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{{Warmasters Triumvirate-Head}}
{{Warmasters Triumvirate-Head}}
[[File:Primarch_Marduk_Engur_small.png|thumb|center|250px|Primarch Marduk Engur of the Leviathan's Host.]]
[[File:Warmasters_Triumvirate.jpg|thumb|center|750px|The Primarchs of Universe 5-A]]
After the Primarchs were dispersed throughout the galaxy by the Ruinous Powers, the Emperor reunites them, and continues on with His Great Crusade. During the closing years of this two-hundred year crusade, during the height of the Ullanor Crusade, the Emperor is fatally wounded by the Ork Overlord Urrlak Urruk, and is rushed to Terra to be interred in the Golden Throne. Before departing Ullanor, He instructs his Regent, Malcador the Sigillite, to chose three Primarchs to share the title of Warmaster, just in case something goes wrong, and to continue prosecuting the Great Crusade in His absence. As the mortally wounded Emperor is interred back on Terra, the 'Warmasters Triumvirate' are appointed by Malcador: Marduk Engur, Primarch of the Leviathan's Host; Je'She of the Watch, Primarch of the Sentinels; and Frederick Aristide, Primarch of the Emperor's Dragoons.

The administration of the Imperium is eventually taken over by mere mortals, infuriating some of the Primarchs. Moreover, the Imperial Truth is being forgotten, and the Emperor begins to be seen as a living god, which infuriates even more of the Pirmarchs. Seeing hypocrisy running rampant amongst the senior officials of the Terran Court and burgeoning Imperial government, the Primarchs eventually unite themselves under a common banner, and begin to pave the way to secession from the Imperium of Man.  
After the [[Primarch (Warmasters Triumvirate)|Primarchs]] were dispersed throughout the galaxy by the Ruinous Powers, the [[Emperor of Mankind]] reunites them, and continues with His [[Great Crusade]]. During the closing years of this two-hundred-year galactic conquest, during the height of the Ullanor Crusade, the Emperor would be fatally wounded by the [[Ork]] [[Warboss]] [[Urlakk Urg]], and be rushed to Terra to be interred in the [[Golden Throne]]. In the wake of His incapacitation His Regent, Malcador the Sigillite, chooses three Primarchs to form the Warmasters Triumvirate: [[Marduk Engur]] of the [[Leviathan Host]]; [[Je'She of the Watch|Je'She]] of [[the Sentinels]]; and [[Jon-Frederic Aristide]] of the [[Emperor's Dragoons]]. The Triumvirate would continue the prosecution of the Great Crusade in the Emperor's stead, each responsible for one of the fronts of the Crusade.

Soon entire regions of the galaxy are engulfed in chaos as small-scale confrontations, skirmishes, political arguments and random planetary secessions take place, threatening to drive the Imperium into all-out civil war. To prevent the conflict's escalation, Marduk calls for a peace talk on a neutral planet. Both sides, Loyalists and Separatists, are tricked by the Primarch of the Soaring Host, Elsu Eyanosa, who kills Malcador in such a manner that both sides think that the other is responsible for the Regent's death. The galaxy-wide conflict quickly escalates, and the 'Brotherwar' begins.  
The administration of the Imperium would eventually be taken over by mere mortals, infuriating some of the Primarchs, Jon-Frederic Aristide, 'firstborn' son of the Emperor, in particular. He made his distaste for the state of the Imperium more and more known, decreeing that the Imperium should be governed by the most capable individuals, primarily the Astartes. Soon entire regions of the Imperium were engulfed in conflict as small-scale confrontations, skirmishes, political arguments and random planetary secessions take place, threatening to drive the Imperium into an all-out civil war. To prevent the conflict's escalation, Malcador calls for a peace conference on a neutral planet, overseen by the 'neutral' Warmaster, Marduk Engur. Both sides, pro-Mortal, lead by Je'She, and pro-Astartes, lead by Jon-Frederic, are tricked by the Primarch of the [[Soaring Host]], [[Elsu Eyanosa]], who kills Malcador on Marduk's order in such a manner that both sides think that the other is responsible for the Regent's death. The galaxy-wide conflict quickly escalated, and the 'Brotherwar' began.  

Eventually, Marduk reveals his true allegiance to the Ruinous Powers, and attacks Holy Terra. His main objective: to kill the Emperor of Mankind...
The Imperium is shattered into two, while the forces of Chaos grow like a cancer that threatens to swallow both. Eventually, Marduk reveals his true allegiance to the Ruinous Powers, and attacks Holy Terra. His main objective: to kill the Emperor of Mankind. Even after the defeat of the traitor forces during the [[Siege of Terra]], the loyalist Imperium of Mankind and the separatist [[Union Astarte]], engage in a never-ending war, and must both face the constant onslaught of the marauding forces Chaos and the Xenos empires.

