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|Number = VI
|Number = VI
|Founding = First Founding
|Founding = First Founding
|Successor Chapters = The Black Death, 19 other Cardinal chapters.
|Successor Chapters = 20 Cardinal Chapters
|Chapter Master = Erebus
|Primarch = [[Golgothos]]
|Primarch = [[Golgothos]]
|Homeworld = Sepulchra
|Homeworld = Sepulchra
|Specialty = Heavy armour, auxillary forces
|Specialty = Heavy armour shock troops
|Strength = 50,000 at the beginning of the Heresy, 10,000 at the end of it.
|Strength = 50,000 at the beginning of the Heresy.
|Allegiance = Imperium of Man
|Allegiance = Imperium of Man
|Colours = Grey, white and bone details.
|Colours = Grey, white and bone details.

'''This page details people, events, and organisations from [[The /tg/ Heresy]], a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe.'''
The Entombed were the grim face of the Great Crusade. Hampered by a genetic flaw which made their gene-seed difficult to replicate outside of a full battle brother, the Legion grew slowly but compensated for its numerical weakness with heavy equipment, especially the Dreadnought and Tactical Dreadnought (Terminator). Savaged by treachery and foul bio-science during the Heresy and driven to the brink of madness, the Entombed still found their way to the Emperor's side and made tremendous sacrifices during the Siege of Terra. Even the break-up of the Legion did not diminish the Entombed's hatred for Chaos and the heirs of Golgothos are all stationed about the Eye of Terror, always eager to fight the Traitors once more.

=Summary of Legion VI=
=Summary of Legion VI=

The Entombed serve as the shock troops of the Imperium. They have long suffered from a genetic flaw which makes their geneseed difficult to recover from fallen battle brothers. They compensate for this difficulty by fielding more terminators, and interring their wounded in dreadnoughts more often. Their inevitable doom eventually wipes them out, but not before crushing some xenos, swearing revenge on the Life Bringers, and helping to found the Imperial Cult.

Numeration: The VIth Legion

Sepulchra is a twisted world of dust and stone. Its pockmarked and craggy surface supports no life, but it would be foolish to judge Sepulchra by its surface. Deep below lies a vast network of caverns, teeming with subterranean life. From bioluminesent fungus and cave moss, to the devastating tunnelworm, to brutal tribes of Orks, Sepulchra is anything but uninhabited. The Entombed's Fortress Monastery, called The Catacomb, is made from the derelict remains of an ancient human spacecraft. Its deep cargo holds now serve as barracks and ossuaries, and its bridge serves as the command headquarters of the Legion. The only access to the Catacomb is either by three aerial access shafts, or by navigating the labyrinthine caverns. Because there are no humans on Sepulchra to recruit from, the Entombed draw their recruits from the many worlds local to the Sepulchra system. After the Hektor Heresy, this relationship was formalized into the Sepulchra Coalition, in which 20 planets near to the Eye of Terror exchanged loyalty and recruitment rights to specific Cardinals in exchange for protection.
Primogenator: Golgothos (also known as "The Fervent")

==Legion Tactics==
Cognomen (Prior): The Endless, The Barrowdwellers

The Entombed favor heavy armour and overwhelming firepower. They are most effective in close-quarters, zone mortalis situations, such as in the streets of a city, winding underground caverns, or in boarding operations. They employ a shattering tactic: Dreadnoughts lay down heavy fire with their Ossuary cannons, while terminators deploy behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy. Entombed tactics have proved instrumental in breaking Ork charges and invalidating Eldar mobility, as well as displacing fortified positions during the Heresy. Late in the Great Crusade they began to field what would one day come to be called Chaplains, officers in charge of boosting the morale of their brothers.
Observed Strategic Tendencies: Heavy Infantry, Armored Walkers, Area Weaponry, Teleportation-based disruption.

==Legion Organization==
Noteworthy Domains: Calixis, Scarus, Gothic, Agripanaa, and Cadian sectors of Segmentum Obscurus

The Entombed favored an autonomous command structure. While most Legions avoided a rank akin to Lieutenant, such a rank was the core of the Entombed command structure. Undertakers, Apothecaries in Terminator armour, were given command of two squads of ten marines, and given semi-autonomous command over their squads. Undertakers would be given specific goals, and were trusted to fulfill those goals however they saw fit. This fractured organization made it difficult to anticipate the Entombed on the battlefield, assisting them in their tactics of disruption and line-breaking. After the discovery of Golgothos, 20 chaplains were named Cardinal, each given command of a Tomb Warden who guards the Cardinal's Armory, and 5 Bishops, who in turn command 5 Undertakers each. Cardinals were given complete autonomy, save for the direct commands of Golgothos himself.
Alliegence: Fidelitas Constantus

==Legion Equipment==
''"If we fall, we shall burn all we see before us! From here to horizon will be naught but ash and bones!"
To compensate for their difficulty in recouping losses, The Entombed have opted to wear much heavier armour. The VI Legion has a disproportionately large amount of Terminator Armour, and because the geneseed of the dead often cannot be recovered, mortally wounded marines are hastily interred in dreadnoughts or given cybernetic prosthetics. The Entombed field a unique Ossuary Pattern Dreadnought, with thicker armour and armed with the Demolisher Cannons usually seen on Vindicators. The wide, bulky frame of the Ossuary necessary to bear the recoil of the Demolisher cannon was a transitional form between the relatively lithe contemptor patterns of 30k and the bulkier, slower patterns of 40k. The Primarch of The Entombed, Golgothos, is interred in one such a Dreadnought.

[[File:Entombed Armours.png|300px|thumb]]
'''Captain Nevazar of the Sons of Fire 3rd Company, during the scouring of Crematoria'''

==Legion Doctrine==
''"Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust."''

The Entombed believe mankind to be a race of gods, sent to the galaxy to purge it of unworthy xenos and blasphemous witches. They put a great emphasis on respecting the dead, and their Fortress Monastery also serves as a great catacomb, where the bones of fallen Entombed are interred. After a battle, every fallen brother receives a formal funeral ritual, each of which takes several days. This reverence for the dead often frustrates more pragmatic allies, who continue to fight while The Entombed perform their last rites.
'''Letum the Dour, Cardinal of the Ashen chapter of the Emtombed, in reply'''

The 6th squad of the Sacred Band called themselves the Unnamed. They chose to abandon their humanity, and instead become weapons to be used solely for the Emperor's will. They favored the teleporters of their Terminator armour, appearing amidst the enemies ranks to cause chaos and disruption. The Unnamed unnerved other members of the Sacred Band, for outside of battle they were utterly silent, and inhumanly calm. When battle began, and they appeared amidst their enemies, they would unleash their fury. They would scream, yell, bellow with all their might, as they crushed the enemy with their hammers or charred them to ash with heavy flamers.
=Legion History=

Veterans of The Entombed are called Death Masks. In the tradition begun by their Sacred Band, they forswear their names and any sense of identity. It is believed that, because they are no longer men, they are utterly incorruptible, beyond reproach. It is said that a Death Mask marine could walk among the mightiest warp storm and not feel even the slightest pull of corruption. While this is an exaggeration, there is a kernel of truth to it, as by the time a marine becomes a veteran, he is likely so riddled with cybernetics that there is barely any man left inside the armour. Death Mask marines never, under any circumstances, leave their armour, having all of their biological needs fulfilled cybernetically.
Dark, dour and wreathed in suspicion, the Entombed were warriors of the dark, and yet they clung to the Emperor’s light when those who once shone brightly fell into the abyss of Chaos forever.

==Legion History==
==Origins: Warriors of the Inner Dark==

===Great Crusade===
The history of the Space Marines began with the Sacred Band, twenty squads of ten Astartes each. These warriors were deployed in battle to test their worth and prove the rightness of the Emperor's Space Marine Project. The men who would form Sixth Squad had been recruited from Diffumi, where Judge-Cults dedicated to gods of death had long resisted Imperial rule. Raised from birth to see death as merely a transition-point akin to becoming an adult, the warriors of Diffumi were notorious for their reckless courage - a quality that would be tempered but never entirely eliminated in the Sixth Squad and the Legion that would grow from it. In accordance with their rituals of transition, the ten members of the Sixth Squad disposed of their birth names on completing their training and joining the Emperor's Space Marines. The Sergeant of the Sixth Squad called himself Vinea, and his brothers were Tormenta, Sambuca, Petrary, Onger, Ballstra, Ludgar, Hellepoli, Springalt and Couillard.

The Entombed were created from the genetic material of their Primarch Golgothos. As with all of the Primarchs, Golgothos was genetically engineered to be a supreme super-soldier but was cast into the warp during his infancy along with his brothers. The Entombed served with great distinction during the Great Crusade, and did not once retreat from the field of battle. Soon after Golgothos' discovery, the Eldar craftworld Kaelor drifted near to Sepulchra. The fervent primarch would not bear this threat, and so he deployed his legions onto the twisted structure. Many other primarchs would have tried to destroy the craftworld from orbit, or sent a team of specialists with demolition charges. Golgothos, however, wanted to watch the vile xenos die with his own eyes, and engaged them man to man. The Infinity Circuit was demolished by Golgothos himself, and the craftworld now drifts as a skeletal moon around Sepulchra.
The Sixth's coolness in danger, even by the standards of the Space Marines, had impressed [[Hektor Cincinnatus]]. While he did not call on them to spearhead his assaults (saving this duty for the First), Hektor called on the Sixth to carry the fight to Merican warriors holed up in tight quarters, committing them push after push against the desperate defenders of the last few boltholes in the underbelly of both Noveau Yourk and San Angeles Hives.

After the taking of craftworld Kaelor, The Entombed made it their duty to secure all worlds around the Eye of Terror for the Emperor. The flaming trails of drop pods soon filled the skies of Medusa, Cadia, and other worlds around the Eye. As each world fell, taking further worlds became easier, and the Entombed quickly had command of much of segmentum Obscuris. The Entombed were not kind with the worlds they conquered, and the Bishops of the 6th Legion had violent inquisitions upon these worlds, torturing and executing any who would not give up their gods and pay fealty to the Emperor.
While won in dirty places, these dirty victories were highly respected. The Sixth tended to be standoffish and preferred their own company, but their record of tackling difficult tasks efficiently and without complaint permitted a certain eccentricity. Only in hindsight would rumors spread that their constant sorties into the dark underhives were an attempt to have the entire squad destroyed, with the darkest of whispers suggesting that the [[San Angelus Incident]] was aimed at the Sixth Squad, not the [[Void Angels|Fifth]].

