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As time progressed the primarch's experienced growing unease, though he could not explain why. Ignored by his adoptive mother and ostracized by her court, Camaxtli's isolation only exacerbated his discomfort. Perhaps the Witch Doctor had intended this by design, but she did not account for human friendliness. Htan, one of the overlord's bodyguards pitied the demi-god and approached the Crocodile despite his fear. Though initially suspicious of the human's motives, Camaxtli came to trust and rely upon the mortal for his mentoring and friendship. It was thanks to Htan's courage that Camaxtli came to learn and appreciate the concepts of honor, loyalty, and give reverence to the Cycles of combat and of life. Were it not for Htan's companionship and dedication Camaxtli might never have known true humanity. | As time progressed the primarch's experienced growing unease, though he could not explain why. Ignored by his adoptive mother and ostracized by her court, Camaxtli's isolation only exacerbated his discomfort. Perhaps the Witch Doctor had intended this by design, but she did not account for human friendliness. Htan, one of the overlord's bodyguards pitied the demi-god and approached the Crocodile despite his fear. Though initially suspicious of the human's motives, Camaxtli came to trust and rely upon the mortal for his mentoring and friendship. It was thanks to Htan's courage that Camaxtli came to learn and appreciate the concepts of honor, loyalty, and give reverence to the Cycles of combat and of life. Were it not for Htan's companionship and dedication Camaxtli might never have known true humanity. | ||
In the earliest days of mentorship, Htan was confronted with flippance, disgust, and general indifference supported by aggression, resentment, and the domineering behavior the Crocidile was famous for. It took considerable time and effort for Htan to teach Camaxtli the Lotecol way and deter his bloody tendencies. But he knew Camaxtli's stubbornness and pride could be made valuable assets if the man could only learn to listen. While certainly some of Htan's motives were for the betterment of the Lotecol people and perhaps partially for his own benefit, largely Htan felt responsible for the errant super human. Camaxtli was friendless and unloved, abandoned by his adoptive mother and utterly dejected. That he latched on to Htan's support so quickly merely confirmed the man's suspicions of Camaxtli's internal conflict. | |||
Largely Coatl ignored the | |||
==Emperor of Chalchihuitl== | ==Emperor of Chalchihuitl== |
Revision as of 05:06, 11 February 2015
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This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.
Appearance and Personality
A bear of a man, even amongst his demi-god brotherhood Camaxtli is one of the largest primarchs to fight in the Great Crusade. Commonly seen with his great Macuahuitl and explosive throwing spears, Camaxtli relished the twisting melee of the 30th millenium and could often be found at the forefront of his armies sweeping through the enemy and engulfing their champions. Save for his fang and perpetual sneer, Camaxtli was an attractive long featured male and perpetually barefaced, even remarking once: "unshaven features are abominable." Yet, despite his aggressive and domineering attitude Camaxtli numbered amongst the most energetic and enthusiastic of primarchs. Quick to take action, and passionate regarding topics he supported Camaxtli was a man one desired for his hard earned respect, and despised for his uncensored judgement.
Stubborn, and independent, Camaxtli insisted on maintaining the customs of his world, bearing a powerful array of colored feathers against thick white armor lined with turquoise, emerald, and some gold. His Macuahuitl is similarly extravagant, it's surface covered with ritual carvings and lined in bright orange, the weapon's artistry illustrates it's creation and service in Camaxtli's hands. Once asked by Rogerius Merrill why he would make himself an obvious target "The Maw" replied:
Only idiot cowards place others before them. True leadership and strength are in the front, where a man's worth is found. Those who sneak amongst their sons do not deserve their loyalty, for how can a man expect children to die in his stead?"
Yet Camaxtli's most notable - and perhaps infamous - facial feature was his mouth. Capable of opening more than a foot in length his mouth was a formidable weapon: jaws strong enough to crush stone, and teeth capable of cutting ceramite, Camaxtli's "Great Maw" gorged upon numerous champions. Yet, despite the utility of this ability it disgusted many of his brethren. Uncharacteristically, the Great Crocodile avoided exposing this mutation, the only indication of his mouth's true size were ragged lines extending from the corners of his lips and a single fang. Of the fang, only the primarchs dare comment and even they risk violence for Camaxtli suffers no disrespect regarding his aberrant ivory and refuses to describe its origins.
