Yondalla | ||
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Aliases | The Blessed One, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Protector and Provider | |
Alignment | Lawful Good | |
Divine Rank | Greater Goddess | |
Pantheon | Yondalla's Children (Halfling) | |
Portfolio | Halflings, Protection, Bounty, Fertility | |
Domains | 3E: Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection 5E: Life, Twilight |
Home Plane | Green Fields (Celestia) | |
Worshippers | Halflings | |
Favoured Weapon | Hornblade (Short sword) |

Yondalla is the Lawful Good goddess of the halflings in various Dungeons and Dragons settings including Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms. She is a kind, nurturing goddess protecting and guiding her people, keeping them safe and guiding them towards riches. This is examplified by her holy symbol: her shield adorned with a horn of plenty.
Because of her outlook and her status as the leader of a race-wide pantheon she is on good terms with Bahamut, Corellon Larethian, Garl Glittergold, Moradin and Pelor.
Creation of the Halflings[edit | edit source]
The Halflings are amongst the youngest of mortal races in the world. They were created by Yondalla, who looked for a people to make her own. She found the fey: curious and full of life yet afraid of those bigger than them. She found the elves, beautiful and graceful yet too slow to take action. She found the dwarves, proud and dutiful to family but insular. She found the orcs, fearless but brutal (one of the few times in D&D history that anybody saw worth at all in the orcs). She found the humans, adaptive but warlike. While she saw good things in all of these races she also saw their bad parts.
Eventually Yondalla came up with a plan. She captured a pixie and channeled the essences of various races into them: the agility of elves, the devotion to family of the dwarves, the boldness of the orcs and the resourcefulness of humans. The end result was the first halfling. Yondalla took pride in her work, but the other gods were not amused. They claimed that because of her actions their chosen peoples had become less, and they agreed that Yondalla should be punished for her crime.
The punishment was twofold: halflings would never have lands of their own and would forever be on the road, living on their merits. Yondalla would also purge herself of her thieving streak so that only the pure good and virtue in her would remain. When these two things were done the gods were pleased and moved on.
However, as myths are so prone to have happen, there are other versions of the story, and as usual none of the gods seem to give a rat's ass about setting the record straight: in other accounts, Yondalla simply stumbled across the halflings as an already-formed race and just decided to adopt them.
Domain[edit | edit source]
Yondalla is the goddess of the halflings, first and foremost. She protects her people, guides them on their travels, sees to their health and teaches them on the way of the halflings. Dallah Thaun on the other hand is the goddess of knowledge, trickery, secrets and stealth, allowing her followers to perform clandestine acts to ensure their survival and prospering. While she does not condone stealing from the poor or harming people while robbing them, she allows her followers to relieve the overly wealthy of a part of their riches.
Realm[edit | edit source]
The third layer of Mount Celestia, Venya, holds the realm of Green Fields. Here Yondalla and her faithful live amongst the lush flowing hills, where they tend the fields and live undisturbed by large predators and those who would wish to do them harm.
Yondalla with the rest of the Halfling pantheon
Priest of Yondalla
Green Fields
Dallah Thaun[edit | edit source]
Dallah Thaun | ||
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Aliases | The Lady of Mystery | |
Alignment | Chaotic Neutral | |
Divine Rank | Intermediate Goddess | |
Pantheon | Yondalla's Children (Halfling) | |
Portfolio | Secrets, Guile, Thieves, Acquisition of Wealth | |
Domains | Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery | |
Worshippers | Halfling Rogues and Thieves | |
Favoured Weapon | Dagger |

Yondalla had complied with the demands of the gods and removed the darker side of her personality. However, it was not completely gone. The dark portion of the goddess became its own being: Dallah Thaun. She embodies the secrets, the criminal skills, the desire to gather wealth and other things that cannot be associated with a Lawful Good deity. There is no rivalry between Yondalla and Dallah Thaun like with other divine counterparts (like Selûne and Shar): the Blessed One and the Lady of Mystery are two sides of the same coin (almost literally in the case of her holy symbol, which is basically the reverse side of Yondalla's shield decorated with a bag of coins). The worship of Dallah Thaun is done in secret and she is unknown to non-halflings, with shrines to her often being hidden somewhere in or near houses of worship of Yondalla.