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===Pathfinder 2nd===
===Pathfinder 2nd===
An archetype that any class can take,
An archetype that any class can take. Become a Piller of marshal leadership with an aura that gives other combat bonuses and grants temp HP and free movement actions. 

Revision as of 22:03, 1 September 2020

Marshal is an old French loanword meaning "Stable Keeper" that has developed through the ages to represent someone who rounds up other people.

This has been used in military contexts to represent field commanders, or in law enforcement contexts to represent agents of the courts and/or various varieties of bailiffs.

Warhammer 40,000

Black Templars

The Black Templars Space Marine do not follow the Codex Astartes organisation in that they do not have fixed companies and therefore the rank of Brother-Captain does not actually apply to them.

Instead they use the rank of Marshal as their closest equivalent for the commanders of their individual crusade fleets.

Forces of the Codex Compliant Astartes
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain - Chapter Master
Command Squad - Honour Guard - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Servo-skull (Data Skull - Skull Probe) - Tactical Squad
Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Consul - Despoiler Squad - Destroyer Squad
Legiones Decurion - Legion Herald - Legion Outrider Squad - Legion Vigilator
Moritat - Master of the Signal - Praetor - Reconnaissance Squad - Seeker Squad
Sky Hunter Squad - Tactical Support Squad - Inductii
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider - Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport - Razorback Transport
Rhino Transport - Spartan Assault Tank - Termite
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Javelin Attack Speeder - Jetbike - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
Land Speeder - Predator Tank - Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank
Ordnance: Hunter - Legion Arquitor Bombard - Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker
Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Flyers: Caestus Assault Ram - Fire Raptor - Orgus Flyer - Storm Eagle - Stormbird
Stormhawk - Stormraven - Stormtalon - Thunderhawk - Xiphon Interceptor
Superheavy Tanks: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allied Space Marines: Fallen Angel - Primaris Marine - Blood Angels - Dark Angels
Deathwatch - Grey Knights - Space Wolves - Black Templars

Adeptus Arbites

The Adeptus Arbites includes the rank of "Suffering Marshal", which is a playable career in Dark Heresy, representing those officers who go on detached duties in order to track down and recover Imperial fugitives, usually from worlds which are outside of Imperial jurisdictions.

3rd Edition D&D

Printed in the Miniatures Handbook (and free in that book's official excerpts), like many of the classes presented there, the Marshal is optimised purely for battlefield combat and doesn't perform really well compared to other PC classes.

As expected from professional soldiers, they are trained in all armour and in simple/martial weapons. However their base attack bonus is the same as Rogues and Clerics, and their Hit Die is decidedly average at D8 so they do not really count as front-line warriors.

What they do get in terms of class abilities however is access to team enhancing abilities: First in the form of Auras which will be explained in further detail below, as well as the ability to grant ALL of his allies within 30' an extra move action a number of times per day.

The Auras come in two formats, Minor or Major, and you can have one of each active at the same time. Each Aura grants circumstance bonuses to the marshal's allies within 60' as long as they remain conscious, mobile and audible and the magnitude of these bonuses scale with the Marshal's level.

Minor Auras generally provide bonuses on characteristic checks, which often require the PC to know what he's expecting in advance to be of any use, so is therefore situational. But since the bonuses can be swapped freely it's not such a big deal.

Major Auras are far more sweeping, and grant positive modifiers to things such as attack rolls, armour class or movement speed. These are far more useful to your allies as in most cases everyone shall be able to benefit from them.

From the way the class is built it really needs to be used in much larger scales rather than small groups of PCs, otherwise the bonuses that the class provides could be more easily outstripped by a divine caster through buffing spells.

Making Marshals work

Unfortunately, there are limited options available to Marshal PCs in terms of alternate routes to take. Very few feats or prestige classes really improve their core abilities in any way.

So unlike spellcasters, rogues or warriors: multiclassing away from Marshal will essentially mean starting a whole new progression.

At its simplest, taking the Leadership feat works well, as having more allies in your vicinity grants the greatest return on your investment, as even a whole bunch of lv1 commoners can be made relatively accurate with your maxxed out auras, and be made to move around more quickly with your ability to grant extra actions.

There are other things to look out for if you know where to look.

Dragon Magic introduces Draconic Auras, which can be taken as a feat and used in addition to your normal auras. If your PC is of the dragonblood subtype they also scale with his level too, regardless of class. So you can make your PC the central hub of a nicely-buffed army. There is also a feat to allow your project two auras, allowing for a potential grand total of four. You just need to be careful about which bonuses you provide, because as per the basic rules, they do not stack if they are of the same type.

In the same book there is also the Dragon Lord prestige class, which provides all the Draconic Auras and allows you to project one yourself. So when combo'd with with potential feats and class abilities you could end up projecting up to five auras. It also has a full BAB progression and d10 hit die, so therefore is a good option to get Marshal's more involved in combat, rather than sitting on the sidelines cheering his party on.

The class also enhances your Leadership feat if you have it, by giving you a draconic cohort and also gives you a number of other team-enhancing abilities such as granting temporary hit points and morale bonuses to attack rolls. In addition, this class also eventually buffs you in relation to how many enemies you get flanked by.

