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[[File:Babylon 5 Station.png|thumb|right|400px|Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.]]
{{topquote|The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.  It failed.|Commander Ivanova}}
{{topquote|The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.  It failed.|Commander Ivanova}}
{{topquote|No boom?"<br>"No boom."<br>"No boom... today.  Boom tomorrow.  There's always a boom tomorrow.  What?!  Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.  Boom.  Sooner or later... BOOM!|Commander Ivanova}}

'''Babylon 5''' was a science fiction television franchise dating from the 1990's.  The show was noteworthy for being one of the first television shows to make extensive use of rendered cgi battle sequences rather than motion control photography, as well as pioneering the novel-for-television format with season-spanning story arcs (as opposed to the episodic format common to most science fiction shows).  Set on the eponymous ''Babylon 5'' space station, the show depicts an interstellar great powers struggle in which humanity is only a contributing player among many others.
'''Babylon 5''' was a science fiction television franchise dating from the 1990's.  The show was noteworthy for being one of the first television shows to make extensive use of rendered cgi battle sequences rather than motion control photography, as well as pioneering the novel-for-television format with season-spanning story arcs (as opposed to the episodic format common to most science fiction shows).  Set on the eponymous ''Babylon 5'' space station, the show depicts an interstellar great powers struggle in which humanity is only a contributing player among many others.

Where [[Star Trek]] is the embodiment of [[noblebright]], and [[Star Wars]] goes for a swashbuckling hero-with-a-thousand-faces space opera, ''Babylon 5'' aims to be a slice-of-life series about the command staff of a station caught in a war in space '''and makes it work'''.
Where [[Star Trek]] is the embodiment of [[noblebright]], and [[Star Wars]] goes for a swashbuckling hero-with-a-thousand-faces space opera, ''Babylon 5'' aims to be a slice-of-life series about the command staff of a station caught in a war in space.

The value of ''Babylon 5'' to the gaming community lies in how good a job it does at combining character development with story arcs and worldbuilding.  This is a setting that over the course of its run has an Arthurian knight, an alien monk meditating over the repair manual for a Kawasaki, Jack the Ripper taken by aliens, battles with planet-killing super warships, a season-long arc about someone's decline into substance abuse, a character who literally rises from the dead (only to be called out for the messianic cult forming around him), an alcoholic cop who's favorite pasttime is Daffy Duck cartoons, a predestination paradox that slow boiled for two seasons, and Walter Koenig playing lawful evil, '''and none of it feels forced or contrived.'''

The show is set on ''Babylon 5'', a 5 km long space station at the edge of Earth's territory, roughly between Earth and Minbar although the lay of the territory is never clearly defined and frankly doesn't really matterFour stations preceded it, three of which were bombed during construction and the fourth outright vanished shortly after being finishedIt exists as an explicitly neutral territory for trade and negotiation between the myriad stellar nations, many of whom have recently been at war.
Because the overarching story was planned out from the start, it was necessary for EVERY critical player in the story to have a trapdoor character; that is, another established character who could step into the role if needed in the event of actor death or departureThis is why most of the principles had aide characters with their own established backstoriesUltimately only one principle would leave in the main four seasons, when Michael O'Hare decided to call it quits for medical reasons (although agreeing to reprise the character later to resolve his arc).

== Setting ==

The show is set on ''Babylon 5'', a 5 mile long space station at the edge of Earth's territory, roughly between Earth and Minbar although the lay of the territory is never clearly defined and frankly doesn't really matter.  Four stations preceded it, three of which were bombed during construction and the fourth outright vanished shortly after being finished.  It exists as an explicitly neutral territory for trade and negotiation between the myriad stellar nations, many of whom have recently been at war.

