Scrollhammer: Holds of Skyrim
General Rules
Hale and Hardy:
The Men of the North value martial prowess and bravery in battle. Born into a frozen and dangerous realm, many Sons of Skyrim have fought since a young age, and long for a glorious death. Pain and fear are trivial. All Nord models in armies created using this list have the Stubborn universal special rule, and have increases to their base Strength and Toughness included in their profiles.
To speak a wondrous tale, to breathe the past deeds of ancient heroes, is among the finest arts of the Nords. The Bard's College in the city of Solitude educates young Nords in music, song and history. Those who learn well earn an honored place in their Hold, and in times of war are able to provide inspiration to those who fight alongside them. Bards count as being Musicians, but in addition to this may choose a Mighty Deed from the Bard list. Once per game, at the beginning of your turn, a Bard may invoke his Mighty Deed, granting his unit a special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
Mighty Deeds
The heroes of Skyrim and their sagas are without number. Countless seasoned warriors aspire to attain such glory. To represent the feats of battle that a Nordic warrior performs, and the legend which he hopes to forge, many a variety of characters and units in the Holds of Skyrim army have a bonus special ability of your choice, in addition to their other, fixed abilities. The following lists contain the Mighty Deeds available to a single character as well as those available to a unit, where called for by their entry in the army list. The Bards list contains a list of songs that a Bard can invoke, to grant his unit an additional Mighty Deed until the beginning of your next turn.
Bear of a Man: This warrior possesses incredible strength. His Strength is increased by 1.
Feller of Giants: Sagas are already being written concerning the countless towering monsters that this man has slain. He re-rolls failed wounds against Monstrous Creatures, and may forgo his regular attacks to make a single attack with +2 S +2AP, that causes Instant Death.
Free of Cowardice: Some men fight until they know all hope is lost. Others fight on, despite impossible odds. A character and the unit he is attached to are Fearless, and may re-roll failed saves against No Retreat wounds.
Never Back Down: Blows that would kill a lesser man are shrugged off as scratches by those marked for great things. A character with this Mighty Deed has the Feel No Pain universal special rule.
No Arrow Could Touch Him: Countless heroes have fallen to the bows of ordinary men. But many, at the height of their glory, charge on, great figures on both sides dying around them, and do not pause until their blades reach the throats of their foes. A character with this Mighty Deed may re-roll failed armor and cover saves against all attacks outside of close combat.
Skilled Hunter: The pursuit of wild game to feast upon is a timeless interest of almost all Nords. Such practice often comes to aid them in battle. A warrior with this ability may re-roll failed wounds against Beasts, and may make a special ranged attack, firing a ranged weapon(but not a spell or shout) at Heavy 1. This shot has the Rending and Critical Strike universal special rules.
Son of the Sky: This warrior's attacks fall upon his foes like a torrent of hail and thunder. He gets +1 on all his rolls to hit(a roll of 1 still always fails).
Sovngarde Awaits: The wind that flows within some men cannot be expelled with ease. When at long last they fall, it is a momentous occasion. If a character with this Mighty Deed is slain in close combat, he immediately make additional attacks equal to his normal number with whatever weapon he is currently using. These attacks are resolved after all other attacks are resolved in the combat.
Strong Will and Stout Heart: A Nord bearing an honest, indomitable spirit can endure, bent but not broken, against whatever lies are thrown at him by his enemies to control him. His Leadership is increased to 10, his unit is immune to Fear and Terror, and he may re-roll all Leadership checks except for non-Magic-induced Morale checks and Shout tests.
Unstoppable Fury: This warrior is always first into battle, far ahead of his men, hewing his foes to pieces in an unending rampage. He gains an additional attack the turn he charges for each enemy he is in base contact with, and for each Independent Character attached to an enemy unit he is in combat with. He may trade places with any other model in his unit the turn he charges in order to be in base contact with an enemy Independent Character.
