Age of Darkness-Warhammer 30k/2.0 Tactics/Legiones Astartes Tactics

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"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."

The Emperor

This is the current tactics page for the Legiones Astartes in HH 2.0. The 1.0 tactics can be found here

Both the Legacies and Exemplary Battle units from the previous edition can be found here, and are completely legal in all games of 2.0. Units that use these PDFs will be noted in their entries.

For the generals on how to play the game and the basics on listbuilding (as well as other tactica rules), you may want the General tactics page. You may also find the Horus Heresy general thread as "/HHG/" on /tg/.

Why play the Legiones Astartes?[edit | edit source]

This is a Warhammer 40,000 universe game centred on the Imperium, and you probably already have models for this army (unless you have a policy of only getting zoomer units or modernized power armours, like Marks VII and VIII); if you (somehow) don't have models for this army, we'll just assume you're saving your kidneys for Mechanicum models or something.

But the real reason is that it is a time of Legend, and these guys are those legends. None of this "Chapter of a thousand and no more than a thousand" nonsense or following the rules of the Space Book, these guys can be organised as a small assassination force all the way up to a full tank assault battalion with no limitations on what to field because of lost technology. Leading these forces are the Sons of the Emperor, who you are free to play as without having to pick GW's golden boys or selling your soul to evil warp entities (though you can still do this if you want). You have the most diverse army in the entire game, capable of filling any niche you see possible with the right combination of Rites and Legions and, outside of specific Militia armies and the Talons, you'll be running the highest armour saves around which have seen a buff due to a substantial nerf to Blast weapons.


  • Unparalleled variety of unit choice and loadouts, which isn't a good thing except...
  • Everything in this list has an effect on whatever they face! Nearly every unit is designed to do something well, and nearly everything has a place even if it looks "unviable".
  • Plenty of good armour saves. 3+ is a damn good save, and that's your normal.


  • Expect everyone to have a plan ready against you... especially with the release of Liber Mechanicum and Liber Imperium.
  • Expect choice paralysis to come into play in some sort, especially when trying to cater your list to a certain rite.
  • The Legacies and Exemplary Battles rules are riddled with poor writing and some very questionable ideas. Liber Panoptica, Liber Centura or other community based fiat may be necessary to use some of that content.
  • Some Legions still don't have their own unique troops from the fluff. While those that are listed as compulsory don't gain proper rules such as Line needed to take objectives. This wouldn't a problem if Legion-exclusive units weren't often shuffled into the Elites slot, which is already heavily bloated with Veterans, Terminators, Dreadnoughts, and Destroyers.

Core Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

On top of an effect, warlord traits now usually give your army one extra Reaction in either the Movement, Shooting or Assault phases.

  • Bloody-handed: While at least one friendly model is within 12" of this Warlord, add +1 to combat resolution. In addition, you get an extra Assault phase Reaction while he's alive.
    • Unlike other Legion-specific Warlord Traits, the +1 can stack with other bonuses, such as Legion vexillas.
  • Stoic Defender: Any unit joined by this Warlord gains Pinning in the Shooting phase. In addition, you get an extra Shooting phase Reaction while he's alive.
  • Ever-vigilant: This Warlord and any unit he has joined use his Initiative instead of the joined unit's lowest one when they Run. In addition, you get an extra Movement phase Reaction while he's alive.

Rites of War[edit | edit source]

<tabs> <tab name="Recon Company"> As its name implies, this is the Rite for spamming Recon and Scout squads. Extremely well suited for Character sniping, as you get tons of troops with Sniper and/or Precision Shots (X). Not as restrictive in 1.0 about taking Terminators and your other heavy hitters, but restrictions still exist.

  • Benefits:
    • Recon and Scout Squads lose Support Squad.
      • This is why the Rite is so good for killing Characters; all of your Troops can be snipers. Scouts still don't have Line, so you'll have to pay a little extra for it on Recons if you want to take objectives.
    • Seekers are non-Compulsory Troops.
      • Yet another way to kill specific enemy models. Same comment as for Scouts above; no Line, so you still need something with Line to take objectives.
    • May reroll dice to take first turn or to Seize the Initiative.
      • White Scars roll 2 dice and discard the lowest for Seize, so particularly good for them. Otherwise, whether to reroll for first turn or to save the reroll for Seize depends on what your opponent rolled and whether you want to see his deployment.
  • Limitations:
    • Heavy units must start in Reserves.
      • Impacts taking non-Contemptor Dreadnoughts and Heavy Support Squads in particular as cost-effective sources of Heavy weapons. If you want your big guns to start on the table, take vehicles, Sky-hunters or Rapiers. Alternatively, find some way to reroll your Reserves, or take the aforementioned Dreads and Heavy Support Squads in an Allied Detachment, so that they're not bound by the restriction.
      • Heavy Support Squads are particularly hard hit by this, as they basically lose a turn of shooting when they come on from Reserves due to having moved, and possibly even more if they have to move into range, not to mention the turns they don't shoot because they're not on the table. Take as allies, or take something else entirely.
    • No Fortifications.
    • Compulsory Troops must be Recon or Scout Squads. Not really a drawback; why else are you taking this Rite?

</tab> <tab name="Angel's Wrath"> The Flyer Rite. Lets you take tons of Flyers, eliminates some of the inherent uncertainties with Flyers having to start the game in Reserves, but you lose the combat bonuses from 1.0.

  • Benefits:
    • All units eligible to take a Rhino DT can take a Storm Eagle instead.
    • Flyers that are Transports can automatically come in from Reserves on Turn 1. If they do not, roll Reserves for them in later turns as normal.
      • Lets you summon your Flyers without the uncertainties of Reserves rolls. However, whether this is good or not depends on whether the enemy starts with lots of Skyfire weapons (Dreadnoughts, Sicarans, etc.) on the table.
  • Limitations:
    • Infantry without jump packs must start the game Embarked in a Flyer Transport.
      • One of the major limiting factors in your army selection. As per above, your 20-man squads cannot take a Storm Eagle DT, nor can Terminators, and therefore must be taken along with a Flyer from a different FOC slot. If you do not do so, your Infantry are limited to 10-man MEQ squads and jump squads.
      • Also limits Heavy weapons on Infantry, as they lose the turn of shooting they would have gotten while Disembarking. Take Nemesis Bolters on Veterans instead for Relentless, and take other Heavy weapons on other platforms or even just take something that is not a Heavy weapon. Special mention goes to Blood Angels/Imperial Fists, who have Assault Cannons offering Heavy weapon-grade firepower without actually being Heavy.
      • Specifies Infantry, and therefore not Primarch. If you're willing to have your Primarch go alone, you can start him on the table.
    • No non-Flyer Vehicles may be taken.
      • The other limiting factor that takes away all of your tanks and the like. That said, Dreadnoughts and your Skimmers are no longer Vehicles and can be taken freely. Besides, it's not as if the Fire Raptor is a poor source of firepower.
    • Jump pack infantry must start in Reserves, but may Deep Strike as normal.
    • No Fortifications.

</tab> <tab name="Sky-Hunter Phalanx"> Angel's Wrath for people who have a fear of actual flight and want to be closer to the ground. Lets you take tons of Cavalry (Antigrav), with more or less the same restrictions as the above.

  • Benefits:
    • Sky-hunters and Land Speeders are Troops. Sky-hunters moreover gain Line.
      • Allows you to actually skip taking infantry, as you can take objectives with your jetbikes. Jetbikes are surprisingly good at holding backfield objectives due to being flying Heavy Support Squads, so there's no need to worry about them being useless.
  • Limitations:
    • No non-Flyer, Skimmer or Fast Vehicles.
      • Takes away basically all of your tanks. You can still take Sabres though, which are surprisingly powerful and which, considering you moved all of your jetbikes and Land Speeders to Troops, you will have slots for.
    • No Dreadnoughts. A blanket ban which is odd considering Dreadnoughts could have taken Flyer Transports in Dreadclaws/Kharybdis/Thunderhawks, but be that as it may.
      • Unlike Angel's Wrath, no taking giant walkers in place of giant tanks. Combines with the above to basically take away all of your Heavy Support choices.
    • Infantry must start the game Embarked on Flyer Transports.
      • Basically excludes jump infantry, as they're Bulky and take up precious transport space that could fit a normal squad twice the size, or a Terminator squad of the same size. Also limits Heavy weapons on Infantry, as they lose the turn of shooting they would have gotten while Disembarking.
      • The obvious choice is to take Storm Eagles because A. they have 22 transport slots and B. you vacated Fast Attack slots, but Kharybdis/Assault Rams are worth considering if you're out of Fast Attack slots. The restriction against vehicles and Dreadnoughts basically eliminates everything from the Heavy Support slots, so you might as well take some Flyers.
    • No taking this as Allies. However, no such restriction taking allies while having this on the Primary Detachment.
    • No Fortifications.

</tab> <tab name="Drop Pod Assault"> Diet Orbital Assault by another name. No more restrictions on your army selection, but also a lot fewer benefits. Aside from that, you cannot take Deathstorm Drop Pods in Fast Attack anymore, so you get less instant fire support.

  • Benefits:
    • Anyone who could take Rhino/Land Raider DTs can now take Drop Pod/Dreadclaw DTs.
      • Actually worse than last edition, as Terminators are now forced to take a Drop Pod and then are limited to 5-man squads, whereas they outright got Deep Strike last edition. That said, it's understandable considering the lifting of other restrictions. Also sad that squads with Spartan DTs cannot take a Kharybdis instead, but it is what it is.
    • Dreadnoughts must take Dreadclaw/Dreadnought Drop Pod DTs, and must come in talons of 1.
      • Again, worse than last edition (no more Drop Podding talons of 3) and arguably not a benefit at all, as Dreadnoughts could take Dreadnought Drop Pods to begin with. That said, you get the additional choice of the Dreadclaw and you can actually Deep Strike Deredeos now, so we'll act as if this is a benefit.
  • Limitations:
    • Drop Pods must deploy by Drop Pod Assault.
      • Basically the old "Drop Pods come in on 1st turn" thing, except instead of up to half, all of your Drop Pods must do it. Arguably not a limitation, as last edition you already wanted to maximize the number of Drop Pods deploying on the 1st turn, and you can simply not take Drop Pods for any infantry you don't want to Deep Strike.
      • Unlike normal Deep Strike, Drop Pod Assault specifically allows charging out of an Assault Vehicle despite coming on from Reserve. Not usually useful because most Drop Pods do not have Assault Vehicle, but you can use a Kharybdis and surprise the enemy.
      • Drop Pod Assault specifically allows enemy units using Interceptor to either target the Drop Pod or your Disembarking units. Consider shelling out for the Dreadclaw over the normal Drop Pod so your units can stay inside and let it take the Interceptor Fire instead, if you're willing to lose 1 turn of shooting yourself by not Disembarking on arrival. Is using Flyer mode to force Snap Shots and avoid getting shot down safer than using Hover mode and avoiding Crash and Burn if you do get shot down? Up to you.
    • No Fortifications.
    • Anything not in a Drop Pod, Dreadnought Drop Pod, Dreadclaw or Kharybdis must start in Reserve and cannot use alternate deployment.
      • So to recap, you start on the table with nothing, your Drop Pod Assault arrives turn 1, then everything else comes on from Reserves as normal. This can be very risky depending on how easy it may be to table you by wiping out the Drop Pod Assault and/or anything that comes on turn 2. It may be prudent to take some allies and start them on the table, or take a Master of Signals in one of the Drop Pods to make sure your Reserves come on.
      • Heavily disadvantages Heavy weapons on Infantry, as they must either come on from Reserve or Disembark from their Drop Pod, thus being obliged to take 1 turn of Snap Shots either way because they will have moved. Death Guard have it easier because their Infantry can shoot as normal while moving on from Reserves, but everyone else should look for Relentless units or take non-Heavy weapons. As in Angel's Wrath, Blood Angels and Imperial Fists have an advantage here with their Assault Cannons.

</tab> <tab name="Pride of the Legion"> You know how all of the badasses of the Space Marine Legions are in the Elites slots along with everything else you wanted to take? Move them to the Troops slot instead. Lets you build a truly disgusting core of melee infantry, but severely limits your choices elsewhere. Also has special interactions with Indomitus Terminators; for details, look at their unit entry.

  • Benefits:
    • Veterans and Legion Terminators are Troops, and when Compulsory Troops (read: 2 of them) gain Line.
      • Better than not having Line at all, but 2 units is still a bit worrying especially if you're taking smaller units. Consider other sources of Line like Legion Standards.
    • Any other Terminator unit chosen from the Elites slot can be taken as non-Compulsory Troops.
      • Lets you take Legion-specific Terminators as Troops. They don't get Line, so you have to rely on Compulsory Troops and/or Legion Standards. Note that some Legion-specific Terminators do not come from Elites, so check the unit entry first.
      • RAW includes Nullificators, as they wear Cataphractii, allowing you to skip the Primus Nullificator Consul.
  • Limitations:
    • Only 1 each of Heavy Support and Fast Attack choices.
      • Since you vacated so many Elites slots by taking Veterans and Terminators as Troops instead, take Elites Dreadnoughts and Rapiers to make up for the loss in Heavy Support slots. As for Fast Attack, take a bike/jetbike Command Squad.
      • Severely limits your ability to take non-DT vehicles. This can pose a problem for larger squads of Indomitus and other Legion-specific Terminator units that do not get Spartan DTs, as they won't fit in a Land Raider. Likewise, none of the DT choices for Legion Veterans have Assault Vehicle and buying them a Land Raider will be very difficult.
    • At least half of the units must be Infantry.
      • As Dreadnoughts are taken in Talons, you take multiple of them as nominally 1 unit.
      • While DTs are separate units, so are your HQ ICs, which means you can conceivably mechanize your whole army and still have some extra slots (eg. Praetor and Command Squad take Land Raider DT; 2 Infantry vs 1 vehicle, so 1 more vehicle unit). That said, it also means giving your HQ bike/jetbike will make him count against the limit.
    • No Fortifications.
    • No allied detachment and no taking this as an allied detachment. This means there's no way of weaseling out of the above restrictions by taking allies that are not bound.

</tab> <tab name="Underworld Assault"> Drop Pod Assault/Angel's Wrath in reverse, both in terms of direction and unit deployment. Instead of multiple simultaneous Deep Strikes turn 1 and waiting for the rest of your army to arrive from Reserves, everyone else deploys on turn 1 and waits for your infantry to get here in their drills. Which is better? Up to you.

  • Benefits:
    • All units that can take Rhino DTs can take Termites instead.
    • Termites can also be taken as Heavy Support and Fast Attack choices.
    • All units starting on the table have Stubborn until the Subterranean Assault arrives.
      • Because everyone who is not part of the Subterranean Assault must start on the table, this covers everyone that isn't normal infantry. It means nothing to your Fearless Dreadnoughts and vehicles and little to your Inexorable Terminators, but could mean a heck of a lot to your normal Ld7-8 jump infantry and Cavalry.
      • Subterranean Assault requires all units with Subterranean Assault (read: Termites) to make the a single Reserves roll and deploy on the same turn, much like you would a Deep Strike. Consider taking a Damocles Rhino to reroll Reserves and get the Termites here on time.
        • That said, if you simply want to give your entire detachment Stubborn, you could conceivably not take any Termites (eg. take Assault Squads as compulsory Troops and take no other MEQs); as the Subterranean Assault technically never arrives, Stubborn never wears off.
        • While other forms of alternate deployment (Deep Strike, Drop Pod, etc.) cause Pinning test for enemies within 6" of the arriving units, you instead do D6+3 S6 AP4 hits. Whether this is better or not is up to you.
        • Unlike Drop Pod Assault and like normal Deep Strike, Interceptor Reactions from the enemy can only target the unit arriving from Reserves; in this case, this is the Termite and NOT the unit Embarked on the Termite. True, the Termite's not cheap, but its passengers being immune to Interceptor is pretty good.
  • Limitations:
    • All Infantry without Bulky (X) must start the game Embarked on a Termite.
      • Disadvantages Heavy Support Squads, as they have to waste time Disembarking from the Termite; as they have moved, they fire Snap Shots on their Heavy weapons for that turn. There are no other restrictions on army selection, so you can simply avoid it by taking Rapiers, vehicles, Dreadnoughts, etc. Likewise, replace your Nemesis Bolter Recons/Scouts with Veterans, who have Relentless and can quickscope enemy models while Disembarking. Blood Angels/Imperial Fists get an advantage here for much the same reason as in Drop Pod Assault, as do Death Guard and Salamanders with their improved Flame weaponry.
      • You cannot take 20-man MEQ squads, as they are not Bulky (and thus must start the game Embarked on a Termite) but cannot actually buy a Termite (because they cannot buy a Rhino) nor fit in a Termite.
    • No Fortifications.
    • All models that are not a Termite or not Embarked on a Termite must start on the table.
      • Very thematically, this means you cannot take Flyers in this Detachment, as they are expressly required to start the game in Reserves. Do so in an Allied Detachment.

</tab> <tab name="Armoured Spearhead"> The old Armoured Spearhead and Armoured Breakthrough rolled into one. In return for taking 2 Rites at once, you lose the extra firepower you got last edition by making your entire army Fast vehicles. Instead, you merely get tons of ordinary vehicles.

  • Benefits:
    • All units that could take Rhino DTs and number 10 models or fewer can take Land Raider Proteus DTs instead.
    • Predators are now Troops. No Line, so continue taking infantry if you want to take objectives.
    • Sicarans can be taken as Elites.
      • This only covers the stock Autocannon Sicaran, as Sicarans with other main guns are different units altogether and not part of this deal. If you want specialty weapons like Plasma and Neutron Lasers, take some Predators.
    • One Predator or Sicaran must be made into the Master of the Legion and be the Warlord.
      • This Tank must take Master of Armour as its Warlord Trait, improving its BS by 1 and gaining 5++. Unlike other WTs, this one doesn't grant an extra reaction.
  • Limitations:
    • Aforementioned Master of the Legion tank must be the Warlord. This locks out Primarchs as well as anyone else that must be the Warlord.
    • All Infantry must start Embarked on a Transport and must be removed as casualties otherwise.
      • This means, despite being able to take Land Raider DTs, you will be taking Rhinos anyway. You cannot possibly afford to give every single infantry unit a Land Raider unless a) you're not taking Predators/Sicarans at all, or b) you're going full bore tank spam and only taking 1-2 infantry units.
      • Disadvantages Heavy weapons on Infantry models because they must Disembark before shooting and thus spend 1 turn moving and firing Snap Shots. Take them on Relentless sources like Veterans or not on Infantry at all, like Cavalry or Dreadnoughts. Again, Blood Angels/Imperial Fists have the advantage here with their Assault Cannons, for the same reasons as in Drop Pod Assault.
    • No Fortifications.
    • No units with movement 0". This locks out Dreadnought Drop Pods, requiring you to pay for Dreadclaw/Kharybdis to Deep Strike Dreadnoughts.
    • Must be taken by the Primary Detachment.

</tab> <tab name="Brethren of Iron"> Playing Mechanicum while playing Space Marines. Should you just have taken Mechanicum allies instead? Depends on your Legion. That said, you can use this to take Automata and then ally in something else, like Imperial Army. Who can also use Automata with one of their Rite of War equivalents.

  • Benefits:
    • Can take Castellax as non-Compulsory Troops, Vorax as non-compulsory Fast Attack, Domitar as non-Compulsory Elites and a single Thanatar model as one of your non-Compulsory Heavy Support choices. See the Mechanicum Tactica for details.
      • Forge Lords and Praevians have a rule that specifically confers Legiones Astartes (X) on Automata taken using their special rules. There is no equivalent to that here, so these Automata do not get it.
    • Techmarines can take cortex controllers for 20pts. Lets you spread the controlling across the field on various units so you can actually tell the robots what to do.
  • Limitations:
    • Must take fewer Automata units than everything else combined. You're still playing Space Marines; take some Space Marines.
      • If you really don't want to take Space Marines, the compulsory Forge Lord lets you take Thallax, which are Infantry and therefore counts towards taking non-Automata units and get Line in the bargain. That said, you take them as Elites (and therefore in competition with everything else already in Elites), and if you don't want to take Marines, why not just play Mechanicum?
    • Must take at least one cortex controller per 3 Automata models. That's what your Techmarines are here for.
    • No Paragon of Metal on your Automata.
    • Must take a Forge Lord. As you need a Master of the Legion to unlock Rites in the first place, you do not have sufficient HQ slots in Allied Detachments and you therefore cannot take this Rite with an Allied Detachment.

</tab> <tab name="Fury of the Ancients"> Lets you take CONTEMPTOR DREADNOUGHTS AS COMPULSORY LINE TROOPS! You know how Pride of the Legion moved all of the badasses to Troops? This moves the badasses that were so badass they refused to die. Unfortunately doesn't benefit the super cost-effective Castraferrum Dreadnoughts, but still very good considering how strong Dreadnoughts are this edition.

  • Benefits:
    • Contemptors are Troops and get Line (read: 2 Talons) when taken as Compulsory Troops. Considering you get 3 Dreadnoughts per Talon, this is a lot less limiting than it sounds and when compared to things like Pride of the Legion.
    • One Contemptor must be given the Venerable Ancient upgrade for 30pts, turning into a Character with Master of the Legion, Eternal Warrior (so no more D3 wounds from ID) and an Iron Halo. Unlike Master of Armour, Venerable Ancient is not a Warlord Trait and your Contemptor Warlord can take a Trait like a normal character.
  • Limitations:
    • You can only bring 1 Heavy Support and 1 Fast Attack choice that aren't Dreadnoughts.
      • Therefore no limit on using these slots to take Dreadnoughts. Feel free to take Leviathans and Deredeos. Blood Angels in particular will love this with their Fast Attack Jump Pack Contemptor.
    • All Compulsory Troops must be Contemptors.
      • Not really a downside; if you're running this ROW and not filling every available slot with Dreadnoughts and units to buff Dreadnoughts, you're doing it wrong.
    • Consul options are limited to Forge Lords, Primus Medicae and Mortificators.
    • The Venerable Ancient must be Warlord, locking out Primarchs/other ICs which must be the Warlord.
    • No Fortifications or Lord of War.
      • Somewhat of a non-issue, Dreads couldn't really hide behind most cover and the price of all these dreads would easily lock out the option for LoWs.
    • Must be the Primary Detachment.
    • Cannot Seize the Initiative.

</tab> </tabs>

Wargear of the Legiones Astartes[edit | edit source]

Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

Chain Weapons
The standard close combat weapons of the 31st millennium and a little bit different from how you remember them. Most chain weapons still lack any decent AP, but they now have Shred, meaning your basic bitch Tactical Squad equipped with these get to re-roll their wound rolls, which makes them pretty good despite being so cheap. The main difference between the chain weapons is the Strength bonus they give the model and how many hands they need to hold them.

  • Chainsword: The standard S-User AP- chain weapon, but now it has Shred, so they're now useful against MEQs. You take one of these to give your marines an extra attack when paired with their bolt pistols.
  • Chainaxe: A flat upgrade over the chainsword as it has the same stats but also applies S+1 to attacks. It's worse against Militia thanks to losing its AP, but Shred makes it more effective against marines.
  • Heavy Chainsword: A big Two-handed chainsword that gives S+2 to attacks.
  • Chain Bayonet: A bayonet, but with Shred. It's only two points for marines that have bolters and objectively better than the regular bayonet.
  • Chainfist: A power fist with a chainsword strapped to it; it only counts as a chain weapon. These things get Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy trading out Specialist Weapon for Armourbane (Melee) instead of getting Shred like the other chain weapons; these are designed for cutting Vehicles new assholes. Sx2 makes it good against everything, Vehicles especially because of Armourbane (Melee), while other big guys like Dreadnoughts and Automata suffer pseudo-Shred. Only Terminators can take them, even if one were including Legion exclusive units.
  • Gravis Chainfist: Chainfists for Dreadnoughts. These have fixed S10 and AP2 compared to Sx2 that becomes the usual S8 on Infantry. Gravis chainfists lose Unwieldy and receive Murderous Strike (5+).
    • Unlike the normal chainfist, this is not a straight upgrade to the Gravis power fist, as the Gravis chainfist loses Brutal (3). Yes, Murderous Strike (5+) and being S10 will inflict ID on more targets, but the Gravis power fist already caused ID against MEQ/TEQs and forced them to save 3 wounds to avoid ID, whereas the Gravis chainfist causes 1 wound. Almost everything an opponent can bring with higher than T4 (Dreadnoughts, Automata, Primarchs) has some way of mitigating ID or has less than 3 wounds, so simply causing 3 wounds would do more damage notwithstanding the Armourbane re-roll To Wound on Dreadnoughts and Automata triggering Murderous Strike (5+) more often. Unless you're fighting lots of Vehicles and/or Knights, take the Gravis power fist.

Charnabal Weapons
Duelling weapons that rely on speed and precision over brute strength. A few more of these have been added in 2.0, but they all follow the same general theme of relying on Breaching (X) instead of normal AP, but gaining Initiative in Challenges.

  • Charnabal Sabre: The standard Charnabal weapon, with S-User, Breaching (5+) and Duellist's Edge (1). The option that will inflict the least wounds due to having no Strength bonus, but strangely the one that will inflict the most AP2 wounds due to having a better version of Breaching (X) than the tabar and having more attacks than the glaive. Actually it is much better than a Power Sword when you have to deal with 2+ save but you can't afford unwieldy but powerful AP2 weapons or if you want to attack at your own initiative. It's also an acceptable anti-Dreadnought option, as you wound on a 6+ anyway against T6 Castra Ferrum/T7 Contemptors, you effectively have an AP2 weapon. That said, because it's not Rending (X), your S4 cannot wound T8 Leviathans.
  • Charnabal Tabar: A tabar is a Persian battle axe of yore, and the Charnabal version isn't too much to write home about. It is a little bit worse than the sabre as it has the same Duellist's Edge (1), and only has Breaching (6+) in exchange for S+2, which is kind of meh when compared to some power weapons. That said, S+2 makes it easier to stack with Strength buffs or rad grenades to ID T4 models, so look for things like Furious Charge (X) to combine it with.
  • Charnabal Glaive: The last Charnabal weapon on the list, it is S+1 with Duellist's Edge (2), Breaching (5+) and Two-handed. Hitting before basically everyone is nice, but is it worth giving up chances to trigger Breaching (X) by losing your +1 attack from having 2 weapons, since the additional strength only gives more chance to succeed in the wound roll that did not trigger Breaching? Unless you fight against T6 or higher, the Sabre's A+1 is better at killing marines.

Power Weapons
The high AP combat weapons that are more expensive than chain Weapons, but offer more killing power. Unlike games taking place in the 40k eras, Terminators have power weapons as their vanilla melee weapon instead of power fists, varying if they're Legion-only types and get their own exclusive weapons as part of their base points.

  • Power Sword: The standard AP3 power weapon, but now it comes with Rending (6+) so you can actually cut through artificer armour. It's not reliable, but a buff is a buff.
    • Rending (6+) means the power sword wounds on the same roll as the power axe against >T6 targets like most Dreadnoughts, as the power axe's S5 only wounds on 6+ against those targets anyway. Thus, the sword, by virtue of not being Unwieldy, is actually the superior weapon in such cases, as it also has AP2 from Rending (6+). Your odds still aren't very good, but you can't get better wounding at AP2 without a power fist anyway. That said, this assumes no Legion traits relating to improved wounding, rad grenades or other Strength bonuses; in such cases, improved wounding will not help the sword, so keep on using the axe.
  • Power Axe: The same old S+1 AP2 Unwieldy weapon. The axe itself is the same, but ID has become a lot more valuable in 2.0 as TEQs, which are 80% the reason why you want AP2, universally have 2 Wounds; whereas in 1.0, the only difference between a power fist and power axe against TEQs (which all had 1 Wound, barring some Legion-specifics) were denying Feel No Pain (X) and wounding on 2+ instead of 3+, the power fist is twice as effective in 2.0 at killing TEQs than a power axe by ignoring their 2 Wounds through ID. Unless you expect to fight lots of 1 Wound/2+ save models like artificer armour Sergeants, Techmarines, Apothecaries or your opponent is not playing a Legion list at all, take a power fist wherever possible. Just note that the axe itself is not so bad at take out those 2+ saves, and not all models are able to get a Power Fist so easily. Some units such as Despoilers and Assault Squad gives one normal power weapon per some troopers, and it's still better than a stock chainsword when you have to face the wall of 2+ ceramites.
  • Power Maul: Got a very nice buff as it is still S+2, but now it is also AP3 so it can actually kill other marines rather than bouncing off their armour. The weapon of choice for stacking up with Strength bonuses or rad grenades to get ID as, unlike the heavy chainsword, you keep your +1 attack from having 2 weapons. It's also a decent choice against Automata by virtue of having improved Strength and ignoring their 3+ saves, though it won't help against Dreadnoughts.
  • Power Lance: This power weapon also received a very helpful buff in the new edition. They are now S+1 AP3 standard and include the Reach (1) special rule, making it more consistent and actually useful after a charge. The premier anti-MEQ melee weapon now, as you hit before everyone else and, at 1W generally, they won't get to hit back.

Specialist Weapons
The most expensive standard melee weapons and pretty much the best one. Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule do not gain an extra attack for being paired with a second combat weapon, and need a second Specialist Weapon to gain an extra attack.

  • Power Fist: Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy, the power fist is the premium Instant Death-inflicting bitch slapper that you equip on HQs, Squad Sergeants, all kinds of Terminators and Legion-specific Astartes with artificer armour. Much more important now that TEQs are 2W, so power axes are no longer good enough and you really need the ID from S8. However, there are also more units that can claim some form of immunity from S8 ID now, so watch out for those.
    • Power Fists vs Chainfists: The obvious downside is that power fists only gain extra attacks when paired with another Specialist Weapon, while chainfists gain it with everything else. Outside of TEQs, chainfists are better against Vehicles. Unless you're going for a certain build or expect to go into melee against a large number of tanks, Dreads or Automata, power fists will be the more cost-effective choice. But if you want to be as versatile as possible, without taking Legion-specific rules into account, you can usually get away with giving half your squad chainfists and the other half power fists.
  • Gravis Power Fist: The old Dreadnought CCW, still AP2 at Initiative but now at fixed S9 with Brutal (3). An excellent weapon against 2 Wound MEQs and TEQs, as each hit will force the target to roll their Invulnerable save three times to avoid ID. Take note that being S9 means you can no longer ID T5, which will matter against tougher opponents.
  • Thunder Hammer: Actually worth considering over a power fist now, since they lost Concussive (X) but gained Brutal (2), meaning it has become a more reliable source of Instant Death against other marines and can inflict multiple wounds on things like Dreadnoughts and Automata. The most expensive option, but usually worth the points.
  • Lightning Claw: A power sword with Shred and Specialist Weapon. These things really shine when you equip models with two of them as they now gain 2 extra attacks instead of the usual 1, making Terminators and Veterans armed with dual claws very effective marine blenders.
    • Shred is also an indirect buff to AP, as Rending (X) triggers on your wounding roll. Having more chances to roll To Wound will increase the chance of triggering Rending (6+) and thus causing AP2 wounds. Combined with gaining 2 attacks for paired weapons, lightning claws can do surprising amounts of damage against 2+ saves.
  • Paragon Blade: The holy grail of Heresy-era weaponry. S+1 AP2 and Murderous Strike (6+), all without Unwieldy, allowing Praetors to cut through 2+ armour saves at Initiative. Unless you are running a specific Praetor build around another weapon, nine times out of ten, you want to take this. It also pairs well with power fists and thunder hammers if you want your Praetor to have an extra attack.
    • The main draw of being able to massacre Terminators at Initiative from last edition is now gone, as they all have 2W now and are much harder to kill without ID. You can kill unit Sergeants in a Challenge with no problem, but don't expect to kill one-third of a Terminator Squad like you could last edition.
    • Like last edition, it's not good enough in a Praetor duel, particularly now that Cataphractii Praetors have 4W and need 8 AP2 wounds to actually die, barring lucky rolls with Murderous Strike (X), which at 6+ is not reliable enough. That said, 6 AP2 wounds will suffice to kill artificer armour-equipped or Tartaros Praetors, so stacking buffs on your Praetor for landing lots of AP2 wounds and forcing failed Invulnerable saves can, depending on the Legion, be a workable alternative to a power fist/thunder hammer mutual kill at I1. Moreover, Centurions generally have worse WS and Invulnerable saves on fewer Wounds, so the paragon blade will likely kill them before they get a shot at inflicting ID on your Praetor with a power fist. Of course, if the enemy is immune to S8 ID, the paragon blade is better, as you strike at Initiative and at least have some chance of causing ID. Conversely, if you're somehow immune to S8 ID, use the fist instead and smash away.