=== Factions ===
[[File:Babylon 5 Cast.jpg|thumb|right|400px|The greatest roleplay group ever assembled.]]
Some '''SPOILERS''' ahead, don't read if you want to see the series
* '''Babylon 5''' - The protags.  The station command staff and their allies.  Initially part of Earthforce but circumstances force them to secede later on.
* '''Babylon 5''' - The protags.  The station command staff and their allies.  Initially part of Earthforce but circumstances force them to secede later on.
* '''Earth Alliance''' - Surprisingly Earth are not the good guys in this show.  A decade prior to the show, Earth beat up a regional bully in the Dilgar War which won them a lot of friends, but then picked a fight with the Minbari and then realized they'd kicked a sleeping dragon.  Over the course of the series Earth becomes increasingly isolationist, under the leadership of a paranoid dictator.  Earthforce ships tend to be giant [[metal boxes]] covered in guns and thrusters with gravity-ring segments because they don't have gravity tech.
* '''Earth Alliance''' - Surprisingly Earth are not the good guys in this show (and, for current viewer, sometimes an hillarious futuristics outlook on aesthetics and technology from 90s).  A decade prior to the show, Earth beat up a regional bully in the Dilgar War which won them a lot of friends, but then picked a fight with the Minbari and realized they'd kicked a sleeping dragon.  Over the course of the series Earth becomes increasingly isolationist, under the leadership of a paranoid dictator.  Earthforce ships tend to be giant [[METAL_BOXES|metal boxes]] covered in guns and thrusters with gravity-ring segments because they don't have gravity tech.
* '''The League of Non-Aligned Worlds''' - A motley collection of alien states, most of whom had been pushed around by the Dilgar until Earth went to bat for them.  Generally the only thing the League can agree to do is continue bickering among themselves.
* '''The League of Non-Aligned Worlds''' - A motley collection of alien states (space <strike>Balkans</strike> European Union, kind of), most of whom had been pushed around by the Dilgar until Earth went to bat for them.  Generally the only thing the League can agree to do is continue bickering among themselves, and most major players keep kicking them around to support their agendas, but not too hard, as they can be a torn in the side if they put their mind into.
* '''Minbari''' - The closest thing this series has to [[noblebright]].  The Minbari are a monastic, caste society that was fiercely isolationist until the war with Earth.  They're allied with the Vorlons and their ships look like Eldar corsair cruisers.  The Minbari almost used exterminatus on Earth but stopped themselves for reasons.   
* '''Minbari''' - The closest thing this series has to [[noblebright]] (with a big dose of Lawful Stupid and, with the military caste, Blood Knights).  The Minbari are a monastic, caste society that was fiercely isolationist until the war with Earth.  They're allied with the Vorlons and their ships were shamelessly ripped off by Games Workshop for the Eldar Corsairs.  The Minbari almost used exterminatus on Earth but stopped themselves for reasons.   
* '''Narn''' - Bipedal lizard warrior people, with the "never again" attitude of the Bajorans in Star Trek.  The Narn were occupied by the Centauri prior to the show, and drove them out through decades of resistance.
* '''The Rangers''' - An organization dedicated to fighting the Shadows; originally composed of Minbari but eventually boosted with human volunteers and survivors rescued from colonies hit by the Shadows. So Lord of the Rings Rangers, in Spaacee!
* '''Centauri''' - Imperial Rome in space.  Almost literally and unironically.  Enslaved the Narn for a while, might do it again for the hell of it.
* '''Narn''' - Space [[lizardmen]], with the "never again" attitude of the Bajorans and the honor-warrior schtick of the Klingons.  The Narn were occupied by the Centauri prior to the show, and drove them out through decades of resistance. A great power, but undeniably the weakest of the powers, akin to Austria in WW1 or Italy in WW2. Their foreign policy is basically "FUCK THE CENTAURI!"
* '''Vorlons''' - Super-enigmatic energy beings.  Really old.  Lawful neutral.  Likes telepaths and turning other races into pawns.
* '''Centauri''' - Caligula's Rome in space, with the fashion sense of Napoleonic Europe. Or a mash-up of all European colonialism.  Almost literally and unironically.  Enslaved the Narn for a while, might do it again for the hell of it. [[wat|Also their men have have six prehensile Penises]].
* '''Shadows''' - Invisible, maybe-energy spider beings.  Really, REALLY old.  Chaotic neutral.  Likes fomenting war and turning other races into pawns.
*'''Raiders''' - A bunch of human space pirates which provided a minor threat to Babylon 5 in the first half of season 1 before the real villains showed up.
* '''Vorlons''' - Super-enigmatic energy beings.  Really old.  Likes telepaths and turning other races into pawns (and they are only that to them). If responding to anyone, if bothering to, never gives a  straight answer to question, talking in koan-like bullshit (some times only to mess around with you).
* '''Shadows''' - Invisible, maybe-energy spider beings.  Really, REALLY old.  Likes fomenting war and turning other races into pawns (see Vorlons).  Their ships take [[edgy]] grimdark to the max by being 100% black spikes. The Lord of the Ring Sauron in Space, but an entire race, sweet dreams...
The Vorlons and Shadows are ancient races, embodying and championing the precepts of lawful neutral and chaotic neutral respectively.  The Vorlons go around turning races in to telepaths, and every now and then the Shadows appear out of nowhere like a [[Black Crusade]] and start encouraging everyone to go to war, weeding out the weak.  They've tolerated each other doing this for a loooong time, despite having the power to annihilate each other and virtually everyone else many times over; like America and the USSR they're content to let their pawns fight endlessly, intervening directly on occasion but only showing their full might when it became clear the protags were onto the game and trying to end it for good.
