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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it. |
"This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.
The border land was wrapped in Scarlet Magic. Girls believe that you solve this mystery."
- – Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil loading screen

The Touhou Project is a series of Japanese "danmaku" ("bullet hell") vertical shooter games made by a skinny Japanese man known as ZUN. Only four things are known about ZUN: He is married, his favorite character (Aya), what he looks like, and that he loves beer. The series is known for its almost entirely female cast of characters, and the plethora of fanart they have inspired. In fact, there is so much Touhou fanart that it is commonly held that no matter what the situation, there is at least one Touhou picture that is appropriate. This has also resulted in the creation of the Touhou Power Cards for 4e Dungeons & Dragons. It's also known for its kickass music.
A fellow referred to as Touhoufag used to be seen in D&D threads, particularly ones involving character optimization. Fa/tg/uys generally didn't mind Touhou, as long as it was kept from taking over the discussion, but instead used to further it or spice it up, or just as eye candy while the discussion continued. Sadly, he got on the janitor's bad side and was permabanned for trumped-up charges of spamming and ban evasion.
For Touhou-centric posts not related to traditional games, we recommend visiting /jp/, considering the now-infamous Touhou Hijack was used as an out to create the board in the first place.
If you want a quick introduction to Touhou, this video is here for you.
Now with WH40k Touhou Crossover. Because Internet. [1]
Setting[edit | edit source]
Touhou only started out with a vague lore in the PC-98 era, but starting with the Windows Era, ZUN clarified and straightened things out to create a more cohesive lore. This is from there.
In the past, youkai and other mythical creatures ruled the land. However, as people became more knowledgeable and science evolved, people stopped believing in them, and the lack of faith could bring about the end of youkai. Thus, many of the remaining youkai agreed to form a pact with some humans to seal themselves off in a Pure Land and conserve their faith energy with them. This land would become Gensokyo, where the Touhou franchise takes place.
Youkai do have a general agreement not to cause trouble for humans, but they can't be completely safe either. Their nature as "youkai" means they HAVE to be dangerous, but not so much that they utterly deplete the human population or destablize Gensokyo. Enter the Spell Card system, the in-universe explanation for why so many characters have game-breaking abilities that they don't just use to insta-win, and instead rely on spamming magical bullets: Duels of beauty in battle, of styles over substance. Youkai can cause mischief and cause chaos, but killing is generally not allowed, so they duel on equal terms, and the loser follows the winner.
And so it goes. The series follows the trials of incredibly lazy yet broken shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei and her definitely not ordinary best friend, the thieving magician Marisa Kirisame as they solve "incidents" via superior magical firepower in order to protect their carefree life in Gensokyo.
Notable places outside of Gensokyo are the Netherworld (where ghosts waiting for reincarnation reside), Heaven (which has closed its doors to outsiders supposedly due to being at capacity, but really its because Celestials are selfish fucks), Hell (which doesn't really torture sinners due to lack of budget and now mainly sells souvenirs) , Former Hell (Now inhabited by Youkai too nasty for Gensokyo after all the sinners and Department of Right and Wrong employees moved out), the Moon (inhabited by racist cunts nobody likes but are too overpowered for anybody to do anything about), and the Animal Realm (which is divided between Yakuza gang wars with animal spirits and a cyberpunk dystopia where human spirits are controlled by Haniwa robots).
Characters[edit | edit source]
Touhou characters are often referred to as Touhoes, Toehoes (a pun on how the Japanese word is properly pronounced), 2hous or 2hus. There are a lot of characters - according to the Touhou wiki, over a hundred of them. A quick rundown of a few of the more prominent Touhoes follows (feel free to add your favourite 2hu, we know you want to):
- Reimu Hakurei is
an undead zombiea red-white mikoa wonderful shrine maiden of paradise. She is one of the two main characters of the series. Her good points are her armpits. Her abilities include flight, utter invincibility invoked when she feels like it (Fantasy Heaven), killing everyone with her balls, and overpoweredness, that's because she can fly away from reality, hence making her utterly invulnerable, even against concept manipulators such as Yukari, in other words, if she decided to fight seriously, Reimu could go hand to hand with the C'tan, the Emperor and the Chaos Gods all together and win by default (Well, what did you expect? Japs consider a point of national pride making characters as OP as possible), exemplifying the concept of CoDzilla in D&D 3.5. or a 1++ Invulnerable Save/Eternal Warrior/It Will Not Die/Feels No Pain/Reanimation Protocols, all rolled in one, this video shows her in a totally canonical way, we wish we were making this up. This is all balanced by the fact that she's generally a lazy ass who doesn't want to take things seriously. She can barely take care of herself, is always broke, and despite being a shrine maiden she doesn't even know who her God is. Still, even her usual power level is good enough to dominate most fights, and afterwards she goes back to lazing around the shrine.