Force Weapons
These are power swords, axes and mauls that can be taken by Psykers and have the Force rule. Power lances are not available as force weapons, as they are replaced by force staves instead. Force staves are ruleswise the same as power lances, but with the Force special rule added.

  • Force has now been changed to be Sx2, which seems to apply after whatever Strength bonus your weapon gets, instead of straight Instant Death. This means force mauls and the like can do scary things against Vehicles, but won't do much against Dreadnoughts because you still only wound once per hit, with the exception of a force maul against Castra Ferrum Dreadnoughts, but you have to get through their 2+ save, after which you only deal 3 wounds instead of ID. Likewise, Force is no longer the mighty Automata-slayer of yore; you do ignore their 3+ save, but many of them can commute ID to D3 Wounds with their atomantic deflector and may, in any case, be too tough for ID regardless.
    • Against Infantry, this is largely academic with the exception of the force sword, as the axe and staff hit at S10 and the maul at S12, inflicting ID on basically any and all Infantry anyway. The sword is trickier, as Battle-hardened (X) will foil your S8 ID.
    • Daemons, on the other hand, will be royally fucked up by force weapons, because they do receive Instant Death against them!
  • The force axe performs more like its 1.0 counterpart than the power axe, as it retains its ability to one-shot Terminators. Of course, you should just take a Praetor/melee-focused Consul with a thunder hammer if all you wanted was to one-shot Terminators, but your Librarian can be useful in a pinch to fight off TEQs. That said, against people with Battle-hardened (1), the force axe retains its ID while power fists and thunder hammers do not, so consider taking the Librarian for that.

Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons

  • Bayonet: A knife the size of a short sword strapped to the front of a handheld light artillery piece. A 1 point upgrade to give your marines +1S to all melee attacks, but it has Two-handed, meaning you don't get extra attacks for having a second close combat weapon or pistol. Remember that this works on bolters and bolters only; take a chainsword if your models have combi-weapons, alternate bolters, etc.
  • Melta Bomb: Vital against Vehicles and worth the points you're paying for your Sergeants to grab it. S8 AP1 with Armourbane (Melee) and Instant Death make it a nightmare against Dreads, Automata and Vehicles alike, but it's Unwieldy as ever.
  • Servo-Arm: The classic armament of the Techmarine, it offers them an additional attack as well as any other they would normally make, having the equivalent effectiveness of a power fist at S8 AP2 with Unwieldy. Note that RAW nothing prevents you from making all of your attacks with the servo-arm, since it is a Melee weapon.
  • Machinator Array: Only S+1 AP2, but it's stronger than the servo-arm by giving two attacks with both Shred and Armourbane (Melee) to rip through anything. Even better, it comes with a flamer and meltagun as well as adding +2 to any Battlesmith (X) rolls. This is the reason you see Forge Lords and Iron Fathers sticking to their tanks and Dreads.

Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]

Artillery Cannons
Various heavy ordnance that don't fit under Auto weapons for whatever reason. A lot of these are specific to a single unit, so look in those entries instead.

  • Demolisher Cannon: A far cry from the almighty S10 AP2 5" blast of old. S12 Brutal (3) is great, but 3" AP3 means it's no good against TEQs anymore and it cannot reliably kill large groups of MEQs. That said, it's an excellent anti-Automata/Armiger weapon by ignoring their 3+ and inflicting multiple wounds (with possible ID!), and it can very reliably harm vehicles with Sunder.
  • Earthshaker Cannon: Another victim of the gamewide nerf on AP2/3 Blast weapons. Gaining Shred/Pinning is great, but losing AP3 means you can't kill MEQs anymore and the other main purpose of the gun (anti-vehicle) doesn't gain anything from the added rules. 240" will let you always get a target, but that's no consolation if you can't actually kill it.

Auto Weapons
Have actually received a buff in this edition. Astartes Auto Weapons either come with Rending (X) or other special rules that make them worth considering over their stock weapons.

  • Astartes Shotgun: Assault 2, 12" S4, AP-, Concussive (1). Shotguns can be taken by Scouts, Recon Marines and Veterans. Concussive lowering WS by 1 makes it good against most Assault based armies. Since Vets can take Power Weapons without relying on another squad they are the obvious choice. However, Shotguns do have some obvious flaws. 12 inches is the optimal range of Bolters (Combi-Weapons more so), Volkite Chargers, Serpentas , Plasma Guns and Template weapons. Mechanicus Automata don't have a pistol to exchange for another melee weapons, so they will be armed with Toughness-reducing Rad Weapons, while opposing players with Template weapons (Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Death Guard and Mechanicum) will opt for another round of shooting instead.
  • Rotor Cannon: Lost Salvo and is now Assault 4, S3 AP-. Not very strong but it does have Pinning with Shell Shock (1), making them very good for locking down enemies for another unit to assault.
  • Autocannon: Same old S7 AP4 48" Heavy 2 weapon, except Rending (6+) allowing it to threaten AV14 and TEQs. Good weapon in general, but there are arguably better choices in either direction; the Heavy Bolter/Volkite Culverin is better at anti-infantry and light vehicles, while there are Missile Launchers/Lascannons/Multi-meltas for heavier vehicles.
  • Reaper Autocannon: A Twin-Linked Autocannon with reduced range (36") available as a Terminator special weapon. Not a bad weapon in itself, but its range does not overlap well with other Terminator weapons, while it has less firepower in short range than either of the other choices.
  • Gravis Autocannon: Heavy 3 Twin-Linked Autocannon for Dreadnoughts. In addition to what was said in the Autocannon entry, it can also double as an anti-aircraft choice due to Dreadnoughts having access to Skyfire.

Archaeotech Pistol
An oddball of a weapon, this Master-crafted pistol is S6 AP4 with Rending (3+), allowing them to more reliably break through marines. Actually an upgrade from last edition with the addition of Rending, where its flat AP3 was useless against TEQs. Only available to Praetors and some Legion specific units.

Bolt Weapons
The standard-issue, rocket-propelled, armour-piercing, explosive round-shooting, hand cannons of the Space Marines that you know and love. Bolt Weapons are pretty well known and are pretty much unchanged from their older incarnations, with the exception of some new types introduced in 2.0.

  • Bolter: Ye olde 24" S4 AP5 Rapid Fire weapon. However, TEQs being 2W means spamming Bolters is no longer an acceptable alternative to taking proper anti-TEQ weapons. Also the only weapon that can accept bayonets.
  • Bolt Pistol: Same old thing. Competes directly with the now 2-shot Volkite Serpenta, so upgrading to that is a lot more compelling.
  • Combi-Bolter: Twin-linked Bolter for Terminators and vehicle mounts. Still not very good at killing things, but a bit more reliable.
  • Nemesis Bolter: This edition's replacement for Sniper Rifles (so they're all now Nemesis Bolters unless stated otherwise by FAQs or Red Books). 72" Heavy 1, S5 AP5, Rending (5+), Sniper and Pinning. Nemesis Bolters are the best upgrade for most shooty HQ IC's in Power Armour (don't forget about Firing Protocols), Vet Squads, Recon Marines, Scouts,and Seekers (though for the last you lose Special Ammunition). These are your character killers, since Rending (5+) will handle Terminator Armour and below.
  • Heavy Bolter: The classic 36" S5 AP4 Heavy weapon, now with 4 shots. However, the Volkite Culverin is now 5-shot, so you're still lagging behind in range and killing power. On vehicles, the introduction of Defensive weapons on vehicles means that Heavy Bolters can target independently of the vehicle's main weapons, which makes it more viable for killing nearby infantry.
  • Gravis Bolt Cannon: Another "new" Bolt Weapon. It's basically a Heavy Bolter with Heavy 6 and Twin-linked that is found on Dreadnoughts.
  • Avenger Bolt Cannon: The good old vehicle-mounted Bolt Cannon at 36" with Heavy 7 and S6 AP3. It is the nose-mounted weapon of the Avenger Strike Fighter and the Fire Raptor; the latter's version is Twin-Linked. There aren't a lot of weapons with flat AP2/3 left, so this is useful if you really want that MEQ squad dead.

Half a Bolter, half another gun. There are two categories of Combi-Weapons, with Magna only getting one shot with their alternate gun, and Minor getting to fire multiple times. It's definitely worth mentioning that Combi-Weapons can fire BOTH primary and secondary weapons without requiring the Firing Protocols (X) rule. Squads armed with them are able to throw out a surprising volume of firepower.

  • Minor Combi-Weapons: Flamers, Volkite Chargers, and Grenade Launchers. Grenade Launchers seem to be the standout pick, but the Strength of these weapons has dropped to 5 on the Krak profile, and resolving lots of weak Blast (3") shots in a turn with the Frag profile means they're a pain to play. They may have some situational use against armies that don't exist yet, but otherwise stick with Combi-Volkites for Vets and Terminators to dish out 40 shots at 12". Only worth passing up if they have access to Heavy Weapons like Tac Vets or Legion-exclusive gear.
    • The Grenade Launcher is always inferior to the Volkite Charger in terms of damage. 1 shot at S5 AP4 is worse than 2 shots of S5 AP5 Deflagrate against any opponent, while the potential to make lots of hits using the frag grenade is also the same anti-light infantry specialisation as the Volkite Charger. The Frag shot does have Pinning and both rounds have more range than the Charger, but think carefully about whether the loss of firepower is worth it. It's a good take Tacticals who'll be exploiting Fury of the Legion to avoid getting within 12", though.
    • Remember that this is 30k, so the Flamer and Grenade Launcher use their templates/pieplates respectively. This means taking 10 of them, especially 10 Grenade Launchers, on your Tac Vets will slow down the game significantly as you place the templates for each weapon (and roll for scatter for each of the latter, they're not Barrage weapons). Or feel free to use this as a psychological way of making the unit the equivalent of a Distraction Carnifex in terms of irritating your opponent.
  • Magna Combi-Weapons: Meltaguns, Plasma Guns, and Disintegrators. Only Independent Characters and a few specific squad Sergeants can pack a Disintegrator. The other two are generic and available to all.
    • As noted in the 1.0 Tactics page, spamming these is generally not advisable because you're left with a Bolter after that 1 round of shooting, which means you're basically no longer a threat from range despite spending 10 points per gun. That said, it's useful for units charging out of a transport or Deep Striking into charging range, as they only get 1 round of shooting before melee anyway. Some Legions also get Advanced Reactions that are better than normal shooting, so using the Combi-Weapons with those may give added value.

Disintegrator Weapons
Move over Archaeotech and Plasma, there's a new king of get fucked. Dreaded archaeotech from Old Night and the Unification Wars, these guns are similar to the Custodes Adrathic Weapons and they pull you apart at the molecular level. Think Star Trek Phasers or Disruptors; weapons that can just delete you from existence no questions asked, and with no mess to clean up. All disintegrator weapons are S5, AP2, Instant Death, Gets Hot. They do not fuck around. If you want something dead, be it Praetor, Mechanicum robot or just some chuckle-fuck whose existence personally insults you, point a disintegrator weapon at it and watch it disappear. The main selling point for these guns is also its biggest weakness. Gets Hot now inflicts the wound at the gun's AP, meaning this gun is lethal to its user, so maybe only give it to models you don't mind committing assisted suicide on before the game is over. However, while the gun overheats at the same S and AP, it doesn't ignore your Invulnerable Saves nor does it retain Instant Death. So putting these on multi-wound platforms (like, say, Nullificators) can be a way to vomit Instant Death without your squad undergoing critical existence failure whenever they roll a 1.
Do remember that the guns are only Strength 5, so they will have trouble wounding some of the Toughness 7+ creatures, and against anything with Eternal Warrior or an Atomantic Deflector (d3 Wounds instead) will nullify the main selling point of these weapons, so while they are good they do have specific things that they should be used against and should not treated as a general "kill everything" weapons.

  • Disintegrator Pistol: 12" Pistol 1, S5 AP2, Instant Death, Gets Hot. They have less shots than Volkite Serpentas, lack the Rending (3+) from the Archaeotech Pistol and are more dangerous to the user than a Plasma Pistol while being even more rare on tabletop. But it will instantly atomise pretty much every marine, Militia, Solar Aux and most Custodes model you wound with it so it has its use as a high risk, high reward pistol, particularly considering how anyone who can take them has an Invulnerable save and multiple wounds.
  • Disintegrator: 24" Rapid Fire, S5 AP2, Instant Death & Gets Hot. As mentioned above, it's basically taken over from Plasma as your Terminator deleter. Better on Nullificators, as they have 2W and can take Primus Medicae to mitigate the risk of dying from Gets Hot while Mortalis Destroyers with their 1W and inability to take Apothecaries due to Bitter Duty are more susceptible. Disintegrators won't generally get full damage output, as both squads who have them are normal infantry; Nullificators in particular are Cataphractii and may have substantial problems getting into Rapid Fire range due to 6" movement and no running. That said, 10 Disintegrators in Rapid Fire range is one of the few ways left to remove entire Terminator units, so don't hesitate to do it given the opportunity and laugh as you remove 3/4 of your opponent's Terminator deathstar in 1 round of shooting.

Graviton Weapons
The granddaddy of Grav-Weapons. They have no Strength and are AP4, relying on rules such as Graviton Pulse, Haywire, their own Blast templates and Concussive (1) in order to hinder opponents and inflict damage. The Graviton Gun has a 3" blast while the Graviton Cannon has 5".

Las Weapons
All of the mainstays are still here. However, when its comes to Space Marines, the best Lasers are vehicle mounted. Your main source of Destroyer weapons (the only other D-weapon is the Thunderhawk Cannon, in case you were wondering) since they almost always come on Lords of War and thus cannot be allied in.

  • Lascannon: Same as always; Heavy 1, 48" and S9 AP2, now with Sunder to cement it as a staple of vehicle hunter units. Lascannons that come stock/can be taken on Flyer units will always come in twos, at the very least, with all of them being Twin-linked.
  • Gravis Lascannon: A Lascannon mounted on vehicles such as tanks, in addition to Dreads, with an extra shot for Heavy 2. At least someone remembered that Astartes vehicles are not supposed to have Multilasers.
  • Lascannon Array: Twin-linked Gravis Lascannon, generally available as sponsons for Spartans and superheavies. Pretty straightforward, but exists in direct competition with...
  • Laser Destroyer: The same thing, except with Exoshock (6+) and AP1 in return for losing Sunder (but gaining Ordnance more or less replaces that) and 12" range. Great weapon, but has its own problems on vehicular platforms; normal vehicles (read: Spartans) don't want it because it messes up their other shooting on the move, while everything else is a Lord of War that doesn't want to be any closer to the enemy than absolutely necessary.
  • Volcano Cannon: The big boy superheavy-mounted anti-superheavy weapon. At Destroyer S14 Ignores Cover AP1, most models will only get Invulnerable saves; most vehicles will take lots of hull point damage and likely Explode due to AP1, while everything smaller than a Leviathan will die from D3 ID wounds.
  • Neutron Blaster: 24" S10 AP1 Concussive (3) Shock Pulse Sunder Gets Hot! weapon available on smaller tanks. Very good weapon for shutting up superheavies cheaply, as Shock Pulse forces Snap Shots and therefore disables the Blast weapons that are the primary weapons of most superheavies. Can also be useful to support melee infantry; most of its rules don't work on infantry and S10 AP1 is blatant overkill, but Concussive (3) can determine who wins melee combat.
  • Neutron-wave cannon: The love-child of the 2 aforementioned weapons. Volcano Cannon, except S10 Shock Pulse. Nearly as good at blowing up vehicles and will shut up whatever survives with Shock Pulse. That said, it's not as good at blowing up non-vehicle targets due to losing 4S (and a lot of ID capability) and it has strangely lost Concussive, so you can't use it to mess up the enemy's WS like its smaller cousins.

Flame Weapons
Lacking the range and AP of other special weapons, what Flamers excel at is clearing holes in hordes of enemies, and inflicting lots of wounds over tightly packed squads. As template weapons, they come stock with the Wall of Death special rule, automatically causing D3 hits in Reactions if the target is in 8".

  • Flamer: S4 AP5 weapon available as special weapons or in an entire squad for Tactical Support Squads. The good old anti-horde weapon from 1.0.
  • Hand Flamer: S3 AP6, but is a Pistol (and thus confers +1 attack to a melee weapon) and can be dual-wielded by Destroyers and the like.
  • Heavy Flamer: S5 AP4. Unlike other man-portable heavy weapons (Autocannons, etc.), this is an Assault weapon and can be fired on the move without consequence and is really a big Flamer. Won't generally matter because most models that could take one like Veterans or Terminators were already Relentless, but can be useful on Heavy Support Squads. Moreover, like the Heavy Bolter, the introduction of Defensive weapons on vehicles lets it target nearby infantry while the vehicle's main gun is targeting something bigger, so it's more viable.
  • Flamestorm Cannon: S6 AP4 Torrent (18"). Unfortunately no longer the MEQ deleter of 1.0 due to losing AP3. Heavy doesn't matter, as this is a vehicle/Dreadnought mounted weapon, neither of which are affected by weapons being Heavy. Has considerable range (18" Torrent + 9" template), so it can burn infantry out of cover without being exposed to Meltas, melee attacks, etc., and S6 AP4 is still Instant Death with no armour saves for GEQs.
  • Toxiferran Flamer: Destroyer (and Nullificator) exclusive flamers full of nasty Old Night stuff. They have Poisoned (3+) and Rending (6+), making them slightly more prone to breaching marines but absolutely more devastating against Daemons and Solar Auxilia.

Melta Weapons
The anti-tank microwave guns. All S8 AP1 weapons with Armourbane (Melta), which gives them Armourbane (X) when firing at something within half range. These are the primary handheld (and sometimes vehicle-mounted) anti-armour guns available to Space Marines. Actually worth considering now that Armoured Ceramite is gone, Plasma lost the constant AP2 and that inflicting ID on TEQs actually matters now because they have 2W. Remember that most of them are automatically Twin-Linked due to more barrels being more good. Unlike other special weapons, its Pistol form is not generally available, so look at the Legion-specific sections for details on those.

  • Meltagun: The basic form with 12" range. 12" means you only get Armourbane within 6", which can be very difficult on footslogging infantry. That said, it's still an S8 AP1 weapon capable of blowing up medium vehicles, killing Terminators, etc. even without Armourbane. It's also an Assault weapon, so it's fairly mobile on infantry units.
  • Multi-melta: 24" Heavy Twin-linked variant. Most models that can take this are vehicles or have Relentless so Heavy won't be relevant. Improved range and accuracy generally makes it a lot easier to use. However, Heavy Support Squads will find it very difficult to get in range, so think carefully.
  • Gravis Melta Cannon: 2 shot Multi-Melta on Contemptors and Land Raider Achilles. Pretty good weapon in itself, but Contemptors can take inbuilt Meltas for their melee weapons, so it's not strictly necessary to give up an arm to get a Melta weapon.
  • Siege melta array: 5-shot Twin-linked Meltagun found on dedicated assault vehicles like Mastodon/Caestus Assault Ram. The miniscule range is not really a downside, as you want your transport within spitting distance so its passengers can charge the enemy, while it's a pretty good weapon for thinning out whatever your squad was planning to charge.

Plasma Weapons
Has been hit with the nerf bat in 2.0, as they are now S7 AP4 and Breaching (4+) with Gets Hot, meaning you now need wound rolls of 4+ to actually get the AP2 you want from Plasma, and only against anything that isn't a Vehicle. Still worth taking as they can be effective en masse, but single Plasma Weapons have lost their effectiveness and are generally less reliable than the anti-TEQ weapons they once were. Moreover, everyone you wanted to shoot with a Plasma weapon now has 2W, so you perform worse than Meltas unless your target is immune to ID from S8 shooting or is 1W.
Ironically with the changes to Gets Hot, Plasma is much safer for Space Marines than it would be if it had kept AP2, as instead of having squads of Tactical Supports losing 3-4 guys per shooting phase to AP2 wounds caused by Gets Hot, Marines actually get their armour saves against the wounds as they would be resolved at AP4. Silver linings and all that.

  • Plasma Pistol: 12" Pistol variant. Generally the strongest pistol available, as Meltas don't come in widely available pistol forms and Disintegrator Pistols are IC only. However, it's only available on unit sergeants and as special weapon analogs on assault units, which means they don't come with enough volume of fire to be effective anti-TEQ.
  • Plasma Gun: 24" Rapid Fire. Competes directly with the Meltagun as an anti-TEQ weapon, as it's available to the same models. Cheaper and theoretically has more range, but think about whether the drastic decrease in killing power is worth it; its firepower isn't very good outside Rapid Fire range, while Rapid Fire range is the same range as the Meltagun.
  • Plasma Blaster: Assault 2, Breaching (4+) and 18" range makes them pair well with Volkite Chargers. Plasma Blasters are usually restricted to Terminators, Dreadnoughts or unique units, so choose wisely.
    • Note that you can only take Plasma Blasters as special weapons on Terminators and they cannot therefore take lots of Blasters. As noted above, this makes them unreliable as anti-Terminator weapons because you don't have enough shots to make up for Breaching (4+) or to chew through the 2W that all TEQs now have. It's not sufficient to seriously threaten Terminator squads in themselves any more and should really be treated as a way to thin out enemy units before melee, where it competes with Magna Combi-Weapons that are cheaper and can throw 2 Bolter shots into the mix, and where being 1-shot doesn't matter because you'll be in melee after you shoot anyway.
    • You can take lots of Plasma Blasters by taking Contemptors and giving them 2 each as in-built weapons to their melee weapons. However, they exist in direct competition with Meltas there, who perform better against their intended targets by having innate AP2, S8 for IDing TEQs and having Armourbane (Melta) against vehicles and Dreadnoughts, while not making your Contemptor explode on its own. Think carefully about whether you really need to save 5 points or get 6" more range.
  • Plasma Cannon: 3" blast Heavy weapon available on Heavy Support Squads and some Fast Attack options. 3" blast is challenging, as unit coherency is 2"; even if the shot hits 2 models (not guaranteed), it's the same damage as the Plasma Gun, which you can get on cheaper platforms. Moreover, its poor ability to hit multiple models disadvantages it against dedicated anti-tank options on the same models, which can only hit once but can 1-shot TEQs and do much better against vehicles at a similar cost. Think carefully.
  • Gravis Plasma Cannon: Dreadnought-exclusive 5" Blast Plasma weapon. Easier to use than its smaller brother because 5" can hit a lot more models and the Dreadnought's BS5 means the shot will more likely stay on target.

Volkite Weapons
Martian Death Lasers. Low AP but superior to Bolters in almost every way. However, Mars couldn't keep up with the demand so they are now special weapons instead of the standard issue. The main gimmick for Volkite Weapons is Deflagrate, which inflicts an additional hit for every unsaved wound caused by a weapon with this rule. Note that these hits aren't affected by other Special Rules of the model.

  • Volkite Serpenta: The Machine Pistol. Still S5, AP5 at 10", they are now Pistol 2. Serpenta's seem underwhelming at first. However their value comes from the fact that they can be dual wielded or paired with bikers and any other unit with Firing Protocols (X). Gun Kata isn't just for Moritats and Destroyers any more. Praetors and Consuls can do this too. They are now an excellent alternative/companion to Plasma pistols and any infantry using Rad Weapons.
  • Volkite Charger: The rifle, though since it is smaller than a Boltgun it may as well be a carbine. Still the same old MEQ killer with S5, AP5, Assault 2 at 15". As the most common of Volkite Weapons, Charger's tend to show up together with its Combi-Weapon counterpart as upgrades for Legion exclusive troops. Vets, Termis and unique units are (usually) better off upgrading to the Combi-Weapon, as the usual price of 3pts is worth having a Bolter that works on top of the Volkite Charger. As free options for Tactical Support squads or as a 2pt upgrade for Breachers, it is a mainstay weapon for both Volkite spam lists or players who want to have Special Weapons on their line troops just like 40k.
    • If you have the option of taking Volkite Combi-Weapons, always go with the Combi-Volkite. As two Volkite shots, two from the Bolter, plus the two rolls for Deflagration at 12" has a much higher chance of wounding at all over two Volkite hits plus extra wounds via RNG. Very rarely will any player land all six hit rolls, so you may well upgrade the whole squad plus any available heavy weapons as the opening volley.
  • Volkite Caliver: Volkite LMG with twice the range of the Charger with plus one strength and an extra shot at Heavy 3. Only Tactical Support Squads can take them as primary weapons, while some Heavy Support options can take them as secondary weapons.
  • Volkite Culverin: Heavy Machine Gun variant with 45" S6 AP5 at Heavy 5. Good anti-light infantry option, but with 30k being literally the Space Marine game you'll usually take something with more AP to take out TEQs/vehicles. That said, good strength, range and sheer volume of fire makes it passable against MEQs. Vehicle-mounted weapons can benefit from Defensive weapon, targeting infantry separately from the main gun.
    • Culverins are great at killing light vehicles. Anything with a front or side armor of 11 or less should watch out as a squad of 5 will statistically take off 5.445 hill points from AV 11, more than enough to kill a Rhino or out of position Predator, while still being able to harm infantry afterwards.
  • Volkite Dual-Culverin: Mostly the same as the former but Heavy 6 and Twin-linked and available on Contemptors and Land Raider Achilles. Good for dealing with hordes, MEQs and Rhino equivalents but most players will take something better like Kheres Assault Cannons, Autocannons or Levithan and Deredeo Dreads or Cogboy Knights for their Dakka needs.

Phosphex Weapons
White Phosphorus munitions of the 30th/31st millennia. All of the Phosphex Weapons so far have the Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire and Lingering Death rules. Aside from Destroyer Sergeants, Leviathan Dreads and Legion-only options, you will need a Siege Breaker Consul to buy most of them. No longer the MEQ/TEQ deleters they used to be because the 5" blasts were all removed and many MEQs (and all TEQs) are 2W, but still valuable as one of the only existing sources of flat AP2.

  • Phosphex Bomb: Instead of being equipment, it's a weapon you have to buy. It is 6", S5 AP2, Assault 1 with One Use and all of the Phosphex rules above. The most common Phosphex Weapon and the only type taken by Infantry models, being available on Destroyer sergeants and Siege Breakers. Good for messing up TEQs before melee, but 6" can be tricky.

Rad Weapons
Good old dirty bombs from the days of the Age of Strife. They have the Rad-phage rule, reducing the Toughness of survivors by 1 (note that it affects not a unit but a MODEL). Usually restricted to Destroyers and Legion-exclusive models.

  • Rad Missiles: Heavy 1, S4, AP3 48" range missiles with Blast (3") and Fleshbane. Most launchers with Rad missiles will usually have Suspensor Webs, allowing them to be treated as Assault 1 weapons at half range or less. This makes them very useful when paired with Volkite Serpentas and Hand Flamers, as your wounding rolls will be improved against anyone who survives, and the list of units (3+ save, multiple wounds) who will actually be affected by Rad-phage has gotten longer.

Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons
Weapons that don't go anywhere else or those that Games Workshop refuses to make a category for.

  • Lascutter: Only really seen on Breachers; it used to only be a melee weapon, but now it better functions as a ranged weapon this edition. The Lascutter is now S10 AP1 with Armourbane (Ranged) at 8" range, meaning that it beats a Meltagun as a tank killer and can be a surprise threat to TEQ models, who can be insta-gibbed by reactionary fire at close range. If you're wondering why it isn't listed as a Las Weapon, Lascutters are considered "Exotic Weapons" in the Armoury section of the Libers, despite almost every other sci-fi/sci-fantasy franchise using laser weapons in melee.
    • The added strength lets you cheat whatever protection your enemy has against S8 ID. Surprise your opponent who thinks their Battle-hardened (1) or something protects them from everything because Meltas can't kill them.
    • In melee, it is S7 AP1, making it look excellent for carving tanks, but it has Unwieldy and Cumbersome. That means it hits last, one time at WS1, hitting nearly everything on a 6+, so it's pretty much useless for anything else. Despite that, it's nothing to be dismissed, as it is still better than having no close combat weapon at all; the high chance of a wound and the ability to ignore armour saves marginally tip the scales of regular marine-on-marine combat, particularly if you have Hatred.
  • Needle Pistol: Another forgotten weapon added by the FAQs. Few changes from last edition. Same range as Bolt Pistols, Pistol 2, Str 2, Poisoned (3+) and now has Pinning. The latter won't do much but two Poisoned shots makes it a decent Marine mincer. Needle Pistols are only available to Primus Medicae and Legion exclusive units.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Grenades for the most part no longer really count as weapons any more.

  • Breaching Charges: Deals a single S10 AP2 hit on an enemy building or fortification at Initiative 1. Since these are rarely brought you'll probably never find a use for this wargear. It comes stock on breacher squads.
  • Frag: Still allow units to strike at initiative when they charge through difficult or dangerous terrain, but they'll suffer the movement penalties.
  • Krak: Deals a single S6 AP3 hit on an enemy vehicle, dreadnought or automata at Initiative 1. Save for the exposed flanks or when up against Rhinos or dreads.
  • Rad: When a unit with Rad Grenades charges or is charged, their opponents suffer -1 to their Toughness for the duration of that phase. This does affect Instant Death thresholds, but these weapons are usually limited to Destroyers who would rather be shooting anyway. Pair them in assaults with some of your other melee units to inflict some real damage.
  • Grenade Harness: Exclusive to terminators, but this effectively confers the same advantages as frag grenades.
  • Shroud Bombs: Units with these count as being 6" further away for the sake of targeting with guns, which is why they're usually on sneaky and squishy models like Scouts. This also means that they are considered out of sight by Barrage weapons, but anything with Night Vision ignores these.


  • Combat Shield: Gives the model equipped a 6++ Invulnerable save.
  • Boarding Shield: Gives models a 5++, but they can't gain the bonus of being equipped with 2 combat weapons, nor can they make attacks with Two-handed weapons. Units with these usually also have the Heavy sub-type so they can re-roll saves against Template and Blast weapons at the cost of being unable to Run and slower Movement in Reactions.
  • Iron Halo: Gives your Praetor a 4++ Invulnerable save. Now comes stock on a standard Praetor, but can't be taken by Centurions or Praetors in Tartaros armour.
  • Refractor Field: Gives the model wearing it a 5++. Now standard on Centurions and Consuls.
  • Flare Shield: Can be given to the larger Tanks and reduces the Strength of Shooting Attacks directed at the Front Armour by 1, and reduces the Strength of Blast weapons that hit the vehicle by 2.


  • Legion Scimitar Jetbike: Gives the unit the Cavalry unit type and the Antigrav sub-type. Comes with a Heavy Bolter and Firing Protocols (2) so you can fire whatever gun you have on top of it. It also has a boosted Movement speed of 16", Deep Strike and Hammer of Wrath (1) in addition to getting Shrouded (5+) if the unit Runs, offering a slight defensive edge.
  • Legion Spatha Combat Bike: The classic bike with wheels, giving the unit the Cavalry unit type and, optionally, the Skirmish sub-type. Comes with a Twin-Linked Bolter and Firing Protocols (2) so you can fire whatever gun you have on top of it. It also has a boosted Movement speed of 14" and Hammer of Wrath (1) in addition to getting Shrouded (5+) if the unit Runs, offering a slight defensive edge.
  • Legion Warhawk Jump Pack: Jump packs are no longer a distinct unit type, but they remain quite effective. During your turn, you can turn on these jump packs, giving the unit a Movement speed of 12" as well as the ability to fly over any terrain or enemies so long as they don't land on Dangerous Terrain or near any enemies. They also provide the Hammer of Wrath (1) and the Deep Strike rules.


  • Augury Scanner: Stops units from Infiltrating within 18" of one of these things and lets a unit with one equipped ignore the 24" limit to shooting from Night Fighting. The augury scanner also allows the unit to use the Interceptor Advanced Reaction without using a point of an army's Reaction allotment.
  • Cognis-Signum: Forego shooting with the carrier to grant a +1 to BS to his unit. Usually buffs your marines to hit on 2+! Crucially this also gives the unit the Night Vision special rule, which allows them to ignore all the effects of Night Fighting and your opponent's attempts to use the Evade Reaction, as well as any other form of shrouding.
  • Legion Standard: Allows units with 6" of a model equipped with a Legion standard the ability to resolve Morale and Pinning tests at Leadership 10 and all models in the same unit gain the Line sub-type.
  • Legion Vexilla: The mini Standard. Units with a Vexilla add 1 to the wound score when determining the results of a combat. It also gives some Leadership buffs as it stop units from running off the board and can allow a unit to only roll one D6 when Falling Back.
  • Nuncio-Vox: Allows units to re-roll scatter results (for everything) if a unit with a Nuncio-Vox has line of sight on the targeted area. Units equipped with a Nuncio-Vox also ignore the -1 Leadership penalty from Night Fighting. Note that RAW it also works on Psychic Powers like Breach the Veil as they explicitly use the usual rules for Scatter.

Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]

HQ[edit | edit source]

Take note that "Unit" and "Unit in Cataphractii" and "Unit in Tartaros" armour are all different units. This is more noticeable with Consuls, because the ones available for "Legion Centurions" are not the same available for "Legion Cataphractii Centurion". HQ are the epitome of customisation, but their stats (WS5-or-better) have them be melee units at their core. Just mind those costs add up Fast. They're all 2+ save.

  • Legion Praetor: The Chapter Masters of the era and your go-to choice for your Warlord. They come with an exceptional statline with WS6 and BS5 meaning they can be kitted out to fight very easily and with a built-in Iron Halo they have some good survivability. But the main reason you are bringing a Praetor is because he has Master of the Legion, which allows you to take Rites of War for your army and to bring a Retinue kill squad to back him up. What's not to love? His price. A Pistol & Chainsword Praetor is 120pts, and you absolutely want to give him better wargear so that price will sky rocket very quickly so you better give him good protection to keep him alive.
    • Except for a few choice Consuls, they are the sole bearers of the exclusive Paragon Blade, as well as Archaeotech Pistols and Disintegration guns.
    • Terminator Armour: Both Cataphractii and Tartaros Praetors can be taken and while over all the same they have some differences. Both armours give the Praetor an additional wound, Inexorable and Bulky (2). In addition, both Terminator Praetors come with Power Weapons and Combi-Bolters as standard, but don't come with the basic Iron Halo any more, which means the Tartaros version is stuck with a 5++. The upgrade (technically they're different units) is strangely priced, as the cost for the Cataphractii is charging only for the power weapon, meaning the -1"M, +1 W and Heavy type are kinda seen as a sidegrade, while the Combi-Bolter is free. Even more interesting for the Tartaros version, which apparently compensates the lower invulnerable save by being cheaper than the power armoured Praetor. Thus, taking a Terminator Praetor is weirdly a good budget option, as you can spend less on kitting them out.
    • You have a few ways of dealing with Praetor duels; in addition to S8 AP2 ID at I1 or trying to do enough AP2 wounds with Paragon Blade at initiative, you can also try doing enough S8 wounds at initiative. It is possible with Legion-specific traits/wargear to get to S8 if you ignore AP, and the opponent will always have a 1/6 chance of failing his armour save regardless of his Invulnerable save or how many wounds he has. As you have to wound 6 times like with the Paragon Blade anyway, the tradeoff boils down to spamming S8 hits being unaffected by your opponent's Invulnerable save/wound count, while the Paragon Blade is not worried about Battle-hardened.
  • Legion Centurion: The Captains of the Heresy and the second choice for a Warlord. He comes with Artificer armour and a Refractor Field, but is pretty much overshadowed by the Praetor who is superior in almost every way. He can be taken in both kinds of Terminator Armour with the same restrictions as the Praetor, though Cataphractii armour gives him a 4++ he'd otherwise have no access to. Tartaros armour is very good value on these guys being 15 points for an extra wound, power weapon, Combi-Bolter and inexorable with the only down sides being Bulky (2), loss of grenades and inability to claim an extra attack for two weapons, this is practically a steal when you consider giving a power weapon alone to the base version is 15 points by itself. While he can be useful on his own, the real reason you would bring a Centurion is to upgrade him to a Legion Consul.
    • Consuls: Specialised characters that boost parts of the army or do something unusual. A number of legions also include their own unique Consul option that focuses on a particular aspect of battle. T means it's available for either form of terminator armour wearing Centurions.

<tabs> <tab name="Armistos"> He gets an Augury Scanner and a Cognis-Signum, and can get a Master-crafted heavy weapon of choice for 5-15 points as well. May not wear Terminator armour and may not use any mobility gear. Also gets the Heavy sub-type. Note that if he chooses a Heavy Flamer, it's specifically Twin-Linked rather than Master-Crafted so you get re-rolls to wound, not one to hit. Could be a nice pick for defence if he's babysitting a Heavy Support Squad and making good use of the Cognis-Signum. The obvious role for this guy is a Relentless BS5 gunner with built in to-hit re-roll.

  • The Cognis-Signum allows a squad he's attached to to shoot at BS5 but only if he doesn't shoot.
    • For 5pts less, a Techmarine already does the job well. If you want an Augury Scanner + Cognis-Signum in the unit though, an Armistos is cheaper than the Techmarine + Augury, as he packs both in as part of his Consul upgrade. Another point in favour of the Armistos is the fact that his weapon loadouts weren't nerfed this edition. Armistoses (Armisti? Armistos'?) can also be used to add a Cognis-Signum and Augury Scanner to Terminators where a Techmarine can't be attached - looking at you, Tyrants!
  • Compare with a Master of Signals, which costs twenty points more, comes with the same gear and more plus a special Ld rule.

</tab> <tab name="Champion (T)"> WS is increased to 6 and must issue/accept challenges whenever possible, but if a challenge is fought with this model then all friendly models in combat gain Fearless, even if the challenger kills him. He also gets a free Paragon Blade, an upgrade otherwise exclusive to Praetors which costs them just 5 points less than the upgrade to a Champion... nice.

  • RAW his Paragon Blade is added to his wargear instead of replacing anything, so he could swap his default melee weapon for another Specialist Weapon for +1 attack. A Lightning Claw is the cheapest choice (completely free if he's wearing Terminator armour), but Power Fist/Thunder Hammer could also work as a good backup weapon in case he runs into any vehicles or dreadnoughts. This also means you can retain your +1A even if you take Terminator Armour, as long as you take Power Fist/Thunder Hammer. Just remember NOT to take a Chainfist, as it is not a Specialist Weapon and will not give +1A.

</tab> <tab name="Chaplain (T)"> Increases his Leadership to 10, gives him and any unit he is attached to Stubborn and Hatred (Everything) to push forward on the offensive. May add Master-crafted to a power weapon of choice to represent his classic Crozius Arcanum.

  • RAW you could give Master-crafted to ANY power weapon. This includes Thunder Hammers, Power Fists, and Legion specific power weapons, like Solarite Power Gauntlets or Perdition Weapons. But even if it sounds cool, remember that a Chaplain already has Hatred, so Master-crafted will only be useful from the second round of each close combat.

</tab> <tab name="Delegatus (T)"> Still a mini-Praetor, gaining Master of the Legion and allowing Rites of War to be used in smaller games. However, they can't be taken in the same Detachment as a Praetor or Primarch; but it would be perfectly fine to take one as the commander of an allied force and have both Detachments running different Rites of War. You can also take several of them in the same detachment, following all restrictions for Master of the Legion, but the only reason to do so is the following rule: once per game at the start of your turn, you can also make a Leadership check in order to make any unit within line of sight that is falling back or pinned to automatically rally and act as normal, which can help keep up the pressure. </tab> <tab name="Esoterist (T)"> Psykers with a specialist discipline concerned with the proscribed lore of daemons, either by banning them or by allowing them to manifest themselves. The main draw depends on whether your force is Traitor or Loyalist. Like Librarians, they can get a free Force weapon and an optional Psychic Hood to fuck with enemy psykers, but they can also purchase an Archaeotech pistol for some near-guaranteed Rending on a 3+.

  • Traitor forces that contain one or more Esoterists may select up to three non-Compulsory Troops or Elites choices from the Ruinstorm Daemon army list. They gain the Breach the Veil psychic power that allows you to deploy a Daemon unit from Reserves instead of making a shooting attack. If a psychic test is passed, then the unit is able to deploy from a target point within 12". If the test is failed, the target point scatters, but only suffers Perils of the Warp if the target point scatters into Impassable Terrain, off the battlefield, or within 3" of an enemy unit.
  • Loyalist forces get a power that royally fucks with a single Daemon unit or Corrupted sub-type unit within 18". The Esoterist drops their target's Strength and Toughness by 1 until the end of their controlling player's next turn... AND if the Psychic check is passed, the target unit suffers Perils of the Warp. If the test is failed, then the Psyker AND the target unit suffer Perils of the Warp. So either way, the target unit loses wounds and effectiveness.

Both Traitors and Loyalists version also have the Void Darts psychic weapon attack, which fires fucking TWELVE DEFLAGRATE shots that wound Daemons on a 2+ and forces them to re-roll successful Invulnerable saves. Against everyone else this is S5 AP4, but that is still a lot of mind bullets with exploding potential to twenty-four casualties if you are lucky. </tab> <tab name="Forge Lord (T)"> Gains Battlesmith (4+) and Master of Automata. They also pick up a Machinator Array as well as the option for both a cortex controller and cyber-familiar. They can also grab up to three Thallax Cohorts as non-Compulsory Elites that gain the LA rules of your legion, giving you a tanky set of jump-jet death machines with unique guns. As an added bonus, he can repair tanks very effectively with that Machinator Array.
While he's one of the few Consuls with the least restrictions, for now Forge Lords are basically Praevians with less Battle-Automata options so you don't have much merit for use him. Sadly(or happily, actually) Rad Grenades are now Destroyer/Moritat exclusive so you have lost the reason to put him on the deathstar unit, so he is more like the support role rather than the deadly grenadier once were. Also he cannot equip an Augury Scanner while Techmarine Covenant can have it too so he lost the most benefit that makes him a worthy choice when join a unit. As if it wasn't already enough, Conversion Beamers have been removed too and are only available to vehicles this edition, barring Legion hijinks, so if you need a backline repair crew you better have a Techmarine Covenant instead. In return, Forge Lords can buy a Nemesis Bolter, so he can still shoot at targets from long range. Still, that's nowhere near as good as the Beamers were.

  • It's not worth to take Forge Lord Terminators at all now. You pay more to take away his weapon options if you shell out for Termi armour. As his loadout is inferior to what Techmarines and Power Armour Centurions get. Its like someone hates the Admech or something.
  • Note that even consider he lost the Rad Grenades he is still a consummate duelist on his own, thanks to his Machinator Array's two additional melee attacks on I1(and it's even FREE!) and allowed to access for cyber-familiar and enjoy 4++ which is rare for centurion level. Having Flamer/Meltagun for free by Machinator Array means he is not so bad at guns either. Moreover, unlike Warsmith and Iron-Father he can even ride either bike or jetbike and gain the attached weapon on the bike as well thanks to their Firing Protocol(2). You can shoot your Combi-Weapon and your Meltagun instead too. That said, you will want a Praetor if you want the single combat, rather than a consul, so think twice before if you need nothing other than the swordplay.
  • He can join an automata unit thanks to Master of Automata, but since he don't bring anyone by his own it is only useful if you play Brethren of Iron RoW or tag along with Taghmata allies provided they are Sworn Brothers with you. Still, you don't need Praevian to do this and he is a compulsory HQ on Brethren of Iron anyways.
    • Strangely, he can join them even if he rides a bike/jetbike. Consider this if you want to enjoy Firing Protocol(2), although it does not allows him to both repair and shoot at the same shooting phase. But still you got a twin-linked bolter/heavy bolter, that can be shoot along with either Flamer/Meltagun you already have. Also he can join them while he have a jump pack, although no automata you can bring on a LA detachment have a jump pack so it is only meaningful when you attach him on a jump pack infantry.

</tab> <tab name="Herald (T)"> Gains both Fearless and Fear but must exchange a piece of wargear for a Legion Standard. Interestingly, there are otherwise no restrictions on their wargear, meaning you can have a jump pack or biker Herald. He has lost Master of the Legion, meaning those funny fellas who enjoyed making their non-Compulsory HQ their Warlord in HH 1.0 now need to find a new trick.
Their Legion Standard is now the same as the one found in the Command Squad, granting any unit within 6" LD10 for everything but Psychic checks, and giving an attached unit the Line sub-type, allowing them to take objectives. This last bit is something to look out for, as it lets you create some potent combinations by attaching your Herald to a legion elite squad. </tab> <tab name="Librarian (T)"> May upgrade a power weapon, bolt pistol or Combi-Bolter into a force weapon, which isn't quite as busted as previous editions. Has access to any of the core rulebook psychic disciplines, which gives him quite a bit of versatility. All of them also give the Aetheric Lightning psychic weapon with Force to amp up its effectiveness against marines, though AP4 isn't as desirable.
You can also purchase a Psychic Hood, which deals a -2 penalty against any enemy psychic tests within 18". Denying is no longer in the game, so you're stuck with just nerfs to enemies in the hopes that they can suffer Perils. </tab> <tab name="Master of Signals "> Has more wargear than he can keep track of. His Strategic Comms special rule allows any friendly unit on the table to use his leadership for Morale or Pinning checks (but only once per turn), and as long as he isn't in Reserves then you may re-roll your Reserve rolls. Comes with a Nuncio-vox to re-roll Deep-Striking scatters; Augury Scanner, preventing Infiltrators from deploying nearby and granting free Interceptor reactions; a Cognis-Signum, granting Night Vision and +1 BS to his squad; and Vox Disruptor Array, making all Deep Strike, Drop Assault or Subterranean Assault rolls become disordered on a 1-3 at no cost, which he can turn on and off at will each turn.
Can't exchange his Chainsword for anything that isn't a Power/Charnabal weapon. He also can't take a Combi-Bolter or regular Bolter, but it seems GW forgot they'd added Shotguns and Nemesis Bolters to the list because he can still take those (or a Volkite Charger). No shields, bike, or Jetbike either, but he may take a jump pack if you're a masochist who wanted him to make his own Deep Strike disordered. </tab> <tab name="Moritat"> The Consul for a Destroyer-focused army, as he can actually join a squad of the folks thanks to Bitter Duty. He also gain Scout and Counter-attack, but can no longer be the Warlord and lacks any ability to pick up bikes.

  • This also includes the fun dual-wielding shenanigans of old. He gains a second bolt pistol and rad bombs with the option to buy Disintegrator pistols for 20 points. His Chain Fire rule now strictly limits them to firing both pistols up to six times at the same target, but you can't use this with hand flamers. Any 1s to hit with any weapons with Gets Hot or Armourbane (Melta) will immediately end the sequence for that pistol, though you can still shoot with the second pistol. Of course, if you trade in the chainsword for a third pistol, you can take that out after the other one pops.
  • This does come at the cost of any melee power, as firing this much bars him from reactions and charging on the same turn.
  • His whole "edgy lone killer" shtick has been utterly screwed up by Reactions, because if Moritat is alone, even a basic Tactical Squad of 10 has a chance of destroying him with Return Fire. For the same reason, arriving from Deep Strike or Outflanking is pretty much a death sentence, unless you give your enemy Distraction Carnifex fat enough to overlook the Moritat.

</tab> <tab name="Mortificator (T)"> Grants a Servo-arm, a Corposant Stave (Melee S+1 AP4, Two-handed, Haywire) and Battlesmith (6+) but loses out on mobility options. You can buy a single Contemptor Dread that takes up no slots, which you must attach to your Mortificator despite being two different unit types. In doing so, not only does the Consul have the ability to repair the dread, but the dread also gains It Will Not Die (5+), giving them two different ways to survive any hits.
Unlike Forge Lords and Praevians, his own options weren't hit hard by the nerf bat; though being restricted to a single Dread is a huge one for the entire unit. While he can take Terminator armour, they are highly lacking in the firepower department(outside of Volkite or GL Combi-Bolters), nor can he use bikes or jump packs.

  • Previously Mortificators were used to take a squad of melee Dreads but this is no longer viable. So pick the Nemesis Bolter then kit the Contemptor out for long range sniping. Upgrade the Contemptor with two ranged weapons & the Helical Targeting array for a nearly unkillable Mortis.

</tab> <tab name="Pathfinder"> The Scout to the Vigilator's Sniper. He has the Skirmish sub-type so he increases his cover saves by +1 and has a greater squad coherency with other units of Skirmishers, which is only really Recon or Scout Squads, plus some Legion specials. He must exchange his Artificer armour for Scout armour, so his saves are reduced to 4+/5++ but he does not have the Light sub-type, meaning he does not actually mix well in Scout Squads because he stops them from snap-firing after running or gaining the initiative bonus to running speed. He gets the Move Through Cover, Pathfinder, Scout and Infiltrate special rules, all with a movement speed of 8, so he can pretty easily walk through anything he needs to. He also gets a free Master-crafted shotgun. He may not purchase a jump pack or any kind of bike, but strangely, there seems to be nothing stopping him purchasing a Boarding Shield from the Centurion wargear list, which would give him the Heavy sub-type on top of the Skirmish sub-type, not that it would help him much.

  • Basically there as the cheapest way to get a unit a Scout move.

</tab> <tab name="Praevian"> He grants a Cortex Controller and allows you to attach a Castellax or Vorax maniple as a retinue. Sadly, it seems like the days of slapping on Legion-specific wargear on your bots is no more, as they only get the Legiones Astartes rule.
Overall though, the Praevian has some decent buffs this edition. He has a larger selection of wargear and is no longer doing nothing or firing randomly at what the Automata are shooting at. Nemesis Bolters allow Praevians to actually contribute to battles instead of playing mobile games on his Data-Slate while Castellax fire their big guns. You could take a Power Axe as the Cogboy badge of office or upgrade to Power Fists, Chainfists or Thunder Hammers so he'll actually make those three attacks count when his squad of deathbots get locked into Assault.

  • Despite they are not allowed to access for Legion specific wargear, but don't forget that he still gives Legiones Astartes to his bots. Unlike the bots can be bought from Brethren of Iron RoW they DO have the your Legion's rules at least, although being Automata type gives them no benefit at all for some Legions, but not all Legions are simply rule out the Automata. For example, the VIth Legion's Praevian gives his bots +1 WS when they successfully charge, because they now have Legiones Astartes(Space Wolves) and their type(Automata) is neither Vehicle or Infantry.
  • Obviously Castellax are better than Vorax or a single Dreadnought if you want something worthy enough to fully devote a HQ slot consul just for bring a unit with him. Dark-Fire Cannons have longer range and damage output, Maxima Bolters are better than Lightning Guns and Rotor Cannons. The only thing Vorax have over Castellax is mobility but with this much firepower it's not really a downside. Praevian are not really made for foot slogging either making Vorax a waste of points, as he can't keep up with them, and even for the non-melee centric ones the Legion already have plenty of melee combatant which is the reason to bring a Vorax maniple. Not to mention that you better take him over Mortificator, so you better stick with Castellax.

</tab> <tab name="Primus Medicae (T)"> Gains a Narthecium, which provides Infantry and Cavalry units Feel No Pain (5+). It also has the Sacred Trust rule, which also allows Infantry and Cavalry units to re-roll any It Will Not Die (X) results, so will only see use with specific Legions, and none of this is helpful for a Primarch.
He is also barred from selecting paired Lightning Claws or Boarding Shields, but is otherwise allowed to take Two-handed weapons, so things like Caedere Weapons or Terranic Greatswords are fair game. But either way, this is not a guy you want charging directly into a fight. The main benefit for taking a Primus Medicae is that it can join squads that a normal Apothecary normally couldn't and give them Feel No Pain (X) (so only Terminators really). If you are planning to attach this Consul to any other squad, consider a regular Apothecary first.
Primus Medicae got their Needle Pistols by exchanging a Bolt Pistol or Combi-Bolter(i.e. Terminator armour). Which is more that can be said for other Councils. </tab> <tab name="Primus Nullificator (Legacies)"> Cataphractii armour only. Another Psyker-like Consul, though this guy gets only one power, and it's pretty poor in comparison to the other disciplines' powers unless you're fighting Daemons, which it will royally fuck up. He also gains an Aether-shock Maul, letting him overpower marines with Deflagrate. He can also swap his Combi-Bolter for a Toxiferran Flamer or Disintegrator.

  • In all honesty, you're only taking this guy because you also want to take more Nullificators, as he lets you take them as Troops. However, they gain the Support Squad rule, barring them from being Compulsory.

</tab> <tab name="Siege Breaker (T)"> Gains three Phosphex bombs and a Nuncio-vox. On top of that, they also gain Sunder as well as the ability to share it with one unit within 6" each turn, giving plenty of anti-vehicle support.
The Siege Breaker also offers new options for your army, as your Quad Launcher Rapiers can grab Phosphex shells while Arquitors with Morbus Bombards can buy Phosphex rounds for 20 points per model. Both of these rounds give AP2 blasts with Poisoned (3+) as well as the fun rules that make them slide across the floor, chasing whoever's nearest. </tab> <tab name="Vigilator"> Comes equipped with a Master-crafted Nemesis Bolter and Melta Bombs for free. They have the option to be given either Infiltrate or Scout. They aren't Skirmish sub-type though, so they don't mix well with Recon Squads, which is a shame, but they do have the same Marked for Death special rule that Seekers do, so they can re-roll 1s to-wound against a single unit chosen at the start of the game. They also have the Master Sniper rule, which gives any Sniper weapon they use the Rending (2+) and Shell Shock (1) rules. So effectively against their chosen target with their Nemesis Bolter, they auto-hit (BS5 Master-crafted) and auto-wounding with AP2 (Rending (2+) and Marked for Death). </tab> <tab name="Warmonger (Legacies) (T)"> Gets an Aetheric Juncture Splicer, which grants him and any squad he joins Deep Strike, meaning you can drop in a Breacher Squad if you so feel like it. However, unlike the Teleport Homers of the Imperial Fists and Night Lords, these also require you to roll an additional d6 after everyone arrives, dealing an armour-ignoring wound on a 1. On top of that, you absolutely need to charge whenever you have the chance to, which can make for some inconvenient situations if you don't have him properly equipped to take down things like Terminators or dreads. </tab> </tabs>

  • Legion Command Squad: A squad of three Veterans (WS5 2W 2A), one of which is carrying a Legion Standard, with a further six goobers being able to be added to bring the squad up to nine. They all come with Chosen Warriors, Relentless and the Retinue rule meaning they don't take up a HQ spot if you bring them with someone with Master of the Legion. Also, you can't take them unless you have a Master of the Legion. These guys' main (and only) job is to tag alongside your Warlord (they actually can't leave him), so they should be kitted out to complement him. That is, to follow him in melee. For this purpose they get access to Combi- and Power Weapons. Worth noting is they are the only non-termie squad with access to massed power fists (besides legion specifics). Not Hammers though; they're not actual characters btw.
    • Terminator Armour: Your only source of WS5 Thunder Hammers, depending on your chosen legion. They can be taken in Terminator armour with the same drawbacks and benefits, but they no longer have to wear the same armour as the guy they are backing up, meaning a Command Squad wearing Tartaros armour can back up a normal armoured Praetor. You can now bubble wrap your Warlord in a 2+/4++ wall of adamantium without any of the drawbacks (except Transport capacity). Unlike normal command squads, Terminator command squads only go up to 5 models.
    • As of FAQ 1.1, these guys count towards the Primarch/Lord of War quota when taken as a Retinue for Primarchs, as do any DTs they take. As a decent Command Squad is itself at least 200pts before mobility options/Land Raider DT, taking them directly as a Primarch Retinue will force you to play at least 2.5k. If you're playing smaller games, you have to take a Praetor.
  • Legion Damocles Command Rhino: A metal box that can be taken as a non-Compulsory HQ choice. Why would you bring it? Because it lets you re-roll Reserve rolls and transmit any Embarked character's Leadership to units that are up to 18" away from the Damocles (or an unlimited distance for units with a Nuncio-vox). A solid, if expensive support HQ. It can also be taken as a Dedicated Transport for Command Squads if you're willing to spend the points but not the HQ slot.

Elites[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Veteran Squad: Tactical Marines with 2 wounds and attacks that come with a bunch of fun customisation options. Right off the bat, they come with Relentless and Chosen Warriors, which is pretty great since they can shoot and charge with their Bolters and everyone in the squad can accept Challenges. Speaking of Bolters, these guys can take Bayonets or Chain Bayonets like Tacticals, and they can be outfitted for most jobs as everyone in the squad can take a Chainsword, Heavy Chainsword, Lightning Claws or a Power Weapon; they can all exchange their Bolters for Combi-Weapons, Shotguns or Nemesis Bolters. One in five can also take a special or heavy weapon like a 40k Tactical Squad, and to top it all off they can take a Drop Pod as a Dedicated transport without the need for a RoW. It's not all smiles though, since they lack the Line sub-type so they are no longer scoring outside of certain RoWs, meaning they can no longer be relied upon to capture and hold objectives. Despite all that, their customisation options allow them to act as mobile snipers, elite assault squads, or pseudo-support squads, making them a simple but effective choice even if they have lost scoring.
    • Due to the lack of the Line, unless you're running Pride of the Legion it may be best to use these guys as your toolbox unit and go all out on giving them special wargear, like Power or Combi-Weapons, but keep in mind that the cost on these guys can ramp up very quickly.
  • Legion Terminator Squad: Thicc marines with a 2+, an invulnerable save, and two wounds each. They have Relentless and so can move, shoot, and charge without restriction, Inexorable which is a kind of pseudo-Stubborn that doesn't work against Fear (X). They have Bulky (2), so you have to think about what transports can carry them, and it has certain interactions with some special rules that determine who outnumbers who. They come in two flavours that can take the same gear. Power Weapons and Combi-Bolters are stock, and you can swap those out for Lightning Claws, Power Fists, Chainfists, Thunder Hammers, Volkite Chargers or Combi-Weapons, with one in five able to take a Heavy Flamer, Reaper Autocannon or Plasma Blaster. Sadly, they don't have the Line sub-type, which means they are no longer scoring units which has limited their usefulness in objective games. They're still fucking cool though, so expect everyone to include at least one Terminator unit in their army.
    • Terminator Patterns: Two types of Terminator armour can be taken; Cataphractii and Tartaros both have their benefits and downsides.
      • Cataphractii Armour has a 4++ invulnerable save and the Heavy sub-type (re-rolls failed armour saves from blasts and templates), so it is incredibly tough to crack. It does have several downsides though, as it is unable to Run and takes a -1 penalty to Initiative for Movement-based Reactions. It also has a lower than average movement of 6" and is not able to make Sweeping Advances. Thankfully, Cataphractii armour is no longer prohibited from Overwatching this edition.
      • Tartaros Armour has none of the drawbacks of Cataphractii armour, but lacks the Heavy sub-type and only has a 5++ invulnerable save.
        • Your choice of Terminator armour will likely come down to the Legion you play and the way you want to use them. If you like marching over no-man's land while tearing your opponents army apart with heavy guns and aren't that bothered by survivors of melee, then you'll probably gravitate towards Cataphractii. If you prefer to get into your opponents face and rip them up with melee weapons and sweep over them when you win combat, Tartaros armour will probably be the better call. However, you'll need a DT either way if you want to get into melee; Cataphractii are far too slow, while 5++ is not good enough to prevent your opponent from shooting your Tartaros Terminators in the face.
  • Legion Destroyer Assault Squad: A squad of five marines with jump packs who heard the phrase "all is fair in love and war" and then considered its application to the use of radiation weapons on Xeno civilians. Coming with Stubborn and Counter-attack (1) rules, armed with two Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (giving them 3 attacks base) as well as Rad Grenades, Destroyers are the units you call in when you want to weaken and horrifically maim enemy infantry units with their Toughness decreasing Rad Weapons, Poisoned (3+) and Rending (6+) Flamers and Phosphex Bombs. The entire unit can take Melta Bombs if you feel like blowing holes in vehicles and one in five can take a Missile Launcher (Rad Missiles only) with Suspensor Web. They also have Bitter Duty, as not many people want to hang around with a group of guys who read the Geneva Convention for ideas and strategies they can use in battle.
    • As Techmarines lost Rad Grenades, these guys are your best way of getting hold of those nasty little cancer bombs. With jump packs, it's easier to pull off multiple charges with them than Mortalis Destroyers, allowing their brothers to benefit from Rad Grenades.
  • Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squad: The same as Assault Destroyers but lacking jump packs, which may seem like a downgrade but you get some good concessions in return. They are cheaper and one in five have access to take a Graviton Gun with Suspensor Web or a FUCKING DISINTEGRATOR GUN, which allows them to instantly vaporise Automata. Mixed with Rad missiles, they can be pretty effective monster and Ogryn hunters.
    • Only take the Land Raider DT if you sure it's needed. While it offers better Dakka than a Rhino or the Termite Assault Drill, you need to kit its weapons out to support the Destroyer Squad, so points costs can add up quickly.
  • 0-1 Legion Apothecarion Detachment: Up to 8 Apothecaries that must be attached to a non-Terminator marine squad pre-game and cannot leave. Also importantly, they CANNOT be assigned to squads that contain any Independent Characters or Unique sub-type units, but said ICs can be joined to the same squad afterwards during deployment; it just makes it impossible to have a squad of just an IC and an Apothecary. They can be given jump packs and both kinds of bike if you are interested in putting them in more mobile squads. They can also be given Artificer Armour, any standard Power or Charnabal Weapon, a Combi-Weapon or Volkite Charger. Considering that they have the same profile as a Tactical Sergeant, they are a sneaky way of getting 3 attacks in with expensive extra weapons, thanks to 2A and a pistol. Their primary value is the Feel No Pain (5+) that they give to models with the Infantry and Cavalry unit types, but not to your Primarch, unfortunately.
    • Apothecaries also gain all of the special rules and unit sub-types of the unit they are are assigned to, unless those rules explicitly forbid it (like Bitter Duty). This means Apothecaries in Breacher Squads will become Heavy, while those in Seeker Squads will get Marked for Death and Precision Shots, and so on.
    • The Narthecium will stack with the Heart of the Legion rule that Tactical and Despoiler Squads gain, so they will benefit from Feel No Pain (4+) while holding objectives. The Apothecary gets it too, so he's harder to kill than he looks.
    • RAW you cannot assign Apothecaries to Retinue units, as Apothecaries cannot be assigned to units with ICs and Retinue units are required to deploy with their IC leader. Won't matter on Terminator Retinues because Apothecaries cannot join Terminator units anyway, but look out for this on Command Squads and the like.
  • 0-1 Legion Techmarine Covenant: Changed rather significantly in this edition. Servitors/Tech-Thralls have just gone, and so have a lot of the more esoteric weapon choices like Conversion Beamers. They come equipped with a Bolt pistol, Power Axe, Servo arm and artificer armour and like Apothecaries, up to eight of them can be purchased as a single FOC choice, and they must be spread out to other squads that don't already have Independent Characters attached. They still have a nice selection of weapon options to help them fit in with most squads they are taken with and they can take Melta Bombs or a Thunder Hammer to make them a bit more destructive, but overall, unless your army contains a lot of vehicles and/or Dreadnoughts you probably won't get as much mileage out of them. As Battlesmith (5+) still needs the Techmarine to be in base contact with the vehicle in question, if you attached your Techmarines to squads you had other uses for, then that's pretty much a detour taken for most of a turn. However they do have some optional extras that can make them a bit more enticing. Firstly they can take Cognis-Signums, which improves the BS of the squad he's attached to by +1 as long as he doesn't himself shoot. This can be a very tempting choice on a Tac-Support squad or Heavy Support Squad, as you won't mind either of these squads being drawn away from objectives to watch a Techmarine fix a Predator, as long as they can still shoot at what you want gone. He can also take a Boarding Shield in place of his Bolt Pistol or Power Axe, which makes him tougher and combined with a Cyber-familiar gives them a Cataphractii-tier 2+/4++, which isn't cost-effective and prevents taking a cognis-signum, but it is funny. They can also take Jump-packs, Jetbikes or regular bikes which can be an interesting option as it helps relieve some of the pain of losing Conversion Beamers, Rad missiles and Servitors.
    • Like Apothecaries, they get the special rules of whatever squad they join, which means they can get Heart of the Legion. 2+/4++ is very possible to snipe with Seekers/Nemesis Bolters, but 2+/4++/4+++ is a different matter.
      • Proviso above for taking Apothecaries in Retinue units also applies here. That said, with most Retinue units being melee units and the most cost-effective wargear on the Techmarine being the cognis-signum, this won't usually matter.
    • In a Tank and Dreadnought heavy list, a bunch of these guys with cognis-signums hiding in support units, giving them better shooting and repairing vehicles can be an effective strategy and Ironwing, Iron Warriors and Iron Hands (that's a lot of metal themed armies) will loves these guys in their tank armies. But in most cases you'll want to leave them at home.
      • Obviously, if you're taking a number of squads in Land Raiders, attaching a Techmarine to each of them will increase the survivability of their transports, especially since you can still repair while embarked, though only expensive transports should get this treatment. Rhinos are too cheap and not important enough to dedicate a Techmarine to one. That said, if you're taking the Techmarine for his cognis-signum anyway, there's no reason not to repair the Rhino while you're inside.
  • Legion Contemptor Dreadnought Talon: Dreadnoughts have seen a pretty substantial change from 1.0, as they have lost their Armour Values and are now a type of Monstrous Creature. The Dreadnought unit type means they have Fearless and can fire all the guns they are equipped with. They also force Poisoned (X), Fleshbane and Force weapons to re-roll successful wound rolls against it and count as having remained stationary for firing Heavy and Ordnance weapons. Contemptor Dreadnoughts are S7, T7, have 6 wounds and come with a 2+ armour save making them pretty meaty and tough to kill. Their Atomantic Deflector gives them a 5++ invulnerable save; it also means they only take D3 wounds when hit by Instant Death and has the added bonus of hitting all models within D6" with a S8 AP- blast when killed. They come with a Gravis Bolt Cannon and a Gravis Power Fist, but these can be swapped out for other weapons like Gravis Lascannons, Kheres Assault Cannons, Gravis Chainfists and other weapons with the word Gravis in their names. They can also be given a Havoc Launcher, and a further two Dreadnoughts can be added to the Talon.
    • Dreadnoughts can be very diverse in their roles depending on the weapons you give them. They can be melee or shooting units and range from infantry killers to tank busters (Mind you, there is no specific bonus for taking two Chainfists so only take one and a normal fist to gain an additional attack).
    • Instead of the Havoc Launcher, you can give him a Helical Targeting Array, gaining Skyfire, ignoring Shrouded (X) and allowing free Interceptor Reactions while active. Combined with two ranged weapons, you can recreate a Contemptor Mortis.
  • Legion Rapier Battery: Your field artillery for all you trench diggers and mud waders. The battery comes with 2 gunners and 1 Rapier carrier which can upgraded to 2 more Rapier carriers (each with 2 gunners) equipped with Gravis Heavy Bolter battery standard, but can be upgraded to a Laser Destroyer, Graviton Cannon or Quad Launcher, which can further purchase Incendiary, Shatter, Splinter and Phosphex Shells (though you need a Siege Breaker Consul for the last option). They have received a pretty great buff as the Rapier carrier is now Relentless allowing you to relocate them and fire in the same turn. As you have more Elites than Heavy Support slots, consider using these instead of Heavy Support Squads.
    • The Phosphex Shell is no longer the MEQ deleter it was in 1.0, as it's now a single 3" blast at 24". Crawling Fire helps, but it can't hit as many models now and its tiny range makes it a lot harder to use. Considering how it singlehandedly prevented MEQ spam in 1.0, this is for the best.
  • 0-1 Legion Nullificator SquadLegacies: Cataphractii termies made to handle the ill-understood forces of the arcane. Each one comes with S+1 AP3 Aether-shock mauls with Deflagrate so they're capable of handling plenty short of terminators. Each one also has Hexagrammatic Wards to make any Psychic Weapons take -1 on to-wound rolls, which will only see use against any Librarians, Esoterists, certain Legion specials, and maybe Daemons depending on how they get written. Their weapon selection is very limited, with the only options being Toxiferran Flamers or Disintegrators, giving you some incredibly costly options to take care of specific targets.
    • Disintegrators make Nullificators more viable alternatives to Terminator Squads and find a spot in ROWs that make Termi's (but not themselves) Troops. As they are no longer locked into to attacking soft targets (daemons, Militia and Solar Auxilla) and stand a solid chance of taking out MEQs and a decent one against TEQs. There are dozens of way to mitigate the effects of "Gets Hot" so having them act as shooty Termis at 24" is a pretty good idea; weapons capable of 1-shotting TEQs are no joke, and practically none of them come on a 2+/4++ 2W model.
  • Legion Castraferrum Castra Ferrum Dreadnought TalonLegacies: The old boxnoughts return with a bit of a discount compared to the Contemptors. First, the negatives: with S6/T6 W5 and I2 they are marginally poorer in close combat than Contemptors, but they still hit at S9 with Gravis Power Fists, are still wounded the same way by regular models, yet are notably still faster than Unwieldy weapons that are actually likely to cause them harm. Their weaker Ferromantic Reactors also mean that any Instant Death attacks instead do a flat 3 damage, which is bad news if they get into melee against anyone with Murderous Strike or Instant Death built into their close combat weapons. But frankly these are non-issues, because you are paying less while getting mostly the same results. At range they they lose out on some of the more exotic weapons given to Contemptors (volkites, assault cannons, or conversion beamers) but they still have BS5 and make for excellent long range weapon platforms using other weapons. Twin Gravis Lascannons deserve a special mention since they're incredibly cost-effective. Boxnoughts also have access to two weapons that are unique to them: Gravis Missile Launchers provide Large Blast Frag missiles, or Heavy 2 Krak; giving a versatile means of switching between anti-armour and anti-crowd measures; and the Flamestorm Cannon, giving you a long-ranged flamer thanks to Torrent extending the template's reach. All of their ranged weapons can be taken in pairs, allowing for concentrated fire of pie plates, templates, or other "Gravis" weapons at an overall cheaper cost than you could otherwise get on Contemptors. Another benefit they have over those bastards with knees instead of vents is that they gain the "Heavy" Subtype, allowing them to re-roll those 2+ saves against against blasts and templates, making it even harder to take them down. Oh, and unlike Contemptors, they can take a searchlight for 5 pts, which really matters with 2.0 Night Fighting rules.
    • Also of note is that some of the weapons and costs have been altered compared to the Contemptor. They do NOT have access to Gravis Melta Cannons, instead only having Multi-Meltas for half the firepower at four times the price. Everything else has taken a price hike too, but ultimately even if they took multiples of the most expensive options they would STILL be cheaper than Contemptors.

