to reposition themselves, fly to witness events from desired angles, or are carried by magic or other Daemons so as to use less energy.
| Throne Of The Oracle || Nukuja || 50x100 || Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch || Sentinel mount
| Hope Harvesters || Nukuja || 50x100, Engine Of Damnation upgrade is 150x100 || [[Mortis Engine]]/Treant/[[Mutalith Vortex Beast]]/[[Feculent Gnarlmaw]] || Appear in various forms like wheeled machines, structures, or walking trees. || Exude an aura of helplessness to mortals and Daemons alike. In the mortal world slowly Harvesters tear up all things in their path and emanate invisible shards of magic in a radius around itself, being essentially a sped-up (but still slow and lumbering) representation of time itself destroying all things.
| Maws || Akaan || 150x100 || [[Beast of Nurgle]]/[[Mutalith Vortex Beast]]/[[Chaos Spawn]] || Random forms which are united only in having a gigantic mouth full of barbed teeth. || Consume everything around them until they explode.
| Bloat Flies || Akaan || 50x75 || [[Rot Fly]] || There may or may not be riders, and what may look like a rider could actually be just a growth. || Cowardly when cornered, and will attempt to bargain to be spared rather than sent back to the other side of the Veil.
| Courtesans || Cibaresh || 50x100 || [[Keeper of Secrets]] || Must have at least one extra limb, tentacles,  and something sharp to attack with. || Tall, come in a myriad of elegant forms both human, Daemonic, and bestial, and LOOOOOOOVE to cut things.
| Sirens || Cibaresh || 25x50 || [[Seekers of Slaanesh]] || None || Mount and rider evolved to the form and rhythm of each other allowing mount to move like a ballerina among enemies while the rider strikes at anything in any direction without becoming unbalanced; Sirens are quick to surrender and offer information when captured, although their high pitch voice and excited babbling make them difficult to understand.
| Harbingers || Father Chaos || 25x25 || Chaos Lord/[[Slambo]] || Must fit on a 25mmx25mm base (unless mounted), must have Father Chaos’s symbol (infinity with a dot above and below) it displayed prominently. || Take an array of shapes but always appearing as a hardened warrior. Act as the bannermen for the Father’s united Daemon Legions ([[Meme|roll credits]]). Weaker than servants of Dark Gods, but control them absolutely. Follow only the Father, do not bargain with mortals.
| Great Beast Of Prophesy || Father Chaos || 50x75 || Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount || Harbinger mount, can upgrade to Fly
| Pale Horse || Father Chaos || 25x50 || Chaos Lord On Steed Of Slaanesh || Harbinger mount
| Burning Wheel || Father Chaos || 50x50 || Chaos Lord On Disc Of Tzeentch || Harbinger mount
| Dark Pulpit || Father Chaos || 50x50 || Palanquin || Harbinger mount
| Hellhounds || Any || 25x50 || [[Flesh Hound]]/Dire Wolves || None || Used by all large Daemon armies ahead of the main force. Bred for eons to be the ultimate fear-causer to the most primal ancestral memories of mortals.
| Lemures || Any || 25x25 || [[Plaguebearers]]/Zombies/[[Ghoul]]s/lumps of Greenstuff || None || Resemble the dead, dying of disease, or just sentient flesh blobs. Almost impossible to kill due to tough hides and amazing regeneration, although a limestone water soak works. Cannot be bargained with due to having unknown intentions or desires, seen by commoners as representative of the inevitability of death.
| Titanslayer Chariots || Any || 50x100 || [[Blood Throne]] || None || The chariot itself is the Daemon, the riders are just along for the ride. It simply appears on the battlefield charging at the biggest and strongest foe with no other discernible motives, leaving once nothing remains that offends it.
| Eidolons || Any || 25x25 || [[Flamers of Tzeentch]] || None || Magic incarnate; float as if there is no gravity, changing colors and shapes as they go. Fire flames called “Dark Fire” out of openings which destroy lesser beings and in ones of stronger will it causes the unpleasant parts their life to flash before their eyes. Will cast spells to destroy ones that survive the fire if their masters demand, but otherwise they will simply wander off. Travel in groups in order to lend their magic to the alpha among them, but can be isolated and trapped in boxes that can be carried around and deployed by any being that can survive the fire as a means of escape from foes.
| Succubi || Any || 25x25 || [[Daemonettes]] || None || Travel in large groups, joking and gossiping as they butcher individuals one at a time with hundreds of slices from both weapons and blade limbs in rapid succession as they destroy entire units of foes. Attempts at negotiation are frustrating as they do not appear alone and prefer to make subtle jokes and giggle at it than actually strike any bargains.
| Imps || Any || 25x25 || [[Horror]], Chaos Familiars, any || None || Imps range from desktop homunculi to massive elemental spirits to to blobs of raw magic to Daemonic animals, although usually resemble Daemonic Goblins. All throw or spit fire, and are more interested in [[Meme|BURNINATING THE COUNTRYSIDE than BURNINATING ALL THE PEOPLES.]] They can be made to serve, but are mischievous and even during bargaining inside a summoning circle will scorch the ground around them.
| Veil Serpents || Any || 40x40 || [[Screamers of Tzeentch]]/[[Idoneth Deepkin]] beasts || Seem to have no sensory organs, visually somewhere between aquatic creature+serpent+worm. || Travel in groups, always homing in on prey to consume. Cast spells as a group to weaken their victims. According to the (Cathayans) they feed primarily on religious leaders, are the Daemonic reflection of Dragons. Simple additional sacrifices are enough to deter them, and they may even aid mortals if they encounter an impressive individual.
| Furies || Any || 25x25 || [[Fury|Furies]] || None || These fucks still don’t get any credit seeing as they only have a story entry and lack the description box all other Daemons have.
| Threshing Engines || Any || Base size 50x100, Horde upgrade 100x100, Legion upgrade 100x150 || Any Slaanesh Chariots || None || Come in all shapes and sizes, crewed by various lesser Daemons. Once again the vehicle itself is the master, with the crew as companions although its unclear if the beasts pulling it share a mind or are also just tagalongs. Have energetic personalities, and a fixation on sharp objects.
| Clawed Fiends || Any || 40x40 || [[Fiends of Slaanesh]] || Described as centaur/scorpion hybrids, so maybe ditch the anteater head for a greenstuff ball with multiple eyes. || If you’ve ever read Of Mice And Men, these have the personality of Lennie. Evil Elves can feed them enough magic to keep them in the mortal world long term and train them as mounts, while any summoner capable of summoning them can glean any information the Fiend knows without a bargain and with no difficulty due to their constant craving of attention and praise. In battle they don’t intend to hurt their victims, and just don’t understand their strength or what their claws are doing. Or that their friends aren’t just sleeping as they set off in search of friends who aren’t.
| Myrmidons || Any || 25x25 || Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Space marines with melee weapons, Stormcast Eternals, any armored models || Resemble soldiers, reptilian/insectoid/caprine Daemons, or even statues of Elves and humans. Come mostly in black, sometimes red. || The most Order that Chaos gets, their units share a hivemind linked to other units of Myrmidons, granting them capable of complex military strategies. As a group they are nightmarishly difficult to negotiate a decent pact for a mortal, but individuals are confused and easy to manipulate.


==Dread Elves (Dark Elves)==
==Dread Elves (Dark Elves)==
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Dark Elf lore.

===Army Rules===
On every coast, in every port, the sighting of black sails is met with instant horror. Theirs is a name well earned from centuries of reaving and slaving, sparing none who fall beneath their whips. Feel the chains of fear upon your heart, with the approach of the Dread Elves.
The Republic of Dathen in Silexia represents the largest dominion of Dread Elves, a hotbed of politics and intrigue centred upon the Obsidian Thrones within the Tower of Gar Daecos. Religion too shapes this society, and the most powerful cults dominate both civilian and military life. Perhaps the greatest weapon of fear in the arsenal of the Dread Elves is the Menagerie: a collection of monstrous creatures which the Daeb bend to their will.

The Dread Elves often use a mixed arms approach. That means a mixture of short and long range shooting with different combat elements and magic support. They can also focus on a main infantry unit, supporting it with several smaller units to make sure it gets the combat it wants. A completely different approach is to play a mixture of minimum sized units of elite infantry, or monsters, or hard hitting cavalry and chariots. A lot of mobile shooting can also be used to "dance" around the Opponent while Shooting their units
====Magic Items====

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* Have established a republic

==Dwarven Holds (Dwarfs)==
==Dwarven Holds (Dwarfs)==
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Dwarf lore.
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* Dwarvish history begins while enslaved by the Lizardmen. Alongside humans, Ogres, Elves, and Orcs they rebelled after a great comet fell.
* Dwarves and Elves ruled the T9A Old World, although most Elves took to the sea and colonized the western continents. Western Dwarves controlled the White Mountains (Worlds Edge Mountains). Humans established far-off kingdoms in T9A Cathay and T9A Nehekhara. Dwarves in the east formed friendly relations with the Dwarves of the west. Dwarves found conflict with Wood Elves over logging.
===Army Rules===
* T9A Beastmen suddenly appeared and tried to destroy civilization while the Orcs betrayed the other races and waged war on them. Dwarves called on humans and Elves for aid, but both were too involved in their own wars.
* Dwarves hid in their Holds and tried to survive until Avras, T9A Rome, was founded by a living goddess Sunna who allied with the Dwarves. After Sunna ascended the Dwarves reclaimed territory and built a giant wall for Avras.
* T9A Skaven appeared and conquered Avras before turning against the Dwarves.
* East Dwarves AKA T9A Chaos Dwarves, the Infernal Dwarves. turned to experimenting with magic, burning their homeland and opening a hole into the realm of the evil gods which let Daemons into the world. The forces of destruction fought each other while the Dwarves of the west hid.
* Sunna returned and reclaimed Avras by leading the refugees (T9A Empire, T9A Bretonnia).
====Magic Items====
* Dwarves want to work with the other races to bring back the second age, but are wary of the other races even if they know its the only way to survive.
* Norse Dwarfs are now Jotin Dwarfs, and are fantastically wealthy albeit entirely isolated thanks to the many dangers between them and any trade partners. A small number of Jotun Dwarfs who attempted to forge a trade route between them and Avras were unable to find their Hold when they returned, and have spent many years roaming in bands among the peaks atop their [[bear cavalry|tamed bear mounts]], shunning contact from all others including other Dwarfs out of shame. One is named, Gorik Bearblood, who has gone mute.

==Empire Of Sonnstahl (The Empire)==
==Empire Of Sonnstahl (The Empire)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Empire.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Empire lore.
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* The first western human civilization was Avras, basically Rome, which connected the east and west. Avras was founded by the god empress Sunna, who wields a sword called Sonnstahl.
* Avras united with Dwarves to fight the T9A Beastmen, and after victory Sunna ascended to the Veil and the Dwarves built a wall to protect Avras from external threats. But ratmen appeared from unknown places and conquered Avras from within and below (ratmen are not a myth).
===Army Rules===
* Refugees and escaped slaves gathered and rejoiced when Sunna returned to lead them in the eighth age. Her generals were Warin (Askar, renamed Sonnstahl), Uther (Equitaine), Genoveva (Destria), and Arcaleone (Glauca and Aeturi, renamed Arcaleone).
* Arcaleone died battling the (Horned Rat). Warin stabbed Sunna with a magic blade given to him by (Skaven) in an attempt to save his people. Sunna stabbed (Horned Rat) with it, and both died. As gods this is only a temporary state of not existing in the mortal world.
* Sunna's companions reclaimed Avras then headed west to found kingdoms. Warin's people were honored despite his treachery, becoming the most devout worshipers of her. They call themselves Sonnstahl, after Sunna's holy sword.
* Sonnstahl has since been taught technology by the Dwarves, and have become world explorers, scientists, wizards, and recemtly a colonial power by setting up settlements in the southern western continent of Virentia where T9A Lizardmen dwell.
* They have recently royally (no pun intended) pissed off the (Tomb Kings) by buying artifacts including a mummy from traders. He was a king. His wife used archeologists looking for where he came from to discover where he was being held and is mounting an invasion to rescue him.
====Magic Items====
* The Colleges Of Magic are now the Society Of Eichtal. It is a private organization dedicated to the study of advanced magic outside of what standard schools of magic, philosophy, history, and sciences in the Empire offer. <strike>The Q&A lore sage once applied to join but was turned down after rejecting the use of miniature portals into the (Warp) for a power source. </strike> LIES AND SLANDER, DID HABERMANN PUT YOU UP TO THIS?!

An April Fool’s 2020 army that was revealed the day after to be an official supplement, albeit one illegal for tourneys.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Giant lore.
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* Giants used to rule Vetia but were overthrown by humans

==Higborn Elves (High Elves)==
==Highborn Elves (High Elves)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Highborn Elves.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to High Elf lore.
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* Elves were among the humans, Dwarves, Ogres, and Orcs who rebelled against the T9A Lizardmen when a comet came down at the dawn of time.
* Although they left settlements in Vetia, most Elves took to sea and settled their own lands. The Highborn reside on the island continent of Celeda Ablan.
===Army Rules===
* After getting into a civil war with the Dread Elves of Silexia, they lost control of their Vetian settlements, their human vassals, and disregarded their mutual defense oaths with Dwarves. Still the dominant naval power, they vie for control with the Dread Elves.
* They allow humans to visit their universities. Elven professors are about as dickish as you can imagine. 
* Their gods are named  Amhar, Meritaur, Meladys, Amryl and Nab.
* Some Highborn Elves called the "Masters Of Canrac" are attempting to return to the ways of the Sylvan Elves, claiming that the misery of the later Ages is the fault of Highborn culture and that they have been blessed by the gods for their ways. The rest of the Highborn label them as "Apostates" but haven't kicked them out of society.
* There is an ongoing saga of how pride destroys great Elves. In ancient times five Elven Princes were so superior that the god Dorac (AKA not!Vaul) created suits of divine armor engraved in images of Elven superiority, which empowered them to greatness until their arrogance was so much that they challenged a bronze-skinned barbarian warlord known for killing royalty. Their armor was destroyed along with the owners with their names being forgotten (the legend is literally called "Forgotten Kings"), and in the terrible misery of later Ages the first Prince of Ryma (AKA not!Caledor) prayed to Dorac to forge the remains of the armor back into a single suit. The story repeated itself, with the wearer becoming better and better until he was killed due to arrogance. The suit wasn't destroyed, and instead was given to the queen of the Highborn. Every year she selects a champion, who wears it for a year, preventing the story from repeating itself.
====Magic Items====


==Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs)==
==Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Chaos Dwarfs.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Chaos Dwarf lore.
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* Infernal Dwarves were slaves to the (Lizardmen) and rebelled when a comet fell.  
*The Lore of Hashut is now the Path of the Forge.
* They were kept separate from the other races and only reunited with western Dwarves in the second age.  
*Flames of Anger is the new lore attribute. It makes one enemy unit within 18" Flammable for one turn.
* They built ziggurats like those of the (Lizardmen) for homes in the steppes of Augea rather than mountains like the west Dwarves.  
*Shield of Dark Fire is the new signature spell. It grants one friendly unit within 12" either Magical Attacks and Flaming Attacks or -1 to wound for enemies, and lasts until dispelled. The augmented version grants both effects. Cast on a 6+/11+.
* After the invasion of (Skaven and Beastmen) plus the betrayal of Orcs and Goblins, both races of Dwarves were forced to defend their homes.  
*Burning Rage (/Wrath) had its range increased to 12" and its cast value reduced to 5+/11+.
* Rather than hide in their homes and pray for allies (AKA wait for death) like the western Dwarves, the eastern Dwarves chose to take control. They created a massive magical power source called the Inferno, then began wiping out the destructive races.  
*Subjugation no longer needs a Leadership test to work and its casting value was lowered to 7+.
* In time the magic of Chaos rendered them into a slave-taking culture on the side of destruction rather than against it, attacking even their western kin.  
*Breath of Hatred is no longer a signature spell, it now lets the target reroll all to hit rolls in close combat but its casting value has been increased to 7+ and it can no longer be augmented.
* The Inferno caused worldwide natural disasters, tearing reality and the Veil which allowed Daemons to invade the world which put all races of order on the losing backfoot in the seventh age.  
*Curse of Darkness (/of Hashut) had its cast value reduced to 9+.
* The modern Infernal Dwarves are more amiable, encouraging diplomats and trade though foreigners are VERY susceptible to the rivalries of internal conflicts, undercutting alliances that in theory benefit the entire civilization but in practice tip the balance of power within Infernal Dwarf society. Well-loved figures could suddenly be imprisoned on obviously false charges and worked to death before their case can be heard, falsified documents can lead to requested military support being attacked as if they are an enemy, and so on. Any outsiders who manage to figure out and work within their ways are given a great deal of respect.  
*Chocking Ash (Ash Storm) no longer makes the target Flammable or causes them to treat all terrain as difficult. The target can still charge, thought only half the distance, and wizards can still cast spells within 12". It's cast value has been reduced to 11+, and it can be cast with a value of 14+ to increase the range to 48".
* The major religions of the Infernal Dwarves are integrated into all aspects of society as faiths compete over control of single sectors, resulting in those sectors opposing others; control of courts can spill into open conflict between two temples, the victor taking on the ability of a city to even manage trade as the third temple’s control of the docks is dealt with.
*Flames of the Forge (/of Azgohr) has a max range of 36", had its Strength reduced to 5 and no longer has a chance to slay the model under the center outright. Its casting value has been reduced to 14+ and it can be increased to 17+ to increase its Strength to 7.
* In spite of the relative chaos, Infernal Dwarves adhere to the concept of law (even if only in concept) rigidly in everything from how they undergo their fights to Daemonic dealings; a surrendering force may benefit more economically than a victorious one due to the contract negotiated and the fight may have started with that in mind. Their society is always in flux, never changing from the outside even if changing constantly in every single way.
* In addition to the extensive and brutal slavery, there’s also a more Roman style for slaves of particular skill who have some rights and can free themselves for good behavior though that’s limited to the general changing rules and loopholes, and shifting fortune and disposition of their master.
===Army Rules===
* Non-Infernal Dwarfs can achieve citizenship, and are treated as near equals if not complete equals in most non-noble levels of society. This includes races normally treated as inferiors like Giants who are afforded education equal to their capacity to learn.
*As with normal dwarfs, Relentless has been changed so that it lets infantry units triple their movement when marching instead of doubling. This also applies to situations when a move is limited to twice a unit's movement like Wheeling and Reforming.
* After a tour of military service Infernal Dwarves can and do serve as mercenaries throughout the world, and as individuals or in armies will fight for anyone who can afford them.
*Contempt has been replaced with Chosen of Ashuruk. Models with it automatically pass Fear rolls and treat all models without it as Insignificant. If they have the Engineer rule they cannot use it on models without Chosen of Ashuruk.
* Taurukhs (Bull Centaurs) serve as police.
*Resolute is gone, replaced with Sturdy. It grants models Thunderous Charge and lets them ignore the -1 penalty for Stand and Shoot.
*Daemonsmith and Sorcere's Curse are gone, Infernal Engineer has been replaced with normal Engineer.
* A Dwarf character in a short story has black skin and red eyes, like Dark Iron Dwarves from Warcraft. Its unspecified if this is what all Infernal Dwarves look like, if this can occur in ordinary Dwarves, or if it pertains only to this particular Dwarf. But it exists.
*Blazing Body has become Volcanic Embrace. It no longer gives enemies a penalty to wound the model, but now also makes all the model's attacks Flaming, including special attacks like Impact Hits.
*Burning Bright has become Shackles of Fire. It now works with a Leadership test and if there is at least one friendly wizard on the field the unit suffers 1 wound instead of d3. It also forces enemies to reroll 6s to wound against the model now.
*Animosity has been replaced with Unruly. It gives a -1 penalty on Frenzy tests and rolls to restrain Pursuit, and it also lets units in Horde formation roll an additional die and discard the highest on Leadership tests.
*Daemonic Infusion: a war machine with this special rule has Magical Attacks and any Panic test it causes through 25% casualties is taken with a -1 penalty.
*Opportunist: models on foot with this special rule have +1 to hit when attacking an enemy unit in the flanks or rear.
*The Hailshot Blunderbuss, Naphtha Bombs, Blood of Hashut and Darkforged Weapon are no longer a thing.
*Blunderbuss: Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 4, Quick to Fire.
Wall of Lead: When firing this weapon in the Shooting Phase, the player may choose to use it in the following way
instead of firing normally: Range 8”, Strength 4, Reload! .Do not calculate the number of shots or roll to hit as normal. Instead, any model that is straight in front of one or more models with this weapon, within the weapon’s range and within Line of Sight of the unit is a potential target. Roll a D6 for each potential target model. On a roll of 6+ the model is hit. Add a +1 to hit for each Full Rank in the shooting unit after the first. If any friendly unit or a unit Engaged in Combat is a potential target, then the ability cannot be used. This Shooting Attack may be used even if the unit has Marched.
*Ensorcelled Weapon, Darkshard Armor and Fireglaive renamed to Infernal Weapon, Infernal Armor and Flintlock Axe.
====Magic Items====
*Onyx Hammer: 55/50 pts, magic hand weapon that strikes with +2 S and gains Multiple Wounds (d3) against Flammable models.
*Blade of Burning Steel: 25 pts, magic hand weapon with Armour Piercing (1), can be activated once per game to gain Metalshifting for one round.
*Mask of the Furnace: 30 pts, magic armor, 6+ save, wearer gains Fireborn and a S3 Breath Weapon.
*Ring of Dessiccation: 45 pts, talisman, all enemies in base contact with the wearer are Flammable. The wearer also counts as a wizard for the purpose of Shackles of Fire.
*Steel Skin: 15 pts, talisman, user is immune to Lethal Strike and Poisoned Attacks.
*Vial of Quicksilver: 45 pts, one use enchanted item, the user's unit gains +2 I and Lightning Reflexes for one round but the user suffers a wound with no saves allowed.
*Gauntlets of Madzhab: 10 pts, enchanted item, user has +1 S but every to hit roll of 1 hits his own unit.
*Besheluk's Mechanism: 25 pts, arcane item, every Augment spell cast on a unit with Shackles of Fire also restores 1 wound.
*Banner of the Brazen Bull: 40 pts, magic standard, infantry only, unit gains Vanguard and all friendly Unruly units within 12" reroll failed Panic tests.
*Banner of Nezibkesh: 25 pts, magic standard, all special close combat attack against the unit are at half strength.
*Prophet (Sorcerer-prophet)
**Cost reduced from 265 to 200
**-1 WS, A and Ld
**Can take the Path of Shadows
**May choose between Wizard Level 4 for 30 pts (was 35) or Engineer for 25 pts
**May take either an infernal weapon for 10 pts or a flintlock axe for 8 pts
**Cost to mount a Bull of Shamuth or Lamassu reduced by 5 and 50 respectively, may no longer mount a Great Bull of Shamuth
**New choice
**Costs 125 pts
**Same stats as a Vizier but with +1 WS, W, I, A and Ld
**Has Infernal Armor, Chosen of Ashuruk, Relentless and Sturdy
**Fan the Flames: the Overlord and any unit he joins gain Hatred
**May take up to 125 pts of magical items instead of the usual 100
**May take a shield for 3 pts and/or a pistol for 5 pts
**May take one weapon: flintlock axe for 10 pts, great weapon for 15 pts or infernal weapon for 20 pts
**May mount a Bull of Shamuth for 140 pts or a Great Bull of Shamuth for 270 pts
*Magus (Daemonsmith Sorcerer)
**Cost reduced from 95 to 60
**No longer a wizard by default
**Lost his infernal weapon
**Must take one of the following: Engineer for free, Level 1 Wizard for 15 pts, Level 2 Wizard for 40 pts, Level 1 Wizard and Engineer for 40 pts
**May take either an infernal weapon for 10 pts or a flintlock axe for 8 pts
**If a wizard, gained access to the Paths of Shadows and the Forge
**If a wizard may mount a Temple Lamassu for 145 pts
*Vizier (Infernal Castellan)
**Cost reduced from 105 to 70
**May take up to 75 pts of magical items instead of the usual 50
**May take a shield for 2 pts and/or a pistol for 5 pts
**May take one weapon: flintlock axe for 10 pts, great weapon for 10 pts or infernal weapon for 15 pts
**May mount a Bull of Shamuth for 155 pts
**A single Vizier on foot that is not the BSB may become the Chosen of Lugar for 30 pts; he gains Daemonic Possession (see Disciples of Lugar), Otherwordly, Unbreakable, Volcanic Embrace and Fireborn, but loses his armor and may only take magic armor with type: None
*Taurukh Subjugator (Bull Centaur Taur'ruk)
**Cost reduced from 155 to 150
**+2 BS
**Lost Fear, gained Thunderous Charge, Innate Defense reduced to 6+
**May be the army's General or BSB, no longer requires a Taurukh unit to be fielded
**Cost of shield and infernal armor increased by 5
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 10 pts, light lance for 10 pts or great weapon for 20 pts
*Hobgoblin Chieftain (Hobgoblin Khan)
**Cost reduced from 40 to 35
**+1 BS
**Gained Opportunist, Unruly and Not A Leader
**Lost throwing weapons
**May either take back throwing weqapons for 2 pts or take a bow for 4 pts
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 3 pts, light lance for 3 pts or great weapon for 6 pts
**Cost to mount a Giant Wolf increased by 8 pts
**If on foot may become a Backstabber for 50 pts, replacing all weapons and armor with paired weapons and Poisoned Attacks; if the character joins a unit of 25 or less Hobgoblin Backstabbers the entire unit gains Ambush
*Wolf (Giant Wolf)
**No changes
*Bull of Shamuth (Great Taurus)
**Troop type changed to Monstrous Beast
**-1 S
**Lost Terror and Fuelled by Fire, gained Fly (8), Fear, Fireborn, Impact Hits (1) and Magical Attacks
*Great Bull of Shamuth (Bale Taurus)
**One of A Kind
**+1 W
**Lost Terror and Fuelled by Fire, gained Fly (7), Fireborn, Impact Hits (1), Magical Attacks, Innate Defense (5+) and Ward Save (5+)
*Temple Lamassu (Lammasu)
*Infernal Warriors (Infernal Guard)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 65 pts, maximum is 40 at 7 pts per model
**Same stats as Infernal Guards but with -1 S
**Equipped with heavy armor
**May take shields at 1 pt/model
**May take either great weapons at 3 pts/model or blunderbusses at 2 pts/model
**Champion no longer costs an extra 2 points and may no longer take a pistol
**Standard bearer may no longer take a magical standard but may become the veteran standard bearer
*Citadel Guard (Infernal Guard)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 95 pts, maximum is 30 at 12 pts per model
**Same stats and and equipment as Infernal Guards but with +1 BS
**May take flintlock axes at 5 pts/model
**Champion no longer costs an extra 2 points and may no longer take a pistol
**Standard bearer may no longer take a magical standard but may become the veteran standard bearer
*Hobgoblins (Hobgoblin Cutthroats)
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 75 pts, maximum is 50 at 5 pts per model
**+1 I
**Lost Backstabbers, gained Opportunist
**Lost throwing weapons, gained shields
**May choose one of the following: replace shield with bow for free, take bow at 1 pt/model, take spear at 1/2 pt/model
**All command group members cost 10 pts
**May become Backstabbers at 2 pts/model, replacing all equipment with paired weapons and Poisoned Attacks
*Orc Slaves
**New choice
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 60 pts, maximum is 50 at 6 pts per model
**Same stats as Hobgoblins but with +1 T and -1 I and Ld
**Have light armor, Unruly and Insignificant
**Born to Fight: model parts with this special rule have +1 Strength in the first round of combat
**Slaves: at the end of any phase, if there are no models with the Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist special rules on the Battlefield, immediately remove all Orc Slaves units from the game as casualties. If there are no Units with the Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist special rules within 6” of the Orc Slaves unit at the start of a friendly Player Turn, and the Orc Slaves unit is not Engaged in Combat or Fleeing, roll a D6: 1-2 the Orc Slaves unit immediately flees towards the nearest table edge, 3-4 the Orc Slaves unit cannot move in this movement phase, 5-6 the Orc Slaves unit behaves normally
**May take either shields or paired weapons at 1 pt/model
**May upgrade one model to musician
*Immortals (Infernal Ironsworn)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 100 pts, maximum is 30 at 14 pts per model
**Lost shields and infernal weapons, gained great weapons
**Gained Bodyguard
**May take shields back at 1 pt/model
**May replace great weapons with infernal weapons for free
**Musician costs 10 pts
*Disciples of Lugar
**New choice
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 65 pts, maximum is 25 at 13 pts per model
**Same stats as Infernal Guards
**Armed with paired weapons
**Have Relentless, Sturdy, Chosen of Ashuruk, Otherwordly, Fireborn, Unbreakable, Volcanic Embrace
**Daemonic Possession: this model has Frenzy and may never lose it
**May replace paired weapons with great weapon at 2 pts/model
**May have a champion and a musician
*Kadim Incarnates (K'daai Fireborn)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 165 pts, maximum is 8 at 60 pts per model
**No longer need a Daemonsmith to be fielded
**+1 BS, W and A
**Lost Unstable, Unbreakable and Bound Fire Daemon, gained Otherwordly, Daemonic Instability, Fireborn and Innate Defense (5+)
**May take Fly (6) for free
**New choice
**Troop type: warbeasts
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 90 pts, maximum is 15 at 14 pts per model
**Same stats as Taurukh Anointed but with -1 S, T, I and A and only 1 W each
**Have light armor, Chosen of Ashuruk, Thunderous Charge and Innate Defense (6+)
**Half Bull: Stomp hits can never be distributed to this model
**May take shields at 1 pt/model and/or heavy armor at 2 pts/model
**May take one weapon: paired weapons at 1 pt/model, light lance at 1 pt/model or great weapon at 3 pts/model
**May have a magical standard worth up to 50 pts
*Taurukh Anointed (Bull Centaur Renders)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 180 pts, maximum is 7 at 60 pts per model
**+1 BS, S, A and Ld
**Lost Fear, gained Thunderous Charge, Innate Defense reduced to 6+
**Cost of shields increased by 1
**May take one weapon: paired weapons at 3 pts/model (was 5), light lance at 3 pts/model or great weapon at 10 pts/model
**Musician costs 10 pts
*Infernal Artillery (Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher / Magma Cannon / Dreadquake Mortar)
**These war machines have been grouped in a single unit choice with 3 possible loadouts, and as such they are subject to the cap on copies of the same unit in a single category
**All can take Bound Daemon for 75 pts
**Can no longer be Hellbound or mounted on Steam Carriages
**Rocket Battery:
***Cost reduced from 100 to 85
***Is now a Catapult weapon with range 6-48" that can be used in two different ways: the first affects a single point with S 8 and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance); the second uses the 5" template, has S 2 and Armor Piercing (1) and any unit that suffers one or more casualty from it must immediately make a Panic test as if it lost 25% of its models
**Volcano Cannon:
***0-2 choice
***Cost reduced from 145 to 120
***Is a Flamethrower weapon that can be used in two ways: the first has range 15", S 5, Multiple Wounds (d3) and Flaming Attacks; the second has range 24", S 1 and any unit hit becomes Flammable and must reroll successful Ward saves against Flaming Attacks for one turn
**Titan Mortar:
***Moved over from Rare
***0-2 choice
***Cost reduced from 195 to 130
***Is now a 3" Catapult with range 6-48", S 4[9] [Multiple Wounds (Ordnance)]
***Ogre Slave is mutually exclusive with Bound Daemon, adds a single wound instead of 3, and causes all 3-4 results on the Misfire table to count as 5+
***A single mortar in the army can take Quake Shells for 30 pts; all units hit treat all terrain as Dangerous (1) and must reroll to hit rolls of 6 for one turn, and any war machine within 8" of the point of impact cannot fire on a roll of 4+ on its next turn
*Bound Daemon
**Not an actual unit, but an upgrade for an Infernal Artillery
**Each Bound Daemon counts as an additional Infernal Artillery for the purpose of unit limits
**The war machine loses its crew and becomes a Monster with the following stats: M4 WS4 BS3 S5 T6 W5 I2 A5 Ld9
**Has Innate Defence (4+), Otherwordly, Unbreakable, Move or Fire, Daemonic Infusion
**Daemonic Fury: at the beginning of each of the owner's turns the Bound Daemon must take a Leadership test, if it fails it gains Random Movement (3d6) and must move toward the closest enemy unit
*Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 55 pts, maximum is 15 at 10 pts per model
**Riders have +1 I
**No longer lose Fast Cavalry when equipped with shields
**Cost of bows reduced by 1
**May no longer take spears, but may take light lances at 1 pt/model even with bows
**Musician costs 10 pts
*Light Artillery
**New choice with two options
**The Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower costs 40 pts and is crewed by 2 hobgoblins, it's a Bolt Thrower with range 48", S 6, Multiple Wounds (d3) and Armor Piercing (6)
**The Gunnery Team costs 50 pts and is crewed by 2 infernal dwarves with infernal armor, it has T 5 instead of the usual 7 and the Hard Target and Chosen of Ashuruk special rules, it's a Volley Gun with range 24", S 4 and Multiple Shots (1d6, 2d6 or 3d6), it must choose one of the following weapon upgrades for free: Armor Piercing (1), Flaming Attacks or Volley Fire
*Infernal Engine (Iron Daemon War Engine)
**Is now a Chariot and follows all appropriate rules, except it cannot Declare a Charge, Pursuit or Overrun
**Cost reduced from 285 to 225
**One of A Kind
**-2 S
**Lost the Steam Cannonade
**Lost Terror, Lumbering and Unstoppable, Demolition and Carriage Hauler, Impact Hits reduced to (+1), gained Grinding Attacks (d3)
**Full Steam Ahead!: During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase the Engine may engage its boiler; it gains Random Movement (3d6) but cannot shoot and cannot move in base contact with a unit that wasn't in its front arc before the initial pivot
**Must choose one of two upgrades for free: the Steam Hammers increase Grinding Attacks to 3d3; the Shrapnel Gun is a Volley Gun with the same profile as the Steam Cannonade but Quick to Fire and Multiple Shots (1d6+2) instead of Armor Piercing
**May take Daemonic Infusion for 5 pts if upgraded with Steam Hammers or for 15 pts if upgraded with Shrapnel Gun
**May not take any of the old options
*Kadim Titan (K'daai Destroyer)
**No longer need a Daemonsmith to be fielded
**-1 M
**Lost Unstable, Unbreakable, Terror and Bound Fire Daemon, gained Otherwordly, Daemonic Instability, Fireborn, Innate Defense (5+) and Ward Save (4+), Frenzy gives the normal +1 A instead of d3
**Searing Rage: every time this model fails a Frenzy test it gains +1 A; if Frenzy is lost so are these extra attacks
**Lord of Flames: this model has Divine Attacks against models with Fireborn
*Armoured Giant (Chaos Siege Giant)
**Cost reduced from 275 to 145
**-1 M
**Lost Terror, Fall Over and Wallripper
**Uses standard Giant Attacks instead of its own special ones
**Wears normal heavy armor instead of siege armor
**May no longer have Rune of Hate or Scaling Spikes, but may take infernal armor for 30 pts

==Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia)==
==Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia)==
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===Army Rules===
The thunder of hooves, the clink of mail, the sounding of horns: a great cacophony accompanies an army of knights riding to war. Yet steel and sinew are nothing without valour. These noble fighters crusade for faith, for virtue, for their beloved Lady - yet most of all, for the honour of their home, the Kingdom of Equitaine.
A nation established on noble principles, yet built on a foundation of peasant labour and sweat, Equitaine is a land of myth and superstition. Yet it exerts tremendous military might - Crusades for the lost Grail have brought the Lady’s grace to many foreign lands.. In all things, Equitan nobility is expected to lead from the fore, and victory often rests upon their individual successes. These are lessons for the young king to learn, and learn well, if his dynasty is to endure against other strong, noble Houses and the perils that lie beyond his lands.


====Magic Items====
The Kingdom of Equitaine is sometimes seen as three different armies in one. One option is to play as a mixture of Knights and Infantry, where one half of the army shoots or engages the opponent in place till the other part comes in to smash the enemy, usually with powerful cavalry. Another option is the are armies where only cavalry is used, these excel at bringing so many mobile threats on the table that they are able to catch the opponent where they least suspect and try avoid them everywhere else. That concept is brought to the extreme when cavalry is mixed with their flying units of Pegasus Knights! In every playstyle the Kingdom of Equitaine relies on their characters to do some fighting, and to lead their armies from the front.

* The first western human civilization was Avras, basically Rome, which connected the east and west. Avras was founded by the god empress Sunna, who wields a sword called Sonnstahl.
* Avras united with Dwarves to fight the T9A Beastmen, and after victory Sunna ascended to the Veil and the Dwarves built a wall to protect Avras from external threats. But ratmen appeared from unknown places and conquered Avras from within and below (ratmen are not a myth).
* Refugees and escaped slaves gathered and rejoiced when Sunna returned to lead them in the eighth age. Her generals were Warin (Askar, renamed Sonnstahl), Uther (Equitaine), Genoveva (Destria), and Arcaleone (Glauca and Aeturi, renamed Arcaleone).
* Arcaleone died battling the (Horned Rat). Warin stabbed Sunna with a magic blade given to him by (Skaven) in an attempt to save his people. Sunna stabbed (Horned Rat) with it, and both died. As gods this is only a temporary state of not existing in the mortal world.
* Sunna's companions reclaimed Avras then headed west to found kingdoms. King Uther founded Equitaine, united in belief and reverence to a goddess known as the Lady who all Equitainian females are connected to. Sunna returned to lead both and reclaim Avras in the eighth age.
* Equitaine is ruled by noble Houses, each loyal to the king. They have launched many Crusades seeking the lost holy grail of the Lady and claim most of northern Taphria (Araby, still living Nehekhara) as territory or allies. They also have colonies in Virentia (Lustria).
* The Sylvan Elves periodically wage war on them, although with hidden purposes; one story related by a bard is of a prince the Elves killed, who's former host they baited into the woods to make a sacrifice of a year and a half later. The Elves call this the Wild Hunt, killing knights for sport like game animals.

==Misc Factions==
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* The Old Ones are now Titans. They somehow interacted with Father Chaos (see Daemon Legions) in the earliest history of the world.
* Dreadfleet is now Pirate’s Peril, a skirmish game closer resembling Mordheim than Dreadfleet in gameplay meant as a more simple skirmish version of T9A (irony considering AoS is not lost on the community, although PP is considered more of a demo game and ruleset for younger or more casual players than a legit alternative mode. It was created by a member of the community called Blonde Beer, but after talk with the T9A team it was given lore canon to the setting. The Galleon's Graveyard is now the Archipelago of Tartaga, Noctilius is now Lord Darkwalker.

==Ogre Khans (Ogre Kingdoms)==
==Ogre Khans (Ogre Kingdoms)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Ogre Kingdoms.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Ogre Kingdoms lore.
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*The Lore of the Great Maw is now the Path of Butchery.
*Blood of Kholagh is the new lore attribute. It restores one lost Wound to the caster and grants him +1T and immunity to Poisoned Attacks for one turn.
*Teethcracker is now the signature spell. Its casting value has been reduced to 7+/11+ and its base range increased to 18".
*Marrow Drinker (Spinemarrow) is exactly the same except for the change in position.
*Entrail Gorger (Bullgorger) had its casting value has reduced to 6+/10+ and its base range increased to 18".
*Bone Crusher had its casting value changed to 7+/12+ and its base range increased to 24". The empowered version now also strikes with S3 instead of 2.
*Brainslurper (-gobbler) had its casting value reduced to 7+/10+ and its range increased to 36"/72". <the empowered version now also gives all allied units Hatred against the target.
*Troll's Heart (Trollguts) had its casting value reduced to 11+/14+ and the empowered version has range 24".
*Giant's Gullet replaces The Maw as the last spell. It causes d6 S5 Armor Piercing (6) hits on an enemy unit within 18/24", and if it causes at elast one Wound the target cannot March and rolls one less die for Charge Range, Pursuit, Flee and Overrun for one turn. Cast on a 12+/14+.

===Army Rules===
Masters of the great plains and mountains of Augea, ogres are among the toughest of all creatures. Famed for their appetites and their brutality alike, the tribes are feared around the world. Do not anger them, for their fury is legendary - and only a fool would stand before the earth-shaking footfall of the Ogre Khans!
*Ogre Charge has been renamed Sons of the Avalanche. Its Impact Hits no longer gain any bonus from number of Ranks or Charge Distance rolls, but Characters have d3 Impact Hits now and it also makes units immune to fear.
Steppe ogres and mountain ogres have developed two quite different cultures. Both are rich and ancient, and can be reasoned with - provided you respect their traditions, and lay on a sufficient banquet. In the days of the greatest Khan of Khans, ogres walked as masters of the great nation of Tsuandan, or so their campfire lore speaks. Today, their reach encompasses the Silk Road, giving access to the wares and riches of many nations. Trading caravans often employ tribes of ogres for protection, often against their own kin. These mercenaries can be as treacherous as they are hungry, for they have come to respect the power of coin, at least so far as outsiders are concerned.
*Almost all Monstrous Infantry units in the army lost Fear.
*Gnoblar Lookouts now come for free with any standard, including the BSB's but excluding Scrapling/Gnoblar units, and straight out prevent enemies from assigning Wounds to any character in the unit as long as there's still 3 or more Rank & File models.

This army uses units loaded with mighty characters and many hard hitting monsters supported by magic and shooting units. There is also a playstyle featuring many small units overloading the opponent with threats and targets.
*Iron Fists now count as both paired weapons and hand weapon + shield, meaning they give the model +1A, +1I, +1 armor and Parry.
*A Brace of Ogre Pistols now count as paired weapons in close combat.
*Hunting Spear (Great Throwing Spear) gained Multiple Wounds (D3, Monsters, Ridden Monsters) and is no longer a Hunter exclusive.
*Ogre Crossbow: Range 30", Strength 5, Armour Piercing (1), penetrates ranks like a Bolt Thrower.
====Magic Items====
*Khagdai's Maul: Magical Weapon, 50 pts. Magic Great Weapon with Multiple Wounds (D3).
*Heart Ripper: Magic Weapon, 30 pts. Magic Ironfist with Armor Piercing (1) and Lethal Strike that always hits on a 3+ or better.
*Axe-breaker Gauntlet: Magic Weapon, 20 pts. Magic ironfist, if it scores one or more hits all of the target's magical weapons will be destroyed on a roll of 4+.
*Mammoth-hide Cloak: Magical Armor, 30 pts. 6+ save, attacks with S6 or more against the wearer are reduced to S5.
*Yeti Furs: Magical Armor, 10 pts. 6+ save, enemies in base contact have -1I.
*Blind Eye of Nyanggai: Talisman, One-use Only, 25 pts. The wearer and his unit cannot be targeted by enemy spells for the duration of a single Magic Phase.
*Daemon Heart: Arcane Item, One-use Only, 25 pts. All enemy wizards within 24" will suffer a miscast on any doubles until the end of the phase.
*Auroch Charm: Enchanted Item, 15 pts. Wearer gains the Stone Auroch's Stone Skin special rule, which halves the number of Multiple Wounds suffered.
*Dragonskin Banner: Magical Standard, 40 pts. Models in the unit re-roll To Wound, To Hit and Armor Save rolls of 1 in the first round of combat.
*Skull of Qenghet: Magical Standard, 10 pts. Unit causes Fear and is immune to Terror.
====Big Names====
Characters can now only have a single Big Name with no points limit, and all Big Names are One of a Kind.
*Hellfist: 50 pts, Great Khan only. Any model in the army may be given a Mark of The Dark Gods from the Warriors of the Dark Gods Army Book. All characters in the army must have a mark. Shamans and Great Shamans with a mark may generate spells from any of the mark's associated paths in addition to their normal ones, and may not take the Mark of Wrath. The maximum size of Core units marked with Wrath or Pestilence is reduced by 2. The army may not include Mammoth Hunters, Scraplings, Scrapling Trappers, Yetis, Sabretooth Tigers or Scratapults. The character with this Big Name also receives a Magic Ironfist.
*Wildheart: 25 pts, Mammoth Hunter only. The character loses Not a Leader and one Mammoth Hunter in the army (not necessarily the one with this name) may become the army's BSB. One unit of Yetis and one unit of Sabretooth Tigers may be taken as Core. The army may not include Great Khans, Khans, Bruisers, Mercenary Veterans, Bombardiers, or Thunder Cannons.
*Trolleater: 25 pts. The character has Regeneration (5+). Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Infantry) and Stupidity.
*Headhunter: 25 pts. The character regains a Wound on a 3+ at the end of a Combat Phase where he has killed one or more models.
*Spinesplitter: 20 pts, models on foot only. The character has Thunderous Charge and Devastating Charge, and The strength bonus from Thunderous Charge also affects Impact Hits and Stomps.
*Hoardmaster: 20 pts. Khan or Great Khan only. The character has Weapon Master and plate armor, and may purchase any number of mundane shooting and close combat weapons instead of just one.
*Rottenjaw. 20 pts. The character has Poisoned Attacks and can extend it to his entire unit for a single round of combat once per game.
*Great Khan (Tyrant)
**Cost reduced from 210 to 180
**Has heavy armor by default
**May have one shooting and one melee weapon: either a brace of pistols or ogre crossbow for 5 pts and either an ironfist for 15 pts (was 8) or a great weapon for 20 pts (was 12)
*Great Shaman (Slaughtermaster)
**Cost reduced from 250 to 235
**-1 WS and A
**Can use the paths of Fire and Alchemy, and your first one no longer has to choose the Path of Butchery
**Cost for Level 4 reduced by 5 points
**May take ironfist for 8 pts (was 3) or great weapon for 12 pts
**If using the path of Fire or Alchemy, may take Greater Fire Blessing for 35 pts, gaining Flaming Attacks, Fireborn and a S4 Breath Weapon
*Khan (Bruiser)
**+1 BS
**Has heavy armor by default
**May have one shooting and one melee weapon: either a brace of pistols or ogre crossbow for 5 pts and either an ironfist or a great weapon for 15 pts (were 4 and 11 respectively)
*Shaman (Butcher)
**Cost increased from 100 to 105
**+1 BS
**Can use the Path of Fire, lost access to the paths of Death and Heavens
**Cost for Level 2 reduced by 10 points
**May take ironfist for 4 pts (was 3) or great weapon for 6 pts (was 9)
**If using the path of Fire may take Fire Blessing for 25 pts, gaining Flaming Attacks, Fireborn and a S3 Breath Weapon
*Mammoth Hunter (Hunter)
**Cost reduced from 130 to 120
**+1 BS and I
**Gained Swiftstride and Not A Leader
**Can join units of Yetis as well as Sabreteeth
**When joining a Sabretooth Tigers unit the entire unit loses Insignificant and gains Vanguard, and the Hunter counts as a War Beast for the purpose of allocating hits
**May replace hunting spear with ogre crossbow for free
**May take one melee weapon: paired weapons for 5 pts (was 3), lance for 10 pts, ironfist for 15 pts (was 4), great weapon for 15 pts (was 11)
**If on foot may Scout for 10 pts
**May mount a Tusker for 40 pts or a Rock Auroch for 215 pts. A mounted Hunter may not join units and a Hunter on Rock Auroch may not take any Big Name except Wildheart
**The Tusker has the same statline as the Tusker Cavalry mounts, with Fear and Impact Hits (D3)
*Tribesmen (Ogres)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 75 pts, maximum is 14 at 27 pts per model
**+1 BS
**Have paired weapons by default
**Cost of ironfists increased by 4 pts
**May take heavy armor at 3 pts/model
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Bruisers (Ironguts)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 100 pts, maximum is 12 at 44 pts per model
**+1 BS
**May no longer take a magical standard but the standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Scraplings (Gnoblars)
**Minimum unit size is 15 for 45 pts, maximum is 65 at 3 pts per model
**+1 S and Ld
**Beneath Contempt replaced with Insignificant
**May take light armor at 1 pt/model
**May replace throwing weapons with shortbows for free, shields at 1 pt/model or spears at 1 pt/model
**One Scrapling champion in the army may be upgraded to a Foreman for 20 pts. The Foreman has the normal champion bonuses in addition to +1 W, I, A and Ld, gets light armor for free, may take either a halberd or a great weapon for 3 pts and grants Hold Your Ground to all nearby Scrapling units
**May no longer be upgraded to Trappers
*Bombardiers (Leadbelchers)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 120 pts, maximum is 8 at 40 pts per model
**Cannon lost Slow to Fire
**May have a full command group
**May take a magical standard worth up to 25 points
*Mercenary Veterans (Maneaters)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 135 pts, maximum is 8 at 55 pts per model
**Have heavy armor by default
**Lost Motley Crew and the ability to equip every model differently
**New list of selectable special rules: Immune to Psychology, Poisoned Attacks, Bodyguard, Lethal Strike, Swiftstride, Vanguard, Thunderous Charge, Armour Piercing (1), Weapon Master, +1 Ballistic Skill. A unit that chooses Weapon Master may take one weapon for free (except ironfist) and buy any number of additional weapons
**May choose one weapon: paired weapons for 3 pts, brace of ogre pistols for 5 pts, halberd for 7 pts, great weapon for 7 pts, ironfists for 10 pts
*Tusker Cavalry (Mournfang Cavalry)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 130 pts, maximum is 4 at 65 pts per model
**Rider has +1 BS and Ld, mount has +1 T
**Thick-skinned replaced with Mount's Protection (5+), which is pretty much the same
**Cost of heavy armor increased by 2 pts, cost of ironfists increased by 7 pts and they cannot be taken together with heavy armor
**Champion can no longer take a brace of pistols
*Sabretooth Tigers (Sabretusk Pack)
**Minimum unit size is 1 for 40 pts, maximum is 15 at 20 pts per model
**+1 Ld
**Lost all previous special rules and gained Insignificant
*Kin-eater (Gorger)
**+1 I, -1 Ld
**Lost Frenzy and Killing Blow, gained Hatred and Regeneration (5+), still has Fear
**Uses the normal rules for Ambush
*Yetis (Yethees)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 80 pts, maximum is 5 at 40 pts per model
**+1 Ld, -1 A
**Armed with paired weapons
**Lost Flammable, gained Innate Defence (5+), Skirmishers and Vanguard
**Aura of Frost reduces Initiative instead of Weapon Skill and no longer grants the unit Magical Attacks
*Scrapling Trappers
**New unit
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 40 pts, maximum is 10 at 6 pts per model
**Same stats as regular Scraplings with +1 BS
**Armed with throwing weapons
**Have Insignificant, Skirmishers, Vanguard and Scouts
**It's A Trap!: can permanently turn any terrain feature they are in contact with at the end of the Movement Phase in Dangerous Terrain (1)
**No options except champion
*Thunder Cannon (Ironblaster)
**Cost reduced from 170 to 150
**Chariot lost -1 T, scrapling crew gained +1 S and Ld
**Lost Fear and Large Target, gained Sons of the Avalanche
**Cannon can be fired either as a 2d6" Cannon weapon with range 48", S10, Armor Piercing (2) and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance) or as a Volley Gun weapon with range 12", S5, Armor Piercing (2) and Multiple Shots (2d6)
**Doesn't suffer the penalty for Move and Fire if it only pivots on the spot
*Scratapult (Gnoblar Scraplauncher)
**Chariot lost -1 T, crew gained +1 S and Ld
**Lost Fear and Large Target, gained Insignificant
**The launcher is now a 5" Catapult weapon with range 12-48", S3 and Lethal Strike, uses the normal misfire chart
*Rock Auroch (Stonehorn)
**Cost reduced from 250 to 240
**Auroch has +1 S, rider has +1 BS, I and Ld
**Now follows the normal rules for Ridden Monsters, making Hunting Beast and Beast Rider obsolete
**Lost Terror, gained Stubborn and Swiftstride, Earth-shattering Charge replaced with Impact Hits (3d3)
**The rider is armed with an ogre crossbow, may replace it with a hunting spear for free or a lance for 5 pts
*Frost Mammoth (Thundertusk)
**Cost reduced from 240 to 190
**Riders have +1 BS, I and Ld
**Now follows the normal rules for Ridden Monsters, making Hunting Beast and Beast Rider obsolete
**Lost Terror and Smooth Ride, gained Impact Hits (d3), Innate Defence upped to 4+
**Freezing Aura (Numbing Chill) now gives all nearby enemies -3 I, to a minimum of 1
**Traded the old Sphere of Frost-Wreathed Ice for the ability to cast Blizzard from the Path of Heavens as a power level 3 bound spell
**Both riders are armed with an ogre crossbow, may replace it with a hunting spear for free
*Slave Giant
**Cost reduced from 200 to 150
**-2 Ld
**Has heavy armor
**Lost Fall Over and Terror
**Special giant attacks have been changed similarly to other giants
**Do What You're Told: can reroll the die for special giant attacks but must accept the second result

* Ogres were among the races that were enslaved by the ancient (Lizardmen) and rebelled when a comet fell.
* Ogre lore is otherwise currently unchanged.

==Orcs and Goblins (Orcs & Goblins)==
==Orcs and Goblins==
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* In the first age of the world the greenskins allied with the other races to seek freedom.
* In the second age they managed to build a civilization, with royalty. One of their shamans was able to forsee the third age, the first of ruin.
===Army Rules===
* A "WAAAGH!" is now a "Waaargh!".
* The lore Q&A (presented from an in-universe sage) said its uncertain how Orcs and Goblins reproduce, stating for certain some come from the ground and that means they must have females (because remember, GW greenskins are all technically female by virtue of producing spores themselves asexually). He also states that he has not noticed a difference between them in the few interactions he has had with one but that he cannot confirm female-dimorphic greenskins do not exist. This reflects debate in the community on whether to keep greenskins as exclusively spore apes, or have some as spore apes and others having sexual reproduction (remember that some fungus does have male and female differences).
* Regional Orcs are called Broods, representing a type of personality and culture bigger than a Clan or Tribe.
* The primary holiday of greenskins is the Festival Of The Bear’s Heart AKA the Feast Of Zagjan. It is a religious holiday organized and supplied for by the Big Boss of the region and goes on for three days. Due to the danger from all the drunk Orcs, Goblins without status stay away. Killing is technically forbidden, but deaths are frequent anyway as is changes in leadership from the victory or loss of contests of hunting and strength, with cannibalism of the dead as the means through which food lasts the entire event. Broods compete together at everything, from chopping wood to drinking, every act is a competition to prove superiority. The Flight Of The Flaming Pig is one of the games at every gathering, inspired by a Shaman trying to invent a salve to burn the fur off a riding boar and cook it immediately; it results in a hairless pig on fire instead. The biggest Orc of each Brood lines up and holds a riding boar, and when the Big Boss gives the signal each one is covered in salve and thrown like a rocket. The boar that goes the furthest becomes a legendary mount once its fur grows back, the rest become the final meal on the third day of the celebration.
* Greenskin lore is currently otherwise unchanged.
====Magic Items====

