Codex - Necrons Angry Robot Edition: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 17:56, 31 October 2015
Angry codices are an attempt to improve internal and external balance. Check out the Angry Codex hub for the other angry codices.
The aim of this codex is to give the feeling of fielding a legion of remorseless robots marching relentlessly. This is not the Necron army which has been displayed in the official codices, but rather what has been displayed in the fluff. If you felt that it was stupid that your warriors tried to run from Initiative 6 opponents because they lost close combat by 4 and then get automatically destroyed, then this fandex might just be what you are looking for.
You can field small C´tan pokemon with personalized skillsets for what you require/think is cool. The plan is to also make rules for the true C´tan (Nightbringer and the Deceiver for example), these will be superheavy creatures which should display their actual godlike power.
For reasons of different choices, and Q&A + suggestions; check the discussion page.
Games Workshop in no way endorses this codex nor any of the other Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger player base.
Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Before adding anything to an angry codex, first write in the discussion page of the page in question and say what you want to change. If no one responds within 1 week, feel free to change it. If someone objects you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. AngryPirate does not follow these rules, mainly because he is mostly editing stuff he himself wrote. If you don´t agree with an edit AngryPirate has made you can PM him or write in the talk page.
Necron special rules
Reanimation Protocols:
Whenever a Necron model with this rule is removed from the table, put a marker next to its unit, laying the model down beside it´s unit works nicely. At the start of each of your turns, go through your units one at a time, roll 1d6 per reanimation counter the unit has, for each 5+ rolled restore one of the models to life with one wound remaining. Place the resurrected model within 2" of a model, which was already there before the start of your turn. Finally remove all models that were not restored to life. When the last model with Reanimation Protocols from a unit is removed or a unit loses Reanimation Protocols, remove all Reanimation counters.
A model with this rule automatically fails cover saves.
Living Metal
A model with this rule ignores the effects of the "Crew Shaken" result of the vehicle damage table.
Warlord traits
- 1 - Megalomaniac:
Your army gains 1 Victory Point for each enemy character slain by your Warlord in a challenge.
- 2 - Tomb Defender:
The Overlords unit reroll failed we´ll be back rolls, while one or more members of his unit are within 3” of a tactical objective.
- 3 - Night Raider:
If you choose to use the Night Fighting rules in your game, there is no need to roll – it is Night on the first turn. Any Strategic objectives numbered 21-36 captured while the Night Fighting rules are in effect are worth 3 points each.
- 4 - Great reclaimer:
All members of the Overlords unit treat all enemy units within 3” of an objective as preferred enemies.
- 5 - Insanity:
The Warlord and any unit he joins has the Rage and Stubborn special rules and loses the Fearless special rule.
- 6 - Domination Protocols:
At the start of the game, before adding tactical objectives, add the domination tactical objective from your tactical objective deck to your active tactical objectives. This does not count towards the number of Active Tactical Objectives you currently have in play. You cannot draw the domination objective again as it is permanently added. If you are playing a game without tactical objectives: Your warlord and his unit gains pinning on all their shooting weapons.
Detachments and formations
This fandex was not made with detachments in mind, if you are finding this dex to be too weak you could try experimenting with formations/detachments from the official codex or from forgeworld.
Armoury of the Ancients
Cryptek Wargear
Despair Wargear
Abyssal staff
Range S AP Type Template 8 2 - Assault 1,
- Shroud of Despair: To Wound rolls from the abyssal staff´s shooting attacks are made against the target´s leadership rather than toughness. The abyssal staff´s shooting attack has no effect against vehicles. Wounds caused by an abyssal staff can never cause instant death.
Nightmare Shroud:
One use only. A nightmare shroud can be used during the shooting phase instead of firing a shooting weapon. Choose one unengaged enemy unit within 18", of the model with the nightmare shroud, that unit must immediately take a Morale test. Whenever a unit passes a morale test caused by a nightmare shroud it permanently loses 1 LD, this is cumulative meaning it can happen multiple times in a single game.
Veil of Darkness
A Cryptek and any unit he joins has the Deepstrike special rule. During your end phase if the Crypteks unit is unengaged they may immediately be removed from the board and enter ongoing reserves.
Destruction Wargear
Eldritch Lance
Range S AP Type 24 5 - Assault 3, Eldritch Firestorm, Rending, Lance
- Eldritch Firestorm: Every time a weapon with this rule hits a target place an Eldritch Counter on the target. When a weapon with this rule shoots at a target with one or more Eldritch Counters increase the number of shots made by the number of counters on the unit. Any shots generated this way are fired as snap shots. If multiple models in the same unit shoot at the target, roll to hit with one model at a time increasing the shots of later models as earlier models hit the target. No more than six additional shots per weapon can be generated this way. All Eldritch Counters are removed at the start of your shooting phase.
Gaze of Flame
The Cryptek is armed with defensive grenades. When assaulted the gaze of flame can be used to overwatch as a S-6 AP-3 template weapon.
Solar Pulse
One use only. At the start of any game turn the Solar Pulse may be activated, if night fighting is in effect it ceases to be in effect for the remainder of the game turn, if is not in effect, it comes into effect for the rest of the game turn.
Eternity Wargear
Range S AP Type - User 2 Melee, Concussive, Timewarp
- Timewarp: A model attacking with a weapon with this rule, counts it´s initiative as 10.
One use per turn. A chronometron can be used to re-roll a single dice concerning the model carrying the Chronometron. If the model is in a unit, the re-roll can instead be used by any of the models in the unit.
Timesplinter Cloak
The model and any unit he joins gain a 5+ invulnerable save. If two models with a timesplinter cloak are in the same unit the save is increased to a 4+. If 4 models all equipped with timesplinter cloaks are in the same unit, the save is increased to a 3+. If 10 models all equipped with timesplinter cloaks are in the same unit, the save is increased to a 2+.
