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*'''I''' ''Leviathan's Host'', Marduk Engur
*'''I''' ''[[Leviathan's Host]]'', [[Marduk Engur]]
*'''II''' ''Golden Mountains'', Pacha the Earthquake
*'''II''' ''[[Golden Mountains]]'', [[Pacha the Earthquake]]
*'''III''' ''Gunslingers'', Deshain Kane
*'''III''' ''[[Gunslingers]]'', [[Deshain Kane]]
*'''IV''' ''[[Silver Blades]]'', Linares the Lord of Ale
*'''IV''' ''[[Silver Blades]]'', [[Linares the Lord of Ale]]
*'''V''' ''Steel Souls'', Emil Kannav
*'''V''' ''[[Steel Souls]]'', [[Emil Kannav]]
*'''VI''' ''Death's Heads'', Einchurt
*'''VI''' ''[[Death's Heads]]'', [[Einchurt]]
*'''VII''' ''Soaring Host'', Elsu Eyanosa
*'''VII''' ''[[Soaring Host]]'', [[Elsu Eyanosa]]
*'''VIII''' ''Chosen of Hecate'', Lambach Kropor
*'''VIII''' ''[[Chosen of Hecate]]'', [[Lambach Kropor]]
*'''IX''' ''The Sentinels'', Je'She of the Watch
*'''IX''' ''[[The Sentinels]]'', [[Je'She of the Watch]]
*'''X''' ''Smoke Stalkers'', Isekho the Unseen
*'''X''' ''[[Smoke Stalkers]]'', [[Isekho the Unseen]]
*'''XI''' ''Doomsingers'', Kinnévail Kincaid
*'''XI''' ''[[Doomsingers]]'', [[Kinnévail Kincaid]]
*'''XII''' ''Iron Guard'', Zelbezis Dyestes
*'''XII''' ''[[Iron Guard]]'', [[Zelbezis Dyestes]]
*'''XIII''' ''Loxodontii'', Ashur of Banipal
*'''XIII''' ''[[Loxodontii]]'', [[Ashur of Banipal]]
*'''XIV''' ''Emperor's Dragoons'', Frederick Aristide
*'''XIV''' ''[[Emperor's Dragoons]]'', [[Frederick Aristide]]
*'''XV''' ''Dusk Phantoms'', Gyahdred
*'''XV''' ''[[Dusk Phantoms]]'', [[Gyahdred]]
*'''XVI''' ''Pale Hounds'', Valorn Adras
*'''XVI''' ''[[Pale Hounds]]'', [[Valorn Adras]]
*'''XVII''' ''[[Titan Marchers]]'', [[Raj Vokar]]
*'''XVII''' ''[[Titan Marchers]]'', [[Raj Vokar]]
*'''XVIII''' ''Star Warriors'', Solomon Tyrus the Dawntreader
*'''XVIII''' ''[[Star Warriors]]'', [[Solomon Tyrus|Solomon Tyrus the Dawntreader]]
*'''XIX''' ''Ussaran Liberators'', Piter Karomonov
*'''XIX''' ''[[Ussaran Liberators]]'', [[Piter Karomonov]]
*'''XX''' '' Forge Lords'', Mot Hadad
*'''XX''' '' [[Forge Lords]]'', [[Mot Hadad]]
*'''XXI''' ''Corsairs Gallant'', Rahman Keita'mansa
*'''XXI''' ''[[Corsairs Gallant]]'', [[Rahman Keita'mansa]]

== Source ==
== Source ==

Revision as of 18:19, 17 November 2017

This page is part of the Warmasters Triumvirate, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the Warmasters Triumvirate page for more information on the Alternate Universe.

After the Primarchs being dispersed throught the galaxy by the chaos gods, the Emperor reunites them, and continues with the Great Crusade. At the Ullanor campaing, the Emperor is fatally wounded by the ork warboss Thundacock, and is interred in the Golden Throne. Before leaving to Ullanor, He instructed Malcador to chose three Primarchs to share the title of Warmaster, just in case something went bad. And as the Emperor was interred, the Warmasters were apointed: Marduk Engur, Primarch of the Leviathan's Host; Je'She of the Watch, Primarch of the Sentinels; and Frederick Aristide, Primarch of the Emperor's Dragoons. The Imperium's administration is taken over by mere mortals, enfuriating some Primarchs. Moreover, the Imperial Truth is being forgotten, and the Emperor is seen as a God, and this pissed off more Pirmarchs. Eventually, they united themselves under a common banner, and started their way to secession from the Imperium of Man.

Small-scale confrontations like skirmishes, political arguments and random planetary secessions started, menacing to drive the Imperium to a Civil War. To prevent the conflict's scalation, Marduk calls for a peace talk in a neutral planet. Both sides, Loyalists and Separatists, get tricked by the Primarch of the Soaring Host, Elsu Eyanosa, who kills Malcador in such a manner that both sides think that the other killed him. The conflict scalated, obviously, and the Brotherwar started.

Eventually, Marduk reveals his true alliengance to the Ruinous Powers, and attacks Holy Terra. His main objective: to kill the Emperor of Mankind...



Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14hqd6RLLgvLdYCIoLCHhQkidgXIsKUzrugyWu6pthEM