==A Quick Tour of Babylon 5 Station==
Most episodes take place on the Babylon 5 station.  From the front to the back, the station is divided up into sectors according to purpose. 
* '''Blue Sector''': Roughly spherically shaped, blue sector contains the station's docking bays, the command center, and houses the station's operations personnel.  Blue sector is a high security area and off limits to civilians outside of the spaceport areas.  "Behind" blue sector is a narrow neck connecting to the next sector, with supporting columns.  These columns are the cobra bays (so-named for their snake-like shape).  These are the rapid launch bays for the station's defense fighters.  To launch, the doors on the bays are opened and the fighters are "dropped", literally falling out of the station by centrifugal force.  Ships docking with Babylon 5 approach the station's "front" and match their rotation to the station's before flying into the docking bay, where they are lowered by elevator through an airlock and into the centrifugal gravity area to be unloaded; the vast docking bay itself is a gigantic torus inside blue sector's sphere that can accommodate dozens of shuttles and transports.
*  '''Red Sector''': This is the station's commercial hub, situated next to blue sector and the docking bays.  Red sector is a civilian heavy area, packed with apartments, hotels, marketplaces and warehouses.  The majority of the station's civilian population lives here.  The station's most popular open market, the Zocalo, is located here.
* '''Green Sector''': Constituting roughly 2/5ths of the station's entire length, green sector serves two purposes.  Its main volume is hollow, enclosing the station's vital hydroponics area, as well as some recreational spaces.  The second use of green sector is that it houses the station's diplomatic quarter.  Embassies and secure residence areas for ambassadors are situated here.  Consequently, green sector security is tighter than red sector, although not to the extent of blue sector.  Suspended at the axial center of green sector is the core shuttle, a set of suspended trams traveling the length of the occupied station, and a fusion plasma conduit that caries power across the station and provides illumination to the garden.  Several suspension columns extend down from the core shuttle to the station's cylinder walls, and elevators along these columns lift people up to the core shuttle.  There is one "building" of note in the garden: the Earthforce office tower, which hosts the station commander's working office (with a commanding view of the gardens), as well as the Earthforce officers club, known as ''Earhart's''.  The denser red and brown sectors form the bulkheads that bookend green sector's garden on either side. 
* '''Brown Sector''': Colloquially known as "downbelow", brown sector is the station's industrial hub, housing various factories and refineries as well as the station's waste reclamation facilities.  However, large sections of this sector were left disused after the station's construction was completed, and it has become the station's seedy underbelly, rife with fugitives and the destitute. 
* '''Grey Sector''': Grey sector sits between brown and yellow sector, and it houses the components that operate the station's centrifugal rotation system as well as other power and support systems.  Grey sector also includes the station's spine, which extends along the length of the station all the way back to blue sector (which it is attached to by a gigantic rotating ring).  The spine encloses the station's zero gee cargo handling areas (at the station's "front").  The station's solar panels are also attached to grey sector.  The simulated gravity areas of grey sector are largely fabrication shops and station support systems dating back to the station's construction phase.  Security keeps brown sector's slums from encroaching, but as the station's oldest and most mechanically complicated segment grey sector has a reputation all its own for strange events.
* '''Yellow Sector''': The station's fusion reactor, radiators, and fuel reserves.  Yellow sector has no simulated gravity.  Given the sector's purpose, it's a high security area and most of it is exposed to vacuum.
== Characters ==
'''Earth Alliance''':
* '''Jeffery Sinclair''': The first Commander of Babylon 5, left the main cast because the actor had mental health problems.
* '''John "nuke em" Sheridan''': The Replacement Commander. Had a tendancy to level the playing field against technologically superior or elderich opponents by using nukes.
* '''Michael Garibaldi''': What you get if [[Creed]] decided to take up being Security Chief in a Nobledark version of 40k.
* '''Susan Ivanova''': Arbiter of alien customs, part-time goddess of death, and target of Garibaldi's prankster side.
* '''Stephen Franklin''': Space House, minus the snark.
* '''Talia Winters''': Manchurian Candidate "In Spaaaaaaace"
* '''Lyta Alexander''': Alien hold-out pistol, negotiator, and freedom fighter.
* '''Zack Allan''': Costello to Garibaldi's Abbot.
* '''Morgan Clark''': crazed president of earth, more an abstract of tyranny than a character.
* '''Alfred Bester''': [[Star Trek|Chekov]] playing lawful evil turned up to 11.  Literally and unironically. 
'''Minbari Federation''':
* '''Delenn''': main space elf and wannabe matyr. Guaranteed to take the most noble course in any situation (possibly in penance for her role in the earth mimbari war.) Rattles of a lot of speeches about good and morality.
* '''Lennier''': space monk, both in a religious sense and in a DnD sense. Aide to Delenn and the ultimate wingman.
'''Narn Regime''':