==Saurian Ancients (Lizardmen)==
==Saurian Ancients (Lizardmen)==
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* Saurians ruled the world in the first age from ziggurats. Their slave races, Ogres, Dwarves, humans, Orcs, and Elves, rebelled against them after a great comet fell. Whether this is the Saurians themselves or an Old Ones expy is unknown, as a myth calls them "Venerable Ones". Its suggested by a myth that they were revered rather than hated as the rest of the lore stated, and that they fell due to some natural disaster. Ancient artifacts depict Saurians fighting against the forces of the Dark Gods despite them only appearing in the world recently (by Dwarf reckoning).
*The Lore of High Magic is now the Path of White Magic
* Saurians still exist throughout the world, including Vetia although most are in Virentia. They are virtually unchanged from ancient myths.
*Shield of the Ancients is the new lore attribute. It grants one friendly unit within 18" a Shield counter, which can be removed to ignore a single unsaved Wound. A unit can never have more than one Shield counter and models with Large Target cannot have any at all.
* There are some confirmed to be Warriors Of The Dark Gods, more in line with early Lizardmen lore.
*Luminous Bolts (Soul Quench) is now the path's sole signature spell. Its cast value has been changed to 9+/12+.The base version has range 24" and the augmented version inflicts only 3d6 hits instead of 4d6.
*The Phoenix Rises (Apotheosis) had its cast value reduced to 4+/8+. The augmented version no longer heals multiple Wounds but instead grants the target and his unit +1 S for one turn.
*Guiding Hand (Hand of Glory) had its cast value changed to 6+/9+.
*The Hidden Path (Walk Between Worlds) had its cast value reduced to 7+/15+ but the Magical Move has also been reduced to 8+/16+.
*The Tempest has been replaced by Blessing of Amhar. It grants one friendly unit within 12"/24" a 5+ Ward save, or increases its Ward save by 1 to a maximum of 3+. Cast on a 9+/12+.
*Arcane Dissolution (Unforging) had its casting value reduced to 11+, no longer needs to roll to see if the random magic item is destroyed or not and can target any magic item except One Use Only ones.
*Cataclysm (Fiery Convocation) had its casting value reduced to 14+ and Strength to 3. It can also be cast with S4 if the casting value is increased to 18+.
===Army Rules===
*Born Predator (Predatory Fighter) now lets models reroll natural 1s to Hit in close combat.
*All instances of Aquatic have been replaced with Strider (Water).
*Telepathic Link (Arcane Vassal) is identical, but the Strength of the hit the model suffers in case of a miscast is now equal to the number of Power dice used +1.
*Blowpipes now have +1 to Hit against Large Targets.
*There's two versions of the javelin, with and without poison.
====Magic Items====
*Sword of the Dawn Ages: 70/45 pts magic hand weapon that strikes with +1 S and Multiple Wounds (2).
*Spear of the Stampede: 40 pts magic lance, the wielder's mount gains Impact Hits (+d6).
*Serpent Bow: 40 pts magic bow that shoots like a Bolt Thrower with the following profile: range 18", S6, Armor Piercing (6), Multiple Wounds (d3).
*Taurosaur Helm: 30 pts magic armor with a 6+ armor save, gives the wearer +1 T and Impact Hits (1). Models on foot only.
*Starfall Shard: 45/30 pts talisman, gives the wearer Hard Target and Fireborn.
*Egg of the Quetzal: 35 pts enchanted item, grants the bearer a Breath Weapon with S d3+2 and Magical Attacks.
*Jade Staff: 2o pts enchanted item, can cast the Phoenix Rises spell from the Path of White Magic as a level 3 bound spell.
*Ancient Plaque: 50/25 pts arcane item, bearer may reroll one Power die per turn that wasn't a natural 6.
*Black Cube: 15 pts arcane item, one use only, removes one Power die from the opponent's pool.
*Totem of Mixoatl: 50 pts magical standard, all Rank & File models in the unit with Born Predator gain Hatred.
====Cuatl Disciplines====
*Cuatl Lord aren't limited to 4 disciplines anymore, but each may only take up to 100 points instead of 150. They're still One of a Kind. The Master of Magic Discipline cannot be taken together with Wellspring of Power or Unconquerable Will, and the Wandering Path and Ancient Knowledge disciplines are incompatible with the Pathmaster special rule and the Essence of a Free Mind common magical item.
**Master of Magic: 85 pts, when rolling for Magic Flux you roll an additional die and discard the highest result.
**Wandering Path: 80 pts, the Lord doesn't generat spells normally but instead knows the signature spell of all eight paths of battle magic.
**Wellspring of Power: 50 pts, the Lord has +1 to cast and grants his side an addditional +2 bonus when channeling.
**Ancient Knowledge: 50 pts, forces the Lord to generate all his spells plus an additional one from the Path of White Magic and works just like the old Lore of High Magic lore attribute.
**Unconquerable Will: 35 pts, the Lord may reroll the first failed Dispel attempt each turn.
**Shielded Soul: 30 pts, the Lord may add or subtract 1 to any roll on the Miscast table.
**Higher State of Mind: 25 pts, may store one unused Power die and use it for the next turn.
**Scrutiny of the Ancients: 20 pts, the Lord and his unit cause Terror.
*Saurian Warlord (Saurus Oldblood)
**+1 I and Ld
**Innate Defense reduced to 5+
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 10 pts (was 3), halberd for 15 pts (was 3), spear for 15 pts (was 3), great weapon for 25 pts (was 6), lance for 20 pts
**Cost of shield reduced by 1, cost of light armor increased by 11, if on foot may take heavy armor for 25 pts
**Cost to mount a Raptor increased by 10, can mount a Carnosaur for 120 pts or an Alpha Carnosaur for 250 pts
*Skink High Priest
**New choice
**Costs 170 pts
**Same stats and special rules as a Skink Priest but with +1 T, W and Ld
**Level 3 Wizard, generates spells from the Paths of Wilderness, Heavens, Light or Nature
**May ride a Skink Palanquin for 35 pts or a Taurosaur for 200 pts
*Cuatl Lord (Slann Mage-Priest)
**Cost reduced from 300 to 270
**-1 W
**may be the BSB and the General at the same time, but the cost to carry the Standard is increased to 50
**Palanquin: a Cuatl Lord may not be chosen as the model that refuses a challenge, and loses the Front Rank rule when in a unit of 5 or more models with Bodyguard
*Saurian Veteran (Saurus Scar-veteran)
**Cost increased from 80 to 85
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 5 pts (was 2), halberd for 10 pts (was 2), spear for 10 pts (was 2), great weapon for 20 pts (was 4), lance for 15 pts
**Cost of shield increased by 1, cost of light armor increased by 9, if on foot may take heavy armor for 20 pts
**Cost to mount a Raptor increased by 15, can mount a Carnosaur for 130 pts
*Skink Captain (Skink Chief)
**-1 BS
**Has light armor and blowpipe by default
**May replace blowpipe with poisoned javelin for free
**May take either paired weapons or a light lance for 3 pts
**May mount an Alpha Pteradon or Alpha Rhamphodon for 50 pts, cost to mount a Taurosaur reduced by 15 pts
*Skink Priest
**Cost of level 2 reduced by 15 pts
**Cost to mount a Taurosaur reduced by 80 pts
*Caiman Ancient
**New choice
**Costs 125 pts
**Same stats and special rules as a Caiman but with +1 WS, T, W, I and Ld
**Pack Leader: all Caimans in the Ancient's unit have WS 4
**May replace his halberd with a great weapon for 5 pts
*Raptor (Cold One)
**Lost Fear
**Type changed from Monster to Monstrous Beast
**-1 S and W
**Lost Multiple Wounds, Cold-Blooded and Innate Defense, Terror downgraded to Fear and Blood Frenzy to regular Frenzy, gained Born Predator
*Alpha Carnosaur
**Compared to 8th ed. Carnosaur has +1 WS, T, W, I and A
**Lost Blood Frenzy, Terror and Cold Blooded, Innate Defense increased to 3+, gained Born Predator, Swiftstride and Apex Predator (+2 range when charging Fliers or Large Targets)
*Alpha Pteradon
**Just a Pteradon with +1 W
*Alpha Rhamphodon
**Just a Rhampodon with +1 W
**May increase Mount's Protection to 5+ for 20 pts
*Skink Palanquin
**Infantry "mount" with M6 T3 W3
**may freely choose betwenn 50x50mm or 40x40mm as base size
**Skink Palanquin : A model with this special rule loses the Front Rank rule when it is in a unit of Saurian Warriors or Skink Braves that don’t have any Caimans in it
**may take Plaque of the Snake God for 30 pts, giving all Skinks in the same unit Hatred
*Taurosaur (Stegadon)
**Lost Terror, Innate Defense increased to 3+
**Crew is armed with poisoned javelins
**May replace Great Bow with two Giant Blowpipes for 10 pts
**may no longer take Unstoppable Stampede
**Sharpened Horns now lets the model reroll the number of Impact Hits, cost decreased by 5 pts
**may be upgraded to an Ancient Taurosaur for 40 pts, gaining +1 S and W and the option to replace the Great Bow with an Engine of The Ancients for 40 pts
**The Great Bow has +1 S and traded Poisoned Attacks and its other special qualities for Quick to Fire and Armor Piercing (6)
**The Giant Blowpipe is now counted as a volley gun and gained Quick to Fire
**The Engine of the Ancients is One of A Kind, grants the Taurosaur Telepathic Link and must choose which of the three configurations to use at the start of every turn instead of having all three of them always active; Arcane Configuration can also choose the Path of White Magic and no longer has a limit on the minimum casting value, Burning Alignment is no longer a bound spell but simply causes d3 Metalshifting hits to an enemy unit within 9" at the start of the Shooting Phase and Portent of Warding is improved to a 5+ save but only works against ranged attacks
*Saurian Warriors (Saurus Warriors)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 85 pts, maximum is 35 at 11 pts per model
**+1 I
**Cost of spears increased to 2 pts/model
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
**Each unit may take one totem animal for 1 pt/model; the choices are Piranha (Fear), Serpent (Fight in Extra Rank), Jaguar (+1 M) or Crocodile (Enemies have -1 Armor Piercing against the unit)
*Skink Braves (Skink Cohort)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 60 pts, maximum is 40 at 5 pts per model
**Armed with normal javelins
**Cost of Poisoned Attacks reduced by 1 pt
**May replace javelins and shields with shortbows for free
**May replace javelins with poisoned javelins at 2 pts/model
**A unit of 15 Skinks or less without Caimans or poisoned javelins may skirmish for 2 pts/model
**Caimans may only be added every 10 Skinks instead of 8; Caimans can be placed everywhere in the unit and melee attacks can be assigned to either Caimans or Skinks, but attacks against a Caiman not in base contact have -1 to hit
*Snake Swarm (Jungle Swarm)
**Moved over from special
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 55 pts, maximum is 4 at 20 pts per model
**Lost Strider (Water)
**May Scout at 5 pts/model
*Skink Hunters (Skink Skirmishers/Chameleon Skinks)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 55 pts, maximum is 15 at 7 pts per model
**+1 BS and Ld
**May replace blowpipes with poisoned javelins and shields for free
**may either gain Vanguard for 10 pts or be upgraded to Chameleons at 2 pts/model; Chameleons gain Scouts and Hard Target but may not have javelins and shields
*Temple Guard
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 130 pts, maximum is 30 at 15 pts per model
**Lost Guardians and Sacred Duty, gained Immune to Psychology and Bodyguards (General)
**Champion may no longer have a magical weapon
*Raptor Riders (Cold One Riders)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 140 pts, maximum is 12 at 35 pts per model
**Lost Fear
**Armed with lances
**one unit may take a magical standard worth up to 50 pts
*Caimans (Kroxigor)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 105 pts, maximum is 10 at 45 pts per model
**+1 I
**Lost Fear
**Armed with halberds instead of great weapons, amy switch back for 4 pts/model
**May take light armor for 7 pts/model
**May have a full command group
*Skink Sky Riders (Terradon/Ripperdactyl Riders)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 100 pts, maximum is 5 at 35 pts per model
**The entire unit must choose the same mount: Pteradons are free, Rhamphodons cost an additional 10 pts/model
**Gained Fast Cavalry, Skirmishers and Strider (Forests)
**Riders are armed with light lances and poisoned javelins
**Pteradons (Terradons) lost Fear and gained Fly (9), Drop Rocks now uses the rules for Sweeping Attacks
**Rhamphodons (Ripperdactyls) have +1 I, lost Fear and gained Fly (8), Prey Scent (Toad Rage) now always lets you mark max two enemy units regardless of the number of Rhamphodon Rider units or Skink Captains on Alpha Rhamphodons in your army
**Regardless of mount chosen, the entire unit may take shields at 5 pts/model and/or replace poisoned javelins with fire bolas (which have gained +2" range) at 1 pt/model
*Thyroscutus (Bastiladon)
**Cost reduced from 150 to 130
**Lost Terror, Thunderous Bludbeon, Impervious Defense and Always Strikes Last, gained Crush Attack
**Crew is armed with poisoned javelins
**Equipped with Sun Engine by default, the Altar of the Snake God (Ark of Sotek) costs 15 pts
**Sun Engine now increases WS instead of initiative and casts Burning Brightness from the Path of Light as a level 3 bound spell
*Altar of the Snake God now grants all friendly units within 6" Poisoned Attacks, and causes units who already have it to wound on a 5+, it an also cast Putrefying Touch from the Path of Disease as a bound spell
*Weapon Beasts (Salamander/Razordon Hunting Pack)
**Unit size is 1-2, Spearbacks cost 60 pts each, Salamanders 75 pts
**Lost the handler and all related rules
**+1 BS and A, +2 Ld, -1 S
**Lost Fear, Innate Defense increased to 4+
**Shoot Barbs now counts as a standard ranged weapon and gained Multiple Shots (2d6) and Armor Piercing (1), the Spearback must always choose Stand & Shoot as a Charge Reaction but doesn't suffer the usual -1 for it
**Spout Flames is now a flamethrower weapon with range 8", S4 and Flaming Attacks, it always counts as having rolled a 5+ Malfunction when it misfires
*Taurosaur (Stegadon)
**Moved over from Special
**Cost reduced from 215 to 200
**See the Mounts section for other changes
*Stygiosaur (Troglodon)
**Cost reduced from 200 to 115
**Monster has +1 WS, BS and A, rider has +2 WS
**Lost Strider (Water)
**Spit Poison has -6" range, -1 S and Multiple Shots (3) instead of Multiple Wounds
**Primeval Roar must be bought for an additional 25 pts, it now gives affected models Hatred
**May no longer take a Divining Rod
**May replace Spit Poison with a Toxic breath weapon for 25 pts
**May take the Wizard Conclave special rule for 60 pts, with the spells Redwood Shaft and The Beast Within from the Path of Wilderness

==Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves)==
==Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves)==
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===Army Rules===
==Tsuandan (Grand Cathay)==
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====Magic Items====

==The Vermin Swarm (Skaven)==
==The Vermin Swarm (Skaven)==
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* Suddenly appeared in the world independent of (Beastmen) in the fifth age. Conquered Avras, defiling its temples and using the humans as slaves. They were ruled by the Rat King.  
*The Skaven Spells of Plague have been replaced with the Path of Disease, aka the old Lore of Nurgle. See Daemon Legions for the specific changes.
* Vermin waged war with the other destruction factions while the people of order hid and built their strength (AKA "prayed death would be swift").  
*The Skaven Spells of Ruin are now the Path of Ruin.
* After the (Chaos Dwarfs) created their Inferno magic the Vermin were pushed back, and they were forced to compete with them, (Beastmen), Orcs, Vampires, and Daemons for ownership of the world.
*Endless Masses is the lore attribute, it grants one friendly unit within 24" Fight in Extra Rank and the ability to claim combat score from up to 4 ranks.
* In the eighth age the God Empress (Sigmar) Sunna returned and lead the descendants of Avras, (Bretonnia) and (The Empire) to drive the Vermin out.
*Black Lightning (Warp Lightning) is now the signature spell, it hurts the caster on a roll of 6 instead of 1 and its cast value has been reduced to 5+. It can also be cast on a 8+ to increase the range to 48".
* In the ninth age the Vermin are among the rest of the forces of Destruction, conspiring to take back the world.
*Feed the Swarm is a new spell, it grants a friendly unit within 24" +1 to wound in close combat for one turn. The augmented version also grants the target Lethal Strike. Cast on a 6+/10+.
* Modern Vermin display Italian names and silliness along with typical Skaven fare. For example they have a medical Clan, the Fetthis Medici, as well as a Luigi Galvani (Italian guy who discovered electricity makes muscles work) expy named Galvanus from the Rakatoi Clan, and the culmination of their work is a magiteck rod which steals the flesh of lesser Vermin to heal high ranking ones.
*Defile the Ground is another new one. It places a 3" template anywhere within 18" of the caster that lasts until his next turn, and any non-flying unit that touches it while moving treats all terrain as Dangerous (2). Cast on a 8+.
*The Hunger (Death Frenzy) had its base range reduced by 6", causes S4 hits instead of automatic wounds, had its cast value reduced to 8+ and can be cast on a 11+ with range 24".
*Storm's Call (Howling Warpgale) had its cast value increased to 9+/10+, the 9+ version only gives the penalty to shooting.
*Crack the Earth (Cracks Call) has a fixed length of 18", inflicts S6 hits with Armor Piercing (6) instead of requiring an Initiative test and had its cast value reduced to 9+. Can be cast on a 12+ to gain Multiple Wounds (d3).
*The Bell Tolls is a new spell similar to Plague, it inflicts a single hit with Toxic Attacks on all models in an enemy unit within 12"/24". If the target is engaged then all models in the same combat are affected. Cast on a 11+/14+.
===Army Rules===
*Scurry Away! and Strenght In Numbers have been merged into Safety in Numbers. The rank bonus to Leadership is now capped at +3.
*Verminous Valor has become Honourless and now means the opponent cannot choose the character as the model that refuses a challenge.
*Warpstone Weapon is no longer a thing since Magical Attacks made it redundant.
*Resistant: Toxic Attacks have -2 to wound against this model.
*Callous: this model may shoot with non-template weapons at engaged enemy units, as long as all friendly units they are engaged with are infantry or swarms. Each successful hit hits the intended target on a 4+ and one random unit it is engaged with on a 3 or less.
*Brood’s Courage (X): a unit with this special rule can use the Full Ranks of units of (X) within 6” as their own for the purpose of calculating the Leadership bonus from Safety in Numbers.
*Volatile: this model doesn't use the normal Misfire table, but the following instead:
**1: Explosion! No shots are fired, the model scatters d6" in a random direction inflicting d6 S5 hits on any unit in its path and is then removed as a casualty
**2-3: Malfunction. No shots are fired, the model suffers a single wound with no saves allowed
**4-5: Overcharge. Randomly pivot the unit and draw a straigh line in a random direction, if the model is a weapons team the shots are resolved against the first unit hit by the line, if it's a Lightning Cannon or Dreadmill all models under a 6d6" line suffer a S10 hit with Lightning Attacks and Magical Attacks
**6: Spent. Shots are resolved as normal but the weapon is broken and cannot be used again for the rest of the game.
*State of Trance (X): the War Platform and the unit it has joined gain Immune to Psychology. The War Platform may only join units of (X). The War Platform must be deployed in a unit of (X) type, and can never leave that unit.
*Characters and champions may no longer buy items from the Scavenge-pile.
*Dark Shards (Warpstone tokens) now just give -d3 to dispel rolls against the spell.
*Tail Weapon now simply gives +1 A when using mundane weapons.
*Slings now have range 18" S3 and Quick to Fire.
*Ratlock Pistol now uses the following profile: range 12", S5, Quick to Fire, Armor Piercing (1), Magical Attacks, count as paired weapons in close combat.
*Plague Flail (/Censer) is now a flail that grants an additional attack that hits automatically and is resolved at I10.
*Dark Shard Brew: a character with this item deployed in a unit of Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard grants the entire unit a special bonus rolled before the start of the battle; 1-2: Poisoned Attacks and Stupidity, 3-4: Thunderous Charge, 5-6: Lightning Reflexes but the unit immediately suffers d6 S4 hits with Armor Piercing (6).
====Magic Items====
*The Doom Blade: 100 pts, infantry only, magic hand weapon, strikes with S10, Multiple Wounds (d6) and Divine Attacks but at the end of each friendly player turn the wielder suffers a single hit with Toxic Attacks. The wielder also doesn't have to be the General even if he is the character with the highest Leadership.
*Eye of the Storm: 20 pts, magic halberd, the wielder causes 2 extra hits every time he casts Black Lightning.
*Blade of the Swarm: 30/25 pts, magic hand weapons, the wielder gains +3 A if his unit has more ranks than each enemy unit in the same combat, it also rerolls to wound against dwarves.
*Putrid Plate: 25 pts, magic plate armor, every successful armor save inflicts a hit with Toxic Attacks on the attacking unit.
*Deceiver's Buckler: 25 pts, wielder gains Distracting and each turn one enemy model in base contact has -1 A.
*Armlet of Power: 25 pts, talisman, the wearer knows a power level 3 bound spell that doubles his Strength for one turn.
*Sceptre of Vermin Valour: 35 pts, enchanted item, infantry only, the character loses the Front Rank rule.
*Scabbing Potion: 20/10 pts, one use enchanted item, cannot be taken by Large Targets, user recovers d3 wounds.
*The Lightning Rod: 50 pts, magic standard, can be activated once per game during the opponent's turn to give all friendly units Hard Target, prevent Flying movements and block all shooting attacks that don't roll to hit on a 4+ until the end of the turn.
*Icon of Ruin: 25 pts, magic standard, enemies have -2 to dispel Path of Ruin or Path of Disease spells on the unit.
*Vermin Daemon (Verminlord)
**Cost reduced from 500 to 400
**+1 W, -1 I
**Lost Doom Glaive
**Lost all previous special rules and gained Otherwordly, Daemonic Instability, Swiftstride, Innate Defense (5+) and Armor Piercing (6)
**Is a level 1 wizard instead of level 4
**May have the Not A Leader special rule for free
**May become a level 2 wizard for 25 pts, level 3 for 90 or level 4 for 120
**The several variants introduced in The End Times are represented by a compulsory free upgrade:
***Schemer - Pathmaster, +1 Ld, 3 Dark Shards, uses the Path of Ruin
***Plague Bringer - Plague Ridden (-1 WS to enemy units in base contact), +1 T, uses the Path of Disease
***Deceiver - Lightning Reflexes, +1 A, uses the Path of Shadows
***Thunderer - heavy armor, +1 S, uses the Path of Ruin
***Shaper - Regeneration (4+), +1 M, uses the Path of Disease
*Tyrant (Warlord)
**Cost reduced from 90 to 80
**Light armor instead of heavy
**Gained Callous
**Cost of shield increased by 2
**May take heavy armor for 8 pts
**May take one weapon for 10 pts: paired weapons and tail weapon (was 3 + 8), great weapon (was 6), halberd (was 3) or ratlock pistol (was 8)
**May take Dark Shard Brew for 30 pts
**Cost to mount a Litter increased by 5, cost to mount a Rat Ogre reduced by 10, may also mount a Monstrous Rat for 100 pts
*Magister (Grey Seer)
**Cost reduced from 240 to 170
**-1 Ld
**Level 3 wizard instead of 4, may upgrade back for 30 pts
**No longer starts with d3 Dark Shards, may buy 2 for 20 pts
**May use the Path of Shadows but may no longer use the Path of Disease
**If not riding a Doom Bell, may become a Plague Patriarch for 20 pts; the Patriarch gains +1 T, Resistant, Hatred, Frenzy and must generate spells from the Path of Disease
*Chief (Chieftain)
**Cost reduced from 45 to 40
**Light armor instead of heavy
**Gained Callous
**May take heavy armor for 5 pts
**May take one weapon: paired weapons and tail weapon for 4 pts (was 2 + 8), great weapon for 4 pts, halberd for 4 pts(was 2) or ratlock pistol for 6 pts (was 8)
**If not the BSB may take Dark Shard Brew for 25 pts
**May be upgraded to Fetthis Broodmaster for 5 pts, gaining +1 M and Swiftstride
**May mount a Vermin Hulk Bodyguard for 60 pts or a Monstrous Rat for 135 pts
*Apprentice Magister
**New choice
**Costs 65 pts
**Same stats and rules as a Magister but with -1 T, W, I and Ld
**Level 1 wizard, generates spells from the Paths of Ruin or Shadows
**May become a level 2 wizard for 25 pts
**May take 2 Dark Shards for 20 pts
*Rakachit Machinist (Warlock Engineer)
**Cost increased from 15 to 65
**+1 to all stats except M and W
**Gained light armor
**Gained Callous, Channel and Magical Attacks
**Aether Turbine: the machinist knows three power level 4 bound spells and may cast each once per turn: Black Lightning from the Path of Ruin, Pink Fire from the Path of Change and Enchanted Blade from the Path of Alchemy (the latter only on his own unit)
**May no longer be a wizard
**May take heavy armor for 5 pts
**May take one weapon: halberd for 4 pts, gas globes for 5 pts (see Grenadiers), ratlock pistol for 6 pts (was 8), jezail for 20 pts (see Jezails)
*Sicarra Assassin (Assassin)
**Cost reduced from 120 to 100
**Lost Sneaky Infiltrators and Scouts
**Master of Assassins: only Footpads and Gutter Blades may use the Assassin's Leadership
**Professional Courtesy: a unit may never contain more than one Sicarra Assassin, not even when Hidden
**May take a tail weapon for 10 pts
**May replace throwing weapons with sling for free
**May take any of the following: Lethal Strike for 10 pts, Scout and Ambush for 15 pts, Multiple Wounds (d3, mundane weapons only) for 25 pts
*Plague Prophet (Plague Priest)
**Cost reduced from 100 to 60
**Gained Honourless, Resistant and Hatred
**No longer a wizard by default, may take level 1 for 40 pts or level 2 for 65 pts
**If a wizard may take 2 Dark Shards for 20 pts
**May take one weapon: paired weapons for 3 pts (was 2), halberd for 4 pts, flail for 4 pts, plague flail for 10 pts (was 16)
*Monstrous Rat
**Monstrous Beast
**M7 WS4 BS0 S5 T5 W4 I4 A5 Ld5
**Fear, Large Target, Regeneration (4+), Breath Weapon (Toxic Attacks), Immune to Psychology
*Vermin Guard Litter (War-litter)
**Troop type: infantry
**Has T4 and 2 wounds
**Herding the Swarm: extends Inspiring Presence range by 6”
*Vermin Hulk Bodyguard (Rat Ogre Bonebreaker)
**Troop type: monstrous infantry
**+1 I and Ld, -1 T and A
**Lost Fear
**Must take two of the following: Thunderous Charge, Frenzy & Hatred, Swiftstride, Stomp (2)
*Plague Pendulum (Plague Furnace)
**Is now a chariot crewed by 4 Plague Brothers with paired weapons
**M5, I3, +1 S, -1 T and W
**Lost all previous special rules except Frenzy and Large Target, gained Resistant, Hatred, Stubborn, Fear, Ward Save (4+), Grinding Attacks (d6+2), Impact Hits (+2), War Platform, State of Trance (Plague Brotherhood) and Mount's Protection (5+)
**May take Cauldron of Blight for 35 pts; a wizard with it doesn't generate spells normally but always knows Putrefying Touch and Mass of Flesh from the Path of Disease and The Hunger from the Path of Ruin
*Doom Bell (Screaming Bell)
**Is now a chariot crewed by a single Vermin Hulk
**M5, -1 T and W
**Lost Pushed into Battle and Altar of the Horned Rat, Fear improved to Terror, gained Stubborn, Innate Defence 5+, War Platform and State of Trance (Rats-at-Arms, Verminguard)
**Above the Masses now just lets the Magister cast Direct and Missile spells 360° and even when engaged
**The bell is rung at the start of the turn and you may only use 1 or 2 dice
***1: No effect
***2-4: All friendly units within 12" gain Lightning Reflexes, models that already had it gain +1 A
***5-6: All friendly units within 12" may reroll Charge Ranges, Pursuit, Overrun and Random Movement
***7-8: All friendly units within 12" gain Frenzy, models that already had it reroll to hit in close combat
***9-10: All friendly units within 12" gain Distracting and Hard Target
***11-12: In the following Magic phase roll an additional die for Magic Flux and discard the lowest result
***If a double comes up all units in base contact with the Bell suffer d6 S4 hits with Armor Piercing (6)
*Rats-at-Arms (Clanrats)
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 40 pts, maximum is 60 at 5 pts per model
**Get shields for free
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Vermin Guard (Stormvermins)
**Minimum unit size is 15 for 85 pts, maximum is 50 at 8 pts per model
**Get shields for free
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Slaves (Skavenslaves)
**Minimum unit size is 25 for 50 pts, maximum is 60 at 2 pts per model
**Lost Cornered Rats and Expendable, gained Insignificant
**Disposable: if this unit ever breaks from combat it's immediately destroyed
**May not take any options except a musician
*Footpads (Night Runners)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 60 pts, maximum is 40 at 6 pts per model
**+1 BS, -1 I
**Equipped only with slings
**Lost Slinking Advance and Dodge, gained Callous
**May take paired weapons at 1 pt/model
**A unit of 15 models or less may Skirmish and Vanguard for 20 pts
**A unit that doesn't take the above option may have a musician and standard bearer
**The standard bearer may become the veteran standard bearer
*Plague Brotherhood (Plague Monks)
**Minimum unit size is 15 for 80 pts, maximum is 50 at 6 pts per model
**Moved over from Special
**Gained Resistant and Hatred
**May no longer have a magic standard
**May be Plague-ridden at 1 pt/model, giving enemies in base contact -1 WS
*Giant Rats
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 40 pts, maximum is 60 at 3 pts per model
**Troop type: infantry
**Packmasters are no longer separate models but are represented by the Handlers rule, that allows the unit to perform a Swift Reform like it had a Musician and automatically pass the Leadership test when doing so
**Lost Rat Pack and Wave of Rats, gained Swiftstride and Fight in Extra Rank
*Rat Swarms
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 40 pts, maximum is 10 at 15 pts per model
**Moved over from Core
**Lost Small, gained Safety in Numbers, Insignificant and Swiftstride
**Tiny: Rat Swarms may move through friendly units in the movement phase but must still abide unit spacing at the end of the move.
*Weapon Team
**No longer an attachment to a parent unit, but an independent choice in its own right
**Always costs 65 pts
**+1 W and I
**Lost Attached Unit, gained Callous, Insignificant and Brood's Courage (Rat-at-Arms, Vermin Guard)
**Tag-Along: as long as it stays within 3" of a non-fleeing unit of Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard this model gains a 4+ Ward Save against shooting attacks
**Naphtha Thrower (Warpfire Thrower) now uses the following profile: range 12", S5, Multiple Shots (2d6), Multiple Wounds (d3), Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Volatile, Reload!, ignores the penalties for multiple shots, moving, cover or shooting at skirmishers, misfires if a double comes up when rolling for multiple shots
**Rotary Gun (Ratling Gun) now uses the following profile: range 24", S4, Multiple Shots (2d6*2 or 3d6*2), Magical Attacks, Volatile, Reload!, ignores the penalties for multiple shots or moving, misfires if a double comes up when rolling for multiple shots
**Meat Grinder (Doom-Flayer) now gives the model Impact Hits (2d6) and Grinding Attacks (2d6), resolved as S4 and with Armor Piercing (1); a Weapons Team with Meat Grinder gains War Platform and Innate Defense (4+) and can only join units of Rat-at-Arms
**Globe Launcher (Poisoned Wind Mortar) now uses the following profile: range 18", Toxic Attacks, Multiple Shots (2d6*2), Magical Attacks, Volley Fire, Volatile, Reload!, ignores the penalties for multiple shots or moving, misfires if a double comes up when rolling for multiple shots
**No more Warp-Grinder
*Jezails (Warplock Jezzails)
**0-2 choice
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 60 pts, maximum is 6 at 20 pts per model
**+1 W and I
**Gained Callous
**Pavise's armor save now only applies against shooting attacks
**Jezail lost Move or Fire and Unstable Ammunition, Armor Piercing Reduced to 1, gained Unwieldy, ignores the penalty for firing at Long Range, on a to-hit roll of 1 the wielder suffers a hit with Toxic Attacks
*Grenadiers (Poisoned Wind Globadiers)
**Minimum unit size is 8 for 75 pts, maximum is 15 at 9 pts per model
**+1 BS
**Lost Life is Cheap and Volley From the Back, gained Callous and Resistant
**Calculating: Grenadiers may reroll random hits from Callous that resulted in hitting friendly units
**Gas globes (Poisoned Wind Globes) had their range increased to 12" and gained Quick to Fire and Volley Fire
*Gutter Blades (Gutter Runners)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 55 pts, maximum is 10 at 10 pts per model
**Lost Scouts, Sneaky Infiltrators and Dodge, gained Callous
**May exchange throwing weapons with slings for free
**May no longer take nets
**Cost of Poisoned Attacks reduced by 1
**May take tail weapons at 1 pt/model
**May take Scout and Ambush at 2 pt/model
**Champion may no longer take special equipment
*Plague Disciples (Plague Censer Bearers)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 65 pts, maximum is 15 at 10 pts per model
**+1 I, -1 A
**Lost Plague Disciples, gained Resistant, Monstrous Support and Brood's Courage (Plague Brotherhood)
*Vermin Hulks (Rat Ogres)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 100 pts, maximum is 12 at 37 pts per model
**Troop type: monstrous infantry
**Rat-ogres only, no more handlers
**+1 Ld
**Lost Beast Pack, Fear and Frenzy, gained Immune to Psychology
**Augmentations: each Vermin Hulk unit must take 2 of the following: Innate Defense (5+), Thunderous Charge, Frenzy & Hatred, Swiftstride, Stomp (2)
*Thunder Hulks (Stormfiends)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 150 pts, maximum is 6 at 50 pts per model
**-1 WS, I, A and Ld
**Wear plate armor instead of light armor
**Lost all previous special rules and gained Safety in Numbers, Callous and Immune to Psychology
**Use the same weapons as Weapon Teams instead of their own super-speshul snowflake versions; the entire unit is armed with rotary gun, naphtha thrower, globe launcher and meat grinder but only one model per turn may use one of its weapons, everyone else is stuck fighting with hand weapons; in case on a misfire don't roll on the Volatile table, the unit simply suffers d3 wounds with no saves allowed
*Dreadmill (Doomwheel)
**Cost reduced from 150 to 140
**Troop type: chariot
**Chariot has I4, mill rats have +1S
**The Technician (Warlock) is now a separate crewman from the mill rats, with a single attack, 4I, Ld 7 and 3 in everything else
**Lost Terror, Rolling Doom and Grinding Down the Foe simplified in Random Movement (3d6) and Grinding Attacks (d3)
**Zzzzap! now has S d6*2, Lightning Attacks and Reload!, its Multiple Wounds have been reduced to d3 and it misfires if you roll a natural 6 for Strength
*Abomination (Hell Pit Abomination)
**Cost reduced from 235 to 210
**Lost Terror, Shambling Horror, Too Horrible to Die and Special Close Combat Attacks, gained Random Movement (3d6), Random Attacks (3d6), Immune to Psychology and Safety in Numbers
**May no longer take Warpstone Spikes
**May take Toxic Retaliation for 25 pts: for every unsaved wound the Abomination takes in close combat the attacker suffers d3 hits with Toxic Attacks
*Verminous Artillery (Plagueclaw Catapult / Warp Lightning Cannon)
**Cost reduced from 100 and 90 to 85
**+1 T, -1 W
**Cannon crew has +1 I, catapult crew lost Fume-addled Crew and has 1 A each
**Lost Ponderous War Machine and gained Safety in Numbers, cannon gained Volatile, catapult gained Frenzy, Hated and Resistant
**Lightning Cannon is now a d6" Cannon with range 60", S d6+4,Magical Attacks, Lightning Attacks, Armor Piercing (6) and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance), its "cannonball" doesn't reduce Strength after impact
**Plague Catapult is now a 3" Catapult with Range 12-48", Toxic Attacks and Magical Attacks
**Catapult may take Black Death for 20 pts, gaining +1 to wound and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance) against models under the centre of the hole