===The Hektor Heresy===
==Great Crusade: The Hive Breakers==

After the Voidwatcher destroyed the Webway, he retreated to his homeworld to avoid the Emperor's wrath. The Emperor chose the two legions best suited for the task, The Entombed and the Thunder Kings, to bring justice to the traitor and [[assault his homeworld of Ostium]]. Before battle, Brennus crafted a mighty warhammer for his brother, and inscribed his Dreadnought armor with protective runes. Thunder King drop pods rained down on the sundered planet, and Entombed marines popped into being using their teleporter arrays. These disruptive tactics proved devastating to the Black Augurs, though their divinations aided them greatly.
Due to difficulties in replicating their gene-seed in thralls, the Sixth Legion were among the last to be brought up to Legion Strength, and did not enter the Great Crusade until after it had already cleared the Sol System. (Typically, later accounts accuse Hektor or [[Pallas Eugenesis]] of a plot but this seems to be projecting later crimes backward.) The Legion’s first actions were in the crowded Hive Cities of the systems closest to Solar and the tunnels of ancient Cthonia. The Legion became known as the ‘Hive Breakers’ for they were especially efficient at fighting in the tight confines of a Hive City, from the spires to the underhive. Although the Sixth generally lacked for specialists due to their small numbers, they were still quick to adopt specialised eqiupment for Zone Mortalis operations, such as the MK III "Iron" Armour and the Tactical Dreadnought - ''Terminator'' armour.

Constantly retreating, the Black Augurs petitioned Hektor for aid. Hektor knew that Johannes Vrach had been developing a bioweapon from Golgothos' genetic data, and so he chose the Life Bringers. For several weeks, however, the Life Bringers' advance was blocked by a War Scribes fleet, deployed to protect the flanks of the Ostium invasion. When Arelex, Primarch of the War Scribes, gave his infamous retreat order after Isstvan V, the Life Bringers advanced on Ostium.
As Primarch after Primarch was found, the Sixth continued to go without. Their recruiting grounds were expanded to include the dark colonies of the Kuiper Belt, and although these colonies were thinly populated they were sufficient for the small quantities of gene-seed available. Lack of replacements even the Legion in slow decline towards the end of the first century of the Great Crusade and the Imperium's gene-wrights began to wonder if the Sixth would simply go extinct. Others were more optimistic, pointing to the revival of other Legions after the discovery of their gene-sires and the integration of fresh manpower from the Primarchs' homeworlds. For the Sixth themselves, such worries were abstractions and they crusaded relentlessly under the command of Legion Master Tormenta.

During the final loyalist assault on the Augurs' fortress Monastery, Brennus ordered Golgothos to take his finest companies and destroy a strongpoint from which the enemy was summoning daemons. This order would prove to be the Entombed's salvation, for only these two companies survived Ostium. The Life Bringers arrived just in time to relieve the Augurs, and from their dropships they deployed a vile red gas. This gas washed over the battlefield, leaving Augurs and Kings unharmed. When it seeped into the armor of the Entombed, however, it melted their tissue and sublimated their bones. Of the 40,000 Entombed marines deployed on Ostium, only 10,000 survived.
==The Prince of Terra==
{{See also|Golgothos}}
Golgothos, Primarch of the Sixth Legion, was cast upon the Ork-infested planet that he came to name ''Sepulchra''. This world had once been inhabited by an advanced human civilisation, but they had been destroyed in the chaos of Old Night. The Primarch grew up running from the Orks, then turned to waging a private war against them. His liberation from this nightmare by the Emperor was a major turn in the Sixth Legion's fortunes. The Primarch greatly impressed the Emperor's court with his physical presence and quick mind, for though he came to Terra largely ignorant of the civilized arts of war he learned very quickly. Pallas Eugenesis' gene-wrights took fresh genetic samples from the Primarch and were finally able to replicate several batches of new gene-seed, though there was no ready supply of recruits.

===The Fall of Obitus===
Golgothos was undaunted. Unlike those of his brothers who had taken a period of time to rebuild their Legion in a new image, the Sixth's sire led his men straight into battle. In a series of exemplary campaigns in the Segmentum Obscurus, the Sixth Legion razed Ork worlds that had begun to threaten Imperial borders. In so doing, they established contact with a handful of embattled human worlds whose fierce warriors had resisted the Xenos for centuries. Men from these planets were quickly screened for their genetic quality and began to be taken to a new Fortress on Sepulchra where they could hone their skills and undergo the difficult transformation into Space Marines. The Legion also benefited from stocks of ancient technology on Golgothos' homeworld, especially a vast store of walkers suitable for conversion into Dreadnought war machines. The ranks of fallen warriors still fighting under Golgothos' leadership swelled and in their honour the Sixth became known as ''The Endless''.

Four Cardinals had been tasked with the defense of Terra. In command was Obitus, the Black Cardinal, who had earned great renown in turning back WAAAGH Murk from the bowels of Sepulchra. In fighting WAAAGH Murk, Obitus learned of the fungal nature of the Orks, and the means by which they return to fight again, even after total obliteration. This intrigued Obitus greatly, for he was greatly interested in Immortality. While Hektor and Uriel were gathering legions to their cause, Children of Armok spies informed the archtraitors that Obitus could potentially be turned. Johannes Vrach, a recent convert, was chosen to go to Sepulchra and bring Obitus to Hektor's side. Johannes spoke to Obitus of the powers of Nurgle. He showed Obitus his plague marines, who could stave off death, and Obitus saw his chance at Immortality. With an army of the animate dead, Obitus could claim the galaxy for humanity. Obitus' charismatic nature made it easy to spread his corruption to the other Cardinals, and to their marines. The librarians on Sepulchra made quick work granting Nurgle's gift to the many dead marines interred within the Catacomb. Armies of dead terminators and dreadnoughts blocked off the passages into the fortress, and Obitus had the aerial access shafts demolished.
As the second century of the Great Crusade rolled on, the Sixth reversed their decline and greatly expanded their ranks despite constant and difficult campaigning. Golgothos refocused his Legion on the task of destroying the Xenos strongholds threatening the Imperium. Orks were the main object of his wrath but the Sixth fought many other aliens, counting the destruction of the Eldar Craftworld Kaelor among their victories. At the beginning of the 31st Millenium, the Endless and their master were tasked with the greatest challenge of the Great Crusade: the destruction of the Orkish Empire of Ullanor.

===The Siege of Sepulchra===
=Organisation and Doctrine=
''In the twisted dark, you need to be aware at all times. The enemy could come from any direction. Above, below, the front sides and even rear. There are no flanks, no rear area. Everything is the front line.''

After Ostium, Golgothos made haste back to Sepulchra to regroup, recover from his losses, and strike back against the traitors. However, when he arrived he found the access shafts demolished and the vox channels unresponsive. He deployed his forces onto the planet, drop pods screaming through anti-air fire from the Interceptor cannons below. Once on the surface, Golgothos gathered his forces and made his way into the deep caverns. What he found there infuriated him beyond mortal understanding. After having his forces nearly wiped out by the forces of Nurgle, he had come home to find them infesting his fortress. Golgothos led a fierce war against his wayward Cardinal, assaulting through the caverns toward his fallen fortress. The Primarch knew the caverns well, for he had been hunted in them for 30 years, but the forces of the dead greatly outnumbered the living. Hordes of zombies in power armor pockmarked by mold filled the caverns, raised by sorcerors, both in power armour and dreadnoughts. The dead were supported by the fallen, vile plague marines and dark apothecaries provided ample fire support for the dead. It took the Entombed a full year to root out the dead, but eventually the great bulkheads of the Catacomb were breached.
Jusayth Yin, Master of Recruits

When Golgothos entered the fortress, his fire hot rage had long since turned to cold fury. Fallen marines were slaughtered by the thousand, but he issued orders to capture as many alive as possible. Obitus was found in the command complex, protected by sorcerors and a horde of summoned daemons. Golgothos breached through this daemonhorde with a spearhead of Ossuary dreadnoughts, and managed to capture Obitus alive. Once all ten thousand fallen marines were accounted for, the furious Primarch gave the order to crucify them. Dead and captured alike were hung from iron crosses until they bled or starved to death. Obitus was the last to die, and until his dying moment he uttered vile blasphemies and spoke of the immortality Nurgle would grant him. When the last of the traitors were dead, Golgothos had all ten thousand marines cast in gold, and brought them to his flagship. They fill the halls of that ship even now, as it floats deep in Eyespace. Obitus himself stands over the command throne over the vessel, with the words "All men die" engraved into his chestplate. After the siege, Golgothos renamed his flagship "Nurgle's Grave."
From the moment the Sacred Band took up their shields and advanced into the Underhives of Merica, the Legion organised and equipped itself so it could function best in the bitter and close-raged warfare codified as ‘Zone Mortalis’, also known as the fatal ground or the zone of death. These areas could vary wildly from the lightless depths of a Hive-City, the tangled tunnels of a mining world, the prison-vault of a mighty fortress, the labyrinthine pipes of an industrial sewer system or the crowded decks of an enemy warship.
Despite the variety in such warzones, they all shared the same common features. Close confinement that limited the range on weapons, limited access for attack or escape routes that made funnelling troops into kill zones that much easier, and often hazardous environments to make even harder for both sides.

===The Scouring===
Battles in such places were inevitably fatal and chaotic affairs, where casualties were high and victory always rested on a knife edge. The Sixth Legion decided this was to be their alpha and omega, and immediately began to reshape their Legion to match.