* '''G'Kar''': THE defining character of the series, although his redemption arc is such a slow boil that you wouldn't guess it at the start.  When we first meet him, he's a petty warmongerer made marginally tolerable because he was played so over the top.  Four seasons in, his speeches are channeling George Fox and his biggest problem is all of his followers misinterpreting the bible he wrote.  ''"Some must be sacrificed for all to be saved. First I took that as a revelation for the future. Now I see that it is as much about how we got here as about where we are going."''
* '''Na'Toth''': G'Kar's arrachée and originally mean to play the straight man to his early impulsive temperament. Didn't appear much because they couldn't find an actress who would be fine with the heavy prosthetics and makeup either physically or career-wise. Not every show can be Farscape.
'''Centauri Republic''':
* '''Londo Mollari''': [[Konrad Curze]] leaning more towards Slaanesh than Khorne, and more sympathetic.
* '''Vir Cotto''': ''"You don't frighten easily, Vir Cotto."  "I work for Ambassador Mollari.  After a while, nothing bothers you."'' Initially the bumbling aide of Londo Mollari, Vir gradually comes into his own as a skilled player and deeply decent individual.
'''Vorlon Empire''':
* '''Kosh''': Plays Merlin to Sheridan's King Arthur.
* '''Ulkesh''': Saruman to kosh's Merlin.
* '''Mr. Morden''': The smug template for Neutral Evil. Think chaos cultist of the infiltrate and corruption variety.
== Themes Explored ==
[[File:Minbari_Sharlin_Warcruiser.jpg|Right|350px|thumb|Explosions are red, our ships are all blue<br>Our enemies are dead and that includes you]]
* '''Order vs Chaos''' - The third and half of the fourth season are dominated by the Shadow war, which is an explicitly lawful vs chaotic conflict, over the question of whether evolution is better served through cooperation or competition.  The protags end this conflict by refusing to choose, telling both sides to "Get the hell out of our galaxy."
* '''Dictatorship will come draped in the flag''' - Bookending the Shadow war is the Earth civil war.  Earth gradually falls into the governance of a paranoid, police state regime that uses telepaths and fear of alien subversion to undermine liberty, while ironically receiving support from the Shadows.  Mars and a number of peripheral colonies (including Babylon 5) secede in response, and portions of the military go renegade.  The writers of the show very accurately depict the kind of disinformation tactics used by real dictatorial regimes, and these episodes have only become more poignant in light of the 21st century culture war.
* '''Stress & Addiction''' - Over the course of the series, one character becomes addicted to stimulants while another relapses on alcoholism.  The effect this has on their lives and relationships is very genuinely and painfully depicted.
* '''Arthurian Legend Arc''' - Babylon 5 is not a traditional heroic space opera.  It has a couple heroic figures with heroic arcs, but their stories are not the whole story.  Instead the overarching theme can be very broadly described as Camelot in space, complete with the round table.  Multiple episodes explicitly deal in Arthurian themes, and the relationship between Kosh and Sheridan deliberately parallels Merlin and Arthur. 
* '''Faith without Gods''' - In this regard Babylon 5 is a direct rebuttal to a prior work, Gene Roddenberry's ''Star Trek The Next Generation''.  Roddenberry had conjectured that by eliminating scarcity with limitless energy humanity would be freed to embrace higher ascetic virtues of discovery and charity, and that religion would vanish in favor of the pursuit of greater knowledge of the limitless cosmos.  The writers of Babylon 5 did not go that way.  Free of want?  Humans will want more.  Progress?  It's the 23rd century and people are still drinking Zima.  Exploration and discovery?  The hard questions elude science: "Who are you?  What do you want?  Do you have anything worth living for?"  In the world of Babylon 5, beings tend to be selfish and competitive.  A rare few aspire to be more, to seek for higher truths and aspire to nobler causes.  The writers eventually make their point bluntly clear in a character's monologue: gods didn't create people, people created gods because they were searching for meaning, and will never stop searching for meaning; the seekers are the best of us, not the worst of us.  ''Star Trek Deep Space Nine'' was ultimately saddled with Roddenberry's baggage on this subject and thus had to make the Bajoran prophets a tangible thing, an alien life form that could be experienced and comprehended so as to give the Bajoran faith legitimacy in Roddenberry's universe.  Babylon 5 has no such limitations and thus features catholic monks studying alien faiths, a wanderer claiming he's the continuation of Percival's quest to find the grail, and a human time traveling to become alien jesus.
[[Image:Babylon_5_Wars.jpg|thumb|300px|right|The Earth-Minbari War basically went like this, with a lot more Human ships exploding.]]
Babylon 5 spawned multiple short lived games.  The miniatures game was ''Babylon 5 Wars'', by Agents of Gaming.  Although the minis were very well done, it was going up against [[Battlefleet Gothic]] when GW was still supporting it. There was also ''GROPOS'' (short for GROund POunderS, an in-universe nickname for the army) a ground combat game that sadly died alongside B5 Wars before AoG could publish more than the EA, Minbari, and Narn factions.
Mongoose Publishing also published ''A Call to Arms'' which was surprisingly good space combat game with all of the ships from all of the shows, spin offs, films etc getting a model and rules.
The first B5 RPG was ''The Babylon Project'' by WireFrame Productions.  The second was ''Babylon 5 The Roleplaying Game'' by Mongoose Publishing using the d20 System; this version had an impressive collection of module books.
Sierra was developing a Babylon 5 space combat game called ''Into The Fire'', that was purportedly based on the newtonian-style piloting of  Particle Systems' ''Independence War'' franchise.  But it was cancelled late in development.
[[Category: Television]]