And when the End Times finally come, will the Imperium and the Union be prepared for when Marduk Engur's warning proves true and the Leviathan returns to devour all?

Hell yeah they will.

===Primarchs and their Legions===
[[File:Legions_of_the_Warmasters_Triumvirate.jpeg|thumb|195px|The Legions of Universe 5-A]]
{{Main|Primarch (Warmasters Triumvirate)}}
{{Main|Space Marine Legion (Warmasters Triumvirate)}}

*'''I''' ''[[Leviathan's Host]]'', [[Marduk Engur]]
*'''II''' ''[[Golden Mountains]]'', [[Pacha the Earthquake]]
{{Main|Warmaster's Triumvirate Timeline}}
*'''III''' ''[[Gunslingers]]'', [[Deshain Kane]]
*'''IV''' ''[[Silver Blades]]'', [[Linares the Lord of Ale]]
*'''V''' ''[[Astral Wardens]]'', [[Solais Bishop]]
*'''VI''' ''[[Death's Heads]]'', [[Einchurt]]
*'''VII''' ''[[Soaring Host]]'', [[Elsu Eyanosa]]
*'''VIII''' ''[[Chosen of Hecate]]'', [[Lambach Kropor]]
*'''IX''' ''[[The Sentinels]]'', [[Je'She of the Watch]]
*'''X''' ''[[Smoke Stalkers]]'', [[Isekho the Unseen]]
*'''XI''' ''[[Doomsingers]]'', [[Kinnévail Kincaid]]
*'''XII''' ''[[Iron Guard]]'', [[Zelbezis Dyestes]]
*'''XIII''' ''[[Loxodontii]]'', [[Ashur of Banipal]]
*'''XIV''' ''[[Emperor's Dragoons]]'', [[Jon-Frederic Aristide]]
*'''XV''' ''[[Dusk Phantoms]]'', [[Gyahdred]]
*'''XVI''' ''[[Pale Hounds]]'', [[Valorn Adras]]
*'''XVII''' ''[[Titan Marchers]]'', [[Raj Vokar]]
*'''XVIII''' ''[[Star Warriors]]'', [[Solomon Tyrus|Solomon Tyrus the Dawntreader]]
*'''XIX''' ''[[Ussaran Liberators]]'', [[Piter Karomonov]]
*'''XX''' '' [[Forge Lords]]'', [[Mot Hadad]]
*'''XXI''' ''[[Corsairs Gallant]]'', [[Rahman Keita'mansa]]

===The Great Crusade===
Everything goes swimmingly until Marduk turns up. Things get hairy around Laer, and then [[Kinnévail Kincaid|Kincaid]] gets shitfaced at one of Elsu's parties and sets his wife, his honor guard and his own self on fire. Elsu cops the blame.

