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| This is a list of [[/tg/]] '''approved [[anime]]''', organized loosely into genres. | | This is a list of [[/tg/]] '''approved [[anime]]''', organized loosely into genres. |
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| ==Fantasy==
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| *'''''[[Record of Lodoss War]]''''': Particularly noteworthy because it actually started life series of role-playing game sessions (first edition D&D!) that were turned into novels and then an Anime, that alone gives it major points. Sometimes known as [[meme|''Record of Loads of War'']]. Plot wise it's a bit cliché, but it is still well regarded. [OVA series: 13 episodes + 27 TV episodes]
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| ** The same setting has two less famous anime titles: '''''Legend of Crystania''''' and '''''Rune Soldier'''''
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| :Related Games: [[Dungeons & Dragons]] (1st edition), Sword World (1st edition), Table top RPGs.
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| *'''''Fullmetal Alchemist''''': Forever among the ranks of the most popular anime EVER (and maybe the best, too, but you know, [[Skub]]), it has a young alchemist trying to recover both his missing limbs (his right arm and left leg) and his brother's ENTIRE BODY, which were lost following an alchemy accident where they attempt to [[Grimdark|revive their mother]]. The story eventually diverges from the manga to the point of characters having completely different roles in the story and which is polarizing when compared with the later series. [TV series: 51 episodes + 1 movie + 4 OVAs]
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| **'''''Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood''''': Take Iron Kingdoms, take magic out, ignore a good part of the tech but add [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|element-bending]], daddy issues and the more awesome parts of the Imperial Guard, and you get Brotherhood. It's impressive that there hasn't been made a RPG to this setting yet, as it's almost perfect for a Dark Heresy-esque game. Includes copious amounts of blood without becoming gore, genocides and unholy powers taking your body in exchange for knowledge. Has better animation and the original manga's story in exchange for being less grimdark than the 2003 series. [TV series: 64 episodes + 4 OVAs]
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| :Related games: [[Dark Heresy|Dark Heresy]], [[Warmachine]], [[Eberron]]
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| *'''''[[Berserk]]''''': Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: The Anime. Guts, a brutal and unstoppable swordsman, walks the land of grimdark as he recounts his impossibly bad-assed past. Noted for being GUTS HUEG because GUTS is HUEG, meaning he has [[Rip and Tear|HUEG GUTS]]. [TV series: 25 episodes][READ THE MANGA]
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| **'''''Berserk: The Golden Age Arc Movie Trilogy''''': This focuses on the Manga's Golden Age Arc only and if you want to watch it you can only watch The Egg of the King currently on Netflix (added bonus its dubbed in ''english'') as for the other 2 you have to get them off of amazon. [3 movies]
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| **'''''Berserk (2016)''''': Building largely on the achievements of the aforementioned movie trilogy, the latest incarnation of Berserk finally explores a more monstrous and demon-infested setting set two years after the Golden Age Arc. While despised by many fans for its terrible CG animation and skipping major character moments, it's the best you're going to get for a long while.
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| :Related games: [[Warhammer Fantasy]]
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| *'''''(The) [[Slayers]]''''': AD&D 2nd edition: The Animation. Known for being a significantly more realistic take on what tabletop roleplay is like than the aforementioned ''Lodoss War'', despite not actually being so closely based off an actual campaign. ''Lodoss War'' has been described as being the campaign the DM planned, whereas ''Slayers'' has been described as the campaign the players ended up playing. The TV series and OVA series are separate continuities with some overlap in the form of cameos. [TV series: 104 episodes + 1 movie, OVA series: 6 + 4 movies]
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| :Related games: [[Dungeons & Dragons|Advanced Dungeons & Dragons]]
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| *'''''Spice and Wolf''''': A show about [[Horo]], wolf-girl pagan goddess of the harvest (Often mistaken for [[Leman Russ]],) and also economics. Proof that not all medieval fantasy has to be sword-and-sorcery to be interesting.