Troops[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Tactical Squad: The standard Troops choice for the Legions and an all around decent Troops choice. Cheaper than they were in 1.0, they are now 100pts for 10 men and the squad can be increased to 20 men, but don't have access to any Heavy or Special weapons. Most importantly, they have Line, which means they are scoring, and Heart of the Legion, meaning they get Stubborn and Feel No Pain (5+) when near objectives. They can all take Bayonets/Chain Bayonets on their bolters for 1/2pts, or they can all take Chainswords for 5pts per model. On top of this, they still have Fury of the Legion, so you can fire an extra shot and dump potentially 60 shots from a 20 man squad into a unit you don't like. It always works for Reactions too. Despite some points moving around, they're still the dependable Troops choice you know and love.
    • Think very carefully about spamming the chainsword, as it's a 5pt upgrade on a 10pt model. It's still somewhat more cost-effective from a damage standpoint than taking chain bayonets and using the saved points for more Tacticals, but the bayonet Tacticals can take and do more damage at range simply because there's more of them. That said, this changes if you have to-wound buffs and, needless to say, if you cannot take bayonets in the first place. In any case, if you wanted to spam chainsword MEQs, why didn't you just take Despoilers?
    • Fury of the Legion was changed from last edition to add 1 shot rather than attacking twice, but works on every turn, as long as you remained stationery in your previous movement phase (it's also every time you shoot so you can do it when reacting, as long as you meet the criteria). You lose the sheer firepower of spraying 80 shots into the enemy at 12", but you can fire 40 shots at 24" every turn and it's overall easier to use. It also no longer works on bolt pistols, but that doesn't matter because you can't trade out your bolter any more, so you will always have and you'll always use your bolter.
      • Fury of the Legion to a great extent turns Tacticals into a defensive unit, as they get an enormous damage buff for standing still. If you want something to stand on an objective, take these. If you want to attack, take literally any other Troops choice without Support Squad. Conversely, Legions that can get it while moving or don't have it can use Tacticals more aggressively to blast opponents off objectives.
    • Combi-Weapons can also claim Fury of the Legion on the Bolter component, as Fury of the Legion works on bolters whereas combi-weapons are specified as having a bolter as its primary weapon. Thus, taking combi-weapons does not prevent your Sergeant/Techmarine/Apothecary from using Fury of the Legion.
    • If the squad numbers 10 models or less they may take a Rhino as a dedicated transport (despite the rhino having 12 seats and likely this is due to GW explicitly saying the bump to 12 was for ICs and Apothecaries/Techmarines)
  • Legion Despoiler Squad: Tactical Marines, but for melee. They lack Bolters but all come with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords, the latter of which can be swapped out for a Heavy Chainsword for fighting Automata and monsters, or for a second Bolt Pistol to make a squad of pseudo-Destroyers. Every model in 5 can take a Power or Charnabal weapon, and the same Marine or another 1 in 5 can swap its Bolt Pistol for a Hand Flamer, Volkite Serpenta or a Plasma Pistol. The unit has Line and Heart of the Legion, as well as Spite of the Legion, which gives them an extra attack in the turn they Charge a unit that is Pinned, Falling Back or doesn't have any Chosen Warriors or Characters (including squad Sergeants), which makes it situational. Luckily, you don't have to declare it like Fury of the Legion, so it's a nice bonus under the right circumstances.
    • Unless you want the enemy to go easy because they think you're retarded, are an edgelord who puts looking cool and spooky over actual results or are a masochist wanting a disadvantage don't choose the second Bolt Pistol. Think about it, you're exchanging Shred on your melee attacks for an additional ranged attack...on a squad with buffs to melee. If you want 2 bolt shots at 12", why didn't you take Tacticals?
    • The choice of Chainsword or Heavy Chainsword is more nuanced than the above, however. Remember the Heavy Chainsword is not a straight upgrade due to being Two-Handed, so you lose the additional Bolt Pistol attack. This means it's only better than the Chainsword if you either have 4 attacks already (as 4 Heavy Chainsword attacks are better than 5 Chainsword attacks) or the enemy unit is T5 or above (or T3 and has multiple wounds). As it also costs 2 points per model, the best use of the Heavy Chainsword is to make a dedicated unit with them and Power Axe/Sword/Maul models to throw at enemy units with high Toughness.
    • The Despoiler Squads can work very well paired with a Tactical Support Squad or Recon Squad. Take Rotor Cannons on the latter and have them act as suppressing fire on whatever the Despoiler Squad is going to charge that turn. With luck, you will Pin them and thus trigger Spite of the Legion. The latter option also lets you pick out and kill their Sergeant to claim Spite of the Legion regardless.
    • Spite of the Legion does not specify the Unit sub-type your Despoilers are charging. RAW, you can usually claim Spite of the Legion against Dreadnoughts and vehicles because they're not Characters. This won't help much with your normal chainswords, but 1 more attack each from your 4 Power weapon guys and your Power Fist sergeant could be the difference between killing that Leviathan or not.
  • Legion InductiiSoC: Legionaries raised after the Drop Site Massacre, these were the original new kid Astartes and had a lot of the "quirks" that would later be seen in space marine Chapters after the Heresy. A little different from other troop choices as Inductii are not a separate unit, but are a modification that can be applies special rules to chosen Tactical or Despoiler squads, depending on the Legion, and it gives them the Inductii Sub-type.
    • The Inductii Sub-type gives the following rules to the Inductii squads. 1) They cannot be joined by other models or have models assigned to them, meaning no Apothecaries or Techmarines. 2) No model can be upgraded to take Artificer armour. 3) Units modified with the Inductii Sub-type gain Support Squad. Note that the unit keeps Line making Inductii still capable of scoring.
      • The above implies that Inductii will always be more fragile than Tacticals/Despoilers due to inability to take Apothecaries and get to 4+++. Moreover, being Support Squad means Inductii lose the primary purpose of Tacticals/Despoilers as cheap ways to pay Troop tax, and moreover means ranged Inductii units aren't actually competing with Tacticals, but with Tactical Support Squads, Recons and Scouts. Unless you already have of non-Line Compulsory Troops from a Rite of War, this ends up meaning that they need to be substantially better than their parent unit to justify taking them. Some of them are, most of them aren't.
    • Each Legion has their own Inductii and no other Legion can take a different Legion's Inductii (meaning Alpha Legion shenanigans are out). The Inductii were not all created equally (which may be fluffy, but it sure ain't balanced) so Inductii can range from very good to really really bad, and it will all more or less depend on the Legion. For further details, go to the Legion subsections.
  • Legion Assault Squad: Similar to Despoilers, but they all come with Jump Packs allowing them to Deep Strike, move fast and far and gain Hammer of Wrath (1). They all come with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords, and the entire unit can take Combat shields for a mere 2pts per model. They seem like better Despoilers, right? Well, the problem is they lack Heart of the Legion, so while they are good on the charge, Despoilers are actually slightly better at holding objectives as well as being 45pts cheaper and a bit more flexible with the weapons they can bring. Obviously, they are still good at taking the objectives but they may need a little support from other units to hold them. One of their biggest strengths compared to other Line choices is their speed, allowing them to snag distant objectives in the late game . . . as long as they don't die first.
  • Legion Breacher Squad: Legionaries who form a SHIELD WALL and come with Boarding Shields, Line, but not Heart of the Legion. The whole squad can replace their bolters with Volkite Chargers for 2pts each (absolutely should be done unless playing a Legion with improved Bolters) and 1 in 5 gets access to either a Flamer, Meltagun, Graviton gun or Lascutter giving them a bit more flexibility to what they can deal with. The Boarding Shield gives them a 5++ invulnerable save and makes them Heavy so they can re-roll failed armour saves from template and blast weapons, making them the toughest Troops choice for the Legions, as well as the most expensive. They all also have a one-use Breacher Charge that hits as S10 and AP1 and can only be used against Buildings and Fortifications. Due to their improved armour/Heavy sub-type, they're great in games of Zone Mortalis.
    • An added bonus is the fact 10-man squads can take a Termite or a Land Raider Proteus as their Dedicated Transport, which is pretty great even if it adds way more to the squad's overall price.
  • Legion Tactical Support Squad: A 5 man Tactical Squad that all take Special Weapons. They can buy 5 more guys and they come with Flamers but can swap them for Volkite Chargers for free or pay points for fun stuff like Plasma Guns, Meltaguns or Volkite Calivers. They are a Support Squad, so they can't be taken as Compulsory Troops and they do not have Line, so they can't score. They are best used to support other troops in shooting stuff, which they can be very good at, but they can also purchase Chainswords. Considering that a lot of those weapons put the users within charge range of the enemy, some Legions with particular advantages in Melee ought to be able to find a use for their Assault weapons and try to mop up survivors with a follow-up charge. While probably not as effective as Heavy Support Squads equipped with bigger versions of the same guns, Tactical support squads take up a far less crowded Force Org slot in comparison so can be a good compromise if you are trying to squeeze in more firepower but you HS slots are all taken.
    • Volkite Chargers/Calivers are good anti-infantry weapons as always. However, Breachers while being more expensive can come in squads of 20, are tougher and have Line, so they are probably the better way to take Volkite Chargers. That said, Volkite Calivers are a good way of getting a knockoff Volkite Culverin Heavy Support Squad.
    • Despite Plasma guns taking a nerf most of its shots will still be AP2 thanks to Breaching (4+) making it a decent weapon to deal with TEQs with massed fire and several Legions get their own cool Plasma weapons they can replace them with. Moreover, it's basically flat AP2 against >T7 units, so it's a decent anti-Dreadnought weapon, particularly in Rapid Fire range. It's also become cheaper to correspond with the nerf, so it can be more practical than taking Meltas.
    • Melta guns are the go-to for Tank hunting and TEQ slaying, but the short range of 12" or 6" for Armourbane (Melta), means the squad will likely need a transport and/or Deep Strike to get them into firing range. Moreover, the expensiveness of the unit and the obviousness of their firepower (10 goddamn Meltas!) means everyone and their mom will shoot at it. Hide it behind cover until it is needed; better yet, hide it in a transport so your opponent doesn't know it's there.
    • Finally Rotor Cannons are actually worth taking this edition as they've lost Salvo (because it got removed from the game all together) and they are now 30" Assault 4 weapons with Pinning and Shell Shock (1), meaning those Pinning tests are taken at -1 Ld, making them fantastic anti-horde/infantry weapons.
  • Legion Reconnaissance Squad: Space Marines that like stealth and are tactical, without having to wear stupid armour named after a moon. The cheapest scoring unit, as they have the Line sub-type and cost 85 points, with the standard Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox and Augury scanner upgrades optional. However, they are Support Squads and cannot be taken as Compulsory choices. Though 85 points only nets you five men, they come with a lot of goodies. First, they have the Scout and Infiltrate rules, so they are flexible with deployment options. They also have Shroud Bombs, and so count as being 6" further for the purposes of trying to shoot at them, and Melta Bombs are also an option. They come with Bolters and can be equipped with bayonets or they can be swapped out for shotguns, which became a little bit different with the addition of the Concussive (1) rule. They can also swap them for chainswords if you want extra Shred attacks, but what is probably the most effective use of them is to fork out points to give them Nemesis Bolters and make them a squad of Character assassins. You are allowed to mix and match weapons if you want and while this might not be the most efficient choice, it can allow for double debuffs of Concussive (1) and Pinning in a single volley of shooting.
    • They can also take a Storm Eagle as a Dedicated Transport, which is a pretty good flyer that you don't have to use a Fast Attack slot for it.
  • Legion Scout Squad: Yes, Scouts in 30k, in all their 4+ glory. The cheapest Troops choice but they cannot score and are a Support Squad. In return, they have Scout, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover and are Light and Skirmish units, so they can Move, Run, and snap-fire. This is on top of their Movement speed of 8" and gaining +1 to Run moves, this makes them remarkably mobile for infantry. Like Recon Squads, they come with Shroud Bombs and can purchase Melta Bombs with any model being able to swap their bolters out for Chainswords or Shotguns for free if you want to make them into a close range squad. You can also pay 10pts to equip them with Nemesis Bolters for sniping.
    • Because they aren't scoring units, there is no real need to push with these guys, and with weaker armour they are more likely to get mulched. Infiltrating them somewhere out of the way with sniper weapons is probably a safe bet, as is simply sitting them in the backfield.
  • Legion Terminator Indomitus SquadLegacies: The modern-day terminators get the "Heavy" subtype and 6" movement from the Cataphractii forebears but have the 5++ save and ability to Sweeping Advance from the Tartaros line; offering that midway point between protection (re-rolling 2+ saves against blasts and templates) and mobility (Sweeping Advances) . Their Dedicated Transport options are more restricted too, so although they can take a Land Raider Proteus or a Dreadclaw Drop Pod, they cannot take a Spartan if their squad size gets too big. These Terminators are always Troops choices, but they're Support Squads so you'll need to take something else to fulfil any compulsory slots. 1 in 5 can take a Heavy Flamer or Proteus assault cannon (Assault 3, S6 AP4 Rending(6+)), while any one can swap out their Combi-Bolters for Combi-Weapons, or Proteus Storm Shields which gives them 4++. This last option makes them as tough as Cataphractii, with the added bonus of being able to sweep their opponents in combat, which mixed with Thunder Hammers brings the classic (nearly) Hammernators to 30k without being locked behind Legion-specific wargear. Each model can swap their weapons out to take Lightning Claws, though it won't have the same "Shock and Awe" as TH/SS.
    • As of Legacies version 1.1 Indomitus squads gain the Line unit subtype when taken in the "Pride of the Legion" Rite. They also lose Support Squad, allowing you to take full armies of them or take them and unlock Legion-specific Terminators as non-Compulsory Troops without taking Legion Veterans/Terminators. Alternatively, take Legion Cataphractii or Tartaros Terminators as Compulsory Troops so they get Line, and then take Indomitus squads who get Line regardless of whether they're compulsory; this can be useful for some Legions that get really cool Legion Terminators that you want to give Line.
    • Even though they cost the same as a squad of Cataphractii Terminators, they all have Power Fists as standard equipment, which would cost those other Terminators units 10pts each, this has the knock on effect of making Chainfists and Thunder Hammers cheaper too, so overall it is a decent saving.
    • Ranged builds aren't very good, as they cost the same as Cataphractii while having a worse Invulnerable save and roughly the same weapon options. Indomitus cost the same as Cataphractii despite worse protection because they come with Power Fists and Sweeping Advance; get into melee where they actually matter.

Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Rhino Transport: The #1 metal box 10,000 years running, the Rhino is much the same as it's always been; it folds like cardboard under any serious fire, but gets your guys where they need to go. It did pick up extra transport slots like a number of other things so you can put some characters in with your tac squads before sending them on a joyride. This being 30k, it also has a few more pintle mounted options as well, so if you need something to help out the boys it's carrying, take a look; just don't expect more than one shot. It might be worth it to spend some points on turning the Rhino into a pseudo-Razorback by taking either the Heavy Bolter, a Multi-Melta or a Havoc Launcher.
  • Legion Drop Pod: Drop pods in 30k are a little more all or nothing than in 40k, with most units unable to take them unless you take the Rite of War specializing in them, where they all drop in at once with the more specific ones. They do have a Combi-Bolter and BS2, and also the Legiones Astartes (X) rule, so it can be said that some Legions do have better drop pods than others, even if they won't achieve a whole lot on their own.
  • Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod: For three times the price of a normal drop pod and the loss of the Combi-Bolter, you can Deep Strike your dreadnoughts. Usually this is irrespective of what RoW you take, so there is always the option to drop in a Dreadnought instead of deploying normally. However, only Dreadnought Talons of a single model may take a drop pod, so it becomes both expensive and FOC slot intensive to have several of them raining from the skies at once.
  • Legion Termite Assault Drill: Your favourite subterranean tunnelling device is back, and it's carrying 12 dudes to combat from underground! It looks neat, but is extremely limited in what units can take it as a DT, and cannot be taken as a separate unit...unless, again, you took the specific Rite dedicated to these things. Its ranged weapons are better than the Rhino's, but don't count on them. The pintle mounts are too weak; the Melta cutters sound awesome being a 3-shot Meltagun, but 6" range will limit its use severely.

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Seeker Squad: Special Forces Astartes with super special ammo, i.e., predecessors to Sternguard Veterans. They come standard with Kraken Bolters, which can choose to fire Tempest rounds (18" S3 AP6 Assault 3 Ignores Cover) or Scorpius rounds (24" S5 AP4 Assault 1 Breaching (4+)); Kraken rounds just so happen to be the default mode (30" S4 AP4 Rapid fire) of firing if you don't select anything else, which is still better than using a regular bolter. Any model can exchange its Kraken Bolter for a Combi-Weapon or a Nemesis Bolter, which means they must sacrifice their special ammunition. These guys have Infiltrate, finally! They also have Marked for Death and Precision Shots (4+), making them superb character killers (as the Emperor intended).
    • The Seeker's basic weapon is a Bolter with AP4, and 30". Not much, but it does allow them to snipe at ranges that your other squads can't and ignore the 4+ saves that GEQs or the Mechanicum might be bringing. Kraken Bolters have their own Special Ammunition:
      • Tempest Rounds: 18" Assault 3, S3 AP6 and Ignores Cover. Just as good as Kraken Bolter against MEQs at Rapid Fire range and lets you charge afterwards, and with better performance against weaker targets. For tougher models, you have...
      • Scorpius Rounds: 24" Assault 1, S5 AP4 and Breaching (4+). Breaching (4+) allows Seekers to take out both MEQs and TEQs. Also very good for taking out Techmarines and Apothecaries, as 10 shots from a full Seeker squad can statistically be expected to put out enough Precision Shots with Breaching to kill any particular 1W model.
    • Whether you should take Nemesis Bolters over the Kraken Bolters depends on the unit's job in your list. Nemesis Bolters will be better at pure Character sniping, Krakens are slightly worse at this but more versatile.
    • The Sergeant can take the usual gear, but also is the only non-Independent Character that has access to a Combi-Disintegrator, which can be an interesting choice as it gives your Sergeant a one shot chance of insta-killing a character you want gone, if you roll well that is.
    • They can take a Land Raider DT, which can Infiltrate with them. It's also a pretty decent way of bringing anti-vehicle firepower, which Seekers do not have outside of Combi-Meltas.
  • Legion Outrider Squadron: 3-10 bikers with Scout, Relentless, Hammer of Wrath (1), Hit & Run, and a Move characteristic of 14". They have the option to replace their built-in Twin-linked Bolters with Flamers, Plasma Guns or Meltaguns. Any one of them could exchange his chainsword with a Power or Charnabal Weapon, a single Lightning claw, or a shotgun for free, which he can fire alongside his bike's weapon thanks to Firing Protocols (2). They may also exchange their pistols for Hand Flamers or Volkite Serpentas. Interestingly, the squadron can equip a Nuncio-Vox and a Vexilla.
    • Since the last edition, they lost their grenades and the ability to buy Melta Bombs for some reasons. (In fairness, who wants their Land Raider sideswiped by 3 bikes Turn 1?)
    • One thing to note is that bikes are now Toughness 4, making them slightly less resilient than they once were. That said, while Jink no longer exists, the Spatha Bike allows Outriders to Run and get Shrouded (5+), which is basically Jink except it affects this round of shooting rather than the next round's.
  • Legion Sabre Strike Squadron: 1-3 Fast tanks, with a respectable side and front armour value of 12. They have the option to replace their jack-of-all-trades Anvillus Snub Autocannons with either a Neutron Blaster for anti-tank or a Volkite Saker for anti-infantry purposes. They may also take a Multi-melta, Volkite Culverin or Heavy Flamer in place of their Heavy Bolter. Finally, each Sabre may be upgraded to have up to two Sabre Missiles (despite the fact the kit comes with 4), One Shot S7 Rending (6+) missiles which are potentially better than Hunter-Killer missiles at the cost of one Strength.
    • As of FAQ v1.1 the Sabre can now take the correct amount of 4 Sabre Missiles. Hurrah!
  • Legion Sky-hunter Squadron: A combination of both of the old Jetbike units, Sky-Hunters are now heavy weapon carriers in the Fast Attack slot, with a Move characteristic of 16" and 2 wounds. Any member of the 3-10 man squadron can replace their Heavy Bolter with a Volkite Culverin, Multi-melta or Plasma Cannon. The squad has both Deep Strike and Relentless, giving them far more mobility than an infantry Heavy Support Squad... but with a much higher price. Interestingly, the squadron can equip a Nuncio-Vox and a Vexilla.
    • As bikers, they have both Hit & Run and Hammer of Wrath, but unlike Outriders they may not take Power Weapons. They do come with Pistol + Chainswords stock, though.
    • Jetbikes are now T4 2W with a 3+ save rather than T5 1W 2+. This rounds out to make them easier to kill with most small arms, as having 2 wounds is balanced out by failing twice as many armour saves against AP4-6, on top of being easier to wound. You also no longer get saves against AP3 weapons and things like Krak Missiles will ID you, so 2W doesn't matter. However, the Scimitar Jetbike like the Spatha bikes can get Shrouded (5+) from Running, so they effectively can still Jink.
  • Legion Javelin Squadron: Better Land Speeders... but not by much. Sadly Luckily, Javelins are now also no longer Vehicles, but instead T6 units with a regular save. At 90pts they come stock with a Cyclone Missile Launcher which can be replaced with two Heavy Bolters (thanks to the new update), two Volkite Culverins or Lascannons for 5pts, and may be taken in squadrons of up to 3. Harbingers of the Legion allows re-rolling Shrouded, but because Jink no longer exists and you can't get Shrouded from Running like bikes and jetbikes, you usually have to use Evade to get Shrouded in the first place. Note that it cannot Run as a Heavy model anyway; this usually won't be a problem given M14 and 48" range on Missile Launchers/Lascannons, but Multi-melta might be trickier.
    • Equipping a Javelin with Volkite Culverins seems to not be the best idea, as a regular Land Speeder with two Volkite Culverins is 75pts to the Javelin's 95pts. Those 20pts give the Javelin +1T and +1W, which honestly isn't doing much with the abundance of weapons that can hurt it. Overall, the regular Land Speeder has a bigger range of weapons and will do the job of being a squishy vehicle just as well, but for cheaper.
    • A Javelin with 2 Lascannons and a Multi-melta is 105 points, and for that you get a mobile (M14 Deep Strike), cheap (only cheaper source of S8/9 shots is Heavy Support Squad) and tough (3+ 4W T6 re-rolling Shrouded) source of heavy anti-vehicle firepower. Worth considering if your list prevents you from taking tanks or other Heavy Support choices.
  • Legion Proteus Land Speeder Squadron: No longer a Vehicle, but a T5 unit with a 3+ save. Can Deep Strike or Outflank, and has the Relentless rule. Has Harbinger of the Legion, allowing it to re-roll Shrouded; you can't get it from Running, but you can from Evade.
    • Unlike in 1.0, you can now take two weapons from the same list, with the second choice costing an additional 5 points. Two Graviton Guns or two Heavy Flamers is now doable, and with Firing Protocols (4) you can fire all of your weapons in one turn.
    • Don't expect these guys to live for long: they're even weaker than in HH1.0, although they can no longer explode. Consider using them as cheap Vehicle hunters: a Land Speeder with 2 Graviton Guns is only 85pts and can Deep Strike, and if you can kill the tank you've dropped in beside there's a chance you might be able to fire again next turn. However, don't take double Multi-melta; a Deep Striking Land Speeder sounds like a good platform for suicide Melta shots, but for 105 points you might as well take a Javelin for a tougher model with even more shots.
  • Legion Storm Eagle Gunship: Now a bit cheaper and the Transport Capacity got upscaled to 22 marines. Do not think that this is the only change from 1.0. Flyers have lost Jink and now there is a lot more units able to hit flyers aside from Primarchs. Though nice on paper, be prepared that a Storm Eagle is a flying death trap. Flyers are much more vulnerable this edition, and everyone will target the gunship with 2 Lascannons and a Multi-melta even if they think it's empty. Think twice when letting your 10 man Terminator death star and tooled Praetor plus Primus Medicae hitch a ride, as nothing paints a bigger bullseye on this thing than loading it up like this and your Terminators have nothing beyond Invulnerable saves to protect them against S10 AP2 Crash and Burn.
    • Alternative take: a Storm Eagle with 2 Twin-linked Lascannons and Multi-melta is 255 points, where you could have taken 2 Lascannons and a Multi-melta on a Javelin for 105 points or even add 2 Hunter-killers for 10 more points. The Storm Eagle is a heck of a lot harder to kill than a Javelin, but is more than double price worth it, particularly if you're not using it as an Assault Vehicle?
  • Legion Xiphon Interceptor: Your favourite Astartes interceptor got a massive points reduction and now sports three hull points. The Rotary Missile Launcher got kind of a side-grade boost; it lost the Cluster Warhead rule that allowed it to roll on the vehicle damage table multiple times and choose the best, and instead it gained Twin-Linked for more accuracy, extra shots with Heavy 3, and the chance to do more damage with Exo-Shock (6+). 105 pts is an absolute steal for 3 S8 AP2 Ignores Cover and 2 S9 AP2 shots, all of them Twin-Linked. As long as you can take care of AA, it's an auto-include.
    • It also has the Talons of the Legion rule, allowing it to be held in reserve until the opponent deploys a flyer of their own, at which point it can use an Advanced Reaction to immediately move onto the table and take an out-of-turn shooting attack at said flyer. In all likelihood, that targeted flyer will be toast considering all of the Twin-linked S8/9 AP2 heat this thing carries. Note that these shots will be snap shots however, as flyers can "choose to shoot all their weapons as Skyfire in the shooting phase" and this reaction will be happening in your opponent's movement phase. Still, Twin-linked should mean some hits land.
    • This thing is pretty much the ace dog-fighter that is practically guaranteed to do serious damage to any enemy flyer for a reasonable cost. Just be aware that it is fragile and there is a lot of Skyfire this edition, it will likely get shot out of the sky sooner or later. The Ramjet Diffraction Grid is the only optional choice, but will reduce the Strength of attacks against the side or rear by -1, meaning Flak Missiles and Skyfire Autocannons now hit at S6 and will glance on 5+, hopefully helping mitigate the danger somewhat. The Diffraction Grid however does not work on front attacks; as it's AV11 on all sides, this means it's actually weaker from the front. Don't fly into enemy Dreadnoughts and the like; you will be destroyed.
  • Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod: The Kharybdis's little brother has taken a hit from the nerf bat. For almost three times the cost of a regular drop pod, you get a pod that can either fly onto the table like a flyer, or enter the battlefield turn 1 as a drop pod... and then fly off and pester the foe with flamer attacks. However, you cannot actually take Drop Pods without Drop Pod Assault, so it may be worth giving up a Fast Attack slot to Deep Strike an elite MEQ unit (drop in some suicide Combi-Meltas?) if you're using another rite.
    • Sadly it has lost Assault Vehicle, so take that into account. Take ranged units that don't care about losing Assault Vehicle, have Counter-attack, or both.
    • It is also a Dreadnought Transport and at only 15 points more than the regular dreadnought drop pod (not to mention being a significantly easier model to kitbash) the added utility of a full-blown flying transport might be worth it if you were already considering a way to get your dreads close in.
  • Legion Spatha Attack SquadLegacies: In case you wanted bikes that carry heavy weapons but don't want jetbikes/really want to make use of your modern attack bikes. They aren't very nimble, losing Scout and Hit & Run, but each one carries a heavy weapon and can still Run to get Shrouded (5+). The Autocannon is arguably the only feasible choice; you can get Heavy Bolter/Multi-melta on Sky-hunters for basically half the cost per model and with twice the maximum squad size, while the same applies to taking Twin-linked Flamers on Outriders instead of Heavy Flamer Attack Bikes. It's still not a good idea as you can get Autocannons for cheaper on Heavy Support Squads and a 48" weapon does not really need the Attack Bike's mobility, but it's worth considering if you cannot take Heavy Support Squads (eg. Rite restricts Heavy Support choices, cannot take Heavy units, etc.). Even then, think carefully about whether you want to just take Volkite Culverin Sky-hunters; it's S6 and doesn't have Rending, but it has more than twice the shots of the Autocannon and it's cheaper.
  • Legion Tarantula SentryLegacies: The forgotten turrets of old with VERY badly written rules. For starters, its a unit of three to five stationary guns with BS2 that must always shoot the closest enemy target within line of sight, regardless of the weapon selection. So if you forked out for Hyperios launchers expecting AA batteries, then be prepared for them to auto-lock onto ground targets and snap fire. They also cannot make reactions.
    • One massively glaring error is the fact their weapons come in pairs rather than be twin-linked. so Two Heavy Bolters or Two Lascannons. Luckily, the Legacies version 1.1 document updated them with the Firing Protocols (2) rule, so they can now fire both weapons. It doesn't necessarily make them much better though; their Ork-level BS2 means they still won't hit anything.
    • They can fight in close combat... With WS1 S1 I1 A1 so the odds of killing pretty much anything in power armour are in the realms of 1%. If they break from combat (their Leadership is 5) then they are automatically destroyed, don't even bother rolling for that sweeping advance. IF... For some unfathomable reason that this unit is fielded and somehow wins in close combat, they cannot make sweeping advances of their own, but if that happens then you should dip them in gold and hail the coming of the Messiah because the odds are THAT distant.
  • Legion Avenger Strike FighterLegacies: The Avenger is an odd miss-mash of weapons that bizarrely kind of works, probably by an accident of the rules rather than any credit to the authors of the Legacies pdf. It has a front mounted Avenger Bolt Cannon which MEQs should fear, two Lascannons for tank hunting, and a rear mounted Heavy Stubber for giggles. Ordinarily you'd think these weapons are incompatible with each other when choosing targets, but because the Bolt Cannon and the Stubber are S6 and below, they classify as Defensive Weapons and are therefore allowed to shoot at the nearest Infantry unit within line of sight, allowing the Lascannons to do their own thing. Though legitimately asking whether the Stubber is actually allowed to draw line of sight to ground targets is a fair question. This plane should be mounted on its base angled to the side, or upside down, or something.
    • It can purchase sets of four missiles for a fair price, giving it more vehicle hunting capability.
    • Is it worth its pricetag? It can do some interesting things that only the bigger Astartes flyers can do with Power of the Machine Spirit, but with less ability to select its own targets (since it has to be the closest infantry unit). Even so, one or two turns of firing the bolt cannon are certainly capable of removing lots of infantry, while fast moving Lascannons have lots of potential for making its value back.
  • Legion Thunderbolt FighterLegacies: For 170 points you get a flyer with more weapons than it is feasibly allowed to shoot. Zooming flyers can fire four weapons at full ballistic skill, but this bad boy has four separate Autocannons and two Lascannons. Generally speaking that will be sufficient to fuck up the day of whatever happens to be in front of it, whether it be infantry or vehicles. Thunderbolts may also buy sets of four missiles for a reasonably fair cost. The Hellstrike missiles will certainly match the Lascannons if it decides to go vehicle hunting.
    • The Thunderbolt is probably a little too expensive compared to other options. It has 2 Lascannons like the Avenger and the Xiphon, but the Xiphon is 2/3 the cost and comes with an AP2 Rotary Missile Launcher capable of deleting TEQs/Dreadnoughts, while the Avenger at the same cost packs an AP3 Bolt Cannon far better at killing MEQs than the Thunderbolt's Autocannons and can target separately from the Lascannons due to being a Defensive weapon at S6. The Thunderbolt having 4 Autocannons is good, but only being able to shoot 2 of them because you're using your Lascannons isn't.
  • Legion Primaris-Lightning Strike FighterLegacies: Holy crap this thing is the wrong price. 170 points (see a pattern here?) you get two Lascannons Period. The Thunderbolt and Avenger both cost the same and both have two Lascannons, but at least justifies that with even more dakka on top. The Lightning is 65 points more than the Xiphon which gets two Twin-Linked Lascannons plus the rotary missile launcher. Now the Primaris Lightning can purchase more weapons, but GW hates you so much that a pair of one-use missiles cost 25 to 35 points depending on whether you want anti-infantry or anti-vehicle, and they expect (or don't expect..) you to buy up to three pairs, compared to the Thunderbolt and Avenger that lets you buy them in sets of four for less cost. Now these weapons ARE good, the Kraken Penetrator missiles are like essentially Melta missiles, while the Sunfury are the equivalent of Plasma Cannon shots. Additionally, because missiles would be separate weapons and zooming flyers can shoot four weapons at full ballistic skill there is the potential for a mountain of hurt to be thrown out in one turn when it unloads most of its missile payload at once.
    • There's almost no way they should cost that much. Fully tooled out this vehicle could cost 305 points. That's the same price as last edition's Spartan deleter with Tank Hunters and Kraken Penetrators, except Spartans are no longer invulnerable to Melta weapons due to loss of Armoured Ceramite and the Lightning's main competitor the Xiphon has had its point cost halved. It's fine in and of itself, but the fact that you can now find much cheaper things to do its job means it's grossly overpriced.
    • The one saving grace this flyer has is its frankly insane movement speed of 26", but zooming flyers generally don't have issues with movement anyway.
    • If you have one of these, pretend it's a Xiphon and you'll be much happier.

