The Angry Initiative
Introduction[edit | edit source]
Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with the Angry Codices. The intent of the Angry Initiative is NOT to make Games Workshop go out of business, but rather to bring the game part of the hobby up to speed with the most detailed setting of any game and arguably also the best miniatures of any miniature wargame.
The Angry Initiative is about making more fair and fun codices. The core principle of the Angry Initiative is letting you play with the miniatures you own and love and punishing people as little as possible for making the "wrong" modeling and purchasing strategies.
The Angry Initative is an attempt at making new codices for all the factions of the game including the factions and units from Forgeworld. The intention is that these codices be more streamlined, fit the fluff more closely and most importantly be more internally and externally balanced.
The codices are intended to be used on their own, without any further supplements except for the Stronghold Assault fortification supplement.
Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Marines have been organized into the Space Marines Codex. Cult Mechanicus, Imperial Knights and Skitarii have been organized into the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex.
The Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristics of a number of units have been changed. characters in general, have had their WS values increased. Space Marine Scouts have had their WS and Ballistic Skill reduced while Space Marine elites have had their WS and BS increased. All of this has been done to make Elites and HQs feel more epic and powerful.
In addition to the implementation of all Forgeworld units into the angry codices, a small number of new units have been included into the codices. These units include:
- - All loyalist vehicles (we don't need your taxi service anymore, thank you) as well as Hyspasists (less elite Skitarii) for the Adeptus Mechanicus.
- - Chaos Warmonger (LoW melee fighter), Angron (Daemon Primarch), Lorgar (Daemon Primarch) and Mortarion (Daemon Primarch) for the Chaos Space Marines.
- - Lexicanium Squads (Brotherhood of Psykers) and Chief Librarians (Mastery Level 3 Librarian) for the Space Marines.
- - Warboss (LoW melee figher) for the Orks.
A number of codices have been changed to make them less good at killing specific unit types, namely, Grey Knights have lost most of their force weapons and Dark Eldar have lost most of their poisoned weaponry to make monstrous creatures more viable when playing against these armies. Dark Eldar dark lances have also gotten less powerful against vehicles with an armour value of 13 or 14 to make these vehicles more viable against the Dark Eldar. The intention is that these armies should be able to combat monstrous creatures by taking specific options like other armies rather than having anti-monstrous creature elements automatically built into their lists.
Necrons have gotten the largest overhaul to represent a fearless robotic horde army rather than an elite cyborg army.
Orks have gotten Chaos Mark like rules for the most common klans. They have also gotten a Decurion type detachment which rewards fielding large mobs of Ork Boys.
Dark Eldar vehicles now grant bonuses to nearby non-vehicle models, rewarding a more combined arms approach rather than building fully mechanized armies. They have also gotten a fairly tame decurion type detachment which mainly benefits making more themed lists where Archons lead Kabals, Haemonculus lead covens and Succubi lead wych cults.
Eldar now have formations benefitting and allowing following the playstyles of the most well known craftworlds. The formations are intended to be more powerful than Combined Arms Detachments, this is to encourage themed lists which rely on a few different themes rather than armies which are all over the place with 10 different kinds of units.
Chaos Daemons have had all tables except one removed and it now has only 6 results ordered in an easy to remember manner so you will no longer have to look up a large number of tables before or during the game (except psychic powers). The 3 psychic disciplines of the gods have been buffed a large amount, but marked psykers are still forced to roll on their gods table, but are no longer limited to rolling a maximum of half their powers on their gods table. Chaos Daemons have also gotten a fairly tame Decurion type Detachment which allows for deepstriking turn 1 like the old codex.
Space Marines have replaced the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule with the Stubborn and in some cases Fearless special rules, this more human take on the Space Marines has been implemented to make leadership based mechanics more useful. The justification for removing ATSKNF is that neither Chaos Space Marines nor the legions of 30k have the special rule. Battle Companies and have been nerfed and all other formations removed. The Angels of Death supplement, its formations and its psychic powers are not featured in the codex. The codex now features more than 25 Chapter Tactics, including all the Forgeworld ones and a few of the /tg/ chapters as well as some mentioned in the fluff that don't have chapter tactics.
In addition to adding Chapter Tactics-like rules for Chaos Space Marines, implementing an increase in WS for Elites and upgrading many HQ choices to LoW choices, all Chaos Space Marines have also all gotten either the Stubborn or the Fearless special rule. Note* the famous line "and they shall know no fear" was made before anyone went traitor. while Chaos Space Marines in general may be more selfserving than loyalists, they still have a far greater willpower than normal humans. Chaos Space Marines do not get vehicle squadrons, this is to represent their more chaotic nature, instead their warband tactics also benefit their vehicles. The old chaos boon table has been replaced. CSM characters will no longer be forced to issue and accept challenges. Boons are now buyable upgrades, winning challenges grant one of four different unit-wide buffs. Daemonhood is achieved by defeating 3 models in a challenge (or using one of a few other ways to achieve additional rolls) and getting 3 of the four different results before getting a dublicate results. You do not want a dublicate result... All 3 disciplines of the gods have been buffed a large amount. Marked psykers are still forced to roll on their gods table, but are no longer limited to rolling a maximum of half their powers on their gods table.
Disclaimer[edit | edit source]
Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger player base.
While it can be appreciated that Games Workshop has decided on going a certain course with the game and the codices, whether their decisions have been made to push the selling of certain miniatures or books is unknown. The Angry Initative however is not held back by the limitation of having to sell miniatures and instead attempts only to make fun and fair codices.
The editor in chief of the angry initative is mainly a Necron player, I felt like it should be disclaimed. The editor in chief has little experience with Orks and Tyranids and has relied mainly on math, reason and the internet to find out which directions these codices should be taken in and which units should be buffed and which should be nerfed.
What is Balanced[edit | edit source]
Units are designed to be balanced inbetween murder games and objective games, battle tanks will be better at the former while jetbikes units will be a bit more effective at the latter.
Units are designed to be balanced in games where the terrain used could about one fourth of the table entirely covered in terrain. Games which feature lots of large impassable walls will favour Jet Pack units, games that feature an abundance of forests will favour lightly armoured units. There are no two ways about this beyond all players playing on a single identical board every time.
The balancing system is based on 10 Space Marines with a Sergeant, the Objective Secured, 6+ Feel No Pain special rules and a single Tactical Doctrines available, as being worth 130 pts, a plasma gun for said Squad being worth 15 pts, a lascannon for said squad being worth 20 pts and a Rhino for said Squad being worth an additional 35 pts. Worth meaning that the amount of situations in which one taking the option is better is not overwhelming compared to the amount of situations in which the options is worse. For example. 130 full Tactical Squads in Rhinos should be good in as many situations as 165 full Tactical Squads without Rhinos.
Units and options are put into a points range between a point value where they counter all the things they should counter (light armoured anti-armour units should counter heavy armoured anti-armour units and medium armoured anti-armour units) and get countered by all the things they should be countered by (light armoured anti-armour units should get countered by light armoured anti-light units). They are moved around within this range based on results from playtesting and debates on the discussion pages of codices. Note that while calculations have been made for the proper point range for many units and options, others have been placed based on the notions of what units are being played by competitive players in 40k at the moment.
The intent is not for the costs shown to be the final costs, but rather the start of a discussion which will eventually lead to the most balanced codices possible within the framework of a game where units are meant to counter and be countered by other units. The PDF codices are updated at most once each month to allow you to get a better feel for how good units are before they are changed. Clarification and errors in grammar and wording are changed as they are found on 1d4chan.
Angry Codices[edit | edit source]
- WIP = Layout is not up to date or sections from the official release are missing.
- Pre-alpha = Concept phase. Not ready to be playtested.
- Alpha = Initial playtesting phase. Find out which changes work and which do not.
- Beta = Refinement phase.
Angry Codices for Official 40k Factions[edit | edit source]
Codex - Aeronautica Imperialis Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Supplement your army of the Imperium with the flyers of the Aeronautica Imperialis. The pilots of the Aeronautica Imperialis are the shield of the Emperor, protecting the armies of the Imperium against alien and heretic aircraft. Dominate the skies Aeronautica Imperialis Warlord!
Codex - Adepta Sororitas Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Gather your army from the orders of the Adepta Sororitas, an elite sisterhood of warriors raised from infancy to adore the Emperor of Mankind. With sanctioned boltgun, holy flame and blessed meltagun the Adepta Sororitas stand as a bulwark against corruption, heresy and alien attack. Lead their fanatical devotion to the enemies of the Emperor and see your enemies utterly crushed Adepta Sororitas Warlord!
Codex - Adeptus Mechanicus Angry Cyborg Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Gather your army from a vast collection of walkers, tanks and mechanically augmented and ceaselessly loyal soldiers from the Skitarii Macroclades, the Electro-priests, Enginseers and Tech-priests of the Cult Mechanicus, the Imperial Knights in your servitude and the gargantuan god machines of the Titan legions. Strike down the alien and the heretic that wishes to impede upon your holy cause Adeptus Mechanicus Warlord!
Codex - Chaos Space Marines Angry Anarchist Edition[edit | edit source]
Abaddon the Despoiler has once again called for a Black Crusade against the Imperium of Man and the Corpse Emperor. Gather your warband of cut throat renegades or ancient traitors. The eyes of the gods are fixed upon you, please them and the eternal life of daemonhood shall finally be yours Chaos Space Marine Warlord!
Codex - Genestealer Cults Angry Cultist Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Codex - Grey Knights Angry Witcher Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - Alpha
An increasing amount of Daemonic incursions following the onset of Abaddons 13th black crusade has called for more Grey Knight strikes and than ever. It is your privilege to lead the most elite force of Daemon hunters the galaxy has ever known against the Imperiums most dire and otherworldly threats Grey Knight Warlord!

Codex - Imperial Guard Angry Monkey Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
The Imperium of Man is crumbling on all sides as aliens, heretics and mutants seek to overthrow the righteous rule of the High Lords of Terra. Take up the gauntlet of strife and recruit regiments from more than a million worlds, from the skilled Cadians and the shrewd Catachans to the disciplined Krieg. The burden of mankind's future lies upon your shoulders Imperial Guard Warlord!

Codex - Inquisition Angry Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha

Codex - Legion of the Damned Angry Hawk Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
In the Imperium's most dire hour, aid uncalled for is at its most welcome.
Codex - Renegades and Heretics Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Something like the Forgeworld codex.
