Titan Marchers
Titan Marchers | ||
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Battle Cry | "March! Onward!" and "For the Titan Lord!" | |
Number | XVII | |
Founding | First Founding | |
Successor Chapters | Moon Raiders Guardians Reforged Honorable Cyclones Diamond Smiths Iron Ancients |
Primarch | Raj Vokar | |
Homeworld | Manaan | |
Strength | 103,000 | |
Specialty | Titanicus support operations. Heavy ordnance. Siege. Execution of Exterminati. | |
Allegiance | Loyalist | |
Colours | Blaze Orange, Azure Blue |
This page is part of the Warmasters Triumvirate, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the Warmasters Triumvirate page for more information on the Alternate Universe.
The Titan Marchers, originally known as the Steel XVIIth were the XVII Legion of the original twenty-one Space Marine Legions under their Primarch Raj Vokar. They crushed the enemies of mankind with heavy weaponry and the collossal might of the Titan warmachines. During the Brotherwar that followed the Great Crusade they would remain loyal to the Imperium of Mankind, at the cost of their beloved gene-sire. They are still proud defenders of humanity deep into the 41st millenium, even after splintering into many different successor chapters.
History[edit | edit source]
Pre-Primarch History & Reunion[edit | edit source]
The XVIIth legion was founded in the waning years of the Unification Wars, with it's recruits primarily drawn from the hive cities of Ursh. During their short tenure without a Primarch, they would become known as the 'Steel XVIIth' and were well known for their characteristic calmth and calculated stoicism, but the early XVIIth also carried itself with grim and dour nihilism. They thought of themselves as workhorses who ground their way through the early Great Crusade without real joy or purpose beyond the expansion of Imperium and service to the Emperor. The legion would only exist like this for a small number of decades.
Raj Vokar was the fifth Primarch to be rediscovered. After being spirited away from Terra, he had ended up on the forge world of Manaan, on the border of Segmentum Solar and Pacificus. There, he had risen up against the tyrannical noble class that had ruled the heavily polluted world from their paradise moon for millenia. With the use of cunning and the brutal force offered by the massive Titan-like war machines known as the Raakshas, Raj had set fire to the paradise moon and united Manaan under his banner.
Reunited with his gene-sons relatively early in Great Crusade, Raj had more than enough time to reshape the legion to fit his ideals and tactics. During his education within the Imperium, he found himself fascinated by the collosal Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus. Those massive walkers were very similar to ones found on Manaan. The Raakshas were based on the same Dark Age technologies as the Imperium's Titans, but had diverted from the designs of the Machine God. Still, they proved to be of great interest to the techpriests and in exchange for patterns of the Raakshas and access to the facilities of Manaan, the Titanicus would provide the XVIIth legion with more Titan Legio cohorts than any other Astartes Legion. This agreement decisively shaped the future of the Steel XVIIth or, as they know from then on out, the Titan Marchers.
Not only did the Liberator of Manaan overhaul the Titan Marchers tactically, he also overhauled them culturally and spiritually. Gone was the dour nihilism of the old days, replaced with optimistic self-reflection and a desire for self-improvement. Where Marchers had once thought of themselves as nothing more than tools made only to work until they were broken, now they were proud warriors fighting not only for a better future for humanity, but for a better future for themselves.
The Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
When the Titan Marchers rejoined the Great Crusade after their reunion with their gene-sire, their role was different from before. Instead of taking to a single front and pushing the borders of the Imperium like the other legions, the Titan Marchers became a massively spread out legion that attached itself to other fleets. This meant that over the course of the Great Crusade the Titan Marchers fought alongside their cousins from the other Legiones Astartes more than any other legion. This allowed them to build many strong relationships with their cousins, particularly the Silver Blades and Chosen of Hecate. A single chapter of Titan Marchers would be placed under the command of each of Raj's Primarch brothers, as a sign of unity and trust.
Over the course of the Great Crusade the Titan Marchers faced many of the terrifying horrors that skulked the galaxy, from the savage Orks to the mysterious and devious Eldar. They also faced the onslaught of the Rangdan Xenocides, crushed the Gykon, killed countless Hrud and brought down numerous non-compliant human cultures.