==Undying Dynasties (Tomb Kings)==
==Undying Dynasties (Tomb Kings)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Tomb Kings.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Tomb Kings lore.
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The lore of the Undying Dynasties is presented from the perspective of scholars of the Empire of Sonnstahl (AKA The Empire) who study the Undying Dynasties in a manner similar to the real life British and French studies and excavations of Egypt in the early 1800's to late 1900's. Despite this, Witch Hunters are still wary of the dead.  
* The Lore of Nehekhara is now the "Path of Sand".
** The Restless Dead Lore Attribute is now "No Rest In Death", and is an Augment that may be used on any Unit within 6 inches or whatever friendly Unit the spell that triggers this spell is the target. Restores a number of Wounds indicated by the Risen value of the models (models without Risen values cannot benefit from this spell). Large Target models cannot regain more than two Wounds per Magic Phase from this spell. This triggers for any spell that is not a Hex.
** The Signature spell, Khsar's Incantation Of The Desert Wind  is now "The Desert Wind". A 5+ to Augment a Unit within 18 inches (11+ boosted, for a 12 inch Aura), the affected Units may make a Magical Move equal to its Movement (or Fly if it has that rule) distance.
** '''1''' Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades is now "Cursed Blades". A 5+ to Augment a Unit within 18 inches (10+ boosted, for a 12 inch Aura), the affected Units gain Lethal Strike. Models that already have Lethal Strike reroll To Wound rolls in Close Combat.
** '''2''' "Deadly Desiccation", the new version of Usekhp's Incantation of Desiccation. A 7+ to Hex a Unit within 24 inches to lower Toughness by 1 for one turn (9+ boosted to lower Strength by 1 as well).
** '''3''' Ptra's Incantation of Smiting is now "Righteous Smiting". A 7+ to Augment a Unit within 18 inches (12+ boosted, for a 12 inch Aura) which either grants +1 Attack '''or''' every Aspen Bows, Great Aspen Bows, and Giant Aspen Bows in the Unit gain Multiple Shots (2). You must choose which of the two effects each Unit affected by the spell receives. 
** '''4''' "Divine Judgement" is a new spell. Divine Judgement is an 8+ Damage Hex, 10+ for the Boosted effect. A Unit within 36 inches must take a Leadership test with an additional D6. If failed, it suffers one Wound with Armor Piercing (6) for each point it failed by. If Boosted, you roll a D6 when choosing a target Unit; on a 3+ it affects an additional Unit (no Unit can be affected more than once by the same casting), and you continue rerolling for additional Units until you roll a 1 or a 2.
** '''5''' "Shifting Sands" replaces Usirian's Incantation of Vengeance. At 9+ difficulty, 12+ for Boosted, is a Hex spell that affects an enemy within 24 inches (48 inches for Boosted). For one turn the target has -D3 Movement to a minimum of 1 and treats all Terrain (including Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (2).
** '''6''' "Ancient Glory" is a new spell at level 6. It grants +1 to the Weapon Skill, Strength, and Initiative of the target. At 10+ it is an Augment that lasts one turn and has a range of 18 inches. At 15+ it is an Aura with a range of 9 inches that Remains In Play. At 17+ it is an Aura of 15 inches and Remains In Play.  

===Army Rules===
* Nehekhara=Naptesh. Naptesh confirmed as the origin of humanity. People were Naptaan.  
* The Hierophant does not have to be the highest level Wizard, but they are still mandatory, grant 6+ Regeneration to their Unit, and must be in the Path of Sand. At the start of your turn after the death of the Hierophant, you may choose a new Hierophant from your Path of Sand Wizards.  
* The Kingdom of Equitaine (Bretonnian) war against Naptesh is known as the "Lost Crusade". An Equitainian port, Port Reynaud, remains active in the location of Zandri in Nehekhara.  
* Models now have the "Risen" stat, which indicates how many Wounds they recover with the Restless Dead Lore Attribute from the Lore of Nehekhara
* Khemri=Tehmet, Lahmia=Hanaphuk, Mortis River (the Nile)=Napaat River.  
* Hold Your Ground reduces the Wounds suffered by a Unit after the death of the Hierophant by 1. At the start of any turn you do not have an active Hierophant you must roll for Hierophant damage again. Only models with the rule "Dust To Dust" can suffer damage due to the death of a Hierophant.  
* Non-royal nobility (Tomb Princes) are called "Nomarchs". Tomb Kings are Pharaohs.  
* If at least half of the models in a Unit have the rule "Undead Construct", they suffer one less Wound from Dust To Dust and Unstable.
* The Mortuary Cult is now the Death Cult, and was a place for Nomarchs who were not in line for the throne and unskilled in war to distinguish themselves rather than a place to send firstborn sons as tithe.  
* "Undying Will" replaces My Will Be Done. This bonus is granted at the start of the Close Combat Phase. If a Character with this rule is mounted on a Large Target, it can grant this bonus to any friendly Undead Unit within 6 inches. The Character may also grant this bonus to any Unit engaged with the same enemy the Character is. The effect fades at the end of each turn.
* No mention of sexism. A queen ruled all of the loyal nobles of Naptesh, and a female Death Cult Mage is referenced. The wife of a warrior king leads his army to rescue him from being studied in Sonnstahl.  
* Models with "Necromantic Aura" reduce the number of Wounds suffered by Dust To Dust and Unstable by friendly Undead within 6 inches by 1. The models with this rule can never benefit from its effects.
* The Undying Dynasty lower class undead are not soulless. The undead become far more animate at night.  
* "Mummy's Curse" replaces "The Curse". Mummy's Curse deals a Strength 6 Armor Piercing (6) hit to whatever killed the model with this rule. If more than one model was part of the killing Combat, the hit is distributed randomly.
* The ancient Tsuandan (Cathay) had a Terracotta army as part of Undying Dynasties, created by an architect who fled Naptesh. The culture of Naptesh spread through the 9th Old World before the fall, and is the origin of undeath and Necromancy and represents the Undead (Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings before they split into two armies) list. Both have rulesets.  
* "Underground Ambush" replaces Entombed Beneath The Sands. Functions like the standard Ambush rule, but emerging from the "Underground Point" which is determined when the controlling player chooses any point more than 3 inches away from an enemy and 1/2 inch away from any Impassible Terrain and scatters that point 2d6. The Unit emerges with either the front of the first Rank or the back of the last Rank in contact with the Underground Point. If the Underground Point is on an enemy Unit, the emerging Unit enters into base contact with their front Rank in Close Combat. The emerging Unit counts as having already Charged and cannot Charge again. If the Underground Point ends up somewhere that the model cannot emerge, the Unit remains underground and can try to emerge again next turn.
* Aspen Bow: Shooting Weapon with a 24 inch range, has Strength 3 and Volley Fire. It ignores all shooting modifiers To Hit.  
* Great Aspen Bow: Shooting Weapon with a 36 inch range, has Strength 5 and Volley Fire. It ignores all shooting modifiers To Hit. It can be used as a Hand Weapon that has -1 Strength in Close Combat.
====Magic Items====
* Vanquisher Eternal: 55 point Magic Halberd that can only be taken by models on foot. All Attacks made gain Lethal Strike. Can make two kinds of Attacks, chosen at the beginning of each Round of Combat: Focused Strike gives all Attacks made Multiple Wounds (D3), Sweeping Strike replaces normal Close Combat Attacks with one Attack towards every model in base contact that automatically hits and one attack that hits at 4+ against every model that can make a Supporting Attack against the bearer.
* Scourge of Kings: 50 points for Lords, 30 points for Heroes. Hand Weapon, Attacks made gain Armor Piercing (1) and every successful Hit counts as two Hits instead of one.
* Crown of the Pharaohs: 45 point Magical Armor. Grants 6+ Armor Save. If the bearer is not in Combat, they may use Undying Will on a single friendly Unit within 6 inches or if on a Mount with Large Target then within 12 inches. The bearer can use their Undying Will in the Shooting Phase by bestowing their unmodified Ballistic Skill instead of their Weapon Skill. Undying Will may only be used in one phase of each Player Turn.  
* Armor of Eternities: 35 point Magical Plate Armor, models on foot only. Wearer has 1 extra Wound.  
* Brooch of the Sun: 15 point Talisman. At the start of each round of Combat, one enemy Model Part of your choice in base contact with the bearer has their Attacks reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.  
* Death Mask of Teput: 35 point Enchanted Item. At the beginning of each Round of Combat the bearer may choose to negate either Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground for enemy Units in base contact.
* Sandstorm Cloak: 30 point Enchanted Item. Bearer gains Hard Target.
* Chariot of Nephet-Ra: 25 points, models on Chariot only. Impact Hits and Atacks made by the bearer's Chariot and its pulling beasts gain +1 Strength, Magical Attacks, and Flaming Attacks.
* Book of the Dead: Arcane Item. 50 points for Lords, 35 points for Heroes. Spells from the Path of Sand used by the bearer have their casting value reduced by 1. Each successful casting of the Path of Sand Attribute by the bearer raise one additional Wound on the target Unit which cannot affect Characters or Large Targets.
* Banner of the Entombed: 65 point Magic Standard. Models with Underground Ambush may add +1 to their Ambush roll if they declare it before rolling. If this is used, the starting Underground Point must be placed within 24 inches of the bearer of this item and the starting point only scatters 1D6.

===Army Upgrades===
Phatep was the divine ruler of all of Naptesh, blessed by the gods and ruled alongside his wife Teput, but Setesh and Nepharet planned to usurp him. They threw a celebration in his honor and tricked him into getting into a box which was stabbed many times. The conspirators drank his blood, becoming Vampires. His body was divided into nine pieces, with Setesh keeping the heart to use for divine magic while the rest was hidden across the land. Setesh's servant Tekhamun felt shame, and threw the head into the Napaat which carried it to Teput (who had received an invitation to join her husband from
Undying Dynasties players may choose alternative rule templates which are applied to their entire army.  
Setesh). She used the head to rally those loyal to the divine king into civil war.  
* '''Commander Of The Terracotta Army'''
Setesh used the heart of Phatep to open the underworld where he usurped the god of death and commanded the dead as his army. Naptesh was rendered mostly lifeless by a curse from the angered gods.  
** Skeletons, Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Cavalry, and Necropolis Guard MUST be upgraded with +1 Toughness, -1 Initiative, and all have Undead Construct. This increases the model prices by 3 points each.
** Necropolis Guards may only add up to 20 models per Unit.  
** All non-Undead Constructs, including Characters, MUST be upgraded with +1 Toughness, -1 Initiative, and all have Undead Construct. This increases the model prices by 15 points each. All models that have Flammable lose it.
** Skeleton Chariots may only have a maximum of 3 models per Unit.  
** All models have a Risen Characteristic of 1.
** Non-Flying models with Underground Ambush and/or Light Troops lose those rules and cannot regain them.  
** Great Vultures, Scarab Swarms, and Winged Reapers cannot be taken in the army.  

* '''Lord Of The Barrow Legion'''
In the last battle, Teput and Setesh fought each other. All participants were dealt mortal wounds with Teput and Setesh dying next to each other. Setesh told her he was an undying master of death who would rule over all of Naptesh forever, causing Teput to pray to the gods of the Naptaan for aid. They closed the underworld, sealing Setesh within which barred the Naptaan from becoming his slaves but preventing them from finding any peace in an afterlife and instead were shackled to the mortal world.  
** Skeletons and Skeleton Archers MUST take Heavy Armor for 2 points per model.
** Skeletons may replace their Spear and Shield for a Halberd at +1 points per model.
** Skeleton Cavalry may take a Lance for +3 points per model, and Barding for +3 points per model.
** Skeleton Chariots MUST take Heavy Armor for +5 points per model, and may take a Halberd for +5 points per model. Units cannot have more than 4 models.
** Necropolis Guard MUST be upgraded with Heavy Armor for +2 points per model, and can only have a maximum of 25 per Unit.
** Scarab Swarms MUST be upgraded with Ethereal for +15 points per model. A Unit can only have a maximum of 2 models.
** Ethereal Models have a Risen Characteristic of 1.
** Models with Large Target or Monstrous Cavalry may not be taken in the army.
** Models in the army with Underground Ambush or Scout lose those rules and cannot regain them.
** Non-Flying models with heavy Armor lose the Light Troops special rule and cannot regain it.
* Pharaoh (Tomb King)
** Cost 10 points less
** Have a Great Aspen Bow for free
** Can take Heavy Armor for 12 points
** Can only take ONE additional weapon (cannot take a Spear); Paired Weapons for 5 points, Flail for 5 points (1 point cheaper), Great Weapon for 15 points (9 points more expensive), a Lance for 15 points, or a Halberd for 10 points.
** Can take a Skeletal Horse for 20 points, a Skeleton Chariot for 35 points (20 points cheaper), or a Royal Sphinx for 185 points (25 points cheaper)
* Death Cult Hierarch (Liche High Priest)
** Costs 5 points less
** Upgrading to a level 4 Wizard costs 30 points (5 points cheaper)
** Skeleton Horse costs 20 points (5 points more expensive), may use the Ark of Ages (Casket of Souls, with slightly different rules as discussed below) as a mount for 170 points (55 points more expensive than taking an ordinary Ark of Ages)
** Can be upgraded to be a "Soul Conduit" for 50 points, which allows you to roll D3+7 for your Magic Flux roll instead of the usual 2D6. If this is taken, the opponent's Dispel Dice will always be 6 plus their Channeling and any other source of Dispel Dice.
* Nomarch (Tomb Prince)
** Can take Heavy Armor for 12 points
** May take a Shield for 3 points (one point more expensive)
** May take an Aspen Bow for 3 points
** May only take ONE weapon (cannot take Spear); Great Weapon costs 6 points (2 points more expensive), Flail costs 3 points (one point cheaper), Paired Weapons cost 3 points, Halberd costs 4 points, Lance (mounted only) costs 6 points
** Can take a Skeletal Horse for 20 points, a Skeleton Chariot for 35 points (20 points cheaper), or a Royal Sphinx for 200 points (10 points cheaper).  
* Death Cult Acolyte (Liche Priest)
** Costs 5 points less
** Upgrading to Level 2 Wizard costs 10 points less
** Can take a Skeletal Horse for 15 points (5 points more expensive), may use the Ark of Ages (Casket of Souls, with slightly different rules as discussed below) as a mount for 170 points (55 points more expensive than taking an ordinary Ark of Ages)
* Tomb Harbinger (Tomb Herald)
** Costs 10 points more
** Has one more point of Toughness
** Gains Poisoned Attacks
** Sworn Bodyguard is replaced by Royal Guard, which functions once per Tomb Harbinger for any Nomarch or Pharaoh in the same Unit of your choice when you choose and takes one Hit per round of Combat, before Wound is rolled. Does not work for Challenges
** May take Heavy Armor for 12 points
** May take a Shield for 3 points (one point cheaper)
** May take an Aspen Bow for 3 points
** May only take ONE weapon (cannot take Spear); Great Weapon costs 6 points (2 points more expensive), Flail costs 3 points (one point cheaper), Paired Weapons cost 3 points, Halberd costs 4 points (two points more expensive), Lance (mounted only) costs 6 points
** Can take a Skeletal Horse for 20 points, a Skeleton Chariot for 50 points (5 points cheaper), or an Amuut (Necroserpents, like those of Necropolis Knights) for 50 points
** Grants Hatred to all non-Mount models in his Unit
* Tomb Architect (Necrotect)
** Costs 10 points less
** Has one more point of Weapon Skill
** Does not have Hatred
** May only take ONE weapon; Paired Weapons costs 3 points, Lance costs 6 points
** Can take a Skeletal Horse for 15 points, a Skeleton Chariot for 50 points, or an Amuut (Necroserpents, like those of Necropolis Knights) for 50 points
** Master of Stone replaces Stone Shaper, rather than giving all Units of Constructs within 12 inches Regeneration (6+) it instead gives a single Unit made entirely of Undead Constructs within 12 inches of your choice at the start of your turn Regeneration (5+)
** Mason's Menagerie allows players fielding a Tomb Architect to field a Unit of 6 or less Shabti (Ushabti) as Core
* Skeletal Horse (Skeletal Steed)
** 2 points lower Leadership
** Has Mount's Protection (6+)
** May take Barding for 10 points
* Skeleton Chariot
** May be pulled by two additional Skeletal Horses by increasing the base size to a Monster Base
** Has Mount's Protection (6+)
* Amuut (Necroserpent)
** Causes Fear
* Royal Sphinx (Khemrian Warsphinx)
** Has 2 points less Toughness
** Lost Killing Blow
** Has Poisoned Attacks
** Stomp (D6) replaces Thundercrush Attack
** Loses Envenomed Sting and Fiery Roar upgrades, gains Lethal Strike (25 points) and Necromantic Aura (15 points) upgrades
* Ark of Ages (A new variety of Casket of Souls)
** Has Mount's Protection (5+)
** Counts as a Chariot with 4 Movement
** Ark has 4 Strength, 5 Toughness (5 less), 5 Wounds (2 more)
** Guards have 4 Strength (one more), one Attack (one less), Poisoned Attacks, Aspen Bows
** Bound Spirits are Mounts that pull the Ark with 4 Movement, 2 Weapon Skill, 2 Strength, 2 Initiative, 6 Attacks
** Has War Platform, Magical Attacks, Undead Construct, Ward Save (5+)
** The Ark of Ages has no abilities of the Casket of Souls. Instead it has Divine Protection if the rider is the army Hierophant, granting a Ward Save (4+). Also has Sacred Ark, which adds 3 inches to the range of all non-Vortex spells and grants the rider access to the spells Wind Blast and Curse of the Westerlies from the Path of Heavens, and Shifting Sands from the Path of Sand
** May be upgraded with Necromantic Aura for 15 points
* Skeletons (Skeleton Warriors)
** Minimum Unit size is 20 for 80 points, maximum Unit size is 60 at 5 points more per additional Skeleton
** Have one less point of Leadership, have a Risen value of D3+3
** Come with Light Armor (previously a 1 point upgrade)
** Come with a Spear
** May become a Veteran Standard Bearer
* Skeleton Archers
** Minimum Unit size is 10 for 60 points, maximum Unit size is 30 for 6 points more per additional Skeleton Archer
** Have one less point of Leadership, have a Risen value of D3+3
** Come with Aspen Bows but have no access to additional weapons, come with Light Armor (previously a 1 point upgrade)
** May become a Veteran Standard Bearer
* Skeleton Cavalry (Skeleton Horsemen/Skeleton Horse Archers)
** Minimum Unit size is 5 for 65 points, maximum Unit size is 20 for 11 points more per additional Skeleton Cavalryman
** Riders have one more point of Weapon Skill and Leadership, Skeletal Horse has 2 less points of Leadership, have a Risen value of D3+2
** Has Mount's Protection (6+), Light Troops, Scout
** Can take a Light Lance for one point per model, or for free can lose their Shield and Vanguard for a free Aspen Bow. Have no access to Spears
** Can be upgraded with Light Armor for 1 point per model (previously free)
** May become a Veteran Standard Bearer
* Skeleton Chariots
** Minimum Unit size is 3 for 135 points, maximum Unit size is 10 for 35 points more per additional Skeleton Chariot
** Has a Risen score of D3+1
** Has Mount's Protection (6+), may take the Light Troops rule for free
** Aspen Bows replace Bows, has a Light Lance. Has no access to Spears
** May become a Veteran Standard Bearer
* Necropolis Guard (Tomb Guard)
** Minimum Unit size is 10 for 70 points, maximum Unit size is 40 for 11 points more per additional Necropolis Guard
** Has a Risen value of D3+1
** Has Bodyguard, Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks
** Shields cost 1 point per model (up from free)
** May take Paired Weapons for 1 point per model, or Halberds for 2 points per model
* Scarab Swarms (Tomb Swarms)
** Minimum Unit size is 2 for 70 points, maximum Unit size is 7 for 25 points more per additional Scarab Swarm
** Have one more point of Movement, has a Risen value of D3+3
** Has Armor Piercing (1), Hard Target, Distracting
* Shabtis (Ushabti)
** Minimum Unit size is 3 for 110 points, maximum Unit size is 10 for 37 points more per additional Shabti
** Have one more point of Movement and Strength, has a Risen value of 1
** Has Light Armor, Innate Defense (5+), Fear
** May only take ONE weapon; Great Aspen Bows for free, Paired Weapons for 5 points per model, or Halberds for 10 points per model
** May take a Magical Standard up to 25 points in points
* Tomb Cataphracts (Necropolis Knights)
** Minimum Unit size is 3 for 165 points, maximum Unit size is 6 for 55 points more per additional Tomb Cataphract
** Has a Risen value of 1
** Lost Stone Hide (3+ Armor Save) and gained Innate Defense (5+), has Fear, has Mount's Protection (6+)
** Can take Underground Ambush for 20 points (previously 5 points per model)
** Lost Spear, has Light Lance instead
** Can take a Magical Standard up to 50 points
* Great Vultures (Carrion)
** Minimum Unit size is 3 for 80 points, maximum Unit size is 9 for 20 points more per additional Great Vulture
** Have a Risen value of D3+1
** Have Fly (9), Skirmishers
* Sand Scorpion (Tomb Scorpion)
** Have one additional Wound, have a Risen value of 1
** Have Magic Resistance (2) (previously Magic Resistance (1)), Fear, Innate Defense (5+)
* Sand Stalkers (Sepulchral Stalkers)
** Minimum Unit size is 3 for 150 points, maximum Unit size is 9 for 50 points more per additional Sand Stalker
** Gained 2 points of Ballistic Skill, have a Risen value of 1
** Have Innate Defense (5+), Fear, Light Troops
** Can be upgraded with Underground Ambush for 20 points (previously free)
** Transmogrifying Gaze has been replaced with Petrifying Gaze, which counts as a 12 inch range Strength 2 Special Shooting Attack with Armor Piercing (6), Multiple Shots (D6+1), Quick to Fire, and when rolling To Wound the Toughness is replaced with Initiative
* Battle Sphinx (Khemrian Warsphinx)
** 220 points (costs 10 points more)
** Riders have one more point of Weapon Skill and one additional Attack, have a Risen value of 1
** Crew lost Spears, gained Light Lances
** Lost Terror, Thundercrush Attack, Large Target, and Howdah Crew. Gained Poisoned Attacks (previously a 10 point upgrade), Innate Defense (5+)
** May take Innate Defense (4+) for 25 points
** Breath Weapon replaces Fiery Roar for 25 points (5 points more expensive)
* Winged Reapers (Morghast Harbingers/Archai)
** Minimum Unit size is 2 for 155 points, maximum Unit size is 5 for 72 points more per additional Winged Reaper
** Lost one Attack, have a Risen value of 1
** Lost Ebon-wrought Armor, can take Light Armor for 10 points per model
** Lost Hover. Gained Undead Construct, Fly (6), Innate Defense (5+)
** May only take ONE weapon; Paired Weapons for 5 points per model (previously free for Harbingers), Halberd for 12 points per model (previously free for Archai)
** Can be upgraded with Necromantic Aura for 20 points (previously free), Autonomous (can March outside the General's Inspiring Presence range) for 10 points per model
* Dread Sphinx (Necrosphinx)
** 245 points (20 points more)
** Gained one point of Weapon Skill and Strength, lost one Attack, have a Risen value of 1
** Have Paired Weapons
** Lost Decapitating Strike. Gained Poisoned Attacks (previously 10 point upgrade), Multiple Wounds (2, Monsters and Ridden Monsters), Innate Defense (5+)
** Have Fly (6) (replaced Fly)
** Can be upgraded with Innate Defense (4+) for 25 points
* Colossus (Necrolith Colossus/Hierotitan/Bone Giant, all stats listed due to diverse replacement)
** M6, WS4, BS2, S6, T6, W5, I2, A5, LD8, Risen value of 1
** Light Armor, Innate Defense (5+), Undead Construct, Grinding Attacks (D3+1)
** May only take ONE weapon; Scales of Destiny for 5 points (Close Combat weapon, Hand Weapon, -1 Attack in Close Combat, has Bound Spells Burning Brightness from the Path of Light and Touch of the Reaper from the Path of Death), Paired Weapons for 10 points, a Great Weapon for 10 points, or a Giant Aspen Bow for 10 points (Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon with 48 inch range, Strength 6, Multiple Wounds (D3), Armor Piercing (6), ignores all modifiers To Hit)
* Casket of Phatep (Casket of Souls)
** 115 points (20 points less)
** Casket lost 3 points of Toughness, the Keeper of the Casket is now a third Guard, Guards lost one Attack, have a Risen value of 1
** Guards lost Great Weapons, gained Halberds
** Guards gain Poisoned Attacks
** Entire model gains Ward Save (5+)
** Lost Light of Death, gained Phatep's Curse (has a Bound Spell of Divine Judgement from the Path of Sand if the model did not move this turn)
** Lost Covenant of Power and Unleashed Souls, gained Divine Light (adds +1 to Channeling rolls in friendly Magic Phases, enemy Wizards within 36 inches of a Casket of Phatep suffer a -1 modifier to Casting, when a Casket of Phatep is removed from play all Units within 12 inches suffer 3D3 Strength 1 Armor Piercing (6) Hits)
* Charnel Catapult
** Skeleton Crew gain 1 point of Leadership, have a Risen value of 1
** Skeleton Crew lost Light Armor
** Has Charnel Catapult Artillery Weapon (3 inch template, has a range of 12 to 60 inches, Strength 3(9) [Multiple Wounds (Ordnance)])
** Lost Screaming Skulls, Skulls of the Foe upgrade
** Can be upgraded with Cursed Ammunition (5 inch template, range 12-48 inches, Strength 3 Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks, Units that take at least one casualty take a Panic Test as if it had suffered 25% casualties and all Panic Tests caused by a Charnel Catapult are made at -1 Leadership), replacing Charnel Catapult Artillery Weapon

The peasantry fled to the north to become the Araby of 9th Age, as nothing in the mainland could support life. The nobility and their servants remained out of pride as the stoic dying with no food or water before becoming eternal undead. All have the goal of destroying Setesh and reclaiming their afterlives, are allied with Setesh and seek to destroy all his rivals, or are independent agents seeking their own gains.

==Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts)==
==Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Vampire Counts.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Vampire Counts lore.
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* Vampires were recorded as appearing in the seventh age, ruling over free men and impaling (Skaven). But other lore states they have existed alongside humans, meaning older than any records and dating back to the rulership of the (Lizardmen).  
*The Lore of Vampires is now the Path of Necromancy.
* Due to constant rivalry and universal political ambition, [[Vampire: The Masquerade|The Covenant]] was formed which governs the otherwise warring factions and ensures that they keep their existence mythological to the common man.  
*Lore attribute Cheating Death (Curse of Undeath) now cannot heal the same unit or character more than twice per turn.
* Also have [[Pygmies]] in the form of the Malefic Tribes of Lalugu living in a mangrove swamp as allies to the Vodun Vampires of the Mangrove.
*The signature spell Invocation of the Undead (/of Nehek) now raises a number of wounds equal to the target's Invocation value. Casting value has been reduced respectively to 5+ and 11+, the 18" aura version is no longer available and the basic version can target either a single unit within 12" or all friendly units within 6".
*Mockery of Life (Hellish Vigour) now also grants Fear and its casting value has been reduced to 6+/10+.
*The Dead Arise (Rise Dead) can summon any unit the caster has Awaken for, with a number of wounds equal to the unit's Invocation value, and the unit may have any upgrade except command group. Casting value and range have been reduced to 7+ and 12". Can also be cast with a value of 9+ and range 24".
*(Vanhel's) Danse Macabre in its basic version now has a cast value increased to 8+ can give the re-rolls or the magic movement, not both. The improved version still gives both.
*Gaze of Setesh (/Nagash) has the casting value of the 48" version reduced to 11+.
*Steal Youth (Curse of Years) now has Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beast, Swarm, Monster, Ridden Monster, Chariot, War Machine) and its casting value is increased to 10+.
*Curse of the Dead is a new spell that replaces Wind of Death. It grants one unit within 18" +1 Strength and Regeneration 5+, or +1 Regeneration to a maximum of 4+. Cast on a 12+.
===Army Rules===
* The army must have a Master, who is by default your General at the start of the game (formerly had to be a Wizard in the Lore of Vampires). Masters taking over after the death of the first General must still be Wizards in the Lore of Necromancy.
* Models now have an "Invocation" stat which indicates how many Wounds are regained with the Invocation of the Undead and Arise Undead spells from the Lore of Necromancy. Only models with the Awaken rule add models above the unit's starting size (no more than twice the starting size at the beginning of the game) by recovering Wounds, with the type of model they can Awaken being indicated.
* All models are Undead, but only models with Ashes To Ashes begin taking Wound damage due to the death of the army Master.
* Vampiric and Red Thirst have been rolled into one, and the roll for the latter is now variable instead of a fixed 6+ (though most units and characters still have Vampiric 6+). If a rank and file Unit has this special rule, a single roll is made if at least one model caused one or more unsaved Wounds, and Wounds recovered via this special rule can raise dead models. Models with Large Target have a -2 modifier to the roll.
* Hexwraiths' Spectral Hunters and Soulstriders have also been merged in the new rule Reaper, which is no longer unique. It now allows models to pass through terrain as well as units, and the sweeping attacks are made at the model's normal Strength and benefit from any close combat attack special rule instead of having Magical Attacks and Flaming Attacks by default.
* All mounts that had it, both for characters and for units, gain proper Ethereal instead of Spectral Steeds.
* Blade of Red Thirst: 40 point Magic Hand Weapon. Model gains Vampiric (3+) and makes a Vampiric Roll for every Unsaved Wound caused by the Blade of Red Thirst rather than just one. Each Vampiric Roll recovers one Wound to the wielder as normal. If at full Wounds, excess Wounds can be used to Raise Wounds in the wielder's Unit.
* Red Plate of Gilles de Raux: 40 point Magic Plate Armor. Wearer gains +1 Wound.
* Eternal Ring: 60 points for Lords, 50 points for Heroes. Talisman. Vampires only. Wearer has Ward Save (2+) against their first Wound suffered after Armor Saves in the game and is immune to the effects of Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds.
* Mantle of Night: 40 point Talisman, Infantry or Cavalry only. All models allocating Close Combat Attacks against the wearer do not gain Strength bonuses of the +x type granted by weapons both mundane and Magical.
* Tullius' Teeth: 50 point Enchanted Item, Bearer gains Distracting. All Infantry and Rank and File models in the bearer's Unit gain Parry.
* Staff of Gerhard the Black: 45 point Arcane Item, an army with this item may reroll failed Channeling attempts. When the bearer casts Invocation of the Undead it may, for each Target, reroll a single D6 or D3 used to determine the amount of Raised Wounds
* Unholy Tome: 35 point Arcane Item, the bearer may cast Danse Macabre from the Path of Necromancy as a Power Level 4 Bound Spell.
* Eye of Setesh: 15 point Arcane Item, one use only. At the end of any enemy Magic Phase the bearer may remove one unused Dispel Dice which may be added as a Power Dice to the Pool of Magic Dice immediately after rolling for Magic Flux.
* Black Standard of Zagvozd: 40 point Magical Standard, bearer's Unit gains Ward Save (4+) against Shooting Attacks.
* Banner of the Barrows Kings: 25 point Magical Standard, Barrow Knights and Barrow Guard in the bearer's Unit have +1 To Hit in Close Combat.
===Army Upgrades===
====Vampiric Bloodlines====
Vampire Covenant armies may (but do not have to) choose a specific Bloodline that represents them (an army without a Bloodline is assumed to be mixed) which increases the point cost of Vampire Lords and Heroes in the army. This provides changes, both good and bad, to many options and makes the upgrade for that Bloodline mandatory. Unless indicated otherwise, these only affect Vampire Masters and Vampire Courtiers and not their mounts or other Vampiric models.
Blood Ties are special rules connecting options in the army to the Vampires themselves, providing additional effects.
* '''Brotherhood of the Dragon'''
** +30 points to each Vampire Count, +10 points to each Vampire Courtier
** Blood Ties: Vampire Knights
** Vampires gain +2 Weapon Skill and Plate Armor.
** Vampires can only take one additional Magic Level and can only choose the Path of Necromancy
** Vampires cannot refuse Challenges and must issue one whenever possible unless another model does first
* '''Von Karnstein'''
** +25 points to each Vampire Count, +10 points to each Vampire Courtier
** Blood Ties: Dark Coach
** Vampires may reroll failed Vampiric Rolls
** The presence of a Von Karnstein Vampire grants +1 to Combat Score in any Combat they participate in
** Units joined by a Von Karnstein Vampire may March as if they have the Vampiric rule
** Inspiring Presence and Hold Your Ground range from Von Karnstein Vampires is increased by 6 inches
* '''Lamia'''
** +40 points to each Vampire Count, +25 points to each Vampire Courtier
** Blood Ties: Court of the Damned
** Vampires have -1 Attack and Lightning Reflexes
** If the Vampire is not wearing any Armor other than Mount's Protection and Innate Defense they gain Distracting
** Challenges issued by the Vampire must be accepted if possible
** Any model fighting in a Challenge against the Vampire must take a Leadership test with an additional -1 Leadership modifier. If the test is failed the enemy model must reroll successful To Hit rolls for that round of Combat
** May only choose the Path of Light, Shadows, or Necromancy
* '''Strigoi'''
** +55 points to each Vampire Count, +30 points to each Vampire Courtier
** Blood Ties: Ghouls
** Vampire and their mount gain Regeneration (5+) and Hatred
** Vampires gain +1 Wound and can only take Shrieking Horrors as mounts
** Cannot take any kind of Armor other than Mount's Protection
** May only take one additional Magic Level
** May only choose the Path of Wilderness or Necromancy
* '''Nosferatu'''
** +110 points to each Vampire Count, +50 points to each Vampire Courtier
** Blood Ties: Wraiths
** Vampire has -1 Attack, -2 Weapon Skill
** Cannot take any kind of Armor other than Mount's Protection and Innate Defense
** May not take non-magical weapons
** All Hero Vampires are Level 2 Wizards, all Lords are Level 4 Wizards. This costs no additional points
** Vampire gains Awaken (Zombies, Skeletons) and generates one additional spell but one spell slot must always be Invocation of the Undead from the Path of Necromancy no matter their chosen Path
====Blood Powers====
Each Bloodline has access to two different Blood Powers. Armies without a Bloodline may take Powers from any Bloodline, although each counts as One Of A Kind in that case. Armies with a Bloodline can only take Powers from their Bloodline, but may duplicate them as many times as desired.
Rather than taking Blood Powers (the traditional Vampire Counts upgrades to Vampires), your Vampire can take an "Ancient Blood Power" which is One Of A Kind. Armies without a Bloodline cannot take Ancient Blood Powers.
* '''Brotherhood of the Dragon'''
** '''Ancient Blood Power''': Crimson Rage (65 points), each Unsaved Wound caused by the Vampire with normal attacks (before Multiple Wounds) generates another attack at the same Initiative step. These Attacks are resolved before removing casualties, and do not generate any additional attacks
** Eternal Duelist: 30 points, the Vampire can reroll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls in Challenges
** Perfect Warrior: 35 points, the Vampire gains Weapon Master and Lethal Strike. The Vampire is automatically equipped with Paired Weapons, a Halberd, a Great Weapon, and a Shield
* '''Von Karnstein'''
** '''Ancient Blood Power''': Storm Caller (65 points), the Vampire can case Thunderbolt from the Path of Heavens as a Power Level 4 Bound Spell. All units within 12 inches of the Vampire gain Hard Target. Once per game, at the start of any round of Combat, the vampire may grant Lightning Attacks and Lightning Reflexes to itself and all Rank and File models in its unit until the end of the Combat round
** Hour of the Wolf: 20 points, the Vampire and all models in the same Unit gain Swiftstride. Other Characters with the Vampiric rule are not affected. The Vampire gains Awaken (Zombies, Dire Wolves, Bat Swarms, Great Bats)
** Refined Taste: 25 points, the Vampire gains Vampiric (2+)
* '''Lamia'''
** '''Ancient Blood Power''': Commandment (50 points), all Rank and File models in any Unit joined by the Vampire have Weapon Skill 5
** Mask of Innocence: 25 points, enemy Units in Base Contact with one or more Vampires with this power have -1 Leadership
** Mesmerizing Gaze: 35 points, the Vampire can case Lurid Delusions from the Path of Lust as a Level 4 Bound Spell
* '''Strigoi'''
** '''Ancient Blood Power''': Beastial Bulk (55 points), can only be taken by a model on foot. Becomes Monstrous Infantry and base size increases to 40x40. Gain +1 Wound, Paired Weapons, and cannot take any other weapon (mundane or magical)
** Curse of the Blood: 70 points, Vampire gains Regeneration (5+) which upgrades to Regeneration (4+) if it already had Regeneration. All Ghouls in the same Unit as the Vampire as well as the Vampire's Mount gain Regeneration (6+) which is increased by 1 point per Vampire with this rule to a maximum of 4+
** Ghoul Lord: 55 points, the Vampire and its Mount gain Poisoned Attacks and Armor Piercing (1). All Ghouls in the same Unit gain Hatred
* '''Nosferatu'''
** '''Ancient Blood Power''': Blood Magic (75 points), the Vampire counts as having one less Magic Dice when suffering a Miscast
** Forbidden Path: 20 points, can generate spells from the Path of Necromancy and from any Battle Magic Path other than the Path of Nature
** Arcane Knowledge: 30 points, spells cast by the Vampire have an additional 6 inch range, with the exception of Aura spells which gain 3 more inches of range. Vortex spells, Bound spells, and spells without any range are unaffected
* Vampire Count (Vampire Lord)
** Cost reduced from 220 to 205
** Gained Fear, Vampiric 6+, and Awaken (Zombies)
** Can only take two additional Wizard Levels, 25 pts for Level 2 (10 points cheaper) or 90 pts for Level 3 (20 points more expensive)
** Can take Light Armor for 5 points, Heavy Armor for 10 points (4 points more expensive), Shield for 5 points (2 points more expensive)
** Can only take ONE additional weapon; Paired Weapons for 10 points (1 point more expensive), Halberd for 15 points, Great Weapon for 20 points (10 points more expensive), or a Lance for 20 points (10 points more expensive)
** Can take a Skeletal Steed (Barded Nightmare) for 20 points (4 points cheaper), Spectral Steed (Hellsteed) for 55 points (25 points more expensive), Monstrous Revenant (Abyssal Horror) for 90 points (30 points cheaper), Court of the Damned (Coven Throne) for 140 points (90 points cheaper), Shrieking Horror (Terrorgheist) for 245 points (formerly only the mount of Strigoi Ghoul Kings; 20 points more expensive, may only be taken by an army of the Strigoi Bloodline), or Zombie Dragon for 270 points (25 points more expensive)
* Necromancer Lord (Master Necromancer)
** Cost increased from 165 to 170
** Gained Awaken (Zombies and Skeletons), replaced Master of the Dead option
** Can take the Lore of Fire
** Wizard Level 4 reduced by 5 points
** Can no longer take a Hellsteed. Can take a Skeletal Steed (Barded Nightmare) for 20 points, a Cadaver Wagon (Corpse Cart) for 50 points (40 points cheaper), or a Monstrous Revanant (Abyssal Horror) for 90 points (30 points cheaper)
* Vampire Courtier (Vampire)
** Cost reduced from 105 to 75
** Have one more point of Leadership
** Gained Fear, Vampiric 6+, and Awaken (Zombies)
** No longer a Wizard by default, can be upgraded to a Level 1 Wizard for 30 points or a Level 2 Wizard for 55 points (making becoming a Level 2 Wizard 25 points cheaper than 8th edition Warhammer after accounting for the reduction in points for the model itself)
** Can take Light Armor for 5 points, Heavy Armor for 10 points (6 points more expensive), Shield for 5 points (3 points more expensive)
** Can only take ONE additional weapon; Paired Weapons for 5 points (2 points more expensive), Halberd for 10 points, Great Weapon for 10 points (2 points more expensive), or a Lance for 15 points (7 points more expensive)
** Can take a Skeletal Steed (Barded Nightmare) for 15 points (1 point cheaper), Spectral Steed (Hellsteed) for 55 points (25 points more expensive), Monstrous Revenant (Abyssal Horror) for 110 points, or a Court of the Damned (Coven Throne) for 140 points (90 points cheaper)
* Necromancer
** Gained Awaken (Zombies and Skeletons), replaced Master of the Dead option
** Can take the Lore of Fire
** Level 2 Wizard upgrade cost reduced from 35 points to 25 points
** Can take a Skeletal Steed (Nightmare) for 15 points, or a Cadaver Wagon (Corpse Cart) for 50 points (40 points cheaper)
* Barrow King (Wight King)
** Cost decreased from 85 to 80
** Gained 1 point of Weapon Skill
** Gained Not A Leader, Magical Attacks, and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War Beasts, Cavalry)
** Has a Shield for free
** Can only take ONE additional weapon; Paired Weapons for 3 points (1 point more expensive), Halberd for 4 points, Great Weapon for 6 points (1 point more expensive), or a Lance for 6 points (1 point more expensive)
** May take a Skeletal Steed (Barded Nightmare) for 15 points (3 points more expensive)
** May take Unliving Shield (enemies that can deal Close Combat Attacks at a model with this rule and/or a Necromancer or Necromancer Lord cannot allocate those attacks towards the Necromancers; models with Vampiric in the same Unit cause this effect to stop working) for 20 points
* Fell Wraith (Cairn Wraith/Banshee)
** Cost reduced from 60 to 55 and from 95 to 85 respectively
** Both versions gained Reaper
** Fell Wraith has one more point of Weapon Skill
** Fell Wraith Lost Chill Grasp for Armor Piercing (6)
** Fell Wraith may take a Magic Weapon up to 50 points in value, and may take a Great Weapon for 10 points (previously free)
** Fell Wraith may join a Unit of Light Troops while mounted on a Skeletal Steed (Barded Nightmare) for 20 points
** Banshee's Howl has been replaced by Wail of Woe (as a Special Shooting Attack in the Shooting Phase which deals Multiple Shots (D6+2) automatic S4 Hits with Magical Attacks following Shooting rules for target selection within 8 inches of range regardless of whether it Marched, and can also be used in the Combat Phase as a Special Close Combat Attack to replace all the model's attacks with D3+1 automatic Magical Attacks Hits against a Unit in Base Contact at the Banshee's Initiative)
* Skeletal Steed (Skeletal Steed/Nightmare)
** Has Ethereal instead of Spectral Steed, has Mount's Protection (6+)
** Can up Mount's Protection to 5+ for 15 points
* Spectral Steed (Hellsteed)
** Gained Ethereal, Mount's Protection (6+)
** Lost one point of Strength and Toughness
* Monstrous Revenant (Abyssal Horror/Mortarch Dread Abyssal)
** Unit type changed from Monster to Monstrous Beast
**+1 A
**Terror downgraded to Fear, no longer has Fly by default
**Can take any two of the following: Poisoned Attacks for 5 pts (down from 15 pts), Lethal Strike for 10 pts (used to be Killing Blow), Great Monstrous Revenant (becomes the equivalent of the Mortarch End Times kits with Thunderous Charge and base size increased to 60x100mm) for 10 pts, Wail of Woe (as the Banshee unique special rule) for 30 pts, Random Attacks (d6+2) for 30 pts, Fly (8) for 40 pts
* Zombie Dragon
**One of a Kind
**Has Fly (7)
**Swarm of Flies replaced with Distracting, Pestilential Breath is now a normal Breath Weapon with S2 and Armor Piercing (6), Innate Defence (Scaly Skin) upped to 4+, gained Regeneration (6+)
**Can become a Colossal Zombie Dragon for 30 pts, gaining +1 WS and upping Innate Defence to 3+ but changing base size to 100x150mm
* Cadaver Wagon (Corpse Cart)
**Doesn't gain Swiftstride and cannot March despite being a Chariot
**Wake the Dead (formerly Vigour Mortis) now only affects one unit in range instead of all, and grants Lightning Reflexes instead of ASF
**Bring Out your Dead (Unholy Lodestone) now adds +2 Invocation for Small models and +1 for Medium models, has no effect on Vampiric or Ethereal units, cost reduced to 20 pts
**Can take Necromantic Aura for 20 pts as a third upgrade option
**In addition to its usual single upgrade it can take Endless Horde for 10 pts. This allows the cart to join Zombie units, using War Platform rules
* Court of the Damned (Coven Throne)
**Crew gained +2 Bs and +1 I, lost ASF
**Mount has +1 I but -1 WS
**Has Fear and Vampiric (6+)
**Lost Battle of Wills, Scrying Pool and the Ward Save
**Can take Unholy Dominion for 40 pts, granting +1 WS to friendly Rank & File models within 6" and -2 I to enemy units in the same range
**In a Lamia army Couts can take back their old 4+ save for 55 pts
* Shrieking Horror (Terrorgheist)
**+1 WS but -1 I
**Has Fly (8)
**Chilling Shriek can be used both in the Shooting Phase or in the Comnbat Phase replacing the model's normal attacks. In both cases it now causes 1 automatic hit for every Wound the Horror has left instead of rolling. These hits are resolved with S10, Armor Piercing (6) and Magical Attacks and roll to wound against the target's Leadership instead of Toughness
**Non-mounted Horrors become One of A Kind if the army includes a mounted Horror
* Zombies
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 55 pts, maximum is 60 at 3 pts per model
**Invocation 2d6+3
**Lost Always Strikes Last and The Newly Dead (redundant because of Awaken)
* Skeletons (Skeleton Warriors)
**Minimum unit size is 20 for 80 pts, maximum is 60 at 5 pts per model
**Invocation d6+3
**Can take halberds at 1pt/model
* Ghouls (Crypt Ghouls)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 65 pts, maximum is 40 at 10 pts per model
**Invocation d6+3
**+1I and Ld
**Can have a full command group
**A unit of 15 models or less can can Skirmish for 25 pts
**In a Strigoi army ghouls can take Vanguard at 2 pts/model
* Dire Wolves
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 40 pts, maximum is 15 at 6 pts per model
**Invocation d3+3
* Bat Swarm
**Moved over from Special
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 60 pts, maximum is 10 at 20 pts per model
**Invocation d6+3
**Lost -1 W, -2 I and -1 A
**Traded Hover for Flight (6) and Cloud of Horror for Distracting and Storm of Wings (-1WS for adjacent enemies)
* Barrow Guard (Grave Guard)
**Minimum unit size is 10 for 6 pts, maximum is 40 at 10 pts per model
**Invocation d3+3
**+1 Ld
**Have Bodyguard (General, Barrow King)
**Traded Killing Blow for Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War beasts Cavalry)
**No longer have shields by default but can take them back at 1 pt/model
**Cost of great weapons increased to 3 pts/model
**Can take halberds at 2 pts/model
* Barrow Knights (Black Knights)
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 90 pts, maximum is 12 at 26 pts per model
**Invocation d3+1
**Traded Killing Blow for Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War beasts Cavalry)
**Get lances and barding for free
* Ghasts (Crypt Horrors)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 100 pts, maximum is 10 at 47 pts per model
**Invocation 2
**Have Fear
* Vampire Spawn (Vargheists)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 120 pts, maximum is 8 at 45 pts per model
**Invocation 2
**+1 Ld
**Have Fear and Vampiric (6+)
**A unit of 4 models or less may Skirmish for 3 pts/model
* Phantom Host (Spirit Host)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 60 pts, maximum is 6 at 25 pts per model
**Invocation d3
**Have Fear, gained Armor Piercing (1)
* Great Bats (Fell Bats)
**Minimum unit size is 2 for 40 pts, maximum is 9 at 14 pts per model
**Invocation d3+3
**Has Fly (10) and Skirmishers
* Varkolak (Varghulf)
**Moved over from Rare
**Unit type changed to Monstrous Beast
**Invocation 1
**+1 S, +3 Ld
**Lost Bestial Fury, Terror downgraded to Fear, has Vampiric (5+)
**Can choose one of the following: Vampiric (3+) for 5 pts, Stomp (d3+1) for 10 pts, Fly (8) or Vanguard for 20 pts
* Cadaver Wagon (Corpse Cart)
**Cost reduced from 90 to 80
**Invocation 1
**Corpsemaster gained +1I but can no longer take a spear
**Endless Horde allows the Corpsemaster to issue and accept Challenges like a unit champion
**See mounts section for other changes
* Court of the Damned (Coven Throne)
**Can be taken as a special choice for 140 points, with 3 crewmen instead of 2
**Invocation 1
**See mounts section for other changes
* Vampire Knights (Blood Knights)
**Minimum unit size is 3 for 150 pts, maximum is 6 at 50 pts per model
**Invocation 1
**Riders now have 2 Wounds but their mounts lost 1 point of Toughness
**Have Fear and Vampiric (6+), lost Frenzy and Martial Honour
**Can no longer take the Flag of Blood Keep
**In a Brotherhood of the Dragon army Vampire Knights may take plate armor and Devastating Charge at 10 pts/model
* Wraiths (Cairn Wraiths, Hex Wraiths)
**Merged in a single unit
**Minimum unit size is 5 for 75 points, maximum is 10 at 20 pts per model
**Invocation 1
**Same stats as unmounted Hexwraiths but with +1 A
**have Undead, Ashes to Ashes, Ethereal, Light Troopers, Skirmishers, Terror, Reaper, Armor Piercing (6)
**Can take Flaming Attacks at 2 pts/model and/or mount on Skeletal Steeds and lose Skirmishers at 15 pts/model
**In a Nosferatu army, Wraiths can take a special unit champion for 60 pts. Thanks to the Wizard Covenant rule this champion has +1 Wounds and counts as a level 1 wizard who knows the signature spells from the Lore of Death and the Lore of Shadows
* Winged Reapers (Morghast Harbingers/Archai)
** Minimum Unit size is 2 for 155 points, maximum Unit size is 5 for 72 points more per additional Winged Reaper
** Lost one Attack, have an Invocation value of 2
** Lost Ebon-wrought Armor, can take Light Armor for 10 points per model
** Lost Hover. Gained Undead Construct (if at least half of the models in the Unit have this rule their Wounds caused by Ashes to Ashes and Unstable are reduced by 1), Fly (6), Innate Defense (5+)
** May only take ONE weapon; Paired Weapons for 5 points per model (previously free for Harbingers), Halberd for 12 points per model (previously free for Archai)
** Can be upgraded with Necromantic Aura for 20 points (previously free), Autonomous (can March outside the General's Inspiring Presence range) for 10 points per model
* Shrieking Horror (Terrorgheist)
**Cost increased from 225 to 245
**Invocation 1
**Can no longer take any upgrades
**See the mounts section for other changes
* Altar of Undeath (Mortis Engine)
**Cost decreased from 220 to 200
**Invocation 1
**Corpsemaster has +1 I, mount has +1 I but -1 WS
**No longer has a Banshee and relative Wail attack, can be bought back for 20 pts but this upgrade is mutually exclusive with the Dark Tome
**Aura of Undeath (The Reliquary) has two modes now. The first one is identical to its old use but its range is a fixed 6"+ turn number and it can no longer cause Wounds to the chariot. The second mode causes d6 hits with S equal to turn number to all enemy units within 12"
**Dark tome cost increased to 30 pts, it now causes miscasting wizards to count as having used 2 additional power dice instead of making them roll twice
* Dark Coach (Black Coach)
**Cost reduced from 195 to 190
**Invocation 1
**Armor save reduced to 4+, Crew traded Chill Grasp for Armor Piercing (6), gained Vampiric (5+)
**Can take Extende Chassis for 10 pts, giving both mounts +1 A but increasing base size to 50x150mm
**Soul Syphon (Evocation of Death) has completely changed: now it's based solely on the amount of unsaved Wounds the model has caused since the start of the game, as follows
***1-3: Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, Cavalry, War Beasts)
***4-6: Grinding Attacks (d3) and Flaming Attacks
***7-9: Now also crewed by an Awakened Vampire with WS5 S5 I6 A4 Ld8 and Vampiric (2+)
***10-12: Fly (8)
***13+: Ethereal
**In a Von Karnstein army Dark Coaches may take Stubborn for 30 pts

==Warriors of the Dark Gods (Warriors of Chaos)==
==Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to the Warriors of Chaos.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Warriors Of Chaos lore.
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===Army Rules===
====Magic Items====

Chaos got more changes than anyone to their lore, so buckle up. Due to the overlap of Chaos lore, further relevant information may be found in the Daemons entry and to combat article bloat info will mostly be stated once in whichever entry it is more relevant. Fans of these armies are recommended to read both. 

* Warriors only appeared in the eighth age after the Dark Gods gained direct access to the world due to the magical backlash of the (Chaos Dwarf) Inferno. They were beat back by (female Sigmar) reborn.
* Female Warriors aren't uncommon. Since Warrior bands often come from any existing group in addition to their own ethnic groups, a Warriors army can be made or kitbashed from any existing faction and/or cultural background desired.
* Warriors are far less cruel than Warhammer Warriors, with slavery more resembling that of real life vikings. In particular killing slaves provides no honor, so unless they are sacrifices to a Dark God or involved in a ritual then they exist simply as laborers.
* Warriors are far more selfish. Unlike in WFB where the Warriors Of Chaos serve the gods because it is their cultural background and hope to be rewarded, Warriors Of The Dark Gods are often the founders or recruited by a founder of a new cult that springs up when the Dark Gods start handing out gifts. Faith is directly tied to benefits, and the Dark Gods let them go freely. But gifts are taken back quickly, since in all example stories the Warriors don't live very long although the faith in getting a continued reward past death or a lack of concern for their own well-being keep them plodding along regardless. According to the writers, the Warriors are also supposed to remain emotional characters compared to the monolithic supreme badass entities that Warriors became when their backstories were over in WFB.
* While most come from the Wasteland, Warriors have set up cities around the world where the Veil is weakest. This includes an oasis in the Great Desert. These cities are far less like the wandering warbands or small villages of the Warriors Of Chaos and more akin to human versions of the Chaos Dwarfs.
* Norscans=Vaskol
* Kurgans=Makhar

==Named Characters==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Technically an April Fool's joke, Oceanborn are not based on any specific army although some fans enjoyed the concept. Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the Oceanborn army.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" for a list of named characters for use on the tabletop.
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'''Beast Herds'''
* '''Bragh, The Black Bull''': A warlord who killed King Warin of the Askar, slaughtering his way to the western coast. He bears the Bargahn-grahl, Man-bane as his weapon as well as an artifact known as the Eye of the Slayer. His thick hide also grants him protection, although it weakens him in other ways.

===Army Rules===
'''Daemon Legions'''
* '''Cacophrax, The Entropic''': A greater daemon of Nukuja described as being half griffon, half alligator, and the size of a barn. He has the ability to float. He led a Undivided daemon army against the Avrasi empire. His minions are jet black and his banner is a spiral.

* '''The Gilded Giant''': A giant golden golem built by Infernal Dwarves and possessed by a greater daemon of Sugulag. It has led multiple raids on the mortal realm, the purpose of which is always to steal as much gold as possible, to be used for some unknown purpose. Its minions appear metallic and mechanical. Its banner is an anvil.

