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Ulthwé tends to do what it can to either avert or divert threats to their people by attempting to manipulate other factions into fighting their enemies for them. This particular approach has earned them no small degree of enmity from not only the Imperium (whom Ulthwé seems to attempt to trick and deceive at every conceivable turn almost on a whim), but even from other Eldar as well, as even they tire of Ulthwé's plotting. When Ulthwé finds itself forced to intervene directly, they'll often rely strictly on their Black Guardians supported by Warlocks and Farseers when conducting war. Despite the relative lack of specialized Aspect Warriors native to Ulthwé, the Black Guardian's higher degree of training makes them far more efficient at flexibly engaging a wide variety of threats that other Guardian Defenders and even certain Aspect Warriors would struggle with. Their skills are also very heavily supplemented by the Warlocks and Farseers leading them and their support weapons into battle.
Ulthwé tends to do what it can to either avert or divert threats to their people by attempting to manipulate other factions into fighting their enemies for them. This particular approach has earned them no small degree of enmity from not only the Imperium (whom Ulthwé seems to attempt to trick and deceive at every conceivable turn almost on a whim to fight enemies the Imperium would have fought anyway if the Eldar had just told them where the foe was), but even from other Eldar as well, as even they tire of Ulthwé's plotting (especially when it causes the Imperium to kick the shit out of other Craftworlds in anger). When Ulthwé finds itself forced to intervene directly, they'll often rely strictly on their Black Guardians supported by Warlocks and Farseers when conducting war. Despite the relative lack of specialized Aspect Warriors native to Ulthwé, the Black Guardian's higher degree of training makes them far more efficient at flexibly engaging a wide variety of threats that other Guardian Defenders and even certain Aspect Warriors would struggle with. Their skills are also very heavily supplemented by the Warlocks and Farseers leading them and their support weapons into battle. So, they're like the Imperial Guard but Eldar

==Famous members==
==Famous members==

Revision as of 22:03, 25 January 2020



Official Languages

Eldar Lexicon


Minor Power



Head of State

High Farseer of Ulthwé

Head of Government

Seer Council of Ulthwé

Governmental Structure

Authoritarian Magocratic Seer Council

State Religion/Ideology

Eldar Mythology



Military Force

Black Guardians, Aspect Hosts, Craftworld Fleet

Craftworld Ulthwé (a contraction of Ulthanash Shelwé, "the Song of Ulthanash") is one of the major Eldar Craftworlds in Warhammer 40,000, famous for its use of Farseers and Black Guardians. Its most famous scion is Eldrad Ulthran, the former Chief Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé and known as being one of the biggest dicks in 40k.


Everyone's favorite pseudo-egyptian crying symbol. (It's called "Wadjet".)

Ulthwé was one of the last Craftworlds to hightail it out of the Segmentum Obscurus, and as a result is within spitting distance of the Eye of Terror. In the last ten thousand years, Craftworld Ulthwé has suffered thousands of attacks by the daemons of Slaanesh and the Emperor's Children, earning its nickname "Ulthwé the Damned". As a result, the Craftworld's primary enemy is Chaos, and it has placed a high emphasis on the Path of the Seer and training Warlocks, allowing the Seer Council to predict when attacks will come and better prepare Ulthwé for it. As a result of focusing on the Path of the Seer, Craftworld Ulthwé has far fewer Aspect Warriors than other Craftworlds. To compensate for this, Craftworld Ulthwé trains their Guardians as the Black Guardians, a much more thoroughly trained corps of Guardians ready to respond at a moment's notice.

Craftworld Ulthwé has occasionally worked with the Imperium of Man to better fight the forces of Chaos, but this relationship, like all Imperial-Xenos relationships, is an alliance of convenience and usually breaks down within moments of achieving the Eldar objective. This stems from failed first contact with the Imperium, when Eldrad attempted to warn the Imperium about Horus Lupercal's fall to Chaos, but instead of warning the Emperor himself gave his message to the Primarch Fulgrim, who was already in the throes of Slaaneshi corruption thanks to the daemonic sword he kept after the Cleansing of Laer. It resulted in a firefight and left several Eldar not just dead but lost to Slaanesh. (You would think that he would have been able to foresee that, but apparently not; it's not as if the powers of Chaos could mess with his foresight...) Craftworld Ulthwé is also responsible for the Second War of Armageddon, as it was Eldrad who diverted WAAAGH Ghazghkull to Armageddon, instead of towards the Craftworlds. Craftworld Ulthwé also has a secret alliance with House Belisarius, a Navigator house with exclusive rights to fly to the starships of the Space Wolves. In M31, Craftworld Ulthwé saved the fortunes of House Belisarius, which began an arrangement where Belisarius gave Craftworld Ulthwé seven coins to call upon the debt. If an Eldar of Craftworld Ulthwé gives a Navigator of Belisarius one of the coins, the Navigator immediately drops whatever they're doing and helps the Eldar, taking the coin and paying back the debt. So far, this has happened five times in past ten thousand years. Naturally, House Belisarius makes an effort to keep the Space Wolves unaware of this agreement.