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

Note: Predators, Sicarans, Sicaran Punishers and Kratos can take a Decurion upgrade as follows. You can only take one per model, but you can take them on however many models you want. Availability of Reactions is on a per-model basis, so you better fork out for more Decurions if you want the whole unit to get the Reaction.

  • Legiones Decurion DefensorSoC: Requires a Pintle weapon that isn't a Havoc Launcher. For 20pts, you unlock a Point Defence Advanced Reaction, which is basically Overwatch/Return Fire except you can't use your turret weapon (eg. no using the Punisher's main weapon) and pintle mounts fire twice. Templates automatically inflict maximum hits instead of D3/whatever number you normally roll.
    • As your turret is generally a Battle weapon that cannot fire in Return Fire/Overwatch anyway, you get stronger Reaction fire because your Multi-melta/Heavy Bolter pintle fires twice. Conversely, the Punisher and the Predator's Macro-saker could fire on Reactions anyway, and are generally more powerful than the pintle mount. Moreover, you're still using up a Reaction when you only get 1-2 per phase, and you could get a lot more out of Reactions on non-vehicles. Think carefully.
  • Legiones Decurion LocusSoC: 30pts for a nuncio-vox and Locus Strike Advanced Reaction, which is Return Fire except you can use one Battle weapon along with your Defensive weapons; if you only use the Battle weapon, you get +1 to hit. Templates work as per normal Reactions.
    • You can get a nuncio-vox for 10pts on Marine models for the same effect, so you're really buying this for Locus Strike. Generally better on the Kratos because it inherently has a stronger turret gun than the smaller tanks, meaning you get more bang for your 30pts and can really intimidate enemy infantry by burning them with 28 Volkite shots or, at close range, blast vehicles with both the Melta blast-gun and the pintle Multi-melta. Conversely, things like Punishers already had a Defensive Weapon as turret, so it doesn't really need this.
  • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 5-10 Marines with heavy weapons for 100 points. They all have the Heavy sub-type as standard this edition, so they are somewhat more survivable yet a little bit slower than your other regular units. Nearly every weapon option got an upgrade this edition, so they are somewhat boosted compared to how they used to perform in the past. The squad may take a Vexilla, Nuncio Vox (which can be taken on the Sergeant, unlike with most units) or Augury Scanner like a regular infantry unit. That last one is a must, allowing them to use the Interceptor Reaction for free.
    • Heavy Bolters are now Heavy 4, a 30% increase in firepower. So that means a minimum squad size of five models can throw out twenty shots, thirteen hits, or nearly three unsaved wounds against MEQs every turn. Against anything with a save of 4+ or below, these things will clean up nicely.
    • Volkite Culverins are your go-to variant against MEQs. Compared to Heavy Bolters, you get a bonus 9" of range, +1 Strength, Deflagrate and one more shot for 5 pts. A squad of 10 vomits out 50 shots wounding MEQs on 2+ every time they shoot and, thanks to Reactions, you can shoot A LOT. Volkite Weapons have AP5, but why do you care about AP when you're killing 11 tactical marines every shooting phase?
    • Heavy Flamers are free swaps and haven't changed much since last edition. The only Assault weapon on the list, but with the shortest range. Ideally you'll have them in a transport to keep them safe until you need them. Otherwise, Heavy Bolters might end up being a better choice since they can hit from further away and not put them at risk of return-fire or a charge.
    • Missile Launchers are the old reliable option. Krak Missiles are the first weapons that have any chance of harming Land Raiders, while Frag Missiles now come with Pinning which is a great thing to have, and Flak Missiles are free. Missiles cover lots of bases if you don't know what your opponent is bringing to the table and are one of the cheapest ways to bring anti-air weapons.
    • Autocannons are still the light vehicle and GEQ slayers they always have been. However, with the addition of Rending (6+) rule, they are marginally deadlier against literally everything. They can be a threat against TEQs, and they even have a chance of damaging Land Raiders and the like that they couldn't do before. While not quite as versatile as Missiles, they compensate by having the weight of extra shots and taking their opponent down that way.
    • Multi-Meltas are now Twin-Linked so you are more likely to hit when it counts. Because most TEQs have generally been upgraded to having two wounds, Meltas with S8 AP1 are great for smashing them along with other associated characters. Against vehicles, they still require getting within 12" to gain the benefit of Armourbane (Melta) and you can be sure your opponent will shit their pants and unload hell on them before they get that close. If you're closing the gap that much, remember these things are still Heavy 1 weapons and aren't that mobile; you might be better with Tactical Support Squads and regular Meltaguns instead.
    • Lascannons all have the Sunder rule, meaning that they can re-roll fails to penetrate against Vehicles. This makes them considerably more effective as vehicle killers than they were before, going from a 33% chance of a hull point against AV14 to 55%, regardless of range. For the same cost as Multi-Meltas, you are more likely to get more shots off during the game with their increased range.
    • Plasma Cannons are the only weapon that got hit by the nerf bat, although Breaching (4+) still means that they have AP2 most of the time. Plasma Cannons really only exist for knocking wounds off 2+/3+ save units and that's it.
  • Legion Leviathan Dreadnought Talon: A Toughness and Strength 8 Dreadnought with 7 wounds. It's seen a bit of a reworking but the Leviathan is still a juggernaut of a Dreadnought. It now has 5 attacks when equipped with two melee weapons and most of the weapons it can take have been changed (not always in a good way). He has lost his 4++ invulnerable save and now only has the 5++ given to him by the Atomantic Deflector, but this at least saves him from Instant Death weapons. He has also swapped out Crushing Charge for a flat Hammer of Wrath (3). He can still take a Phosphex Discharger, which is no longer one-use, and can swap out the Heavy Flamers in his chest for Volkite Calivers, but all of his upgrades add more points onto what is a very expensive model, which becomes even more expensive if you bring multiple Leviathans in one unit, so you'll probably have to fork out the points if you want to use him. Arm weapon options include:
    • Leviathan Siege Claw with in-built Meltagun S10 AP 2 with Brutal (3). The Leviathans standard melee weapon, and an excellent all rounder.
    • Leviathan Siege Drill with in-built Meltagun S12 AP 2 with Armourbane (Melee), replaces Claw for 5 pts and is for coring tanks and fortifications like apples. If your taking a dual CCW Leviathan, then give it one of these to make dealing with armour easier since it costs next to nothing.
    • Leviathan Storm Cannon Heavy 6, 24" S7 AP4 with Rending (5+) and Sunder, all for +10 points. Great weapon against all-comers, even if nerfed from previous edition version. Mind that Sunder doesn't work on Dreadnoughts and it's not as good as the Melta Lance against MEQs/TEQs; Rending (5+) cannot make up for the loss of AP3.
    • Cyclonic Melta Lance Heavy 4, 18" S8 AP 1 with Armourbane (Melta). The most expensive weapon at +20 points, and one capable of doing a lot of damage to TEQs and vehicles. However, your melee weapons already have Meltaguns; think about if 3 more shots at 6" more range is worth 20 points and giving up a melee attack.
    • Grav-flux Bombard oh how the mighty has fallen. Heavy 1, 18", AP4, Large Blast, and a whole lot of special rules: Graviton Collapse (S test on 2d6 instead of wounding; if failed, receive a wound with AP 4, roll 4d6 on penetration roll for vehicles instead, so the average is 14), Torsion Crusher (the amount of hull points damage is doubled), Ignores Cover and Concussive (1). A strange gun, with it's usefulness against infantry being severely limited and anti-vehicle role better done by Melta Lance. Good for hanging in the distance firing at some vehicles as opposed to going in hot, but why buy Leviathan for that? At least it's cheap at 5 points and looks cool.
    • Phosphex Discharger Heavy 1, 18" S5 AP2 Blast (3") with Poisoned (3+)Crawling Fire and Lingering Death rules for 20 points. It's no longer one-use, so you can shoot every round. It also does not replace a melee weapon, so it's a straight upgrade.
      • Keep in mind Lingering Death can hurt you if you try to charge whoever you fired this thing at, so aim for the rear of any units you target. Aiming for the back is a pretty safe bet because you can always Crawling Fire your way back onto the target if the shot lands too far backwards, and Move Through Cover means the only penalty from Lingering Death is testing for Dangerous Terrain, so taking the Discharger is a good idea regardless.
    • Leviathans can take a Dreadnought Drop Pod/Kharybdis Assault Claw as DT if the Talon only has 1 Dread. It's very expensive (100/235 points!), but it makes sure your 270 point (before upgrades) close-range/melee Dreadnought gets in range; the latter in particular is an Assault Vehicle, allowing the Leviathan to charge after Deep Striking.
  • Legion Deredeo Dreadnought Talon: The Dreadnought equivalent of a gunboat, this thing is bristling with heavy weapons. It has a similar set of characteristics as the Contemptor, but is 30 points more expensive and for those 30 points it is equipped with a Helical Targeting Array, an Anvilus Autocannon Battery, a Twin-linked Heavy Bolter and four Boreas Air Defence Missiles, which are ground-to-air missiles designed to put holes in Thunderhawks. The Autocannons can be swapped out for a Volkite Falconet, a Hellfire Plasma Cannonade or an Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery, the Boreas Air Defence Missiles can be exchanged for an Aiolos Missile Launcher for anti-infantry shenanigans, and the Heavy Bolter can be exchanged for a Heavy Flamer for improved point defence. This Dreadnought's whole game plan is to get a clear line of sight and hose down its chosen target with a large amount of fire, so keep the firing lanes clear and keep it out of combat.
    • The stock Autocannon's 4 S7 shots with Sunder will suffice in themselves to take out weaker vehicles, while adding Rending (5+) makes it respectable against heavier vehicles. The Falconet exchanges 3" of range (not truly relevant on a 48" range weapon), Rending and Sunder for Pinning and twice the shots. It's better against AV12 and below (practically all non-Lord of War aircraft) and infantry than the Autocannon. The Plasma Cannonade's Sustained Fire mode is a 6-shot Plasma Gun, while Maximal Fire can ID TEQs with its S8 and with Rending (4+) is one of the only S8 AP2 pie plates without a superheavy. Absolutely the best anti-MEQ/TEQ weapon on the Deredeo, but is the worst anti-vehicle due to lacking the Autocannon and Lascannon's power, and the Falconet's volume of fire. The Lascannon Battery is very specialized at blowing up heavy vehicles. It's great against Spartans and Knights and the like, but take another weapon if you're concerned about Dreadnoughts and Automata, as Sunder and Exoshock only work on vehicles.
    • The Boreas has baked-in Skyfire, so you can't use it and kill Terminators. If you've already taken the Lascannon Battery, the Boreas will likely be overkill (how many heavy flyers do you expect your enemy to bring?) and should be swapped out for the Aiolos, which is a decent anti-MEQ weapon at S6 AP3. On the other hand, if you've taken Volkite/Plasma, the Boreas can be a good backup in case your opponent brings a Caestus or if you really need to kill that Xiphon with the Diffraction Grid. It can also continue targeting aircraft even if the Deredeo is moving, as its Skyfire is not dependent on Helical Targeting Array.
  • Legion Predator Squadron: The standard medium tank for the Space Marines in 40k, but here it is a light tank in comparison to the other options. That isn't a bad thing, however, as Predators are one of the cheapest options and can come with some decent weaponry, so a squadron can be an effective force. For 120 points you get an up-armoured Rhino chassis that is equipped with a Predator Cannon and two sponson mounted Heavy Bolters by default, but all of these can be swapped out for more interesting or specialised options (in ascending order of cost): A Flamestorm Cannon (S6 AP4 Heavy 1, Torrent 18"), a Magna-Melta Cannon (S8 AP1, Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked), an Executioner Plasma Destroyer (S7 AP4, Heavy 1 Large Blast, Rending(4+)), Heavy Conversion Beam Canon (S7-S12, AP0-1, Heavy 1, Large Blast, Blind), a Volkite Macro-Saker (S6 AP5, Heavy 8, Deflagrate), a Gravis Lascannon (S9 AP2, Heavy 2, Sunder), a Graviton Cannon (AP4, Heavy 1, Large Blast, Concussive(1), Graviton Pulse, Haywire), or a Neutron Blaster (S10 AP1, Heavy 1, Concussive (3), Shock Pulse, Sunder, Gets Hot). Additional Predators only cost 105 points and you can have up to four of them in a squadron, so it is rather cost effective to run your Predators in one unit. Since the whole squadron will be shooting their primary weapons at the same target, it is usually best to kit out the Predators the same way so they can be specialised and more effective in a role.
    • Double-barrelled Lascannons are now available as a turret option, despite having never been a thing in 30k before, supposedly having been "invented" by the Space Wolves in M36 and considered Heresy by the Mechanicus. Oh, but these are "Gravis" Lascannons now... Guess GW wanted players to be able to use their old plastic kits. In any case, this allows for the holy trinity of Lascannons and tank hunting Predators.
    • Heavy Conversion Beamers got rid of the Firing Calibration rule from last edition and can now be fired on the move. They generally got upgraded: they still have Large Blast (5") but also picked up some Strength, now doing S9 AP4 in the 18"-42" category, and S12 AP1 in the 42"-72" bracket, so they are mean to other vehicles. Additionally, they also picked up Blind, which can be a nice bonus when it works. The S12 AP1 profile is also one of the only Blast weapons with enough strength and AP to 1-shot TEQs without a Lord of War, so it can be good.
    • The new rules for Defensive Weapons opens up new avenues for weapon selection this edition. Defensive Weapons (all of your <S7 weapons) are able to shoot separately from Battle Weapons, but must do so at the closest infantry target within line of sight and within the arc of each weapon. In squadrons, this works just fine because multiple Gravis Lascannon or Magna-Melta Cannon turrets will usually be overkill when they all have to fire at the same target. This allows the smaller guns to be a hazard to infantry squads just by getting near them. These include every sponson/pintle mount lighter than a lascannon/multi-melta, but also turret options like the Volkite Macro-Saker (8 shot Volkite Culverin) and Flamestorm Cannon.
  • Sicaran Battle Tanks: Now available in 1-2 model squadrons and in five variants. Each of these is a different unit entry and can't be mixed and matched, so no taking a Venator and an Omega as one squadron. All Sicaran variants have a front armour value of 13, with sides and rear values of 12, and all of them have 4 Hull Points, making them decent medium tanks for the Legions.

<tabs> <tab name="Legion Sicaran Squadron"> Coming with the signature Accelerator Autocannons and now with free sponsons from the get go, the standard Sicaran can be upgraded to have the full range of pintle mounted weapons and may replace their sponson mounted weapons for Flamers, Volkite Culverins or Lascannons. A decent all rounder Sicaran, as the Accelerator Autocannon is S7, Heavy 8 with Rending (6+) and Exoshock (6+), which makes it effective against light and smaller vehicles, but it will have trouble against tougher units and tanks. </tab> <tab name="Sicaran Arcus Squadron"> Your mobile artillery that lacks the Artillery unit type, meaning you can take these as support units in Rites of War that restrict access to Artillery units. Comes with its unique Arcus Missile Launcher which is equipped with Arcus Warheads, Heavy 5 S8 AP2 rounds that will kill TEQs and Dreadnoughts These may be supplemented with up to 3 different special warheads: Pyrax Warheads are S5 AP4 with Ignores Cover and Pinning, but are only Heavy 1 Large Blast (5"). Skyspear Warheads have Skyfire, 12" longer range, and -1S compared to Arcus Warheads, but are otherwise identical, and Neutron-Flux Warheads are Heavy 4, S7 AP4 rockets with the Breaching (5+) and Neutron Flux rules, which cause Instant Death to Automata. All warhead types except for Pyrax have Twin-linked.

  • The Sicaran may also take the Helical Targeting Array upgrade for 15pts, giving its weapons Skyfire if the player wishes (and they decide during each and every Shooting Attack, not being locked in Skyfire mode like in previous edition) and allowing it to use the Intercept Reaction for free, ignore Shrouded (X) rolls, and fire all its weapons as part of a Reaction, however you can't move or declare any Reaction other than the Interceptor or Overwatch when it's on.
    • As this upgrade costs exactly the same as the Skyspear Warheads and also grants Skyfire without sacrificing a point of Strength, plus free Interceptor and Shrouded (X)-ignoring shots, there is a choice between mobility with an extra 12" of range against flyers and stronger shots. It's not as obvious as one might think since Turn 2 assaults in 2.0 are a common thing and you don't want to be in close combat.
  • Cannot take pintle-mounted weapons, but can take a Hunter-Killer Missile.

</tab> <tab name="Sicaran Punisher Squadron"> Armed with the Punisher Rotary Cannon, this variant's bread, butter and whole damn meal is anti-infantry as the main gun is able to fire 18 S6 shots that inflict Pinning and Shell Shock (1) on the unit it has targeted, meaning it can force infantry squads to keep their heads down. Unfortunately, the gun is AP4, meaning the rounds are going to bounce off marine armour and it will be relying on weight of fire to inflict casualties against them. Against Militia and Solar Auxilia, though, this thing is lethal and capable of routing and outright destroying entire units in one turn of shooting. </tab> <tab name="Sicaran Venator Squadron"> Less a Sicaran with a gun mounted to it and more a gun with a Sicaran built around it. Said gun in question is a Neutron Beam Laser, an Ordnance 2 S10 AP1 tank buster with Shock Pulse and Concussive (3). The main draw back is Gets Hot which is pretty brutal this edition and will hurt the tank if it's rolled. In addition, Containment Breach means that if the tank explodes, everyone is going to know about it. Still, when it comes to anti-vehicle capabilities, not many units can compete with the Venator. </tab> <tab name="Sicaran Omega Squadron"> The Plasma Sicaran, and another all rounder in terms of capabilities. The Omega Plasma Array has two firing modes, a sustained fire mode that is Heavy 8, Breaching (4+) and Twin-linked which also lack Get Hot making it a "safe" firing option, or the Maximal Fire option which has Gets Hot, but in return it fires two Twin-linked Strength 9, Rending (4+) shots that have the Plasma Burn rule, making it a pretty potent anti-tank shot. The Sustained Fire mode is inferior to the Arcus Launcher's S8 AP2 warheads and the Maximal Fire is inferior to the Venator, but the Omega can pull double duty while the Arcus struggles against heavy vehicles and the Venator fires too slowly to be of use against infantry. </tab> </tabs>

  • Legion Kratos Squadron: The Tiger 1 tank to your Sicaran Panther or Predator Panzer IV's. It has a Land Raider's Reinforced AV14 on all sides and 5 Hull Points, with the added bonus of being able to take a Flare Shield, just to make it tougher. Its sponson and hull mounted Heavy Bolters can be swapped out for Volkite Calivers or Lascannons, with Heavy Flamers being an additional option for the sponsons and Autocannons being another for the hull mounted option. It comes with a 36" range Kratos Battlecannon that can fire AP shells for tanks (Heavy 2 S8 AP2 Sunder) or HE shells for infantry (S8 AP4 Pinning 5" blast). It can also be upgraded to have Flashburn shells (24" S10 AP1 Heavy 1 Armourbane Gets Hot) for putting holes in Titans and Super-heavies. The Battlecannon can be swapped out for a Volkite Cardanelle (Heavy 12 S7 AP5 Pinning Deflagrate) to flatten things smaller than Terminators, or a Melta Blast-Gun (36" 4-shot Melta) to turn vehicles to slag, in case Flashburn/AP shells aren't cutting it.
  • Legion Land Raiders: Up to three WW1-era tanks with 14AV all around, 5 Hull Points and the Reinforced rule. They have Power of the Machine Spirit to let you fire all its weapons at your chosen targets. They also can be equipped with a series of pintle mounted weapons. And this is just your standard elite transport; comes in different flavours. Do note that only the Proteus Carrier, Phobos and Achilles can be taken in 1-3 model squadrons. The Explorator and Spartan are single model units.

<tabs> <tab name="Proteus Carrier Squadron"> The standard one. With a 12 man Transport Capacity, the Proteus Carrier is equipped with two sponson mounted Gravis Lascannons and a Twin-linked hull mounted Heavy Bolter, and can swap out its Twin-linked Heavy Bolter for a Twin-linked Heavy Flamer or Twin-linked Lascannon. It also received a nice buff as it's now an Assault Vehicle and equipped with an assault ramp at the front so now your Terminators can jump out and charge into combat straight away. </tab> <tab name="Proteus Explorator"> The same as the standard Proteus, but with some interesting additions and drawbacks. Firstly it's 30 points more expensive and only has a Transport Capacity of 8, meaning only non-Terminator Squads can ride inside, it needs to pay for hull mounted weapons, but it comes with an Explorator Augury Web and Dozer Blade, and has Scout making it fairly quick to get up the board. It can also be upgraded to take a Vox Disruptor Array to fuck around with your opponent's Deep Strikes, making it a pretty cool support unit that can shoot smaller vehicles to shit with relative ease; just keep in mind that the Vox Disruptor Array fucks with your Deep Strikes too. </tab> <tab name="Spartan"> The Proteus's bigger, sexier sister. Everything a Proteus can do, she can do better. She's an Assault Vehicle with 6 Hull Points and the option to equip a Flare Shield to make her even tougher. Coming standard with two sponson mounted Lascannons Arrays to burn holes through vehicles and an assortment of other pintle/hull mounts, it's pretty killy and can choose targets freely as well. However, the main reason you bring a Spartan is not the firepower, but its 26 man Transport Capacity, allowing you to transport your Primarch, his Command Squad and a few extra guys just for good measure. She's an expensive beast at 350 points, but she's tough as nails and can transport over a quarter of a Space Marine company up the table, so it can easily be worth it.

  • Keep the Lascannon Arrays. The Laser Destroyer's a better weapon, but its Ordnance weapon type limits you to firing 1 while moving and none at all at Cruising Speed, while the Spartan is going be more or less permanently on the move due to being your premier deathstar delivery system. If you need Destroyers, take them on a more appropriate platform like Vindicators or Rapiers.