Storm Wargear
Voltaic staff
Range S AP Type - 5 - Assault 4, Thunderstrike, Tesla
- Thunderstrike: All to hit rolls of 6 made against vehicles count as having the haywire type, this does not include additional hits created by the tesla rule.
Ether Crystal
Any unit arriving by Deep Strike within 18" of the bearer suffers d6 Strength 8 AP 5 hits with no cover saves allowed, this is cumulative meaning if a unit Deep Strikes within the range of 4 Ether Crystals they suffer 4d6 S 8 AP 5 hits with no cover saves allowed.
Lightning Field
The Cryptek can only use a lightning field as an overwatch reaction. The lightning field is a Template shooting attack with Strength 8 AP 5 Assault 2.
Transmogrification Wargear
Range S AP Type - 4 - Assault 1, Blast, Quake
- Quake: All enemy units hit by a weapon with the Quake type treat open ground as difficult terrain during their next Movement phase.
Harp of Dissonance
One use only. At the start of the shooting phase, choose one enemy non-superheavy vehicle on the table that is visible to the cryptek, reduce that vehicles Front-,Side-, and Rear Armour to 10 for the remainder of the turn.
Seismic Crucible
Any unit assaulting the cryptek or his unit count as moving through difficult- and dangerous terrain while assaulting.
Dispersion Shield
A model armed with a Dispersion Shield has a 4+ invulnerable save. Any time a model with this rule succesfully makes an armour or invulnerable save against a ranged attack, choose one enemy unit within 6" that unit immedietly suffers one hit using the profile of the weapon fired at the model carrying the Dispersion Shield. The hit counts as coming from the model with the shield, for the purposes of cover saves etc.
Resurrection Orb
Once per game the bearer of a Resurrection Orb can do one of the following things:
- After the Overlords unit has made its Reanimation Protocol rolls you can re-roll any failed rolls for his unit. - When the last model with Reanimation Protocols in his unit would be removed from the table, roll for Reanimation Protocols as if it were the beginning of your turn.
- If the Overlord is embarked upon a Catacomb Command Barge he can use either ability upon any friendly unit within 6", although the Resurrection Orb can still only be used once.
If a model armed with a Shadowloom does not shoot or flat out it becomes Shrouded.
Shield Vanes
Shield vanes confer a 3+ Armour Save.
Fabricator Claw Array
Instead of running or shooting a model armed with a Fabricator Claw Array may repair a Necron vehicle within 3". Roll a d6, on a 4+ apply one of the following things to the vehicle; restore 1 hull point lost earlier in the battle OR restore one destroyed weapon OR remove a vehicle immobilised result from the vehicle.
Gloom Prism
A model equipped with a gloom prism generate d6 warp charges in your opponents turn.
Whip Coils
A model equipped with whip coils increase its Initiative by 3.
Mindshackle Scarabs
At the start of the Assault phase, after assault moves have been made, but before any blows are struck, randomly select an enemy model in base contact with the bearer of the mindshackle scarabs. That model must immediately take a Leadership test on 3D6. If the test is passed, the mindshackle scarabs have no effect. If the test is failed, the victim strikes out at his allies. Instead of attacking normally, he inflicts D3 hits on his own unit when it is his turn to attack. Unless there are no other models in his unit he will not hit himself. If the target is in a challenge the target must hit itself. These hits are resolved at the victim´s strength, and benefit from any abilities and penalties from his close combat weapons (the controller of the mindshackle scarabs chooses which, there is a choice). If he is still alive, the victim returns to normal once all blows in that round of combat have been struck.
A model armed with a phylactery regains wounds with It Will Not Die on a 4+ instead of a 5+. A model armed with a Phylactery gains Eternal Warrior.
Melee Weapons
Hyperphase Sword
Range S AP Type Cleave - User 3 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Multiple Melee Profiles Slash - +1 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Multiple Melee Profiles
- Multiple Melee Profiles: A model equipped with a weapon with this rule, can choose which of the weapons profiles to use at the start of each round of assault. If multiple models in a unit are armed with the same weapon with this rule, they must all choose the same profile.
Range S AP Type - +2 2 Melee, Armourbane, Shielbreaker
- Shieldbreaker: All succesful invulnerable saves made against wounds suffered by weapons with this rule, must be rerolled.
Range S AP Type - User 5 Melee, Rending, Armourshredder
- Armourshredder: While wielded as a pair this weapon gains entropic strike.
- Entropic strike: When a model or a weapon with this rule causes an unsaved wound against a model, that model permanently loses its armour save. When this model hits a vehicle, before armour penetration, roll one d6 per hit, for every 4+ rolled reduce the armour value of all facings of that vehicle by one point.
Flayer Claws
Range S AP Type - User 5 Melee, Shred
Gauntlet of Fire
Range S AP Type - User - Melee, Shred, Flamestrike
- Flamestrike: A model attacking with a Gauntlet of Fire can re-roll failed to-hit rolls.
Ranged Weapons
Alien Abduction
Range S AP Type - x 1 Assault 1, Wormhole, Gate, Bomb
- Wormhole A unit hit by a weapon with this rule must take one strength test for the model closest to the weapon that caused the hit, if the test is succesful nothing happens, if the test is failed remove that model from play with no saves of any kind allowed and then move on to the next closest model, continue this untill the unit has taken a number of strength tests equal to the number of hits suffered from the weapon with this rule. Models with no strength value instead suffer a single glancing hit.
- Gate: A model cannot use, both a weapon with this rule and one of the Eternity Gate options, in the same turn.