The Entombed and Void Angels arrived at Terra mere days after the fighting had ceased. In truth, their drawing near was a major factor in the retreat of the traitor legions. It was on the ashes of Terra that Gaspard Lumey proposed a new form of tactics to Golgothos and the Entombed. Lumey proposed that Golgothos fracture his forces into smaller groups, capable of operating independantly, and giving these groups the mandate to serve as auxiliaries to other legions. Golgothos saw the wisdom in this plan, and formally created the command structure the Entombed would follow for the rest of their history. When Golgothos told the Cardinals that they could go where they wished, and aid whomever they saw fit, all twenty cardinals unanimously chose to aid the Void Angels until the Traitor Legions could be crushed. And so, until the Scouring of the traitor legions ended and they fled into the warp, the Entombed served as shock troops and heavy support to Lumey and his Void Angels.
The problems of fighting in close and cramped confines were many, and in overcoming them the Legion deviated far from the norms of the Principa Belicosa. Command and control over large forces was difficult if not impossible with signal distortion and false echoes, so the Legion sought to break down the command structure for maximum flexibility. The Battalion was discarded and Companies became the core building block of the Legion, with the Chapter existing to delegate additional support to each company as required by tactical and strategic considerations. Company Commanders would be given specific goals and were trusted to fulfil those goals however they saw fit, with absolute discretion to fight as they needed to. Sergeants were trained to be able to take over larger forces if the company captain was killed or incapacitated. This made the Legion difficult to slow, as headquarter casualties did not cause the usual amount of panic and uncertainty.

===The Battle of Rai===
The Breacher Squad the Legion had pioneered now became the signature squad of all forces. Tacticals were trained as Breachers first and foremost and every company had a core of Breacher Marines, supported by Despoilers and Tactical Support Marines with Flamers and Meltaguns. Heavy Support Squads used Heavy Flamers and Multi-Meltas instead of bulky, long-ranged weapons like Lascannons which were all but useless in Mortalis conditions.

Late in the Scouring, a joined effort by Entombed, Void Angels, War Scribes, and Scale Bearers lead an assault on Rai, the Life Bringers homeworld. Golgothos and his Entombed lead the boarding parties in the space battle above the planet, while the Scale Bearers first company lead a covert attack on research facility 123. This covert attack failed, and a biological agent was allowed to excape from the lab. This agent quickly turned all of Rai into a teeming mass of red flesh, whose tentacles reached all the way into orbit. These tentacles grasped at the ships above, and turned them into warp-posessed monstrosities. In the chaos and confusion, Johannes Vrach was able to retreat with his legion into the Eye of Terror. Before Arelex Orannis and Gaspard Lumey could regroup their forces, they heard reports that Golgothos had gathered his most venerable and ancient dreadnoughts onto his battle barge Nurgle's Grave, and chased his hated foe into the Eye itself. Golgothos was not seen again by mortal men for five milennia.
Infantry were the bread and butter of the Legion, and armoured units inevitably suffered as a result. Tanks were ill-suited to such conditions, with even light vehicles susceptible to floundering or damaging themselves by unexpectedly crashing through buckled deck plating or getting crushed beneath falling rubble. With the Legion undersupplied anyway, vehicle replacements were designated as a much lower priority that armour or bolters, until the Legion had the smallest armoured reserve of all the Legions. Though small numbers of Predator Infernus were retained for close-raged fire support and some Rhinos were used to carry troops through heavy fire, they had no primacy in the Legion’s doctrine.

===The Coalition of Sepulchra===
The Legion did however have very large numbers of Dreadnoughts, even before the coming of their Primarch. Dreadnoughts were more mobile than any tank and could carry heavy weapons anywhere they were needed. Dreadnoughts took up the fire support mantle normally given to tanks, and they were the only ones to carry long-ranged weapons such as Lascannons and Conversion Beamers to hammer distant foes.

The Heresy had left the Entombed crippled, and some amongst the ranks bemoaned the doom of their Legion. With the Eye of Terror so close to Sepulchra, the Council of Cardinals knew that guarding this gate to hell would be their greatest duty. With this need in mind, the Cardinals began negotiations with 20 inhabited planets around the Eye of Terror. These worlds were desperately in need of protection, and the Entombed were desperately in need of recruits, so they struck a deal. Each Cardinal claimed a world as his personal recruitment world, in exchange for protection from xenos and traitors alike. This ring of planets loyal to the Entombed was named the Coalition of Sepulchra, and it serves, along with the regiments of Cadia, as the first line of defense against the legions of chaos.
Golgothos made no change at all to the basic organisation of the Legion. It was perfect for the method of warfare they espoused and that he knew well from his own days on Sepulchra. What he did do was bring them more into line with his own brand of mysticism born from the endless war with the Necrowalkers. The Chapter Masters become the Cardinals, named after the chief military and religious leaders of the humans of Sepulchra. The Line Captains became Bishops, and the Sergeants of the Squads were known as Undertakers. Techmarines became Tomb Wardens. In addition, a new type of officer was born, known as the Chaplain. Though on the surface similar to the Mentors of the Eternal Zealots, they were not as politically motivated as the Mentors, and were permanently attached to their chosen company until death or promotion took them. They were both spiritual advisors and fierce warriors who kept their charges mindful of their overall goals. The Religious element to this was noted by the Legion’s many enemies, though openly no form of mysticism beyond the grim rituals of the old Legion were ever shown.

===The Fall of the Entombed===
==Notable Members==

In M35, the Entombed heard of a great gathering of Life Bringers on the planet of Mortis III. In response, the Cardinals united into a single fighting force, under their Chapter Master, Erebus. Chapter master [NAME] of the Knights Draconian, saw an opportunity for redemption in the eyes of the Entombed, and so joined them for battle. The fighting on Mortis III was hard and lethal, but the Entombed advanced steadily onward. Late in the fighting, Erebus spotted a mass of flesh and claws, vaguely in the shape of a man. He knew immediately that the daemon prince Johannes Vrach stood before him. At the very moment Vrach showed his face, a warp storm appeared above the planet. From this warp storm, Golgothos and his Dreadnoughts emerged, crashing to the planet below. Erebus ordered the Knights Draconian to retreat to high ground, as plague spewers and hordes of daemons filled the valley in which Golgothos and the Entombed fought their moral enemies. The Knights Draconian watched in safety from the heights while every last Entombed marine died honorably in the name of retribution. Golgothos himself died as well, but not before crushing Johannes' body with the Hammer Brennus gave him so long ago. Seeing this honorable last stand, and that not a single Life Bringer or daemon remained, the Knights Draconian were greatly moved. They took up the bodies of the Entombed, and returned them to the Catacomb on Sepulchra. There they decided they would reform their chapter as the Watchers of the Dead, and guard Sepulchra for all time.
'''Obitus, the Black Cardinal''' Recruited from the Hiveworld of Scintilla, Oblitus was a skilled orator and considered to be of great virtue and steel loyalty, though he was also a master manipulator. He cunningly arranged battlefield tactics so as to gain the most glory while simultaneously putting those he saw as his enemies in the greatest danger. He elevated sycophants, but presented them as loyal servants. Any man who questioned his virtue soon found himself leading a charge against a wall of Ork Nobs. He forged strong links with members of the Eternal Zealots and Helios Angels during this time, and was one of the few Entombed known outside his Legion. Rewarded by Golgothos with the rank of Black Cardinal - the Warden of Sepulchra itself – he would end up siding with Hektor and bringing division and war to the Legion itself.

=Legion Equerry=
'''Erebus, Lord of the Grave''' A Terran Recruit from just as Golgothos was discovered, Erebus would be forever loyal to his Primarch and the Legion.

'''Cardinal Merik, the Deathbringer''' Drawn from the Hives of Eustas Majoris in the Scarus Sector, Merik had spent his whole life in the underhive and knew the landscape like few others. These skills made him a master of Hive Warfare, and this skill coupled with his own personal bravery promoted him to the Cardinal of the seventh Chapter. However he had a darker side, in that he was consumed utterly with his quest for vengeance against any foe who dared stand against him. No other Cardinal in the entire Legion suffered losses on the scale of Merik, and he was nearly censured several times for his carelessness.
Obitus was Cardinal of the Sepulchral See during the later parts of the Great Crusade. He led religious worship, codified doctrine, and had direct command of the Cardinals, making him de facto commander of The Entombed. Golgothos himself was not much of a strategist, and so delegated much, possibly too much, to Obitus. He began the trend of painting his armour with a dye made from the ground up bones of Xenos, which Cardinals and Bishops upheld all the way to M35. He is often attributed as the inventor or popularizer of the Crozius and Rosarius. Unlike most Entombed officers, he chose to wear lighter artificer armour rather than tactical dreadnought armour, and favored the heavy flamer over the storm bolter.

Obitus was extremely charismatic and a skilled orator. He did not tolerate disobedience or heretical speech, and actively discouraged discourse. Publicly he maintained a magnanimous persona, but in private he was conniving, greedy, and envious of Golgothos' supremacy. Obitus had high command of most of the Entombed forces, and in retrospect it can be seen that he would often deploy cardinals who threatened his supremacy into highly dangerous situations. This means of deniable assasination is at least partly responsible for the weakened state of The Entombed at the onset of the heresy.

Obitus was put to death several years before the Heresy, in an event that came to be known as The Emperor's Decimatus. When The Emperor learned that The Entombed had formed a religion contrary to The Imperial Truth, he was infuriated. When he arrived on Sepulchra, however, he cunningly determined that The Entombed need not be culled completely. Obitus, a handful of more vocal Cardinals, and 9/10ths of Legion VI were executed, but the remainder were allowed to live.
==Notable Domains==

*'''Sepulchra'''.  Once a bright centre of human civilization, this planet had been over-run by Orks before the coming of Golgothos and remained infested with the feral Xenos. The Sixth Legion never undertook to exterminate the Orks, however, believing that the aliens provided an excellent opportunity for testing recruits in controlled battle conditions. The ruined cities and catacombs of Sepulchra are well-known as storehouses of ancient technology and the Entombed would often mix training missions with salvage operations.
Erebus was Lord Undertaker during the later days of The Entombed. He was chief Apothecary, charged with maintenance and protection fo gene stock, as well as the treatment of wounded marines. After Golgothos flew into the Eye of Terror, it was determined that the Lord Undertakers should be the supreme commanders of The Entombed, capable of unifying the Cardinals. Erebus was the 16th Lord Undertaker, and the last.