</tab> <tab name="Phobos (Legacies)"> Pretty much everything that can be said about the Proteus applies to the Phobos as well. It's basically a matter of aesthetics as to which one you take, unless you're going full RAW, in which case it can't be used as a Dedicated Transport or in any other instance where a Land Raider Proteus Carrier is specifically mentioned, like in RoWs. </tab> <tab name="Achilles (Legacies)"> Distinctly pricier than the Phobos along with a smaller Transport Capacity, but Shard Shells in its Quad Mortar will mess up hordes and it completely ignores all forms of the Armourbane and Lance rules. Don't forget about the sponson mounted Melta Cannons, which are very good at helping your S8 Sunder Strike shells break open vehicles and making TEQs disappear, while its 24" range isn't so much a problem because the Quad Mortar was 24" anyway. If you want better performance against MEQs or you don't want your 305pt tank to be useless until it gets into small arms range, you can take Volkite dual-culverins instead of the Meltas. The Strike Shells being AP4 don't perfectly overlap in target choice with either of the sponson weapons, but that's why you have Power of the Machine Spirit. </tab> </tabs>

  • Legion Vindicator Squadron: A Demolisher Cannon mounted in a Rhino chassis. The Demolisher Cannon has been nerfed very heavily in 2.0 as it is now only an AP3, Blast (3") shot, making it much less effective as an anti-infantry pie-plate. However, its Strength has been buffed to S12 and this shit has Sunder, Rending (6+) and Brutal (3), making the gun far more effective against Monsters without 2+ Save (Dreadnoughts have it, so good luck fishing for 6+ on Rending or 1 on Save rolls), Vehicles and Fortifications, meaning you should focus less on Terminator Squads and more on big models as the gun is still S10 against things with Flare Shields, making a squadron of Vindicators a fairly good group of tank hunters. The Demolisher Cannon can be swapped out for a purely anti-armour Magna Laser Destroyer which is an Ordnance 3 Laser Destroyer. Furthermore, the Vindicator chassis is Reinforced and has front and side armour value of 13, making it tougher than the other tanks in its weight class.
    • The Laser Destroyer has been buffed this edition because you get 3 shots as long as you're at Combat Speed, whereas you needed to hold still in the previous edition to get 2 shots, and then take a 3rd shot in exchange for Gets Hot. As you don't care about your other guns anyway, feel free to move about.
  • Legion Scorpius Squadron: The better Whirlwind, and the main barrage tank for the Legions. The Scorpius as seen a bit of a rework for 2.0 as its missiles are now AP4, but in return they have a larger blast radius. Rocket Barrage has also changed as it now gives your shots Rending (4+) and Pinning if you don't move the Scorpius and they can come in squadrons of 2 models now. These things are absolute murder for Solar Auxilia and Militia, especially when you stay still and start Pinning their units, but they will find a bit less effect against Marines unless you utilise Rocket Barrage as much as possible.
    • Two Scorpius tanks could be used in Terminator killing, potentially taking down a 5 man squad in a turn.
  • Legion Arquitor Squadron: 1-3 artillery tanks equipped with the Morbus Bombard and two sponson mounted Heavy Bolters. The Arquitor isn't particularly tough or fast, but it has Move Through Cover; you're not taking it for that in the first place as you should only be moving it to find better firing locations, if at all. It can also take a Graviton-Charge Cannon or a Spicula Rocket System for 15 points either way. In general, the Arquitor is about 60 points too expensive for what it brings and while not a bad choice, it only really starts to shine against Solar Auxilia and Militia armies unless you pack the Phosphex Shell. Unlike last edition, its sponsons and pintle mounts are now actually usable due to Bombard allowing them to be fired along with Ordnance weapons.
    • Morbus Bombard is 36" Ordnance 1 S10, AP4, Large Blast (5") with Pinning and Rending (6+), making it a decent GEQ/tank killer, but less effective at dealing with MEQs. Anti-MEQ/TEQ duty is handled by Phosphex Shells (24" Phosphex Bomb), available in armies with a Siege Breaker consul for 20 points. Of note is Barrage, which lets the Morbus bypass Flare Shields and make enemy vehicles feel what a shot with Ordnance S10 feels like.
    • Graviton-charge Cannon is a 7" blast 24" Ordnance 1 Barrage weapon with all of the usual Graviton rules. It's very reliable at removing hull points from vehicles and wounding Dreadnoughts due to Haywire and not actually being able to miss the original target (7" blast, -4" from scatter due to BS4, target itself has a base), but it's no good against MEQs and the Morbus is already pretty good against vehicles. That said, 7" Graviton Pulse can really mess up your opponent's movement, so it may be worth a think against melee armies.
    • Spicula Rocket System is the only long ranged option at 72", but Limited Ammunition means you can potentially run dry after your 1st shot (and nearly 50% chance of running dry after your 2nd shot). Needless to say, this is not worth it on any S7 AP4 weapon on a platform that costs 215 points, regardless of 7" blast and Rending (6+). If you want lots of S7 AP4 Rending (6+), take some Autocannons.
  • Legion Fire Raptor Gunship: A slightly more aerodynamic brick than your standard Space Marine flyers (but that's not saying much). It has AV12 on all sides and is armed with a front hull mounted Twin-linked Avenger Bolt Cannon that is S6 AP3 Heavy 7 and two sponson mounted Gravis Heavy Bolt Batteries, which are S5 AP4 Heavy 8, and Twin-Linked, that put out a LOT of shots that are hazardous to Infantry. It also has four 60" S7 AP4 Tempest Rockets that are One Shot each along with Sunder. The Bolt Batteries can be exchanged for Gravis Autocannon Batteries (half the shots for +2S and Rending (6+)) for a more effective weapon against light armour, and the Tempest Rockets can be exchanged for four One Shot Hellstrike Missiles to gain 72" S9 AP2 Sunder (basically Lascannons), so they are probably worth the swap. It also has Power of the Machine Spirit, so all of these weapons may attack different targets, and Strafing Run (1) to gain +1 BS when shooting at ground targets. It has a 280 point price tag without upgrades, i.e., more than a Land Raider, but considering how it can practically arrive anywhere on the table and offload twenty-three Twin-linked S5/S6 shots plus some missiles, with greater accuracy than most heavy units, while having the defensive benefits of being a flyer, it's a pretty solid choice, especially when accounting for splitting fire using Power of the Machine Spirit; splat some MEQs with the Bolt Cannon and blast vehicles off the map with Autocannons and missiles.
  • Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Squadron: 1-3 drop pods each carrying a Missile Launcher instead of Space Marines. Equipped with a Deathstorm Missile Launcher, this unit seems a bit underwhelming at first glance with its BS2, however the missile launcher is S6 with 9 shots, Pinning and the Deathstorm rule which means it can fire at four different targets within range (and you fire 9 shots at each unit it targets). For 90 points per model, this unit is a pretty interesting choice as its main role is to delay and pin your opponent army during the first few turns so your forces can get into their positions or arrive on the field unmolested by enemy fire.
  • Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw: A drop pod the size of a basket ball, that is simultaneously an assault vehicle, flying transport and oversized flamethrower. It has a Transport Capacity of 22, hull points and a moderate 12AV on all sides but its real gimmick is the fact that when it touches down, everyone around eats 3+D3 S6 hits from the Heat Blast rule. In addition, it can load people up and then take off again, making it a multi-use flying assault vehicle, and when it is hovering it can torch models it's flying over with Heat Blast. It can make better use of the Deathstorm Missile Launcher with its BS4 and it is also equipped with an Inertial Guidance System to stop it scattering into terrain.
  • Legion Basilisk SquadronLegacies: The dear old Basilisk has been slightly nerfed in the new edition, having its cost jacked up to 200 points and having it's main guns AP changed to AP4 (like almost every other artillery gun in the game now). It still has its ridiculous range of 240" or 20 feet, allowing it to reach out and touch models on the other tables, and both Shred and Pinning help elevate the AP problem (which isn't a problem at all if you are facing 4+ saves or lower) but it could still do with a bit of a points reduction.
    • Also in the Legacies PDF it doesn't have a minimum range any more, because the PDF is not very well written.
  • Legion Medusa SquadronLegacies: Another artillery tank that was rather unfairly nerfed in the Legacies PDF. Its artillery gun is now AP4, making it nearly identical to the Basilisk, except is has Rending instead of Shred. At 200 points it costs the exact same as the Basilisk and Arquitor, but only has 36" range and can no longer take Phosphex Shells, and honestly for this price it should be equipped with AP2 to make it a dedicated TEQ killer but as it stands other artillery pieces do the same thing and do it better.
  • Legion WhirlwindLegacies: The original artillery tank. While the Scorpius is exclusively for dumping pie-plates, the Whirlwind has multiple ammo types to pick between based on the situation but Ordnance prevents you from moving quicker than Combat Speed. The Talonis HE missile gives you a large blast, the Thermios AP missile gives a small blast with Breaching (4+) to handle crowds of marines, and the Icarios AA missile gives you a TL shot with Skyfire.
    • As the Scorpius at the same cost gets a Large Blast with Rending (4+) to pierce AP2 when standing stil and S8 to ID TEQs, it's basically a better version of the Talonis and the Thermios rolled into one and the Scorpius comes in squadrons of 2 to boot. The Whirlwind's selling points basically boil down to it doubling as an AA platform (as far as 1 BS4 Twin-linked AP3 shot works as AA) and that it doesn't have to be stationary to pierce AP3/AP2. It can have uses if you really don't want to take a separate AA platform, but the Scorpius is usually better. Still, it actually got buffed and is somewhat cost-effective, which is a deal more than can be said for most of the Heavy Support/LoWs in the Legacies PDF.
  • Legion Caestus Assault RamLegacies: The Caestus' old niche was in being a cool flyer with buckets of transport capacity and a potent melta weapon. These days it's lost its rule that allowed it to ignore Bulky and is capped at 12 men, or 6 Terminators. It's the budget transport flyer, but it's not much faster than a Rhino or Spartan - and for those points you could get a Spartan instead with heavier armour, more Hull Points, actual firepower, and more than twice the transport capacity. Is flying worth that much of a neutering?
  • Legion Malcador Assault Tank SquadronLegacies: Cheaper and faster than the Kratos, but with weaker armour and more basic weapons. Note that it can swap its Battlecannon for either:
    • A Gravis Lascannon, for spamming a surprisingly good quantity of las at a cheap price. Combine with sponson and hull Lascannons for 5 las-shots a turn, exceeding a Spartan in output for a fair bit cheaper. That said, you can and should instead take:
    • A Vanquisher Battlecannon, a weapon which needed an update to even be statted out. A straight upgrade to the Gravis Lascannon despite costing the same, as it has the same stats except 24" more range and with Brutal (2). Actually a very good weapon that can take out vehicles in a hurry and threaten Dreadnoughts.
      • Has the option to take a Demolisher cannon in place of the hull heavy bolter - an odd choice given the short range and meteoric price, but if you want a DISTRACTION MALCADOR, accept no substitutes. The Demolisher isn't nearly as good as an anti-infantry tool any more, but it's still potent anti-vehicle/Automata and veterans will panic as they remember the old days when it wiped out everything under the blast template. Also can take multi-lasers if you want to channel your inner C.S. Goto.
  • Legion Minotaur BatteryLegacies: 80 more points than a Basilisk to gain better rear armour, twin-link the Earthshaker cannons, lose the heavy bolter, and get slower - as well as taking melee hits on it's weakest armour, which thankfully is 12. Yeah, just no.
    • Due to terrible proof-reading, the hunter-killer missile can only be mounted on the front of the tank. So when the Minotaur points its (kinda cool) rear-facing cannons at the foe, the Hunter-Killer missile points off the board. Unless your sleep paralysis daemon is an outflanking Rhino with a Multi-Melta, there is no time this can be useful.

Lords of War[edit | edit source]

A few things to note on Lords of War, before continuing:

  • A Lords of War slot cannot take up more than 25% of the army's total points cost, meaning you may want to familiarize yourself with the percentages of 2000-3000.
    • Moreover, while Lords of War are not technically mutually exclusive with taking a Primarch, they share the same 25% quota, meaning you'll never fit both in a list under 3k.
  • Most Super-heavies have been reined in as they are now more expensive than last edition and most of the primary weapons used by these units have been slightly (and possibly excessively) nerfed. Everyone complained about AP2 Blast weapons last edition and FW went too far the other way, so now they basically don't exist and there is very little you can do to stop or slow down a squad of 10 Terminators apart from weight of fire.
  • A general rule of thumb for the Lords of War is that if it came from the Liber books, it's expensive but can be worth taking. If it's from the Legacies PDF, then they should be avoided as the rules are not well written.

With that out of the way, here are all your options for the Lords of War slot:

  • Legion Cerberus Squadron: Built on a Spartan hull (although it only has AV13 in the rear for some reason), the Cerberus has a Centerline Neutron Laser battery, which is a tank melting Ordnance 4, S10, AP1 beast that has Concussive (3); it does have some drawbacks as it has both Gets Hot and Feedback, but the latter shouldn't be too much of a problem since it is an Ordnance weapon. The Cerberus also comes with a Flare Shield and two heavy bolters for point defence and while they can be swapped out for heavier weapons, it's probably best to keep them as emergency anti-infantry guns. It has both the Bombard and Reinforced sub-types allowing it to fire both Ordnance and defence weapons and ignores Crew Shaken and the snap-firing inflicted by Crew Stunned. However, it lacks the Super-heavy sub-type, so it is vulnerable to being blown up by a lucky Penetration roll and Reactor Blast means that if it blows up, nearby units will feel it. Still, for 425 points it can fit quite snugly into smaller games (if you want to be That Guy) and you can bring two of them if you ever play a 4000 point game.
  • Legion Typhon Squadron: Perturabo needed a massive siege tank, so he took a Vindicator, made it four times bigger, and called it a day. Rules wise it's identical to the Cerberus except it swaps out Reactor Blast for Crushing Weight and it instead has a Dreadhammer Siege Cannon, which fires Large Blast (5"), S12 AP3 shells that have Rending (4+), Sunder and Brutal (4), just so you can blow apart Infantry squads and Dreadnoughts with ease. With the Demolisher Cannon being more of a tank and fortification buster now, the Dreadhammer Siege Cannon now easily takes its place as the ultimate anti-infantry cannon for the Astartes, with it even posing a threat to TEQs as Brutal (4) and Rending (4+) means you'll force Terminators you wound to make multiple saves and around 60% of the time these will be against their Invulnerable saves. It's also a good option against Dreadnoughts, as you'll almost always wound and you cause 3W on T6 Castraferrum by inflicting ID on it with your S12, while forcing Contemptors to make tons of saves. While it suffers from not having Super-heavy (and thus can be 1-shotted by an Explodes! result from a Penetrating Hit), having Reinforced and Bombard will help offset some of these problems. For 425 points, it's one hell of a tank.
  • Legion Glaive: A very expensive Super-heavy built on the hull of a Fellblade, giving it the same general characteristics. This one is armed instead with a Volkite Carronade, which functions differently from other large weapons. The giant Volkite Carronade is S8, AP3 and its Heavy Beam rule means that you draw a line from the targeted unit to the gun barrel, and everything under that line takes an S8, AP3 hit, which makes positioning the tank fairly important if you want to hit as many units between the tank and its target. At 700 points, it's the most expensive tank derived from the Fellblade chassis, but it can be an interesting choice. The Carronade is one of the few weapons with rules for friendly fire and can't be used to attack aircraft. So you gotta consider what your firing at. Flyers aren't a problem because you have the options of either sponson mounted Lascannons or Laser Destroyers. Along with the Twin Linked Heavy Bolter that can be exchanged for a Heavy Flamer.
  • Legion Fellblade: 13 BARRELS OF HELL! The Fellblade returns as the primary Super-heavy tank of the Astartes. It hasn't seen much of a change from last edition; it still sports its 100" range Fellblade Accelerator cannon that can fire either HE shells (S8, AP3, Massive Blast (7")) or AP Shells (S10, AP2, Armourbane (Ranged), Exoshock (4+), Blast (3")), with two Lascannon arrays, a Demolisher Cannon and a Twin-linked Heavy Bolter. The most glaring change is that its seen a not-insignificant point increase to 650 points and the main gun is no longer Twin-linked (I guess the model's two barrels are just for show now, let's hope this gets FAQ'd), but overall its versatility and tough-as-nails stats make it worth taking one of these if you have them. It also has one of the few Massive Blast (7") weapons that has an AP better than AP4 which is pretty much worth its weight in Gold in 2.0, so there is that. Unlike the other two Fellblade variants, its versatility allows it to deal with pretty much anything, just don't over complicate the loadout. You're better off sticking with Lascannons and kitting out other units for dealing with Sx2 infantry and Dreadnoughts. TL;DR, you bring your own.
  • Legion Falchion: The anti-armour Super-heavy to the Glaive's anti-infantry. It's armed with a Centreline Twin-linked Volcano Cannon, which is a monster of a cannon that's Destroyer 1, S14 AP1, Large Blast (5") and Ignores Cover. It can also be exchanged for a Neutron-Wave Cannon, which is Destroyer 1, S10 AP1, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover with the Shock Pulse special rule on top. It also has two sponson-mounted Lascannon arrays that can be exchanged for Laser Destroyers, both of which are fantastic anti-armour systems. 650 points is a bit steep, but it's an excellent anti-tank platform.
    • Moreover, the Volcano Cannon being a AP1 Large Blast lets it do disgusting things against TEQs and Dreadnoughts. Even Contemptors suffer ID from S14, from which they'll take an average of 2 wounds, while you inflict 3W on Castraferrum and outright ID any and all TEQs, all without accounting for D3 wounds per hit with Destroyer.. Just because this is the edition of TEQs and Dreadnoughts doesn't mean you can't wipe them off the map with superior firepower. As for weapon options, you should stick with those with the longest range. So stick with Lascannons, Heavy Bolters and Havoc Launchers. If blobs and MEQs are still are a concern your Volkite Power Fist armed Terminator Squad + Spartan can take care of that or just buy more Heavy Flamers.
  • Legion Thunderhawk Gunship: The flying school kill-bus has seen a nice little buff for 2.0, as it costs the same but now has AV12 on all sides and the Lumbering and Transport sub-types (aka Super-heavy Flyer) means it is a very tough bird. It has a Transport Capacity of 32 models and a Movement of 18", which combined with the Assault Vehicle rule means you can drop a lot of men into the front lines of your opponent's army and charge them. Its Transport Bay rule means it can also carry a couple of Dreadnoughts and Automata if you want to give your assault force some extra muscle. It can take either a Flare Shield or Ramjet Diffraction Grid depending on which sides of the Thunderhawk you want to defend.
    • It's covered in guns and Power of the Machine spirit allows you to shoot them at everything. It has four Heavy Bolters, two Lascannons and six Hellstrike Missiles as well as the Thunderhawk Cannon which fires a S8, AP4, Destroyer 1, Massive Blast (7") shot with Rending (6+). For 90 points, the Thunderhawk Cannon can be swapped out for a Turbo-Laser Destructor, which is a S12, AP2, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover Destroyer 1 shot and is much more effective in most cases but really increases the price of a pretty expensive flyer. The Hellstrike Missiles can also be swapped out for a Macro-Bomb Cluster which drops a One Shot S8, AP4 Apocalyptic Barrage (6); it's great if you need to vaporise a group of 50 Militia, but is probably worth leaving at home against marines.
  • Legion Sokar Stormbird: The largest Space Marine investment in the game nets you a 14/13/12 Flyer, Hover, Lumbering and Transport with M16, BS4, 12HP and a 52-man Transport Capacity. She packs four Twin-linked Lascannons, three Twin-linked heavy bolters and six Hellstrike Missiles, which can be swapped for a single use macro-bomb cluster. The big girl is an Assault Vehicle with Power of the Machine Spirit, Transport Bay, Auxiliary Vehicle Bay and Void Shields (2). A significant portion of your army will fit in this thing, but it's truly massive points cost means it will only see play in 3500+ point games, barring extenuating circumstances. Oh, and the model will cost you an arm, a leg, a kidney, and your firstborn child.
    • Note that it can carry a Rhino (or any other vehicle with 4 or less HP), which includes flyers, as well as the 52 Transport Capacity, rather than replacing 25 like last edition.
    • Sokars can't spam the D like a Thunderhawk can but that isn't why your taking it. With Lascannons and Hellstrike Missiles all over the model, you can destroy vehicles very easily and clear a landing zone for anyone sitting inside the Stormbird. Take advantage of Assault Vehicle and have the passengers charge anyone who survives.
  • Legion Mastodon: The assault bus supreme may actually be worth considering in larger point games this edition. It is a 700 point Super-heavy Assault Vehicle which has a Spartan's 14/14/14 Armour Value, 12 Hull Points and a Transport Capacity of 42, along with a Transport Bay for Dreadnoughts. On top of its rock hard statline, it has Void Shields (2) and can buy a Command Vox Relay so your Warlord can shout commands at nearby units. It's not as heavily armed as the Thunderhawk or Stormbird, only coming with a Centerline Siege Melta Array which you need to get up close to use as well as two Heavy Flamers for point defence, two Lascannons for poking tanks, and a Skyreaper Battery for anti-air. Do note that you cannot have both a Skyreaper Battery and Command Vox Relay; the Battery comes stock and you gotta fork over 25 points for the Relay. While not as offensively impressive as the Thunderhawk or Stormbird and lacking their shared versatility as gunships, it is tougher than both and only marginally more expensive than a bog-standard Thunderhawk, and is significantly cheaper than a Stormbird while having a Transport Capacity between the two, making it a interesting middle ground between the two flyers. Don't bring it to fuck up your opponent's army. Bring it to transport the units that will fuck up your opponent's army.
    • The recent re-release of the Mastodon has actually freed the sponsons from being locked to any choices. At the discount of 10 points, it can now start with two heavy bolters and two heavy flamers. Aside from just doubling up on one kind of gun for free, you can also now purchase Lascannons and Volkite Culverins so that you can make it better suited on handling a certain set of units. That said, they remain better suited for transport.
  • Legion BanebladeLegacies: They're such dogshit it's not even funny. A Baneblade must have vaporised John French's cum soaked Rogal Dorn model during a game and given his child cancer, since there is no other logical reason that they should have been beaten this hard with the Nerf stick. They have all lost AV14 at the front and they are all 100-300 points more expensive. On top of that almost every weapon they use has been neutered into near-uselessness or to the point it is nowhere near strong enough to be carried by a Super-heavy tank. And while they have increased their Hull points to 12, in pretty much every case one of the Super heavies built on the Fellblade or Spartan chassis is both better and cheaper. Most of these units need a serious re-work to make them even worth considering.

<tabs> <tab name="Legion Baneblade"> Oh Baneblade, what have they done to you. This tank has gone from being the reliable all-rounder to having a primary gun that is outclassed by tanks you can find in the Heavy Support section. For 750 points you get a Baneblade Chassis (duh), whose main Armament is an Ordnance 1, S8, AP4, 5" Blast with Rending (6+) and Pinning. The Baneblade cannon has been reduced to something that has the same effect as a 200 point Medusa Artillery tank (and even that is overpriced). It's still covered with guns, but the main gun was always the primary reason you brought a Baneblade and it's just not worth it, especially when the Fellblade is 100 points cheaper and has a Massive Blast AP3 gun, that can also fire AP2 anti-tank shells. </tab> <tab name="Legion Banehammer"> The same cost as the Baneblade and just as disappointing. Its Tremor Cannon is now AP4 but gained Shell Shock (2) and Pinning, so it's not killing many marines but you will pin them. The real killer here is the fact that the GIANT ROLLING BUNKER NOW HAS A TRANSPORT CAPACITY OF 10!. Just 10. When it used to be 25... Jesus Christ man. </tab> <tab name="Legion Stormlord"> Almost worth it. It's too expensive, but at least the gun is still decent-ish. It comes with a Vulcan Heavy Bolter which is Heavy 15, AP3 with Pinning and Shell Shock (1), but it has lost its ability to shoot twice if it stays still. Its transport capacity was also fucked, but at least it will fuck up a squad of Tactical Marines. You know, the bare minimum it should do. </tab> <tab name="Legion Shadowsword"> Coming equipped with a Volcano Cannon, the Shadowsword looks like it could be worth it if it wasn't for the fact that it costs 850 points. This is 200 points more than a Falchion, which has the twin-linked version of the same gun, better sponson weapons and better armour, making the Shadowsword overpriced and completely obsolete. </tab> <tab name="Legion Stormsword"> A Stormsword that seems to have been scavenged from Epic, given that it's equipped a Hull Mounted Hellhammer Cannon. It's 850 points, and while it's stolen Hellhammer cannon is actually pretty good as it shoots Large Blast AP3 shells with Brutal (3), Rending (5+) and Sunder, it is just not worth its ridiculous price cost; for reference, the Typhon brings the same gun except Brutal (4) and Rending (4+) at half the price. </tab> <tab name="Legion Stormblade"> Is actually equipped with the correct gun and it's overall it's probably the best Baneblade variant available (that isn't saying much, but still). The Plasma Blast gun is a S9 Massive Blast, AP3, Breaching (4+) Ordnance weapon and can be pretty decent at clearing out large MEQ and TEQ squads. You're still much better off taking the Fellblade instead, but the Stormblade is at least usable in its intended role, even though it's 100 points overpriced and still needs its AV14 back. This was a typo on GWs behalf, because GW but it used to come with 2 laser destroyer arrays rather than the usual Baneblade sponsons, which made this arguably better than a Glaive.

  • ...and, lo and behold, the 1.1 Legacies doc restored those sponsons to the classic TL heavy bolters and Lascannons on the sponsons while affecting nothing on the pricetag. After all, no Baneblade-variant (or any Legacies unit for that matter) should ever be better than anything in the Libers.

</tab> </tabs>

  • Legion Macharius Heavy Tank SquadronLegacies: A tank that was named after Lord Solar Macharius from M41, but here it represents one of the ancient Super-heavy tanks that was in service during the Great Crusade and it simply retained the name so you know which model is supposed to represent it (the tank pattern itself was probably used during the Crusade and the STC was then lost, only to be rediscovered later in M41, so it's all good). What isn't good is this things new characteristics and its weapons. Both the front and side armour has been reduced from 14/13 to 13/12 and it's Battlecannon has been turned to shit. Its Battlecannon used to be 72" range, AP3, Massive Blast (7"). It is now a 24", AP4, Small Blast (3") with Pinning. And this tank costs 600 points. It can swap out the Battlecannon for a Vanquisher cannon for free, which is Heavy 2, S9, AP2, with Sunder, Brutal (2) and Twin-linked, which is actually fairly decent against tanks, or it can take a Rotary Bolt Cannon for 20 points, which fires twin-linked Heavy 10, AP4, Breaching (6+) and pinning which is just okay against MEQ's. But neither of these guns justifies the 600 point price this tank comes with, which in the end only gives you a Super-heavy with less armour than a Vindicator, a main gun with the same range as a bolter and the same blast radius as grenade and that only has one shot despite having two barrels. And for a mere 50 points more you can bring a Fellblade that can fire both AP3 HE and AP2 AP shells. Alternatively, you can take a Malcador, which has the same Battle Cannon/Vanquisher Cannon as this without Twin-linked, but in Heavy Support at half the price.
  • Legion Macharius Omega Heavy TankLegacies: Do not take this unit. It is 600 points. It’s armour value is 13/11/10. It’s has a rule causing all glancing hits to become penetrating hits, with +1 to roll on the vehicle damage chart. The gun itself is decent enough at wiping out TEQs/MEQs, but it will die turn 1, taking 1/4 of your points with it and blowing up another 1/4 of your army. This is a car bomb disguised as a tank. If you really want giant plasma weapons, take a Stormblade or look at your Heavy Support options.
    • For illustration, a squad of 10 tactical marines shooting this thing from behind will score 6.66 hits, scoring on average 1 glance, and therefore 1 penetration, which has a 1 in 6 chance to take 3 of your 6 HP (Explodes! on superheavies is D3 HP, which averages to be 2 on top of the hull point loss from penetrating hit) due to the +1 on the vehicle damage table. And that's just one minimum size unit of tac marines, with just bolters, without Rapid Fire; with Rapid Fire or a maxed out 20-man squad, they can blow up your Lord of War in 1 go.
      • AP2 weapons will explode this hunk of shit on a 5+, while AP1 weapons will do it on a 4+.
  • Legion Crassus Armoured Assault TransportLegacies: 400 points nets you a 13/12/12 super heavy transport with that moves 10” and has 8 HP and 35 transport capacity. It mounts 4 heavy bolters which can be exchanged for heavy flamers for free or upgraded to Autocannons or Lascannons. It’s only access point is on the rear of the vehicle, which limits its versatility somewhat. Despite its name, it's not an Assault Vehicle, though with its only access point in the rear disembarking units probably can't charge anyway.
    • The usefulness of the Crassus is dubious. There doesn’t seem to be a compelling reason to bring it over an equivalent points value worth of Land Raiders and rhinos, which will be faster and don’t use up a LoW slot or eat into the 25% Primarch/LoW allowance. To further illustrate this point a Spartan with a Flare Shield is also 400 points, can be taken as a DT (so won't use either a Heavy Support or LoW slot), is more heavily armed with its Lascannon Arrays/Laser Destroyers, and is even tougher than the Crassus with AV14 on all sides and the added protection of the Flare Shield and being Reinforced, while only having 9 less transport slots and lacking the Super-Heavy rule.
  • Legion Praetor Armoured Assault LauncherLegacies: For the low, low price of six hundred and fifty points, more than Horus Lupercal himself, you get a super-heavy with M10, BS4, 13/12/12 and 8 HP, packing two heavy bolters and a Praetor Launcher, a 72" Ordinance 1 S7 AP4 Massive Blast with Pinning and Rending (6+). For reference, the Spicula Rocket system on the Arquitor is the same profile minus Pinning for 1/3 the price and doesn't use up your LoW slots, which places the Praetor solidly in the "unusable" tier.
  • Legion Thunderhawk TransporterLegacies: For 500 points (185 points cheaper than the regular Thunderhawk) you reduce the Transport capacity by 10 and lose the Thunderhawk cannon. In exchange you can carry two Vehicles each having 4 HP or less, or 1 with 8 HP or less, which actually gives you a higher Transport capacity if you carry 2 full Rhinos/Land Raiders or a full Spartan. The regular Thunderhawk is probably the better choice in most situations, but unlike most other things in the Legacies PDF this is reasonably priced and actually worth considering in a few armies. Unfortunately, most RoWs simply blanket ban various types of vehicles without considering that they can come in flying transports like infantry, so you can't take 2 Land Raiders using this in an Angel's Wrath list.
    • Nothing seems to prevent you from stashing 2 Storm Eagles inside, as Storm Eagles are technically vehicles and can Embark on the Thunderhawk due to Auxiliary Vehicle Bay, and as 4 HP vehicles each use up 1 Auxiliary Vehicle Bay. This allows you to bring 66 models on your Transporter, as each Storm Eagle carries 22 and the Transporter itself carries 22. The Transporter's inability to Deep Strike hinders this, but as it's an Assault Vehicle like the Storm Eagles, you can potentially have 3 full Terminator Squads charge out of the Transporter after the Storm Eagles Disembark.
  • Legion Marauder BomberLegacies: Hahahahahahahah no. 450 points gets you one twin Autocannon, two twin heavy bolters, one of which points backwards to annoy the nearest Infantry unit when fired as a defensive weapon. It also has one use of a Macro-bomb cluster. Apocalyptic Blast 6 might cover a fair few marines, but it's AP4 so your basic bitch Space Marine still gets their save. It's slow, it's fragile, and when it has dropped its payload it has pretty much negated its usefulness. Take a Fire Raptor for better firepower and a fuckton of useful rockets for barely over half the price.
  • Legion Marauder DestroyerLegacies: Well, it's certainly more competent than the bomber. For the same cost you get a forward facing Gravis Autocannon Battery, the same turret mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, and a fuckton of bombs and missiles mean that it can actually do damage. With eight Hellstrike missiles that can be traded for the Skystrike missiles that needed an update to even get rules. Sounds cool but a Hellstrike is a long-ranged lascannon shot. Yeah that's right, eight lascannon shots over one game from this behemoth.
    • The fragmentation bombs aren't worth getting excited about. A vehicle can only drop one bomb type weapon each movement phase, and each one is one-use, but it is only S5 AP5 small (3") blast and counts against the number of weapons you can fire in the shooting phase. The Skystrike missiles are better for a dedicated dogfighter, as it's S7 AP2 with Skyfire and 'Sunder, giving it eight shots capable of nailing anything short of the Sokar.
    • A backwards twin Kheres assault cannon is a depressing addition - a defensive weapon so you can fire it at a different Infantry target, granted, but it's not going to let you live out your dogfighting tailgunner dreams.

Loyalist Legions[edit | edit source]

The Legions who stayed (mostly) loyal to the Emperor and Terra. These rules can be found in the Liber Astartes book.

Dark Angels[edit | edit source]

The First Legion exemplify the term "Jack of All Trades" without necessarily meaning that they are the masters of none. It's true in both the fluff and crunch that as the archetype Legion, the others that followed them were able to be more specialised and therefore better at their particular niches, but that means the Dark Angels haven't necessarily neglected any areas of warfare and remain equally capable at both range and in melee.

Stasis took a massive (but understandable) hit to its effectiveness, but they kept their preference for plasma and slightly cooler swords. Offsetting this is fact that most of their unique units are still absurdly undercosted and exceptionally effective, and many of them got buffed from 1.0. In particular, the Inner Circle Knights Cenobium and Dreadwing Interemptors are so good that Dark Angels players have to actively avoid taking too many of them, lest they be labeled That Guy.

They have more customization than any other Legion; with six Legion traits of the Hexagrammaton (some more useful than others) and six powerful but restrictive Rites of War, so you can pick and mix your way into pretty much any theme you like and still be viable. Even some of your special unique units have additional layers of customization with the Hekatonystika. The Dark Angels have no Traitor-only options +++BECAUSE LOYALTY IS ITS OWN REWARD FOR THE LOYAL KNIGHTS OF THE LOYAL FIRST LEGION,+++ so think carefully about making your list Traitor, as the only benefit is to get Traitor allies.

If the First Legion can be said to have a weakness, it's that their generic units aren't generally going to be as effective as those of most other Legions. They will likely have a hard time, say, out-shooting an Iron Warriors gunline or sending an armored spearhead into a similarly structured Iron Hands list. However, their flexibility gives them enough tricks to go low when the opponent goes high as it were.

If you like micromanaging your units to each be better at their job while maintaining that knightly theme, then pledge yourself to the Lion and join the First Legion.

White Scars[edit | edit source]

The space Mongolians have received a few subtle changes in the new edition while keeping their core themes of going fast and hitting hard. As an entire Legion of speed freaks, the White Scars are the undisputed kings of the Movement phase, with a flat bonus to Movement across the board. Although they are still the fastest Legion in the game, they no longer lose effectiveness when slowing down, allowing for more cunning and tactical options. Their most effective ploys are based around knowing how and when to use their exceptional movement characteristics, and as such are one of the most difficult Legions to play. If you can manage their relative complexity however, you are left with a peerlessly quick and maneuverable force.

The Scars have gained a few new tricks, including an amazing Psychic Discipline and Advanced Reaction that both slot perfectly into your playstyle. The Keshig, both Golden and Ebon, maintain their status as powerful melee units that can both be enhanced by Rites of War.

However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows for everyone's favorite speedboyz. The Legion's fluffiest tool, the almighty bike, has had it's toughness rating reduced to T4. That puts them into the same sort of Instant Death category as mere Tactical Marines but without a corresponding points decrease. On that note, the units and Rites you are somewhat cajoled into taking don't do much for your durability or Heavy firepower. The White Scars win by quickly getting into melee, and if they can't do that, there's a good chance a halfway decent gunline will spell doom for them. Additionally, the Interception Reaction combined with the presence of Augury Scanners means that Outflanking is now significantly riskier to attempt.

If you want to go fast, hit hard, or you are all about the bikes, saddle up with the White Scars and ride like the wind!