The Titan Marchers were notably absent from the Council of Nikaea. The legion had excused itself, as it had no psykers among it's ranks, and considered itself unfit to make a decision on the matter. Ultimately, the Emperor of Mankind decided in favor of banning the use of psychic powers in the Astartes legions.

The Titan Marchers were present during the Ullanor Campaign. Here Raj would first field his greatest creation: Apocalypse-class Super Battle Titan Apocalyptican. Assigned to the same prong of the campaign as Deshain Kane and the Emperor, the Marchers would follow behind the speartip of Custodes and Gunslingers, lead by their respective primogenitors. Cut off from reinforcements, and with the rest of the speartip slain, Deshain Kane, in an unprecedented act of selfish insolence, decided not to save the Emperor from the brutal Warboss Urlakk Urg. When Raj and his sons came to rescue the Emperor and Deshain, they found the Primarch of the Gunslinger defending his incapacitated father. Deshain told them that the Emperor had come to his rescue and paid the price for it. Raj, while outraged, believed his famously honest brother, and retired from the campaign along with his legion in order to safely escort the Emperor back to Terra.
While Malcador the Sigillite declared the Warmasters Triumvirate, which placed the Great Crusade in the hands of Jon-Frederic Aristide, Je'She of the Watch and Marduk Engur, Raj began reinforcing the defences of the Imperial Palace. Many chapters of Titan Marchers joined Raj on Terra during his time of mourning, while others continued the Crusade alongside other fleets, taking out their grief on the enemies of mankind. During this time, Raj was declared Praetorian of Terra.
A second devastating blow against the legion's morale would come seventeen years later. Malcador the Sigillite detected the warp echoes of a powerful and dark spell being cast on the planet Miletus, homeworld of the Chosen of Hecate. Warmaster Je'She reluctantly sent two of Lambach's closest brothers, Linares of the Silver Blades and Raj Vokar, to bring Lambach back to Terra. The Titan Marchers' 30th chapter, informally known as the Iron Ancients, had been attached to Lambach's personal expedition fleet for over a century. Raj hoped that through them he could make Lambach and the Chosen see reason. This turned out to be incorrect however, as when Lambach refused to return to Terra, fighting broke out across Miletus. The Iron Ancients, refusing to open fire upon the legion that they had crusaded alongside of for decades, fled with the traitors as they abandoned Miletus.
Brotherwar[edit | edit source]
The Warmasters Triumvirate was originally envisioned as a way to continue the Great Crusade, while ensuring that the power of the Astartes legions would not be abused. It proved impossible to prevent conflict however, as Warmaster Aristide eventually came into conflict with Warmaster Je'She. In defiance of Malcador's decrees, Aristide put down several planetary governors in the Ultima Segmentum and openly declared himself in favor of Astartes governance. In order to prevent further hostilities, Malcador called for a summit on the world of New Hope. Warmaster Je'She, who was in favor of mortal rule, brought Linares and Raj with him.
After several days of negotiation between the two Warmasters, with Warmaster Engur overlooking the Summit, Malcador's ship finally arrived in system. To everyone's horror most of the ship's crew was dead, including the Regent of Terra himself. Conflicting reports from the survivors quickly lead to fingers being pointed between the pro-Mortal and pro-Astartes groups. Before long accustations lead to open conflict. The Brotherwar had begun.
The Titan Marchers, along with the Silver Blades and Sentinels, fought against the pro-Astartes Astral Wardens, Iron Guard and Emperor's Dragoons for several days. Before long the "neutral" forces of the Gunslingers, Soaring Host and Leviathan Host also joined the fray. Countless marines died in the first days of the Brotherwar. The fighting on New Hope continued until the arrival of Valorn Adras and his Pale Hounds broke the stalemate. The loyalist forces quickly fled from the system, but were cut off from one another.
The Titan Marchers found themselves in a crisis of resolve. This third blow against their morale caused some of the Titan Marchers to call for a return to Manaan, where they could wait out the conflict. Others called for an immediate return to Terra, to return to their posts and to guard the wall. Raj ultimately settled on a third option: to bring the Titan Lord's fury to all enemies of the Imperium, both the traitors and the deserters.