====Magic Items====
* '''Foloy, The Skullbringer''': A Scourge of Vanadra. He is a giant red daemon with horns, hooves and wings, and carries two axes (so basically a [[Skarbrand]] expy). He and his army usually appear after natural disasters, like earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis, or hurricanes. The elves call him "Vanadra's Tempest". His minions are tentacled lovecraftian horrors. His banner is a blindfolded skull.

* '''Quetzatoa, The Devourer of the Deeps''': A greater daemon of Akaan resembling a giant hermit crab. It leads armies of fish-like daemons on attacks against ships and coastal communities around the world. It's lair is rumoured to be under the Shattered Sea. Its banner is a crab claw.

* '''Scarok, The Magnanimous''': A greater daemon of Kuulima that appears as a dragon with shimmering scales that constantly change color, like a kaleidoscope. Her minions take various reptilian forms. She avoids open conflict unless someone defies her, instead seeking to sow jealousy among the wealthy and powerful, and then watching the ensuing battles. She is particularly feared by the dread elves. She was responsible for provoking the "Wars of Spite" in Vetia. Her banner is a snake's forked tongue.

* '''Tergon, The Pathmaker''': An Omen of Savar famous among the Warriors of the Makhar Steppes. He led massive coalitions of both mortals and daemons against Tsuandan. He is the subject of an epic poem, the Tergonead.

* '''Akka Zono, The Puppetmaster''': A greater daemon of Cibaresh, also known as The Sultan of Lust. It has a goat's head and a multitude of arms. Its minions appear as oversized children or animals with human faces. Its banner is a vertically bisected circle.

'''Dwarven Holds'''
* '''Gorik Bearblood''': One of the dwarves of the "Lost Hold". He is mute and communicates through sign language. He rides a tamed bear mount.

'''Ogre Khans'''
* '''Tsanas''': A hero known as the “Khan Of Khans” that modern Ogres sing a 3,473+ line epic poem of at feasts. He led his tribe, the Myahet, against a united Daemon army. He killed many Daemons until finally Foloy the Skullbringer and Tsanas dealt each other mortal wounds (beheading and disemboweling respectively). The Daemons fled from the Ogres at seeing the last of their leaders fall, and were destroyed by the pursuing army.

'''Undying Dynasties'''
* '''Mahatesh, Queen of Djedesh''': Her husbands' mummified body was stolen by tomb raiders and sold to archeologists in Sonnstahl. She is mounting an invasion to rescue him.

=Lore Changes=
'''Warriors Of The Dark Gods'''
Note that all lore is intentionally written from an in-universe perspective and by other factions, allowing free disregard of anything not liked by players. All lore is presented to an alternative to Warhammer lore if desired, and is not the mandatory setting.  
* '''Šiva Yanovich, Daughter Of Savar''': The former wife of a Volskayan noble who was sent to rule over a backwater village at the edge of the Wasteland. Dissatisfied at being forced to give up her aristocratic life in Volskagrad to move to some shithole village in the middle of nowhere, she eventually said "fuck it" and ran off with one the Warrior warbands that regularly pass through town. 14 years later she led a huge united warband into Volskaya, intent on reaching the capitol. They ended up getting the shit smacked out of them. Gravely wounded, Šiva led a small splinter of the survivors back to the village where her ex-husband was still stationed. He forgave her for all she'd done as she died in his arms.
==Undying Dynasties (Tomb Kings)==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%"> Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Tomb Kings lore.
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The following is presented from the perspective of scholars of the Empire of Sonnstahl (AKA The Empire) who study the Undying Dynasties in a manner similar to the real life British and French studies and excavations of Egypt in the early 1800's to late 1900's. Despite this, Witch Hunters are still wary of the dead.  

* Nehekhara=Naptesh. Naptesh confirmed as the origin of humanity. People were Naptaan.
* '''Lukas Yanovich, Sorcerer of the Dark Gods''': The son of Šiva. She took him (still an infant) with her when she joined the Warriors. She gave him up to be raised by Daemons in the Wasteland. Thus he has been learning sorcery his entire life. After his mother's death, he rallied together an even bigger warband, with which he plans to lay siege on Avras. Oh, [[grimdark|he also murdered his father]].
* The Kingdom of Equitaine (Bretonnian) war against Naptesh is known as the "Lost Crusade". An Equitainian port, Port Reynaud, remains active in the location of Zandri in Nehekhara.  
* Khemri=Tehmet, Lahmia=Hanaphuk, Mortis River (the Nile)=Napaat River.
* Non-royal nobility (Tomb Princes) are called "Nomarchs". Tomb Kings are Pharaohs.
* The Mortuary Cult is now the Death Cult, and was a place for Nomarchs who were not in line for the throne and unskilled in war to distinguish themselves rather than a place to send firstborn sons as tithe.
* No mention of sexism. A queen ruled all of the loyal nobles of Naptesh, and a female Death Cult Mage is referenced. The wife of a warrior king leads his army to rescue him from being studied in Sonnstahl.
* The Undying Dynasty lower class undead are not soulless. The undead become far more animate at night.
* The ancient Tsuandan (Cathay) had a Terracotta army as part of Undying Dynasties, created by an architect who fled Naptesh. The culture of Naptaan spread through the 9th Old World before the fall, and is the origin of undeath and Necromancy and represents the Undead (Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings before they split into two armies) list. Both have rulesets.  

Phatep was the divine ruler of all of Naptesh, blessed by the gods and ruled alongside his wife Teput, but Setesh and Nepharet planned to usurp him. They threw a celebration in his honor and tricked him into getting into a box which was stabbed many times. The conspirators drank his blood, becoming Vampires. His body was divided into nine pieces, with Setesh keeping the heart to use for divine magic while the rest was hidden across the land. Setesh's servant Tekhamun felt shame, and threw the head into the Napaat which carried it to Teput (who had received an invitation to join her husband from
Setesh). She used the head to rally those loyal to the divine king into civil war.
Setesh used the heart of Phatep to open the underworld where he usurped the god of death and commanded the dead as his army. Naptesh was rendered mostly lifeless by a curse from the angered gods.

In the last battle, Teput and Setesh fought each other. All participants were dealt mortal wounds with Teput and Setesh dying next to each other. Setesh told her he was an undying master of death who would rule over all of Naptesh forever, causing Teput to pray to the gods of the Naptaan for aid. They closed the underworld, sealing Setesh within which barred the Naptaan from becoming his slaves but preventing them from finding any peace in an afterlife and instead were shackled to the mortal world.
==See Also==
*[[The 9th Age Tactics]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Arcane Compendium|Arcane Compendium]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Paths Of Magic|Paths of Magic]]

The peasantry fled to the north to become the Araby of 9th Age, as nothing in the mainland could support life. The nobility and their servants remained out of pride as the stoic dying with no food or water before becoming eternal undead. All have the goal of destroying Setesh and reclaiming their afterlives, are allied with Setesh and seek to destroy all his rivals, or are independent agents seeking their own gains.
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Beast Herds|Beast Herds]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Daemon Legions|Daemon Legions]]
**[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Cultists|Cultists]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Dread Elves|Dread Elves]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Dwarven Holds|Dwarven Holds]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Empire Of Sonnstahl|Empire of Sonnstahl]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Highborn Elves|Highborn Elves]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Infernal Dwarves|Infernal Dwarves]]
**[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Hobgoblin|Hobgoblins]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Kingdom Of Equitaine|Kingdom of Equitane]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Ogre Khans|Ogre Khans]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Orcs and Goblins|Orcs and Goblins]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Saurian Ancients|Saurian Ancients]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Sylvan Elves|Sylvan Elves]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/The Vermin Swarm|The Vermin Swarm]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Undying Dynasties|Undying Dynasties]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Vampire Covenant|Vampire Covenant]]
*[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Warriors of the Dark Gods|Warriors of the Dark Gods]]
**[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Makhar|Makhar]]
**[[The 9th Age/Tactics/Asklanders|Åsklanders]]

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Image:9th Empire VS Beastmen.jpg
T9a world map.png|A map of the T9A world
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Latest revision as of 14:04, 23 June 2023

This article or section covers a product that is in development. You can help 1d4chan by keeping it up to date.

The 9th Age is a community project and various fan fiction created in response to the Skub (a fairly major understatement) that came about from End Times and Age of Sigmar in Warhammer Fantasy.

What some Warhammer Fantasy fans had hoped 9th to be.

The project seeks to be a natural evolution of 8th Edition with balanced rules for every Warhammer model, and lore that reflects the army while being changed enough to avoid copyright issues. The team has a lawyer on retainer in case Games Workshop decides to sue, although the wisdom of them doing so would be poor since it only serves to sell their models for them. The rules writers grew out of the team that worked on the unofficial Warhammer Fantasy tournament competitive rules after GW eliminated their own official tourneys, while the lore is worked on by a larger crew recruited to adapt Warhammer into a more generic loreset while retaining the same flavor and has relied on work from the community as a whole via the forums. Lore is being carefully written to represent each faction at various points in Warhammer history, so any version of the lore you prefer is represented. In addition, all lore is presented as an account so fans can disregard anything they dislike and count their own favored interpretation.

The game is in a constant state of production, with dedicated rules creation and balance being an ongoing effort that sees every army tweaked when a new faction is added or an existing faction gets an overhaul to best ensure minimum power creep or overpowering. In addition, beta editions which serve only as a public playtesting have been released (some of the skub regarding balance has in fact come from people downloading these rules and thinking they were the current edition).

Major Changes[edit | edit source]

NOTE: The 9th Age Team keeps a very good record of change logs, look at the back of any document and you will see the changes compared to the previous version summarized and color-coded.

8e to T9A[edit | edit source]

1.0 designed to be Warhammer Fantasy with all of the Tournament common sense balancing incorporated, as well as many of the long-running gripes resolved. Close as possible to 8e.

  • Battle Standard Bearers can take Magic Items, and have a total Magic Item allowance that any Magic Banner fits into. A BSB can take a Magic Banner of any point value, but it also sucks up your Magic Item allotment. For example taking a 100 point Banner will prevent the BSB from having any magic gear, taking a 100 point Magic Armor won't let you take a Magic Banner. If a theoretical 150 point Banner makes it into the game your BSB can still take it even though they have a 100 point limit on their magic items, but you won't be able to take anything else magic on top of it.
  • Units now have two point values; the value of taking the bare minimum models of a Unit, and a number of points per additional model. This isn't always equivalent. For example an entry may be 100 points for 25 models but each additional model, to a maximum of 40 total per Unit, may cost 6 points each rather than 4. This is sometimes higher and sometimes lower.
  • Riders and Mounts share profiles, sort of like The End Times special characters. The book lays out when you mount a character on something on which model part attributes to use in certain situations (like using Toughness of the Mount when being attacked, or the Initiative of the rider on the offense) but as far as an opponent targeting goes the entire kit is treated as a single target (so no shooting a horse out from under a rider, no shooting a rider off a horse, the whole thing just dies). This is called a Combined Profile.
  • Characters and Command all have the First In Rank rule, but you can divide them as you will rather than in a specific order. This is important because in 8e Characters joining a Unit would only have to reach the back of a horde and somehow teleport a full turns worth of Movement in order to reach the front of the Unit to join it, whereas now there are more places it can go and thus less distance it somehow travels (gets crowd-surfed?) in less than a second.
  • In Deployment, both characters roll a die. The one who rolls higher chooses which one of the players chooses deployment sides. The other player chooses who starts to deploy first, and players can deploy as many Units as they want before allowing the other player to deploy Units. Whoever gets all their Units on the board first (other than those which deploy after this step) gets a bonus for however many Units their opponent hasn't deployed on a die roll to see who goes first (so if you put down your entire army at once, you automatically go first since your bonus goes beyond what your opponent can roll). This gives a tremendous strategic importance on deployment, allowing you to sacrifice whatever steps don't matter to you (which side of the board you start on, countering what your opponent deploys, and having the first turn) for what you do want.
  • Rather than True Line Of Sight, models have a line of sight based on the type of Terrain between them and model size based on what kind of model it is, rather than just which model is physically taller (which was punishing for players who wanted to do fancy basing for their models or just use things like taller characters, or had random advantages when custom terrain was used).
  • Units can March into Buildings. But no model can go more than triple their Movement to get into a building (so a long "bus" formation where most of the Unit can get into the building don't teleport those in the end into it).
  • "Move Or Fire" has been replaced by Unwieldy, which adds an additional -1 To Hit if models move that turn.
  • Volley Fire ignores Cover provided by other Units, and the entire Unit can shoot rather than just the first two Ranks.
  • "Look Out Sir!" is removed. If there is at least five Rank & File of the same Troop Type, they automatically get hit.
  • Cannons use Ballistic Skill To Hit, then it becomes a line template. Do Ordinance Wounds, which is D3+1 (+1 additional if Target is Flying) instead of D6. Templates hit whatever they hit rather than just 1 model per Rank and File.
  • Flame Template is removed, whatever used it causes 2D6 Hits instead.
  • Spells in general are less powerful individually and won't automatically win or lose a game, less bonuses to casting, less Magic Dice obtained per turn, limit 5 Magic Dice to cast a spell, Overwhelming Power is not automatically cast or dispelled, Miscast is based on how many Magic Dice used to cast the spell.
  • Units with a Champion always get a minimum of a 4 result on the Charge.
  • If a Unit Flees a Charge, and its redirected into a second Unit that also Flees, in 8e both would count as a failed Charge; in T9A, the Charging player may default to a successful Charge against the first.
  • The Make Way rule lets a Character get into the front Rank to get into Combat, like in 8e, but ONLY into the front Rank unlike 8e. This means getting a Flank Charge won't put a blender lord into you until they perform a Combat Reform.
  • Rank and File models always target Rank and File models, whereas in 8e some armies could fill the front Rank full of Characters which prevented the Rank and File from being able to attack the Unit.
  • Always Strikes First replaced by Lightning Reflexes, which provides a +1 To Hit rather than a To Hit reroll.
  • Killing Blow replaced by Lethal Strike, so instead of automatically killing on a roll of a 6 the attack just ignores Armor Save and Regeneration rolls.
  • Models are not moved to be in a Challenge. You only get a maximum of 3 Overkill. Characters who refuse a Challenge do not move and cannot attack or use their Leadership benefits (like Hold Your Ground and +1 Combat Resolution, or BSB benefits if they were a BSB), and can still be attacked; in 8e a way to protect weak characters like Wizards was having them refuse a challenge and move to the back.
  • No Insane Courage, automatic Break instead.
  • Standard Bearers don't die automatically if they Break, they just lose their Standard.
  • No Post-Combat Reforms, only Pivots.
  • No army-wide Fear (like Undead and Daemons had).
  • Fear causes -1 Leadership to any models in Base Contact.
  • Fear-causing models take Terror Tests if Charged by Terror-causing models. In Close Combat, Fear-causing models do not take Terror Tests.
  • Parry means you cannot be hit by a 4+ To Hit, whereas in 8e it was a 6+ Ward Save.
  • Spears provide Armor Piercing 1, Fight In Extra Ranks if you didn't Charge with them, and gives Lethal Strike against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, and Chariots from the front Rank.
  • Flails have +2 Strength as in 8e, but your opponent gets +1 To Hit against models with them.
  • Paired Weapons have +1 Attack as in 8e, but also +1 Initiative.
  • Units Fleeing with 25% of their starting number or less Rally on half their Leadership rounded up, rather than 2 in 8e.
  • Flammable models being attacked by Flaming Attacks allows a reroll To Wound rather than causing double Wounds.
  • Flaming Attacks ignore Regeneration just for that specific attack rather than removing it for the entire phase.
  • Redirectors are no longer a possibility. Situations where one Unit creates a situation where neither can be made Base Contact with require the Units to be moved as little as possible for that to occur.
  • Nagash removed.

1.0 To 1.1[edit | edit source]

1.1 To 1.2 & 1.3[edit | edit source]

Designed to move away from Warhammer Fantasy, incorporating some things from older Warhammer Fantasy editions but also moving slightly away from it for legal reasons. Team reports they want as few major changes as possible, and packed most of them into this update.

Because of the loss of some customizations and heavily botched magic, many wargamers called this edition and later ones The Nerfed Age. It became one of the reasons why the game got banhammered from Adepticon. Massive rage followed with insiders and youtubers like Lord Tremendous leaving the community.

  • Every army now has its own minimum amount of Core required, rather than a universal core tax. Armies also have different limits on the other categories.
  • Rare has been removed as a category in all armies. It has been replaced by army-specific categories.
  • Lords and Heroes are now just Characters.
  • Standard game size has increased from 2500 points to 4500 points. Skirmish games are below 3000 points, large scale games are 8000 points or higher. Models have has point increases to reflect this, most proportionally although some are cheaper or stronger as a nerf or buff for balancing reasons.
  • Many Lord and Hero versions of the same basic model are a single option, you upgrade a standard version and based on how many points you have invested in it the model is now either equivalent to the Lord or Hero version.
  • Models may now count as being part of more than one category, counting towards the limit or minimum of all applicable categories.
  • Models now have a model footprint called a Boundary Rectangle, meaning that incomplete Ranks still count as a full Rank for the purpose of determining if a model is visible, in Terrain, and can be in Close Combat.
  • Line Of Sight is only a property of the front facing of the Unit, and every individual model has their own Line Of Sight meaning there are circumstances where part of a Unit can shoot and part will not.
  • Models can temporarily move 25% off the table as long as they end their Movement entirely back on it.
  • Overwhelming Power adds an extra Magic Die, removed from the Magic Pool of the casting player, which is allowed to exceed the 5 Die limit.
  • Miscasts are determined by rolling D3+1, doubling the result, multiplying it by the number of Magic Dice used in the casting (minus the bonus Overwhelming Power one) and taking cumulative negative effects based on the result.
  • Captured Standards can be Raised, all models Raised go into the back Rank unless they have the Front Rank rule.
  • Vortex Spells removed.
  • Round templates removed because of some WAAC's fee-feehs.
  • Learning Spells is different from becoming a higher level Wizard. Both cost points independent of each other.
  • Nagash removed.

1.3 To 2.0[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Skill is separated in Offensive and Defensive Skill.
  • Armour modifiers through Strength removed.
  • Instead of rolling for Spells, you choose which you want that is available.
  • Magic phase is overhauled.
  • A shit ton of small changes and edits.
  • All units now have a maximum amount of times it can be included in a army.
  • Units can no longer move temporarily outside the Board Edge.
  • General does not need to have the highest leadership
  • Units freshly rallied are now Shaken (new status, see later).
  • Removed rules within rules (Example: units with Terror new don't inherently have Fear but is now stated to have it on its unit card)
  • Nagash removed.

2.0 to Gold Edition[edit | edit source]

Since December 2018 there is a rules freeze for 3 years and released the new Daemon Legions army book, replacing all the Chaos gods with the 7 sins. The Chaos factions have been going through constant changes since the re-release beta, having the most tweaks than any other faction.

Army Change Summaries[edit | edit source]

Currently there are no named characters in The 9th Age, although the magazine supplements have added some optional armor sets which emulate a named character as a kind of beta test of the idea. Some, like Lord Skrolk or High Queen Khalida who had rules that affect other models have had their rules integrated directly into the army (Skrolk making Plague Monks into Core options is default for the army for example, and Khalida's arrow buff is now contained within a magic item upgrade). Some The End Times models like Morghasts have rules, others like Nagash do not. Army changes are listed in the respective army pages (which are in varying stages of completion).

Lore Changes[edit | edit source]

Note that all lore is intentionally written from an in-universe perspective and by other factions, allowing free disregard of anything not liked by players and substitute it with their own in a manner similar to how Rick Priestley viewed Warhammer lore itself. All lore is presented as an alternative to Warhammer lore if desired, and is not the mandatory setting.

Some on /tg/ find the lore pointless and say the purpose of T9A is rules for Warhammer rather than being a new thing. Others enjoy the fact that new content of some kind will be produced. What is generally agreed in is anything is better than ET or AoS to anyone interested in T9A in the first place.

The Q&A about lore is presented by an in-universe sage named Sigmund Selig, the son of a Arcalean merchant and a Equitain maid. He was well-educated and is well-traveled and resides in Avras, and many queries about in-game lore earns rebukes from him before being answered, from "you're trying to get me killed by Dwarfs" to "you're trying to get me killed by Witch Hunters".

History[edit | edit source]

The history of the setting was initially related in a Dwarf poem found on a tapestry in-universe in poem and accompanying illustrations detailing the nine ages of the world. Each completed army book details in more of the history, and reveals complexity in some things which each race has a different version of.

I In the Unmeasured Age the Coatl (Slaan) and their servants the Saurians (Lizardmen), used the mortal races as slaves to mine and construct their ziggurats. The slaves were Elves, humans, Dwarves (used for mining gems for the Saurians), Ogres, and Orcs. Giants ruled the continent of Vetia (The Old World). When a great comet fell and separated the continents resulting in the Shattered Sea (the Vortex) cutting the Saurian homeland into two halves called Silexia (Naggaroth) and Virentia (Lustria), the mortals united and rebelled successfully.

II In the Golden Age the Dwarves settled the mountains and reunited with their kin in Taphria (the Southlands). The Elves took to sea and settled the continents of the west called the White Isles by other races and Celeda Ablan (Ulthuan) by the Highborn Elves (High Elves) and eventually moved the Pearl Throne (Phoenix King's Court) there, although many of the Elves refused to leave Vetia and a schism formed between the two Elf groups. Humans spread out and founded many diverse cultures from Naptesh (Nehekhara) to Tsuandan kingdom on the continent of Augea (Cathay). Even Orcs built a civilization, led by a king known as the "Fair-Eyed Orc". Only a single Orc named Akrübad saw the end of the golden age coming. Dwarfs managed to get into conflict with Elves dwelling in forests.

III Then came the Age Of Death AKA the First Age Of Ruin AKA The Age Of Woes with Beast Herds (Beastmen), a race which has their own tragic origins and did not initially serve the Dark Gods. Dwarves attempted to repel the invaders and called on their allies for aid, but the Elves were dealing with problems of their own. The Beast Herds had destroyed much of the homes of the Vetian Elves with some retreating into the Wyscan Wood (Athel Loren) to become Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves), the rest fleeing to the west. The inability of the Elves to aid the Dwarves was seen as intentional betrayal causing animosity between Elves and Dwarves. In the human kingdom of Naptesh the high priest Setesh (Nagash) and his servants including Nepharet (Neferata) assassinated the king Phatep (Settra) then drank his blood which caused them to become the first of the Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts). Phatep's wife Teput (Khalida) took command of the armies resulting in a civil war which ended when Setesh stole the powers from the Naptaan god of death and the remaining gods cursed the land, rendering it lifeless as no Naptaan can remain dead and the sides loyal to Phatep battle eternally with those loyal to Setesh. The architect Haskhunet fled Naptesh and created an army of undead and animated constructs in the service of Emperor Xun, last Emperor of the united Tsuand.

IV In the Age Of Iron AKA Second Age Of Ruin a city situated between Vetia and Augia called Avras, a Rome expy, grows to become an empire under their primary god named Sunna (Rule 63 Sigmar). Orcs and Goblins turn against the rest of the civilized races, and assail the Dwarves. Avras and the Dwarves unite and manage to repel the combined greenskins and Beast Herds although the Dwarves are driven from the White Mountains (Karaz Ankor).

V In the Age Of Plague AKA the Third Age Of Ruin the Dwarves and armies of Avras retook the White Mountains and in gratitude the Dwarves built a great wall to protect Avras. Avras is hit by a terrible plague, followed by an invasion from the Vermin Swarms (Skaven) which claim to be the descendants of the early Avrasians, worshiping evil versions of the Avras gods. The Dwarves claim to have found their "hidden foe" although whether this refers to the Vermin or Dark Gods is unknown. The top general of Avras named Gaius Dexion falls in love with a Vampire and declares war on the Avras Senate, and the High Priest of Sunna named Quintus Augustus tries to ally with the Vermin agaist Dexion. The Vermin betray Augustus and conquer Avras, led by the Rat King (pre-godhood Horned Rat) and their own Senate (the Council Of Thirteen). The Elves who refused to join the Highborn Elves or the Sylvan Elves settle on the continent of Silexia and found the Dathen Republic, calling themselves Daeb although all other races refer to them as Dread Elves (Dark Elves). Hardened by their suffering, the Daeb society is based on freedom and liberty for citizens, with all other beings as slaves and enemies. The Highborn attempt to reassert control over the rest of the world Elves, with a three-way open war resulting.

VI The Age Of War AKA Fourth Age Of Ruin the Dwarves prepared a last stand while humans and Vermin fought over Avras. The Orcs spent their strength against the Dwarves and were then beaten by the Beast Herds, who also exhausted themselves against the Dwarves and were driven back by the Vermin, who themselves similarly spent their strength attempting to defeat the Dwarves. Vermin overrun most of Vetia, and in desperation a small enclaves of Dwarves cut a deal with dark powers from beyond reality called the Dark Gods (Chaos) and become Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs).

VII In the Age Of Thunder the Infernal Dwarves created a hole in reality cutting into the separation between the realm of the Dark Gods and the physical realm, the result being a magical vortex called the Inferno (collapsed Warpgate/Eye Of Terror) they use to conquer and enslave their neighbors. The Inferno also burns their lands until its a lifeless hellscape called the Wastelands (Badlands). The Dark Gods then betrayed the Infernal Dwarves and used the Inferno to access the world for their own amusement, sending their Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos) into the world. The Vampire Covenant launched their invasion of the world as well, and between the Vampires, Vermin, Infernal Dwarves, Beast Hordes, Daemon Legions, and greenskins the human race was almost entirely wiped out and/or enslaved. The only remaining free bastion of power was the Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia) under King Gilles de Raux, a Vampire.

VIII In the Age Of Waste AKA The Age Of Fire the first invasion of Daemons led by Foloy the Skullbringer is destroyed by an Ogre Khan (Ogre Kings) named Tsanas and his army. Mankind has largely been scattered into primitive tribes, with some being drawn into the east where they begin to worship the Dark Gods, becoming the Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos). A small tribe of humans called the Askar under King Warin fleeing the monsters that rule Vetia are ambushed by Beast Herds before being saved by a single powerful warrior woman appearing out of nowhere, who is proclaimed an avatar of Sunna. Inspired by the story despite believing her to be a servant of their own goddess named The Lady, Equitainian Equitan knights led by Uther of Gasconne (Gilles de Breton) overthrow Gilles de Raux and declare Uther the first true king of Equitaine. Sunna drove the Orcs out of the White Mountains and united the races of men in Vetia before defeating the united armies of the Dark Gods. The Rat King, fearing Sunna, sent an envoy to deliver her a message to serve him or be destroyed, forcing her hand and initiating a war between the Vermin and mankind over Avras. King Warin is offered peace if he kills Sunna using a godkiller blade called the Doom Blade, and he does exactly that while Sunna duels the now Daemonic Rat King. Sunna pulls the dagger from her side and kills the Rat King, both gods sent back to their home realms to return and fight again. Avras is reclaimed, the various tribes including the Askar return home and unite to form the Empire of Sonnstahl (The Empire) named after Sunna's own sword with Sunna as their main god. The Empire of Destria (Estalia) and Arcalea (Tilea, Border Princes) are also settled by Sunna's army.

IX The current date of the game is the ninth age of the world (roll credits) when the Age Of Exploration analogue begins, the races of order are reuniting and beginning to push back after an averted end of the world while the forces of evil are finding they too have allies. Sonnstahl creates a system of government where the Council Of Electors (Elector Counts) appoints an Emperor, the first being Leopold Truehearted after he defeated a Dread Elf invasion force that intended to reclaim their former lands in Vetia. The Empire begins many academic pursuits including research into the past via a combination of archeology and magic, particularly Divination magic, although these pursuits are monitored by the very powerful church of Sunna. The Empire also pursues war against the Vampires with moderate success. Equitaine launches many Crusades and smaller scale Quests, all of which end badly. Destria colonizes parts of Virentia and fights against the Saurians. General Fontaine (possibly Vlad Con Carstein?), a former Equitaine knight, conquers Avras using an army of the undead led by a female Vampire and his apparent consort. Emperor Matthias is the current Emperor of Sonnstahl, married to Sophia of Destria which has formed an alliance between the two nations. Matthias's sister Josefa was removed from the line of succession as a child by being given to the Church Of Sunna, but she has ambitions to shake nunhood and take over the Empire. The Highborn Elves gain sweeping addiction to the opiate effects of the leaves of the camillia plant, and through a puppet Raj in the kingdom of Sagarikadesha in the Sagarika region (Ind). The Vermin Swarms in Sagarikadesha region serve a new god named The Plaguebringer (Horned Rat 2.0?).

Geography[edit | edit source]

Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to geographical lore.
The T9A world

In general mountain barriers have diminished, making more travel routes than individual passes and the Underway through the world regions. Rather than just slapping "Here Be Orcs" or filling space with mountains on the map, areas such as Greece and the Middle East are left open for expies.