Space Wolves[edit | edit source]

Before they became the Wolves of Wolf Street, the Space Wolves were the less wolfy Vikings of Wolf Street, playing far more into their barbarian and berserker nature than their pseudo-furry 40k counterparts (though they do have an incredibly silly MK VI helmet that looks like an actual wolf head...). Gaining some great buffs during the Assault phase, the Vlka Fenryka are one of the premier assault armies of the edition. They've got a whole lot of unique ways to buff their movement speed, all Infantry can Run and Charge in the same phase, and many of their units can boost their strength or even WS. Their only real downside is that they are very, very reliant at getting into CQC. If they can't, well... their options to duke it out at range aren't nearly as strong as their melee.

The Space Wolves also get access to a plethora of unique weapons and wargear as well as unique Consuls, a Praetor and their own Psychic Discipline, just so they can rub it in the Thousand Sons' face (but they are obviously not Psykers, they are Rune Priests which are totally different). They even get their own unique Troops in the Grey Slayers and Stalkers, and can even take actual wolf packs in case you wanted to bring along some genuine Good Bois. All of this makes the Space Wolves one of the most unique and distinct Legions that can be fielded. Some Legions may call you ignorant savages, but they're obviously just jealous of your unique wargear, licence to kill, and assault bonuses. And your pelts; they look pretty darn sick. As befits the Legion of the Emperor's Executioners, you have no Traitor-only choices, so the only benefit of taking a Traitor list is to get Traitor allies.

If your greatest joy in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women, join the Rout and bring doom upon the Emperor's foes.

Imperial Fists[edit | edit source]

Last edition, Imperial Fists were the best "vanilla" marines, showing everyone else how it's done using standard gear. This edition has changed that up slightly; although they lost their universal edge in challenges, they retained the best challenger in the setting. They still have probably the best Terminators that aren't a unique unit, having access to 3++ saves, S10 Power Fists, and Deep Strike, which is still an uncommon thing this edition.

Imperial Fists got really good at shooting with "normal" weapons this time around. Not just Boltguns and Heavy Bolters, but all forms of Auto Weapons too, from Shotguns, to Autocannons, to vehicle mounted Battle Cannons. The Sons of Dorn are still showing everyone else how it can be done with "standard" gear, and their definition now includes their tanks. However, they now have numerous exceptionally... synergistic rules, units and Rites that, when properly combined, make for one of the most powerful army selections in all of 2.0. As befits the explicitly chosen Praetorians of Terra, you have no Traitor-only choices. As this means you have no benefit from being Traitor other than getting Traitor allies, think carefully.

If one was to be extremely nitpicky, one might say that their primary weakness is that they can't use all of their amazing tools all at once. If you take the Stone Gauntlet Rite of War, for instance, you create an absurdly tough force of Line units, but are locked out of the option to Deep Strike your Terminators. So while they have an incredible set of options, you don't have the same level of flexibility as, say, the Dark Angels once you choose a particular theme (but then again, who does?).

If you have the fortitude to hold the line as everything collapses around you and believe that being vanilla isn't a bad thing, then you belong to the VIIth Legion.

Blood Angels[edit | edit source]

The IX Legion specialize in lightning fast shock assaults, the Blood Angels exist to utterly destroy the enemies of the Emperor. With a multitude of powerful Deep Striking and Jump Pack equipped units, close the gap as quickly as possible to cut down your foes in swift brutal melee. The Blood Angels are lethal on the turn of the charge and with their wargear and special rules, they are very good at getting it.

From a modelling standpoint Blood Angels are also one of the most flashy legions. Good painters can create some absolutely gorgeous armies, with their red and gold colour scheme alongside their fondness for Renaissance style art and aesthetics.

However, rather like their similarly fabulous cousins the Emperor's Children, the Blood Angels' game plan relies on getting into melee and as importantly, getting the charge. You lose a significant amount of your firepower if you are the one getting charged, and practically all of the Blood Angels special rules and kit is geared towards melee with the exception of the Illiastus Assault Cannon.

If you want to carve your enemies' armies into little chunks and look better than everyone else while doing it, then the red sons of Sanguinius are a good choice.

Iron Hands[edit | edit source]

The Iron Tenth are masters of vehicular combat and show a preference for close in, brutal engagements where their superior fortitude and firepower can win the day. The Xth Legion was shattered at the outset of the Heresy, during the infamous Drop Site Massacre. The favoured Avernii clan was slain almost to the last man, and their Primarch Ferrus Manus was beheaded by his erstwhile brother Fulgrim. The Legion fractured after the atrocity and ceased to function as a cohesive whole for the remainder of the Heresy.

In-game, the Xth Legion shows a preference for slugging it out at range. Their Legion trait lowers the Strength of shooting attacks that target them, meaning that things like the trusty old Bolter are less likely to wound them, and even larger guns like Meltas are unable to subject them to Instant Death. To add to this protection, while expensive, their characters can buy improvements to their invulnerable saves without surrendering an arm for carrying a weapon. Additionally, their vehicles regenerate by themselves and Iron-Fathers are a common sight to help fix them up too.

The Iron Hands are not particularly great in close quarters however. If an enemy manages to get up in their faces, they may have a more difficult time regaining the advantage than some of their cousins. Additionally, vehicles are rather unreliable when compared to many kinds of infantry. A few unlucky rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table can see a significant amount of an Iron Hands force stuck in place or exploding where a similarly pointed infantry force would not be so damaged. So keep your enemies at range and your Techmarines on standby.

If you are an aspiring armour commander with a heart and will of iron, then join the Xth Legion and avenge the dead of Isstvan V!

Ultramarines[edit | edit source]

As a Legion of generalists, the XIIIth Legion excels at neither shooting or melee, but have little tricks they can lean on to give themselves the edge. When shooting, cooperation is their special strength, giving them shooting bonuses when bunched up together and they have quite frankly a frightening shooting reaction. In melee, they have access to AP2 at Initiative which would be desirable to pretty much anybody.

Their unique units are highly effective, and have the Line sub-type, meaning they are dependably versatile. Their Rite of War and their Primarch have the ability to alter the special rules and/or characteristics of the rest of the army, meaning that when put together, although the Ultramarines look uninspired, they are able to reshape themselves according to an ever changing strategy; an Ultramarines squad has no special distinction, but it gets better when you put it next to another Ultramarines squad, and even better again when you bring them in a Rite of War. The gear in their legion arsenal is all useful, and though no single item is overpowered, they get both good offensive and defensive options. Additionally, several of their legion units, such as the Fulmentarus Terminators and Invictarus Suzerains, can hold their own against the most powerful of other unique legion units. All of this combines to create a legion that is very difficult to find a weakness in. They are solid all around as individual units, but their rules and Rites allow them to become a genuinely fearsome combined-arms force.

If they have a weakness, it's that their coordination can be used against them. If things go sideways, or if key pieces of their force are neutralized, the rest of the army can have a difficult time regaining momentum. Additionally, if you are outmaneuvered, then their adherence to particular rules like those found in their Rite or those enacted by their Primarch can find them stuck with the wrong tools at the wrong time. However, they have multiple redundancies written into their rules if you take the right units, and can typically adapt quite rapidly to changing battlefield circumstances.

If you can get the best out of your units by allowing them to support one another and are capable of thinking one or two steps ahead, then the Ultramarines are the Legion for you.

Salamanders[edit | edit source]

Though they were devastated during the the Drop Site Massacre, the XVIIIth Legion is still a force to be reckoned with. The themes of resilience and self-sacrifice are still present, as is their pyromania, and all of this without the speed penalties of first edition.

Although the basic troops of the Salamanders can shrug off special weapons fire better than most, they really shine when employing elite multi-wound models where their universal It Will Not Die comes into play. Dreadnoughts, Terminators, Veterans and Vehicles will last longer then ever, encouraging a small but elite fighting force, to say nothing about your characters; with easy access to improved invulnerable saves, Battle-Hardened (1), and Master-crafted weapons, you can build the toughest Praetors of any Legion. Befitting a legion of blacksmiths, also have a number of ways to improve much of their gear, allowing even their basic weapons and wargear to outshine those of many other legions.

It's not all smiles, though. The restrictions on Destroyers and Moritats is no longer universal, but it's baked into most of your Rites of War and Warlord Traits, so it's not gone, either. On top of that, their specialty weapon, flamers, took a significant nerf in this edition due to rules changes affecting Template Weapons. Additionally, all the fantastic gear upgrades they can get don't come cheap, nor do many of their unique units. This means that, while your force will be quite elite, it may not be as large as some others. With the largest number of Sworn Brothers-level allies among any of the Legion, you can easily bring some friends to compensate for your shortcomings.

If you want to channel your inner pyromaniac and unleash the might of the dragon, the Salamanders are the Legion for you.

Raven Guard[edit | edit source]

Specialised in guerrilla tactics, pre-battle positioning and assassination, the XIXth Legion is all about the virtues of a well-executed alpha strike. With decent but different buffs to most types of units, two Raven Guard armies can be surprisingly distinct from each other, although their playstyle still rewards aggressive close-up play. With Tactical Squads that behave like Scout Marines and a plethora of sneaky wargear, the Raven Guard excels at taking and holding positions early on.

They've fallen a fair distance since 1.0 however. A lot of the synergies that propelled them so high in 1.0 are gone now, and many of their rules end up being redundant on a lot of units. Reactions have generally done them few favors, as an alpha strike can easily be shut down by a sufficiently shooty army. Augury Scanners have made both Deep Striking and Infiltrating more difficult, and their Warlord Traits and Rites are rather middling. While most of their new 2.0 changes are additions to the old rules, they have lost a lot of flexibility when it comes to their Rites of War. However, it's not all bad. Their unique units are all quite usable, especially the Dark Furies, who are a strong contender for best Assault Marines in the edition. Somewhat counter-intuitively, they also have some of the best anti-Terminator Terminators in the game with Battle Hardened (1) and massed Power Fists.

If you appreciate surgical precision and winning before the enemy knows you're there, take the black and join the ranks of everyone's favorite depressed birds.

Traitor Legions[edit | edit source]

The Legions who (usually) turned their backs on the Imperium and fought for the Warmaster. Rules can be found in the Liber Hereticus book.

Emperor's Children[edit | edit source]

The greatest, most flawless and perfect of melee-focused Legions that strikes faster than others on the Charge and are very hard to hit on the first turn of Assault. Their special melee units are basically invulnerable in melee combat against other units with similar or lower WS. Emperor's Children Characters also happen to be very good in Challenges. The IIIrd Legion has special at-Initiative melee weapons that strike with AP2 Instant Death on 6s to wound. In short, the Emperor's Children are very assault-focused Legion and most of their power comes from Charges.

To support these assaults, the Legion has access to a mobile, long-ranged Pinning unit that is immune to Pinning itself, a Rite of War that provides Pinning Templates for any Infantry model, Warlord Traits and Unique Characters that improve morale, and another RoW that provides the ever-reliable Outflank to get your Elites, Troops, and Fast Attack guys into combat.

For the downsides, you have to get the Charge and most of your melee buffs will disappear on a 2nd turn of Assault, i.e., you have to either force enemy units to run, wound them to a point when they're not dangerous any more, or destroy it in one turn. Fearless units are immune to the Legion's melee debuff and widespread Pinning. Stubborn and Inexorable units likely won't run from losses, either. They also get no bonuses when it comes to shooting, and so can be at a disadvantage if not in melee against many other Legions.

If you crave perfection in all things, savour the exquisite feeling of meeting an enemy blade-to-blade, and don't mind a few body mods, then join the IIIrd Legion and show your enemies the true nature of war.

Or if you tend to try to defeat your enemies by screaming really loudly at them.

Iron Warriors[edit | edit source]

Artillerists without equal, the Iron Warriors are THE demolition specialists, with a flat bonus against dreads, automata or anything with an Armour Value, and access to Haywire melee weapons.
Gone is their disregard for ranged casualties (unless you bring Perturabo). Instead, they focus on pinning down the enemies with their shrapnel munitions, now available even to the basic bolter.
Thanks to their exceptional ranged capabilities, and the edition's heavy emphasis on shooting, the Iron Warriors are truly a force to be reckoned with. Even in close combat however, they are far from helpless, as the Dominator Cohort are some of the best melee Terminators in the edition.

If you want to bring the hardest hitting guns to break the enemy metal boxes and pin anyone hiding within then join the IVth and drown the enemy under a Storm of Iron

Night Lords[edit | edit source]

A Terror force made up of psychopaths that any decent military would have turned away, the Night Lords have morals as twisted as a corkscrew and believe that literal skinsuits are the height of fashion. The aim of their game is to overwhelm enemies with greater numbers or Bulky units, and then use Fear to break the Morale of the foe and send them running. Bonuses to attacking fleeing or Pinned enemies, and ways to put Fear on any Characters further solidify this niche. Widespread access to Fear also allows the Night Lords to synergize well with other debuffing conditions like Concussive that rely on Ld tests.

They also enjoy being one of the most manoeuvrable Legions, with units and Rites of War based around getting around the map and bringing fast units. Their rules and Legion weapons let them shred AP3 like nobody's business, and because they have a unique option to extend Night Fighting, they can footslog oversized Power Armor units up the table without getting them blasted to pieces.

As with many Legions however, they have their downsides. Morale shenanigans are far more effective against some armies than others, and against some units than others. Fearless units in particular give them difficulty, as they automatically pass Pinning tests. Their Legion units range from the somewhat overcosted but very powerful Night Raptors to the depressingly awful Atramentar. Additionally, while they are some of the best MEQ blenders around, their Legion units and Rites limit Heavy firepower. Coupled with the fact that their unique Legion Terminators are borderline unusable, this means that units with a 2+ can give them trouble. However, the buffs that they give generic units more than make up for their lackluster unique options, and their Primarch dials it all up to 11. Befitting a Legion that went essentially rogue even before the Heresy, there are as of writing no Loyalist options, so being Loyalist entails losing all of your named characters in return for having Loyalist allies. It's not as bad as Word Bearers, but think carefully before making your list Loyalist.

If you think honor is a fool's prize, war crimes are a giggle, and that the Flayed Ones have life all figured out, this is the legion for you.

World Eaters[edit | edit source]

The XIIth Legion are brute force machines. Lacking the fancy tricks of the other legions, the former War Hounds rely on strength alone.

The World Eaters are a terrifying prospect to face in melee, gaining extra attacks on the charge and free access to Chain-axes. They are also often quicker too, either by finding bonuses to Run moves, or enhancements to Initiative using certain Caedere weapons, or making so many movement based reactions it seems like they are just playing their game in the opponent's turn.

Perhaps most surprisingly, is how resilient World Eaters have become: With some units able to drop the strength of incoming attacks in ways that only Sons of Horus enjoy. Angron grants the army universal Feel No Pain much like Ferrus Manus does, while one of their Rites of War allows them to straight up ignore wounds. All this combined encourages a more head-on playstyle that really emphasizes your legion's role as an unstoppable force.

Their downsides tend to revolve around their fluffy rules. They are blood crazed berserkers, and fully embody the pros and cons of this ethos. For instance, some of their Rites and Legion rules come with such stipulations as charging anything in range, even if the closest thing just so happens to be a brick of Phalanx Warders. One of their unique rules also forces them to sacrifice WS for strength, which is very fluffy but mechanically it works out that you are paying to make your unit worse. Additionally, the Red Butchers may be the straight up worst unique Terminators in the entire edition, and their Legion arsenal is rather lackluster. However, they've got more than enough firepower in other areas to do what needs doing. They are also a remarkably good shooting army due to all the durability buffs they get, and the fact that one of their Rites turns Predator tanks into Fast Attack units.

In short, the World Eaters are for players who want to laugh in glee as the gap between armies closes, and hand over bucketfuls of dice when the time comes for for opponent to make their saves.

Death Guard[edit | edit source]

The XIVth Legion is a merciless tide of bone-white and green, marching without pause as they level all sorts of chemical warfare. While they're no tankier than any other legion and especially the bloated disease-riddle nightmares they would become, they stop for nothing all the same.
The one thing they do maintain is their slow but steady advance, having your infantry and vehicles be pseudo Relentless and become immune to be slowed down, though only when walking at brisk pace. All while having access to a variety of poison-spewing weapons.
If you want an unstoppable army that uses proscribed weapons and fields the toughest Terminators in the game, then join the Unbroken Blades and let doom stalk a thousand worlds.

Thousand Sons[edit | edit source]

The psychic Legion returns, and they are here to show the diverse and potent nature of the new psychic rules. The Thousand Sons are unparalleled in their ability to use psychic powers. They have a lot of tricks to make the powers better and the drawbacks less pronounced. Being a psychic Legion also makes them highly versatile, able to tailor their psychic powers to fill gaps as needed. While they won't win contests in sheer might, skill, or deception, they can and will overwhelm an enemy in psychic might. However, their greatest strength is also their Achilles' heel. Psychic tests are required for most everything, and Perils of the Warp is an ever present risk. Never let them get near the Sisters of Silence. As befits a Legion openly flouting the Edict of Nikaea, you have no Loyalist-only options because no one is particularly pleased with the Emperor. Think carefully about making your list Loyalist, as the only benefit is Loyalist allies. Then again, they don't have an easy time taking Traitor allies either.

If you believe that knowledge is the most powerful weapon of all and wish to drown your enemies in mind bullets, then join the Brotherhoods of Prospero.

Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus[edit | edit source]

The Sons of Horus are an elite force of shock troops who are all about what happens in the initial stages of a fight. They are more likely to shrug off wounds in the first round of combat which can give them an edge in challenges, while their Rites of War give them certain situational bonuses that get them into combat more quickly either by opening up new deployment options such as Outflanking or Deep Striking, or simply giving them more movement speed.

They aren't the finest shots, or the best melee duellists, but they lean heavily into Terminator and/or Elite focused armies so can usually bank on bringing their best units to the forefront. Their wargear options don't scream out "great" but DO cover them for both improved melee and ranged capabilities where other Legions often tend to favour one or the other. They also have Horus, who is still the same badass Primarch that he always has been, but now has the ability to turn on GOD MODE and wipe the floor with practically everything for quite frankly the cost of a small army.

Also this edition, as the arch-villains of the series they now have some rules benefits here and there that interact with other traitor factions, whether it is by Horus bumping the morale of literally everyone on his side; or borrowing Corrupted units from the Word Bearers; having more Sworn Brothers than any other Legion except Salamanders; or by having multiple Warlord Traits from various other factions gain boosts by having Sons of Horus as an allied detachment; or by having Dark Emissaries padding out those allied detachments. It certainly seems that the Sons of Horus should be a very visible force.

Word Bearers[edit | edit source]

The Word Bearers this edition are a Legion of two separate tiers.

The base legion is one that favours being up close, without necessarily being any better at melee than anyone else; they care less about bad combat resolution scores and can pull unexpected wins from stalemates. They have a suite of melee and ranged weapons that are better than the basic equivalents, but have to work hard to justify their costs.

The other tier of the Legion is the side fully Corrupted by Chaos, which includes nearly all of their special characters; they are able to throw out more Fear dispensing auras than a force of Night Lords, have frequent access to psychic powers that are only outshined by the Thousand Sons, and are more resilient to morale than any other Legion, but are mutually exclusive and more expensive than their non-corrupted brothers while coming with a nasty weakness to Force weapons.

Their specials and rites of battle are generally quite good, and are very distinct from what other Legions have in their repertoires, but it takes a careful balance to match up the right characters with the right squads, otherwise it becomes counter-intuitive to just go full blown Chaos, as points could be wasted unnecessarily. Note that the proviso in 1.0 about all Word Bearers being Traitors is gone, and judging from the existence of explicitly Traitor-only options it does not seem to be implied either. Thus, you can legally bring Loyalist Word Bearers. That said, this is the Traitor Legion and it shows; with no Loyalist-only options, the only reason to play Loyalists is to take Loyalist allies.

Alpha Legion[edit | edit source]

The Ghost Legion are the masters of head-games and forcing your opponent to make tough decisions. Or not, as they can often strip those decisions from them. No other legion will let you mess with your opponent quite like the XXth. They may not have the same raw force of other legions, but they can position like no other and come with some scary tricks that will keep your opponent guessing about where and when your heaviest hitters will strike.

The Alpha Legion are good at slipping away from the enemy just when you think you have them pinned down. They also force their opponents into their pace, which can be a dangerous game to play as they have deadly tools at their disposal. As with the White Scars, the Alpha Legion's movement shenanigans require no small amount of situational awareness and planning, so they aren't the most beginner friendly of legions.

While tricky and possessing a metric fuckton of abilities to mess with an opponent, the Alpha Legion also lacks some of the potent nature of other Legions. Equivalent units don't tend to add up, and if you run out of tricks...

Allies[edit | edit source]

Agents of the Emperor[edit | edit source]

Characters who are HQs who don't belong to any army. There is also mention of Agents of the Warmaster but there aren't any rules for them as Daemons are yet to be released for 2.0. Legacies mentions that further Knights Errant and Black Shields will be their own factions in a future book down the line. The vague wording of the developer's note makes it read like they'll be either be their own Legion or full faction like Talons of the Emperor and Mechanicum. The Officio Assassinorum models are getting rules in the Liber Imperium, which makes sense as they were created before the Great Crusade; they're even introducing Clade Venenum and Vanus models for the first time.

Knights Errant[edit | edit source]

You'd think Garviel Loken would finally get his Knight Errant profile but GW obviously doesn't read their own fluff, anyway...

Along with the typical armament of a Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak grenades, Knights Errant have a Paragon Bolter, which is an Assault 2 Bolter with S5, AP4 and Shred, making them MEQ killers comparable to Volkite Chargers. They also comes with the Emperor Protects special rule, allowing them to roll a D6 the first time they lost their last wound. On a 4+ they are still alive with a single wound instead of be removed from play. Obviously they can only be taken in a Loyalist army because Malcador is their boss. Moreover, these boys no longer confer Preferred Enemy (Traitors), so no more using them to build melee deathstars.

One thing to note is that they don't have any version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule, which in some cases can screw up the Legion traits of some other legions that they join.

  • Nathaniel Garro, Former Battle-Captain of the Death Guard 7th Battle Company, The Agentia Primus, Hand of the Sigillite(Legacies): One of the few Space Marines whose first name isn't made up nonsense or pulled out of a Dark Ages history book, the one who brought news of Horus' rebellion to Rogal Dorn. Garro is an IC with Battle-Hardened (1), Loyalist and four attacks like a Praetor. Beyond the standard KE armament and IC rules, Garro has his personal S+1 AP2 Power Sword, Libertas, that has Two-Handed and the Edge of Truth special rule, which gives him Reach (1) and Brutal (2) during Challenges. The Aquila Imperator grants him 2+ Armour Save and a 4++ Invulnerable save, which increases to 3++ during Challenges. Losing Preferred Enemy (Traitors) makes him function solely as a beatstick, but he's a very good one. Consider him for Legions without strong duellist characters.
  • Tylos Rubio, Former Codicier of the Ultramarines(Legacies): Aside from the Knights Errant armament and rules, Tylos's personal Force Sword, Polaris, is S4 AP3, with Rending (6+), Master-Crafted, and Divine Guidance, which allows him to make a Psychic Check before making any attacks. Though the game will take too long if you roll for all three during all phases of a turn. If successful it buffs his sword with S+2 and Reaping Blow (3) for the duration of the phase. If failed, Tylos suffers a Perils of the Warp roll that must be resolved. He can make his melee attacks with Polaris's standard profile if he survives. The Aegis Argentum is a Power Armour with 2+ Armour and a 4++ Invulnerable save. Finally, his Special Rule Echoes of Fate allow him to use any Psychic Powers and Psychic Weapons from either the Divination or Telepathy Disciplines.
    • Between the two and the fact there are no Knights Errant HQ to customize yet. Tylos looks to be a better choice than Garro due to his larger amount of options that comes with being a Psyker with both Divination and Telepathy. Something that Librarians can't do.

Legio Custodes[edit | edit source]

The massive golden bananas are absurdly durable, in some degrees more so than the legionaries. Each Custodian has S5 T5 and will almost always have some form of AP2 melee. Combined with their Nemesis rules, you could easily leave them to take care of any massive nuisances you might be confronting while you have your legionaries go handle the rest of the army. However, the melee focus of literally every single Custodes unit beyond Sagittarum and their vehicles disadvantages taking them with a melee Legion, as you're either bringing 2 detachments that do the same thing (sprint head first into close combat) or throwing away your Legion trait by taking ranged units.

  • The main draw of Custodes is their immunity to S8 ID (due to being T5), thus allowing them to shrug off Power Fist/Thunder Hammer attacks that would mush Terminators. For Legions that cannot improve the Invulnerable save of their ICs, get viable alternatives to the Thunder Hammer or have named characters that inflict ID before I1, answering challenges with the Shield Captain is the only way to break the deadlock that is Thunder Hammer Praetor mutual kill at I1. This also applies outside of challenges, as the S8 AP2 mutual kill at I1 is unfortunately also the one viable outcome of Terminator fights outside of Legion traits. Conversely, this means that you have less reasons to take Custodes if your Legion can cause enough AP2 wounds before I1 (on ICs or otherwise), if you don't take ID from S8 or can get widespread 3++ saves.
  • The Magisterium Vexilla carried by Custodes infantry applies to all Ld tests, which implies it also works on Psychic tests. This can be combined with Leadership buffs from various Legions for basically guaranteed Psychic powers due to rerolling Ld10, or with unique Legion Psychic disciplines that make rerolling Ld9 worth it regardless. For details, see the various Legion-specific sections.
  • If you insist on taking a melee Legion detachment with Custodes, consider using alternate methods of deployment like Infiltrating or Outflank so that you can distract the enemy from the Custodes marching up the table. Conversely, you can take a Deep Striking Assault Vehicle DT for Custodes, so you can use the Custodes as the distraction from your wave of footslogging marines. Just don't footslog all of them; if you are, you might as well have taken a bigger Marine detachment instead.
  • The Custodes Contemptors are worth taking instead of your own melee Dreadnoughts, with how tight Heavy Support/Elites slots are in the average Legion list. However, you still have to solve the problem of how you will get them into close combat, as Custodes don't get Dreadnought Drop Pods and the giant golden walker is an extremely obvious target. This can be a good thing for your other units or an absolute waste of your points.
    • The Telemon is their Leviathan equivalent and it's just as tough, but think carefully about taking it. A 6" movement Heavy unit will take forever to get into melee, and while it has some good ranged weapon choices, do you really want to spend 400 points on a gun platform when you could have done it better with Deredeos?
  • Don't bother with their vehicles. Arachnus weapons being S8 AP1 Lance sounds great, but you can get similar performance with Melta weapons and then potentially further buff your performance with Legion traits and/or Rites of War. Their Caladius is a flying Sicaran with an improved version of the stock Sicaran's autocannon, but you can do even better by taking a Sicaran variant. The Arcus/Omega are better at anti-Dreadnought/TEQ because they have AP2/have a better roll to get AP2; the 4 shot Arachnus weapon the Caladius can take is good, but so is the Sicaran Venator, except it can also shut down any superheavies/Knights it fails to kill by Shock Pulse. Moreover, using your very limited allied slots on vehicles means you're not using it on melee units, which is arguably the whole point of taking Custodes.

Sisters of Silence[edit | edit source]

You won't get much out of the Sisters that you wouldn't already get aside from the massed amounts of anti-psyker tools. Due to the Anathema subtype making them affect the leadership of all models within range of them, you really can't attach them to anything even if you could unless you grabbed Tsolmon Khan from the Legacies doc. If you go with the snare weapons, you might be able to keep a unit tied up for a more assault-heavy force, but that can still put you at risk for the Ld penalties if you don't set them up properly.

Divisio Assassinorum[edit | edit source]

Mostly like 40k, except you have another 3 to choose from. All have Light sub-type, Scout/Infiltrate and decent M/I stats so they're pretty mobile, especially when you add in their unique Tactical Displacement (move Ix2" when shot at, shooting attack cancelled if Assassin is out of range/sight after move) Reaction, but are relatively frail at T4 4+/4++. They are all Distrusted Allies to your detachment despite being Agents of the Emperor, so they can't buff your units nor vice versa, while Assassin prevents them from being your Warlord or compulsory HQ. Not terribly good, as in many cases you could have just taken a Consul to do their job and they eat an HQ slot in any case.

  • Clade Adamus: Has Fleet (2) to help get into melee, where he has a S+1 AP3 Rending (5+) sword. Has WS5 I5 A4, but can steal his opponent's WS/I in a challenge and can trade in his attacks for a Decapitation Strike at S2 AP1 Fleshbane Murderous Strike (2+). He is also required to challenge any enemy character present. Has a Needlespine Blaster (combi- 3-shot Bolt Pistol and 1-shot Poisoned (2+) Needle Pistol), but other than for +1A you don't really care about his ranged equipment.
    • No. If you want a duellist, take Garro. If you want a faster one, take a Champion. The latter can choose between AP2 at initiative and Brutal (2), while Garro has both, and both of them have WS6 and a 2+. This is much better than whatever the Adamus can put out. If you don't want a duellist, you shouldn't be looking here.
  • Clade Callidus: Cannot be attacked until she attacks thanks to Polymorphine, so the enemy can't do anything about her and she's guaranteed to make at least one attack. Has a S3 AP1 Rending (5+) sword with Phase Shift, ignoring any and all saves on a 6+ to wound, while her Neuro-shredder is a S1 Template with Rending (5+) Synaptic Disruptor, which is simply Phase Shift by another name.
    • Best for walking up to important ranged units and shanking them, but the fact that you're playing Space Marines already means your infantry is a lot harder to kill with small arms fire (read: Volkites and bolters) than Imperial Army and you also have 3 Rites of War that let you Deep Strike (or the same thing by another name) basically 3/4 of your army. Moreover, you have fast-moving units, which can do the Callidus' job without eating an HQ slot; in particular, consider if you can take an Assault Squad to attack important enemy ranged units and fill a compulsory Troops slot in the bargain.
  • Clade Culexus: Has the Sisters of Silence-standard Anathema, preventing him from being targeted by Psychic weapons/powers and has Adamantium Will (3+) as protection against Force weapons and other Psychic-adjacent shenanigans. Being a Blank means he's intensely creepy and causes Fear (2), while also making him difficult to see, with his Ethereum forcing Snap Shots against him. At range, his Animus Speculum is a S4 AP4 Rending (6+) Psy-shock Template to force Perils on wounded Daemons/Psykers. In melee he doesn't even need actual weapons, as his Blank abilities give him what is basically Slay Living, represented in game as S:User AP2 Fleshbane Reaping Blow (1).
    • Has WS4 because he was clearly chasing girls while the other Clades studied the blade and obtained WS5, which unfortunately limits his killing potential with his otherwise awesome ability to have AP2 at initiative wounding on 2+. Moreover, while what is apparently his bare hands has Reaping Blow, the Culexus has no pistol, so you're more or less back to square one.
    • On the other hand, his sheer ability to mess with enemy Ld just by existing in close proximity (-2 from Fear (2) in 12", then -1 within 6" from Anathema) makes him great for Legions spamming Pinning and other rules that force Ld tests, down to and including simply destroying the enemy by Sweeping Advance because he's taking his Morale check at -3Ld. The enemy can't shoot him effectively because he's forced to fire Snap Shots at a target with 4++ and Tactical Displacement to escape enemy fire, and if he charges the Culexus he risks giving up a free charge to your own melee units.
  • Clade Eversor: Has a combi- Bolt/Needle Pistol that he can choose to fire either or both of, which also gives +1A to his Neuro-Gauntlet. Said Neuro-gauntlet is murder against anything without a 2+ save thanks to AP3 Rending (6+) Shred Fleshbane, while the Eversor has plenty of attacks notwithstanding 3A because he has Counter-attack (1), is dual wielding and can get +3A from Frenzon at the cost of hitting himself on 1s to hit. Explodes on death, causing S4 AP3 Fleshbane hits to everyone within D6".
    • Stands out among the assassin selection as a weapon of mass destruction great at killing lots of rank and file models, as well as having some Automata-killing potential. However, you can already take a bunch of AP3 because of widespread access to Power weapons in your Elites slots and pretty good access to them in your Troops slots, so the ability to kill 3+ save models in melee isn't really something you lack. Moreover, he has no defense against ranged fire (Overwatch anyone?) beyond T4 4+/4++ and he can cause friendly fire when he dies. Think carefully about whether you can, like the Callidus, do his job with an Assault Squad.
  • Clade Vanus: Uses paired laspistols at range, as well as having the ability to pass an Ld test to hack enemy Automata and cause D3 wounds, where she takes an automatic wound if she fails. In melee, she has a pair of S+2 AP3 Rending (5+) Haywire Dataspikes. She's not too good at killing people (both by Marine and Assassin standards) with WS/BS 4, but you don't bring her for killing power; instead, it's her equipment that matters.
    • Has a Auspectre, which is an Augury Scanner which also lets her borrow a single Defensive weapon from any vehicle (friend or foe) within 12" to fire Interceptor from; this requires passing an Ld test and she cannot fire Interceptor herself if she fails. The added gimmick is meh, but having an Augury Scanner on a Infiltrate/Scout model is great for gunline armies because it denies enemy Infiltrate, forcing them to deploy normally. Has a Vox Disruptor Array like your Master of Signals too.
    • You can already see the problem; a Master of Signals can do her non-combat jobs, except he also comes with Strategic Comms, a Cognis-Signum and can join a squad and let them use his Augury Scanner for free Interceptor. Unless you really want to maximize the Infiltrate denying area by using her own Infiltrate to deploy deep into No Man's Land, just take a Master of Signals who contributes more to the army.
  • Clade Venenum: Has a Poisoned (3+) Rending (6+) Heavy Flamer and a S:User AP3 Poisoned (3+) knife in melee, which also has The Venem forcing anyone who took unsaved wounds to roll D6 every subsequent game turn and take a wound on 5+, as well as count as destroyed for VP purposes if he's not an Eternal Warrior. Also has Poison Globes to force successful charges to be rerolled, and cannot be wounded by Fleshbane/Poisoned weapons on lower than 5+.
    • Same problem with Eversor; the Legion list has tons of AP3 melee, except the Venenum has a worse to wound roll than the Eversor. Poison Globes can make the Venenum an annoying roadblock to muck over enemy charges and force them to shoot him, while shooting him means your opponent's wasted a turn of shooting on something that's not your Marines. But if you want a roadblock, why don't you just get some Despoilers?
  • Clade Vindicare: A BS8 sniper with a 100" Heavy 1 Exitus Rifle, at S7 AP2 Rending (6+) Murderous Strike (5+), and a 3-shot 12" Exitus Pistol at S6 AP4 Breaching (6+). Also has special equipment such that he always shoots at BS8 and can never lose range to things like the Alpha Legion's Legion trait.
    • Like Clade Adamus, no. Vigilators do the same thing, except they hit more reliably (BS5 Master-crafted) and wound more reliably (Rending (2+) Marked for Death), while not being half as vulnerable to counter-sniper fire because he can join a Recon squad, to say nothing of the fact that you have 2 choices of sniper squads in Troops and 2 more in other slots. You can do his job better and possibly without using a HQ slot.