Codex - Officio Assasinorum Angry Dom Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Codex - Space Marines Angry Smurf Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Gather your army of genetically engineered super-soldiers from Chapters like the fierce Blood Angels, the zealous Black Templars, the ever loyal Ultramarines and the even more loyal Dark Angels. Although the Space Marines are ever outnumbered, you must bring the untold enemies of the Emperor to their knees Space Marines Warlord!
Codex - Space Wolves Angry Furry Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Gather your great company Space Wolf Warlord, Wolftime is nigh, Russ has once again been sighted, a new great hunt will soon begin. Construct an army of the the rebellious and rash Space Wolves and smite the enemies of the Allfather in your search for his son, and your primarch, Leman Russ!
Codex - Tau Empire Angry Communist Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Assemble your army from the infantry and elite battlesuits of the Fire Caste, the flyers of the Air Caste and from our allies the adaptive and ferocious Kroot as well as the swift and deadly Vespid. Plans have been made for the fourth sphere of expansion and it is your duty as a Tau Empire Warlord to exact these plans. Make peace where possible, but offer those who wish not to partake in the greater good no respite!
Codex - Triumvirate of the Imperium Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Codex - Tyranids Angry Alien Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Angry Codices for Factions that exist in both 30k and 40k[edit | edit source]
Unique models in this section may only be used in 30k if they have the Ancient Warrior special rule and may not be used in games of 40k if they have the Hero of a Bygone Age special rule.
Codex - Eldar Corsairs Angry Pirate Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Codex - Craftworld Eldar Angry Munchkin Edition[edit | edit source]
Gather your army of the ancient and engimatic Eldar from one the ancient craftworlds. You command the Guardian militia, the Aspect Warriors devoted to one of the Warrior Shrines, the advanced skimmers of the Eldar and the ever growing Battlehosts of Wraiths, wraithbone constructs imbued with the spirit of dead Eldar. You must lead your ever shrinking living warhosts as well as the growing warhosts of the dead against those that threaten your craftworld and that which it holds sacred Craftworld Eldar Warlord!

Codex - Chaos Daemons Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
A warp rift into real space has opened. Summon your army of bloodthirsty slaughterers, manical pyromaniacs, virulent pests and entoxicating vixens. Envelop all of realspace in an unending warp storm Chaos Daemons Warlord!

Codex - Dark Eldar Angry Emo Edition[edit | edit source]
As the fools of realspace play their petty games now is the time for the Dark Eldar to strike. Gather your army from the wicked Wych Cults, wretched Haemonculus Covens and the merciless Dark Eldar Kabals and let the lesser races know that despite their best efforts at survival, they will never be more than your personal playthings Dark Eldar Warlord!
Codex - Harlequins Angry Clown Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
With the great enemy growing stronger by the century, it is your job as the disciples of the Laughing God to deliver his wrath upon them Harlequin Warlord!

Codex - Necrons Angry Robot Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Wake your slumbering legions and let ancient engines of destruction come back to life, the time of the young races is at its end. Your ancient dynasty has finally reawoken after untold millenia, construct an army of the relentless and robotic Necrons and reconquer the stars Necron Warlord!
Codex - Orks Angry Greenskin Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - alpha
Gather a WAAAGH! of brutal Goffs, krazy Evil Sunz, wealthy Bad Moons, backward Snakebites, sneaky Blood Axes and greedy Deathskulls, not to forget da mad inventions o' da Meks. Better not forget to bring a load uv' dem lil' Grotz as well, they are always a good laff. While da umies are concentratin' on Ghazkul Thraka's WAAAGH! there is plenty o' loot for any up and coming warband to make it big Ork Warlord! - Extra bad, needs rewriting.
Codex - Custodian Guard Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Codex - Sisters of Silence Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Angry Codices for 40k Factions without Official Rules[edit | edit source]
Low priority side project.
Planetary Defenders Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Copy & paste of the Renegades and Heretics without the heretical stuff.
Codex - Eldar Exodites Angry Hillbilly Edition[edit | edit source]
WIP - pre-alpha
Eldar riding Lizardmen dinos and Sigmarine drakes and dragons.
Codex - Dark Mechanicus Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Angry Codices for 30k Factions[edit | edit source]
Not sure if it's going to happen. Might just leave rules as is and balance points values.
Codex - Legiones Astartes Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Codex - Imperial Milita and Cults Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Codex - Mechanicum Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Will include taghmata, if it actually gets done.
Codex - Solar Auxiliar Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Codex - Questoris Knights Angry Initiative Edition[edit | edit source]
Test games[edit | edit source]
If you feel an army or a choice is OP/UP you can say so in the discussion page of this article: You can say which unit you believe is OP/UP or just post an army, I will either test it out to prove that it is a fair choice or change its cost or rules. While I normally play with a number of house-rules, I will leave those out upon request.
Games done by Ravenous Eye Wargames[edit | edit source]
Our gaming group use a number of house rules.
- Tactical Objectives
- Intelligent Rhinos: Vehicles cannot have Objective Secured.
- Blood points: Score 1 VP for every 100 pts of your opponents stuff you destroy
- Max 1 flyer
- Just keep these things in mind when you read how our matches go, our objectives might be a little different than your objectives which might impact the strength of different armies, I try to take this into consideration, I just wanted to make a full disclaimer.
Angry Crons vs Daemons of Chaos (not angry)[edit | edit source]
- Major loss vs Daemons. Many a tactical blunder were made. Changed the monolith to be better against a wider variety of enemies.
Angry CSM vs Angry DE[edit | edit source]
It´s not alway easy to find opponents who want to play against, and with, fan codices, perhaps I haven´t been looking hard enough? Anyways I got a game in with the angry anarchist CSM vs the angry emo DE. He brought two venoms w. 5 wyches each, a largish unit of mandrakes, 6 incubi + archon in raider + a couple of ravagers with the edge cannons, which has no been renamed twillight annihilators, 7 hellions and a large number of khymera with some beastmasters. I brought an iron warriors detachment with a heldrake w. baleflamer, level 3 nurgle sorcerer, warpsmith, 9 chosen with their new 2+ armour save upgrades w. 2 powerfists and 5 pairs of lightning claws in a rhino, 10 possessed in a rhino, helbrute, 2*10 chaos cultists with shotguns, 7 havocs with 4 of the new missile launchers with all 3 ammo types and ending the list with 2 defilers. Note that I haven´t played chaos in forever, but I didn´t really feel very punished for my unit choices.
First off the heldrake was fairly strong but it definately didn´t feel like it was doing too much, I feel the new point cost seems fair. The defilers seem extremely strong with their ability to shoot at mutliple targets + their Strength D close combat attacks, but it wasn´t that much over the top, possibly because of my misplays. Talking of misplays, my 2+ armour save chosen ended up being annihilated by his rending khymera, why did I give them this again..? Sigh. And his incubi, i got all of them back with a formation but they failed to do anything the entire game because they didn´t really have a good matchup against any of his stuff and I was afraid of them being slaughtered once more by his incubi. Speaking of things that got brutally murdered, the 10 possessed were shot down before even rolling on their empowered vessels of chaos table, this was primarily due to poor rolling on my part. The helbrute performed fine, but it didn´t even use its new daemon forge, it did make a daemon save or two though, it seems alright now. Shotgun cultists performed fairly well, I think they need to be tested as spam list with the iron warriors detachment which may be a little too strong. During the game I managed to get 2 extra units of cultists, the 9 chosen and my chaos sorcerer back from the dead, it didn´t really feel overpowered, the powercreep is real.
As for the DE, the main guns felt like they automatically got their bonus, which was not entirely the intention on my part, they now need an unsaved wound instead of just a wound. Nothing much to say for the rest of the army, the changes pretty much worked, the mandrakes seemed a little too strong with the constant 2+ cover save from raiders being enough of a buff their strength upgrade and toughness upgrade have both been removed.
Angry Daemons vs Angry CSM[edit | edit source]
1850 points. I had Lord of Insensate Rage (greater daemon of khorne w. S D), 8+8 Bloodletters, 3+4+4 Skullcrushers, 3+3 Screamers each with Herald of Tzeentch on disk, 7 Fleshhounds, Daemon Prince of Khorne, Soulgrinder of Khorne, Skull Cannon. Against Warpsmith in cultists, Slaanesh Sorcerer in terminators, 10 Cultists with shotguns, 5-10 CS Marines in rhino, 6-10 Thousand Sons in rhino, 7 chosen w. 4 pairs of lightning claws in land raider, 4 Termies w. 1 chain fist and 3 pairs of lightning claws in land raider, Defiler, Maulerfiend, Vindicator they were organised in an Iron Warriors detachment, which he never rolled for.
Lord of Insensate Rage started on the board. He flew straight ahead turn one and then landed turn two. He managed to kill the chosen as well as the thousand sons.
Bloodletters deepstruck in to the side of the battlefield, which meant they hardly took any damage from ranged attacks, therefore they performed very well. I determined after the battle that they were too gimmicky in the fact that they were too offensive compared to their defensive value.
One of the screamer units were reduced to one, even with that it managed to destroy one land raider before getting caught in the explosion it caused. The other unit managed to destroy his other land raider. They were definately way too strong, their attacks have been reduced from 3 to 2. I will keep careful watch over them, they seem strong, but their Initiative of 1 + their relative weakness to shooting means they are really only super good against vehicles. As far as psychic powers went, during the entirety of the game I threw 3 doombolts, 2 of them against the same land raider, which did nothing, then changed its armour value to... 14. The final one destroyed his defiler.
The flesh hounds got into a fight with his generic CSMs, they were losing before they got assisted by one of the bloodletter units.
The soul grinder got destroyed by a mixture of shooting and the terminator with a chain fist. Nothing really to say here. I think it´s toughness demands its new point value.
Skull cannon got shot to pieces and never managed to do anything.
Daemon Prince got hacked to pieces by chosen. I´m definitely glad that I paid 100 and not 160 points for it, it seemed fair enough.
As stated previously my opponent could have gotten a couple of extra units with his formation which he forgot to roll for. Nothing in his army really seemed unbalanced, stubborn across the board is a really nice change. No chaos warriors fled, which is more or less how it should be.
New las-cannons seem fine. No big change against this particular army, it was slightly less powerful against Screamers, which I don´t think he ever used them against. Against the Soul Grinder it is a tad better, definitely not game breaking in any way.
I had forgotten to change the point cost of the terminator weapon upgrades. Speaking of terminators I have wanted to give them Toughness 5 for a while, well, now it´s done. It sets terminator armour apart from artificer armour, or flesh armour in this instance, besides from the Deep Strike and 5+ Invulnerable save.
