Template:D&D-Nonhuman-Deities: Difference between revisions

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1d4chan>Biggus Berrus
Updated by adding several existing deities, added the goddess of the Drizzts of the world.
1d4chan>Biggus Berrus
Added Ghaunadaur.
Line 10: Line 10:
| align=center| '''Neutral''' || [[Psilofyr]] - [[Wastri]] || [[Annam]] - [[Yondalla#Brandobaris|Brandobaris]] <br> [[Io]] - [[Yondalla#Sheela Peryroyl|Sheela Peryroyl]] || [[Yondalla#Dallah_Thaun|Dallah Thaun]] <br> [[Fenmarel Mestarine]]
| align=center| '''Neutral''' || [[Psilofyr]] - [[Wastri]] || [[Annam]] - [[Yondalla#Brandobaris|Brandobaris]] <br> [[Io]] - [[Yondalla#Sheela Peryroyl|Sheela Peryroyl]] || [[Yondalla#Dallah_Thaun|Dallah Thaun]] <br> [[Fenmarel Mestarine]]
| align=center| '''Evil''' || [[Ilsensine]] <br> [[Kurtulmak]] <br> [[Tiamat]] || [[Maglubiyet]] || [[Blibdoolpoolp]] - [[Gruumsh]] <br> [[Great Mother]] - [[Gorellik]] <br> [[Lolth]] - [[Ramenos]]
| align=center| '''Evil''' || [[Ilsensine]] <br> [[Kurtulmak]] <br> [[Tiamat]] || [[Maglubiyet]] || [[Blibdoolpoolp]] - [[Ghaunadaur]] <br> [[Great Mother]] - [[Gruumsh]] <br> [[Gorellik]] - [[Lolth]] - [[Ramenos]]

Revision as of 14:56, 29 September 2016