- Marisa Kirisame is
a black-white witchan ordinary magician who has the biggest lesbian harem known to mankind. She is the other main character of the series. She stole Alice's precious thing, along with anything else not nailed down. Her specialty in combat is spamming tons of multilazors. She's currently looking for a means of immortality, but all available methods aren't to her liking (she'd like to give it up when life gets boring).
- Mima is a sadly forgotten resident Lich when the series move to Windows from a long-dead Japanese computer line, and the one who taught Marisa nearly everything she knows. Gives no fucks and with even bigger ego than her student, she is basically Naga to Marisa's Lina. Also one of the very few who is genuinely friends with Yuuka Kazami.
- Chiyuri Kitashirakawa is a sailor uniform (a real one, not school one) wearing time traveler from the future who assists Yumemi in studying magic. Goes behind her boss's back by orchestrating a ploy for the inhabitants of Gensokyo to fight each, with the plan to kidnap the the last one standing and experiment on her. Also likes to smack people with steel chairs.
- Yumemi Okazaki is a time traveling professor from the future where the Grand Unified Theory was proven to be true, and now with her assistant Chiyuri tries to prove the existence of magic to the scientific community (for which she gets laughed at). May or may not be from the same future that Renko and Maribel live in, and might be their teacher as well.
- Yuuka Kazami the flower Youkai is one of the oldest and most powerful beings in Gensokyo, not due to being inherently powerful as a divine spirit or god, but due to simply being that old. Also known as the Ultimate Sadistic Being. Thinks Genocide is just another game regardless of species. Probable pedophile. She is the original user of the Master Spark spell, a fuck huge kamehameha-like laser beam that annihilates everything in its path. Obviously, Marisa stole that too. Harm flowers within her presence at your own peril.
- Alice Margatroid, when not hopelessly lusting over Marisa, spends all her time stuck in her house crafting and playing with dolls, much like certain fa/tg/uys. One of the few PC-98 era characters to make the transition to the Windows engine.
- Shinki is the Power who rules over her own hand-made plane of Makai (Demon Realm, not to be confused with the myriad of Japanese Hells) as its Mother-Goddess. She is also the closest being to the Capital-G God the setting has, and during the fight with the "heroes" got so worked up that she accidenly set the whole of Makai on fire. And last, but not least, she is Alice's doting stepmom.
- Cirno is
an intellectually-challenged fairy with an ego problemthe STORNGEST and |SMARTEST of all the Touhoes, and can control ice.Commoner level weaka commoner can't launch a machine-gun's worth of icicles at your position and fly!Nobody knows how to pronounce her name.It's pronounced "Cheer-no". Powerful enough to be a playable character in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, and all she had to do was get a tan.
Note that's not a suntan. Her power is currently cooking her inside out.
Type nine-ball will lead to Armored Core or Cirno
- Patchouli Knowledge is a pajama-wearing, century-old, Vancian wizzart who spends all her time in a library reading books. Constitution was her dump stat, and her magical experiments involve handling chemicals like arsenic and mercury, hence she is asthmatic, anemic, and generally sickly like Raistlin Majere, despite being an ageless immortal. Changes her prepared spells list depending on the day of the week.
- Sakuya Izayoi is a maid with a known fondness of Time Stop, Haste spells, and just around five billion knives (actually her knife arsenal is limited; she canonically constantly stops time mid-fight just to pick up her discarded knives and resume like nothing has happened). Her race, origin, or how she got that many 9th level slots are all unknown, though common theories include being a vampire hunter, Jack the Ripper (notably one of her spell cards), a former Lunarian, or a combination of all three. May or may not be a female Dio Brando in an alternate universe. Sakuya gains Time Stop as an At-Will ability in 4.0. Honorary member of the Ordo Chronos, or what is left of it.