Erebus wears Tactical Dreadnought Armour like all Undertakers, and carries a custom-built Narthecium modified for war, capable of producing a powerful paralytic. He very rarely engaged in combat personally, and spent most of his time on Sepulchra, organizing the efforts of his cardinals from a distance. When The Entombed comitted to major conflicts, drawing him from Sepulchra, he would often lead battles from orbit or a forward observation post, rather than fighting himself.
==Specialist Troops==
===Tomb Wardens===
[[File:Tomb Warden Sigil.png|80px|thumb]]
Tomb Wardens serve as the second-in-commands to the Cardinals of the Entombed. They watch over the Armory of the chapter, including the Dreadnoughts, the infantry's armour and weapons, the drop pods, and the ships of the fleet. In addition to these duties, the Tomb Wardens are tasked with the retrieval and laying to rest of the remains of dead marines. Tomb Wardens and their acolytes scour the battlefield after every engagement, recovering the dead and gathering them together. The Tomb Warden himself leads the Ritual of the Last Rite, in which the name and deeds of every dead soldier are recited and inscribed upon the soldier's bones. The Wardens maintain the great Catacomb, and oversee the great banks of Mausolea within its depths. Their role as guardians of the dead grant them great significance among the Entombed, and though the Cardinals are superior, the Tomb Wardens are holier by far. Tomb Wardens hold close ties to the Mechanicum and the Cult of Mars, leading other legions, chiefly the War Scribes, to question whether the Entombed serve Terra or Mars first.

Erebus was practical to a fault, avoiding risk whenever possible. If he decided the potential losses were too high, he would regretfully let whole worlds be lost. By the time of Erebus' command, the numbers of The Entombed had dwindled quite significantly. Erebus' life's work was in researching a cure for the geneseed flaw of The Entombed, but it was not completed before Mortis III.
[[File:Undertaker Sigil.png|80px|thumb]]
Undertakers are skilled Apothecaries. They are not as skilled in battlefield medicine as the Apothecaries of the Eternal Zealots, nor as skilled at research as those of the Life Bringers. The Undertakers of the Entombed focus their training on the recovery and storage of geneseed. The Genestock of the Entombed is so fragile that even the slightest mistake can irreparably damage it. The dwindling genebanks of the Catacomb are watched over with immeasurable caution. Undertakers are also masters of cybernetic prosthetics, navigating the nebulous dangers of immunorejection with care and uncharacteristic subtlety. As battlefield commanders, the Undertakers are uncreative, and inflexible, following their orders without question or addition.

===Cardinal Merik===
Known as 'The Deathbringer,' Cardinal Merik was 7th Cardinal, in command of 5 Bishops and 10 Undertakers. He wielded the standard equipment of a Cardinal: Terminator Armour, Crozius, Storm Bolter, and Rosarius. He often deployed into battle aboard a Land Raider. Merik was consumed utterly with his quest for vengeance. He fought alongside his primarch on Isstvan and Rai, and shared Golgothos' hatred for the Life Bringers. Marines of other legions sometimes whispered that his hatred was nothing short of madness. Merik defended no worlds, fights no xenos, and cared nothing for galactic conflict. He scoured the galaxy for the Life Bringers, and assaulted them at any cost. No other Cardinal in the entire Legion suffered losses on the scale of Merik, and he had been censured by Golgothos numerous times for his carelessness.
Bishops serve the Cardinals directly, serving on their war council and leading the Undertakers. Bishops are trained in tactics and leadership, for that is their primary role. The Cardinals decide what should be done, and where, but it is the Bishops who ultimately determine how. Bishops lead many rituals, invoking litanies before (and during) battle, leading hymns of victory, and leading the rites on certain commemoration days, such as the anniversary of Golgothos' discovery. As a secondary duty, Bishops are charged with watching over the Librarians of their company. Each Bishop guards his Librarians personally, watching them for any signs of sorcery. If the Librarians falter, they are stripped of their humanity and turned into Servo-skulls, who serve the Bishops as a shameful reminder of their failures.

Merik was one of the few chaplains to survive the Decimatus, but was otherwise an unremarkable officer during the Heresy. He fought well, but did not distinguish himself. It was only after the Siege of Sepulchra, during the Scouring, that he began to make a name for himself. On the agriworld of Zeris II, he discovered an abandoned Life Bringers outpost. No trace of where the plague marines had gone could be found. Furious, and convinced that the populace was collaborating with the traitors, he put millions to torture. When he learned nothing, he slaughtered every man woman and child on the planet.
==Support Formations==

Cardinal Merik's death is shrouded in mystery. His battle barge was lost, and never seen again. Some claim he chose to steer into the Eye of Terror to join his Primarch's crusade. Others whisper that he fell to Khorne. None know for certain.


===The Skeleton in the Caves===
=Legion Tactics=
As a babe, the Primarch whould come to be known as Golgothos crash landed on a desolate, grey planet known as Sepulchra. The surface of Sepulchra were inhospitable badlands, with gale force winds kicking up dust storms which could rip the flesh off a man. Fortunately, Golgothos' pod crashed with such force that it pierced through the surface into the caverns below, and it is in these caverns that Golgothos made his home.

As a child, Golgothos lived by foraging for caveworms and scraping moss off of walls. As he grew, he began to hunt larger and larger game. The beasts of Sepulchra fell to his bare hands, and Golgothos would consume everything, leaving only the bones behind.
The Entombed favor heavy armour and overwhelming firepower. They are most effective in close-quarters, zone mortalis situations, such as in the streets of a city, winding underground caverns, or in boarding operations. They employ a shattering tactic: Dreadnoughts lay down heavy fire with their Ossuary cannons, while terminators deploy behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy. Entombed tactics have proved instrumental in breaking Ork charges and invalidating Eldar mobility, as well as displacing fortified positions during the Heresy. Late in the Great Crusade they began to field what would one day come to be called Chaplains, officers in charge of boosting the morale of their brothers. The skull-shaped helms of modern chaplains are theorized by Imperial historians to have been adopted by other legions in homage to The Fallen Legion.

However, Golgothos' life was not safe, for deep within the caverns lived a clan of Orks. Many times as he was feeding, Golgothos would be discovered by wandering Orks, and be forced to flee. For many years he was forced to live cautiously, fleeing before the echos of Ork grunts.
==Legion Equipment==
[[File:Entombed Armours.png|300px|thumb]]
It was not until he was a man grown that Golgothos chose to face the Orks in battle. The Orks had driven all game from the caverns, and so Golgothos was starving. Delirious and exhausted, Golgothos wandered passageways he had never been to before. Stumbling around a bend, he happened upon three Orks, arguing over the roasting corpse of a cave drake. Golgothos attacked the Orks with a ferocity he did not know he had posessed, kicking, clawing, biting, with his screams of fury echoing across the planet. The Orks never stood a chance.
To compensate for their difficulty in recouping losses, The Entombed have opted to wear much heavier armour. The VI Legion has a disproportionately large amount of Terminator Armour, and because the geneseed of the dead often cannot be recovered, mortally wounded marines are hastily interred in dreadnoughts or given cybernetic prosthetics. The Entombed field a unique Ossuary Pattern Dreadnought, with thicker armour and armed with the Demolisher Cannons usually seen on Vindicators. The wide, bulky frame of the Ossuary necessary to bear the recoil of the Demolisher cannon was a transitional form between the relatively lithe contemptor patterns of 30k and the bulkier, slower patterns of 40k. The dreadnought of Primarch Golgothos, designed by a collaboration of his brothers, served as the prototype for such designs.
After that, armed with an Ork Choppa, Golgothos grew to enjoy hunting orks. The Orks came to call him "Da skellytun in da caves," and told eachother tales of the bony creature which ripped apart Orks with its bare hands. Eventually, Warboss Skullgub decided he had had enough, and rallied his Orks to hunt Golgothos.
For months, Skullgub harried Golgothos. While Golgothos was mighty, he could not face hordes of Orks at once, and so he was forced to make numerous tactical retreats. Fleeing before the echoing CLANKS of Skullgub's mega armour, Golgothos came upon a pair of massive metal blast doors. Golgothos had never seen anything man made before, and so he marveled at the doors. However, he was quickly ripped out of his confusion by the CLANK CLANK CLANK of skullgub's approach. Golgothos banged his fists against the control panel in desperation, and miraculously, the door opened.

Within, Golgothos found polished metal hallways, with deep recesses in the walls. In each recess he found the ancient, dusty remains of a man: Golgothos had happened upon a crashed Catacomb Ship from the dark age of technology. He went deeper into the ship, looking for some choke point or other tactical advantage, and found it: A door leading into a personal Tomb. He looked within, and found, laying on a Beir, a well dressed skeleton. The skeleton was decorated with gold jewelry and gems, as well as medals which marked him as a military officer. On the officer's hand, dull grey and coated with a layer of dust, was an ancient Power Fist. With his mighty new weapon, and an advantageous choke point, Golgothos was able to drive off Skullgub's Orks.
=Gene-seed and Successors=

The Discovery had confused Golgothos, however. He had never seen another human being before, never even conceived of the possibility that there were others. And yet, here in this catacomb, he had found the skeletal remains of hundreds of men. Golgothos began to think that Men were gods, or perhaps demons, meant to torment the Orks. He spent the next few years guarding the catacombs, and tending to the remains of what he believed to be fallen gods.
The genetic legacy of Golgothos is renowned for its stability. Surviving records of the phenotypic expression found early in the Great Crusade show little or no drift, even with regard to minor details such as the implantees' enjoyment of semi-rhythmic working sounds. Were it not for the profound difficulties in replicating the gene-seed in thralls, there can be little doubt that the Entombed would have been used as the source for dozens of Successor Chapters. For centuries, gene-wrights have attempted to mitigate this flaw with little success, though occassionally their painstaking efforts have at least resulted in the founding of a new Space Marine Chapter.

Eventually, Skullgub managed to corner Golgothos away from home as he was hunting. Outnumbered, outmatched, and staring down the gob of a gigantic mega armoured warboss, Golgothos called out to the gods for aid. With a loud CRASH, the roof before him caved in, and before Golgothos' tear-filled eyes was a Drop Pod of the Imperium of Man. From this Drop Pod emerged the Emperor himself, along with some of his mighty Space Marines. The Emperor cleaved Skullgub in two with his mighty power sword, and the Marines made short work of the remaining Orks.