Latest revision as of 21:46, 17 June 2023

Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed."

– Commander Ivanova

"No boom?"
"No boom."
"No boom... today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom. Sooner or later... BOOM!"

– Commander Ivanova

Babylon 5 was a science fiction television franchise dating from the 1990's. The show was noteworthy for being one of the first television shows to make extensive use of rendered cgi battle sequences rather than motion control photography, as well as pioneering the novel-for-television format with season-spanning story arcs (as opposed to the episodic format common to most science fiction shows). Set on the eponymous Babylon 5 space station, the show depicts an interstellar great powers struggle in which humanity is only a contributing player among many others.

Where Star Trek is the embodiment of noblebright, and Star Wars goes for a swashbuckling hero-with-a-thousand-faces space opera, Babylon 5 aims to be a slice-of-life series about the command staff of a station caught in a war in space.

The value of Babylon 5 to the gaming community lies in how good a job it does at combining character development with story arcs and worldbuilding. This is a setting that over the course of its run has an Arthurian knight, an alien monk meditating over the repair manual for a Kawasaki, Jack the Ripper taken by aliens, battles with planet-killing super warships, a season-long arc about someone's decline into substance abuse, a character who literally rises from the dead (only to be called out for the messianic cult forming around him), an alcoholic cop who's favorite pasttime is Daffy Duck cartoons, a predestination paradox that slow boiled for two seasons, and Walter Koenig playing lawful evil, and none of it feels forced or contrived.

Because the overarching story was planned out from the start, it was necessary for EVERY critical player in the story to have a trapdoor character; that is, another established character who could step into the role if needed in the event of actor death or departure. This is why most of the principles had aide characters with their own established backstories. Ultimately only one principle would leave in the main four seasons, when Michael O'Hare decided to call it quits for medical reasons (although agreeing to reprise the character later to resolve his arc).

Setting[edit | edit source]

The show is set on Babylon 5, a 5 mile long space station at the edge of Earth's territory, roughly between Earth and Minbar although the lay of the territory is never clearly defined and frankly doesn't really matter. Four stations preceded it, three of which were bombed during construction and the fourth outright vanished shortly after being finished. It exists as an explicitly neutral territory for trade and negotiation between the myriad stellar nations, many of whom have recently been at war.

Factions[edit | edit source]

The greatest roleplay group ever assembled.