During this time it also became apparent that several more chapters of Marchers had fallen to the Ruinous Powers, specifically those that had been attached to the fleets of the traitor legions. Those who had been attached to the separatist legions thankfully returned to the Imperial fold.
After several years of constant fighting, they ultimately decided to return to Terra. On Terra, the Astartes of the XVIIth quickly took back their posts on the walls of the Imperial Palace. When the Siege of Terra finally came, they would be among the first to enter the fray. When the Siege reached it's climax the full force of present Titan Marchers defended the Eternity Gate, lead by Raj Vokar himself. The Marchers of Manaan stood in the shadow of the Apocalyptican for days, until the traitorous Gunslinger Primarch Deshain Kane burst through their ranks and managed to infiltrate the Apocalyptican. He executed Raj in his command throne and brought down the Super Battle Titan from the inside, it's explosion killing thousands of marines, loyalists and traitors both.
On the burnt and broken remnants of the battlefield, Deshain Kane ascended into daemonhood. Linares the Blademaster arrived on the scene in order to fight the newly ascended Daemon Primarch and avenge his beloved brother. The Blademaster received unexpected aid from the equally traitorous Lambach Kropor, who had never wanted to Raj to die. After the burning form of Deshain Kane was banished to the warp, Lambach Kropor took Raj's corpse back with him. Linares knew he would be unable to stop him.
Post-Brotherwar[edit | edit source]
After Marduk Engur had been slain by the combined effort Linares, Pacha the Earthquake and Warmaster Je'She, the Brotherwar had ended. This allowed the Titan Marchers to focus on rebuilding. Taarush Amin, Chapter Master of the legion's second chapter, was unanimously elected to the position of Legion Master. Taarush was immediately faces with a monumental task. No legion had been as spread out as the Titan Marchers. While their strategies had yielded valiant results during the Great Crusade and had rewarded them with friendships among many of the legions, it had resulted in the Astartes of the XVIIth legion forming less powerful bonds with their fellow battle-brothers.
Homeworld[edit | edit source]
Manaan, which was previously ruled from its moon via Titan enforcers on the planet. Raj set the moon on fire.
Legion Doctrine[edit | edit source]
The Titan Marchers focus on the use of overwhelming ordnance through their associated Titan house and large arsenal of Titans.
Legion Culture & Personality[edit | edit source]
Jolly and dakka-happy.
Gene-seed flaws[edit | edit source]
Their legs fall off, so they get robot legs.
Legion Organization[edit | edit source]
In what sub-groups is the legion divided?
Special units[edit | edit source]
The Titan Marchers are one of the least stealthy of the Legiones Astartes. This is because of the enormous company they so often Kevin ep; the Adeptus Titanicus does not wage war quietly.. There are some Astartes in the XVIIth however, who do prefer to act quietly and unseen, sabotaging the enemy: the Nuqasaan.
The Nuqasaan are truly an oddity among the XVIIth. Titan Marchers are often loud and colorful, but the Nuqasaan are more muted and wear darker shades of armor. The Nuqasaan are greatly respected in the legion however. Few would dare question their purpose.
The Nuqasaan make us of a modified pattern of Mk. IV power armor, the Maximus-Gradus pattern. These power armours forego some of the armored plating of regular Maximus patterns in order to allow for quieter movement and for them to carry more equipment. The Nuqasaan use this to go behind enemy lines before an assault and plant devastating explosive charges on key defense points. They also make use of smaller weapons, such as Grav-Pistols, and are more likely to use weapons like Power Swords and Lightning Claws.
The way the Nuqasaan fight is based on strategies that were first employed by Raj Vokar, back during his insurrectionist days on Manaan, and still serve him well throughout the Great Crusade. They can allow the XVIIth finish campaigns in a single, massive attack, and can prevent the need for a lengthy siege.
One of the most famous of the Nuqasaan is Onkar Sull, Captain of the One Hundred Sixty Sixth Company.