The Emperor offered Golgothos a mighty legion to lead, and Golgothos required no convincing. As far as Golgothos was concerned, before him stood the King of the Gods, and such a being should not be questioned. The Emperor did not approve of Golgothos' superstition, but at least it was superstition of human superiority. Golgothos was given the VI Legion, which he named The Entombed.

The Entombed maintain Golgothos' faith to this day, believing humans to be Gods, sent to punish impure and inferior xenos. They guard their fortress monastary, called the Catacomb, and pay much respect to the dead.

===The Fall of The Entombed===
==The Fall of The Entombed==

It was in the year of 391.M35 that Erebus, Lord of the Grave, received a message from the [[Children of Armok]]. The Children had discovered that the Life Bringers were destroying entire systems on the edge of the galaxy, converting them into twisted jungles for Nurgle's pleasure. What's more, Primarch Johannes himself had was rumored to be leading the operation. Upon hearing the news, Erebus chose to mobilize all 3,000 Entombed. He would have his vengeance.
It was in the year of 391.M35 that Erebus, Lord of the Grave, received a message from the [[The Justicars]]. The Children had discovered that the Life Bringers were destroying entire systems on the edge of the galaxy, converting them into twisted jungles for Nurgle's pleasure. What's more, Primarch Johannes himself had was rumored to be leading the operation. Upon hearing the news, Erebus chose to mobilize all 3,000 Entombed. He would have his vengeance.

Aboard the battle barge Catafalque, Erebus called out to the other Legions for aid, but only the [[War_Scribes#Knights_Draconian|Knights Draconian]], a War Scribes successor chapter, responded. The Entombed and their ally set out for the Mortis system, a chain of agri-worlds used to feed the most distant backwaters of mankind. When they arrived, They found Mortis I and II already turned. Warp-spawned tentacles reached out from the surface all the way into space, tearing apart the support ships of the Imperial Guard.  
Aboard the battle barge Catafalque, Erebus called out to the other Legions for aid, but only the [[War_Scribes#Knights_Draconian|Knights Draconian]], a War Scribes successor chapter, responded. The Entombed and their ally set out for the Mortis system, a chain of agri-worlds used to feed the most distant backwaters of mankind. When they arrived, They found Mortis I and II already turned. Warp-spawned tentacles reached out from the surface all the way into space, tearing apart the support ships of the Imperial Guard.  
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As he watched from his safe vantage, Eadwine Herschel wept. In all his years as captain of the Third Company, he had never seen such a divine display. The glory of the warring primarchs, the valiant stubbornness of The Entombed, their last glorious charge to save the planet, it was all too much for him to bear. Once the sludge had been cleared from the battlefield, Herschel had his men gather up the remains of the dead, and load them onto his battle barge. That day Heschel declared that The Entombed would forever be interred on Sepulchra, and that he would found a new chapter, The Watchers Of The Dead, to guard The Entombed for all time.
As he watched from his safe vantage, Eadwine Herschel wept. In all his years as captain of the Third Company, he had never seen such a divine display. The glory of the warring primarchs, the valiant stubbornness of The Entombed, their last glorious charge to save the planet, it was all too much for him to bear. Once the sludge had been cleared from the battlefield, Herschel had his men gather up the remains of the dead, and load them onto his battle barge. That day Heschel declared that The Entombed would forever be interred on Sepulchra, and that he would found a new chapter, The Watchers Of The Dead, to guard The Entombed for all time.
==The Assault on Ostium==
The Thunder Kings, though not present at Isstvan, fought alongside The Entombed during the taking of Ostium. The Emperor was enraged by the fracturing of the Terran Webway gate, but the thought of simply sending a force to execute his son was more than he could bear to think. The Voidwatcher would be brought back to Terra, so that his father could look him in the eye and hear the reasons for his treachery; of course, The Emperor knew it would be beneficial to remove the wicked sorcerer from the war at this early stage. For this purpose, the Emperor called in both Golgothos, whose heavily armed Entombed would be ideal for an operation on a collapsing planetoid like Ositum, and Brennus, whose legion was one of the largest still loyal to the Throne. The two rendezvoused at the Entombed's homeworld of Sepulchra, where Brennus offered to provide runic charms against sorcery for his brother. Golgothos and his sons readily accepted, and Brennus and his Runesmiths spent the transit to Ostium working these mystic sigils into The Entombed's armor. Brennus also presented his brother with a mighty hammer he had named “Warlock's Dread”. Brennus also entrusted his brother with 2 sets of mighty iron manacles, bound in the mightiest runes of warding Brennus could grave; the two vowed to drag the Voidwatcher back to Terra "fettered hand and hoof as a lamb for our father's table."
Brennus and Golgothos, while working together in the forges, created a plan for the taking of The Black Augurs homeworld. Brennus and the Thunder Kings would establish beachheads on the world, forcing the Black Augurs to retreat at least some distance, and then the Entombed would teleport in from space, hitting those areas where the Black Augurs were concentrated most heavily to keep them from overwhelming the Kings with summoned daemons, and to hopefully shatter their strongest positions while the Thunder Kings kept reinforcements from arriving. Brennus attempted to convince his brother to stay in the rear guard, and perhaps support his sons at range, but Golgothos would hear nothing of that; he ached to get close to the traitorous sorcerers and teach them their folly. Brennus relented, but instead sent a detachment of the Horned Gods to fight alongside his brother, along with Golgothos' elite guard, The Death Masks. At first, this plan worked quite well: the Thunder Kings were able to hold key fronts long enough for the Entombed to enter the fray. In one notable case, an Entombed Dreadnought pod crushed a sorcerer as he was preparing a spell to slaughter a whole squad of Thunder Kings who had been paralyzed by warp-lightning. Across the battlefield the arrival of The Entombed would spell disaster for the Black Augurs, the heavy hitting, heavily armored warriors pulverizing warlocks across the battlefield. Golgothos was on the front lines, exacting a fearsome toll on the traitors of Istvaan V. Unfortunately, the terms of battle would not favor the loyalists for long.
Unbeknownst to the Thunder Kings and The Entombed, events were spiralling out of control beyond their reach. Arelex Orannis, Primarch of the War Scribes, was devastated by the treachery of Istvaan. As his legion had suffered severe casualties, he began to withdraw his troops from across the galaxy, so as to concentrate the remaining loyalist forces and prevent any of his men from being wiped out piecemeal. This action unfortunately allowed a hidden base of Life Bringers the opportunity to sneak free of the Scribes with their deadly payload: a modified form of the Life-Eater virus, specially altered to work only on beings sharing the geneseed of The Entombed. The spies within the Thunder Kings, meant to sow discontent, quickly picked up on the objective of the joint mission. They funneled the information to their masters in the Children of Astarot, who supplied it to the Life Bringers. Armed with this information, the dark healers of Vrachs' legion would make for Ostium with all speed, eager to unleash their twisted science on what remained of Golgothos' army.
As the battle raged on, the Black Augur's daemon summoning would grow to be a problem for the loyalists; even the protective runes of the Thunder Kings could not prevent the horrors of the warp from taking lives for their masters. Brennus, who had remained behind the front lines to better direct the combined loyalist forces, sent Golgothos and a detachment of his finest warriors, along with several bands of the 5th grand company Terminators, to strike at a fortified position from where the majority of the daemons had been loosed. This act would unknowingly save The Entombed from total annihilation; shortly after Golgothos' force made their initial attack on the Augur's summoners, Thunder Kings outriders reported that a mysterious red fog was stealing in from the edges of the battlefield. At first, this was ignored; these furthest positions consisted of only Thunder Kings outriders and scouts, who assumed that it was simply an attempt by the Black Augurs to obscure the field of battle and adjusted accordingly. Oscara mac Damman, one of the Horned Gods and a legion company commander, was leading an assault in joint command with a member of the Death Masks, a nameless warrior known only as The Butcher of Kaelor. When the red fog began to creep up on them, Oscara watched it closely, knowing that there had to be something more than a simply obscuring effect; the Thunder Kings and Entombed were hardly unprepared to pour a storm of fire into the fog, if so needed. But when the fog finally reached the first of The Entombed, he understood its purpose with complete horror: the normally stolid and silent men began to shriek in pain, as flesh began to melt away from their bodies. Oscara reported this to Brennus immediately, as he tried to command his men to retreat and get The Entombed off the field as quickly as possible; sadly, he was struck down by plague rounds from the fog, as the Life Bringers fired upon the now vulnerable Thunder Kings.
Reports quickly spread throughout the loyalist assault group; Entombed were dying across the moon, their horrific screams choking the vox and disorienting their allies. The Thunder Kings fared no better, as without their heavy support they were quickly overwhelmed by the combined might of plague horrors, daemons, and the assault of two Chaos-tainted Legions. Brennus ordered his men to retreat at all speed, and to save as many of The Entombed if possible; few of either side survived however, only 20,000 of the Thunder Kings original 60,000 strong force making it out of the mist, and only a few hundred of the Entombed able to escape from the mist. Golgothos and the marines he had fought with made up the bulk of The Entombed survivors, about 10,000 as the position they were assaulting was isolated from Life Bringers support and thus the fog. Brennus pleaded with Golgothos to retreat, but the screams of his sons had driven Golgothos battle-mad, and he would countenance no action besides an immediate slaughter of the Life Bringers. Brennus raced to confront Golgothos, and attempt to convince him to withdraw and fight another day, but the Tomb Lord's powerful blows quickly shattered Brennus' shield and knocked him aside. Unwilling to allow another of his brothers to die, he withdrew a rune-crafted sling bullet, made to send a mighty pulse of electricity through its target, and cast it into the mighty dreadnought's motive control; the resulting shock paralyzed the mighty battle engine. Brennus instructed the remaining warriors to escort Golgothos off the planet, as he supervised the rest of the retreat; he would remark later that "the screams of The Entombed were all the more terrible for their customary silence, and will haunt me until the last of my days. But the screams of their father, his pain and loss, will echo for millennia."