Some SPOILERS ahead, don't read if you want to see the series

  • Babylon 5 - The protags. The station command staff and their allies. Initially part of Earthforce but circumstances force them to secede later on.
  • Earth Alliance - Surprisingly Earth are not the good guys in this show (and, for current viewer, sometimes an hillarious futuristics outlook on aesthetics and technology from 90s). A decade prior to the show, Earth beat up a regional bully in the Dilgar War which won them a lot of friends, but then picked a fight with the Minbari and realized they'd kicked a sleeping dragon. Over the course of the series Earth becomes increasingly isolationist, under the leadership of a paranoid dictator. Earthforce ships tend to be giant metal boxes covered in guns and thrusters with gravity-ring segments because they don't have gravity tech.
  • The League of Non-Aligned Worlds - A motley collection of alien states (space Balkans European Union, kind of), most of whom had been pushed around by the Dilgar until Earth went to bat for them. Generally the only thing the League can agree to do is continue bickering among themselves, and most major players keep kicking them around to support their agendas, but not too hard, as they can be a torn in the side if they put their mind into.
  • Minbari - The closest thing this series has to noblebright (with a big dose of Lawful Stupid and, with the military caste, Blood Knights). The Minbari are a monastic, caste society that was fiercely isolationist until the war with Earth. They're allied with the Vorlons and their ships were shamelessly ripped off by Games Workshop for the Eldar Corsairs. The Minbari almost used exterminatus on Earth but stopped themselves for reasons.
  • The Rangers - An organization dedicated to fighting the Shadows; originally composed of Minbari but eventually boosted with human volunteers and survivors rescued from colonies hit by the Shadows. So Lord of the Rings Rangers, in Spaacee!
  • Narn - Space lizardmen, with the "never again" attitude of the Bajorans and the honor-warrior schtick of the Klingons. The Narn were occupied by the Centauri prior to the show, and drove them out through decades of resistance. A great power, but undeniably the weakest of the powers, akin to Austria in WW1 or Italy in WW2. Their foreign policy is basically "FUCK THE CENTAURI!"
  • Centauri - Caligula's Rome in space, with the fashion sense of Napoleonic Europe. Or a mash-up of all European colonialism. Almost literally and unironically. Enslaved the Narn for a while, might do it again for the hell of it. Also their men have have six prehensile Penises.
  • Raiders - A bunch of human space pirates which provided a minor threat to Babylon 5 in the first half of season 1 before the real villains showed up.
  • Vorlons - Super-enigmatic energy beings. Really old. Likes telepaths and turning other races into pawns (and they are only that to them). If responding to anyone, if bothering to, never gives a straight answer to question, talking in koan-like bullshit (some times only to mess around with you).
  • Shadows - Invisible, maybe-energy spider beings. Really, REALLY old. Likes fomenting war and turning other races into pawns (see Vorlons). Their ships take edgy grimdark to the max by being 100% black spikes. The Lord of the Ring Sauron in Space, but an entire race, sweet dreams...

The Vorlons and Shadows are ancient races, embodying and championing the precepts of lawful neutral and chaotic neutral respectively. The Vorlons go around turning races in to telepaths, and every now and then the Shadows appear out of nowhere like a Black Crusade and start encouraging everyone to go to war, weeding out the weak. They've tolerated each other doing this for a loooong time, despite having the power to annihilate each other and virtually everyone else many times over; like America and the USSR they're content to let their pawns fight endlessly, intervening directly on occasion but only showing their full might when it became clear the protags were onto the game and trying to end it for good.

A Quick Tour of Babylon 5 Station[edit | edit source]

Most episodes take place on the Babylon 5 station. From the front to the back, the station is divided up into sectors according to purpose.

