Age of Darkness-Warhammer 30k/2.0 Tactics/Mechanicum Tactics: Difference between revisions

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*'''Macrotek:''' The guys who build buildings, fortifications and other fortifications in giant forges. They're rules focus around buffing terrain and fortifications.
*'''Macrotek:''' The guys who build buildings, fortresses and other fortifications in giant forges. They're rules focus around buffing terrain and fortifications.
**''High Enginseer:'' Techpriest Auxillia units may be taken as Troop Choices, but must take the Enginseer techno-arcana if they are taken as troops.
**''High Enginseer:'' Techpriest Auxillia units may be taken as Troop Choices, but must take the Enginseer techno-arcana if they are taken as troops.
**''Moderati Munitoria:'' During the battles set up, but before objectives have been placed you may move up to 3 pieces of terrain up to 6" as long as they are 2" away from another piece of terrain.
**''Moderati Munitoria:'' During the battles set up, but before objectives have been placed you may move up to 3 pieces of terrain up to 6" as long as they are 2" away from another piece of terrain.

Revision as of 01:10, 15 August 2022

From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the Antipath, Circuit preserve us
From the rage of the Beast, Iron protect us
From the temptations of the Flesh, Silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the Destroyer, Anima shield us
From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free.

Ave Omnissiah!

These are the current rules for the Horus Heresy era Mechanicum, featured in Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book.

Why Play The Mechanicum?

Start at the top, and requisition your way to the bottom.

You've seen the models, right? For the first time since Rogue Trader, the followers of the Machine God can take to the field en masse! You can embody the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000 30,000 with your exotic Martian death-rays, terrifying Battle-automata and horrific Cybernetic monstrosities.

Also? Robots.

At the beginning the force used to be divided between the three ordos of the Mechanicum: the footsloggin MCs of the Legio Cybernetica, the more complete Taghmata (vanilla) and the extremely limited Ordo Reductor. This led to question why would anyone ever use Reductor when the Taghmata list had better siege engines. The most recent update, however, offers you six Orders of High Tecno-Arcana to choose from.

The list is still fairly small, with limited unit choices, but a large amount of flexibility within many of these units, and many units have been yeeted in 2.0. Furthermore, almost all the models are FW resin. Be warned, this is a slippery slope that may result in the loss of financial security, family, friends and house...

Also, BIG Robots!

Unusually for Forge World, the Mechanicum is one of the cheapest armies to get in to. It's possible to start an army with a single Magos, and a pair of Castellax or small Thallax Cohorts (Adsecularis if you really want to break the mold!). The army lists, whilst capable of standing alone, are intended to be used as allies for the Legion army list. As a starting point for a new army, this is ideal, as you need even less to get have something you can field. Mechanicum units provide you with some unique possibilities for conversions, too! Take a cursory glance around Coolminiornot or a painting forum and you'll find some damn fine examples. Of course, if this is not your thing, Forge World's own models are more than capable of satisfying any model fanatic.

Special Rules

Warlord Traits

All generic Mechanicum Warlords from all three lists have the option of getting a Warlord trait from one of the charts in the main rulebook, or rolling on their own unique chart:

  1. A Soul of Cold Iron: The Warlord and any unit with 6" may still declare charges if they are under the effect of Pinning, but are still subject to Snap-Firing. He also allows an additional reaction during the movement phase.
  2. The Logic of Victory: If the warlord has not shot, or is not locked in combat the whole army may make an additional reaction in all phases of the following turn. In addition the Warlord and a unit he is attached to gain +1 WS and BS during reactions, and +3 Movement and Initiative during movement based reactions.
  3. The Science of Slaughter: For each turn this Warlord is locked in combat (so staring on the 2nd round) he gains +1S and Strength for each round of combat he is in. After he has left the combat, his Strength and WS return to normal. The army may also make an additional reaction during the Assault Phase.


Psychic powers for machines.

High Tecno-Arcana

Your specialised faction rules, which give you additional bonuses and buffs to units.

  • Archimandrite:
  • Cybernetica:
  • Lacyraemarta:
  • Macrotek: The guys who build buildings, fortresses and other fortifications in giant forges. They're rules focus around buffing terrain and fortifications.
    • High Enginseer: Techpriest Auxillia units may be taken as Troop Choices, but must take the Enginseer techno-arcana if they are taken as troops.
    • Moderati Munitoria: During the battles set up, but before objectives have been placed you may move up to 3 pieces of terrain up to 6" as long as they are 2" away from another piece of terrain.
    • Reactor Aedificii: Models with the Battlesmith(X) rule may also repair buildings and they can choose to apply a special rule to models they have repaired, that means when they are targeted by an attack that infictits either Exoshock, Breaching or Rending (so choose one, not all three) they are only effected by the rule on hit rolls of 6.
  • Malagra:
  • Myrmidax:
  • Reductor:

Armoury of the Omnissiah

Being a heresy era list, we get some funky wargear that's not found in later eras/outside of the hallowed halls of the machine god. Augments may also be a thing.