Death Sphere
Range S AP Type - D 1 Assault 1, Blast, Bomb, Destroyer
Death ray
Range S AP Type 6 10 1 Assault 1, Ray
- Ray: Weapons with this type cannot be fired as snap shots. When firing a weapon with this rule pick a point within the weapons firing arc and within it´s range, next pick a new point within the firing arc of the weapon and within 6" of the first point, draw 1 mm thick line between the two points, any model under the line takes a single hit with the profile of the weapon.
Doomsday Cannon
Range S AP Type 120 D 1 Heavy 1, Divert Power 72 10 1 Heavy 1
- Divert Power: This profile cannot be used if the vehicle using the weapon with this type has moved in the movement phase.
Range S AP Type Template 4 5 Assault 1
Heavy Flamer
Range S AP Type Template 5 4 Assault 1
Multi melta
Range S AP Type 24 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta
Gate of Oblivion
Range S AP Type Template x 1 Assault 1, Wormhole, Gate
- Wormhole: A unit hit by a weapon with this rule must take one strength test for the model closest to the weapon that caused the hit, if the test is successful nothing happens, if the test is failed remove that model from play with no saves of any kind allowed and then move on to the next closest model, continue this until the unit has taken a number of strength tests equal to the number of hits suffered from the weapon with this rule. Models with no strength value instead suffer a single glancing hit.
- Gate: A model cannot use, both a weapon with this rule and one of the Eternity Gate options, in the same turn.
Gauss and Gauzz Weapons
Range S AP Type Gauzz Flayer 24 3 - Rapid Fire, Rending, Lance Gauzz Ripper 24 3 - Heavy 3, Rending, Lance, Independent Targeting Gauzz Tearer 24 3 - Heavy 10, Rending, Lance, Independent Targeting Gauzz Excruciator 24 3 - Heavy 16, Rending, Lance Gauss Blaster 30 4 4 Heavy 1, Gauss Gauzz Cannon 36 6 3 Assault 1, Gauss Heavy Gauzz Cannon 48 6 2 Ordnance 1, Lance, Gauss Gauss crystal 24 6 - Ordinance 1, Large Blast, Lance, Gauss Gauss Destroyer (Focussed) 120 8 2 Heavy 2, Gauss, Interceptor, Skyfire Gauss Destroyer (Scattered) Template 4 - Heavy 1, Gauss, Torrent Gauss Annihilator (Focussed) 120 D 1 Primary Weapon 3, Destroyer, Skyfire Gauss annihilator (Scattered) Flamestorm Template 5 3 Primary Weapon 1, Gauss
- Gauss: Any to wound roll of 6 causes an additional automatic wound with ap 2, even if the weapon would not normally be able to wound. Any armour penetration roll of 6 causes the target to loose a single hull point regardless of the strength of the weapon fired and the armour value of the vehicle.
Particle Weapons
Range S AP Type Particle Caster 12 5 5 Assault 1, Pistol Particle Blaster 24 6 5 Heavy 1, Blast, Ignores Cover, Barrage Heavy Particle Cannon 30 7 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Barrage Particle Whip (Bombard) 48 6 5 Ordnance 3, Blast, Barrage Particle Whip (Devestate) 24 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast,Barrage
Powers of the C´tan
Range S AP Type 1 Antimatter Meteor 24 8 3 Assault 1, Large Blast, Powers of the C´tan 2 Cosmic Fire 24 6 4 Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Powers of the C´tan 3 Seismic Assault 24 6 4 Assault 10, Strikedown, Powers of the C´tan 4 Sky of Falling Stars 24 7 4 Assault 3, Large Blast, Barrage, Powers of the C´tan 5 Time´s Arrow 24 D 1 Assault 1, Precision Shots, Powers of the C´tan 6 Transdimensional Thunderbolt 24 9 1 Assault 1, Tesla, Powers of the C´tan
- Powers of the C´tan: Once per turn Powers of the C´tan can be used as a shooting weapon, first roll a d6 and consult the table above then choose an enemy unit within range and fire the weapon with the profile.
Staff of Light
Range S AP Type 12 5 3 Assault 3, Blind, Power Sword, Illuminate
- Power Sword: A ranged weapon with this type counts as an AP 3 Melee weapon in close combat.
- Illuminate: A unit hit by a weapon with this type loses the Stealth special rule (if they have it).
Synaptic Disintegrator
Range S AP Type 24 8 1 Rapid Fire, Rending, Poison (4+), Precision Shots
Tachyon Arrow
Range S AP Type 240 10 1 Assault 1, One Shot Only
Tesla Weapons
Range S AP Type Tesla blaster 30 5 - Assault 1, Tesla Tesla cannon 30 6 - Heavy 2, Tesla Heavy tesla cannon 30 7 - Heavy 3, Tesla Tesla Sphere 48 8 - Heavy 1, Tesla
- Tesla: Any to hit roll of 6 causes two additional hits with the weapons profile.
Tesseract singularity
Range S AP Type Earthquake 48 3 - Assault 6, Large Blast, Pinning, Groundshake, Rending, Quake Seismic Pull 24 x - Heavy 10, Graviton, Pull, Pinning, Quake Singularity projection 24 x 2 Heavy 2, Large Blast, Graviton, Pinning, Quake
- Groundshake: Any building hit by this weapon takes d6 strength 10 ap - hits per hit suffered.
- Quake: All enemy units hit by a weapon with the Quake type treat open ground as difficult terrain during their next Movement phase.
- Pull: Any unit hit by a weapon with this type are moved 2d6" as if they were fleeing towards the weapon fired at them.