  • Blue Sector: Roughly spherically shaped, blue sector contains the station's docking bays, the command center, and houses the station's operations personnel. Blue sector is a high security area and off limits to civilians outside of the spaceport areas. "Behind" blue sector is a narrow neck connecting to the next sector, with supporting columns. These columns are the cobra bays (so-named for their snake-like shape). These are the rapid launch bays for the station's defense fighters. To launch, the doors on the bays are opened and the fighters are "dropped", literally falling out of the station by centrifugal force. Ships docking with Babylon 5 approach the station's "front" and match their rotation to the station's before flying into the docking bay, where they are lowered by elevator through an airlock and into the centrifugal gravity area to be unloaded; the vast docking bay itself is a gigantic torus inside blue sector's sphere that can accommodate dozens of shuttles and transports.
  • Red Sector: This is the station's commercial hub, situated next to blue sector and the docking bays. Red sector is a civilian heavy area, packed with apartments, hotels, marketplaces and warehouses. The majority of the station's civilian population lives here. The station's most popular open market, the Zocalo, is located here.
  • Green Sector: Constituting roughly 2/5ths of the station's entire length, green sector serves two purposes. Its main volume is hollow, enclosing the station's vital hydroponics area, as well as some recreational spaces. The second use of green sector is that it houses the station's diplomatic quarter. Embassies and secure residence areas for ambassadors are situated here. Consequently, green sector security is tighter than red sector, although not to the extent of blue sector. Suspended at the axial center of green sector is the core shuttle, a set of suspended trams traveling the length of the occupied station, and a fusion plasma conduit that caries power across the station and provides illumination to the garden. Several suspension columns extend down from the core shuttle to the station's cylinder walls, and elevators along these columns lift people up to the core shuttle. There is one "building" of note in the garden: the Earthforce office tower, which hosts the station commander's working office (with a commanding view of the gardens), as well as the Earthforce officers club, known as Earhart's. The denser red and brown sectors form the bulkheads that bookend green sector's garden on either side.
  • Brown Sector: Colloquially known as "downbelow", brown sector is the station's industrial hub, housing various factories and refineries as well as the station's waste reclamation facilities. However, large sections of this sector were left disused after the station's construction was completed, and it has become the station's seedy underbelly, rife with fugitives and the destitute.
  • Grey Sector: Grey sector sits between brown and yellow sector, and it houses the components that operate the station's centrifugal rotation system as well as other power and support systems. Grey sector also includes the station's spine, which extends along the length of the station all the way back to blue sector (which it is attached to by a gigantic rotating ring). The spine encloses the station's zero gee cargo handling areas (at the station's "front"). The station's solar panels are also attached to grey sector. The simulated gravity areas of grey sector are largely fabrication shops and station support systems dating back to the station's construction phase. Security keeps brown sector's slums from encroaching, but as the station's oldest and most mechanically complicated segment grey sector has a reputation all its own for strange events.
  • Yellow Sector: The station's fusion reactor, radiators, and fuel reserves. Yellow sector has no simulated gravity. Given the sector's purpose, it's a high security area and most of it is exposed to vacuum.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Earth Alliance:

  • Jeffery Sinclair: The first Commander of Babylon 5, left the main cast because the actor had mental health problems.
  • John "nuke em" Sheridan: The Replacement Commander. Had a tendancy to level the playing field against technologically superior or elderich opponents by using nukes.
  • Michael Garibaldi: What you get if Creed decided to take up being Security Chief in a Nobledark version of 40k.
  • Susan Ivanova: Arbiter of alien customs, part-time goddess of death, and target of Garibaldi's prankster side.
  • Stephen Franklin: Space House, minus the snark.
  • Talia Winters: Manchurian Candidate "In Spaaaaaaace"
  • Lyta Alexander: Alien hold-out pistol, negotiator, and freedom fighter.
  • Zack Allan: Costello to Garibaldi's Abbot.
  • Morgan Clark: crazed president of earth, more an abstract of tyranny than a character.
  • Alfred Bester: Chekov playing lawful evil turned up to 11. Literally and unironically.

Minbari Federation:

  • Delenn: main space elf and wannabe matyr. Guaranteed to take the most noble course in any situation (possibly in penance for her role in the earth mimbari war.) Rattles of a lot of speeches about good and morality.
  • Lennier: space monk, both in a religious sense and in a DnD sense. Aide to Delenn and the ultimate wingman.

Narn Regime:

  • G'Kar: THE defining character of the series, although his redemption arc is such a slow boil that you wouldn't guess it at the start. When we first meet him, he's a petty warmongerer made marginally tolerable because he was played so over the top. Four seasons in, his speeches are channeling George Fox and his biggest problem is all of his followers misinterpreting the bible he wrote. "Some must be sacrificed for all to be saved. First I took that as a revelation for the future. Now I see that it is as much about how we got here as about where we are going."
  • Na'Toth: G'Kar's arrachée and originally mean to play the straight man to his early impulsive temperament. Didn't appear much because they couldn't find an actress who would be fine with the heavy prosthetics and makeup either physically or career-wise. Not every show can be Farscape.