Rajah Vishaali
The Rajah Vishaali is the personal honour guard of Raj Vokar, Primarch of the Titan Marchers. Its members, always a modest ten, are handpicked by the Primarch, champions from across the legion who the Titan Lord trusted with his own safety. They are the legion’s foremost champions in melee combat and are trusted with slaying any enemy that dares approach the Titan Lord.
These men were not necessarily those who had accomplished great feats of heroism during the Great Crusade, those would often be promoted within their own companies and chapters. The Rajah Vishaali were marines which showed a deep understanding of the moral standards of the Titan Marchers. As such, the ten members of the Vishaali served not only as bodyguards to the Primarch, but also as the heads of the legion’s eventual chaplaincy. Through them, the Chaplains of the XVIIth legion and its successor chapters would always preach the importance of hard work, self-sacrifice and nobility.
Marines who are given the chance to join the Rajah Vishaali are granted the title of Guru.
Special equipment[edit | edit source]
The Apocalyptican, the biggest baddest Titan ever built.
Cataphractii-Deva Pattern Terminator Armor
Designed at the behest of Raj Vokar; the Cataphractii-Deva Pattern Terminator Armor was atypical of other designs of Terminator Armor as it eschewed any close quarters armaments to focus purely on firepower. The pattern was based on the Cataphractii-Pattern, but received several modifications.
First was the slight reduction in armor and an increase in power plant to allow the suit to carry even heavier weapons without making the suit immobile. While this does make the Deva-Pattern more susceptible to damage than other more durable patterns, it’s focus on longer ranged combat often mitigates this problem.
Secondly was the removal of the built in Powerfist in exchange for a standard arm, allowing the Deva-clad marine to carry any number of weapons. This in conjunction with the increased power plant allowed the Terminator to field under armed Lascannons, Plasma Cannons or even Melta weapons. However as the Powerplant could only recharge so much the standard loadout was to have one Energy weapon and one ballistic weapon in order to ensure an over eager pilot would not drain the power plant too much.
Mk IV-J Maximus-Gradus Pattern Power Armor
Designed by Je’She of the Watch and Raj Vokar, the “Gradus” pattern is one designed with speed and maneuverability in mind. With the discovery of new materials thanks to recovered STC data, the mechanicus were able to oblige. The first major change of the Gradus was its internals, as much of the armor was thinned from the inside and replaced with a blend of high-tensile fibers similar to those in flak armor. While it is far less protective, it also reduces much of the weight while still retaining some of the original protection. Secondly the Gradus pattern was given short, adamantium tipped spikes on both the knuckles and feet, allowing a marine to rapidly scale walls and other sheer surfaces.
While there are some test models with small jump packs, much of the testing has proven inconclusive. Lastly was the inclusion of a detachable carrying segment behind the waist of the marine, allowing them to carry any number of bolter magazines, grenades and other munitions. To make room for this pack however the tried and tested Astartes Combat Knife was instead moved to the left shoulder, with part of the pauldron having been hollowed out as a sheathe.
[edit | edit source]
Flagships etc
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
Parkaso Gurai the Defeated/Reforged, Terminator Chapter Master of the Third Chapter (Guardians Reforged)
Parkaso Gurai was one of the greatest heroes of the Titan Marchers legion. A commander that had disgraced himself in the eyes of the Primarch, but regained his honor by rising to even greater heights during the Brotherwar.
Gurai began his career with the Titan Marchers a few short years after Raj had returned to the XVIIth legion. He was humble and a hard worker. He accepted his orders and never complained. This lead to him slowly but surely climbing through the ranks of the legion, until he ultimately found himself as first captain of the second battalion, third chapter, sometimes called the Guardians Unyielding.
Eventually Parkaso found himself on the planet of Yiknan, a frozen world inhabited by a human population that had regressed to a primitive state. The campaign, fought alongside the 221st Expedition Fleet lead by Emperor’s Dragoon Chapter Master Artus Ganon, went quite smoothly, with only one major setback occurring.