===The Council of Nikea===
*750.M30: Start of the Primarch Project
Following an impassioned speech from Kincaid and an outpouring of support from the majority of his brothers, the Emperor enacts the Edict of Nikaea, banning the use of [[Psyker]]s. The [[Chosen of Hecate]] are hit especially hard by this and begin hemorrhaging soldiers. The [[Astral Wardens]] are fitted with collars to suppress their inborn psychic ability. The [[Golden Mountains]] are not very compliant with this and suffer a disastrous sanction at the hands of [[Isekho the Unseen|Isekho]]'s [[Smoke Stalkers]].
*780.M30: First Founding
*798.M30: Start of the Great Crusade
*805.M30: Treaty of Mars
*805.M30: Discovery of Jon-Frederic Aristide
*807.M30: Discovery of Linares
*808.M30: Discovery of Deshain Kane
*810.M30: Discovery of Gyahdred
*812.M30: Discovery of Raj Vokar
*813.M30: Mezoa joins the Imperium
*833.M30: Discovery of Einchurt
*835.M30: Dsicovery of Je'She
*838.M30: Discovery of Isekho the Unseen
*840.M30: Discovery of Rahman Keita'mansa
*846.M30: Discovery of Ashur
*848.M30: Discovery of Mot Hadad
*849.M30: Discovery of Piter Karomonov
*850.M30: Discovery of Lambach Kropor
*851.M30: Discovery of Elsu Eyanosa
*853.M30: Discovery of Solomon Tyrus
*854.M30: Discovery of Pacha
*855.M30: Remembrancers are installed in the Legions. [[Silver Blades#The Great Jousts|First Great Joust]]
*858.M30: Discovery of Solais Bishop
*860.M30: Rangdan Xenocides
*862.M30: Discovery of Valorn Adras
*867.M30: Discovery of Zelbezis Dyestes
*869.M30: Compliance of Molech
*873.M30: Discovery of Marduk Engur
*880.M30: Discovery of Kinnévail Kincaid
*890.M30: End of the Rangdan Xenocides
*940.M30: Defense of Necromunda
*947.M30: Barabash meets Marduk Engur
*984.M30: The Ghoul Star Campaign
*985.M30: [[KFC|Kincaid burns]]
*990.M30: Edict of Nikea
*999.M30: Start of the Ullanor Crusade
*000.M31: Warboss Thundacock defeats the Emperor. Raj is instated the "Praetorian of Terra". Elsu falls to Chaos.
*001.M31: Construction of the Imperial Ring begins. Tensions start to grow between the Warmasters
*003.M31: Gyahdred's Rebuke
*010.M31: Ullanor Crusade finishes
*012.M31: Malcador gives the power to the High Lords of Terra
*013.M31: Censure of Pacha
*015.M31: Censure of Lambach
*017.M31: Aristide joins the Separatist Movement
*019.M31: Elsu and Lambach join Marduk's Movement
*020.M31: New Hope events. Ashur gets collared. Battle of Grethor. The Hour of the Musth
*021.M31: Massacre at Elcoa. Battle of Kadir
*040.M31: Siege of Terra.
*045.M31: The Codex Astartes is proposed

[[Warmaster's Triumvirate Timeline]]
===The Ullanor Crusade===
The Emperor gets chokeslammed at Orkamania and becomes the skele-vegetable we all know and love. It's [[Deshain Kane|Deshain]]'s fault and he goes on a bloody crusade out of guilt.

==The Great Crusade==
===The Brotherwar===
==The Council of Nikea==
Everybody splits into three teams, the Imperium under Je'She (and Kinnévail), the [[Union Astarte|Union]] under Jon-Fred, and the Traitors, under Marduk. [[Ashur of Banipal|Ashur]] is forcibly ascended to a [[Daemon Prince]] using an archaeotech device and a ritual prepared by Barabush and his traitor sons. Deshain embraces [[Khorne]] as a way to escape his guilt. Elsu finds fellowship in [[Tzeentch]]. [[Lambach Kropor|Lambach]]'s ritual to resurrect his First Captain is interrupted by [[Raj Vokar|Raj]] and [[Linares]], and he turns to [[Nurgle]] to save his hide. Isekho finally catches his questing beast and discovers it was a long-form invitation to join [[Slaanesh]]. [[Mot Hadad|Mot]] blows up like half of the Union's forge worlds and escalates the Greater Daemon [[Hashut]] to Godhood, himself becoming a Daemon Primarch.
==The Ullanor Crusade==
==The Brotherwar==
==The Battle of New Hope==
==The Siege of Terra==

== Source ==
===The Battle of New Hope===
Diplomacy has failed. Team, unite up!

===The Siege of Terra===
Marduk crashes his flagship into the Gate of Terra, Raj holds the line until Deshain forces him to self-destruct the Apocalyptican. The day is ultimately won by the Imperials and Marduk dies, with the traitors retreating to the [[Eye of Terror]]. Raj is posthumously instated as the first Imperial Saint, marking the overt beginning of Kinnévail's Imperial Faith.
Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14hqd6RLLgvLdYCIoLCHhQkidgXIsKUzrugyWu6pthEM
Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14hqd6RLLgvLdYCIoLCHhQkidgXIsKUzrugyWu6pthEM

;/tg/ threads

[[Category:Homebrew Settings]][[Category:Warhammer 40,000]][[Category:Warmasters Triumvirate]]
{{Warmasters Triumvirate}}

Latest revision as of 16:56, 23 June 2023

This page is part of the Warmasters Triumvirate, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the Warmasters Triumvirate page for more information on the Alternate Universe.

The Primarchs of Universe 5-A

After the Primarchs were dispersed throughout the galaxy by the Ruinous Powers, the Emperor of Mankind reunites them, and continues with His Great Crusade. During the closing years of this two-hundred-year galactic conquest, during the height of the Ullanor Crusade, the Emperor would be fatally wounded by the Ork Warboss Urlakk Urg, and be rushed to Terra to be interred in the Golden Throne. In the wake of His incapacitation His Regent, Malcador the Sigillite, chooses three Primarchs to form the Warmasters Triumvirate: Marduk Engur of the Leviathan Host; Je'She of the Sentinels; and Jon-Frederic Aristide of the Emperor's Dragoons. The Triumvirate would continue the prosecution of the Great Crusade in the Emperor's stead, each responsible for one of the fronts of the Crusade.