Ranged Weapons

  • Archeotech Pistol: S6 AP4 Master-crafted pistol with Rending (3+).
  • Arc Weapons and Lightning Guns:
    • Arc Pistol:
    • Arc Rifle:
    • Arc Blaster:
    • Arc Lance:
    • Lightning Gun:
    • Lightning Lock:
    • Lightning Cannon:
  • Autoweapons:
    • Heavy Stubber:
    • Rotor Cannon: Lost Salvo and is now Assault 4, S3 AP-. Not very strong but it does have Pinning with Shell Shock (1), making them very good for locking down enemies for another unit to assault.
    • Light Autocannon: S6 Ap4 Assault 2.
    • Autocannon:
    • Icarus Autocannon:
    • Defence Autocannon Battery:
    • Phaeton Autocannons:
    • Avenger Gatling Cannon
    • Gatling Blaster:
    • Macro-gatling Blaster:
  • Bolt Weapons:
    • Bolt Pistol:
    • Bolter:
    • Heavy Bolter:
    • Maxima Bolter:
    • Kraken Bolter:
    • Mauler Bolt Cannon:
    • Defensor Bolt Cannon:
    • Castigator Bolt Cannon:
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter:
  • Conversion Beam Weapons: Could be seen as inverse Melta, inflicting greater damage at longer ranges.
    • Conversion Beamer:
    • Conversion Beam Cannon:
    • Heavy Conversion Beam Cannon:
  • Cuttin tools of the Mechanicum:
    • Las Impulsor:
    • Attrapos Phasecutter:
  • Flame Weapons:
    • Flamer:
    • Heavy Flamer:
    • Acheron Flamestorm Cannon:
    • Inferno gun:
  • Graviton Weapons:
    • Graviton Gun:
    • Graviton Imploder:
    • Graviton Pulsar:
    • Graviton Hammer:
    • Graviton Ram:
    • Singularity Cannon:
  • Las, Photon and Pulsar Weapon:
    • Las-Pistol:
    • Las-Lock: The Minie-Ball muzzle-loaded musket to the Lasgun's AK47. Shorter 18" range, Assault 2, and packs a nasty S4 AP6 punch. Of course, as of current, AP6 is completely useless, but S4 however is not.
    • Multilaser: 36", S6 AP6 Guard players know and love.
    • Photon Gauntlet:
    • Photon Thruster:
    • Darkfire Cannon:
    • Lascannon:
    • Defensor Lascannon:
    • Pulsar-fusil:
    • Magna Lascannon:
    • Solles heavy-las:
    • Turbo Laser Destructor: 96" S10 AP3 (!!!) Destroyer 1 with Large Blast. Hilariously underpowered.
    • Laser Blaster:
    • Volcano cannon: 120" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Ignores Cover and Large Blast. Doesn't have Sunder.
    • Belicosa Volcano cannon: 120" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Sunder and Apocalyptic Blast 9". Yes, this template doesn't exist. Doesn't have Ignores Cover.
    • Nemesis Volcano cannon: 36-180" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Sunder and Apocalyptic Blast 9".
  • Melta Weapons:
    • Meltagun:
    • Multi-melta:
    • Thermal Lance:
    • Thermal Cannon:
    • Melta Cannon:
  • Missile Weapons:
    • Missile Launcher:
    • Havoc Launcher:
    • Hunter-Killer Missile:
    • Whirlwind Launcher:
    • Ironstorm Missile Pod:
    • Stormspear Rocket Pod:
    • Karacnos Mortar Battery:
    • Apocalypse Missile Launcher:
    • Terrebeax (?) Rocket Battery:
  • Plasma Weapons:
    • Plasma Pistol:
    • Plasma Gun:
    • Plasma Cannon:
    • Phased Plasma-Fusil:
    • Plasma Mortar:
    • Plasma Blastgun:
    • Sunfury Plasma Annihilator:
  • Rad Weapons and Irradition Projectors:
    • Lucifex (?):
    • Irad Cleanser:
    • Irradiation Engine:
    • Radium Pistol:
    • Radium Carbine:
  • Volkite Weapons: Certified Martian Death Lasers. Low AP but superior to Bolters in almost every way. The main gimmick for Volkite Weapons is Deflagrate, which inflicts an additional hit for every unsaved wound caused by a weapon with this rule. Note that these hits aren't affected by other Special Rules of the model.
    • Volkite Serpenta:
    • Volkite Charger:
    • Volkite Caliver:
    • Volkite Culverin:
    • Volkite Incenirator:
    • Volkite Veuglaire:
    • Volkite Chieorovile:
  • Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons:
    • Sonic Destructor:
    • Shock Lance:

Melee weapons

  • Arc Weapons and Lightning Guns:
    • Arc Lance:
    • Corposant Stave:
    • Arc Maul:
    • Arc Scourge:
  • Chain Weapons:
    • Chainsword:
    • Chainfist:
    • Chain Bayonet: Formely Heavy Chainblade. +1S, no AP, Two-handed, Shred.
    • Scyllax Combat Array:
    • Reaper Chainblade: S9 AP2, Shred. No Brutal or Instant Death means Dreadnaughts will tear you a new one.
    • Reaper Chainsword: S10 AP2, Shred. Same here, only it's more humiliating.
    • Reaper Chainfist: S10 AP2, Armourbane. For cutting up Vehicles and infantry withour Invul.
  • Cuttin tools of the Mechanicum:
    • Las Impulsor:
    • Attrapos Phasecutter:
  • Graviton Weapons:
    • Graviton Hammer:
    • Graviton Ram:
  • Paragon Blade: +1S AP2 Specialist melee weapon without Unwieldy that inflicts Instant Death on a wound roll of 6.
  • Power Weapons:
  • Servo Weapons:
  • Shock Chargers:
  • Siege Destroyers:
  • Exotic and Miscellaneous Arms of the Mechanicum:

Equipment & Special Rules

Vehicle and Battle-automata Equipment & Rules

Unit Analysis


  • Archmagos Prime:
  • Archmagos Prime on Abeyant:
  • Magos Dominus:
  • Magos Dominus on Abeyant:

Special Characters

  • Archmagos Draykavac:


  • Techpriest Auxillia:
  • Arcuitor Megesterium: Loyalist-exclusive techno-assassin.
  • Myrmidon Secutor Host:
  • Domitar Class Battle-Automata Maniple:


  • Thallax Cohort: Ogryn equivalents, being pretty hardy with T5 and 3 wounds and are also equipped with jump packs and Lighting guns. They're stats have been slightly nerfed for 2.0 as they are now S4 standard and have had their Ld reduced to 7, though in return they can take Chain Bayonets on their Lighting Guns for 2 points each, giving them S5 attacks with Shred and now have Relentless, Stubborn and a 6+FNP standard. Additionally 1 in 3 can take either a Multi-laser, Irad-cleanser, Phase plasma-fusil, Multi-melta or a Photon thruster. They have a few extra special rules, with Djin Sight allowing them to reduce cover saves by -2 and no enemy unit can be set up with 24" of them, and their Lorica Thallax give them a 4+ armour save and stops them from Sweeping Advancing. Sadly they have lost Thallax Augments so you can't buff them any further outside of your chosen Tecno-Arcana.
  • Adsecularis Covenant: The cheapest unit available in 30k just got pricier, 45pts for 10 dudes with Infantry (Heavy, Line). Don't expect the Heavy subtype to do much for them though, as they only have a 6+ armour save, so are not likely to be rerolling anything. Being Heavy really just means they cannot perform Run moves. Additionally, with the Rite of Pure Thought they also cannot perform Reactions or make Sweeping Advances. They have low stats; WS/BS/I are all 2, and their Ld value is 6 so their fighting ability is almost negligible, not to mention they have lost the ablity to take Carapace amour and all of their options from HH1. However, despite all of these downsides, they are the cheapest unit in the book, they are all Stubborn and they have Feel No Pain (5+) so they have some added resilience against low strength incoming damage, and can come in units of up to thirty models. They are an objective holding unit, and really that's all you need them for.
    • For added protection, they gain a +1 to their Feel No Pain rolls while within 6" of a Tech Priest Auxilia unit who have the Lachrimallus Techno-Arcana upgrade. Granted, this still does nothing against S6 or above, but is a desirable bonus if you have several squads who are likely to be subjected to bolter fire.
  • Castellax Class Battle-automata: Now troops with no "ifs" or "buts"
    • They lack the Line subtype and cannot ordinarily claim objectives, though can be given the Subtype if your Archmagos Prime has the Cybernetica High Techno-Arcana.
  • Scyllax Guardian-Automata Covenant:

Dedicated Transport

  • Triaros Armoured Conveyer: Dune Train Not quite a CRASSUS, but close. 14/12/12, 5HP, and Transport Capacity of 22! The thing comes standard with a flare shield for all that -1 goodness. It also gets a shock ram.

Fast Attack

  • Arlatax Battle-Automata Maniple:
  • Ursarax Cohort: These are Thallax's less agile but stronger and faster siblings, with twin lightning claws (or Power fists) and Iron Man chest lasers.
  • Vorax Class Battle-Automata:
  • Vultarax Strato-Automata: A flying Castellax (FMC) with T6, armed with two Havoc Launchers and an Arc Blaster.

Heavy Support

  • Thanatar Class Siege-Automata Maniple:
  • Myrmidon Destructor Host:
  • Karacnos Assault Tank:
  • Krios Squadron:
  • Knight Moirax Talon:

Lords of War

  • Imperial Knights
    • Mechanicum Knight Magaera:
    • Mechanicum Knight Styrix:
    • Mechanicum Knight Asterius:
    • Mechanicum Knight Atrapos:

    • Ordinatus Ulator:
    • Ordinatus Aktaeus:
  • Titan Maniples: requires 1 Lord of War OR 1 unit of Troops (either Peltasts or Hoplites). 2 HQs, 6 Troops and 3 LoWs can be added.
    • Secutarii Axiarch:
    • Secutarii Peltast Phalanx:
    • Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx:
Warhammer 30,000 Tactics Articles
General Tactics