One of the natives’ archeotech cannons had brought down the Imperator Class Titan, Vis Murum. The enemy forces swarmed the site of the crash, but the marines of the third chapter held them back. Unfortunately, the then current Chapter Master of the third chapter perished in the fighting. Parkaso took up command of the third chapter and the 77th Expedition Fleet afterwards.
Parkaso lead the 77th Fleet of many decades, until the Invasion of Peorus. There, he failed to properly scout out a xeno city. This lead to him sending his forces into a trap, nearly wiping out two titan legios and three chapters, including his own. Raj Vokar’s rage was brought down upon Parkaso, who was relieved from command and sent back to the legion’s homeworld in order to oversee the training of neophytes.
Several decades later, during the Brotherwar, Manaan came under attack from the forces of Chaos. A warband of Smoke Stalkers, who would eventually rename themselves the Smog Haunters, unleashed terrible terror tactics upon the population of Manaan, but under the command of Parkaso Gurai the Titan Marchers struck back and sent the Smog Haunters running.
Not long after the Brotherwar the Titan Marchers legions split into several chapters. Parkaso was allowed to keep his command of the newly redubbed Guardians Reforged. He would lead them for centuries. The chapter still exists by the 41st Millennium, and Gurai is still considered a hero amongst Titan Marchers successors.
Parkaso fought in Terminator Armor, compensating for his lack of speed with brute strength. His go to equipment are his Storm Shield, the Insurmountable, and his Chainsword, the Stoic Demeanour, both of which became chapter artifacts after his death.
Taarush Amin, Techmarine, Legion Master of the XVIIth Legion, ex-Chapter Master of the Second Chapter (Moon Raiders)
Taarush was one of the most famous marines in the Titan Marchers legion, a brilliant engineer, and the first Master of the legion after Raj Vokar’s fall at the Siege of Terra.
Taarush began his service to the legion as part of the first batch of neophytes to be recruited from Manaan after Raj’s rediscovery by the Emperor early in the Great Crusade. After receiving training from the Magos of Mars, Taarush began climbing through the ranks of the legion. By the time Raj first met Lambach Kropor of the VIIIth legion, Taarush had already reached the rank of First Captain of the First Battalion of the Second Chapter. Not long after that he took over the position of Chapter Master.
Taarush became a favorite of Raj during his time as First Captain. He was a brilliant craftsman, constructing weaponry that neared Raj’s creations in terms of quality and attention to detail. Taarush’s work ethic and ingenuity quickly got him close to the Primarch’s inner circle, which ensured his promotion as soon as the previous Chapter Master died.
His most famous creation is the Heavy thunder hammer Raat’s Reckoning, a modified melee weapon fiercely powerful against heavily armored foes, cracking ceramite like clay. Equipped with his hammer, his servo-arms and a special plate of Artificer Armor, Taarush is the epitome of a techmarine and a perfect embodiment of the Titan Marchers’ ethos; Artifice, Strength, Willpower.
After Raj’s death at the hands of Deshain Kane at the Siege of Terra, Taarush quickly rose above his grief and rekindled the Marchers’ passions after the loss of their gene-sire. He was unanimously elected to become Legion Master, commanding many battles during the Great Scouring. Command over the Moon Raiders fell to Taarush’s First Captain, Ujjal Kapani.
Ujjal Kapani, Techmarine, First Captain of the Second Chapter of the XVIIth Legion, first Chapter Master of the Moon Raiders Chapter
Onkar Sull, Nuqasaan Captain of the One Hundred Sixty Sixth Company (6th Company, 17th Chapter)
Seventh (Diamond Smiths)
Malrass Ror, Chaos Lord of the Iron Ancients Warband, previously Captain of the Two hundred Ninety-Eighth Company
Malrass Ror is one of the oldest Astartes in the Eye of Terror. Terran-born, he became part of the XVIIth legion shortly before it had been reunited with its gene-sire. Having been trained on Mars, Malrass was a techmarine. He served with excellence, but never climbed above the rank of captain. His chapter, the 30th, also known as the Iron Ancients, was assigned to accompany the 414th Expedition Fleet, lead by Primarch Lambach Kropor himself. They would be supported by their twin Titan Legion: Legio Veterix. Over the course of the Great Crusade the 30th would build up a strong bond with the children of Kropor. They considered one another to be brothers as much as any marine from their own legions.
