Codex - Tyranids Angry Alien Edition: Difference between revisions

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Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Before adding anything to an angry codex, first write in the discussion page of the page in question and say what you want to change. If no one responds within 1 week, feel free to change it. If someone objects you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. AngryPirate does not follow these rules, mainly because he is mostly editing stuff he himself wrote. If you don´t agree with an edit AngryPirate has made you can PM him or write in the talk page.
Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Before adding anything to an angry codex, first write in the discussion page of the page in question and say what you want to change. If no one responds within 1 week, feel free to change it. If someone objects you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. AngryPirate does not follow these rules, mainly because he is mostly editing stuff he himself wrote. If you don´t agree with an edit AngryPirate has made you can PM him or write in the talk page.
====Hive Tyrant====
Take one of the following
*Wings - 50 pts
*Sv 2+ - 60 pts
====Tyranid Alpha====
WS 10, BS 5.
WS 7, BS 4.
Synapse range = 6”.
7 pts/model.
AP 3 instead of rending.
3 pts/model.
3,5 pts/model
====Ripper Swarms====
*6 pts/model
*S 2, T 2.
*Now have Eternal Warrior.
*Toxin sacs - 2 pts/model
*Adrenal glands - 3 pts/model
*Deep Strike - 1 pt/model
*Spore cloud: All friendly models within 12” of a Venomthrope count as obscured and gain a 5+ cover save.
65 pts/model
Are beasts. Flamespurt is torrent.
===Fast Attack===
====Mycetic Spores====
Are Fast Attack choices rather than Troops choices.
WS 7.
Synapse range = 6”.
5 pts/model
100 pts
====Hive Crone====
110 pts
====Spore Mine Cluster====
1 pt/model
===Heavy Support===
S 5, T 5, W 3, A 2.
60 pts/model
All models under the Terror from the Deep template must take an initative test, if failed they suffer a S 6 AP 2 hit, if passed then the model moves away in such a way that there is room for the Mawlocs base + 1 inch.

Revision as of 20:52, 4 December 2015


Angry codices are an attempt to improve internal and external balance. Check out the Angry Codex hub for the other angry codices and a more detailed description of what exactly the Angry Codices are made to do.


Games Workshop in no way endorses this codex nor any of the other Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger player base.


Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Before adding anything to an angry codex, first write in the discussion page of the page in question and say what you want to change. If no one responds within 1 week, feel free to change it. If someone objects you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. AngryPirate does not follow these rules, mainly because he is mostly editing stuff he himself wrote. If you don´t agree with an edit AngryPirate has made you can PM him or write in the talk page.