Hong MeilingKurenai MisuzuCHINA Head gate guard and gardener (guardener?) of the Scarlet Mansion, and colleague of the above-mentioned Patchouli and Sakuya. Often caught sleeping on the job. Relies more on martial arts than magic, to the extent where her ranged attacks are piddling at best, but makes up for it by being an absolute beast in melee. Her "names" come from the fact that Chinese characters can be read differently in Japanese, and the fanbase couldn't agree on what reading to use.
- Remilia Scarlet vampire loli (loli compared to other 2hus, and that's saying something) who may or may not have the power to manipulate fate. Lives in a giant mansion and is the final boss of the first post-PC-98 Touhou game. Incredibly childish despite being ~500 years old and has another less-relevant loli vampire sister. Invaded the moon once. Would be a Von Carstein if she lived in the Warhammer universe.
- Flandre Scarlet Remilia's younger sister who was locked herself in a basement for 495 years due to temper issues. Has the power to destroy by destroying eyes, everything has eyes. Has multicolored crystal wings.
Meteors have eyes
- Youmu Konpaku is too soft, but the things that her masterwork bastard sword cannot cut are next to none. Also happens to be half-ghost. No, we have no idea how that happens, but her ghost side is also very soft, so basically how a Damned Legionnaire would have looked in a moe anime universe. Is canonically afraid of ghost stories despite serving one and living in the afterlife. Gullible, half-baked, incredibly prone to being dumped on.
- Yuyuko Saigyouji is the princess of the underworld, and is able to kill anybody, save literal immortals, by thinking at them. Always hungry. Youmu is her vessel, thinks her ghost half looks fluffy and delicious. Literally stole the season of spring from the mortal world in order to try and make her backyard tree bloom so she could regain her lost memories, unaware that she actually killed herself in order to seal away the great evil inside it.
- Yukari Yakumo the Gap Hag has unfair, extremely vague, and godlike boundary powers based around "Gaps", but would rather laze around and let Reimu do the heavy lifting. She is the DM of Gensokyo. Rumor has it there is no hole she would not enter. Also known to be a railroad terrorist.
- Ran Yakumo is Yukari's 10% furry familiar. (70% if you go by volume, but it's mostly tail-fluff). When not being molested by Yukari, as is customary for humanoid familiars, she is a hard-working streaker and pedophile.
- Chen is Ran's catgirl familiar (yes, Yukari is so
oldpowerful, her familiar has a familiar). Sometimes Ran touches her in bad places, but Chen is cute, so it's okay.
- Suika Ibuki is a former chief of the oni (a demon-ogre, for those who don't know). Her hobbies involve drinking and fighing, usually both at once. Super flat-chested (which makes no sense considering here powers). Touhou has more than 1 guy character and Suika is still regarded as the flatest character [2]. has the power to manipulate density, which somehow gives her the ability to grow gigantic...yet not give herself bigger boobs. Usually hangs around the Hakurei Shrine, but is said to own a chunk of Heaven she won from fucking up Tenshi Hinanawi's shit. Hasn't been sober in over 300 years. No, seriously, that's actual canon. Surprisingly has enough intuition see through any of the Sages' plans even while drunk.

- Yuugi Hoshiguma is Gensokyo's resident Muscle Wizard. She can best be described as Kord/Cayden Cailean reimagined as a female Oni with huge boobs.
SomeMANLY Depictions of her also incorporate big muscles. Total bros with Suika Ibuki. Also the current 'chief' of the underground Oni.
- Kasen Ibaraki is a mysterious girl who possesses an arm made of shadow. Said arm can completely disintegrate evil spirits, removing them from the cycle of reincarnation. Currently looking for her original arm while disguised as a Hermit.
Most likelyAn Oni and confirmed to be a sage of Gensokyo. Most often seen eating. Probably raised by Suika. Oh and she owns a lot of animals.
- Matara Okina is a hidden god of Gensokyo specializing in minmaxing and bards (or the boss of bard gods anyway). She is the "opposite" to the tengu and is a goddess capable of "promoting and demoting" creatures and even objects into higher stages of being. Her main power is the manipulation of the back door, and we mean every back door.

- Tewi Inaba is an extremely old earth rabbit of good luck who has achieved quantum immortality through being obscenely lucky. Her alignment is Chaotic Shenanigans, of which Reisen is the most frequent victim.