Vehicle Wargear
Eternity Gate:
Once per turn during the movement phase you can do one of three things 1: a single unit in reserves may move out from the portal as if they were embarked upon the vehicle with the Eternity Gate, counting the gate as the only access point. 2: Remove a single unengaged unit from the field and then that unit must immediately move out from the portal as if they were embarked upon the vehicle with the Eternity Gate, counting the gate as the only access point. 3: a single unit may move into the gate as if the vehicle with the Eternity Gate had transport capacity, instead of embarking upon the vehicle, treating the gate as the only access point, the models are moved from the table into ongoing reserves. Night Scythes must be hovering in order to make use of their Eternity Gate.
Quantum Shielding:
Models with Quantum Shielding have an armour value in brackets, untill the model has suffered a penetrating hit it uses the higher value in brackets, once it has it must instead use the lower value. If a unit of havocs with 3 las cannons and one meltagun shoot at a ghost barge which has yet to suffer a penetrating hit, the entire unit will count the vehicle as not having suffered a penetrating hit even if you roll a penetrating hit with the multi-melta before rolling for the las-cannons.
Nemesor Zahndrekh
170 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Overlord | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Overlord |
- Staff of Light
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
- Legendary Tactician Whilst Nemesor Zahndrekh is within 24" of any enemy unit(s) with any of the following special rules: Counter-attack, Furious Charge, Hit & Run, Split Fire, Stealth, Tank Hunters - then Zahndrekh and his unit also have the same special rule(s).
- Reverse Frequency Beacon If Vargard Obyron and his unit attempts to Deep Strike within 6" of Nemesor Zahndrekh, they do not scatter.
- Mad Nemesor of Sautekh: If Nemesor Zahndrekh is not your warlord ignore this rule. Nemesor Zahndrekh starts the game with the Insanity Necron Warlord trait. At the start of each of your turns you must choose any warlord trait from among the Warlord trait tables in the main rulebook or one of the Necron Warlord traits, for the rest of the turn this is Nemesor Zahndrekhs warlord trait. Nemesor Zahndrekh cannot select a warlord trait that he had previously.
Vargard Obyron
130 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Lord | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Lord |
- Warscythe
- Veil of Darkness
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Everliving
- Fearless
- Vargard: A unit with one or more models with this rule pass look out sir rolls on a 2+ for any models in said unit.
- Cleaving Counterblow: After an opponent has attacked Vargard Obyron in a challenge, Vargard Obyron may immediatley attack a number of times equal to the number of times his opponent missed, these attacks are carried out the same Initiative step as the opponents attacks and will occur even if Vargard Obyron was killed by the attacks. If Obyron is alone then he counts as being in a challenge with anyone he is fighting for the purpose of this rule, even if they are not characters.
Arch Cryptek Nefzahar
180 pts. Nefzahar was the architect of the biotransference. Nefzahar believes those who would return to flesh are weak and short sighted. Nefzahar has knowledge of all cryptek diciplines, a feat none other can claim.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Arch Cryptek Nefzahar | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 (Unique) |
- Eldritch Lance
- Timesplinter Cloak
- Seismic Crucible
- Nightmare Shroud
- Ether Crystal
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Everliving
- Fearless
- Master Technomancer All friendly units within 6" pass Reanimation Protocol rolls on 4+.
- Mechanical Augmentations Before deployment nominate one unit of Necron Warriors or Necron Immortals then roll a D3 and apply the bonus to the chosen unit.
- 1: +1 BS
- 2: +1 Strength, WS, and Iniative
- 3: +1 Toughness
Illuminor Szeras
160 pts. Illumor Szeras greatest wish and final plan is to become a creature of pure energy, to become one with the universe and be the ruler of all creatures of the flesh. Meanwhile he uses his mechanical form to its utmost advantage.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Illuminor Szeras | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 (Unique) |
- Power of the C´tan
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Everliving
- Fearless
- Transendence At the start of each of your turns roll a D6 and add the current turn number, if you roll 7 or higher Illuminor Szeras turns into a Transcendent C´tan.
Orikan the Diviner
160 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Orikan the Diviner | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 (Unique) |
- Timesplinter Cloak
- Chronometron
- Staff of Tommorow
Range S AP Type - User x 2 1 Melee, Concussive, Timewarp, Master Crafted
- Timewarp: A model attacking with a weapon with this rule, counts it´s initiative as 10.
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Everliving
- Fearless
- Temporal Snares During the first game turn, all enemy units that move count as moving through difficult terrain. If they are actually moving through difficult terrain, then roll D3s instead of D6es.
- Master Chronomancer: Orikan can use his Chronometron thrice each turn. Remember it is not possible to re-roll a re-rolled dice, this includes a twin-linked shot that failed to hit the second time. For the purposes of finding out what Invulnerable save his timesplinter cloak gives, count Orikan as having 4 timesplinter cloaks. This means if no further Timesplinter cloaks are in his unit he awards his unit a 4+ Invulnerable save against shooting, if another 2 timesplinter cloaks are in his unit then his unit has a 3+ invulnerable save, and if another 8 timesplinter cloaks are in his unit then his unit has a 2+ invulnerable save.
Anrakyr the Traveller
160 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Overlord | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Overlord |
- Tachyon Arrow
- Warscythe
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
- Counter-attack
- Furious Charge
- Mind in the Machine At the start of your shooting phase, choose an enemy vehicle within 12" of Anrakyr the Traveller and roll a D6. On a 4+, randomly select one of that vehicle´s weapons (do not include Bombs, weapons with the One Use Only/One Shot Only special rule that have already fired, and weapons that are destroyed). You may then shoot with the selected weapon at another enemy unit. The weapon fires using Anrakyrs Ballistic Skill even if the vehicle is Crew Stunned or Shaken.
- Pyrrhian Eternals: Before rolling for warlord traits, choose a unit of immortals. That unit gain´s Counter-attack and Furious Charge.