It ended in a victory for the Angry Daemons just before I got to my turn 6 (I went last). He had a Vindicator and two rhinos left. I had 1+6 Bloodletters, 2 blood doggies, Lord of Insensate Rage (1 wound), 2 Skullcrushers (one of them had lost 2 wounds). I would have probably tabled him had I done my turn as my units were converged around his remaining vehicles. Really close and fun game overall.
Angry Robocrons vs angry Emo DEldar[edit | edit source]
I had 20 warriors w. ark, 20 warriors w. ark, 20 warriors w. night scythe, 20 warriors, 8 immortals w. gauss, 2 x 5 deathmarks, overlord in barge w. nemesor... But no warscythe, C´tan Shard with restless tail, 2 x 3 tomb blades with particle blasters.
I played with reanimation protocols on 4+ instead of 5+. You could say I cheated, or that I tested whether or not it would be op...
He had 5 trueborn w. 1/2 blasters and raider, succubus w. ap 2 weapon in said trueborn, 5 bloodbrides w. venom, 2 x 10 kabalite warriors w. raider each, 2 x 5 wracks w. venom each, void bomber w. void pulses (old dark scythe), 2 x ravager w. 3 twillight annihilators (ap 1 krak rockets), 6 reavers w. 1 or 2 blasters.
Bloodbrides failed their 6" charge and got shot to pieces. 20 of my warriors were stuck on one side of the board because of a refused flank, my plane teleported them to the action turn 3. 5 deathmarks were stuck with the 20 warriors to the side because I wanted to instantly capture 2 free objectives and couldn´t be bothered to wait for my warriors to do the job. C´tan Shart got shot to pieces, I should have placed him in cover, but I didn´t he felt okay for his points. tomb blades were shot before they did anything noticeable. All of my infantry were at more than 75% strength when my opponent surrendered at the start of my turn 4. Ghost arks were shot dead. His flyer flew away turn 2 as it killed my general with a strength D bomb, my plane flew in turn 2 and shot a bit then teleported some troops close to the enemy turn 3, one unit of wracks were killed turn 4 after deep striking a little too close to a lot of warriors. His trueborn managed to down a number of warriors and immortals, who then promptly got right back up. His venoms did surprisingly little, mainly because of lucky rolling on my part. His void bomber downed an impressive number of warriors, who then shrugged it off with reanimation.
How many of my reanimation rolls were 4s I do not remember but I think it had a fairly large impact on the game. All units seemed to have something to do, I definitely felt that all my units were worth taking. The only reason I want to change my army around is because I feel like I should include a monolith or two, just because. I took all the warriors to really push the bucket to check if they were OP, I can tell they definitely shouldn´t have 4+ reanimation, but their huge weakness (no cover saves) still makes up for their manifold strengths.
Angry Dark Eldar vs Calm Eldar[edit | edit source]
- Archon with Incubi, 8 Trueborn in Raider, 2x10 Warriors in raiders, 5 Incubi+klaivex in a raider, Scalpel Squadron with Ossefactors, 5 bloodbrides with Haywire Grenades, 2 Ravagers with Twilight Annihilators, 6 Reaver jetbikes and a Razorwing Jetfighter
- Avatar, 3 Dire Avenger squads in Wave serpents (In that weird formation which gives them +1 BS), 5 D-scythe dickheads in a Serpent, Wraithknight and a Wraithlord.
Early game was devastating for me. I plinged some wounds off the Wraithknight with the Ossefactors, and took out the Wraithlord with my now non-existent splinter cannons on my venoms (Was before the removal of the upgrade). The Serpent Shields prevented my Ravagers from causing too much damage (we actually didn't manage to destroy a single serpent). We ended up meeting up diagonally and I attempted to pull the good ol' "I am going to surround and wreck your vehicle with haywire and automatically whack and kill anyone coming out of it" strategy by disembarking my warriors and charging together with the Bloodbrides. That didn't work as only 2 BB's were able to hit the damn thing. Then the Eldar started disembarking and retaliate and I found my Wracks out of position to counter attack his Avengers when they started their barrage. My Archon and Incubi managed to down the first Wave serpent (and the last I am afraid) and were rewarded with an Avatar charge. Which killed all of them... The Avatar was subsequently killed by focussed fire from my Ravagers (Who at this point had given up on destroying serpents). The deathblow came when D-scythe Wraithguards disembarked and took out a Raider and a Venom, the Wraithknight stomped the remaining bloodbrides and the Wrack countercharge got stomped on by the same Wraithknight. My Razorwing did good, but it was too little too late and I bent my knee to the victor.
Overall a good game, but I think my lack of Blasters was a severe issue. Blasters may be short ranged but are necessary in order to take out larger things with the removal of so many poisoned weapons. The new Dark eldar also put more emphasis on close combat and short ranged firepower but as I got across the board all the Serpents were still intact and carrying troops. This left most of my Shard cannons and missiles worthless for a turn which in turn lost me the game - The Ravenous Eye
Angry Robocrons vs Angry DE[edit | edit source]
Overlord w. Phaeon, Wraith Body and Warscythe, 20 Warriors, 20 Warriors, Tomb Citadel w. 1 Ziggurat and 1 Power Crucible, 3 Scarab Swarms, 5 Lychguard, 8 Deathmarks, 2 Monoliths.
Archon with Huskblade and 2+ invul inside Trueborn, 5 warriors inside Venom w. Twin-linked cannon, 5 warriors inside Venom w. Twin-linked cannon. Twin-linked cannon, 5 warriors inside Venom w. Twin-linked cannon, 8 Wyches w. champion inside Raider, 5-9 Trueborn w. drugs inside Raider, 6 Reavers w. 2 Blasters and 2 Cluster Caltrops, 6 Reavers w. 2 Blasters and 2 Cluster Caltrops.
- I placed my Tomb Citadel to one side of the table.
- He deployed his entire army opposite the Tomb Citadel.
- I deployed 20 Warriors and 3 Scarab Swarms on the opposite side of the table hiding behind a building. The rest of my army stayed in reserve. Everything arrived turn 2 except one of the monoliths.
- My Phaeron killed his Archon and then got into a drawn out fight with his Trueborn, some bikes and some kabalite warriors. I got him in too late, he went unwounded, while extremely resilient and offensively fairly strong, he is a big risk.
- 20 of my warriors were teleported senselessly into a clump for my opponent to shoot up and then get assaulted.
- The other 20 got ground down by his trueborn.
- Lychguard horribadly failed their 2+ saves, which was unfortunate.
- Deathmarks failed to do anything all game. They did maybe 1 unsaved wound.
- Tomb Citadel did jack shit all game, very poor decision to take it at all. Didn´t fit the army what so ever.
- 3 Scarab Swarms took out a venom.
- 2 Monoliths looked very scary and teleported guys around. The teleportation was used poorly and was almost worse than it was good. Their weapon´s were mostly saved. They made the DE vehicles dance (jink) though.
- Nice game, wasted a lot (350) on a useless fortification and had some unfortunate saving throws, my opponent did neither and it was not a slaughter. I think my army might be OP.
Angry Daemons vs Angry Dark Eldar[edit | edit source]
Wrathspawn, Lord of Change, 2x13 horrors with heralds, 10 Bloodletters that sat at his aegis defence line's Quad-gun, 5 Fiends of Slaanesh, 6 Screamers and a soul grinder. Oh and flamers.
Archon with Huskblade and Shadowfield, 2x5 warriors inside Venom, 5 Wracks with LQ-gun inside Venom, 8 Wyches w. champion inside Raider, 7 Trueborn w. drugs and Xeriak ammunition inside Raider, 9 Reavers w. 3 Blasters and 2 Cluster Caltrops, Razorwing Jetfighter, 5 Scourges with 2 heatlances and 2 Ravagers to support it all.
- Scourges and Razorwing were reserve. Razorwing performed okay, surviving until the end of the game. Scourges didn't do much since their target, the Lord of Change, blessed himself to a 3+ invulnerable save. Had potential but were sub-optimally kitted in order to take out what he brought. Still think I would go heatlance on 'em.
- Archon and his trueborn were hit by 3 out of 4 of the warpstorm result and only the archon survived. With an impressive charge roll of 10 he managed to charge and wipe a unit of 8 horrors and a herald before slaughtering the bloodletters manning the Quad-gun. MVP baby.
- Wyches assaulted a unit of 8 horrors and with exact failure on daemonic instability managed to kill them.
- Wrathspawn was killed by two turns of focussed Ravager fire. He managed to kill the wyches before he went down though due to some unlucky rolling on my part from the agoniser. Well. Sort of unlucky. I may just be a whiny bitch. He only managed to save a single wound with his invul after all out of 5 potentials.
- Lord of Change would have devastated my lines had he not failed to cast Storm of Change twice. As it turned out he managed only to cast it once killing a couple of bikers. His 3+ invulnerable save made sure he took alot of firepower before biting the dust.
- Fiends were absolute trash. Barely securing an objective they took one turn of fire from 2 venoms and a unit of warriors with a shredder and, failing all possible saves, were reduced to a single fiend with one wound. This brave, or perhaps irredeemably insane monstrosity charged my warriors and stood there for a turn before receiving a counter charge from the Scourges and getting hewn down.
- Screamers were tied up in a close combat with 5 wracks and lost it with the wracks taking 3 casualties in return. Wracks should have by all means have lost the combat, but he was incredibly unlucky and lost the combat every turn resulting in a lot of instability tests.
- Soul Grinder of Nurgle was down to the wire just a stable firing platform. It provided minuscule supporting fire but we both deemed it wasn't worth it's hefty price tag of 260 points in that role. More testing will be needed before it can be determined if it needs changing.
All in all a good game. Both players had terrible dice rolling but right up to the end Dark eldar dice got better and a victory pulled off. Flamers never got down btw. Could have been horrible for me if they had. I think flamers may be a tad overpowered seeing as they produce at least 5 strength d6 ap5 hits, and on bigger units it may be more. They are also rather hard to counterplay since they deep strike and even with scatter have torrent to produce the positioning of the template - TheRavenousEye
- Classic Soul Grinder loadout has been reduced by 20 pts from 180 pts (official cost) -> 260 pts -> 240 pts. The initial cost change was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, to what I believe was one of the most OP units in the game. Triple classic Soul Grinder should be reserved for a themed list/a specific counter list, which I still think 240 does a good job of, I definitely don´t think 240 is too low, Soul Grinder´s points really only could go down from 260 pts, which was in all fairness overpriced. - AngryPirate
Angry Robocrons vs Angry CSM[edit | edit source]
- CAD: Destroyer Lord, 20 Necron Warriors w. Monolith, 20 Necron Warriors w. Monolith, 10 Necron Immortals w. Tesla + Night Scythe, 6 Wraiths, 5 Scarab Swarms, 5 Scarab Swarms, 3 Spyders, 1 Annihilation Barge.