=Game Material=
=Game Material=

Latest revision as of 14:28, 23 June 2023

The Entombed
Battle Cry They fight in silence, with litanies playing on voxcasters.
Number VI
Founding First Founding
Successor Chapters 20 Cardinal Chapters
Primarch Golgothos
Homeworld Sepulchra
Strength 50,000 at the beginning of the Heresy.
Specialty Heavy armour shock troops
Allegiance Imperium of Man
Colours Grey, white and bone details.

This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

The Entombed were the grim face of the Great Crusade. Hampered by a genetic flaw which made their gene-seed difficult to replicate outside of a full battle brother, the Legion grew slowly but compensated for its numerical weakness with heavy equipment, especially the Dreadnought and Tactical Dreadnought (Terminator). Savaged by treachery and foul bio-science during the Heresy and driven to the brink of madness, the Entombed still found their way to the Emperor's side and made tremendous sacrifices during the Siege of Terra. Even the break-up of the Legion did not diminish the Entombed's hatred for Chaos and the heirs of Golgothos are all stationed about the Eye of Terror, always eager to fight the Traitors once more.

Summary of Legion VI[edit | edit source]

Numeration: The VIth Legion

Primogenator: Golgothos (also known as "The Fervent")

Cognomen (Prior): The Endless, The Barrowdwellers

Observed Strategic Tendencies: Heavy Infantry, Armored Walkers, Area Weaponry, Teleportation-based disruption.

Noteworthy Domains: Calixis, Scarus, Gothic, Agripanaa, and Cadian sectors of Segmentum Obscurus

Alliegence: Fidelitas Constantus

"If we fall, we shall burn all we see before us! From here to horizon will be naught but ash and bones!"

Captain Nevazar of the Sons of Fire 3rd Company, during the scouring of Crematoria

"Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust."

Letum the Dour, Cardinal of the Ashen chapter of the Emtombed, in reply

Legion History[edit | edit source]

Dark, dour and wreathed in suspicion, the Entombed were warriors of the dark, and yet they clung to the Emperor’s light when those who once shone brightly fell into the abyss of Chaos forever.

Origins: Warriors of the Inner Dark[edit | edit source]

The history of the Space Marines began with the Sacred Band, twenty squads of ten Astartes each. These warriors were deployed in battle to test their worth and prove the rightness of the Emperor's Space Marine Project. The men who would form Sixth Squad had been recruited from Diffumi, where Judge-Cults dedicated to gods of death had long resisted Imperial rule. Raised from birth to see death as merely a transition-point akin to becoming an adult, the warriors of Diffumi were notorious for their reckless courage - a quality that would be tempered but never entirely eliminated in the Sixth Squad and the Legion that would grow from it. In accordance with their rituals of transition, the ten members of the Sixth Squad disposed of their birth names on completing their training and joining the Emperor's Space Marines. The Sergeant of the Sixth Squad called himself Vinea, and his brothers were Tormenta, Sambuca, Petrary, Onger, Ballstra, Ludgar, Hellepoli, Springalt and Couillard.

The Sixth's coolness in danger, even by the standards of the Space Marines, had impressed Hektor Cincinnatus. While he did not call on them to spearhead his assaults (saving this duty for the First), Hektor called on the Sixth to carry the fight to Merican warriors holed up in tight quarters, committing them push after push against the desperate defenders of the last few boltholes in the underbelly of both Noveau Yourk and San Angeles Hives.

While won in dirty places, these dirty victories were highly respected. The Sixth tended to be standoffish and preferred their own company, but their record of tackling difficult tasks efficiently and without complaint permitted a certain eccentricity. Only in hindsight would rumors spread that their constant sorties into the dark underhives were an attempt to have the entire squad destroyed, with the darkest of whispers suggesting that the San Angelus Incident was aimed at the Sixth Squad, not the Fifth.

Great Crusade: The Hive Breakers[edit | edit source]

Due to difficulties in replicating their gene-seed in thralls, the Sixth Legion were among the last to be brought up to Legion Strength, and did not enter the Great Crusade until after it had already cleared the Sol System. (Typically, later accounts accuse Hektor or Pallas Eugenesis of a plot but this seems to be projecting later crimes backward.) The Legion’s first actions were in the crowded Hive Cities of the systems closest to Solar and the tunnels of ancient Cthonia. The Legion became known as the ‘Hive Breakers’ for they were especially efficient at fighting in the tight confines of a Hive City, from the spires to the underhive. Although the Sixth generally lacked for specialists due to their small numbers, they were still quick to adopt specialised eqiupment for Zone Mortalis operations, such as the MK III "Iron" Armour and the Tactical Dreadnought - Terminator armour.

As Primarch after Primarch was found, the Sixth continued to go without. Their recruiting grounds were expanded to include the dark colonies of the Kuiper Belt, and although these colonies were thinly populated they were sufficient for the small quantities of gene-seed available. Lack of replacements even the Legion in slow decline towards the end of the first century of the Great Crusade and the Imperium's gene-wrights began to wonder if the Sixth would simply go extinct. Others were more optimistic, pointing to the revival of other Legions after the discovery of their gene-sires and the integration of fresh manpower from the Primarchs' homeworlds. For the Sixth themselves, such worries were abstractions and they crusaded relentlessly under the command of Legion Master Tormenta.

The Prince of Terra[edit | edit source]

See also: Golgothos

Golgothos, Primarch of the Sixth Legion, was cast upon the Ork-infested planet that he came to name Sepulchra. This world had once been inhabited by an advanced human civilisation, but they had been destroyed in the chaos of Old Night. The Primarch grew up running from the Orks, then turned to waging a private war against them. His liberation from this nightmare by the Emperor was a major turn in the Sixth Legion's fortunes. The Primarch greatly impressed the Emperor's court with his physical presence and quick mind, for though he came to Terra largely ignorant of the civilized arts of war he learned very quickly. Pallas Eugenesis' gene-wrights took fresh genetic samples from the Primarch and were finally able to replicate several batches of new gene-seed, though there was no ready supply of recruits.

Golgothos was undaunted. Unlike those of his brothers who had taken a period of time to rebuild their Legion in a new image, the Sixth's sire led his men straight into battle. In a series of exemplary campaigns in the Segmentum Obscurus, the Sixth Legion razed Ork worlds that had begun to threaten Imperial borders. In so doing, they established contact with a handful of embattled human worlds whose fierce warriors had resisted the Xenos for centuries. Men from these planets were quickly screened for their genetic quality and began to be taken to a new Fortress on Sepulchra where they could hone their skills and undergo the difficult transformation into Space Marines. The Legion also benefited from stocks of ancient technology on Golgothos' homeworld, especially a vast store of walkers suitable for conversion into Dreadnought war machines. The ranks of fallen warriors still fighting under Golgothos' leadership swelled and in their honour the Sixth became known as The Endless.

As the second century of the Great Crusade rolled on, the Sixth reversed their decline and greatly expanded their ranks despite constant and difficult campaigning. Golgothos refocused his Legion on the task of destroying the Xenos strongholds threatening the Imperium. Orks were the main object of his wrath but the Sixth fought many other aliens, counting the destruction of the Eldar Craftworld Kaelor among their victories. At the beginning of the 31st Millenium, the Endless and their master were tasked with the greatest challenge of the Great Crusade: the destruction of the Orkish Empire of Ullanor.

Organisation and Doctrine[edit | edit source]

In the twisted dark, you need to be aware at all times. The enemy could come from any direction. Above, below, the front sides and even rear. There are no flanks, no rear area. Everything is the front line.

Jusayth Yin, Master of Recruits

From the moment the Sacred Band took up their shields and advanced into the Underhives of Merica, the Legion organised and equipped itself so it could function best in the bitter and close-raged warfare codified as ‘Zone Mortalis’, also known as the fatal ground or the zone of death. These areas could vary wildly from the lightless depths of a Hive-City, the tangled tunnels of a mining world, the prison-vault of a mighty fortress, the labyrinthine pipes of an industrial sewer system or the crowded decks of an enemy warship. Despite the variety in such warzones, they all shared the same common features. Close confinement that limited the range on weapons, limited access for attack or escape routes that made funnelling troops into kill zones that much easier, and often hazardous environments to make even harder for both sides.

Battles in such places were inevitably fatal and chaotic affairs, where casualties were high and victory always rested on a knife edge. The Sixth Legion decided this was to be their alpha and omega, and immediately began to reshape their Legion to match.

The problems of fighting in close and cramped confines were many, and in overcoming them the Legion deviated far from the norms of the Principa Belicosa. Command and control over large forces was difficult if not impossible with signal distortion and false echoes, so the Legion sought to break down the command structure for maximum flexibility. The Battalion was discarded and Companies became the core building block of the Legion, with the Chapter existing to delegate additional support to each company as required by tactical and strategic considerations. Company Commanders would be given specific goals and were trusted to fulfil those goals however they saw fit, with absolute discretion to fight as they needed to. Sergeants were trained to be able to take over larger forces if the company captain was killed or incapacitated. This made the Legion difficult to slow, as headquarter casualties did not cause the usual amount of panic and uncertainty.

The Breacher Squad the Legion had pioneered now became the signature squad of all forces. Tacticals were trained as Breachers first and foremost and every company had a core of Breacher Marines, supported by Despoilers and Tactical Support Marines with Flamers and Meltaguns. Heavy Support Squads used Heavy Flamers and Multi-Meltas instead of bulky, long-ranged weapons like Lascannons which were all but useless in Mortalis conditions.

Infantry were the bread and butter of the Legion, and armoured units inevitably suffered as a result. Tanks were ill-suited to such conditions, with even light vehicles susceptible to floundering or damaging themselves by unexpectedly crashing through buckled deck plating or getting crushed beneath falling rubble. With the Legion undersupplied anyway, vehicle replacements were designated as a much lower priority that armour or bolters, until the Legion had the smallest armoured reserve of all the Legions. Though small numbers of Predator Infernus were retained for close-raged fire support and some Rhinos were used to carry troops through heavy fire, they had no primacy in the Legion’s doctrine.

The Legion did however have very large numbers of Dreadnoughts, even before the coming of their Primarch. Dreadnoughts were more mobile than any tank and could carry heavy weapons anywhere they were needed. Dreadnoughts took up the fire support mantle normally given to tanks, and they were the only ones to carry long-ranged weapons such as Lascannons and Conversion Beamers to hammer distant foes.