Trazyn the Infinite
160 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Overlord | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Overlord |
- Empathic Obliterator
Range S AP Type - User 2 Melee, Concussive, Psionic Shockwave
- Psionic Shockwave If Trazyn slays a model(s) in close combat inflict a single S 3 AP - hit on every enemy model in combat with Trazyn that has the same Initiative as the model(s) slain. The Shockwave is conducted at Iniative 3 after Trazyn has made all his attacks.
- Tesseract Labyrinth
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
- Objective Secured: Trazyn can claim objectives even if an enemy model is within 3" of the objective, unless the model(s) also has Objective Secured.
- Surrogate Hosts If Trazyn would be removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On a 2+, choose another friendly Necron character (excluding Unique models). Remove the model as a casualty and place Trazyn in it´s place with as many wounds remaining as the removed model had. If the character was locked in combat, Trazyn is now locked in combat with the same unit. If no such characters remains, or a 1 was rolled, remove Trazyn as a casualty.
Necron Overlord
90 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Overlord | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Overlord |
- Staff of Light
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
Necron Destroyer Lord
160 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Destroyer Lord | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 3+ | Jump Jet Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Destroyer Lord |
- Warscythe
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Independent Character
- Hammer of Wrath
- Hatred
- Preferred Enemy
- It Will Not Die
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- Destruction Protocols: All Necron Destroyers in a unit with a Necron Destroyer Lord gain +1 WS and +1 BS.
Necron Lord
50 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Lord | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Lord |
- Staff of Light
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Everliving
- Fearless
- Vargard: The Lord has WS 6. In addition the Lord is always hit on a 5+ in challenges.
- May take one of the following:
- - Vargard •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 pts.
Cryptek Faculty
35 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Cryptek | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) | 1-5 Necron Crypteks |
Arch Cryptek | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (C) |
- Relevant harbinger weapon
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Arch Cryptek If you do not include multiple Crypteks in this unit then the lone Cryptek must be upgraded to an Arch Cryptek. Arch Crypteks are armed with a Staff of Light but may not buy any of the harbinger upgrades. Arch crypteks have 2 wounds. A unit including an Arch Cryptek can take Feel No Pain saves against wounds caused by weapons with twice the strength of the unit´s toughness. They cannot take Feel No Pain saves against wounds caused by Destroyer weapons as normal.
- Harbinger of Despair: A cryptek with this upgrade is armed with an abyssal staff.
- Harbinger of Destruction: A cryptek with this upgrade is armed with an eldritch lance.
- Harbinger of Eternity: A cryptek with this upgrade is armed with an aeonstave.
- Harbinger of the Storm: A cryptek with this upgrade is armed with a voltaic staff.
- Harbinger of Transmogrification: A cryptek with this upgrade is armed with a tremorstave.
Necron Warriors
80 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Warrior | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 4+ | Infantry | 10 Necron Warriors |
- Gauss Flayers
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- May include up to ten additional Necron Warriors - 8 pts./model
- The unit may take a Ghost Ark or a Night Scythe as a Dedicated Transport. If the unit numbers 20 models they may instead take a Monolith as a Dedicated Transport
Necron Immortals
85 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Immortal | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry | 5 Necron Immortals |
- Cannot be included in a detachment/formation as a part of the minimum number of troops choices
- The entire squad may be armed with either Gauss Blasters or Tesla Blasters
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- May include up to five additional Necron Immortals - 17 pts./model
- The unit may take a Night Scythe as a Dedicated Transport
Flayed Ones
80 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Flayed One | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 4+ | Infantry | 10 Flayed Ones |
- Cannot be included in a detachment/formation as a part of the minimum number of troops choices
- A pair of Flayer Claws
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fear
- Fearless
- May include up to ten additional Flayed Ones - 8 pts./model
Necron Deathmarks
95 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Deathmark | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry | 5 Necron Deathmarks |
- Synaptic Disintegrator
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- Deepstrike
- Hunters from Hyperspace: On the turn this unit arrives with deep strike it´s weapons gain the Fleshbane type in addition to thier other types.
- May include up to five additional Necron Deathmarks - 19 pts./model
Necron Pariahs
125 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Pariah | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry | 5 Necron Pariahs |
- Warscythe
- Gauss Blaster
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Fearless
- Fear
- Soulless Any unit with one or more models within 12” of a model with this special rule treats its leadership as 7 unless it would normally be lower.
- Nullsphere: Models with this rule cannot be targeted by, and are never affected by psychic powers. When an enemy psyker or psychic brotherhood attempts to manifest a psychic power within 12” of a model with this rule, they need to roll one higher on their dice to manifest psychic powers. This normally means only 5s and 6s successfully generate warp charges, however if a psyker normally manifests on a 2+, that psyker instead manifests warp charges on 3+ while within 12” of a model with the Nullsphere rule.
- May include up to five additional Necron Pariahs - 25 pts./model
175 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Lychguard | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry | 5 Lychguard |
- Hyperphase Sword
- Dispersion Shield
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- Bodyguard: A unit with one or more models with this rule can reroll failed look out sir rolls for any models in said unit.
- May include up to five additional Lychguard - 35 pts./model
Triarch Praetorians
175 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Triarch Preatorian | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Jump Infantry | 5 Triarch Preatorians |
- Must be armed with one of the following:
- Voidblade and particle caster - Rod of the covenant
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- May include up to five additional Triarch Praetorians - 35 pts./model
Triarch Stalker
130 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Triarch Stalker | 4 | 11/13 | 11/13 | 11/13 | 4 | Vehicle (Walker, Open-topped) | 1 Triarch Stalker |
- Two Heavy Flamers
- Two Multi-meltas
- Quantum Shielding
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
- Move Through Cover
- Night Fighting
- Synchronized Targeting: All Necron Infantry, Jump Infantry, and Jetpack Infantry within 6" of a model with this rule gain +1 BS and Night Fighting.