- Thousand Sons Warband: Mastery level 3 Mark of Tzeentch Sorcerer in termie armour w. spell familiar, Mastery level 3 MOT Sorcerer in termie armour w. spell familiar, 10-15 Cultists w.out mark, 10-15 Cultists w.out mark, 6 chosen w. 2 pairs of lightning claws + 2 power fists + MOT + Spireguard (mastery level 6 psychic brotherhoood), forgeworld flyer AV 10 HP 4 w. Las cannon + autocannon, 9 Thousand Sons w. rhino w. havoc launcher + warpflame gargoyle, Predator w. 3 las cannons, Predator w. 3 las cannons, Land Raider.
- Summoned spawns: 13+ spawns...
- Destroyer Lord killed some cultists and ended the game in a duel against 4 spawns.
- Necron Warriors did nothing all game.
- Monoliths destroyed a predator and the land raider. They were destroyed early on but didn´t manage to regenerate.
- Immortals didn´t do anything
- Night Scythe destroyed his flyer
- Wraiths destroyed his other predator and got cut down in melee vs thousand sons, should have given them tentacles.
- One of the scarab swarms held up an objective denying it for two turns, the other one held up some summoned spawns for a turn.
- Spyders summoned scarab swarms and then suicided into a unit of 7 spawns.
- Annihilation Barge got busted by las cannons.
- 13+ spawns were summoned with breath of change, while it was fairly spectacular to look at, it was a tad OP, I´ll reduce the To Wound from 2+ to 4+, it should still be a very powerful spell, although not quite as impactful as it was.
- He managed to get doom bolt of 5 or 6 times, missed all but 3 of them, rolled a straight 6 each time he hit, destroying both my monoliths as well as my night scythe.
- I managed to kill one of his spireguard, two more blew themselves up. I think it hard a large impact that they were able to generate 5-6 dice each turn.
- I had only my destroyer lord left at the end of the game, while he had lost little more than half his army.
- The Thousand Sons formation seemed fairly fun, I hadn´t really thought of the breath of change, which was why he hit 8 models the first time he got it off. I think I could have avoided such massive damage, but the other Tzeentch powers are powerful enough to the point where I feel that it is unneeded for such a powerful power to exist.
Angry Robocrons vs Angry DEldar[edit | edit source]
- CAD: Phaeron with scythe and wraith body, 20 Necron Warriors w. Monolith, 20 Necron Warriors w. Monolith, death scythe, 5 lychguard, C´tan w. FMC + gauss slinger + stealth, 1 Annihilation Barge, 1 Annihilation Barge.
- CAD: Archon w. 2+ invul + agoniser, 5-7 incubi w. champion, 5 wracks w. liquifier gun + venom, 5 wracks w. liquifier gun + venom, 10 Warriors w. raider, 10 wyches w. raider, Voidraven Bomber w. S D weapon, Ravager w. TL annihilators, Ravager w. TL annihilators, 5 Scourges w. 2 blasters, 6 bikes w. 2 cluster caltrops + 2 blasters.
- My Phaeron went killed his Archon as well as the Incubi with the help of one of the warrior squads. This warrior squad got eaten up by his wyches, the game ended with my phaeron and his watches tied in combat.
- One monolith teleported the other warriors to counter a refused flank manouver my opponent had attempted.
- The other one scattered a lot while trying to deep strike. They both did some damage to some vehicles and units.
- The death scythe arrived turn 4 and managed to do fuck all because of its late arrival.
- lychguard managed to cause 4-7 wounds with their shields. They failed a lot of saves and were killed.
- C´tan did nothing with shooting and was shot down after taking 3 unfortunate wounds during a turn in which it did not fly. It should be noted that I did not intend for the C´tan to have a Strength D weapon, but he ended up having it. The only reason it did nothing was because of lucky saves as well as no 6s on the destroyer table. Heavy gauss cannon will no longer be a destroyer weapon.
- Annihilation barges caused some minor damage, not really worth the price tag I feel.
- The incubi did very little damage to the warriors, not at all worth their price tag this game. Very poor matchup, their math suggests they should be very strong against the right target though so no changes will be made, for now.
- Since I still haven´t seen an infantry unit with the option to take a transport not do so, I will be increasing the points cost of transports in the hope that it will encourage not taking transports for every unit. Although the battle data is very limited I think the Angry Emos are strong enough to take this without a problem.
Angry Robocrons vs Angry DEldar and Angry Eldar[edit | edit source]
- 1750 vs. 1850 against both Angry DEldar and Angry Eldar.
- Both games were lost. Not huge losses, but easily identifiable as losses. It´s pretty hard to extract information out of an imbalanced game. Ugh.
- Angry Eldar Wraith Knight had a huge impact, increasing his points cost as a result.
Angry DEldar vs. Angry Daemons[edit | edit source]
Dark Eldar:
- 9 Jetbikes with Blasters. Killed a unit of Bloodletters, keeping them off a capping point. Afterwards they got charged by a unit of Plaguebearers and got slaughtered to a man.
- Archon with a unit of 6 Trueborn with Shredders. Their Raider got blasted by some lucky Soul Grinder shots and got reduced to my Archon and a Trueborn by a Herald of Nurgle casting the Nurgle Nova spell. They subsequently went headfirst into their adversaries and killed them all. Aaaand died to Nurglings the second they got out of the first Combat.
- Shadowseer w/Mask of Secrets going with 4 Incubi and a Klaivex. Shadowseer pinged off three wounds on the Daemon Prince who then turned into a Maggot Lord. Wah. The Shadowseer then got a headache and died. Forever in my heart.
- Ravager w/Twilight Annihilators. Exploded the moment the Soul Grinder looked at it.
- 2 Cronos Parasite Engines 1 with Probe and 1 with Vortex. Misunderstood rules and mistakenly thought they had S8. Don't ask. Anyways, charged a unit of Plaguebearers and got stuck in with the Soul grinder.
- 7 Wyches with a Hekatrix with an Agonizer. Charged a unit of spawned Plaguebearers along with the Cronos and the Incubi. Afterwards they sacrificed themselves to tie up the Maggot lord. After it had dealt with the Wyches it went to tear apart my poor Cronos. The Maggot Lord ended up having lost 5 out of 6 wounds.
- Voidraven Bomber. MVP BABY! Single handedly killed his Grand Maledictor and then... Nothing. For a 200 points model that is excellent however!
- 2 Units of 15 plaguebearers with a herald.
- 15 Bloodletters with a herald
- Grand Maledictor
- Skarbrand
- Nurgle Grinder with Phlegm Bombardment
- Daemon Prince of Nurgle w/Power armour. Mastery Level 3.
Angry DEldar vs. Angry Space Wolves[edit | edit source]
Angry DEldar won.
Angry Daemons vs. Angry Space Wolves[edit | edit source]
Daemons were incredibly unfortunate and as a result lost horribly.
Angry Necrons vs. Angry Space Wolves with an Angry Knight[edit | edit source]
1780 vs 1850. God I swear, if I forget to bring the full army size once more I´m just gonna quit all of this shit. - Angry Idiot
Angry Necrons vs. Angry Space Wovles[edit | edit source]
I actually brought 1850 pts this time, still got my ass handed to me though. Neccrons
- Warlord: Overlord w. Warscythe on Catacomb Command Barge. I had planned on charging a unit which had dropped podded behind my lines, his unit fled and I got assaulted from the front by a pack of Thunderwolf Cavalry with the Thunderwolf Cavalry special character. My Lord killed his last Thunderwolf before the special character destroyed the Overlord. He chose the target priority command trait.
- 2*10 Immortals. They did some moderate damage to some space marines and his Thunderwolves, they were brutally murdered by my opponents Knight Crusader. The fact that their max unit size is 10 really hampers their survivability.
- 2*20 Flayed Ones. One squad came in from my table edge, the other Deep Struck in his backfield. The first squad did nothing because their initial target fled as a result of shooting, they ultimately did nothing and fell to the hands of the Crusader. The other squad beat up some his Grey Hunters with a wolf banner and a champion with a Wolf Claw. The second squad of course also ended at the hands of his Knight Crusader.
- 10 Deathmarks. Did 0 dmg against my opponent´s thunderwolves the turn they deep struck. Did some minor damage to a unit of Space Wolves and finiished off his wolf priest. They were killed by his... Knight Crusader.
- 1 Triarch Stalker. Along with the Warlord it gave my immortals BS 10, the old Nemesor Zahndrekh combo. It used it´s flamer to burn some marines, it was severely misused. It was destroyed by a shot from his.... Knight Crusader´s Thermal Cannon.
- 2*3 Scarab Swarms. One of the units ate a rhino the other ate his Warlords armour save, the warlord got away with one wound. One squad actually got killed by his warlord, the other got killed by his Knight Crusader.
- Doom Scythe... I brought it in the wrong place turn 2, expecting it to fire at the right target turn 3, it got killed by the Knight Crusader.
- 1 Annihilation Barge. This one got killed by his thunderwolves after it was immobilised by his deep striking Grey Hunters.
- Imotekh the Stormlord. Destroyed a Rhino turn 1 with his lightning strike ability
Knight and Friends
- Warlord: Harald Deathwolf.
- 10 Grey Hunters w. 2x Plasma, 10x CCW, Banner, wolfguard w. wolfclaw, Rhino
- 7 Blood Claws, wolfguard w. wolfclaw, Lukas The Trickstar, Rhino, Rune Priest, Runic Blade, LvL 2 Biomancy + Tempest, Ulrik The Slayer
10 Grey Hunters w. 2x Plasma, Drop Pod
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry, 3x Storm Shield, 1x Power Fist
- 1 Knight Crusader w. Thermal Cannon, Avenger Gatling Cannon and Twin Icarus Autocannon. It killed my army. I don´t think it´s overpowered though. In hind sight I should have focussed it down and killed it rather than just running around it. This particular one is very pricy and is actually very squishy compared to it´s point cost.
Conclusion The Knight had taken 0 Hull Points Harald Deathwolf had 1 wound remaining. He had completed 2 more objectives than I had. My army was gone. Swept away by a gentle gust of Thermal fury.
I think the game highlighted a fatal flaw in the Angry Necrons. I don´t feel like I have any other tactic to go for other than mass infantry. Beyond that I had come entirely unprepared against a Knight and the Knight Crusader is brutal against Necron Infantry.