Camaxtli is a boisterous and proud man, quick to speak his mind, thinking little of what he discards. He is a gluttonous, greedy, and selfish primarch that prioritises his own needs and is slow to help others, particularly those who cannot help themselves. Yet, despite this Camaxtli's loyalty, hard-earned praise, and genuine love for his brothers caused more than a few to overlook his overbearing nature.
Time has shown that the course of a man is often set in childhood, thus we must wonder why the fates chose Chalchihuitl a his home. The steaming jungle world of Chalchihuitl lied within the Charadon sector, isolated from the greater galaxy by stellar debris kicked up by local warp storms Chalchihuitl was surrounded by a haze of stone. When Camaxtli's pod landed in a damp Chalchihuitl jungle the battered and dented device remained shut, the infant primarch nearly starving then alone and unheard for his crying. By fate or fortune, he was found and in his first moments of sight beyond the metal womb met another.
The metal slab was ripped open by the slaves of Coatl, Death Speaker, healer, and greatest Witch Doctor the world had ever seen. She had witnessed the star's fall and recognized its strange nature immediately. Though she could not explain why, Coatl was certain this falling object was no meteorite and contained great power. Now imagine her surprise and disappointment when his zombies released the crying child, an emaciated infant no less. Just as the ruler was about to caste the puling creature aside a red blur shot through the trees, knocking her off her feet. Despite her abilities, Coatl was nearly slain by the enraged beast, her very presence driving it to a bloody fury. Yet instead this same feline now wrestled with the infant, clawing and scratching at the tan blob clinging to its neck and failing to extricate it. Then, its head twisted sharply and emitted a dull popping noise before the Jaguar crashed back to the ground. The withered old woman cackled at the sight, a small babe barely the size of her calf now pulling apart and eating the throat of a twenty foot super predator.
Thus, Camaxtli was named for his great strength and ravenous appetite, qualities that would remain with him throughout his life. Camaxtli grew at an astonishing rate, quickly towering over his mindless caretakers in a few years time and mastering the numerous martial disciplines taught to him by Coatl's weapon masters. Over time he began to study the heavens and learn the secret ways of his adoptive father, how to read the stars, predict the future in a mans blood, and give proper praise to the powers of the deep. If not for Coatl's careful maneuvering and caution, Camaxtli would have become a formidable threat with his martial skills further augmented by his eldritch training. But despite this, Camaxtli was easily manipulated, knowing little more than the life of perpetual violence, training, and ritual provided him by the Death Speaker. He was regularly tasked as a brutal enforcer and destroyer for the witch, leading armies of warriors on campaign to crush non-compliant states and return with the captured survivors.
As time progressed the primarch's experienced growing unease, though he could not explain why. Ignored by his adoptive mother and ostracized by her court, Camaxtli's isolation only exacerbated his discomfort. Perhaps the Witch Doctor had intended this by design, but she did not account for human friendliness. Htan, one of the overlord's bodyguards pitied the demi-god and approached the Crocodile despite his fear. Though initially suspicious of the human's motives, Camaxtli came to trust and rely upon the mortal for his mentoring and friendship. It was thanks to Htan's courage that Camaxtli came to learn and appreciate the concepts of honor, loyalty, and give reverence to the Cycles of combat and of life. Were it not for Htan's companionship and dedication Camaxtli might never have known true humanity.
In the earliest days of mentorship, Htan was confronted with flippance, disgust, and general indifference supported by aggression, resentment, and the domineering behavior the Crocidile was famous for. It took considerable time and effort for Htan to teach Camaxtli the Lotecol way and deter his bloody tendencies. But he knew Camaxtli's stubbornness and pride could be made valuable assets if the man could only learn to listen. While certainly some of Htan's motives were for the betterment of the Lotecol people and perhaps partially for his own benefit, largely Htan felt responsible for the errant super human. Camaxtli was friendless and unloved, abandoned by his adoptive mother and utterly dejected. That he latched on to Htan's support so quickly merely confirmed the man's suspicions of Camaxtli's internal conflict.