Golgothos made no change at all to the basic organisation of the Legion. It was perfect for the method of warfare they espoused and that he knew well from his own days on Sepulchra. What he did do was bring them more into line with his own brand of mysticism born from the endless war with the Necrowalkers. The Chapter Masters become the Cardinals, named after the chief military and religious leaders of the humans of Sepulchra. The Line Captains became Bishops, and the Sergeants of the Squads were known as Undertakers. Techmarines became Tomb Wardens. In addition, a new type of officer was born, known as the Chaplain. Though on the surface similar to the Mentors of the Eternal Zealots, they were not as politically motivated as the Mentors, and were permanently attached to their chosen company until death or promotion took them. They were both spiritual advisors and fierce warriors who kept their charges mindful of their overall goals. The Religious element to this was noted by the Legion’s many enemies, though openly no form of mysticism beyond the grim rituals of the old Legion were ever shown.

Notable Members[edit | edit source]

Obitus, the Black Cardinal Recruited from the Hiveworld of Scintilla, Oblitus was a skilled orator and considered to be of great virtue and steel loyalty, though he was also a master manipulator. He cunningly arranged battlefield tactics so as to gain the most glory while simultaneously putting those he saw as his enemies in the greatest danger. He elevated sycophants, but presented them as loyal servants. Any man who questioned his virtue soon found himself leading a charge against a wall of Ork Nobs. He forged strong links with members of the Eternal Zealots and Helios Angels during this time, and was one of the few Entombed known outside his Legion. Rewarded by Golgothos with the rank of Black Cardinal - the Warden of Sepulchra itself – he would end up siding with Hektor and bringing division and war to the Legion itself.

Erebus, Lord of the Grave A Terran Recruit from just as Golgothos was discovered, Erebus would be forever loyal to his Primarch and the Legion.

Cardinal Merik, the Deathbringer Drawn from the Hives of Eustas Majoris in the Scarus Sector, Merik had spent his whole life in the underhive and knew the landscape like few others. These skills made him a master of Hive Warfare, and this skill coupled with his own personal bravery promoted him to the Cardinal of the seventh Chapter. However he had a darker side, in that he was consumed utterly with his quest for vengeance against any foe who dared stand against him. No other Cardinal in the entire Legion suffered losses on the scale of Merik, and he was nearly censured several times for his carelessness.

Notable Domains[edit | edit source]

  • Sepulchra. Once a bright centre of human civilization, this planet had been over-run by Orks before the coming of Golgothos and remained infested with the feral Xenos. The Sixth Legion never undertook to exterminate the Orks, however, believing that the aliens provided an excellent opportunity for testing recruits in controlled battle conditions. The ruined cities and catacombs of Sepulchra are well-known as storehouses of ancient technology and the Entombed would often mix training missions with salvage operations.

Specialist Troops[edit | edit source]

Tomb Wardens[edit | edit source]

Tomb Wardens serve as the second-in-commands to the Cardinals of the Entombed. They watch over the Armory of the chapter, including the Dreadnoughts, the infantry's armour and weapons, the drop pods, and the ships of the fleet. In addition to these duties, the Tomb Wardens are tasked with the retrieval and laying to rest of the remains of dead marines. Tomb Wardens and their acolytes scour the battlefield after every engagement, recovering the dead and gathering them together. The Tomb Warden himself leads the Ritual of the Last Rite, in which the name and deeds of every dead soldier are recited and inscribed upon the soldier's bones. The Wardens maintain the great Catacomb, and oversee the great banks of Mausolea within its depths. Their role as guardians of the dead grant them great significance among the Entombed, and though the Cardinals are superior, the Tomb Wardens are holier by far. Tomb Wardens hold close ties to the Mechanicum and the Cult of Mars, leading other legions, chiefly the War Scribes, to question whether the Entombed serve Terra or Mars first.

Undertakers[edit | edit source]

Undertakers are skilled Apothecaries. They are not as skilled in battlefield medicine as the Apothecaries of the Eternal Zealots, nor as skilled at research as those of the Life Bringers. The Undertakers of the Entombed focus their training on the recovery and storage of geneseed. The Genestock of the Entombed is so fragile that even the slightest mistake can irreparably damage it. The dwindling genebanks of the Catacomb are watched over with immeasurable caution. Undertakers are also masters of cybernetic prosthetics, navigating the nebulous dangers of immunorejection with care and uncharacteristic subtlety. As battlefield commanders, the Undertakers are uncreative, and inflexible, following their orders without question or addition.

Bishops[edit | edit source]

Bishops serve the Cardinals directly, serving on their war council and leading the Undertakers. Bishops are trained in tactics and leadership, for that is their primary role. The Cardinals decide what should be done, and where, but it is the Bishops who ultimately determine how. Bishops lead many rituals, invoking litanies before (and during) battle, leading hymns of victory, and leading the rites on certain commemoration days, such as the anniversary of Golgothos' discovery. As a secondary duty, Bishops are charged with watching over the Librarians of their company. Each Bishop guards his Librarians personally, watching them for any signs of sorcery. If the Librarians falter, they are stripped of their humanity and turned into Servo-skulls, who serve the Bishops as a shameful reminder of their failures.

Support Formations[edit | edit source]




Legion Tactics[edit | edit source]

The Entombed favor heavy armour and overwhelming firepower. They are most effective in close-quarters, zone mortalis situations, such as in the streets of a city, winding underground caverns, or in boarding operations. They employ a shattering tactic: Dreadnoughts lay down heavy fire with their Ossuary cannons, while terminators deploy behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy. Entombed tactics have proved instrumental in breaking Ork charges and invalidating Eldar mobility, as well as displacing fortified positions during the Heresy. Late in the Great Crusade they began to field what would one day come to be called Chaplains, officers in charge of boosting the morale of their brothers. The skull-shaped helms of modern chaplains are theorized by Imperial historians to have been adopted by other legions in homage to The Fallen Legion.

Legion Equipment[edit | edit source]

To compensate for their difficulty in recouping losses, The Entombed have opted to wear much heavier armour. The VI Legion has a disproportionately large amount of Terminator Armour, and because the geneseed of the dead often cannot be recovered, mortally wounded marines are hastily interred in dreadnoughts or given cybernetic prosthetics. The Entombed field a unique Ossuary Pattern Dreadnought, with thicker armour and armed with the Demolisher Cannons usually seen on Vindicators. The wide, bulky frame of the Ossuary necessary to bear the recoil of the Demolisher cannon was a transitional form between the relatively lithe contemptor patterns of 30k and the bulkier, slower patterns of 40k. The dreadnought of Primarch Golgothos, designed by a collaboration of his brothers, served as the prototype for such designs.

Gene-seed and Successors[edit | edit source]

The genetic legacy of Golgothos is renowned for its stability. Surviving records of the phenotypic expression found early in the Great Crusade show little or no drift, even with regard to minor details such as the implantees' enjoyment of semi-rhythmic working sounds. Were it not for the profound difficulties in replicating the gene-seed in thralls, there can be little doubt that the Entombed would have been used as the source for dozens of Successor Chapters. For centuries, gene-wrights have attempted to mitigate this flaw with little success, though occassionally their painstaking efforts have at least resulted in the founding of a new Space Marine Chapter.

Writefaggotry[edit | edit source]

The Fall of The Entombed[edit | edit source]

It was in the year of 391.M35 that Erebus, Lord of the Grave, received a message from the The Justicars. The Children had discovered that the Life Bringers were destroying entire systems on the edge of the galaxy, converting them into twisted jungles for Nurgle's pleasure. What's more, Primarch Johannes himself had was rumored to be leading the operation. Upon hearing the news, Erebus chose to mobilize all 3,000 Entombed. He would have his vengeance.

Aboard the battle barge Catafalque, Erebus called out to the other Legions for aid, but only the Knights Draconian, a War Scribes successor chapter, responded. The Entombed and their ally set out for the Mortis system, a chain of agri-worlds used to feed the most distant backwaters of mankind. When they arrived, They found Mortis I and II already turned. Warp-spawned tentacles reached out from the surface all the way into space, tearing apart the support ships of the Imperial Guard.

Erebus steered his fleet to Mortis III, a hive world from which the Mortis sector was governed. In orbit, he convened a war council to make plans to defeat the Life Bringers once and for all. At this council, Knights Draconian Third Company Captain Eadwine Herschel came before Erebus on his knees, and begged Erebus to forgive his chapter for their failure at Isstvan V. The War Scribes Primarch had frozen when he learned of the traitor legions' treachery, and failed to warn The Entombed of the incoming artillery barrage which would doom their legion. In anger, The Entombed had declared the War Scribes to be Void, and from then on acted as if they did not exist. Erebus considered Herschel's apology for a long time before replying, "How can I forgive one who does not exist?" Many of the War Scribes were insulted, but Herschel was wise, and knew the response for what it was. The Entombed were stubborn, and in his Primarch's absence, Erebus had no choice but to abide by the Void Decree. Herschel knew that, for The Entombed, to even budge an inch was remarkable.

It was then that the Knights Draconian and The Entombed formed their plan: They would erect a special planetary shield, which would prevent the Life Bringers from deploying their gasses from orbit. If the Life Bringers wanted to turn this world, they would have to do so from the ground. Erebus deployed his forces on the ground, while Herschel held his forces in orbit as a mobile reaction force.

The Life Bringers arrived soon afterward, and engaged the Knights Draconian in space. While the Draconian ships were distracted, the Life Bringers snuck a smaller ship past their blockade. On this ship was a device called the Great Genesis, capable of spewing forth diseases and chemicals which would warp Mortis III into a nurgle-spawned death world. The Entombed marched toward the device, slowly but surely, while battle barges crashed and burned in the skies above.

When The Entombed arrived at the Great Genesis, they found that the Life Bringers had been busy turning civilians into plague zombies. A swarm of writhing corpses orbited the Great Genesis like an asteroid belt, with a core of Life Bringers waiting within. The Entombed showed no remores, no hesitation. They cut through the zombies like a scythe through wheat. As The Entombed marched ever onward, the Knights Draconian began to rain drop pods upon the enemy, breaking their lines and weakening their defense.