Angry Necrons vs Angry Daemons[edit | edit source]
- 2030 vs 1850. Stomp in Necrons favour. Well at least it almost always produces a victory for the side which brings more points, I will take that as an indication of balance. I was extremely lucky and his psychic powers failed him horribly.
Angry Necrons vs Angry CSM[edit | edit source]
- CAD: Destroyer Lord w. Warscythe (Warlord) in 5 Canoptek Wraiths. 20 Necron Warriors w. Monolith. 10 Necron Warriors w. Night Scythe. 3 Canoptek Scarabs. 3 Canoptek Scarabs. 3 Canoptek Spyders. 1 C´tan Shard of the Deceiver (250 pts). 1 Transcendent C´tan (Knight-like LoW 400 pts)
- Wordbearers CAD: Dark Apostle (Warlord) in 20 Chaos Space Marines with close combat weapons 2 plasma guns. Dark Apostle in 20 CSMs w. CC weapons 2 plasma guns. 20 CSMs w. CC weapons 2 plasma guns. 35 Cultists with 2 flamers. 2 Forgefiends both w. 3 ectoplasm cannons. 1 Maulerfiend.
- Deployment: One of the two CSM units with a Dark Apostle got mark of Khorne and 2+ Sv, the other got mark of Khorne and +1 WS and I. Remaining CSM unit got mark of Slaanesh. Cultists got mark of Nurgle. I deployed my army 18" away from his because my units had infiltrate.
- Turn 1: Transcendent C´tan killed 27 MoN Cultists. Rest of my army shot a couple of CSMs and moved closer. My opponent did one wound to my Trans C´tan, killed a very small amount of Warriors and killed a single Wraith.
- Turn 2: Transcendent C´tan exploded his Maulerfiend. Warriors killed some more 2+ Sv CSMs. Wraiths and Destroyer Lord assaulted his 2+ Sv CSMs, killed a bunch and took a little damage in return. 9 Scarabs (6 of which had been produced by Spyders) killed one of his Forgefiends, spyders and the last 3 Scarabs destroyed his other Forgefiend. CSMs with MoS assaulted the 20 Necron Warrior a few of the Necron Warriors died. His remaining cultists killed my 8/9 of my swarms in the big unit.
- Turn 3: Transcendent C´tan did a wound to himself in the shooting phase and assaulted his second unit of CSMs w. MoK and Apostle. Having no real way to damage my C´tan in close combat and only 3 marines engaged with my Destroyer Lord before combat and my Spyders assaulting one of the CSM units. In close combat of my turn he surrendered.
- Conclusion: The CSM list wasn´t capable of abusing the C´tan weakness, they still weren´t too powerful, I was very lucky to destroy so many of his cultists turn 1. The maulerfiend was kind of expected, it should have gotten away since it would have lost close combat as well. The deceiver did very little because it´s so slow and even with Infiltrate it only did shooting, at which point I might as well have brought more ranged units instead. I think both new C´tan types are fun and fairly balanced taking into account I was fairly lucky with the Trans C´tan. Word Bearers tactics seemed pretty cool, about on par with what SMs get with their tactics I think. The Apostles didn´t achieve much with their blessings, but 2+ Sv on 20 models would have been a killer against any army but the Angry Necrons. I think they are worth it against certain armies, but certainly not Angry Necrons. Forgefiends weren´t very effective, but I didn´t bring a lot of models this game and had a huge deployment zone which allowed me to spread out to the point where he could get no more than 3 hits/cannon. Infiltrate certainly also limited their ability to lay down firepower on my Warriors.
Angry Necrons vs Angry DE[edit | edit source]
- CAD: Destroyer Lord in 6 Canoptek Wraiths. 20 Necron Warriors w. a Monolith. 11 Necron Warriors w. a Night Scythe. Transcendent C´tan. 5 Canoptek Scarabs. 3 Canoptek Scarabs. 3 Canoptek Spyders. 5 Deathmarks. 5 Deathmarks.
- CAD: Archon in Court of the Archon: 1 Medusae and 8 Lhamaeans in a Raider. 5 Kabalite Warriors w. Shredder in a Venom. 10 Kabalite Warriors w. Shredder in a Raider. 10 Wracks in a Raider. 10 Trueborn w. Xeriak Ammunition in a Raider. Razorwing Jetfighter.
Angry Necrons vs Angry DE[edit | edit source]
- CAD: 5 Crypteks all w. Harbingers of the Storm and Ether Crystals. Transcendent C´tan (Warlord). 20 Necron Warriors. 10 Necron Warriors. 15 Flayed Ones. 1 Monolith. 2 Ghost Arks. 3 Doomsday Arks and a Doomscythe on a Sky Shield w. Ready For Takeoff.
- CAD: Archon in Court of the Archon: 1 Medusae and 8 Lhamaeans in a Raider. 10 Wyches in a Raider. 10 Kabalite Warriors w. Shredder in a Raider. 5 Wracks w. ossefactor in a Venom. 5 Wracks w. ossefactor in a Venom. 10 Trueborn w. Xeriak Ammunition and Haywire grenades in a Raider. Razorwing Jetfighter. 5 Scourges w. 2 Blasters. 2 Ravagers w. TL Annihilators.
- Transcendent C´tan got to infiltrate for the third time in a row because of its warlord trait. It killed his Scourges and maybe a vehicle and then got killed after a number of vehicles and units shot at it. It didn´t betray me despite having lost 2 wounds one turn and then at 4 wounds the next.
- Crypteks and 10 Warriors survived for 3 or 4 rounds of combat against the Court of the Archon.
- 20 Warriors got locked in combat with Wyches. Stupid placement led to this, I was counting a little too much on my flayed ones counter charging turn 3 rather than turn 4.
- 15 Flayed Ones arrived turn 3 and then counter charged Wyches turn 4 after all the Warriors were killed. They murdered the Wyches and then murdered the remaining members of the Court of the Archon, ending the game in CC with the Archon.
- Monolith got haywired. Woke up again, got haywired again.
- Ghost Arks did very little, they aren´t worth it when they don´t have anything to heal.
- Doomsday Arks did absolutely jack. Not a single hit was made. DE had turn 1 and destroyed one of them and stunned another. The one snap-firing didn´t do anything and third rolled a 1 to hit. The remaining two were haywired and destroyed turn 2. My 20 Warriors could have shielded the platform from being assaulted by his Trueborn, instead they went into melee with his Wyches...
- Doomscythe destroyed one of the Ravagers and chased the other one, without killing it for the rest of the game.
- Conclusion: Doomsday Arks do not fit in a mechanized army, they need a meat wall around them to protect them. You need map control in order to protect them. A mechanized army has less map control than a mass infantry one does. I will try fielding the Skyshield Ark army again, but I think more warriors and/or Flayed Ones replacing the Transcendent C´tan will help the army gain map control. Also dice game, losing two Doomsday Arks worth of firepower before I got my first turn was quite devastating. I still cannot comprehend why my Doomsday Arks have done as little as they have the games in which I fielded them. 5 Crypteks was probably overkill as well.
Angry Necrons vs. Tyranids: /tg/ edition[edit | edit source]
- 1950 Necrons: CAD: Destroyer Lord w. Warschythe in 6 Wraiths w. Whip Coils and 4 Transdimensional Beamers, 2*20 Necron Warriors, Monoliths, Night Scythe, 3 Wraiths w. Whip Coils and 1 T Beamer, 3 Wraiths w. Whip Coils and 1 T Beamer, Monolith, 7 Deathmarks, 2 Doomsday Arks, Defence Line. The extra 100 pts stemmed from a typo in my Destroyer Lords cost 40 instead of 140. I will probably be using an app to organize my armies from now on...
- 1850 Tyranids: Without Numbers Detachment (it brougt out additional Hormagaunts whenever he lost Hormagaunts, Termagants and Gargoyles): Trygon Prime which made a hole which allowed for two units to arrive from it each turn, 40 Hormagaunts, 60 Termagaunts, Tervigon which summoned gargoyles instead of Termagaunts, 2 Biovores w. anti vehicle upgrades, 2 Biovores w. anti flyer upgrades, 3 Zoanthropes in a drop pod, 3 Venomthropes, 3 Hive Guard.
- Necrons won... Because I once again cheated, also I passed every single save for my wraiths the first three turns of the game (more than 10). Based on the fact that I cheated I cannot gather any information on external balance, on the other hand I did gather some information about Wraiths or more specifically the Transdimensional Beamers and Doomsday Arks.
- Despite having 6 Transdimensional Beamers they did not cause a single wound, I failed 5 4+ To Hit rolls and then failed the 3+ To Wound roll. My Wraiths were locked in combat all but one turn, while T Beamers might be good against certain targets, I don´t think I will be taking them again, I prefer my Wraiths to be cheaper and have more of them. Their low BS means a lot to the effectiveness of these weapons. Doomsday Arks once again did almost nothing, this time two Doomsday Arks inflicted a single, a single wound despite shooting 4-7 S D shots. I really like the Doomsday Ark, I just cannot roll To Hit for it.
Angry Crons vs. Angry Wolves[edit | edit source]
- Won´t get into too much detail, I brought a couple of Annihilation Barges to test if they would be OP against Astra Militarum, I played against Wolves instead... They are not OP against Wolves... I made a misplay and his Wolf Lord with Saga of the Warrior born pretty much instantly went up to 10 attacks and tore through my army. I nerfed Saga of the Warrior born a little as a result.
Angry Crons vs. Tyranids Hungry Swarmhost Edition[edit | edit source]
- CAD: Phaeron w. wraith body and warscythe. 3*10 Tesla Immortals. 2 Monoliths. 10 Pariahs. 5 Lychguard. Obelisk.
- Won 19/12, would have been a draw if I hadn´t swallowed a Carnifex with a Monolith and if my opponent didn´t also fail a 3" charge.
- Pariahs seem very powerful, I´m going to be testing them some more and see if my hunch is right.
- Obelisk is really fragile when shot at by anti-armour weaponry, which I geuss is fine. I need to develop a way to protect it for it to be worth it though.
Many Weeks Later...[edit | edit source]
I haven´t been posting battle reports of all any of my battles because I´m lazy, I´m going to try and change that so I can reference this section for future changes. I would like to ask anyone who plays with the angry codices to write which list they played with and if they won or lost. Any more explanation than that is appreciated, but I will probably be skipping it. Angry Pirate (talk) 19:01, 24 March 2016 (UTC)
Angry Raven Guard vs Angry Red Scorpions[edit | edit source]
- Note that neither of the players who played this game are SM players.