  • The Old World is now Vetia. Vetia has (Lizardmen).
  • The Empire is now Sonnstahl.
  • Kislev is Volskaya, with an increase in Bulgarian influence.
  • Tilea is now Arcalea.
  • The Dark Lands are now The Wasteland, and connect to Volskaya rather than (The Worlds Edge Mountains). Most (Warriors Of Chaos) come from here. Makhar Steppe (Scythia) is in the southern Wasteland and are partially but not entirely on the side of (Chaos). The Wasteland is shrinking rather than expanding, but very slowly. Those who venture within must have the direct blessing of the Dark Gods; what is corruptible is mutated, what isn’t suffers as if from radiation with their hair falling out, internal organs liquifying, and their skin falling off. Daemons live freely in the innermost part since there is enough magic to sustain them, and even the most beloved and blessed mortals can’t spend long there. There is no visual change in the surrounding area indicating where the Wasteland begins and ends, aside from most Warrior settlements being found there.
  • The Worlds Edge Mountains are now The White Mountains.
  • Bretonnia is now Equitaine.
  • Athel Loren is now Wyscan.
  • Warhammer Asia is Augea. Yes, the continent gets its own name rather than the Old World being both Asia and Europe.
  • Warhammer gets a Constantinople (not Istanbul)/Rome called Avras that is the holy land for Vetia humans and the origin of western civilization, the origins lying in a tribe of people known as the Askar.
  • The Broken Teeth are now the Barren Mountains.
  • The Mountains Of Mourn are now the Sky Mountains.
  • The Silk Road/Ivory Road/High Road are just the Silk Road.
  • The Steel Road replaces the Road Of Skulls.
  • The Plain Of Bones is now the Blasted Plains.
  • Khuresh/Ind is now a kingdom called Sagarikadesha that was once ruled by Elves and has now become independent.
  • Cathay is now Tsuandan.
  • Sartosa is split between Corsara and Bellatorre.
  • Sudenberg is now Port Reynaud.
  • Araby and the Southlands are now Taphria.
  • The Land Of The Dead and the Great Desert Of Araby are now the Great Desert.
  • The Great Mortis River is now the Napaat River.
  • (The Southlands) has two nations; Koghi in the west and Vanhu in the east.
  • Naggaroth is now Silexia.
  • Ulthuan is now Celeda Ablan.
  • Lustria is now Virentia. Both Sonnstahl and Equitaine have colonies.
  • The Vortex and the Maelstrom are merged into the Shattered Sea, which separates Silexia and Virentia.
  • The Warp is now the Immortal Realm, divided between an ordered side where gods dwell and the destructive side for traditional Chaos called the Veil which lacks definition beyond every god having a domain to themselves. It opens in The Wasteland rather than a Warpgate at the North and South Poles, but has smaller tears all over the world providing (Warriors Of Chaos) originating from anywhere geographically.
  • Albion does not exist. (But the Highborn Elves have taken up the role of Imperial Britain, having the biggest navy of any faction, and until recently having a puppet Raj ruling over Sagarikadesha. (Not to mention the American Revolution analog with the Dread Elves.))

Beast Herds (Beastmen)[edit | edit source]

Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Beastmen lore.

From the dark depths of feral forests, from the wide untamed plains, and from every wild place beyond the gaze of civilisation, nature’s savage heart strikes without warning. Feel the ground tremble beneath thunderous hooves, shiver at the howls of the hunt, and know that you are stalked by the Beast Herds. The Herds comprise all manner of creatures, appearing like local fauna yet able to fight like men, with origins shrouded in the mists of time. Mighty creatures stride through the forests by their side, spreading terror in their wake. Marked in the womb by shamanic rituals and tribal magics, fueled by the desire to prove themselves worthy of the great stories of their peoples, the Herds view the sedentary nations as little more than a convenient larder and a testing ground for glory.

  • Beasts were the first evil race of the setting, responsible for ending the second age and breaking apart the alliances of the free peoples.
  • Many, but not all, serve the Chaos aspect of the Dark Gods which was unknown in the world until the seventh age when Infernal Dwarves connected the Wasteland to the Veil. But they are also recorded as fighting against Chaos for control of the world.
  • Their culture invariably revolves around shamanism.
  • Although most of their history is war against the Dwarves, their primary enemies are Sylvan Elves who see them as unholy aberrations of nature.

The Beastherds have many units which can harass an opponents deployment and play by using their ambush special rules. Beastherds also have access to bring a lot of chariots to the battle, giving them a fast and dangerous counter to enemy forces. A wide array of monsters and other fast units is often used to surround the opponent and then crush their forces with overwhelming might. Beastherds excel at mobility, using hard hitting units, and ambush tactics to beat their opponents

Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos)[edit | edit source]

Click "Expand"to see a summarized version of the changes to Daemon lore.

Chaos got more changes than anyone to their lore, so buckle up. Due to the overlap of Chaos lore, further relevant information may be found in the Warriors Of The Dark Gods entry and to combat article bloat info will mostly be stated once in whichever entry it is more relevant. Fans of these armies are recommended to read both.

  • The Warp/Realm Of Chaos=Hell, or Hells. There's seven circles, just like Dante's Inferno although the details are quite different. There's no timefuckery, although past/present/future can be viewed.
  • All non-mortal things are called Supernals, which are either gods or lesser beings that usually serve a god. There is no distinction between "Chaos" and "Order" other than intent, meaning that finding out the divine is just another kind of magic is not a mindfucking revelation, and its considered a sign of the times just how common Daemons are getting, with organizations outside of sanctioned religions dedicated to studying/fighting them (think Witchers). Chaos is naturally a type of intent, but not the only evil nor is it even responsible for most evil with the influence of Chaos scaled back compared to Warhammer. Daemons are the Supernals who serve the Dark Gods, the Dark Gods are the Dukes of an entity named Father Chaos, and together the Legions of Father Chaos represent everything on the other side of the "Veil" which separates Chaos from the mortal world (which is presumably the realm of Order). Father Chaos has an opposite, Mother Cosmos, who is believed in as a literal goddess by those who fight Daemons exclusively (seems a logical conclusion since Father Chaos is real, and there's no lying assholes claiming there's no Order Gods).
  • Supernals only have free will so much as no stronger Supernal has given them an order; they are compelled to serve any superior who barks orders at them, unless they are already in the service of a specific Dark God (willingly or by recruitment), with the servants of Father Chaos automatically outranking anyone. While conscription by a Dark God empowers Daemons, or the Father empowers further those already serving a Dark God, it comes at the cost of choice and free will. All Daemons serving the same Dark God are linked to each other, and the shock of a true permanent death is felt throughout the Hells. Mortals can become Supernals either as direct gifts from Dark Gods or by entangling into the high stakes rat race of Daemonic economics and politics, the former usually as a Warrior and the latter as a Conjurer (who does not need to be magically inclined, though it obviously helps).
  • Chaos was rarely seen in the world until the seventh age and in the eighth age was beaten back rather than ending the world (GEE, I WONDER WHAT THAT MEANS). Despite this there are (Lizardmen) temple reliefs showing Daemons at war with them, and they were involved in the histories of most factions in some way.
  • As stated, one does not need to be a wizard to summon Daemons. They can manifest anywhere the Veil is weak and there is death of a creature capable of “fear, awe, and madness” which forms the energy they need for their spirit to pass through. The better the being (educated, powerful, noble) the more satisfying the manifestation is to the Daemon and thus the more powerful the Daemon willing to manifest. Their physical form is made up of whatever raw material is around, but sulfur is necessary and a consistent part of the makeup of their bodies; sulfur is like their water, death is like their food. An invocation, the intent rather than any specific magic words or ritual, is simply an invitation drawing the attention of Daemons but due to the simplification of Daemon summoning even an event like an earthquake or flood can summon Daemons. They remain until the death energy that summoned them dissipates, with further sacrifice renewing them (some Daemons seem too stupid to sustain themselves, others cleverly use mundane mortal murder like executions of criminals). Daemon armies require an army of sacrifices to summon in the first place, and must continue to kill entire armies to maintain themselves; as a result true Daemon invasions are rare and short, but can occur without any cult aid when any mortal factions are at war. Daemons can manifest with very little need for death beyond the first sacrifice utilizing Possession in a willing or unwilling host, and can even lurk in a mortal without their knowledge. Most importantly, T9A Daemons can be permanently killed although the methods are very rare. Some Daemons come to appreciate the sense of free will that comes from being temporarily severed from Chaos, and attempt to live as mortals or even oppose Chaos and join the side of Order.
  • There are seven Dark Gods. They represent the seven deadly sins (no, there is no Christianity or other Abrahamic faiths). Rather than four nigh-omnipotent beings desiring and advancing the end of all things, they are more like Fey assholes that fuck with the world for lulz while Father Chaos manipulates them into generalized destruction so he can "be one with Mother Cosmos" (so he wants to fuck the T9A Earth apparently). The nearest comparison is Daedra ruled by Castlevania Dracula. The Dark Gods each focus on positives in mortal existence, tempting and subverting them to a wicked form (for example Sugulag AKA Greed might warp Dwarvish civic duties and industriousness into a dystopia ruled by corrupt elite.). Some are hinted to have once been mortals, others as Daemon creations of Father Chaos. The lore treats them less as Lovecraftian eldritch invading monsters from the Id (points if you get that reference) and more of a pantheon of gods.
  • Chaos doesn't seek to destroy the material realm so much as, in the words of a Daemon Prince, "end its order". They indulge their portfolios, but generally don't want to bring an end to all things and as a result are much more involved in the local politics of regions rather than just wanting waves of Chaos Warriors, Beastmen, and Daemons to destroy a civilization once Cults weaken it from within like in Warhammer (although just like the servants they lead into self-destructive paths, the nature of Chaos is one without restraint so the most innocent of Chaos-allied situations ends up a complete wasteland of Daemon cults fighting over what was once a city before Father Chaos steps in and wipes out all survivors among Supernatural and mortal alike). Random Daemon armies still rampage for unknown reasons, but they are rare. Similarly, Daemons don’t always offer Faustian bargains because they’re assholes; sometimes its simply the only end they comprehend, or their only desire to any means. Envy may have you and your neighbor robbed because you asked for them to be brought down to your level, but it also raises up those who did the stealing to the same level as well since that's how Envy operates. Sloth grants knowledge of whatever you want while taking away the desire to do anything with the knowledge, because that’s how they themselves are. Pride, Lust, and Greed just lead you to the natural conclusions of your desires by giving you the means to your ends, the actions and initial invitation being no fault but your own. Rather than the mustache-twirling villains chortling about how much they love killin' in the name of Chaos ever since some deadparents origin in Warhammer (at least in the later lore), T9A represents more of a Greek tragedy side of Chaos where thanks to some poor choices they are sent into a domino-fall of misfortune all brought about by their own stupidity (like older Warhammer lore) while the audience (and Nukuja) simply watches.
  • Chaos Gods in Warhammer were very obviously evil, technically being made up of all emotions and motivations but most people being stupid and terrible meant that there is only drops of good buried under constant overwhelming evil; metaphorically, Warhammer Chaos is grey morality but is visually so black that nobody can tell the difference. Dark Gods are just as good and evil, but the good doesn’t get buried under the evil so much as the good resulting in the evil, like water and droplets of oil refusing to mix with one sitting on top of the other. The good of the Dark Gods tempts the masses, the evil giving a pathway to greater power for the few and being the road that same few will take the masses down with them as sacrifices (both figuratively and literally). For example, Khorne tempts warriors into RIPANDTEAR berserker “might makes right” assholes right out of the gate, but Vanadra tempts any being into her service by making them into a warrior, believing themselves to be an avenging Paladin who ends up destroying an increasing roster of people who "wronged" them in some way until there's nobody left.
    • The leader of the Dark Gods is a single presence called ‘’’“Father Chaos”’’’, and it is only by his will that they unite. He is as Chaos to them as Chaos is to a mortal. He somehow interacted with the Titans before the other Dark Gods existed, and Chaos cultists believe all souls originate from him and will eventually return to him. His actual stated goal is to "tear away the Veil separating him from Mother Cosmos" and "despoil her". Take it as a metaphor or literal as you will.
    • ‘’’Savar The Fallen Star’’’: Pride (Khorne + Slaanesh). Seeks to conquer and defeat the most impressive enemies for his own glory, dismissing the weak as unworthy of attention. His Daemon colors are regal blues and purples with symbols of stars, crowns, and heraldry. His Herald is white and wears a crown. His mortal followers are those who feel entitled to more than their station grants, and his path is that of ignorant self-destruction. They are given the ability to elevate themselves and ignore the unworthy, making Savar a god of tyranny over the weak. He tempts the unrecognized, jealous, and ignored who (believe themselves to) possess positive attributes. Savar’s given origin was as a god-king of the mortal world who attempted to enforce his rule over the others (so Savar is possibly another blatant refutation of Age Of Sigmar), and was cast out of their pantheon only to join Chaos instead. He isn’t actually picky about whether or not his followers actually possess positive attributes, instead considering those who praise him as deserving of power and majesty. Those who truly are skilled are converted to him using shame and frustration to lure them into a path of arrogance and selfishness.

    • ‘’’Kuulima The Lady Of Flies’’’: Communism Envy, Nurgle minus the durability. Kuulima minions default to green but in truth they have no consistent color, or even form, as they are described as taking on the form and colors of those who they deceive. Her Herald is similarly without a defined form, its presence heralded by an eclipse and blood moon suddenly happening at the same time as an earthquake when it appears. Her followers are often found among the already diseased, particularly lepers since no inquisitor would bother to police them. Even among Chaos Kuulima is considered mad, and is a metaphorical “fly on the wall” on the plans of others since plots and scheming are also part of her portfolio. Her dogma is “nothing has true value unless compared to all”, and her path is a reactionary one rather than a proactive one. Kuulima tempts the jealous and ignored. Unlike Savar who elevates the worshiper, Kuulima brings enemies down to the level of the supplicant or the masses, although the message of equality is not a rule since some among them use all others as a means for ever-increasing gain. Her symbols are heraldry, armor, and weapons but unlike Savar who creates heraldry and Vanadra who creates wargear, Kuulima’s icons are stolen and mismatched in style. Use of flies as symbols marks her followers more obviously. Its implied in her Primal lore that she wasn’t originally wa Chaos God, coming to power because she desired “one of the god’s great halls”. Kuulima’s current and most active plot is a form of leprosy that infects Elves that an Elf scholar coordinated with her to create and spread before he was caught, despite being a race normally immune to disease, due to him always jealous of the superior looks of his race, and even mortal humans, to himself. She is also the only Dark God to punish the wicked in a form of afterlife by claiming the souls of those who sowed divisiveness in life, cutting them in half but keeping both parts alive, and forcing them to populate her cities full of every imaginable architecture alongside the constantly shapeshifting insectoid Daemons.

    • ‘’’Vanadra The Adversary’’’: Wrath, Khorne. Vanadra‘s colors are red and black, and she sends her minions to end peace wherever it is found in the mortal world in her negative side of the portfolio, but she also spreads the message of punishing traitors and righting injustices. All that matters is revenge for any sleight real or imagined, and literally all things are worthy sacrifices to that goal. Her Herald has massive wings and never strikes an opponent first, allowing them a single blow before it kills them. Vanadra’s army are vanguards of the Daemon armies of Father Chaos. She tempts the oppressed and ignored as well as those who have been wronged by others, promising either retribution or vengeance. She herself wears armor in her colors, red for fresh blood with black gauntlets as though covered in gore. She uses baboons and lions as symbols. Her origins are a “Primal spurn”, and its impled she lead the slave rebellions against the Saurians (Lizardmen).

    • ‘’’Sugulag The Collector’’’: Greed, Nurgle minus the diseases. His Herald is black as well as large and fat and carries Sugulag’s own weighing scale which he uses to value the souls of mortals like coins. His Daemons are the color of warm precious metals, such as brass and gold. Sugulag tempts the greedy, envious, jealous, and paranoid. Anyone with ambition to gain regardless if by wit or strength. Thieves, raiders, schemers, smugglers, merchants, and so on. Like Kuulima his posessions were taken rather than created, though by all means rather than only by stealing. Sugulag himself even collects mortal objects, claiming whatever is lost for his followers since their property is really HIS property. His symbols are coins chained together, or objects gilded with gold with Daemon iconography, always pointed outwards towards others (or more specifically what they own). Sugulag’s positive is generosity towards the loyal (insert Trump joke here). His Primal origin is as a greedy man obsessed with money, who offended the mortal realm gods by moving on to collecting and trading in souls. He’s also something of a prankster, distributing cursed coins in the mortal realm which inspire intense all-consuming insane greed in those who possess them, which can easily be passed on to another person...once they have lost everything else.

    • ‘’’Nukuja The Sleeper’’’: Sloth, Tzeentch with some Nurgle themes. Her Herald is described as pale (and depicted as a white bird covered in dust and cobwebs) with the face of a Strix (a mythological bird from Greek myth which heralds doom) and bears the symbol of the Eye of Nukuja which it all covers with its vulture wings (so its a Lord Of Change). It is described as merely standing and channeling great magic while watching events or showing mortals what they want to see as if they themselves were present. Her colors are dirty white and any kind of rust. Nukuja foretells doom and destruction, and she sees all things that unfold and can predict accurately the deaths of mortals. Her followers watch it unfold, surviving until it comes. She tempts the grim, hopeless, fearful, and curious. Her symbol is the locust as well as anything timeless, and her followers use antique gear which is fully functional despite the appearance of rust and neglect. Her positive trait is that she does not cause any misery, merely foretells it and watches it pass by. Her Daemons are considered amiable, granting whatever sights are requested because they rarely have need of any boon in return, and have the patience for even minor complaining if a summoner just wants someone to listen to their stories. They have immense power but rarely any reason to use it, being removed from the squabbles and politics of the rest of Chaos other than observing and providing information. She lacks a Primal origin, instead being “witness to the first awakening” implying either to have never been a mortal, or to have been a created mortal by the Titans and witness (or mother?) to the first natural birth. Her followers revere her because of her knowledge, with no implication she will share it but instead that her devoted are companions who observe what she does with the same patience.

Akaan, appearing as Slaanesh’s vore/inflation fetish
    • ‘’’Akaan The Devourer’’’: Gluttony, Nurgle minus the diseases with Slaanesh themes. Akaan was somehow born disfigured and as a result he made a “Primal pledge” to consume all beautiful things. His followers preach that ugliness is a blessing, all forms of restraint to physical appetite is HERESY, and all things will eventually submit for consumption for Akaan’s satisfaction. Akaan’s Herald is a creature with a toothed mouth which has no mind, merely consuming and growing fat off its eternal feast. His followers spread hunger and sow ruin in their wake, as curses lead peasants to consume all stores of food and animals before turning on each other, the dead rapidly consumed by bacteria as if in fast-forward. Akaan’s colors are the darker shades of brown and green, the colors of rot. Tempts those of all physical appetites. They are drawn into a spiral of indulgence, twisting into new forms as they seek constant gratification. Blood, drink, and flesh; all physical hungers. They destroy all beauty in their appetites, leaving nothing behind. His followers leave their mouths exposed in armor and clothing, and are disfigured by his blessings which take the form of disease. The lamprey is his symbol.

    • Cibaresh The Tempter: Lust, pure Slaanesh. Cibaresh’s colors are shades of violet and blue, and her Daemons steal souls from the mortal world who’s lust and indulgence catches her attention. Her Herald is a massive golden Daemon who’s scythe hands hum and remove the cares from those it tends to, while lesser Daemons have golden cat-like eyes. While Slaanesh's Daemonettes tend to lean female while possessing an intentionally unpleasant 50/50 male/female appearance (or at least in modern art and models), Cibaresh's Daemons skew more towards one or the other while maintaining a more attractive androgyny (so basically Cibaresh is more the god of traps than Slaanesh). Cibaresh tempts sadists, masochists, the lusty, the indulgent, and any corrupters who draw others into their aberrancy, although those in need of comfort like the destitute or the oppressed are equally drawn to Cibaresh. They push the senses of their foes and the innocent to the limit until they join Cibaresh. Ordinary folk are indulged in ways their meager earnings cannot afford and their culture/lifestyle forbids, with any sort of fun and celebration being Cibaresh’s positives. Cibaresh enjoys temptation of all beings, leading them away from their convictions onto new paths. Her followers wear masks which are mostly beautiful and all unsettling, and they display lips and tongues as their iconography. Despite all the skills of Cibareshi in outmaneuvering their foes, random unthinking shrieking berserker rages can provide enough defense to survive in combat against them. Cibrash owns a place in the mortal realm, in a Shangri-La-like valley nestled in white mountains where her followers of all races indulge in their pleasure alongside Daemonic servants so long as they spend several months each year as a missionary of Cibaresh's cult. The Primal origin of Cibaresh is less clear, stated to have been born of “pure desire, the Father for the Mother” implying an asexual birth from Father Chaos. His ultimate goal is even less clear, “seeking to recreate that Primal spark, Lord of all lightning”.

Each Dark God has two Daemons associated solely with them, other than Father Chaos who has one. A number of unaligned Daemons exist as well which are drawn into service by any Dark God but on their own have a kind of independence. It should be noted that unlike in Warhammer where Chaos Gods gave shape to Daemons as smaller extensions of their will the Daemons of T9A are preexisting, with some simply attuned to specific types of vice and thus automatically in the service of the corresponding Dark God. Chaos Gods have unintelligent animals and weapons/machines which are possessed by Daemons, while Dark Gods simply have Daemons that resemble machinery and their animals are as intelligent as any other Daemon. As a representative of a Dark God any Daemon can make deals with mortals, and react differently when granted the independence of possession or being trapped in the mortal world.

All Daemons are described as having far more forms than the standardized Warhammer Daemons so kitbashing or proxying is expected, but each have unifying identifiers. The closest corresponding GW model will be identified for each below.

Daemon Dark God Base Size Games Workshop Model Proxy Modeling Notes Fluff
Omens Savar 50x50 Daemon Prince Random animals+Daemonic features, all with horns like crowns. Masters of both combat and treacherous dealmaking, but also are easily fooled in combat and conversation due to disdain and overconfidence.
Throne Of Overwhelming Splendor Savar 50x100 Any Chariot Consists of the rider, Chassis, and “Writhing Majesties” steeds, and can fly The mount option for Omens.
Blazing Glories Savar 50x50 Bloodletters/Warriors Of Chaos/Beastmen Random assortment of Daemonic/human features, all bearing flaming crowns. Their power comes from their perfection; the moment they are actually struck they start to lose their power. Glories recognize the great deeds of mortals, encouraging and rewarding greatness in Savar’s name.
Decievers Kuulima 25x25 Anything, kitbash proportion issues encouraged Resemble exaggerated parodies of any mortals they are facing with oversized and overcompensating weapons, but in their true form have (usually) bipedal insectoid Daemonic forms with bright coloration. Among the most clever Daemons, and easily drive their company to madness during negotiation.
Mageblight Gremlins Kuulima 40x40 Nurglings Fat and squishy, but not rotting. Obsessed with magic and hateful towards mortals that use it. Poor negotiators, easily enslaved by any non-magical mortal.
Scourges Vanadra 50x100 Bloodthirsters Their weapons are not possessed by Daemons, but are actual lesser Daemons forced into weapon shape. Their bloodlust exponentially rises the longer they fight. Cannot be reasoned with until it gets to kill some shit.
Brazen Beasts Vanadra 50x75 Juggernaut None The monster is the master, the rider is an Imp hitching a ride into battle. Cannot be reasoned with in the mortal plane due to everything non-Daemonic enraging them; can be reasoned with only on their home plane, or controlled by a superior Daemon while in the mortal world.
Misers Sugulag 50x100 Great Unclean One/Ogres Fat and rotting but not maggot-riddled disease-spreaders, nor in as advanced decay as most Nurgle models. Have armor, but kay not be physical and literal armor. Brute enforcers sent to confiscate treasure and lives.
Hoarders Sugulag 40x40 Plague Toads Any kind of Daemonic beast that travels close to the ground. Slither along the ground, taking anything of value they pass over with them. Can be generous with their boons to those who are generous with their treasure although the exponential charge for services results in their business partners becoming their slaves.
Sentinels Nukuja 50x100 Lord of Change Have inky black eyes and staffs. If they have the Strixian Spirit upgrade they are larger and can Fly. Lean on staffs so as to expend as little energy as possible. Are present to watch battles rather than participate, utilizing unimaginable magical power only when their observations are hindered or interrupted. Can stop time with a screech for a short period to reposition themselves, fly to witness events from desired angles, or are carried by magic or other Daemons so as to use less energy.
Throne Of The Oracle Nukuja 50x100 Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch Sentinel mount
Hope Harvesters Nukuja 50x100, Engine Of Damnation upgrade is 150x100 Mortis Engine/Treant/Mutalith Vortex Beast/Feculent Gnarlmaw Appear in various forms like wheeled machines, structures, or walking trees. Exude an aura of helplessness to mortals and Daemons alike. In the mortal world slowly Harvesters tear up all things in their path and emanate invisible shards of magic in a radius around itself, being essentially a sped-up (but still slow and lumbering) representation of time itself destroying all things.
Maws Akaan 150x100 Beast of Nurgle/Mutalith Vortex Beast/Chaos Spawn Random forms which are united only in having a gigantic mouth full of barbed teeth. Consume everything around them until they explode.
Bloat Flies Akaan 50x75 Rot Fly There may or may not be riders, and what may look like a rider could actually be just a growth. Cowardly when cornered, and will attempt to bargain to be spared rather than sent back to the other side of the Veil.
Courtesans Cibaresh 50x100 Keeper of Secrets Must have at least one extra limb, tentacles, and something sharp to attack with. Tall, come in a myriad of elegant forms both human, Daemonic, and bestial, and LOOOOOOOVE to cut things.
Sirens Cibaresh 25x50 Seekers of Slaanesh None Mount and rider evolved to the form and rhythm of each other allowing mount to move like a ballerina among enemies while the rider strikes at anything in any direction without becoming unbalanced; Sirens are quick to surrender and offer information when captured, although their high pitch voice and excited babbling make them difficult to understand.
Harbingers Father Chaos 25x25 Chaos Lord/Slambo Must fit on a 25mmx25mm base (unless mounted), must have Father Chaos’s symbol (infinity with a dot above and below) it displayed prominently. Take an array of shapes but always appearing as a hardened warrior. Act as the bannermen for the Father’s united Daemon Legions (roll credits). Weaker than servants of Dark Gods, but control them absolutely. Follow only the Father, do not bargain with mortals.
Great Beast Of Prophesy Father Chaos 50x75 Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount Harbinger mount, can upgrade to Fly
Pale Horse Father Chaos 25x50 Chaos Lord On Steed Of Slaanesh Harbinger mount
Burning Wheel Father Chaos 50x50 Chaos Lord On Disc Of Tzeentch Harbinger mount
Dark Pulpit Father Chaos 50x50 Palanquin Harbinger mount
Hellhounds Any 25x50 Flesh Hound/Dire Wolves None Used by all large Daemon armies ahead of the main force. Bred for eons to be the ultimate fear-causer to the most primal ancestral memories of mortals.
Lemures Any 25x25 Plaguebearers/Zombies/Ghouls/lumps of Greenstuff None Resemble the dead, dying of disease, or just sentient flesh blobs. Almost impossible to kill due to tough hides and amazing regeneration, although a limestone water soak works. Cannot be bargained with due to having unknown intentions or desires, seen by commoners as representative of the inevitability of death.
Titanslayer Chariots Any 50x100 Blood Throne None The chariot itself is the Daemon, the riders are just along for the ride. It simply appears on the battlefield charging at the biggest and strongest foe with no other discernible motives, leaving once nothing remains that offends it.
Eidolons Any 25x25 Flamers of Tzeentch None Magic incarnate; float as if there is no gravity, changing colors and shapes as they go. Fire flames called “Dark Fire” out of openings which destroy lesser beings and in ones of stronger will it causes the unpleasant parts their life to flash before their eyes. Will cast spells to destroy ones that survive the fire if their masters demand, but otherwise they will simply wander off. Travel in groups in order to lend their magic to the alpha among them, but can be isolated and trapped in boxes that can be carried around and deployed by any being that can survive the fire as a means of escape from foes.
Succubi Any 25x25 Daemonettes None Travel in large groups, joking and gossiping as they butcher individuals one at a time with hundreds of slices from both weapons and blade limbs in rapid succession as they destroy entire units of foes. Attempts at negotiation are frustrating as they do not appear alone and prefer to make subtle jokes and giggle at it than actually strike any bargains.
Imps Any 25x25 Horror, Chaos Familiars, any None Imps range from desktop homunculi to massive elemental spirits to to blobs of raw magic to Daemonic animals, although usually resemble Daemonic Goblins. All throw or spit fire, and are more interested in BURNINATING THE COUNTRYSIDE than BURNINATING ALL THE PEOPLES. They can be made to serve, but are mischievous and even during bargaining inside a summoning circle will scorch the ground around them.
Veil Serpents Any 40x40 Screamers of Tzeentch/Idoneth Deepkin beasts Seem to have no sensory organs, visually somewhere between aquatic creature+serpent+worm. Travel in groups, always homing in on prey to consume. Cast spells as a group to weaken their victims. According to the (Cathayans) they feed primarily on religious leaders, are the Daemonic reflection of Dragons. Simple additional sacrifices are enough to deter them, and they may even aid mortals if they encounter an impressive individual.
Furies Any 25x25 Furies None These fucks still don’t get any credit seeing as they only have a story entry and lack the description box all other Daemons have.
Threshing Engines Any Base size 50x100, Horde upgrade 100x100, Legion upgrade 100x150 Any Slaanesh Chariots None Come in all shapes and sizes, crewed by various lesser Daemons. Once again the vehicle itself is the master, with the crew as companions although its unclear if the beasts pulling it share a mind or are also just tagalongs. Have energetic personalities, and a fixation on sharp objects.
Clawed Fiends Any 40x40 Fiends of Slaanesh Described as centaur/scorpion hybrids, so maybe ditch the anteater head for a greenstuff ball with multiple eyes. If you’ve ever read Of Mice And Men, these have the personality of Lennie. Evil Elves can feed them enough magic to keep them in the mortal world long term and train them as mounts, while any summoner capable of summoning them can glean any information the Fiend knows without a bargain and with no difficulty due to their constant craving of attention and praise. In battle they don’t intend to hurt their victims, and just don’t understand their strength or what their claws are doing. Or that their friends aren’t just sleeping as they set off in search of friends who aren’t.
Myrmidons Any 25x25 Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Space marines with melee weapons, Stormcast Eternals, any armored models Resemble soldiers, reptilian/insectoid/caprine Daemons, or even statues of Elves and humans. Come mostly in black, sometimes red. The most Order that Chaos gets, their units share a hivemind linked to other units of Myrmidons, granting them capable of complex military strategies. As a group they are nightmarishly difficult to negotiate a decent pact for a mortal, but individuals are confused and easy to manipulate.