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| :Related games: [[Settlers of Catan]], [[GURPS]] Fantasy Setting
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| *'''''Maoyuu Maou Yuusha''''': (''Geopolitical Economic Theories in My D&D?''): An anime in which the brave Hero (named Hero) enters the Demon Realm in an attempt to kill the evil Demon Lord (named Demon Lord). In retaliation the Demon Lord diplomances him into submission, explains how the economy works, then proceeds to dominate the southern human realm with basic human rights, intelligent farming methods and smart business strategies. Originated as a webnovel published on 2ch's text boards, and matriculated into the spiritual successor to ''Spice and Wolf''. [TV series: 25 episodes + 2 OVAs]
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| :Related games: [[Settlers of Catan]], [[GURPS]] Fantasy Setting, [[Ironclaw]], [[Road to Enlightenment]], Deus Vult: Wargaming in the Time of the Crusades, [[Reign]]
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| *'''''Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings''''': A retelling of the Sengoku Era of feudal Japan, spearheaded by OP historical figures with varying accuracy and their own special attributes like six-wielding lightning shooting katanas. It is also nearly as manly as Fist of the North Star and somehow includes a fucking cyborg titan, steam-punkesque machinery, and magic. Sengoku Basara itself is a series of video games that predate and proceed the story of the anime (not to be confused with Samurai Warriors due to the same setting, same characters, and similar gameplay). [TV series: 24 episodes + 2 OVAs]
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| :Related games: [[Exalted]], Civilization, LoL
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| *'''''[[Strike Witches]]''''': (''Little Girls in Panties''): WWII flying aces redrawn as [[loli]] airplane machines which zap aliens while flying around without pants. Not really beloved by /tg/, but someone thought something about the show would make [[Dive into the Sky|a good homebrew.]] [TV series: 24 episodes + 1 movie + 4 OVAs]
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| :Related games: [[Axis & Allies]], Axis and Allies Angels 20, Ace of Aces, a metric fuckton of quests
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| *'''''Escaflowne''''': What you get when you combine Dungeons and Dragons with Mecha anime. Or simply say that it's DragonMech: The Anime... kinda. [TV series: 26 episodes + 1 movie]
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| :Related games: [[Dragonmech]]
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| *'''''Night Wizard!''''' is a 2007 anime licensed from the [http://www.fear.co.jp/nw/ same-named Japanese TRPG] (that uses [http://www.fear.co.jp/srs/ FEAR's free Standard RPG System]). It's based on an actual campaign and the DVD even has the original sessions as an alternate audio track, which is awesome... for anyone who understands Japanese. [TV series: 13 episodes]
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| :Related games: [http://www.fear.co.jp/srs/ Standard RPG System] obviously
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| *'''''Chaos Dragon: Sekiryū Sen'eki''''' is a 2015 anime based on sessions of the Japanese TRPG ''[http://sai-zen-sen.jp/special/reddragon/ Red Dragon]''. The players and GM are veterans from other anime productions, [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=16889 more details at ANN.] [TV series: 12 episodes]
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| :Related games: [http://sai-zen-sen.jp/special/reddragon/ Red Dragon] obviously
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| *'''''Maria the Virgin Witch''''': What makes us add Maria to this list is not anything about it's characters or it's plot, it details a Witch in the 100 years war between England and France trying to stop the fighting, but it's accuracy. To be blunt, it's not just historically accurate for an anime, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tFOJFyTl1U but it's historically accurate period.] If you want to get a decent idea of period weapons techniques, Maria is far from worst media you could watch to see what this kind of fighting looked like. [TV series: 12 episodes]
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| :Related games: [[Warhammer Fantasy]], [[Dungeons & Dragons|Advanced Dungeons & Dragons]]
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| *'''''The Saga of Tanya the Evil''''': A high functioning sociopath salary-man is murdered by one of his disgruntled employees and gets reincarnated into alt-fantasy 1920s Germany as the smuggest of [[loli]]s. Follows the general rhythms of the 21st-century-war-gamer-nerd-gets-transported-back-in-time genre, with the notable and amusing exception that fate is actively fucking with Tanya to ruin all her carefully planned attempts to escape the war and lead a cushy rear echelon life. It's a surprisingly watchable show for such a silly premise, with Tanya being more likeable by miles than the stuffed shirt protagonists of similar shows (Gate, Outbreak Company, Familiar of Zero, ect.) despite being a (completely magnificent) bitch. [TV series: Slated for 12 Episodes]
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| :Related games: [[Fulda Gap]], [[Diplomacy]]
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This is a list of /tg/ approved anime, organized loosely into genres.