- We just played a straight up
Raven Guard
- CAD:
- Kayvaan Shrike - Captain w. Rampage, Swiftstrike and Murder, Sv 2+ and jump pack. - 5 Scouts w. missile launcher (flakk + Krak). - 5 Scouts w. missile launcher (flakk + Krak). - Command Squad w. Champion and 1 marine armed w. power fist and combi-flamer. - 5 Scout Bikers w. 3 astartes grenade launchers. - 3 Bikes w. 2x grav gun, 1 attack bike w. multi-melta - 3 Bikes w. 2x grav gun, 1 attack bike w. multi-melta - Aegis DL + Quad Gun - Chapter Master w. Thunderhammer Stormshield and jump pack.
- 1st Company Task Force
- 5 Sternguard w. 5 combi-meltas - 5 Vanguard Veterans w. 2 Marines each armed armed w. power fist and combi-flamer. - 5 Vanguard Veterans w. 2 Marines each armed armed w. power fist and combi-flamer.
Red Scorpions:
- Battle Demi-Company
- 10 Tactical Marines w. Veteran Sergeant, plasma gun, heavy bolter and rhino
- 10 Tactical Marines w. Veteran Sergeant, plasma gun, heavy bolter and rhino
- 10 Tactical Marines w. Veteran Sergeant, plasma gun, heavy bolter and drop pod
- 7 Devestators w. 4 Lascannons
- 10 Assault Marines w. 2 Plasma guns
- 1st Company Task Force
- 5 Sternguard in Razorback w. TL-heavy bolter - 5 Sternguard in Razorback w. TL-heavy bolter - 5 Sternguard in Razorback w. TL-heavy bolter
- Tank Squadron
- Techmarine - Predator w. lascannon sponsons - Sicarian w. lascannon sponsons - Vindicator
Results and revelations
- The Raven Guard won.
- It felt like the armies were fairly balanced.
Angry Iron Warriors VS Angry Imperial Guards[edit | edit source]
Iron Warriors
- 2 Warpsmiths
- 2 Defilers
- 1 Predator w. Lascannons + TL-Lascannon
- 1 Heldrake
- 2 Squads of CSM w. Plasma guns in Rhinoes
- 5 Havocs w. 4 Missile Launchers
- 5 Havocs w. 4 Lascannons
- 5 Havocs w. 4 Heavy Bolters
- 16 Cultists
Imperial Guards (Battle Hardened)
- Company Command Squad in Chimera
- Lord Commissar w. Black Plate, Fist of Brockus and Duelist Honours
- 3 Infantry Squads w. Plasma Guns
- Heavy Weapon Team w. Autocannons
- Heavy Weapon Team w. Lascannon
- 30 Conscripts
- Leman Russ Battle Tank w. Heavy Bolters
- Leman Russ Executioner w. Melta Sponson, Lascannon and Ace Crew
- Basilisk
- Grenadier Veteran Squad w. Heavy flamer and 2 Flamers in Chimera
- Platoon Command
- 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions w. Plasma Guns
- Vendetta Gun Ship
Results and revelations (TheRavenousEye)
- Iron Warriors Victory.
- While the first Guard shooting phase was devastating, the Meatgrinder special rule almost completely nullified it, regenerating both the lascannon Squad and CSM squad lost.
- It seemed as if the Iron Warrior Tactics were somewhat strong, however looking at the other Space Marine tactics they also seem somewhat more impactful than the detachments presented in the regular rulebooks. While I think it would be great to have detachments be this impactful it is important that we are in total agreement about where the power bar for Detachments and tactics go. I also believe that while tactics are interesting in their own right, most of them should be made into Detachments to replace Objective Secured(?). I am not completely sure, but I think it is something to be discussed. - Raven
- Neither the warband tactics nor chapter tactics are detachments and neither should be compared to the Combined Arms Detachment. Are Iron Warriors OP compared to Iron Hands? I don´t think so, if so then that one tactic might need a nerf. What you are suggesting is making CSM closer to their official codex, which I find to be absurd. Please keep in mind that the angry codices should make a match between the angry codex and an official codex better. What is more likely, a player playing a strong codex being willing to "downgrade" his codex to an angry dex, or a player of a weaker dex being willing to "upgrade" his dex? Most everyone wants a stronger dex, I want to serve CSM players playing against official Eldar, Necrons and Tau more than I want to support a CSM player who is playing against Orks. While the angry codices provide new things such as warband tactics for CSM and Fearless to Necrons, I believe a balanced game is more important than cool options, because the cool options don´t get used in an unfair environment. We know that from things such as C´tan which don´t get used because they are bad and baby carriers which get used because they are OP. So in short. No. But maybe the Iron Warriors tactic or certain elements in the CSM army you played against were OP, or perhabs, just perhabs infantry IG armies are still bad. - Pirate
Angry Dark Eldar VS Angry Blood Angels[edit | edit source]
Blood Angels
- 2x5 Jump Pack Vanguards w. 5 Combi Meltas each + 2 powerfists
- 5 Assault marines w. 2 flamers
- 5 Terminators w. various irrelevant weapons + Cyclone Missile Launcher
- 2x5 Scouts
- Whirlwind Hyperios Squadron w. 2 Whirlwind Hyperioses
- Stormtalon Gunship (You know, the little cute one with 2HP)
- 2xDeath Company Dreadnoughts w. Claw thingys
- Predator Annihilator
- Damocles Command Rhino
- Aegis Defence Line w. Comms Relay
Dark Eldar
- Beastmaster w. 2 Khymeraes, 3 RW Flocks and 3 Fiends
- Cronos Parasite Engine
- 2 Ravagers w. Twilight Annihilators
- 10 Scourges w. 4 Blasters + Solarite w. Blast Pistol
- 8 Incubi in Raider
- 2x5 Warriors w. Shredders in Venoms
- 10 Wracks w. Liquifier guns in Raider
- Archon w. Blast Pistol and Shadow Field
- Razorwing Jetfighter w. Dark Lances
Result and Revelations (TheRavenousEye)
- Close, but ultimately a BA victory.
- Combi-meltas are perhaps a bit strong seeing as they are so widely available to entire squads of Veterans.
- The Cronos Parasite Engine may be a bit underpowered without the spirit probe. Either it should be given some compensation or the spirit probe should be increased in cost. Perhaps both.
- The Death Company Dreadnoughts are perhaps too strong equipped with Claws and their points cost will be re-evaluated.
- (TheRavensEye's Personal): Beastmasters are currently a bit awkward as their primary use is abusing the differing Toughnesses in the unit to make them able to soak up ridiculous amounts of firepower. Perhaps the optimal build for the unit should be re-evaluated.
- Overall a very good game. The battle could definitely have gone both ways.
Angry CSM vs Angry Guard[edit | edit source]
- CSM Black Legion CAD: Lvl 3 psyker x2 (primarilly rolling on telepathy), lvl 3 psyker x2 (primarilly rolling on telepathy), 5 CSMs w. plasma gun and combi-plasma inside a rhino, 5 CSMs w. plasma gun and combi-plasma inside a rhino, Helldrake w. baleflamer, Hell Blade w. hellstorm cannons, Defiler, 6 Havocs w. 4 lascannons and mark of Tzeentch, 5 havocs w. 4 lascannons and MoT, Knight w. chainsword and rapid fire battle cannon, landing pad.
- Guard Kriegian Regiment:
- Regimental Command:Company Command Squad w. master of ordnance and officer of the fleet, the winged skull (for the Company Commander) - Infantry Company: Company Command Squad w. master of ordnance and officer of the fleet, the winged skull (for the Company Commander), platoon command, 3 basic squads, heavy weapons squad w. lascannons, platoon command, 3 basic squads, heavy weapons squad w. mortars. - Armoured Company: Tank Commander in Vanquisher w. meltasponsons and a lascannon, LR Battle Tank w. heavy bolters and a lascannon, LR Demolisher w. melta sponsons and a lascannon. - Artillery Company: Company Command Squad w. officer of the Fleet and master of ordnance, 2 basilisks. - All Company Command Squads each had a Chimera.
Result and Revelations
- IG won, the Knight was invisible turn 1-2 until the Psyker which had the power was shot down and the Knight was held up by a bunch of infantry and was then killed. If the Knight had two ranged weapons it would have been a much better match, but I feared enemy Knights too much to go for a pure ranged Knight, in hind sight I should have just relied on my lascannons to do what I brought them for and take that second ranged weapon.
- The stacking officers of the fleet were not only really powerful, they were super annoying to play against. The -1 to enemy reserves no longer stacks.
- It felt like Black Legion was doing serious work, my opponent claims that it wasn´t too much to play against though, I think that might be due to poor use of my army/bad army construction though. The Guard formations might be too good, but I´ll wait and see until June or July with rebalancing them to let things settle.
Angry CSM with lowered prices vs. Angry Guard[edit | edit source]
Imperial Guard
- Cadian Regiment
- Infantry Company
- Company Command Squad w. Master of Ordnance, Officer of the Fleet, Astropath and Vox-Caster in Chimera
- Infantry Platoon
- Platoon Command 30 - Infantry Squad w. Plasma Gun - Infantry Squad w. Plasma Gun and Vox Caster - 20 Conscripts - Heavy Weapons Team w. Lascannons - Heavy Weapons Team w. Autocannons
- Infantry Platoon
- Platoon Command - Infantry Squad w. Plasma Gun - Infantry Squad w. Plasma Gun
- Storm Trooper Company
- Militarum Tempestus Command Squad w. Auspex and 4 Plasma Guns in Chimera - 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions w. 2 Plasma Guns and Vox Caster in Chimera - 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions w. 2 Plasma Guns - 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions w. 2 Plasma Guns
- Armoured Company
- Tank Commander in Leman Russ Vanquisher w. Multi-meltas and Lascannon - Leman Russ Demolisher w. Multi-melta and Lascannon - Leman Russ Battle Tank w. Heavy Bolter Sponsons and Lascannon
Chaos Space Marines
- World Eaters CAD
- HQ
- Chaos Lord w. daemonic poweraxe of greed (lots of I 1 S6 AP 1 attacks but a large chance of failing miserably and doing nothing) and 4+ invul on juggernaut of khorne - Dark Apostle
- Troops
- 16 Chaos Space Marines w. mark of Khorne (only CCW and pistols) - 30 Cultists
- Elites
- 10 Chaos Terminators w. MoK 2 models with chainfist and reaper autocannon - 5 Khorne Berzerkers w. power fist on the champion - 5 Possessed w. MoK
- Fast Attack
- 10 Chaos Bikes w. icon of vengeance and power fist on champion - 5 Raptors w. 2 melta guns, MoK and power fist on champion - 5 Raptors w. 2 melta guns, MoK and power fist on champion
Result and Revelations
- The World Eaters got absolutely slaughtered and took no more than half of their opponents with them, this is despite the fact that the IG failed all their orders turn 2 AND turn 4 or 5. While the amount of AP 3 might make you think this match should be in favour of the IG, the Apostle gave the big CSM squad a 2+ Sv. So all those plasma guns and all those scions were only truly effective against the Zerkers and then somewhat effective against Bikes (which had a 4+ Jink save) and the Possesed (with their 5+ Invul).