C´tan Shard
120 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
C´tan Shard | 7 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | Monstrous Creature (C) | 1 C´tan Shard |
- Godhood
Special rules:
- Fearless
- Feel No Pain
- Eternal Warrior
- Gods of Realspace: Any shooting or close combat attack done by a psyker (or a member of a brotherhood of psykers) uses the preferred enemy rule while shooting at/attacking a C´tan Shard. All psykers have the hatred (C´tan shards).
- No C´tan upgrade can be take more than once in any army. You cannot have more than 3 C´tan upgrades in an army, this means if you take a C´tan with 3 upgrades you cannot include any further C´tan in any detachments or formations. You could take one C´tan with one power and one with two powers or three C´tan with one power
- Must take 1-3 of the following upgrades:
Canoptek Centipede
180 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Centipede | 3 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 3+/5++ | Monstrous Creature | 1 Canoptek Centipede |
- Gate of Oblivion
- Twin-linked Gauzz Flayer
Special Rules:
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Move Through Cover
- Deep Strike
- Burrow: A Canoptek Centipede can be in either burrowed or unburrowed mode. While unburrowed it moves and counts as a normal monstrous creature. While burrowed it´s toughness is increased to 8, but otherwise it is still a Monstrous Creature. All weapons loose any rule that makes wound on a set value, like snipers or poison weapons, when shooting at a burrowed Canoptek Centipede. A burrowed Canoptek Centipede cannot use any shooting weapons but it can still run. A Canoptek Centipede cannot assault or be assaulted, and it cannot burrow during an assault. When it deep strikes you can choose whether it starts in burrowed or unburrowed mode.
- Tremor: Once per turn, whenever a Canoptek Centipede moves you can choose to either burrow or unburrow. Whenever a Canoptek Centipede unburrows; all enemy units within 12" must take a pinning test.
Fast Attack
Necron Destroyers
120 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Destroyer | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Jet Infantry | 3 Necron Destroyers |
- Gauzz Cannon
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Hammer of Wrath
- Preferred Enemy
- Reanimation Protocols
- It Will Not Die
- Feel No Pain
- Slow and Purposeful
- Fearless
- May include up to two additional Necron Destroyers - 40 pts./model
- Up to three Necron Destroyers may exchange their Gauss Cannons for Heavy Gauss Cannons…..20 pts/model
Tomb Blades
57 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Tomb Blade | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 4+ | Jetbike | 3 Tomb Blades |
- Twin-linked Gauss- or Tesla Blaster
- Shadowloom
Special Rules:
- Reanimation Protocols
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- May include up to seven additional Tomb Blades - 19 pts./model
- Any Tomb Blade may exchange its Gauss/Tesla Blaster for Particle Blaster…..5 pts/model
- Any Tomb Blade may take shield vanes..........3 pts/model
Ghost Ark
100 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Ghost Ark | 4 | 11/13 | 11/13 | 11 | 4 | Vehicle (Skimmer, Open-topped, Transport) | 1 Ghost Ark |
- Two Gauzz Tearers
- Quantum Shielding
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
- Repair Barge: At the start of each Necron shooting phase, a Ghost Ark can nominate a unit of Necron Warriors within 6" (or embarked on a vehicle within 6") of the Ghost ark and roll a D6. On a 2+ add D3 models to the unit within unit coherency. If a model cannot be placed for any reason it is destroyed, this rule cannot bring a unit above it´s starting number of models.
- Transport Capacity: Zero models. This model cannot transport any models. No models may stay inside this vehicle, although it may still be taken as a dedicated transport.
Canoptek Wraiths
105 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Wraiths | 3 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 3++ | Jump Infantry | 3 Canoptek Wraiths |
- Ethereal Claws (Voidblades)
Special Rules:
- Shrouded
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Move Through Cover
- May include up to three additional Canoptek Wraiths - 35 pts./model
- The entire unit may be equipped with tentacles - 3 pts./model
Canoptek Acanthrites/Dragonflies
120 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Acanthrite/Dragonfly | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 2+ | Jump Infantry | 3 Canoptek Acanthrites/Dragonflies |
- Canoptek Iridium Drills (Chainfist)
- Close Combat Weapon
- Acanthrite Burners (Meltaguns)
- Phaseshifter
Special Rules:
- Shrouded
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Move Through Cover
- Relentless
- May include up to three additional Canoptek Acanthrites/Dragonflies - 40 pts./model
Canoptek Scarab Swarms
45 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Scarab Swarm | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 5+ | Beast | 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms |
- A pair of Voidblades
Special Rules:
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Eternal Warrior
- May include up to seven additional Canoptek Scarab Swarms - 15 pts./model
130 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Night Scythe | 4 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 3 | Vehicle (Flyer, Fast, Hover) | 1 Night Scythe |
- Heavy Tesla Cannon
- Eternity Gate
- 1 Abduction Orb
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Vector Dancer
- Sound of Madness: Whenever a model with this rule moves over an enemy unit, that unit must take a pinning test.
- Transport Capacity: Zero models. This model cannot transport any models. No models may stay inside this vehicle, although it may still be taken as a dedicated transport.
Death Scythe
210 pts
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Death Scythe | 4 | 12 | 12 | 11 | 4 | Vehicle (Flyer, Fast, Hover) | 1 Death Scythe |
- Twin-linked Heavy Tesla Cannon
- Five Death Spheres
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
- Vector Dancer
- Sound of Madness: Whenever a model with this rule moves over an enemy unit, that unit must take a pinning test.
180 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Night Scythe | 4 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 3 | Vehicle (Flyer, Fast, Hover) | 1 Night Scythe |
- Twin-linked Heavy Tesla Cannon
- Death Ray
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
- Vector Dancer
- Sound of Madness: Whenever a model with this rule moves over an enemy unit, that unit must take a pinning test.