Like its fellow Miniatures Handbook class Warmage, Marshal can be used as an NPC class to round out enemy parties. Their simple nature makes them an easier to run alternative to Bard for buffing up enemy parties. The fluff supports this, since it's essentially just "officer" and should logically be a relatively common class.

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition classes
Player's Handbook BarbarianBardClericDruidFighterMonkPaladinRangerRogueSorcererWizard
Player's Handbook II BeguilerDragon ShamanDuskbladeKnight
Complete Adventurer ExemplarNinjaScoutSpellthief
Complete Arcane WarlockWarmageWu jen
Complete Divine Favored SoulShugenjaSpirit Shaman
Complete Psionic ArdentDivine MindEruditeLurk
Complete Warrior HexbladeSamuraiSwashbuckler
Dragon Compendium Battle DancerDeath MasterJesterMountebankSavantSha'irUrban Druid
Dragon Magazine Sha'ir
Dragon Magic Dragonfire Adept
Dungeonscape Factotum
Eberron Campaign Setting Artificer
Heroes of Horror ArchivistDread Necromancer
Magic of Incarnum IncarnateSoulbornTotemist
Miniatures Handbook Favored SoulHealerMarshalWarmage
Ghostwalk Eidolon (Eidoloncer)
Oriental Adventures SamuraiShamanShugenjaSoheiWu Jen
Psionics Handbook PsionPsychic WarriorSoulknifeWilder
Tome of Battle CrusaderSwordsageWarblade
Tome of Magic BinderShadowcasterTruenamer
War of the Lance Master
Wizards's Website Psychic Rogue
NPC Classes AdeptAristocratCommonerExpertMagewrightWarrior
Second Party MarinerMysticNobleProphet
Class-related things Epic LevelsFavored ClassGestalt characterMulticlassingPrestige ClassRacial Paragon ClassTier SystemVariant Class

Pathfinder 2nd

An archetype that any class can take. Become a Piller of marshal leadership with an aura that gives other combat bonuses and grants temp HP and free movement actions.

The Archetypes of Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Core Rule Book: Alchemist - Barbarian - Bard - Champion - Cleric - Druid
Fighter - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard
Lost Omens Setting Guide: Crimson Assassin - Duelist - Guild Agent - Hellknight Armiger
Lion Blade - Living Monolith - Magic Warrior - Runescarred - Sentry - Student of Perfection
Lost Omens Character Guide: Hellknight - Hellknight Signifer - Spellmaster - Firebrand Braggart - Lastwall Knights - Halcyon Speaker - Knight Reclaimant - Scrollmaster - Spellmaster - Swordmaster
Lost Omens World Guide: Aldori Duelist - Lastwall Sentry - Knight Vigilant - Pathfinder Agent - Runescarred
Adventure Path Juggler Dedication - Staff Acrobat Archetype - Zephyr Guard Archetype - Mammoth Lord - Mammoth Lord - Nantambu Chime-Ringer - Crystal Keeper - Drow Shootist - Edgewatch Detective - Eldritch Reasercher - Forlklorist - Game Hunter - Ghost Eater - Ghost Hunter - Golden League Xun - Golem Grafter - Gray Gardener - Alkenstar Agent - Animal Trainer - Bellflower Tiller - Bright Lion - Butterfly Blade - Magaambyan Attendant - Juggler - Jalmeri Heavenseeker - Provocator - Red Mantis Assassin - Sixth Pillar - Turpin Rowe Lumberjack
The Slithering OOzemorph
Grand Bazaar Captivator - Spell Trickster - Wrestler
Monsters of Myth Packbound Initiate
Advanced Player's Guide Acrobat - Archaeologist - Archer - Assassin - Bastion - Beastmaster - Blessed One - Bounty Hunter - Cavalier - Celebrity - Dandy - Dual-Weapon Warrior - Duelist - Eldritch Archer - Familiar Master - Gladiator - Herbalist - Horizon Walker - Investigator - Linguist- Loremaster - Marshal -Martial Artist - Mauler - Medic - Oracle - Pirate - Poisoner - Ritualist - Scout - Scroll Trickster - Scourger -Sentinel - Shadowdancer - Snarecrafter -Swashbuckler - Talisman Dabbler - Vigilante - Viking - Weapon Improviser - Witch
Secrets of Magic: Magus - Summoner - Wellspring Mage - Cathartic Mage - Elementalist - Flexible Spellcaster - Geomancer - Shadowcaster - Soulforger - Wellspring Mage
Guns & Gears: Demolitionist - Fireworks Technician - Gunslinger - Inventor - Artillerist - Beast Gunner - Bullet Dancer - Pistol Phenom - Overwatch - Runelord - Sniping Duo - Spellshot - Sterling Dynamo - Trapsmith - Trick Driver - Unexpected Sharpshooter - Vehicle Mechanic
Book of the Dead: Exorcist - Ghoul - Ghost - Hallowed Necromancer - Lich - Mummy - Reanimator - Soul Warden - Undead Master - Undead Slayer - Vampire - Zombie