Battle Rage: This band of warriors are known for exceptional ferocity in battle. They have the Furious Charge universal special rule, and their close combat attacks strike with +1 AP for each point of Strength they have over 4(not counting bonuses from equipment).
Cleaving Blows: A weapon deemed too cumbersome for use by an elf can be wielded as easily as a dagger in the hands of a seasoned Nord warrior. A unit with this Mighty Deed do not take the normal initiative penalties for using Great Weapons. In addition, their attacks with Greatswords and Battle Axes are Rending.
Fight All Our Lives: The bravery of the men of the North is legendary. To live in Skyrim's harsh land is to endure endless hardship. It is those who do not fear death who are remembered. A unit with this Mighty Deed may automatically rally(but not necessarily attached Independent Characters), regardless of the number that remains, at the beginning of your turn if it is at least 6" away from an enemy unit. Any Independent Character with this ability may choose to not flee with the unit they attached to, and may rally on their own regardless of whether or not their unit can or does. Any unit or model that rallies in this manner gains the Counter-Attack universal special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
North Wind: The passion of a Nord in battle is exceeded only by that of a madman. A unit with this ability have the Counter-Attack universal special rule, and gain an additional +1 attack the turn they charge or counter-attack.
Out of the Mists: Legends tell of hordes of men, beards white as snow, coming forth from the cloudy mountains and descending upon their foes. The rocky cliffs and bluffs of Skyrim are known at heart by their inhabitants. Woe betide those who would invade the homeland of Man. A unit with this Mighty Deed have the Move Through Cover universal special rule, the Stealth(+1) universal special rule(but not any attached characters), and automatically pass Move Through Cover tests while charging.
Resilience: Some soldiers of the Holds of Skyrim are blessed or conditioned to have great endurance. A unit with this Mighty Deed is not encumbered by their armor.
Shield-Brothers: A Nord's companions in battle are as siblings to him, his closest friends with whom he feasts all winter, and fights alongside when the spring comes and the snow thaws in the lowlands, protecting them with his life while at the same time fighting for his own glory. A unit with this ability gain an additional +1 to their armor save in close combat while using shields, and +1 to combat resolution while at 90% or more of their original number.
Sudden and Deadly: A skilled warrior fights not merely by strength, but by guile, attacking from out of nowhere and then vanishing as mysteriously as he arrived. A unit with this ability gain the Hit and Run ability, and get +1 Initiative on the charge.
Army List
A Holds of Skyrim army uses the following list:
Heroes: 0-1 Jarl, Holdcarl, Thane. 2 extra Thanes may be taken in addition to your other Heroes. 0-1 Court Wizard, Thaumaturgist or Wandering Bard may be taken as a Hero choice for each Jarl, Holdcarl or Thane in your army(you may not exceed your allowance of Heroes in this manner).
Core: Hold Guard, Huntsmen, Hold Riders
Elite: Honored Veterans, Warrior Clans, Horse-Veterans
Support: Wandering Bard, Thaumaturgist, Tongue, Catapult, Battering Ram
Jarls and Holdcarls
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. You are limited to 0-1 Jarls in your army. A Jarl or Holdcarl may take a retinue of up to 3 Housecarls, for +pts each. A character and his Housecarl bodyguards act together as a single Independent Character, and as a unit among themselves. An army containing a Jarl may elect to take a single unit of Honored Veterans as a Core unit if the Jarl is on foot, or Horse-Veterans if he is mounted.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Jarl | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 1 | 5+ |
Holdcarl | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Great Weapon, Hand Weapon, Scaled Mail
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Mighty Deeds: A Jarl or Holdcarl must choose one Mighty Deed from the Heroes list and one from the Warriors list.
Leader of Men: Friendly units within 6" of a Jarl or Holdcarl who is not fleeing may use his Leadership for all morale tests they make.
Legacy of Kings: Once per game, in an army containing a Jarl, you may choose to have one of your Bards invoke his Mighty Deed for a second turn(the two turns need not be consecutive).
(gear options coming soon)