- Reisen Udongein Inaba is a moon rabbit who deserted her frontline military position and went AWOL as Primarch Neil Armstrong and his SPEHSS MAHREENS were purging xenos filth in the Lunar Capital in the name of the God-President of America. If you look into her red eyes and fail your Will save, you will go batshit insane. May or may not be completely useless except for her sex appeal. Gun-porn of her can be found all over the /a/ parts of /k/, and none of the /k/omrades know who she is or why. Kicked a Lunar god's ass, Junko likes her .
- Eirin Yagokoro deals in shady drugs of questionable origins and experiments on poor Reisen, and Japanese dance crazes.
- Kaguya Houraisan is a former Princess of the Moon who got bored of the so-called perfect life on the Lunar Capital and drank a Hourai Exilir which made her immortal via locking her age for eternity, which is several magnitudes of impure to the Lunarian Society. With Eirin's help escaped to Earth, where she messed with and drove to suicide several hopeful suitors that tried to get into her pants, including Mokou's father. Gensokyo's resident neckbeard.
- Fujiwara no Mokou A grumpy human-turned-immortal living alone in the woods with a long grudge against the moon princess Kaguya. Can control fire.
You can imagine how graphic a "friendly" daily Deathmatch can be between two immortals.
- Aya Shameimaru Superfast crow tengu. She is so strong she sometimes accidentally beats people up. Aya is one of the most prolific sources of lore however she is
nota credible source of information as she is known toliealways tell the complete and unmolested truth.
- Momiji Inubashiri The most minor character in the entire series, initially literally nothing but a throwaway stage 4 miniboss with just a little bit of in-game lore that said she was a white wolf tengu. However, since Touhou Project at the time lacked a dog girl, the fandom absolutely ate her up, gaining probably the biggest fanon-to-canon ratio of the entire series. ZUN eventually gave her a couple winks by showing her in cameos on the spinoff mangas, commissioning an official art of her for an artbook (which removes her long-established dog ears, but nobody cared) and describing her in a little more detail in official spinoff print works. /pol/ adopted her with a MAGA hat as one of their resident memes. AWOOOOOOOOOOO.
- Komachi Onozuka is a local busty Grim Reaper/Charon equivalent. Lazy as fuck. Her official description of being "big, tall and huge" is usually taken as having canonically huge tits and ass. Her power is to "manipulate the distance between objects", useful for crossing infinite rivers or telefragging anything.
- Eiki Shiki Yamaxanadu is the judge of the dead. Short and flat chested. Sees reality in clear, absolute black and white perception (both inside and outside morality), which is why even Yukari doesn't bother going against her (since her hax powers rely on vagueness). Gensokyo's resident rules lawyer, judges you for your disgusting masturbation habits.
- Nitori Kappashiro youkai who likes to use her technological skills to get all kind of crazy gadgets, usually by recycling items from the outside world.
- Sanae Kochiya: The Luigi to Reimu's Mario, the Shrine Maiden of the rival Moriya Shrine. Is actually a human from the outside world who immigrated to Gensokyo. Eccentric even by Gensokyo's standards, claiming that "common sense isn't needed in Gensokyo", which naturally leads the fandom to portray her as either a ditzy slut or a psychotic murderer.
- Kanako Yasaka: The goddess of the Moriya Shrine and Sanae's boss. Having lived most of her life in the Outside World, she seeks to modernize Gensokyo, often leading to accidentally causing incidents (like feeding a dead sun god to a raven in order to power a fusion reactor, not realizing she just literally gave a nuke to a retard).
Chiquita DragonforceTenshi Hinanawi is adragoncelestial gish with a perpetually rotating rock that floats, peaches on her hat that vaguely resemble butts, powers over the earth overlapping with another character's abilities, and a prismatic Holy Avenger with the ability to shoot multilasers.
- Parsee Mizuhashi is
a grumpy old troll, that lives under a bridgethe bridge princess "oni", she jealous at everyone and everything making her the biggest optimist on earth. Jealousy feeds her Choas style and it is said that Parsee-chan doesn't cry. May or may not be Yuugi's waifu(fanon).
- Utsuho "Okuu" Reiuji a crow who used to stoke the fires of hell, before there was an argument and a subsequent change of management. Despite the fact that she holds dominion over both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, and has a right arm that is made of nukes and lasers, she somehow is on-par with most of the other Touhoes. No critical thinking skills whatsoever, there is a cool video of her fight with Reimu, in 3D!