Centauri Republic:

  • Londo Mollari: Konrad Curze leaning more towards Slaanesh than Khorne, and more sympathetic.
  • Vir Cotto: "You don't frighten easily, Vir Cotto." "I work for Ambassador Mollari. After a while, nothing bothers you." Initially the bumbling aide of Londo Mollari, Vir gradually comes into his own as a skilled player and deeply decent individual.

Vorlon Empire:

  • Kosh: Plays Merlin to Sheridan's King Arthur.
  • Ulkesh: Saruman to kosh's Merlin.


  • Mr. Morden: The smug template for Neutral Evil. Think chaos cultist of the infiltrate and corruption variety.

Themes Explored[edit | edit source]

Explosions are red, our ships are all blue
Our enemies are dead and that includes you
  • Order vs Chaos - The third and half of the fourth season are dominated by the Shadow war, which is an explicitly lawful vs chaotic conflict, over the question of whether evolution is better served through cooperation or competition. The protags end this conflict by refusing to choose, telling both sides to "Get the hell out of our galaxy."
  • Dictatorship will come draped in the flag - Bookending the Shadow war is the Earth civil war. Earth gradually falls into the governance of a paranoid, police state regime that uses telepaths and fear of alien subversion to undermine liberty, while ironically receiving support from the Shadows. Mars and a number of peripheral colonies (including Babylon 5) secede in response, and portions of the military go renegade. The writers of the show very accurately depict the kind of disinformation tactics used by real dictatorial regimes, and these episodes have only become more poignant in light of the 21st century culture war.
  • Stress & Addiction - Over the course of the series, one character becomes addicted to stimulants while another relapses on alcoholism. The effect this has on their lives and relationships is very genuinely and painfully depicted.
  • Arthurian Legend Arc - Babylon 5 is not a traditional heroic space opera. It has a couple heroic figures with heroic arcs, but their stories are not the whole story. Instead the overarching theme can be very broadly described as Camelot in space, complete with the round table. Multiple episodes explicitly deal in Arthurian themes, and the relationship between Kosh and Sheridan deliberately parallels Merlin and Arthur.
  • Faith without Gods - In this regard Babylon 5 is a direct rebuttal to a prior work, Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek The Next Generation. Roddenberry had conjectured that by eliminating scarcity with limitless energy humanity would be freed to embrace higher ascetic virtues of discovery and charity, and that religion would vanish in favor of the pursuit of greater knowledge of the limitless cosmos. The writers of Babylon 5 did not go that way. Free of want? Humans will want more. Progress? It's the 23rd century and people are still drinking Zima. Exploration and discovery? The hard questions elude science: "Who are you? What do you want? Do you have anything worth living for?" In the world of Babylon 5, beings tend to be selfish and competitive. A rare few aspire to be more, to seek for higher truths and aspire to nobler causes. The writers eventually make their point bluntly clear in a character's monologue: gods didn't create people, people created gods because they were searching for meaning, and will never stop searching for meaning; the seekers are the best of us, not the worst of us. Star Trek Deep Space Nine was ultimately saddled with Roddenberry's baggage on this subject and thus had to make the Bajoran prophets a tangible thing, an alien life form that could be experienced and comprehended so as to give the Bajoran faith legitimacy in Roddenberry's universe. Babylon 5 has no such limitations and thus features catholic monks studying alien faiths, a wanderer claiming he's the continuation of Percival's quest to find the grail, and a human time traveling to become alien jesus.

Games[edit | edit source]

The Earth-Minbari War basically went like this, with a lot more Human ships exploding.

Babylon 5 spawned multiple short lived games. The miniatures game was Babylon 5 Wars, by Agents of Gaming. Although the minis were very well done, it was going up against Battlefleet Gothic when GW was still supporting it. There was also GROPOS (short for GROund POunderS, an in-universe nickname for the army) a ground combat game that sadly died alongside B5 Wars before AoG could publish more than the EA, Minbari, and Narn factions. Mongoose Publishing also published A Call to Arms which was surprisingly good space combat game with all of the ships from all of the shows, spin offs, films etc getting a model and rules.

The first B5 RPG was The Babylon Project by WireFrame Productions. The second was Babylon 5 The Roleplaying Game by Mongoose Publishing using the d20 System; this version had an impressive collection of module books.

Sierra was developing a Babylon 5 space combat game called Into The Fire, that was purportedly based on the newtonian-style piloting of Particle Systems' Independence War franchise. But it was cancelled late in development.