Heavy Support
Tesseract Ark
160 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Tesseract Ark | 4 | 12(14) | 12(14) | 12 | 4 | Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer, Heavy, Open-topped) | 1 Tesseract Ark |
- Tesseract Singularity Chamber
- Two Tesla Cannons
- Quantum Shielding
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
Necron Monolith
180 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Monolith | 4 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 4 | Vehicle (Heavy, Skimmer) | 1 Necron Monolith |
- Gauss Crystal
- Four Gauzz Rippers
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Deep Strike
- Living Metal:
- Behemoth´s Decent: If the monolith scatters on top of a model or a piece of impassable terrain while deep striking, reduce the amount it scatters until it is at least 1” from enemy models and it is no longer on top of impassable terrain or models.
- Immortal Machine: Even after this model is wrecked, as long as this model is on the field, keep rolling for It Will Not Die, if it regains a hull point it comes back into play with that one hull point it now has. Similarly, models with a fabricator claw array can repair this model even while it has zero hull points. If this model is removed from the table by an effect like the "explodes" result on the vehicle damage table, you do not get to keep on rolling for It Will Not Die.
- Move Through Cover:
- Transport Capacity: Zero models. This model cannot transport any models. No models may stay inside this vehicle, although it may still be taken as a dedicated transport.
Doomsday Ark
120 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Doomsday Ark | 4 | 10/12) | 10(12) | 10 | 4 | Vehicle (Skimmer) | 1 Doomsday Ark |
- Doomsday Cannon
- Quantum Shielding
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Living Metal
Annihilation Barge
130 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Annihilation Barge | 4 | 11/13) | 11(13) | 11 | 3 | Vehicle (Skimmer) | 1 Annihilation Barge |
- Two heavy particle cannons
- Gauzz Cannon or Tesla Cannon
- Quantum Shielding
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
Canoptek Spyders
60 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | Ws | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Spyder | 3 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Monstrous Creature | 1 Canoptek Spyder |
- Close Combat Weapon
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Feel No Pain
- Fearless
- Scarab Hive: Once per turn during the movement phase, each model with this rule must choose a unit within 12” with both Canoptek and Swarm in its name. place a new model, with the same name as the chosen unit, within unit coherency. Ignore this rule if no eligible unit is within range.
- May include up to two additional Canoptek Spyders - 60 pts./model
- Any Spyder may take a Fabricator Claw Array - 10 pts./model
- Any Spyder may take a Gloom Prism - 20 pts./model
- Any Spyder may take a Twin-linked Particle Blaster - 15 pts./model
Transcendent C´tan
240 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Transcendent C´tan | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Monstrous Creature (C) | 1 Transcendent C´tan |
Cryptek Controllers | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 4+ | Infantry (C) |
Wargear (C´tan):
- Powers of the C´tan
Wargear (Cryptek Controllers):
- Staff Of Light
Special rules:
- Fearless
- Feel No Pain
- Gods of Realspace (C´tan only): Any shooting or close combat attack done by a psyker (or a member of a brotherhood of psykers) uses the preferred enemy rule while shooting at/attacking a Transcendent C´tan. All psykers have the hatred (Transcendent C´tan).
- Control: When shooting it´s powers of the C´tan you can roll a number of additional dice equal to the number of Cryptek Controllers in this unit and choose one among those as the power fired.
- May add two Cryptek Controllers•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 60 pts
Lords of War
Imotekh the Stormlord
250 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Overlord | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry (C) | 1 Necron Overlord |
- Gauntlet of flame
- Staff of the Destroyer
Range S AP Type 1 6 2 Assault 1, Ray, One Use Only
- Ray: Weapons with this type cannot be fired as snap shots. When firing a weapon with this rule pick a point within the weapons firing arc and within it´s range, next pick a new point within the firing arc of the weapon and within 6" of the first point, draw 1 mm thick line between the two points, any model under the line takes a single hit with the profile of the weapon.
Special rules:
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
- Sautekhs Phaeron: Immortals can fill the minimum required number of troops in a detachment including Imotekh.
- Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs Flayed Ones in the same detachment as Imotekh do not scatter when Deep Striking within 12" of an enemy unit.
- Cover of Night Nightfighting is always in effect during the first game turn if your army includes Imotekh, no need to roll. During the second turn you may roll a dice, which may be re-rolled with a chronometron, on a 3+ nightfighting stays in effect on the second game turn. On the third game turn you may try to keep nightfighting in effect on a 4+. Next turn it is a 5+, lastly a 6+.
- Thunderstrike Once per game at the start of a shooting, while nightfighting is in effect, the Stormlord may issue a thunderstrike. Thunderstrike works like a nova power with a range of 48", roll a D6 for each unit hit, if you roll a 5+ the unit suffers D6 Strength 8 AP - hits.
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Pictures, build guide and fluff
1000 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Canoptek Tomb Stalker | 3 | 3 | 10 | 7 | 10 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 2+ | Gargantuan Creature | 1 Canoptek Tomb Stalker |
- Artificers Claw
Special Rules:
- Godless
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die
- Fearless
- Spyder Hive: Once per turn during the movement phase, each model with this rule must choose a Canoptek Spyder unit, roll 1d6 on a 2+ place a new model, with the same name as the chosen unit, within unit coherency, if a 1 is rolled the model with this rule suffers a single wound with no saves allowed.
- Tomb Mother: Once per turn during your shooting phase if the Canoptek Tomb Stalker is not locked in combat, it may summon a new unit of 2d3 Canoptek models with the Jump Infantry type, or 1 Canoptek model with the Monster type. The new unit must be placed entirely within 12” of the Canoptek Tomb Stalker.