Dread Elves (Dark Elves)[edit | edit source]

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On every coast, in every port, the sighting of black sails is met with instant horror. Theirs is a name well earned from centuries of reaving and slaving, sparing none who fall beneath their whips. Feel the chains of fear upon your heart, with the approach of the Dread Elves. The Republic of Dathen in Silexia represents the largest dominion of Dread Elves, a hotbed of politics and intrigue centred upon the Obsidian Thrones within the Tower of Gar Daecos. Religion too shapes this society, and the most powerful cults dominate both civilian and military life. Perhaps the greatest weapon of fear in the arsenal of the Dread Elves is the Menagerie: a collection of monstrous creatures which the Daeb bend to their will.

The Dread Elves often use a mixed arms approach. That means a mixture of short and long range shooting with different combat elements and magic support. They can also focus on a main infantry unit, supporting it with several smaller units to make sure it gets the combat it wants. A completely different approach is to play a mixture of minimum sized units of elite infantry, or monsters, or hard hitting cavalry and chariots. A lot of mobile shooting can also be used to "dance" around the Opponent while Shooting their units

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  • Have established a republic

Dwarven Holds (Dwarfs)[edit | edit source]

Click "Expand" to see a summarized version of the changes to Dwarf lore.
  • Dwarvish history begins while enslaved by the Lizardmen. Alongside humans, Ogres, Elves, and Orcs they rebelled after a great comet fell.
  • Dwarves and Elves ruled the T9A Old World, although most Elves took to the sea and colonized the western continents. Western Dwarves controlled the White Mountains (Worlds Edge Mountains). Humans established far-off kingdoms in T9A Cathay and T9A Nehekhara. Dwarves in the east formed friendly relations with the Dwarves of the west. Dwarves found conflict with Wood Elves over logging.
  • T9A Beastmen suddenly appeared and tried to destroy civilization while the Orcs betrayed the other races and waged war on them. Dwarves called on humans and Elves for aid, but both were too involved in their own wars.
  • Dwarves hid in their Holds and tried to survive until Avras, T9A Rome, was founded by a living goddess Sunna who allied with the Dwarves. After Sunna ascended the Dwarves reclaimed territory and built a giant wall for Avras.
  • T9A Skaven appeared and conquered Avras before turning against the Dwarves.
  • East Dwarves AKA T9A Chaos Dwarves, the Infernal Dwarves. turned to experimenting with magic, burning their homeland and opening a hole into the realm of the evil gods which let Daemons into the world. The forces of destruction fought each other while the Dwarves of the west hid.
  • Sunna returned and reclaimed Avras by leading the refugees (T9A Empire, T9A Bretonnia).
  • Dwarves want to work with the other races to bring back the second age, but are wary of the other races even if they know its the only way to survive.
  • Norse Dwarfs are now Jotin Dwarfs, and are fantastically wealthy albeit entirely isolated thanks to the many dangers between them and any trade partners. A small number of Jotun Dwarfs who attempted to forge a trade route between them and Avras were unable to find their Hold when they returned, and have spent many years roaming in bands among the peaks atop their tamed bear mounts, shunning contact from all others including other Dwarfs out of shame. One is named, Gorik Bearblood, who has gone mute.

Empire Of Sonnstahl (The Empire)[edit | edit source]

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  • The first western human civilization was Avras, basically Rome, which connected the east and west. Avras was founded by the god empress Sunna, who wields a sword called Sonnstahl.
  • Avras united with Dwarves to fight the T9A Beastmen, and after victory Sunna ascended to the Veil and the Dwarves built a wall to protect Avras from external threats. But ratmen appeared from unknown places and conquered Avras from within and below (ratmen are not a myth).
  • Refugees and escaped slaves gathered and rejoiced when Sunna returned to lead them in the eighth age. Her generals were Warin (Askar, renamed Sonnstahl), Uther (Equitaine), Genoveva (Destria), and Arcaleone (Glauca and Aeturi, renamed Arcaleone).
  • Arcaleone died battling the (Horned Rat). Warin stabbed Sunna with a magic blade given to him by (Skaven) in an attempt to save his people. Sunna stabbed (Horned Rat) with it, and both died. As gods this is only a temporary state of not existing in the mortal world.
  • Sunna's companions reclaimed Avras then headed west to found kingdoms. Warin's people were honored despite his treachery, becoming the most devout worshipers of her. They call themselves Sonnstahl, after Sunna's holy sword.
  • Sonnstahl has since been taught technology by the Dwarves, and have become world explorers, scientists, wizards, and recemtly a colonial power by setting up settlements in the southern western continent of Virentia where T9A Lizardmen dwell.
  • They have recently royally (no pun intended) pissed off the (Tomb Kings) by buying artifacts including a mummy from traders. He was a king. His wife used archeologists looking for where he came from to discover where he was being held and is mounting an invasion to rescue him.
  • The Colleges Of Magic are now the Society Of Eichtal. It is a private organization dedicated to the study of advanced magic outside of what standard schools of magic, philosophy, history, and sciences in the Empire offer. The Q&A lore sage once applied to join but was turned down after rejecting the use of miniature portals into the (Warp) for a power source. LIES AND SLANDER, DID HABERMANN PUT YOU UP TO THIS?!

Giants[edit | edit source]

An April Fool’s 2020 army that was revealed the day after to be an official supplement, albeit one illegal for tourneys.

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  • Giants used to rule Vetia but were overthrown by humans

Highborn Elves (High Elves)[edit | edit source]

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  • Elves were among the humans, Dwarves, Ogres, and Orcs who rebelled against the T9A Lizardmen when a comet came down at the dawn of time.
  • Although they left settlements in Vetia, most Elves took to sea and settled their own lands. The Highborn reside on the island continent of Celeda Ablan.
  • After getting into a civil war with the Dread Elves of Silexia, they lost control of their Vetian settlements, their human vassals, and disregarded their mutual defense oaths with Dwarves. Still the dominant naval power, they vie for control with the Dread Elves.
  • They allow humans to visit their universities. Elven professors are about as dickish as you can imagine.
  • Their gods are named Amhar, Meritaur, Meladys, Amryl and Nab.
  • Some Highborn Elves called the "Masters Of Canrac" are attempting to return to the ways of the Sylvan Elves, claiming that the misery of the later Ages is the fault of Highborn culture and that they have been blessed by the gods for their ways. The rest of the Highborn label them as "Apostates" but haven't kicked them out of society.
  • There is an ongoing saga of how pride destroys great Elves. In ancient times five Elven Princes were so superior that the god Dorac (AKA not!Vaul) created suits of divine armor engraved in images of Elven superiority, which empowered them to greatness until their arrogance was so much that they challenged a bronze-skinned barbarian warlord known for killing royalty. Their armor was destroyed along with the owners with their names being forgotten (the legend is literally called "Forgotten Kings"), and in the terrible misery of later Ages the first Prince of Ryma (AKA not!Caledor) prayed to Dorac to forge the remains of the armor back into a single suit. The story repeated itself, with the wearer becoming better and better until he was killed due to arrogance. The suit wasn't destroyed, and instead was given to the queen of the Highborn. Every year she selects a champion, who wears it for a year, preventing the story from repeating itself.

Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs)[edit | edit source]

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  • Infernal Dwarves were slaves to the (Lizardmen) and rebelled when a comet fell.
  • They were kept separate from the other races and only reunited with western Dwarves in the second age.
  • They built ziggurats like those of the (Lizardmen) for homes in the steppes of Augea rather than mountains like the west Dwarves.
  • After the invasion of (Skaven and Beastmen) plus the betrayal of Orcs and Goblins, both races of Dwarves were forced to defend their homes.
  • Rather than hide in their homes and pray for allies (AKA wait for death) like the western Dwarves, the eastern Dwarves chose to take control. They created a massive magical power source called the Inferno, then began wiping out the destructive races.
  • In time the magic of Chaos rendered them into a slave-taking culture on the side of destruction rather than against it, attacking even their western kin.
  • The Inferno caused worldwide natural disasters, tearing reality and the Veil which allowed Daemons to invade the world which put all races of order on the losing backfoot in the seventh age.
  • The modern Infernal Dwarves are more amiable, encouraging diplomats and trade though foreigners are VERY susceptible to the rivalries of internal conflicts, undercutting alliances that in theory benefit the entire civilization but in practice tip the balance of power within Infernal Dwarf society. Well-loved figures could suddenly be imprisoned on obviously false charges and worked to death before their case can be heard, falsified documents can lead to requested military support being attacked as if they are an enemy, and so on. Any outsiders who manage to figure out and work within their ways are given a great deal of respect.
  • The major religions of the Infernal Dwarves are integrated into all aspects of society as faiths compete over control of single sectors, resulting in those sectors opposing others; control of courts can spill into open conflict between two temples, the victor taking on the ability of a city to even manage trade as the third temple’s control of the docks is dealt with.
  • In spite of the relative chaos, Infernal Dwarves adhere to the concept of law (even if only in concept) rigidly in everything from how they undergo their fights to Daemonic dealings; a surrendering force may benefit more economically than a victorious one due to the contract negotiated and the fight may have started with that in mind. Their society is always in flux, never changing from the outside even if changing constantly in every single way.
  • In addition to the extensive and brutal slavery, there’s also a more Roman style for slaves of particular skill who have some rights and can free themselves for good behavior though that’s limited to the general changing rules and loopholes, and shifting fortune and disposition of their master.
  • Non-Infernal Dwarfs can achieve citizenship, and are treated as near equals if not complete equals in most non-noble levels of society. This includes races normally treated as inferiors like Giants who are afforded education equal to their capacity to learn.
  • After a tour of military service Infernal Dwarves can and do serve as mercenaries throughout the world, and as individuals or in armies will fight for anyone who can afford them.
  • Taurukhs (Bull Centaurs) serve as police.
  • A Dwarf character in a short story has black skin and red eyes, like Dark Iron Dwarves from Warcraft. Its unspecified if this is what all Infernal Dwarves look like, if this can occur in ordinary Dwarves, or if it pertains only to this particular Dwarf. But it exists.

Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia)[edit | edit source]

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The thunder of hooves, the clink of mail, the sounding of horns: a great cacophony accompanies an army of knights riding to war. Yet steel and sinew are nothing without valour. These noble fighters crusade for faith, for virtue, for their beloved Lady - yet most of all, for the honour of their home, the Kingdom of Equitaine. A nation established on noble principles, yet built on a foundation of peasant labour and sweat, Equitaine is a land of myth and superstition. Yet it exerts tremendous military might - Crusades for the lost Grail have brought the Lady’s grace to many foreign lands.. In all things, Equitan nobility is expected to lead from the fore, and victory often rests upon their individual successes. These are lessons for the young king to learn, and learn well, if his dynasty is to endure against other strong, noble Houses and the perils that lie beyond his lands.

The Kingdom of Equitaine is sometimes seen as three different armies in one. One option is to play as a mixture of Knights and Infantry, where one half of the army shoots or engages the opponent in place till the other part comes in to smash the enemy, usually with powerful cavalry. Another option is the are armies where only cavalry is used, these excel at bringing so many mobile threats on the table that they are able to catch the opponent where they least suspect and try avoid them everywhere else. That concept is brought to the extreme when cavalry is mixed with their flying units of Pegasus Knights! In every playstyle the Kingdom of Equitaine relies on their characters to do some fighting, and to lead their armies from the front.

  • The first western human civilization was Avras, basically Rome, which connected the east and west. Avras was founded by the god empress Sunna, who wields a sword called Sonnstahl.
  • Avras united with Dwarves to fight the T9A Beastmen, and after victory Sunna ascended to the Veil and the Dwarves built a wall to protect Avras from external threats. But ratmen appeared from unknown places and conquered Avras from within and below (ratmen are not a myth).
  • Refugees and escaped slaves gathered and rejoiced when Sunna returned to lead them in the eighth age. Her generals were Warin (Askar, renamed Sonnstahl), Uther (Equitaine), Genoveva (Destria), and Arcaleone (Glauca and Aeturi, renamed Arcaleone).
  • Arcaleone died battling the (Horned Rat). Warin stabbed Sunna with a magic blade given to him by (Skaven) in an attempt to save his people. Sunna stabbed (Horned Rat) with it, and both died. As gods this is only a temporary state of not existing in the mortal world.
  • Sunna's companions reclaimed Avras then headed west to found kingdoms. King Uther founded Equitaine, united in belief and reverence to a goddess known as the Lady who all Equitainian females are connected to. Sunna returned to lead both and reclaim Avras in the eighth age.
  • Equitaine is ruled by noble Houses, each loyal to the king. They have launched many Crusades seeking the lost holy grail of the Lady and claim most of northern Taphria (Araby, still living Nehekhara) as territory or allies. They also have colonies in Virentia (Lustria).
  • The Sylvan Elves periodically wage war on them, although with hidden purposes; one story related by a bard is of a prince the Elves killed, who's former host they baited into the woods to make a sacrifice of a year and a half later. The Elves call this the Wild Hunt, killing knights for sport like game animals.

Misc Factions[edit | edit source]

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  • The Old Ones are now Titans. They somehow interacted with Father Chaos (see Daemon Legions) in the earliest history of the world.
  • Dreadfleet is now Pirate’s Peril, a skirmish game closer resembling Mordheim than Dreadfleet in gameplay meant as a more simple skirmish version of T9A (irony considering AoS is not lost on the community, although PP is considered more of a demo game and ruleset for younger or more casual players than a legit alternative mode. It was created by a member of the community called Blonde Beer, but after talk with the T9A team it was given lore canon to the setting. The Galleon's Graveyard is now the Archipelago of Tartaga, Noctilius is now Lord Darkwalker.

Ogre Khans (Ogre Kingdoms)[edit | edit source]

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Masters of the great plains and mountains of Augea, ogres are among the toughest of all creatures. Famed for their appetites and their brutality alike, the tribes are feared around the world. Do not anger them, for their fury is legendary - and only a fool would stand before the earth-shaking footfall of the Ogre Khans! Steppe ogres and mountain ogres have developed two quite different cultures. Both are rich and ancient, and can be reasoned with - provided you respect their traditions, and lay on a sufficient banquet. In the days of the greatest Khan of Khans, ogres walked as masters of the great nation of Tsuandan, or so their campfire lore speaks. Today, their reach encompasses the Silk Road, giving access to the wares and riches of many nations. Trading caravans often employ tribes of ogres for protection, often against their own kin. These mercenaries can be as treacherous as they are hungry, for they have come to respect the power of coin, at least so far as outsiders are concerned.

This army uses units loaded with mighty characters and many hard hitting monsters supported by magic and shooting units. There is also a playstyle featuring many small units overloading the opponent with threats and targets.

  • Ogres were among the races that were enslaved by the ancient (Lizardmen) and rebelled when a comet fell.
  • Ogre lore is otherwise currently unchanged.

Orcs and Goblins[edit | edit source]

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  • In the first age of the world the greenskins allied with the other races to seek freedom.
  • In the second age they managed to build a civilization, with royalty. One of their shamans was able to forsee the third age, the first of ruin.
  • A "WAAAGH!" is now a "Waaargh!".
  • The lore Q&A (presented from an in-universe sage) said its uncertain how Orcs and Goblins reproduce, stating for certain some come from the ground and that means they must have females (because remember, GW greenskins are all technically female by virtue of producing spores themselves asexually). He also states that he has not noticed a difference between them in the few interactions he has had with one but that he cannot confirm female-dimorphic greenskins do not exist. This reflects debate in the community on whether to keep greenskins as exclusively spore apes, or have some as spore apes and others having sexual reproduction (remember that some fungus does have male and female differences).
  • Regional Orcs are called Broods, representing a type of personality and culture bigger than a Clan or Tribe.
  • The primary holiday of greenskins is the Festival Of The Bear’s Heart AKA the Feast Of Zagjan. It is a religious holiday organized and supplied for by the Big Boss of the region and goes on for three days. Due to the danger from all the drunk Orcs, Goblins without status stay away. Killing is technically forbidden, but deaths are frequent anyway as is changes in leadership from the victory or loss of contests of hunting and strength, with cannibalism of the dead as the means through which food lasts the entire event. Broods compete together at everything, from chopping wood to drinking, every act is a competition to prove superiority. The Flight Of The Flaming Pig is one of the games at every gathering, inspired by a Shaman trying to invent a salve to burn the fur off a riding boar and cook it immediately; it results in a hairless pig on fire instead. The biggest Orc of each Brood lines up and holds a riding boar, and when the Big Boss gives the signal each one is covered in salve and thrown like a rocket. The boar that goes the furthest becomes a legendary mount once its fur grows back, the rest become the final meal on the third day of the celebration.
  • Greenskin lore is currently otherwise unchanged.

Saurian Ancients (Lizardmen)[edit | edit source]

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  • Saurians ruled the world in the first age from ziggurats. Their slave races, Ogres, Dwarves, humans, Orcs, and Elves, rebelled against them after a great comet fell. Whether this is the Saurians themselves or an Old Ones expy is unknown, as a myth calls them "Venerable Ones". Its suggested by a myth that they were revered rather than hated as the rest of the lore stated, and that they fell due to some natural disaster. Ancient artifacts depict Saurians fighting against the forces of the Dark Gods despite them only appearing in the world recently (by Dwarf reckoning).
  • Saurians still exist throughout the world, including Vetia although most are in Virentia. They are virtually unchanged from ancient myths.
  • There are some confirmed to be Warriors Of The Dark Gods, more in line with early Lizardmen lore.

Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves)[edit | edit source]

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Tsuandan (Grand Cathay)[edit | edit source]

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The Vermin Swarm (Skaven)[edit | edit source]

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  • Suddenly appeared in the world independent of (Beastmen) in the fifth age. Conquered Avras, defiling its temples and using the humans as slaves. They were ruled by the Rat King.
  • Vermin waged war with the other destruction factions while the people of order hid and built their strength (AKA "prayed death would be swift").
  • After the (Chaos Dwarfs) created their Inferno magic the Vermin were pushed back, and they were forced to compete with them, (Beastmen), Orcs, Vampires, and Daemons for ownership of the world.
  • In the eighth age the God Empress (Sigmar) Sunna returned and lead the descendants of Avras, (Bretonnia) and (The Empire) to drive the Vermin out.
  • In the ninth age the Vermin are among the rest of the forces of Destruction, conspiring to take back the world.
  • Modern Vermin display Italian names and silliness along with typical Skaven fare. For example they have a medical Clan, the Fetthis Medici, as well as a Luigi Galvani (Italian guy who discovered electricity makes muscles work) expy named Galvanus from the Rakatoi Clan, and the culmination of their work is a magiteck rod which steals the flesh of lesser Vermin to heal high ranking ones.

Undying Dynasties (Tomb Kings)[edit | edit source]

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The lore of the Undying Dynasties is presented from the perspective of scholars of the Empire of Sonnstahl (AKA The Empire) who study the Undying Dynasties in a manner similar to the real life British and French studies and excavations of Egypt in the early 1800's to late 1900's. Despite this, Witch Hunters are still wary of the dead.

  • Nehekhara=Naptesh. Naptesh confirmed as the origin of humanity. People were Naptaan.
  • The Kingdom of Equitaine (Bretonnian) war against Naptesh is known as the "Lost Crusade". An Equitainian port, Port Reynaud, remains active in the location of Zandri in Nehekhara.
  • Khemri=Tehmet, Lahmia=Hanaphuk, Mortis River (the Nile)=Napaat River.
  • Non-royal nobility (Tomb Princes) are called "Nomarchs". Tomb Kings are Pharaohs.
  • The Mortuary Cult is now the Death Cult, and was a place for Nomarchs who were not in line for the throne and unskilled in war to distinguish themselves rather than a place to send firstborn sons as tithe.
  • No mention of sexism. A queen ruled all of the loyal nobles of Naptesh, and a female Death Cult Mage is referenced. The wife of a warrior king leads his army to rescue him from being studied in Sonnstahl.
  • The Undying Dynasty lower class undead are not soulless. The undead become far more animate at night.
  • The ancient Tsuandan (Cathay) had a Terracotta army as part of Undying Dynasties, created by an architect who fled Naptesh. The culture of Naptesh spread through the 9th Old World before the fall, and is the origin of undeath and Necromancy and represents the Undead (Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings before they split into two armies) list. Both have rulesets.

Phatep was the divine ruler of all of Naptesh, blessed by the gods and ruled alongside his wife Teput, but Setesh and Nepharet planned to usurp him. They threw a celebration in his honor and tricked him into getting into a box which was stabbed many times. The conspirators drank his blood, becoming Vampires. His body was divided into nine pieces, with Setesh keeping the heart to use for divine magic while the rest was hidden across the land. Setesh's servant Tekhamun felt shame, and threw the head into the Napaat which carried it to Teput (who had received an invitation to join her husband from Setesh). She used the head to rally those loyal to the divine king into civil war. Setesh used the heart of Phatep to open the underworld where he usurped the god of death and commanded the dead as his army. Naptesh was rendered mostly lifeless by a curse from the angered gods.

In the last battle, Teput and Setesh fought each other. All participants were dealt mortal wounds with Teput and Setesh dying next to each other. Setesh told her he was an undying master of death who would rule over all of Naptesh forever, causing Teput to pray to the gods of the Naptaan for aid. They closed the underworld, sealing Setesh within which barred the Naptaan from becoming his slaves but preventing them from finding any peace in an afterlife and instead were shackled to the mortal world.

The peasantry fled to the north to become the Araby of 9th Age, as nothing in the mainland could support life. The nobility and their servants remained out of pride as the stoic dying with no food or water before becoming eternal undead. All have the goal of destroying Setesh and reclaiming their afterlives, are allied with Setesh and seek to destroy all his rivals, or are independent agents seeking their own gains.

Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts)[edit | edit source]

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  • Vampires were recorded as appearing in the seventh age, ruling over free men and impaling (Skaven). But other lore states they have existed alongside humans, meaning older than any records and dating back to the rulership of the (Lizardmen).
  • Due to constant rivalry and universal political ambition, The Covenant was formed which governs the otherwise warring factions and ensures that they keep their existence mythological to the common man.
  • Also have Pygmies in the form of the Malefic Tribes of Lalugu living in a mangrove swamp as allies to the Vodun Vampires of the Mangrove.

Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos)[edit | edit source]

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Chaos got more changes than anyone to their lore, so buckle up. Due to the overlap of Chaos lore, further relevant information may be found in the Daemons entry and to combat article bloat info will mostly be stated once in whichever entry it is more relevant. Fans of these armies are recommended to read both.

  • Warriors only appeared in the eighth age after the Dark Gods gained direct access to the world due to the magical backlash of the (Chaos Dwarf) Inferno. They were beat back by (female Sigmar) reborn.
  • Female Warriors aren't uncommon. Since Warrior bands often come from any existing group in addition to their own ethnic groups, a Warriors army can be made or kitbashed from any existing faction and/or cultural background desired.
  • Warriors are far less cruel than Warhammer Warriors, with slavery more resembling that of real life vikings. In particular killing slaves provides no honor, so unless they are sacrifices to a Dark God or involved in a ritual then they exist simply as laborers.
  • Warriors are far more selfish. Unlike in WFB where the Warriors Of Chaos serve the gods because it is their cultural background and hope to be rewarded, Warriors Of The Dark Gods are often the founders or recruited by a founder of a new cult that springs up when the Dark Gods start handing out gifts. Faith is directly tied to benefits, and the Dark Gods let them go freely. But gifts are taken back quickly, since in all example stories the Warriors don't live very long although the faith in getting a continued reward past death or a lack of concern for their own well-being keep them plodding along regardless. According to the writers, the Warriors are also supposed to remain emotional characters compared to the monolithic supreme badass entities that Warriors became when their backstories were over in WFB.
  • While most come from the Wasteland, Warriors have set up cities around the world where the Veil is weakest. This includes an oasis in the Great Desert. These cities are far less like the wandering warbands or small villages of the Warriors Of Chaos and more akin to human versions of the Chaos Dwarfs.
  • Norscans=Vaskol
  • Kurgans=Makhar

Named Characters[edit | edit source]

Click "Expand" for a list of named characters for use on the tabletop.

Beast Herds

  • Bragh, The Black Bull: A warlord who killed King Warin of the Askar, slaughtering his way to the western coast. He bears the Bargahn-grahl, Man-bane as his weapon as well as an artifact known as the Eye of the Slayer. His thick hide also grants him protection, although it weakens him in other ways.

Daemon Legions

  • Cacophrax, The Entropic: A greater daemon of Nukuja described as being half griffon, half alligator, and the size of a barn. He has the ability to float. He led a Undivided daemon army against the Avrasi empire. His minions are jet black and his banner is a spiral.
  • The Gilded Giant: A giant golden golem built by Infernal Dwarves and possessed by a greater daemon of Sugulag. It has led multiple raids on the mortal realm, the purpose of which is always to steal as much gold as possible, to be used for some unknown purpose. Its minions appear metallic and mechanical. Its banner is an anvil.
  • Foloy, The Skullbringer: A Scourge of Vanadra. He is a giant red daemon with horns, hooves and wings, and carries two axes (so basically a Skarbrand expy). He and his army usually appear after natural disasters, like earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis, or hurricanes. The elves call him "Vanadra's Tempest". His minions are tentacled lovecraftian horrors. His banner is a blindfolded skull.
  • Quetzatoa, The Devourer of the Deeps: A greater daemon of Akaan resembling a giant hermit crab. It leads armies of fish-like daemons on attacks against ships and coastal communities around the world. It's lair is rumoured to be under the Shattered Sea. Its banner is a crab claw.
  • Scarok, The Magnanimous: A greater daemon of Kuulima that appears as a dragon with shimmering scales that constantly change color, like a kaleidoscope. Her minions take various reptilian forms. She avoids open conflict unless someone defies her, instead seeking to sow jealousy among the wealthy and powerful, and then watching the ensuing battles. She is particularly feared by the dread elves. She was responsible for provoking the "Wars of Spite" in Vetia. Her banner is a snake's forked tongue.
  • Tergon, The Pathmaker: An Omen of Savar famous among the Warriors of the Makhar Steppes. He led massive coalitions of both mortals and daemons against Tsuandan. He is the subject of an epic poem, the Tergonead.
  • Akka Zono, The Puppetmaster: A greater daemon of Cibaresh, also known as The Sultan of Lust. It has a goat's head and a multitude of arms. Its minions appear as oversized children or animals with human faces. Its banner is a vertically bisected circle.

Dwarven Holds

  • Gorik Bearblood: One of the dwarves of the "Lost Hold". He is mute and communicates through sign language. He rides a tamed bear mount.

Ogre Khans

  • Tsanas: A hero known as the “Khan Of Khans” that modern Ogres sing a 3,473+ line epic poem of at feasts. He led his tribe, the Myahet, against a united Daemon army. He killed many Daemons until finally Foloy the Skullbringer and Tsanas dealt each other mortal wounds (beheading and disemboweling respectively). The Daemons fled from the Ogres at seeing the last of their leaders fall, and were destroyed by the pursuing army.

Undying Dynasties

  • Mahatesh, Queen of Djedesh: Her husbands' mummified body was stolen by tomb raiders and sold to archeologists in Sonnstahl. She is mounting an invasion to rescue him.

Warriors Of The Dark Gods

  • Šiva Yanovich, Daughter Of Savar: The former wife of a Volskayan noble who was sent to rule over a backwater village at the edge of the Wasteland. Dissatisfied at being forced to give up her aristocratic life in Volskagrad to move to some shithole village in the middle of nowhere, she eventually said "fuck it" and ran off with one the Warrior warbands that regularly pass through town. 14 years later she led a huge united warband into Volskaya, intent on reaching the capitol. They ended up getting the shit smacked out of them. Gravely wounded, Šiva led a small splinter of the survivors back to the village where her ex-husband was still stationed. He forgave her for all she'd done as she died in his arms.
  • Lukas Yanovich, Sorcerer of the Dark Gods: The son of Šiva. She took him (still an infant) with her when she joined the Warriors. She gave him up to be raised by Daemons in the Wasteland. Thus he has been learning sorcery his entire life. After his mother's death, he rallied together an even bigger warband, with which he plans to lay siege on Avras. Oh, he also murdered his father.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]