Once trapped in orbit around the Eye of Terror, Ulthwé now finds itself able to travel across the galaxy. This would normally be monumental moment for Ulthwé, being able to travel outside the orbit of the Eye of Terror for the first time since the Fall of the Eldar but seeing as the same incident also let Chaos run rampant across the galaxy... let’s just say that Chaos may have gotten that better deal here. The Ynnari have royally screwed up the social order of the Craftworld, with many leaving to join their number, and with the Exile of Eldrad (He and Ahriman should really team up, both tried to make thing better with a ritual but ended up getting exiled for it. The two could end up being bros for life) many more have chosen to follow him instead.

Due to having a large portion of their population either leaving to join Eldrad or the Ynnari, the Craftworld of Ulthwé now finds itself having to deal with the massive escalation in Chaos activity but with a much-reduced force to deal with the situation. In a move that stinks of desperation, the Seer council is forced to swallow the characteristic pride of the Eldar and sends its forces out across the galaxy in the hopes of gaining the help of the lesser races. The Warhosts of Ulthwé appear on battlefields across the galaxy, providing aid and support, this includes helping out the Dark Angels and the Space Wolves, the T’au Farsight Enclaves and the Grey Knights. Ulthwé is determined to preserves as many allies that it can, all are needed for the future battles against Chaos, even if it means leaving Ulthwé itself in harm’s way. This would end up biting them in the ass when a combined force of Slaaneshi and Tzeentchan Daemons led by Kairos Fateweaver invaded the poorly defended Craftworld, only being driven off thanks to the intervention of Eldrad and his fellow exiles.

During the course of the Psychic Awakening, Ulthwé seers have been making a point to watch over a myriad of Imperial worlds and purge corrupt governors/councillors who through negligence or incompetence allowed Chaos to take root within their cities. In doing so, they often endeavored to ensure a more proactive, capable replacement would take charge before departing. This interventionist attitude hasn't been without cost however, with instances of retaliatory Imperial attacks against the Ulthwéans occurring due to the Seers often resorting to lightning strikes and assassinations over a more diplomatic approach. One notable instance of this occurred after a raid on an Imperial world known as Cadmas Tertius, where an Ulthwéan strike team eradicated a Slaaneshi cult lead by the rulers of the planet that would've brought their world to ruin. The governors who succeeded their predecessors knew not of the corruption of their predecessors, so when Ulthwé ambassadors attempted to parlay with them to explain, they were forced off the planet by gunpoint. The Adonis navy would follow this up with an ambush against the Ulthwé ships still monitoring them, destroying several of them before they could retreat.


Ulthwé tends to do what it can to either avert or divert threats to their people by attempting to manipulate other factions into fighting their enemies for them. This particular approach has earned them no small degree of enmity from not only the Imperium (whom Ulthwé seems to attempt to trick and deceive at every conceivable turn almost on a whim to fight enemies the Imperium would have fought anyway if the Eldar had just told them where the foe was), but even from other Eldar as well, as even they tire of Ulthwé's plotting (especially when it causes the Imperium to kick the shit out of other Craftworlds in anger). When Ulthwé finds itself forced to intervene directly, they'll often rely strictly on their Black Guardians supported by Warlocks and Farseers when conducting war. Despite the relative lack of specialized Aspect Warriors native to Ulthwé, the Black Guardian's higher degree of training makes them far more efficient at flexibly engaging a wide variety of threats that other Guardian Defenders and even certain Aspect Warriors would struggle with. Their skills are also very heavily supplemented by the Warlocks and Farseers leading them and their support weapons into battle. So, they're like the Imperial Guard but Eldar

Famous members