When the decades passed and the Warmasters’ Triumvirate was instated, orders eventually came to break off from the 414th. Upon returning to Manaan it became obvious that their separation would not be for long: Warmaster Je’She had called for the Censure of Lambach. Raj Vokar and Linares, Primarchs of the XVIIth and IVth legions respectively, were ordered to bring their brother back to Terra, in order for him to account for his actions, the use of forbidden sorcery. Raj and Linares sought to bring the situation to a peaceful end, and thusly Raj had called back the 30th chapter, so that they might help Lambach and his sons put down their weapons.
The Censure proved to be a disaster. A deep corruption had found its way into the mind and soul of the Primarch of the VIIIth legion, and soon warfare engulfed the Chosen’s homeworld of Miletus. The 30th chapter refused to attack their cousins however. They threw in their lot with the Chosen of Hecate and their new, dark overlords.
During the Brotherwar, Malrass fought his way to the top of the warband, a twisted remnant of the 30th chapter. The Iron Ancients, as they call themselves, have received the blessings from Nurgle, the Lord of Decay. Malrass himself has become a blighted mecha-lich, simultaneously a pale corpse and a mechanical abomination. After the virus bombing of the entire Separatist Spectre System, he became known as the Mecha-Lich of Spectre.
The Iron Ancients still use the Titans of old, now all possessed by daemons. The black, semi-spectral Titans bring death and decay to all those who lay their eyes upon them.
Balah Moyihd, Vexilarius
Balah Moyihd is a Vexillarius of the Titan Marchers Legion. He served in the 7th Chapter, during the Great Crusade and the Brotherwar, fighting with courage and honour while raising the huge blue-and-orange standard, with the Legion's symbol on it. He is well known for his seriousness and combat proficiency, and for inspiring the troops with speeches and chants. It is said that the Titan Marchers banner has never fallen to the ground while being carried by Balah. Not even when a traitor scout titan charged the one his battalion was covering, making most of it lose its feet and fall. Rumors extended that day, too, saying that, while raising the banner over his head as high as he could, he headbutted the foot of the traitor titan, and subsequently, it collapsed. Battle reports confirm that a volcano cannon shot hitted directly the traitor titan's power conduits, and made it fall. But rumours, are rumours, and legend arose.
Saheb Bahwar, the Cyclone. Master of Signal, Chapter Master of the Seventy-Seventh Chapter (Honorable Cyclones)
Saheb Bahwar was among the oldest members of the Titan Marchers, having been part of the influx of new recruits upon their Primarch’s reunification with his legion. As such had gained a fierce reputation as a master of every aspect of warfare. A mountain of a man by Titan Marcher standards, Bahwar's turban and long, beloved beard became heavily decorated with commendations. Most proudly worn was a commendation from Raj's own brother Valorn Adras for Bahwar’s perfect execution of a siege in a rare joint campaign with the Pale Hounds. Bahwar would go to battle armed with an enormous Thunder hammer named "Sky Cracker" and favored his own custom Storm bolter when at range.
Making note of the impact Bahwar had on new recruits Raj Vokar promoted the Cyclone to Chapter Master of the 77th Chapter. A role that Saheb Bahwar fulfilled with honor and dedication. The 77th had recently been devastated; a combination of attrition from several consecutive campaigns, as well as an encounter with a dreaded Eldar Craftworld. Saheb was given the task of rebuilding the chapter, which meant training the new Astartes that were meant to get the 77th back up to full strength.
Saheb himself was a Master of Signal, and used his skills he had acquired to train the 77th into one of the Titan Lord’s favorites. In becoming Master of Signal Saheb was trained to have a clear overview of the entire battlefield, hence his mastery of so many aspects of war, as well as effective communication skills. This allowed him to effectively train so many Astartes in so many different fields. He was also a strong orator, and within a matter of two decades managed to drill the young Astartes into true Angels of the Emperor.