- Byakuren Hijiri is the Jesus of Gensokyo. She tried to obtain equal rights for youkai but was
crucifiedsealed away for her transgressions. She has huge boobs. Since later games she has a lightsaber and a motorcycle which she uses to roll over her enemies (read Toyosatomimi no Miko), we wish the sororitas where this cool. Rumored to be acquainted with Shinki. Also an SJW.
- Toyosatomimi no Miko used to be the ruler of Japan but attempted to achieve immortality by drinking mercury, this forced her to go through a ritual to cheat death, unfortunately she got stuck in her mausoleum for a couple of centuries, now that she is back she is considering to become the ruler of Gensokyo as she thinks she is the most qualified for the job, thinks Gensokyo must be wiped out of Youkais as humans may be the only ones allowed to live, in spite of this, when one youkai (technically her daughter) lost her mask of hope (long story) she crafted her one on her own image, because she wanted to become Gensokyo's people hope, may be the missing daughter of Roboute Guilliman.
- Mamizou Futatsuiwa a granny-tanuki of the outside world who was invoked into Gensokyo to deal with Miko, likes to play pranks on people and see how they get all confused, she can also invoke daemons and do all kind of crazy stunts,
so we are not really sure if she is an acolyte of Cegorach or Tzeentchas of Urban Legend in Limbo she became a Man in Black and has an alien collection, so now we're sure that she's actually an acolyte of Trazyn.
- Seija Kijin is an amanojaku with the power to flip over stuff, from tables to perception to gravity, and she thinks opposite of what other people think. Basically, she is a contrarian That Guy or turbo-delinquent depending on how you feel about her.
- Sumireko Usami /x/ psyker schoolgirl from the outside world, and one of the few humans who knows about Gensokyo, puts in motion a complicated plot to infiltrate the land of fantasy, everyone in Gensokyo disliked such a maneuver and lined up to bully her, nevertheless she manages to beat them back (quite remarkable considering how OP the denizens of Gensokyo are), thinking she will eventually get killed she goes kamikaze using her own life-power to take down Gensokyo's barrier and reveal it to the outside world so she can be avenged, Reimu manages to stop her and returns Sumireko to the outside world, after that Sumireko learns she can use astral projection to visit Gensokyo, everyone is happy as she can tell them the last posts in 4chan and CNN without making too much fuss. Among her gadgets, Sumireko has a magic tablet, zener cards, and a 3D-printed gun capable to punch through enemy 2hous like it has AP1.
- Doremy Sweet a Baku, (self-proclaimed) ruler of the dream world. Eats anon's dreams (and savors every bite). Is also a Doom Sheep Mecha Pilot, Pillow Tycoon, and a theme park manager.
- Kishin Sagume is a moon bird, a single winged stork. She can reverse all except established facts with a word, every word. She's (eventually) proven to be the mastermind of Gensokyo's longest incident and almost led the relocation of the Lunar Capital in Gensokyo. May or may not be Tzeentch.
- Clownpiece 'murican fairy from hell who invaded (Read:Played Around, Lunarians make Eldar look welcoming) the Moon (no oil or WMDs involved). Wears the Amercian flag as a dress solely to troll and trigger the Lunarians PTSD of PRIMARCH NEIL ARMSTRONG and his SPESS MEHREENS who dirtied the purity of the Moon by planting a flag on it. Honouring the American practice of overwhelming firepower and driving people insane, she eats your continues like they were delicious cookies while unleashing dakka equivalent to a sector battlefleet, lately she
decidedwas ordered to move to Gensokyo, discussions between Cirno and Clownpiece fans attempting to define who is the strongest still rage across the web.
- Eternity Larva A butterfly fairy/incarnation of summer with an identity crisis. May or may not be a "dead" god biding her time, and sworn enemy of Okina. Either way she's a contender to the title of "Strongest Fairy".
KhorneJunko Formerly a happily married mother of a sun, now a very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY angry Divine Spirit of Pure Grudge who hates the Lunarians alot. Her ability is the power to purify anything, and has used it to the point of purifying herself into grudge incarnate. She's mostly known for being angry, unleashing incredibly insane walls of light, looking like Okina and being great with kids. TL:DR: Always Angry, All The Time.