- Tomb Orb
Aeonic Orb
2500? pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Aeonic Orb | 4 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 30 | Vehicle (Superheavy, Heavy, Skimmer) | 1 Aeonic Orb |
- Star heart
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Deep Strike
- Move Through Cover
- Sunburn: An Aeonic Orb has stealth against any ranged attack coming from less than 24" away, it also has shrouded if the attack is coming from less than 12" away.
- Morning Sunshine: Nightfighting is never in effect while an Aeonic Orb is on the field, no matter what any special characters might think or say.
- Behemoth´s Decent: If the monolith scatters on top of a model or a piece of terrain while deep striking, reduce the amount it scatters until it is at least 1” from enemy models and it is no longer on top of terrain or friendly models.
- Solar Powered: Before rolling for It Will Not Die for an Aeonic Orb, roll 4d6 and then roll for It Will Not Die that many times.
Necron Obelisk
300 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Obelisk | 4 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 6 | Vehicle (Superheavy, Flyer) | 1 Necron Obelisk |
- Four Tesla Spheres
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Deep Strike
- Behemoth´s Decent: If the monolith scatters on top of a model or a piece of terrain while deep striking, reduce the amount it scatters until it is at least 1” from enemy models and it is no longer on top of terrain or friendly models.
- Behemoth´s Decent: If
- Gravitational Destabilization Matrix: All enemy flyers, skimmers, jetbikes, jump- and jet units of all kinds within 24” treat all terrain as well as open ground as dangerous terrain, even flyers that normally ignore terrain.
- Ponderous: A model with this rule can only move 6” each movement phase and cannot move flat out. Models without skyfire do not need to fire snap shots at models with this rule, in addition template and blast weapons still affect models with this rule.
- Sleeping Sentry: A model with this rule gains a 3+ invulnerable save until the start of your next shooting phase if it did not fire any weapons during your shooting phase. Until your first shooting phase this model has a 3+ invulnerable save.
Tesseract Vault
650 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Obelisk | 4 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 6 | Vehicle (Superheavy, Flyer) | 1 Necron Obelisk + 1 Trapped Coalescent C´tan |
- Four Tesla Spheres
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Deep Strike
- Behemoth´s Decent: If the model scatters on top of a model or a piece of terrain while deep striking, reduce the amount it scatters until it is at least 1” from enemy models and it is no longer on top of terrain or friendly models.
- Caged God: Inside the Tesseract Vault is a Coalescent C´tan, this C´tan can be targeted and destroyed independently of the Tesseract Vault, likewise the Tesseract Vault can be targeted and destroyed independently. If the Tesseract Vault is destroyed prior to the destruction of the C`tan, place the C´tan with it´s remaining wounds anywhere 1” away from enemy models within 6” of the Tesseract Vault. The Coalescent C´tan cannot move independently of the Tesseract Vault until the Tesseract Vault is destroyed. The Caged C´tan loses the No Strings Attached and Living Weapon rules untill the Tesseract Vault is destroyed.
- Rage Against the Machine: At the start of every Enemy Shooting phase the Tesseract Vault (not the C´tan) takes a single S 10 AP - hit.
- Ponderous: A model with this rule can only move 6” each movement phase and cannot move flat out. Models without skyfire do not need to fire snap shots at models with this rule, in addition template and blast weapons still affect models with this rule.
- Somewhat Under Control: While the Tesseract Vault is alive you can choose the powers of the C´tan fired instead of rolling for them.
Coalescent C´tan
300 pts.
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | |
Coalescent C´tan | 5 | 5 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 2+ | Gargantuan Creature | 1 Coalescent C´tan |
Wargear (C´tan):
- Two Powers of the C´tan
Special rules:
- Fearless
- Feel No Pain
- Deep Strike
- Move Through Cover
- Living Weapon The Necron Player can target the C´tan with shooting weapons as if it was an opponents model.
- Arrrghh: Whenever a Coalescent C´tan suffers a wound, saved or not, it moves 1" away from the model that caused the wound, moving as if was fleeing from the model. This can cause it to move off the board, if it does, it counts as having fled off the board.
- Uncontrollable Rage: Coalescent C´tan cannot assault.
- No Strings Attached: Your opponent may shoot with the Coalescent C´tan, in his shooting phase, as if he was it´s controller.
- Gods of Realspace: Any shooting or close combat attack done by a psyker (or a member of a brotherhood of psykers) uses the preferred enemy rule while shooting at/attacking a Coalescent C´tan. All psykers have the hatred (Coalescent C´tan).
Large monolith with transport capacity of 9 monoliths, maybe just 4. Maybe 8 transport and then a portal which can bring in more, or just the portal.
3000 pts.
BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | |
Necron Obelisk | 4 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 50 | Vehicle (Superheavy, Skimmer) | 1 Necron Obelisk |
- Fifty six Ghostly Chains
Ghostly Chain
Range S AP Type 12 6 - Assault 3, Rending
- Four Heavenly Chains
Heavenly Chain
Range S AP Type 24 D 1 Assault 1, Destroyer
Special Rules:
- It Will Not Die
- Move Through Cover
- Soul Reaper: Whenever a model with this rule causes a wound place a soul counter on this model.
- Soul Feast: At the start of each turn, you may remove any number of soul counters from this model to heal a single wound lost earlier for every 5 counters removed, on a single C´tan model within 6".
Coalescent Major C´tan
Lots of assembled shards from a single of the great C´tan that looks like the big ones, like the Deceiver, Nightbringer, or Burning One. Reaver Titan and higher equivalents, each one with different level. All major ones planned with different rules for each one, not entirely sure whether or not the void dragon should be included, since it is still whole I suppose? Could say it is only a major shard on Mars.