The 77th proved itself to be one of the most versatile chapters of the XVIIth legion. Picking up the skills of their Chapter Master, the marines of the 77th specialized in quick and clear communication, which allowed them to respond to changes on the battlefield much faster than most other Titan Marcher chapters. These strong communication lines also benefited the 77th’s partnered Titan Legio, Legio Avenis.
Ultimately Saheb met his fate at the feet of his own Primarch’s Titan during the Siege of Terra. When the Gunslingers Primarch Deshain Kane assaulted the Apocalyptican and killed Raj Vokar, Saheb was caught in the ensuing blast. His death was certainly not in vain; the experienced Bahwar noticed Deshain’s assault and realized what was about to happen. He called for evacuation, allowing almost seventy of his charges to escape from the blast radius. Many of the survivors claimed that the Cyclone himself could easily have made it to safety himself before the explosion but repeatedly went back to ensure others were removed from harm’s way first.
The Cyclone's Thunder hammer was salvaged after the Siege. When the Second Founding was called the Titan Marchers split along preexisting chapter lines. Those that had learned everything they knew from Saheb renamed their own chapter to the "Honourable Cyclones". The Sky Cracker is the chapter’s most cherished relic and has been handed down from Chapter Master to Chapter Master up to M41.
Bisman Talah, Captain-Guru of the Rajah Vishaali Bisman Talah was once a member of the Titan Marchers’ 12th company, but was inducted into the ranks of the Rajah Vishaali only three decades into his service. Even as a neophyte he possessed a skill with the blade rarely seen among the ranks of the XVIIth legion and thus the Primarch wanted Bisman to join his honor guard, despite his relative youth.
Over the course of the Great Crusade Bisman slew countless enemies of the Imperium, meeting any blade swung in his Primarch’s direction with his own. He famously competed in the 9th Great Joust, where he went up against Guy Maxime in the final round. He ultimately lost, but as runner-up he had done better than any Titan Marcher before him. Bisman eventually fell on the killing fields of New Hope, catching a bolt round fired by Valorn Adras, originally intended for Raj himself.
Chapter Master Jagan Lodhara Jagan Lodhara is the Chapter Master of the Titan Marchers chapter my M41. Like all those before him, Jagan is cut from the same cloth as Taarush Amin and the Primarch, Raj Vokar. Dutiful, honorbound and respectful.
Sooraj Holkar: Captain of the 245th company of the Titan Marchers. Has a grudge with Smoke Stalker headmaster Upas.
Shudraka Bajpeyi: Chapter Master of the 25th chapter of Titan Marchers. Famous for his jade green turban. The 25th is eventually named the Jade Skulls in his honor.
Shanti Pande: Captain of the 177th company of Titan Marchers. Known as an exceptionally tough heavy gunner, more machine than man.
Yogarasa Sharma: Captain of the 179th captain of Titan Marchers. Has formed an exceptionally close friendship with Imperial Army commander Johannes Fardos.
Jaswant Kashyap: Chapter Master of the 60th chapter of Titan Marchers. Informally called the ‘Bane of Knife-ears’, for his exceptional bravery during the assault of Craftworld Belmes.
Rishu Kamath: Chapter Master of the 100th chapter of the Titan Marchers, the Chrome Teeth. Exceptionally violent, but very talented biker.
Jwala Vadekar: Captain of the 999th company of Titan Marchers. Reasonable counterweight to the violent impulsiveness of Rishu Kamath.
Dasra Adhya: Captain of the 502nd company of Titan Marchers. Lost an arm to an Ork, but proceeded to beat the ork to death with with the severed limb anyway.
Daksha Kuyyar: Chapter Master of the 29th Chapter. Previously attached to the Doomsingers legion. Also known as Daksha Kuyyar, with help of his Doomsinger friend, Krimdoll the Purple, he brought new life to Manaanan classics.
Vikas Haldar: Terranborn Chapter Master of the 62nd chapter. Interred in a Deredeo dreadnought, he is still lucid enough to lead his troops regularly. Has explosives in his sarcophagus, rigged to his heartbeat.
Rules[edit | edit source]
If available, tabletop rules