At that very moment, as the drop pods and demolisher shells were raining down on his men, Johannes Vrach himself emerged from the Great Genesis. The Daemon prince had been warped and twisted by nurgle, and from his mouth spewed forth vile gouts of bile, where they landed, Knights and Entombed alike died by the score. Erebus ordered his ossuaries to fire their mighty cannons against the hated foe, but Vratch retreated back into the Genesis.

The casualties were becoming too much, and so Herschel ordered his men to retreat. Erebus, however, stubbornly held his ground. The battle came to a standstill, the Entombed unable to advance, and the Life Bringers unable to push the enemy back. The stalemate raged for hours, with heavy losses on both sides. As dusk fell, however, the Great Genesis finally came online. Its mighty vents began to spew forth thick red clouds, and from its massive pipes flowed a sickening yellow sludge. The Ossuary dreadnoughts began to bombard the machine, but even their mighty cannons could not penetrate its thick hull. Herschel commanded his whirlwinds to strike the machine, but the heavy gales of toxins threw the missiles off course. Johannes Vratch emerged once more from the Great Geneses, surveying his victory with joy.

At that moment, when all seemed lost, a great eldritch light filled the battlefield. Looking up, Erebus saw with horror that a warp storm had appeared in the sky above Mortis III. His despair turned to exultation when he saw the primarch's own battle barge, Nurgle's Grave, emerge from the warp storm. Screaming through the skies came the Drop Pods of Golgothos and his Venerable Dreadnoughts, come to slay their ancient foe. With a CRASH, the dreadnoughts struck the ground, and the dreadnoughts came out shooting. They waded through the sludge without concern as it melted through their armoured plates, with not a thought toward self preservation. Golgothos barreled across the battlefield, shouting "VRAAAAAAAAATCH! VENGEANCE FOR THE FALLEN!"

The mighty Golgothos and the twisted Vratch crashed into eachother, blessed power fist meeting against mutated claws. As they dueled, they kicked up huge waves of sludge, crashing over their own men and causing fungal blooms to rip through their armour. The primarchs struck with the bitter hatred of five thousand years, each blow shaking the ground for miles. After hours of fighting, Vratch managed to gain the upper hand. He ripped off Golgothos' faceplate, exposing the ancient face within, and spat a torrent of bile into Golgothos' armour. Golgothos' flesh began to twist, and mushrooms tore through his flesh. As his body tore itself apart, Golgothos grabbed Vratch, shoved his demolisher cannon in his face, and fired.

Erebus cried out, with both joy and despair. He had simultaneously seen his beloved primarch and his hated foe die. He and The Entombed were normally silent in battle, but now they screamed. They charged forward through the sludge, guns blazing, and tore through the Life Bringers. The vile poison twisted their flesh and tore them apart, but not before Erebus and a few survivors made it to the heart of the Great Genesis, deactivating it for good, and saving Mortis III.

As he watched from his safe vantage, Eadwine Herschel wept. In all his years as captain of the Third Company, he had never seen such a divine display. The glory of the warring primarchs, the valiant stubbornness of The Entombed, their last glorious charge to save the planet, it was all too much for him to bear. Once the sludge had been cleared from the battlefield, Herschel had his men gather up the remains of the dead, and load them onto his battle barge. That day Heschel declared that The Entombed would forever be interred on Sepulchra, and that he would found a new chapter, The Watchers Of The Dead, to guard The Entombed for all time.

The Assault on Ostium[edit | edit source]

The Thunder Kings, though not present at Isstvan, fought alongside The Entombed during the taking of Ostium. The Emperor was enraged by the fracturing of the Terran Webway gate, but the thought of simply sending a force to execute his son was more than he could bear to think. The Voidwatcher would be brought back to Terra, so that his father could look him in the eye and hear the reasons for his treachery; of course, The Emperor knew it would be beneficial to remove the wicked sorcerer from the war at this early stage. For this purpose, the Emperor called in both Golgothos, whose heavily armed Entombed would be ideal for an operation on a collapsing planetoid like Ositum, and Brennus, whose legion was one of the largest still loyal to the Throne. The two rendezvoused at the Entombed's homeworld of Sepulchra, where Brennus offered to provide runic charms against sorcery for his brother. Golgothos and his sons readily accepted, and Brennus and his Runesmiths spent the transit to Ostium working these mystic sigils into The Entombed's armor. Brennus also presented his brother with a mighty hammer he had named “Warlock's Dread”. Brennus also entrusted his brother with 2 sets of mighty iron manacles, bound in the mightiest runes of warding Brennus could grave; the two vowed to drag the Voidwatcher back to Terra "fettered hand and hoof as a lamb for our father's table."

Brennus and Golgothos, while working together in the forges, created a plan for the taking of The Black Augurs homeworld. Brennus and the Thunder Kings would establish beachheads on the world, forcing the Black Augurs to retreat at least some distance, and then the Entombed would teleport in from space, hitting those areas where the Black Augurs were concentrated most heavily to keep them from overwhelming the Kings with summoned daemons, and to hopefully shatter their strongest positions while the Thunder Kings kept reinforcements from arriving. Brennus attempted to convince his brother to stay in the rear guard, and perhaps support his sons at range, but Golgothos would hear nothing of that; he ached to get close to the traitorous sorcerers and teach them their folly. Brennus relented, but instead sent a detachment of the Horned Gods to fight alongside his brother, along with Golgothos' elite guard, The Death Masks. At first, this plan worked quite well: the Thunder Kings were able to hold key fronts long enough for the Entombed to enter the fray. In one notable case, an Entombed Dreadnought pod crushed a sorcerer as he was preparing a spell to slaughter a whole squad of Thunder Kings who had been paralyzed by warp-lightning. Across the battlefield the arrival of The Entombed would spell disaster for the Black Augurs, the heavy hitting, heavily armored warriors pulverizing warlocks across the battlefield. Golgothos was on the front lines, exacting a fearsome toll on the traitors of Istvaan V. Unfortunately, the terms of battle would not favor the loyalists for long.

Unbeknownst to the Thunder Kings and The Entombed, events were spiralling out of control beyond their reach. Arelex Orannis, Primarch of the War Scribes, was devastated by the treachery of Istvaan. As his legion had suffered severe casualties, he began to withdraw his troops from across the galaxy, so as to concentrate the remaining loyalist forces and prevent any of his men from being wiped out piecemeal. This action unfortunately allowed a hidden base of Life Bringers the opportunity to sneak free of the Scribes with their deadly payload: a modified form of the Life-Eater virus, specially altered to work only on beings sharing the geneseed of The Entombed. The spies within the Thunder Kings, meant to sow discontent, quickly picked up on the objective of the joint mission. They funneled the information to their masters in the Children of Astarot, who supplied it to the Life Bringers. Armed with this information, the dark healers of Vrachs' legion would make for Ostium with all speed, eager to unleash their twisted science on what remained of Golgothos' army.

As the battle raged on, the Black Augur's daemon summoning would grow to be a problem for the loyalists; even the protective runes of the Thunder Kings could not prevent the horrors of the warp from taking lives for their masters. Brennus, who had remained behind the front lines to better direct the combined loyalist forces, sent Golgothos and a detachment of his finest warriors, along with several bands of the 5th grand company Terminators, to strike at a fortified position from where the majority of the daemons had been loosed. This act would unknowingly save The Entombed from total annihilation; shortly after Golgothos' force made their initial attack on the Augur's summoners, Thunder Kings outriders reported that a mysterious red fog was stealing in from the edges of the battlefield. At first, this was ignored; these furthest positions consisted of only Thunder Kings outriders and scouts, who assumed that it was simply an attempt by the Black Augurs to obscure the field of battle and adjusted accordingly. Oscara mac Damman, one of the Horned Gods and a legion company commander, was leading an assault in joint command with a member of the Death Masks, a nameless warrior known only as The Butcher of Kaelor. When the red fog began to creep up on them, Oscara watched it closely, knowing that there had to be something more than a simply obscuring effect; the Thunder Kings and Entombed were hardly unprepared to pour a storm of fire into the fog, if so needed. But when the fog finally reached the first of The Entombed, he understood its purpose with complete horror: the normally stolid and silent men began to shriek in pain, as flesh began to melt away from their bodies. Oscara reported this to Brennus immediately, as he tried to command his men to retreat and get The Entombed off the field as quickly as possible; sadly, he was struck down by plague rounds from the fog, as the Life Bringers fired upon the now vulnerable Thunder Kings.

Reports quickly spread throughout the loyalist assault group; Entombed were dying across the moon, their horrific screams choking the vox and disorienting their allies. The Thunder Kings fared no better, as without their heavy support they were quickly overwhelmed by the combined might of plague horrors, daemons, and the assault of two Chaos-tainted Legions. Brennus ordered his men to retreat at all speed, and to save as many of The Entombed if possible; few of either side survived however, only 20,000 of the Thunder Kings original 60,000 strong force making it out of the mist, and only a few hundred of the Entombed able to escape from the mist. Golgothos and the marines he had fought with made up the bulk of The Entombed survivors, about 10,000 as the position they were assaulting was isolated from Life Bringers support and thus the fog. Brennus pleaded with Golgothos to retreat, but the screams of his sons had driven Golgothos battle-mad, and he would countenance no action besides an immediate slaughter of the Life Bringers. Brennus raced to confront Golgothos, and attempt to convince him to withdraw and fight another day, but the Tomb Lord's powerful blows quickly shattered Brennus' shield and knocked him aside. Unwilling to allow another of his brothers to die, he withdrew a rune-crafted sling bullet, made to send a mighty pulse of electricity through its target, and cast it into the mighty dreadnought's motive control; the resulting shock paralyzed the mighty battle engine. Brennus instructed the remaining warriors to escort Golgothos off the planet, as he supervised the rest of the retreat; he would remark later that "the screams of The Entombed were all the more terrible for their customary silence, and will haunt me until the last of my days. But the screams of their father, his pain and loss, will echo for millennia."

Game Material[edit | edit source]

Legion Rules[edit | edit source]

Erebus, Lord of the Grave: 2+ poison weapon but very low WS. High T and many W. Improves the FNP of the entire army by 1.

The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy
Loyalist: The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts
Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes
Traitor: Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor
Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire