Minecraft: Difference between revisions

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| Minecraft version 1.2.3 release.  Custom worldgen, switches maps every few weeks.  The flavors available are: islands, primordial desert, rainforest basin, post-apocalypse cities, golden tunnels, egypt, jungle, vanilla.
| Minecraft version 1.2.5 release.  Custom worldgen, switches maps every 2 weeks.  The flavors available are: islands, primordial desert, rainforest basin, post-apocalypse cities, golden tunnels, egypt, jungle, vanilla.
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|Newcomers can build only in a 1km square area around spawn; this is to reduce LOLRANDUMB griefing (but by no means prevents it).  [[Roleplaying]] is encouraged, but really laid-back; the RP players tend to gravitate towards towns, and raid other towns.  Creatures are on Hardmode, so fighting off a horde of [[meme|zombles and skellingtunz]] is not recommended without a friend or substantial preparation beforehand. There is currently a [[wizard|magic]] system in place, and while it is useful, it is also complicated.  Get acquainted with it when entering the server for best results.  Run by donations through the tgminecrafters forum.  When Bukkit is down, the server goes vanilla.
|[[Roleplaying]] is encouraged, but really laid-back; the RP players tend to gravitate towards towns, and raid other towns.  Creatures are on Hardmode, so fighting off a horde of [[meme|zombles and skellingtunz]] is not recommended without a friend or substantial preparation beforehand. Run by donations through the tgminecrafters forum.  When Bukkit is down, the server goes vanilla.
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* SkyRome,, maintained by Giam. Moved to Sept 2011. Moved to Oct 2011. Currently known as /tg/ Minecrafters.
* SkyRome,, maintained by Giam. Moved to Sept 2011. Moved to Oct 2011. Currently known as /tg/ Minecrafters.
* Little Chiron, (IP Secure), Private Server maintained by a Seggellion. (see livestream/pink08 for details)
* Little Chiron, (IP Secure), Private Server maintained by a Seggellion. (see livestream/pink08 for details)

== See Also ==
== See Also ==

Revision as of 22:46, 1 May 2012

This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Minecraft is a fantasy game created by Scandinavian Markus "Notch" Persson.

The game is first-person LEGO blocks; you walk about in a virtual reality, everything is made of cubes -- including the water, lava, animals and monsters -- and you can rearrange the cubes to suit your needs or desires. The maps are psuedo-random, allowing for a surface area that scales to larger than the surface of the Earth. There's no goal; it's a pure sandbox game. LOL check again!

Some have used it to build models of D&D adventure maps, such as Kobold Hall from D&D4E, or the Keep on the Borderlands from old 1st Ed. AD&D.

Many people compare the game to Terraria, a similar side-scroller with 16-bit graphics and a much more diverse world. Despite the diversity, it is important to remind Terraria Users in general that Minecraft is still in beta (despite dropping 'Beta' from the name), and gets better all the time. Be sure to ask them how they like Super Mario World: Minecraft Edition. Likewise they will ask you how you like Endermen and Creepers wrecking your shit. It's give and take, like all things on /tg/, though both communities will generally admit that the other game has merit, like Leman Russ and Lion El'Johnson.

However, it should be noted that this game will make your computer choke to death. No kidding. Like Dwarf Fortress choke to death, but worse.

Despite being an immensely popular game, more avid videogame fans will rage furiously if you call it Game Of The Year. This is because the huge potential for creativity it's only merit. In terms of actual gameplay, combat is complete rubbish, there's little reason to actually explore, it's a grind-fest just to get enough blocks, it can't be played without a guide, it's just generally badly-designed, and absolutely full of bugs. Essentially, it's like a Michael Bay film - highly popular for a particular reason, but absolutely rubbish as a movie. It doesn't help that Notch is largely considered a money-grubbing ass who promises lots of features he doesn't deliver and steals other people's ideas without credit (Wolves, pistons, heck even the whole concept behind building with voxels was taken from fans of Infiniminer) gets a whole mess of flak from modders and fans who show him cool stuff for free and expect him not to take it and use it in the real game.

As you can see, not all of /tg/ likes Minecraft. It is a /v/idyagame, after all, and games without rules or objectives games don't sit well with everyone.

The full release of Minecraft was uploaded November 18, 2011. It is still receiving regular updates, including new items, new gameplay features, and new mobs. Plans for features that have been in the works since its Alpha test phase are finally getting attention. One of the main additions to the full release was an end-game scenario - getting to the void dimension called The End and defeat the Enderdragon. Crafting was expanded and overhauled in a number of areas as well. Bringing it even closer to its dwarfier cousin is the recent addition of cats, which thankfully only breed when you want them to.

Minecraft vs. Dwarf Fortress

As a sandbox game with retro graphics and fantasy elements, some compare it to Dwarf Fortress, though the two are nothing alike:

Minecraft Dwarf Fortress
3D look with a first-person perspective. Blocks are textured, and changing texture sets is easy. Dwarf Fortress uses ANSI graphics, which were good enough for your Dad so shut yer yapper.
Each world is a huge sprawling pastoral setting, where you can happily dig and build and farm. Monsters come out at night, so build fortifications. A world of strife and pain where you can happily watch your dwarfs go into a tantrum spiral and destroy themselves in riots unless they pass out dead drunk in their own puke. Monsters will siege your home for months at a time, which is not as bad as your own nobledwarfs doing crap like forbidding the use of coal, or sentencing your best axedwarf to death for drinking the wrong booze ale.
Minecraft starts at casual, letting you build a cottage home right away, but you can get deep into it, planning out huge mining operations or constructing castles that cover hundreds or thousands of square meters. Crafting recipes may not be obvious, so reading the wiki is advisable though not necessary. Dwarf Fortress starts so deep you can't even see casual with a telescope. There are hours of video tutorials on YouTube teaching you how to play the game. The combat system keeps track of the status of each individual finger on both hands for every dwarf, and umpteen internal organs. Don't bother looking for the wiki, it's a shambled, outdated, illogical mess that makes this wiki look like the Ikea instructions of how to win the Internet.
In Minecraft, logistics are simple enough to work out, seeing as food grows on its own. You do everything yourself, so give yourself food in case you get too far off building your castle's fifth basement. In Dwarf Fortress, getting your Dwarves to do like you say is a nightmare within a nightmare. Everything lives at a dynamic equilibrium, and one wrong click can topple that stability like the Horus Heresy. Nobles exist to ruin the economy, but no one can get rid of them. Certain resources are so rare and vital that you need entire economies devoted to making them. Problems compound onto themselves until a starving hoard of Dwarves is running naked across a lake of their own bile, dragging the Nobles along the floor and eating themselves, all the while outrunning the legions of hell.
You can harvest materials to build tools. You hopefully have the right materials to build the tools you-- "Craftsdwarf Gregor has stopped task: building granite doors; interrupted by zombie elephant. Craftsdwarf Gregor has died." --oh for CRYING OUT LOUD!
People post screenshots of the pixel art they made with the coloured-wool blocks. People write huge sagas about their colonies, with fortress names like "Boatmurdered" and "Headshoots" spoken in reverent tones.
You can open the Magma Gates, which will bawleet pretty much only you, creatures, flamable things, and thing you drop. Mostly, its just fun to watch, but make sure you can close them again! You will open the Magma Gates, which will bawleet EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE, and is an economic and engineering tragedy from which your fortress and dwarves may never recover.

/tg/ and Minecraft

The previous release (Sept 2011) was v1.8 "the Adventure Update," which promised to have new map generating methods, "villager" NPCs and NPC/monsters that will also construct their own buildings. Once it rolled out, Minecraft was supposed to have become a full-fledged adventure game, and /tg/ would have rejoiced.

Except that isn't how things went. Most of 1.8 was adding in world-enriching things, like a new mob (Endermen), ravines and rivers, new biomes, hunger and starvation, a useless experience system, and randomly generated ruins/dungeons. But, the new Endermen "construct" about as much as a 2 year old piling blocks, the NPCs were nowhere to be found, and the cool dungeons only spawn about 2-3 times per map.

This is all going to be remedied, Notch says, with the v1.9 release (Nov 2011). THIS release will turn Minecraft into that adventure game that we here at /tg/ have been drooling after like maniacs. We can only hope this siren's call of hopeful temptations leads somewhere. Then /tg/ will rejoice. Haha whoever wrote this isn't familiar with Notch's promises!

Well, sort of rejoice, because it is nowhere near as popular with fa/tg/uys as Dwarf Fortress; or, god forbid, Touhou. It's still a bit more popular than Terraria though, mostly because Terraria is 2D and just doesn't offer the same level of design capability that Minecraft does (though Terraria does have a more dungeon crawling to it, so adventuregamers prefer it). But, while Dwarf Fortress is more diverse than either by several magnitudes, Minecraft doesn't require a graduate degree in civic engineering, and feels more familiar to people who were raised on Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, and so forth.

Notch did include an interesting mechanic to the game right before he passed the project on to Jeb: Enchanting. This gives a reason for the experience system, although a non-essential reason. A player who has more experience has access to a wider variety of enchantments, which are randomly offered to you in an incomprehensible code from a book which lays on a table you had to craft. It can give your weapon many varying effects, not all of which are good. If you have the time, you can decode the book, but few actually care to. This, combined with the potions system, has given the RPG-loving fa/tg/uy more to enjoy once the mining has lost its fun, but the vidiots reacted to these new systems as if they were covered in skub. Which is always fun to watch.

As stated, further additions and corrections have been made with Minecraft 1.0, the unintuitively named first release after many previous releases with version numbers higher than 1.0. Mojang waves it off as "oh that was version 1.8 BETA, this is version 1.0 for REALS", despite the fact that Minecraft is still technically in beta phase of releases. This means it is still driven by live user testing to discover bugs and gamebreakers, but some staff-shuffling at Mojang and new hires means they're finally doing in-house debugging before passing it on to the player base.

On Terraria

For some reason, there's ongoing arguments over which game ripped off the other for a lot of the games' content, resulting in a hilarious sort of divide going on with the communities of both games.... Even though Notch and Re-Logic openly acknowledge and respect one another, and frequently bounce ideas off one another for in-game content. In truth, they are trolling both communities.

fa/tg/uy Servers

Current Servers
Name /tg/ Minecrafters
Description Minecraft version 1.2.5 release. Custom worldgen, switches maps every 2 weeks. The flavors available are: islands, primordial desert, rainforest basin, post-apocalypse cities, golden tunnels, egypt, jungle, vanilla.
Where mondego.ptsites.com [] . Forums at ProBoards Group on Steam
Admin Giam
Mods Custom worldgen, Bukkit server (plugins: WorldGuard, MyHome, BorderGuard, bPermissions, Permissions)
Notes Roleplaying is encouraged, but really laid-back; the RP players tend to gravitate towards towns, and raid other towns. Creatures are on Hardmode, so fighting off a horde of zombles and skellingtunz is not recommended without a friend or substantial preparation beforehand. Run by donations through the tgminecrafters forum. When Bukkit is down, the server goes vanilla.
Name /tg/ Minecrafters Tekkit Server
Description Tekkit server, Minecraft version 1.2.3 release. Custom worldgen.
Where []. Forums at ProBoards Group on Steam
Admin Giam
Mods Tekkit
Notes People get buildy here. Expect the Mechanicus fans to come crawling out of the works.

Old Servers
  • /tg/entoo, location URL broken, maintained by TomCo (tgminecraft@gmail.com). 2010.
  • Sanderson Ur,, maintained by Zemus. June-August 2011
  • SkyRome,, maintained by Giam. Moved to Sept 2011. Moved to Oct 2011. Currently known as /tg/ Minecrafters.
  • Little Chiron, (IP Secure), Private Server maintained by a Seggellion. (see livestream/pink08 for details)

See Also