- One of the main problems was that even though some units reached my opponent they instantly squished the IG squad(s) and were then made to look like Swiss cheese.
- Due to assault marines already being 10 pts per model their cost cannot be lowered any further without making them a horde army. All non-spawn, non-vehicle CSM units will get the Eternal Crusade special rule, depending on how it works out the SM might get it as well.
- Eternal Crusade
Models with this special rule may use their Sweeping Advance move to move within 1" of their enemy during your Assault Phase provided at least one model from the unit moves into base contact with an enemy model. Your unit counts as having made a disordered charge and may not strike in the ensuing combat. Overwatch may be performed against the unit as normal.
Angry CSM VS Angry Dark Eldar[edit | edit source]
Objective: Each objective captured at the end of the game grants 3 VP to its owner.
Chaos Lord Daemon Weapon Greedy Mark of Khorne Gift of Mutation Sigil of Corruption Crozius of the Dark Covenant
Chaos Sorceror Mark of Nurgle Lvl 3 Gift of Mutation
10 Chaos Space Marines Mark of nurgle 10 Boltguns (Exchange) Rhino
10 Chaos Space Marines Mark of nurgle 10 Boltguns (Exchange) Rhino
7 Possessed Mark of Nurgle
4 Chaos Terminators Mark of Nurgle 3 Power Fists Land Raider
Daemonfused Dreadnought Lascannon Missile Launcher (3)
5 Havocs 2 Missile Launchers (1) 2 Lascannons
Chaos Hell Talon
Realspace Raid
Kabalite Raiding Party
Archon Huskblade Soul Trap Blast Pistol Shadowfield
9 Warriors
Dark Lance
Weapon Storage
10 Warriors Shredder
Dark Lance
Weapon Storag
8 Kabalite Trueborn Haywire Grenades
Raider Weapon Storage Dark Lance
Kabalite Fire Support
Ravager Twilight Annihilators
Scarlet Epicureans
Haemonculus Shattershard
5 Wracks Ossefactor
5 Wracks Ossefactor
2 Venoms
Cronos Parasite Engine Spirit Probe
Twisted Mercenaries
10 Hellions Helliarch Splinter Pistol and Stunclaw
5 Scourges 2 Blasters Solarite Blast Pistol
7 Incubi
Raider Dark Lance
- CSM played defensive after Ravager was destroyed turn 1. Daemonfused Dreadnought strands atop a building.
- Land Raider got immobilized and lost a Lascannon DE turn 1 leaving its occupants (The termies) to walk across the table. Post this event CSM switched to offensive tactics. They reached combat turn 4 to shred the incubi.
- Hellions outflank, killing the Havoc Squad and placing themselves on an objective.
- Switch to offensive tactics saw much of the Dark Eldar army destroyed in turn 4-5 (Wracks + Incubi), trading with the two CSM squads before getting wiped. The rest of the Dark Eldar army avoids confrontation with the Terminator squad surging across the map to secure 4 objectives winning the battle for the DE.
- The game was played with the Flickerfield giving a 5+ Invul in CC only. This worked out well. FF giving 6+ Invul will be tested next.
- No other revolutionary insight was gained. The Termies were almost invulnerable due to Endurance being cast on them every turn, but this was flavourful as the Dark Eldar are not meant to be brutalizing through the Deathstar Space Marine squads.
Games Done by the Un'tan Collective[edit | edit source]
Our groups house rules are as follows.
- Eternal War Missions
- Static Objectives: Ignore the "Mysterious Objective" rule in all missions. In addition, in the mission "The Scouring" treat all objectives as being worth 2 victory points.
- Fair Play: No player may ever attempt to Seize The Initiative.
- Pain of Eternals: If a model with Feel no Pain also has Eternal Warrior it can make feel no pain saves against wounds with Instant Death. It can not however take saves from Deathblow destroyer wound.
Angry Necrons Vs Calm Inquisitors with Militarum Tespestus allies[edit | edit source]
1000pts Vs 1000pts Mission: The Emperors Will.
- Necron army list
Combind arms detatchment. HQ: One cryptek faculty, one Harbringer of The storm with lightning field (going with the 11 strong warrior unit), one Harbringer of Eternity with Chronometron and Timesplinter cloak (going with the Immortal squad). Troops: One squad of 10 Warriors, one squad of 11 Warriors and one squad of 9 Immortals with Gauss blasters. Elites: One C'tan shard with Pheonix Spawn, Soul Eater and Ghost Flight. Fast attacks: one squad of 3 Destroyers. Heavy support: One Monolith.
- Inquisitors with allies list
Inquisitorial detatchment. HQ: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with Needle pistol, Psyker level 1, rad and psychotroke granades, Power armour, one servo skull and Force blade. Elites: One Inquisitorial henchmen group, two Jokaeros, one psyker, two servitors with plasma cannons, three acolytes with power armour and plasma guns and two acolytes with power armour and hot shot lasguns. Chimera as dedicated transport.
Allies detatchment. HQ: Militarum tempestus command Squad, one power maul and 4 hot shot volley guns, Taurox as dedicated transport. Troops: one squad of five scions, 2 hot shot volley guns, taurox dedicated transport. One squad of ten scions, 2 hot shot volley guns.
- Turn 1 Taurox killed a warrior. Destroyers caused 2 pens to a Taurox (Stunned).
- Turn 2 2 wounds lost on the C'tan shard. One Immortal dead by Jokaero las cannons. Monolith deep struck successfully and killed two scions. Immortals with the Chronometron got one 6 enough to wreck the damaged Taurox. Destroyers inflicted 1 hull point on the chimera.
- Turn 3 C'tan charged scion command squad to kill 3 and make the remaining get caught by sweeping advance. Shard was killed by plasma fire and the Inquisitors Needle pistol. Scions shot and killed a Destroyer. Warriors killed 2 scions.
- Turn 4 Monolith teleported in a Warrior squad in rapidfire range. Entire necron army (Except crypteks) shot at the chimera and finally managed to inflict 2 glances and wreck the chimera. The remaining Taurox and scions killed 9 warriors from the squad that had teleported in and 2 Immortals. The Inquisitor surrended at this point, as the Angry Necrons were ahead and he wouldn't be able to get to the objective.
- Conclusion: Inquisitor player made a mistake in only trying to kill Necrons and not going for the objective. He also got unlucky as a total of 6 models died to gets hot from shooting near or at the Phoenix Spawn C'tan. Warriors in total inflicted one glance and two wounds. Immortals were worth their points even at toughness 3. C'tan shard would have died earlier If not for Phoenix Spawn (though there was luck involved), having Ghost Flight which let it arrive to do damage and having some pretty good cover for two turns. From the battle however It felt like the Phoenix spawn upgrade is slighltly underpriced, 40 or 45pts is more fair priced for what it does. Chronomancer was about worth its points, choronometron was useful but did not have too much of an impact (about right). Warlord rolled on the angry Necrons trait table and after reroll got Tomb defender, which was useless in the current mission. units preformed decently overall.
Angry Necrons Vs Calm Inquisitors with Militarum Tespestus allies: Game two[edit | edit source]
1000pts vs 1000pts Mission: The Scouring.
This game was played right after the one above, with the same armies as above with the following exception: C'tan shards Pheonix Spawn power was switched out for Nightmare Tentacles.
- The Difference: First turn the Inquisitor focused most of his firepower in taking out the Destroyers and succeded, granting first blood and a point for destroying a Fast attack choice. One warrior squad inflicted 1 glancing hits on the chimera. The destroyers inflicted a glance on the chimera before being destroyed. C'tan took out the last hull point on the chimera with its tentacles and in the following shooting phase was destroyed by the Inquisitor and its henchmen inside. Monolith arrived and brought with it the Immortal squad from reserves to just barely wreck a Taurox. The Immortal squad was focused down to all but one Immortal and the warlord Cryptek (who promotly went back into reserves from the Eternity gate as soon as they could). After that the Inquisitor spread out his forces to grab the objectives and got a victory by turn 6.
- Conclusion: While not an overwhelming victory the Angry necrons did quite worse in the second game loosing both their heavy hitters early on. The C'tan shard showed its more frail nature and didn't nearly make up for its points this game, however a lot of that was caused by tactical errors. The destroyers took a decent bit of fire but would have gone down by the opponents firepower most of the times.
Angry Orks Vs Angry Imperial Guard droop troops, a Calm Inquisitor and their Imperial Knight ally: Game one[edit | edit source]
1850pts Vs 1850pts Mission: Big guns never tire
Angry Ork warband
- Ork warband detatchment. Lord of war: Kustom Stompa with 3 big shootas, deth kannon, supa gatler, giga shoota, deff arsenal and a Mega-Choppa. HQ: Ork big mek with fixer uppers, force field and thinkin' kap (Warlord). Ork mek with grot oiler. Troops: Three Mobs of 12 boyz each with nob, power klaw, boss pole and each nob has eavy armour. Dedicated transport: Three trukks. Heavy support: Two mega dreads with rippa, kill kannon and grot riggers. One meka Dread with 2 rippas and mega charga.
Calm Inquisitor and his angry army
- Inquisitorial Detatchment. HQ: Ordo xenos Inquisitor (Warlord) with power armour, Psyker, force sword, conversion beamer, psystoke granades and rad granades. Elites: Inquisitorial Warband with 2 jokaeros, 1 psyker, 3 servitors with plasma cannons and 5 acolytes with power armour, 3 with plasma guns and 2 with hot shot volley guns. Dedicated transport: Chimera with heavy bolter, storm bolter, hunter killer missile and psybolt ammunition.
- Angry Imperial guard drop Troops detatchment. HQ: Company command squad with carapace armour, camo cloak, deathmask of ollanious pious, blade of conquest, vox caster, medic, 2 plasmas and lucius 98 pattern lasguns. Troops: Veteran squad, 10 models, with granadier doctrines, vox caster, 2 plasmas and lucius 98 pattern lasguns. Elites: one tempestus Platoon. One tempestus command squad with 1 power sword and 4 hot shot lasguns. Two storm scions squads of 5 members, with vox casters and 2 hot shot volley guns in each. Dedicated transport: three taurox primes, one with hunter killer missile.