Imperial Army[edit | edit source]

The mortals with guns everywhere. Comes in 2 armies, but both have enormous amounts of variety due to access to Rite of War analogs. For any combos relating to Sworn Brothers, refer to the appropriate Legion section. Their heavy reliance on HQ choices means they're not optimal as an Allied detachment, but you can still get a lot out of them.

Solar Auxilia[edit | edit source]

The Solar Auxilia are above all a shooting faction, whether their firepower comes from large blocks of infantry or tanks and artillery. They're not ideally suited in general to be Allies because they have to pick for their one HQ slot either an IC that is the only Ld10 unit in the army and unlocks Cohort Doctrines (Rite of War analogs), or 3 squads that more or less act as Tactical Support Squads. Nonetheless, they can be very useful as a source of extra firepower (cheap or otherwise), and they can be very difficult to rout regardless of them being puny humans. Needless to say, taking a Cohort Doctrine for melee is monumentally stupid, as that's what your Marines are for.

  • In general, the basic Infantry Tercio exists in direct competition with your Tactical Squads as Line infantry that is designed to stand on an objective and shoot any infantry that gets too close. Likewise, the Veletaris Tercio exists in direct competition with Breachers (and to a lesser extent Tactical Support Squads and Veterans) as a source of Volkite Charger spam. The Solar Auxilia choices are generally more cost-effective and you can take an IC for a Cohort Doctrine to improve Auxilia accuracy, which can be very helpful for melee Legions. Conversely, your Legion trait may buff your own Tacticals or your ranged units in general, not to mention special Bolter ammo, tipping the balance in their favor.
    • The Infantry Tercio is an excellent way of bulking out your army with Line infantry, which is particularly useful for a Primary Detachment taking lots of non-Line Troops. This allows you greater flexibility to take advantage of your Rite of War (eg. spamming Scout snipers in Recon Company), to make use of the very excellent non-Line Troops the Legion list has by default, or simply to take as few Marine Troops as possible. Of course, this doesn't work with Legions who are Distrusted Allies with Auxilia, so don't bother. If you want to get closer, take Solar Pattern and take Veletaris as Line Troops.
  • For Legions/players not interested in infantry gunlines, the Solar Auxilia also have 2 Cohort Doctrines for spamming Leman Russes/Rapiers, which can be useful for sidestepping Rite of War limitations on Heavy Support slots. For Legions on poor terms with the Mechanicum and which do not want to take Brethren of Iron, there is another Cohort Doctrine allowing Auxilia to take Automata as Elites, which means your allied Auxilia can get up to 2 units of Castellax/Thallax, on top of whatever you get from your Praevians/Forge Lords.
    • Solar Auxilia Rapiers have the same BS4 yours have, which means you save points by not taking them in the Legion list and you save Elites slots, which are notoriously tight in Legion lists. Likewise, taking allied Leman Russes instead of Space Marine tanks relieves pressure on Heavy Support slots, which are if anything even tighter than Elites slots in Legion lists. The Vanquisher Russ is one of the best choices for ranged anti-tank/Dreadnought in the game both on the merits of the weapon (a 2 shot Brutal (2) Lascannon with extra range!) and because it also gets a co-axial weapon, which can potentially make their BS3 even more accurate than your BS4 Marine tankers. Conversely, the Executioner Russ is a tougher platform than your Predators and its BS3 doesn't matter too much when the weapon has a 5" Blast, and the same (barring 5" blast) can be said of taking Demolisher Russes instead of Vindicators. That said, you have to choose between taking Rapiers or Russes unless you've taken one of the aforementioned Cohort Doctrines, and Russes are not cheap, so think carefully.
  • The Auxilia list is very lacking in AA choices. The Auxilia Thunderbolt is if anything even better than the Legion Xiphon, but they only have 1, so remember to bring enough in the Primary Detachment.

Imperialis Militia[edit | edit source]

Have slightly more melee potential than Solar Auxilia thanks to existence of actual dedicated melee units and Provenances (aforementioned Rite of War analog), but unlike the Auxilia have a nasty tendency to flee at the first sign of trouble. Worse, because Discipline Masters (30k Commissars) have Support Squad, they can't fulfil compulsory HQ; as allied detachments only have 1 HQ slot, that means you cannot take them.

  • In the absence of Discipline Masters, Warrior Elite is nearly mandatory if you intend to put Militia infantry to any use, giving Infantry and Levy Ld7 and Grenadiers a Marine-tier Ld8. In particular, spamming Militia Infantry for Line is a trap of sorts without it; yes, you get tons of Line squads, but they will rout to bolter fire more or less instantly, which will come back to bite you in the ass when it's turn 4 and you have no Line infantry to take objectives because all of your Space Marine Troops are some extra-fancy Rite of War units with no Line.
  • If you don't want to deal with poor Militia leadership, consider taking Industrial Stronghold to spam Russes. The Leman Russ, being a vehicle, doesn't have Leadership and thus doesn't suffer from Imperialis Militia's problems with it. True, they're Third-line, but for 145 points (just 20 points more than an Executioner Predator!) the Executioner Russ is still noticeably tougher and, more importantly, frees up your Heavy Support slots. Likewise, the Vanquisher Russ is tougher and more powerful than your Lascannon Predators for a similar price. Most importantly, Industrial Stronghold gives 2 Heavy Support slots to the Militia detachment for the purpose of taking Russes, so you can take 12 RUSSES and have your normal Heavy Support slot for things like artillery or Rapiers.
    • For people who don't care about using Militia to take objectives, Kinfolk Helots can pair well with Industrial Stronghold because it lets dirt cheap Militia infantry repair their vehicles. Space Wolves in particular were Distrusted Allies with Imperial Army to begin with and thus have no downside for the Militia detachment taking Kinfolk Helots, while they already have tons of Line units in their good unique Troops so they need not worry about taking objectives.
  • Armoury of Old Night is always a good option for a ranged detachment. Assault Needler Grenadiers outgun any and all of your Troops short of Volkite Breachers and Melta/Plasma Support Squads (and can pass the former with Legacy of the Great Crusade!), and have Pinning in the bargain, so that your melee units can charge without fear of Overwatch and your ranged units can destroy Pinned melee units at your leisure.
    • Alternatively, just use it to spam Line Lasrifle Infantry Squads so that you can take things that aren't Tacticals in Compulsory Troops. True, you don't strictly need Lasrifles to do that, but 30" 2-shot lets them actually contribute meaningfully to the fight while standing on a backfield objective, while the stock lasgun's 24" Rapid Fire... doesn't. This is, of course, contingent on how much you want to take Tacticals to begin with; if you're playing a Legion that actually wants Tacticals, take Grenadiers as above.
  • Shotgun Infantry are worth considering to help inflict Concussive against anything your melee units plan to charge. You get them too in Recon squads, but why take 5 shotgun Recon Marines for 85 points when you could take 20 shotgun Militia for that exact cost? Consider Gene-crafted in that case, so that you can roll for Fleet (2) and have the Infantry keep up with your Marines/transports by Running. In particular, consider using the Land Raider/Spartan your melee deathstar is in as a moving line-of-sight blocker to prevent the enemy from shooting and routing the Militia.
    • Also think about Survivors of the Dark Age and providing some shotgun Grenadiers with a Rhino DT. Sure, the Rhino dies to a stiff breeze, but who's going to shoot the random Militia Rhino when there's a Spartan deathstar and a bunch of scary Space Marine stuff that needs to be killed?
  • On the melee front, Ogryns (by which we mean the Thunder Hammer Ogryn Boss and him alone) are a decent choice. The Boss is capable of murdering Praetors in close combat thanks to T5 making him immune to S8 ID, forcing Praetors to chip off his 3W 5++ one by one, while he makes enough attacks with his S10 Thunder Hammer to make up for his WS4. That said, the melee potential is almost exclusively concentrated on the Boss; taking Ogryns without the Boss is pointless.
    • Ogryns are also quite good against Dreadnoughts, as you can simply allocate the wounds onto the normal Ogryns while the Boss waits for I1 to whale on the Dreadnought with his Thunder Hammer. With Feral Warrior, Ogryn squads large enough to take a Boss (5-6) have a good shot at killing a Dreadnought on the charge, while losing 2-3 models in return. Considering you're trading 90-135 points of Ogryns for a 200 point Dreadnought, this is beyond worth it. If you're doing this, consider Cyber-augmetics to augment the normal Boarding Shield 5++ with a 6+++.
    • Feral Warriors on non-Ogryn units is better than you would expect. Yes, it's using a bunch of mortals in melee in a list where you have Space Marines for that, but charging chainaxe Militia Infantry fight like chainsword Tacticals (WS4 S4 Shred) while costing 40% as much. This works even better with Levy, who hit on 5+, but can swamp the enemy with 50 models for the same cost as 10 Tacticals. Just make sure you charge something without lots of anti-GEQ guns, as something as basic as Fury of the Legion will do horrible things to Flak Armour Militia on Overwatch. The Militia list has some tools to inflict Pinning and deny that, but the Marine detachment can also take things like Rotor Cannons to help out. Alternatively, as you can take 3 Infantry/Levy squads per slot, just take more squads and swamp the enemy in bodies; whether you do this by charging multiple units or using multiple units to charge one unit is up to you.
  • The Militia list is even shorter on AA than Auxilia. Bring some in the primary detachment.

Mechanicum[edit | edit source]

The Mechanicum is a very interesting force to ally in with, from the variety in their magi and automata, toting weapons like Irad Cleansers.

Attached Units[edit | edit source]

This is more a rundown of the various units that can be attached to your army via things like the Brethren of Iron Rite.

  • Castellax Battle Automata: One of basic two options Praevian have. The big beefer of your lot, complete with a decent array of weapons to customize its particular role between melee, dakka, or anywhere in between. Even when taken stock, it's got a decent loadout as it's got bolters and AP3 shock chargers to take out enemy marines.
  • Vorax Battle Automata: An another option for Praevian. Nimble lightweights, though you won't be enjoying that if you take one with your Praevian. Fortunately, you still have their rotor cannons to pin down enemies so you can then sic your dedicated melee forces to them. They also have their own lightning guns to help handle a decent range of threats, but you can instead grab an irad-cleanser if you're looking for mob management.
  • Thallax Cohort: Only available if you have a Forge Lord, but you've got a decent set of guns. They come with an improved lightning gun that can shoot either rapid-fire or high-power and Djinn-Sight allows them to ignore a lot of cover. You can also purchase some more powerful guns if you're looking for something more specialized. Each of them can attach chain bayonets to give them some advantage in melee, but remember that they are unable to sweep as well as those weapons have little impact on marines, so you better use them as the hit and run ranged platform. Not to mention that their WS 3 is unfit for deal with marines. Although they cannot have a transport in the legion list, but don't bother for it - they are the Jet Pack infantry, therefore they are far faster than what you imagine. Just be aware of AP4 heavy bolters and the Return Fire reaction.
    • Thallax lose the ability to take a Triaros, although you don't have much reason to give them a transport anyways. Their LD7 is somewhat questionable, but just let them fly on their own or they cannot use their jump jet - their jump jet requires all models in the unit are must have a jump jet and no LA units are allowed to take the same jump jet, so you should leave them alone or you lost the very reason to add them. Also note that they are NOT an automata nor Forge Lord is required to be join them, so your Forge Lord don't need to pay for a cortex controller and/or attach him to them. If you want a unit of deathbots in your army without taking ROW then you are better off taking a Praevian instead, as Castellax have better weapon upgrades over Thallax. Still, they are T5 and also uncommon jump jet units that can hit and run on the same turn while also hold an objective thanks to Line, so they are not half bad either. Just remember that they uses precious Elite slot - which is the most prestigious and competitive slots for most LA factions.
    • Technically you CAN add them an apothecary/techmarine, since they also get Legiones Astartes(x) when Forge Lord allows to use them. But don't do this at home. But still it's worth noting that they DO have Legiones Astartes(x) - means they do have your own legion's default benefit along with their basic kits.
  • Thanatar Siege Automata: Though the Brethren of Iron Rite only lets you take one of these bastards, he is a massive asset to consider. Depending on what you get, you're either buying a massive plasma bombardment engine that can punch some things or a heavy-duty lascannon to destroy tanks and a graviton ram that can either flatten mobs or crush single enemies.

Knights[edit | edit source]

If you intend to grab knights, the most likely reason you'll do so is because you're facing off against other knights. Considering that even allying in with them is incredibly expensive and you'll likely only get one knight and a set of armigers, you'll really only be able to bring the most essential scoring force for the legion while letting the knights take care of the heavies.

Building your army[edit | edit source]

List Building Considerations[edit | edit source]

Most armies that you build will want to be "Taking All Comers" lists, meaning that your list is reasonably able to counter most things that an enemy will be expected to bring, and will be flexible enough to counter highly focused lists as well. That being said, Horus Heresy has traditionally been a more narratively focused game and win at all costs (WAAC) lists are generally looked on less fondly than in other GW games. Sure you can bring your army with maxed out units of Invictarus Suzerains and Fulmentarus Terminators, or an absolutely tuned list that's just Contemptors in the all-dreadnought RoW, but don't be surprised if doing so makes you That Guy.

What follows is a list of general considerations to make sure your taking all comers army accomplishes:

  • Do you have a way to take Objectives?
    • This means units with Line to take and hold or deny objectives.
    • Consider ways to improve the durability of your objective holders, especially if they aren't normal tactical squads.
  • Do you have anti-tank, especially high AV vehicles?
    • Nothing is going to put a damper on your game faster than if the opponent's Glaive is driving around the board vaporizing your squads and you have no way to pen it.
  • Do you have a way to deal with hordes?
    • Similarly, its a real bummer to have your super-elite infantry who need to be accomplishing their objectives tied up all game by a giant swarm of militia that they just don't have enough attacks to cut through. This will generally be using templates/blasts, but taking elite melee infantry that can make tons of melee attacks can also work, as can sheer volume of fire.
  • Do you have a way to deal with units with strong invulnerable saves?
    • Volume of fire is generally something that works both against this and hordes, but templates won't cause enough hits. Brutal (X) weapons function on a similar principle, as you force multiple saves per wound. Alternatively, give up on killing that unit at all and instead prevent it from doing anything useful; blow up its transport, snare it with Difficult Terrain, tarpit it, etc.
  • What is your win condition, and do you have a way to support it?
  • What is your backup plan if your win condition is immobilized/tarpitted/destroyed?

On Retinues[edit | edit source]

While the basic command squad is a perfectly satisfactory choice for any Praetor or Primarch, there are alternatives depending on what legion you pick.

  • Dark Angels
    • Knights Cenobium: Absolutely brutal with their choice of order giving them a particular focus on what you really want to kill. Terranic Greatswords absolutely fuck this edition.
    • Deathwing Companions: Likely your go-to for the simple reason that they're even better bodyguards who can block out snipers and anything with Precision Strikes. They're also very versatile in loadout so they can accompany any Master of the Legion regardless of loadout, even before accounting for the Legacies terminator variants. However, those terminator versions require a praetor or delegatus to also wear the same pattern of terminator armor.
  • Emperor's Children
    • Phoenix Terminators: Pretty cheap at 35 points per model, but they're somewhat lacking in offense, though they're fantastic against hordes, especially light infantry with WS3.
  • Iron Warriors
    • Iron Circle Maniple: Are you grabbing Perty? Do you care more about destroying everything instead of being able to hide in a Land Raider or having a larger force? These are your choice, for nothing else than the fact that you have killer robots walking alongside a primarch.
    • Dominator Cohort: A better take if you're up against the Mechanicum and other TEQ-heavy forces. Being WS5 with hammers and chainfists, they're more than capable of demolishing anything. Perty can take them, and they're a bit tankier for it, but the cost for all this and a Land Raider won't see this used much.
  • White Scars
    • Golden Keshig: Fantastic for a White Scars praetor on a jetbike, with extremely high damage on the charge, as well as Hit & Run to secure that every turn.
    • Ebon Keshig: Can only be used as a retinue in the Sagyar Mazan ROW, due to having Kharash, and they aren't even particularly good in this edition. They don't have AP2 at initiative anymore, but have 3 attacks each, so it's not all bad. Maybe put them with a Stormseer instead.
  • Space Wolves
    • Varagyr Terminators:
    • Deathsworn Pack:
  • Imperial Fists
    • Phalanx Warders: THE SHIT. Buffs your praetor to a 2+/3++ save, while putting out tons of AP2 attacks from power axes and thunder hammers. They even have bolters for ranged combat, which they hit on 2s with.
      • Remember, these guys re-roll their invulns in Stone Gauntlet.
    • Templar Brethren: Veterans with WS5, 2W, a 2+/6++ save, and Furious Charge (1). The catch? They all have power swords, which they can't swap out, other than the Champion. Not the best, you've got other options.
    • Huscarls: Also not great. Cataphractii terminators with deep strike, storm shields, and Solarite gauntlets, that get Battle-Hardened (1) when charged. Not the worst terminators in the game, but Phalanx Warders are probably better.
  • Night Lords
    • Contekar Terminators: Can only be a retinue if you also grab Sevetar, which is a pretty significant limitation. If you're using them just to have deep-striking terminators, you're likely wasting points since they're not exactly geared to take on other termies and tanks. Realistically however, you probably should just stick with a Command Squad; Contekar are worse than normal Terminators in most circumstances.
    • Atramentar Squad: Lol no. These guys are absolutely embarrassing. They aren't fit to take as anything, much less a Retinue.
  • Blood Angels
    • Crimson Paladins:
    • Dawnbreaker Cohort: A veteran squad with jump packs, artificer armour and rending (5+) power lances, these guys are a very points efficient command squad alternative that can punch high above their weight. The whole squad can take melta bombs to threaten tanks and dreadnoughts (if a boatload of rending 5+ attacks wasn't going to do that anyway). Additionally unlike a command squad you can take an apothecary with them for a little additional protection. Its hard to go wrong with them.
    • Ophanim Court: Best choice for fighting other marines thanks to their special rules, but not by any degree that'd make them a flat-out superior choice.
  • Iron Hands
    • Morlock Terminators: Tankier thanks to Battle-Hardened preventing plenty of fire, but you're going to need to protect the Augmentor more than the rest due to a lack of native Chosen Warriors if you field them without Ferrus. Note that this doesn't require them to only attach themselves to Ferrus, so you can have him alongside a Praetor for all the benefits and none of the flaws of going without him and getting a less-useful Hatred (Emperor's Children).
  • World Eaters
    • Rampager Squad: Great accompaniment to a melee focused character, if you're taking the Butcher's Claws WT consider the meteor hammer for S8 at I5 on the charge, otherwise go for Falax Blades to buff your number of attacks and your odds of rending. Since they're all chosen warriors you can eat challenges with literally any member of the squad, and in the appropriate RoW they become scoring. Squad these guys up with a kitted out praetor, maybe an apothecary, and throw them at an objective the enemy is trying to keep you off of, they will not disappoint.
    • Red Butchers: Just don't. Outright inferior to the stock Command Squad or Rampagers. These are your only option if you give a character the Berserker upgrade, so don't.
  • Ultramarines
    • Invictarus Suzerains: These dudes are as fantastic as they always were, even reaching into busted territory. They all have 3 AP2 at initiative attacks per model (which can be replaced with thunder hammers) and have Cataphractii-grade 2+/4++ saves in close combat. These guys are incredibly good, so don't take too many if you want to be friends with your opponent.
    • Praetorian Breachers: Toned-down Suzerains, with power swords instead of axes. Not as good.
    • Locutarus Storm Squad: Assault marines with 2W, WS5, and souped-up power swords with Rending (5+). Fantastic on a jump pack praetor.
  • Death Guard
    • Deathshroud Terminators: An incredible choice, being insanely tough with W3 and Battle-Hardened. That said, power scythes have their limitations against TEQs and dreads. Pairing them with Mortarion isn't an easy choice either, since he can't teleport away from his retinue and their cost will be factored into the LoW slot.
    • Grave Warden Terminators:
  • Thousand Sons
    • Sekhmet Terminators:
    • Khenetai Occult:
  • Sons of Horus
    • Justaerin Terminators: The finest you can get. Between WS5 BS5, A3 and the powerful Carsoran Axe and Banestrike Combi-Bolter, they won't disappoint you. The cost might not see them available if you're taking Horus in either state, but if you're grabbing a Praetor, which could be Abbadon, they're hard to pass up.
    • Chieftain Squad: Available if you're going for the PA Praetor, and they're way cheaper to boot. They're pretty geared towards melee with chainswords and boarding shields and they're specially gifted against enemy ICs and Primarchs.
  • Salamanders
    • Firedrake Terminators: Absolute tanks, especially if you bought them all shields. Probably not as advised if you're looking for firepower, as they can only grab combi-flamers and meltas on top of a heavy flamer, but they're at least capable of defending themselves.
  • Raven Guard
    • Dark Fury Squad:
    • Deliverers Squad:
  • Alpha Legion
    • Lernean Terminators:
    • Headhunter Kill-team:

40k models usable in 30k[edit | edit source]

Many 40k kits work as 30k units with a little conversion effort. Don't be an ass and use 40k models as a majority in your army, especially if they are unconverted. Remember, this is a Warhammer themed historical game. You wouldn't use unconverted WW2 models for a WW1 army, would you?

  • Plastic Heresy models
  • Mk3, 4, 5 and 6 bits from various SM Box sets (MK7 only works if playing a loyalist legion during Siege of Terra)
  • Daemons (not in your army proper, but as allies for Word Bearers and the like)
  • Guardsmen (though Cadians have M36 lasguns, they are depicted with them in official artwork of Siege of Terra book series)
  • Rhino based tanks, e.g. (Chaos) Rhino itself, Predator, Damocles, etc.
  • Land Raider, Chaos Land Raider (costs the same but includes spiky bit frame and should include 30k equipment like a heavy flamer)
  • Bikers and Chaos Bikers, you need to replace or convert the bikers though
  • Land Speeder, you'll need to convert or replace the crew though
  • Drop Pod
  • Boxnoughts
  • Anvilus backpacks
  • Terminators (Indomitus), Terminator Chaplain / Librarian with proper shoulder pads (no Crux Terminatus, but heraldic cruxes were not unknown. just change its form a little bit)
  • Space Marine Company Command bits (like banner, Apothecary, combat shield, and the leader...)
  • Masters of the Chapter (the MK3 and 6 guys and close combat weapons)
  • Old Marneus Calgar (reduce/remove the arm&bolter craziness)
  • Cypher - old tin model 1:1 and new plastic model after changing the backpack. The old tin backpacks were available as a kit once.
  • Dark Angels Interrorgator-Chaplain
  • Fabius Bile (old model), remove arms and backpack
  • Iron Warriors Warsmith
  • Night Lords Hero
  • Dark Angels Terminators/Knights
  • Space Marine Scouts
  • Plague Marines, if playing Siege of Terra
  • Chaos Space Marines. While Chaos Space Marines wear an unholy mix of mk VI and VII, thanks to an idiot who sculpted Word Bearer Praetor it's now a Heresy accurate armour mark, and with some work can be used for late Heresy Word Bearers and Sons of Horus.

Don't use[edit | edit source]

  • Aquilas (like on banners, chests and every inch of every vehicle) if you're a Traitor (unless you play Emperor's Children, then you should plaster it onto every surface you can fit it on because they have never been known for moderation)
  • Purity seals (yes, you can use them as oath of moment but some models get too crazy and have 10 or so on one leg...) (unless you play WB)
  • Storm Bolters
  • MK7 armour or later (MK7 power armour was made available during the final stages of the HH, so Siege of Terra MK7 armour would make sense)
    • If your army is SIEGE-ERA Imperial Fists, White Scars, or Blood Angels, you're probably fine.
  • Primaris Marines. For the love of god just don't. Why? Well see that thing above about using unconverted WW2 models for a WW1 army? Well this is using WW2 models for a Napoleonic army.
  • Stormcast bits, with very few exceptions. You can't really use melee weapons like the swords as power weapons since they lack power elements, and the body parts are just too big compare to the rest of your army. Using actual Stormcasts is just stupid and we shouldn't need to say why.

Army Tactics[edit | edit source]

The Legions epitomize the "Jack of all trades" army, with one of the most flexible and diverse army lists (read; they have the most stuff) any legion can realistically run any kind of army you can think of. Because of this the legions play best when you build balanced armies that is capable of taking all comers, and while each legion will have a different idea of what a balanced army should look like, each one will be looking to bring enough Line units to score, heavy and low AP weapons to deal with Dreadnoughts and Tanks, and sufficient firepower/chopping power to shift or kill your opponents infantry. And luckily the Legions have plenty of overlapping units that can do these jobs or be customised to your specific wants and needs, to best fit in with your legions play style. An Iron Warriors force may typically take a squad of Heavy Support Marines armed with Lascannons to deal with enemy tanks, while a World Eater army may be more inclined to take a Contemptor Dreadnought with Gravis Chainfists to kill tanks. Both are two ways to deal with the same problem.

In addition which units that complement your legions trait and any character rules is also important to consider, since brining a character who buffs certain units is pointless if you don't have any of those units. There are are also particular synergies with certain Legions which combined with rites of war, can be utterly devastating and you should look for units that synergise with your Legion and play to your strengths. Don't think you are restricted to the 'stereotypical' army for a legion, however. The Iron Warriors weren't exactly known for their jetbike companies, but surprising combos can pop up if you think outside the box (in this case, jetbikes flying around pinning shit with shrapnel bolts for your assault dudes to mop up).

You need to think beyond simple combos like that though, your entire army needs to interlock and having a well though out and synergised combinations makes a legion list far, far greater than the sum of it's parts.

With all that said, the Legions all have access to a handful of tricks and tactics that can be very strong, so most Legion armies will include at least one of these units or strategies, so it is good to be familiar with their strengths and weakness so you can exploit both when using or facing them. Though it should be noted that while the following tactics are effective they can stray into That Guy territory, so they should be used sparingly in most circumstances to avoid turning games into WAAC wars of no fun.

  • Fear Nothing: Dreadnoughts are easily one of the best units in HH2, with them now having wounds, 2+ armour saves and an immunity to Instant Death, they can act as effective gun platforms or vicious melee units. Their new stats also mean that the old anti-tank weapons are less effective on them with over double the firepower needed to bring one down. Because of this one or two dreadnoughts can run riot through the enemy lines or act as excellent Distraction Carnifexs, to remove pressure while the rest of your force takes out your opponents key units. All 4 dreadnought patterns have something good to offer and can all typically be considered in any army. In terms of combating dreadnoughts the most reliable way is massed AP2, such as Plasma, Melta and Lascannons, as dumping as many AP2 shots into a Dreadnought is a fairly reliable way to chip off it's wounds over the course of a turn or two. Thunder Hammers are another effective weapons against Dreadnoughts as Brutal(2) will inflict multiple wounds to the Dreadnought. Or you could do as the navies of the early 20th centaury did when they encountered Dreadnoughts and attack it with your own Dreadnought as they come with Brutal (3) AP2 Gravis Power fists that are perfect for killing each other. Alternatively, take Haywire weapons, which functionally are AP2 and wound on 2+.
    • Bringing a Talon of Dreadnoughts is very strong but mostly acceptable. Bringing multiple Talons is probably going to lose you friends.
  • Armour save of Contempt: In a similar position to dreadnoughts, Terminators are in their prime in HH2, as the harsh reduction in the number of AP2 Blast Weapons and the increase of all Terminators to at least 2 wounds means they are more durable than ever, and old reliable ways of taking down Terminators like Power Axes and Plasma guns now find themselves coming up a bit short as these weapons now need to inflict twice as many wounds to kill the same number of terminators as before. With free Power Weapons that can be swapped out for even harder hitting weapons and built in Invulnerable saves, almost all legion armies will include at least one unit of Terminators. They are still very vulnerable to Instant Death weapons so Power Fists and Thunder Hammers are effective ways to crack open most Terminator squads, with (Multi-)Melta/Lascannon squads and the Scorpius with its S8 Breaching(4+) missiles also providing some of the few reliable ways of putting down Terminators at range.
  • Hordes of Power armour: Less of a specific unit and more of a tactic, large blobs of Tactical/Despoiler squads running across the battlefield are now a pretty good way of securing objectives or overwhelming your opponent. With both Tactical and Despoiler squads being cheaper and AP3 blast weapons being all but extinct the strategy of footslogging a company of marines across the board is actually a viable tactic. This tactic works well for legions that like to have lots of attacks, can get into the fight quickly or likes overwhelming odds to bully their opponents. As for its short comings, none of these 20 man units can take transports so will be under fire turn one and elite power armour shredders like Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Templar Brethren, Deathshroud Terminators or even regular Terminators with Lightning Claws will cause units like this to evaporate over the course of one round of combat, while taking very few casualties in return, so positioning and forethought will help get the most mileage out of these large units.
  • MEDIC!: Apothecaries make your compulsory Troops disproportionately tough, as all of them have Heart of the Legion or an Invulnerable save that stacks with the Apothecary's Feel No Pain (5+). Tacticals/Despoilers with their 4+++ and Breachers with their 5++/5+++ become very resistant even to weapons that ignore their 3+ save, while things with S8 or above and AP3 or below are, barring Krak Missiles, anti-TEQ/vehicle weapons that you're therefore diverting away from your much more valuable units. Shooting them off objectives becomes very difficult, while melee weapons that nominally counter MEQs (Lightning Claws, Power Mauls, etc.) will still take some time to wipe a squad. Take cover to make your opponent's life even more difficult.
  • Look Out, battle-brother!: Your MEQ sergeants (barring Inductii) have universal access to Artificer Armour, which combined with wound allocation rules means you can protect your squad from AP3 weapons by assigning the wounds onto the sergeant, in an odd reversal from previous editions' "Look Out Sir". Works particularly well with Tacticals/Despoilers (whose 4+++ as per above stacks with 2+ save), Veterans (can take greater risks thanks to 2W) and Heavy infantry (can reroll armour saves against templates/blasts). That said, balance this against the necessity of keeping your sergeant alive, as he also usually has +1Ld compared to everyone else and may have specialist wargear like Melta Bombs you really need.

Warhammer 30,000 Tactics Articles
General Tactics