Largely Coatl ignored the
Emperor of Chalchihuitl
Coatl viewed Camaxtli's growing compassion as an unacceptable defect, a liability influencing her bloody-minded peon in unforeseen ways. To counter this she banned Htan from her court and demanded Camaxtli remain within his quarters, only permitted to leave when called to war or ceremony. However, she could not enforce this without risking conflict. Though his powers did not compare to her own, Camaxtli still presented a formidable threat to Coatl. Thus, Camaxtli's movements went largely unopposed so long as he continued to serve her goals.
Camaxtli reacted to this with surprising self-restraint, Htan's tutoring providing a new approach beyond brutal annihilation. However, his patience would only remain for so long. Therefore Camaxtli was quick to communicate and ally himself with friends of Htan and opponents of Coatl. He discovered that a large portion of the warrior class was disgruntled against their esoteric overlord. Their skills underutilized beyond glorified slavery while only those high-priests closest to Coatl benefited most. While class inequality was obvious and disgruntled behavior was known the warriors resentment of Coatl stunned Camaxtli.
Even greater was his surprise when he discovered similar sentiments amongst the lower echelons of the priesthood. While a handful of individuals reaped the benefits of the Lich Queen's rule. The majority of disciples were merely peons to the ritualistic system, never experiencing the eldritch powers that their masters enjoyed. The innumerable sacrifices they conducted bi-weekly only fueled the tremendous power of Coatl and her flunkies, while their underlings starved for a portion of this otherworldly energy.
Even despite this, the Primarch would likely have never chosen to take control if Coatl had not reacted to his growing independence. Seeing the Crocodile's popularity amongst the warriors and his adept maneuvering amongst the warrior-nobility, Coatl feared of an oncoming coup. Uncertain of Camaxtli's fraternization with the lower class, she demanded he remain within the deeper holds of her citadel. Even outlining specific restrictions to Camaxtli's movements, his schedule, and those he interacted with. Further, tiring of the Primarch's disobedience and fearing his bond with Htan she acted to end this arrangement.
On the night of the Old Moon Coatl's guards seized and bound Htan upon the Altar of Ways. As the Eye of Night reached its peak a grand ceremony was held, culminating in Htan's death and ritual sacrifice, and the consumption of his heart. News of the event reached Camaxtli while he was engaged with a non-compliant state in the east and sent him into a deep depression. For a week and a day he isolated himself from his advisors and refused food or drink. Then, suddenly, he emerged from his tent and drove his army into action, mobilising his forces within the next day then ordering a forced march upon the capitol.
Coatl's response was near immediate, diverting the larger portion of her military might to engage and destroy the errant scion. Camaxtli reacted these overwhelming numbers as he had in years prior and took a small host of warriors with him into the surrounding jungle while the main army continued for the capital. What proceeded were a series of engagements consisting of the line fighting typical at the time, only for Camaxtli and his men to burst from the ground or the surrounding trees and descend upon the flanks of the enemy to slaughter their leaders and archers. The combination of veteran skill and brutal surprise attacks were extremely effective in destabilising and routing the opposition which further worked to create a logistical nightmare for Coatl's generals as their forces were delayed to locate and reorganize the retreating men.
To further complicate matters, several commanders either avoided, ig
The Great Crusade
The Heresy
The Primarchs of the /tg/ Heresy | |
Loyalist: | Alexandri of Rosskar - Arelex Orannis - Brennus - Gaspard Lumey - Golgothos Onyx the Indestructible - Roman Albrecht - Shakya Vardhana - Tiran Osoros |
Traitor: | Aubrey The Grey - Cromwald Walgrun - Hektor Cincinnatus - Inferox - Johannes Vrach Rogerius Merrill - The Voidwatcher - Tollund Ötztal - Uriel Salazar |