The administration of the Imperium would eventually be taken over by mere mortals, infuriating some of the Primarchs, Jon-Frederic Aristide, 'firstborn' son of the Emperor, in particular. He made his distaste for the state of the Imperium more and more known, decreeing that the Imperium should be governed by the most capable individuals, primarily the Astartes. Soon entire regions of the Imperium were engulfed in conflict as small-scale confrontations, skirmishes, political arguments and random planetary secessions take place, threatening to drive the Imperium into an all-out civil war. To prevent the conflict's escalation, Malcador calls for a peace conference on a neutral planet, overseen by the 'neutral' Warmaster, Marduk Engur. Both sides, pro-Mortal, lead by Je'She, and pro-Astartes, lead by Jon-Frederic, are tricked by the Primarch of the Soaring Host, Elsu Eyanosa, who kills Malcador on Marduk's order in such a manner that both sides think that the other is responsible for the Regent's death. The galaxy-wide conflict quickly escalated, and the 'Brotherwar' began.

The Imperium is shattered into two, while the forces of Chaos grow like a cancer that threatens to swallow both. Eventually, Marduk reveals his true allegiance to the Ruinous Powers, and attacks Holy Terra. His main objective: to kill the Emperor of Mankind. Even after the defeat of the traitor forces during the Siege of Terra, the loyalist Imperium of Mankind and the separatist Union Astarte, engage in a never-ending war, and must both face the constant onslaught of the marauding forces Chaos and the Xenos empires.

And when the End Times finally come, will the Imperium and the Union be prepared for when Marduk Engur's warning proves true and the Leviathan returns to devour all?

Hell yeah they will.

Story[edit | edit source]

Primarchs and their Legions[edit | edit source]

The Legions of Universe 5-A

Timeline[edit | edit source]

The Great Crusade[edit | edit source]

Everything goes swimmingly until Marduk turns up. Things get hairy around Laer, and then Kincaid gets shitfaced at one of Elsu's parties and sets his wife, his honor guard and his own self on fire. Elsu cops the blame.

The Council of Nikea[edit | edit source]

Following an impassioned speech from Kincaid and an outpouring of support from the majority of his brothers, the Emperor enacts the Edict of Nikaea, banning the use of Psykers. The Chosen of Hecate are hit especially hard by this and begin hemorrhaging soldiers. The Astral Wardens are fitted with collars to suppress their inborn psychic ability. The Golden Mountains are not very compliant with this and suffer a disastrous sanction at the hands of Isekho's Smoke Stalkers.

The Ullanor Crusade[edit | edit source]

The Emperor gets chokeslammed at Orkamania and becomes the skele-vegetable we all know and love. It's Deshain's fault and he goes on a bloody crusade out of guilt.

The Brotherwar[edit | edit source]

Everybody splits into three teams, the Imperium under Je'She (and Kinnévail), the Union under Jon-Fred, and the Traitors, under Marduk. Ashur is forcibly ascended to a Daemon Prince using an archaeotech device and a ritual prepared by Barabush and his traitor sons. Deshain embraces Khorne as a way to escape his guilt. Elsu finds fellowship in Tzeentch. Lambach's ritual to resurrect his First Captain is interrupted by Raj and Linares, and he turns to Nurgle to save his hide. Isekho finally catches his questing beast and discovers it was a long-form invitation to join Slaanesh. Mot blows up like half of the Union's forge worlds and escalates the Greater Daemon Hashut to Godhood, himself becoming a Daemon Primarch.

The Battle of New Hope[edit | edit source]

Diplomacy has failed. Team, unite up!

The Siege of Terra[edit | edit source]

Marduk crashes his flagship into the Gate of Terra, Raj holds the line until Deshain forces him to self-destruct the Apocalyptican. The day is ultimately won by the Imperials and Marduk dies, with the traitors retreating to the Eye of Terror. Raj is posthumously instated as the first Imperial Saint, marking the overt beginning of Kinnévail's Imperial Faith.

Source[edit | edit source]

Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14hqd6RLLgvLdYCIoLCHhQkidgXIsKUzrugyWu6pthEM

/tg/ threads

https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53129838/ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53181029/ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53211711/ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53238307/ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53271527/ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2017/53298379/