No art, no elegance, she just really wants you dead
- Hecatia Lapislazuli THE Goddess(es?) of hell, crossroads, dogs, ghosts, planets, trivia, sorcery, magic,
/x/and death metal. She's Eiki Shiki's boss. In addition to her designation as a goddess and rank in hell, she has unfair, extremely vague, redundant, god powers. Most importantly however she's Junko's friend and Clownpiece'smomboss. While usually a good sport, she does not take insulting her clothing lightly.
- Chang'e is a frog goddess imprisoned on the moon, ironically her imprisonment is what kept her alive. Her hobbies include being subject to grudges and watching,she always is, she's watching you right now. CHANG'E IS WATCHING.
God Empress of MudkindHaniyasushin Keiki Clay god born from the decomposing remains of dead gods, summoned to the Beast World by human spiritsthrough ritual mass suicide. Ever since she has waged a war to liberate and unite the lost tribes of the spirit of man through battle with the Lords of the Beast World. To this effort she's been mass producing ceramic idols for soldiers, and gods to man them. Probably owns an STC. Fist fought a dragon once.
- Joutouguu Mayumi Marshall of Keiki's armies, a Bandai Marine to the mini idols which make up most of her soldiery. Has a Murder Dick Shooter for a weapon.
- Yorigami Jo'on and Yorigami Shion are the self-proclaimed "Most Despicable and Disastrous Sisters", a pair of deities who act as con artists. Shion has the power to make people poor, resulting in her being poor too (naturally, this means she did briefly live with Reimu). Jo'on has the ability to force people to spend their wealth (or she just beats the shit out of them with her bare hands while Shion collects all the gold that drops out of them), which she uses to scam people out of money only to immediately spend it all herself. After being defeated, Shion ends up joining up with Tenshi because she's the only person immune to her bad luck powers, while Jo'on briefly reforms as a member of Myouren Temple and vows to live a honest life before quickly getting bored and turning back to her criminal ways.
Currently Oil Tycoons that got involved in a crisis involving WMDS in hell.
- Rinnosuke is the only male major character in the series. Thus he is usually depicted in fanworks as either a harem anime protagonist or a disgusting sex pervert. In truth, his character is more of a pretentious pseudointellectual, owning a store which is constantly failing due to his refusal to sell anything actually valuable he owns. He is a half-human half-youkai with the ability to determine an items function, which given the vague descriptions he gets and him being not as smart as he thinks he is often results in dramatic misinterpretations (for instance, thinking a Game Boy was a superweapon capable of creating and destroying universes due to his ability not telling him the worlds it creates aren't real).
ZUN's bizarre fondness for drawing silly hats on his lolis leads to persistent rumours that Touhoes may die if their headwear of choice is removed, though certain bare-headed exceptions such as Kaguya Houraisan, Yuka Kazami, or Byakuren Hijiri cast doubt on this theory. It is also of note that since Zun's official artwork in the games and manuals depicts most of the cast as chubby little girls, doujin artists, some ZUN-approved printed media and the official Tasofro fighting games have generally felt free to decide on their own exactly what physiques the characters have, leading to many conflicting versions of the same character.
See Also[edit | edit source]
External Links[edit | edit source]
- Touhou Wiki, where you can read up on stuff.
Flash doohickey used to create your own touhou, useful for all touhou parties.Victim of the Great Flash PurgePETTAN PETTAN TSURUPETTANAnother victim of the Great Flash Purge- Alternately, Youtube!(Link Broken)
- Why each and every Touhoe is a terrible person and should feel bad
- Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land, a Touhou RPG created by some fa/tg/uy.
- Touhou fandom gets shit done (Link Broken)
- Say Bad Apple again! I dare you! I double-dare you!(Link Broken)
- Touhou even has its own racing themes (Link Broken)
- And apparently a giant robo series
- We wish the Ultramarines film had this much action.
- Touhou fanime.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Please, note that if we were to post just the high-end fanart people have made of Touhou we would probably collapse 1d4chan servers:
Gensokyo, the setting of Touhou, does not actually look like this Yukkuri head version of Discworld, but it would be awesome if it did.
The 40k drawfags do Touhou work on rare occasions.
There is a Touhou pic for nearly every situation. Even situations that will never ever be brought up otherwise.
Take it easy.
Touhou is made of girls and lasers.
Bet you'd never see this again, huh?
The pseudo-official order in which you (you!) should play and read Touhou-related works, as of 2016.
Corpse Emperor Loving Cat
this is why we fight