- Angry oathsworn detatchment. Lord of war: Knight paladin with 1 melta gun and twin icarus autocannon.
- Turn 1 Ork Kustom stompa shoots at and destroys the knight (the Knights ion shield was not in the stompas direction). Knight goes apocalyptic and explodes, destroying all the nearby tauroxes and chimeras, taking out most of the Inquisitors army. The Inquisitor player concedes.
- Conclusion: Be careful where you place your Ion shield. And for that matter, where you put your titans.
Angry Orks Vs Angry Imperial Guard droop troops, a Calm Inquisitor and their Imperial Knight ally, Game two[edit | edit source]
1850pts Vs 1850pts Mission: Big guns never tire
Angry Ork warband
- Ork warband detatchment. Lord of war: Kustom Stompa with 3 big shootas, deth kannon, supa gatler, giga shoota, deff arsenal and a titan close combat weapon. HQ: Ork big mek with fixer uppers, force field and thinkin' kap (Warlord). Ork mek with grot oiler. Troops: Three Mobs of 12 boyz each with nob, power klaw, boss pole and each nob has eavy armour. Dedicated transport: Three trukks. Heavy support: Two mega dreads with rippa, kill kannon and grot riggers. One meka Dread with 2 rippas and mega charga.
(Slightly less) Calm Inquisitor and his angry army
- Inquisitorial Detatchment. HQ: Ordo xenos Inquisitor (Warlord) with power armour, Psyker, force sword, conversion beamer, psystoke granades and rad granades. Elites: Inquisitorial Warband with 2 jokaeros, 1 psyker, 3 servitors with plasma cannons and 5 acolytes with power armour, 3 with plasma guns and 2 with hot shot volley guns. Dedicated transport: Chimera with heavy bolter, storm bolter, hunter killer missile and psybolt ammunition.
- Angry Imperial guard drop Troops detatchment. HQ: Company command squad with carapace armour, camo cloak, deathmask of ollanious pious, blade of conquest, vox caster, medic, 2 plasmas and lucius 98 pattern lasguns. Troops: Veteran squad, 10 models, with granadier doctrines, vox caster, 2 plasmas and lucius 98 pattern lasguns. Elites: one tempestus Platoon. One tempestus command squad with 1 power sword and 4 hot shot lasguns. Two storm scions squads of 5 members, with vox casters and 2 hot shot volley guns in each. Dedicated transport: three taurox primes, one with hunter killer missile.
- Angry oathsworn detatchment. Lord of war: Knight paladin with 1 melta gun and twin icarus autocannon.
- Turn 1 Knight shot at stompa with battlecannon but Both shots scattered, it blew up a building next to it though. Veterans shot at the stompa but Did no damage. Psybolts from the Chimera blew up a trukk for first blood. Stompa shot at Knight and caused 4 hullpoints. Orks from a trukk assaulted the veteran squad and wiped them out.
- Turn 2 Knight charged orks and managed to overrun them (stomp attacks did the most damage), but lost a hullpoint. Stompa shot and caused 2 hullpoints to the kings, 2 hullpoints to the chimera and 1 on a taurox.
- Turn 3 The knight charged the Stompa. With some luck it caused 6 hullpoints. The stompa then wrecked the knight. The knight went apocalyptic and caused a destroyer hit on the stompa, which rolled a 6. As a result Both titans exploded, Both meks inside the stompa perished in the blast and the explosions hurt a nearby trukk. (Yes, It was quite awesome). Some boys also died. (dreads are still not close enough to assault).
- Turn 4 Inquisitorial reserves still does not arrive due to poor rolling. Psyker heavyflamered the ork trukk, caused one pen and one ork dead. Heavy bolter wrecked a trukk. 3 boys died to Jokaero heavy flammers. Boys disembark from a trukk to Assault and wreck the chimera, the meka Dread managed to charge the scion squad and kill 3 of them. Some guardsmen Died to gets hot from their weapons, but caused a hullpoint on a mega dread. Mega dreads finally in close combat managed to wreck a taurox. A single boy and a single nob charged a taurox with one hullpoint left, the nob had a powerclaw, but the boy wrecked the taurox before the nob could even attack it. (Said boy is now a nob for his feats in waaagh).
- Turn 5 Inquisitor wrecked the last trukk. The rest of this turn was both armies going over to take what objectives they could. The game ended in both players having the same amount of points, resulting in a draw.
- Conclusion: Angry ork boys are pretty balanced for their points costs, though maybe they are actually a bit underpriced, so far they are not. Dreads are so slow that they Hardly get to do much in a battle. Knight was Lucky to "take out" the Stompa. Scions and droop troops were seldom near viable targets for them in this mechanized list and this underpreformed some. Overall it was a balanced game.
Angry Orks vs Angry Necrons[edit | edit source]
2000pts Vs 2000pts Mission: Crusade
Angry Ork Warband
- Ork warband detatchment. Lord of war: Kustom Stompa with 3 big shootas, deth kannon, supa gatler, giga shoota, deff arsenal and a mega choppa. HQ: Warboss (Gutcruncha, warlord) With Bike, Lucky Stikk, boss pole, eadwhoppa and attack squig. Big mek with bike. Big mek with bike, big choppa, shock attack gun and gitfinda. Troops: three mobs of 12 boyz each with nob, power klaw, boss pole and each nob has eavy armour. Dedicated transport: Four trukks. Elites: Nobs with big choppas. Fast attack: 12 Bike boyz.
Angry Necron Force
- Combind arms detatchment: HQ: Cryptek faculty with three harbringers of the storm and one with lightning field, one Harbringer of despair with Veil of darkness and one Harbringer of eternity with Timesplinter cloak and Chronometron (Warlord). Anrakyr the Traveller. Troops: Two squads of 20 warriors, One squad of 10 Tesla Immortals. Elites: The Nightbringer. Fast attack: 5 Destroyers, two squads of 5 Scarabs. Heavy support: Spyder with fabricator claw array, one Monolith.
- Turn 1: The three ork trukks on the front line, retreats... This threw up necron positioning quite a bit. The ork player made sure three of his trukks filled with boyz and nobs were not very useful for most of the game, but in the same move he made sure of the same to my Immortals and Scarabs. An excellent example of kunnin' ork taktiks. The stompa shot it's kill kannon at the destroyers and blasted down all five. Needless to say I was disappointed. Warriors to far away to reach, Immortals and scarabs not in threat range, destroyers removed and the rest of My army in reserves. One scarab squad moved closer to the ork trukk with the big mek. Stompa killed 2 scarab bases, 2 immortals and 1 warrior which was caught in a blast. The Nightbringer was out of its line of sight. Ork Bikes moved up.
- Turn 2: Anrakyr, the harbringers of the storm and Harbringer of despair deep struck behind the stompa. Anrakyr used his mind in the machine, and rolled an 11... (Even with a 91,67% chance to succed I managed to fail the roll). The ethermancers all shot at the stompa causing 6 hullpoints (This was when their weapon were assault 4). The monolith deep struck next to the retreating trukks, and used it's portal to bring in the Nightbringer, who shot at a truck and Caused a pen, the monolith wrecked said trukk and caused a glance to another. Monolith blocked the stompas line of sight to the Nightbringer. The stompa turned and shot at the Cryptek faculty, and with some of its guns and the dakka guns from the Bikes (who moved back so they could fire) the entire squad was obliterated. One squad of warriors shot rapidfire and took out one ork bike, they proceeded to charge the bikes, mostly to hold them up, however in the Assault phase managed to destroy 2 ork bikers (quite lucky rolls).
- Turn 3: The ork trukk boyz charged the Nightbringer, who stared 7 of them dead. The orks held it up though. Scarabs having Nothing better to do went up to a huge building on the field and reduced it to a smouldering ruin. Monolith caused a glance to the stompa. Stompa killed 9 warriors, 2 Immortals and a swarm base. Bike orks finally took out the necron warrior squad, Holding them up for two turns were however good results.
- Turn 4: Nobz and the other squad of trukk boyz charged the Nightbringer, who stared another 23 orks to death. The ork nobs managed to put down the Nightbringer, who in the explosion killed off most of the surrounding orks, and blew up a trukk. It also shot at the monolith causing a glance before being removed. Ork boys shot at the remaining scarab swarm and charged them through the ruins of the building, managing to take out three bases. Monolith brought out the warrior squad with the warlord, shooting at a remaining group of orks, taking out a few boys. Immortals killed 3 boyz.
- Turn 5: Bikers shot and charged the warriors, warriors struck first and took out one bike, but was then obliterated. Stompa shot and took out a few more immortals, having very few targets left. The monolith fired all it could at the stompa causing 1 glance. The stompa caused 2 glances on the monolith. Stompa tries to charge the monolith but falls its charge.
- Turn 6: At this point the necron side was mostly barren, scarabs and Immortals being cleaned up by shooting, what remained was the spyder and the monolith. Spyder repairs the monolith and it Will not die actually works leaving the monolith back at 3 hullpoints. Now the battle is a combat between the stompa and the monolith. Monolith fires all it has, but it amounts to Nothing. The stompa charges successfully, but only causes 2 hits, one rolles a 1, te other does 1 hullpoint. Game ends with Both fighting but non able to fell the other.
- Turn 7: Turn seven was just checking how the result would have been If tje game continued, and the stompa wrecked the monolith as expected.
- Conclusion: I did not position My destroyers or faculty admireably this game. Which costed me a (the) good chunk of my army. After loosing the Cryptek faculty I had little left to deal with the stompa. (The Nightbringer being caught up in other buisness). Neither did I account for ork kunnin' (how would I guess that orks would retreat?). Warriors did very little in the game, except for holding up the bikes. The Nightbringer did quite well, but still didn't manage to bring up its point cost in casualties. Ethermancers, while not well positioned, did about as expected with their 4 shots each. However taking them in smaller squads with only 3 shots each would lower their effectiveness quite a bit.
- Necron Warriors: Warriors still did very little. The squad holding up the bikers did the best of I believe all angry warrior squads I have used so far, and they still did not get their point cost back. They are still useful enough not to be a waste, but so far they feel more like a tax on an army than anything, which seems very strange.
Have you tried out an angry codex?[edit | edit source]
Your codex vs enemy codex[edit | edit source]
- Your army list.
- Opponents army list.
- How did your units perform?
- Maybe some thoughts about which units you currently think are under priced or overpriced.