Scrollhammer: Holds of Skyrim
by Lolpwnt
If you want to play this system and this army, we recommend making a Skyrim army by converting those other Vikings' models. Yep, put Marauder Horsemen heads everywhere. DEM PLAITED BEARDS.
Introduction[edit | edit source]
This is the tale of an ancient people, warriors and kings, who since the Mythic Era itself have dwelt in the the north and struggled to tame an unforgiving land. It is an army of Man, the first scions of that race to set foot upon Tamriel. It is in Skyrim that the culture of strength and glory, parent to the Cyrodiilic Empire itself, still endures.
History[edit | edit source]
The Dawn of History[edit | edit source]
In the time after the Dawn, when the gods ceased to walk Nirn, the land of Tamriel was wild and mysterious. It was here that the beast people dwelt, their history unrecorded. The Mer, the Elves and Dwarves, came to Tamriel in this time, and forged great civilizations. Many of the mer dwelt for ages in the south and the west, in the lands of Summurset, Pyandonea, and Valenwood. But other mer spread northwards: a cruel civilization of High Elves dwelt around the Niben, while beyond them to Resdayn journeyed the Chimer, followers of the Prophet Veloth. The Dwemer, or Dwarves, inhabited all the northern half of Tamriel, building great cities of wonder beneath the ground. And the Falmer, the Snow Elves, built above the lands of the north great cities of beauty, carved of ice and stone. This was the golden age of the elves.
But at that time, mankind dwelt in the other reaches of the world; one race of man in Yokuda, and the other, the Nedes, in Atmora. Atmora, a cold isle with green summers, two thousand miles north of Tamriel. Once part of Tamriel in the Dawn Era, this land was torn off in a war between the gods. It was here that the Nedes lived a primitive life, as nomadic hunters, while elves built great cities in the lands to the south. But the Nedes held great faith in Shor, Son of Shor, and his wife Kyne, who had breathed them into existence when they created the world. The other gods, too, they worshiped, often in the shape of animals; the great Dragon Akatosh was among these, and his children, the Dragons, were held in awe and reverence by the warrior men of old. The orders of the Dragon Priests were founded on Atmora, lawgivers, advisors to kings, who sought to act as intermediaries between men and dragons.
But this age of barbarism came to an end as an endless winter came upon Atmora. The land froze, with a dread wind, so that nothing could grow there again. The chieftains of Atmora gathered in council, but could not agree on how to weather such cold. They flew into anger at one another, and raised armies against one another. Mankind flew into a bloody civil war, tearing each other to pieces in their own misery.
The Saga of Ysgramor[edit | edit source]

The First Migration
After a long age of strife and starvation, a wise chieftain rose up from among the barbarians, Ysgramor by name. He sought a better life, a place of peace and prosperity for his kin to settle. He had heard the tales explorers had told of a lost land where Man had first been created, far to the south. He and his household, and all other Nedes who yearned for refuge, built great longships, sailing southwards to begin anew. Through the Sea of Ghosts they sailed, to the frozen land they would one day call the East March. Here they settled in an uninhabited part of the land, building a town they called Saarthal. They farmed the land, turning the better habits of the Atmorans into the beginnings of a civilization. In a short span of years, two sons had Ysgramor fathered, the wise Yngol and the brave Ylgar.
But the Snow Elves looked upon these settlers and hated them. For they worshiped Shor, who to the elves was Lorkhan, the great evil who had bereft them of their divinity. For while the Nedes believed the gods were the brothers of Shor, and the goddesses his wives, and together they worked to build the world for man, the Elves believed that the god who created the world did so out of trickery, and trapped the other gods in the world against their will. The elves were minor divine beings, their legends told, before the treachery of Lorkhan. And the Nedes were ever growing in number, a free and happy people: soon, the Elves feared, the servants of the Doom Drum would become a threat to them.
The Night of Tears
In a single night, under the cover of darkness, a great host of the Snow Elves rode out from their shining cities and crept into Saarthal. They set torches to it, and slaughtered every man, woman and child within its walls. But Ysgramor and his sons took up arms in time to resist the attack, and fled weeping into the mists, the Elves hot on their trail. They lived in hiding, now, betrayed by the Snow Elves, their friends and loved ones lying dead and unburied.
But Ysgramor would not give up. He and his sons slew game for provisions, and hewed down trees in the dark parts of the wood. They made a great ship from the logs. Ysgramor returned to Atmora for the first time in many decades.
The Return

When the people of Atmora learned that Ysgramor still lived, and that the lands to the south were fertile yet filled with enemies, many of them sought to conquer Tamriel in the spirit of adventure. Five hundred great heroes did Ysgramor muster, his Companions, and each swore an oath of vengeance for the clans slaughtered by the Elves. Ysgramor's childhood friend, the sailor Jeek of the River, granted the strongest of the warriors passage to Tamriel in his longship the Jorvasskr. It was in this ship that Ysgramor himself sailed, followed by the ships of the other warriors. And the greatest blacksmiths in the land made for Ysgramor a shield in the shape of a dragon's head, by whose protection no Elvish sorcery could harm him. The great rune-axe Wuuthrad they presented to him as well, the visage of a screaming elf at its center. No smith before, nor in ages to come, could ever match the power of Ysgramor's axe and shield.
The longships sailed forth, and landed at the snowy cape near the East March. But Ysgramor did not count his son Yngol among the number of his Companions. Long he searched and pined for his son, but too late he found that his son was lost at sea, taken by the Sea-Ghosts, his lifeless body floating in the waves. Again Ysgramor wept, and buried Yngol in a great barrow by the shore. Many great beasts he slew for the burial-feast.
The Snow Elves, however, learned of the arrival of Ysgramor and his men. The attacked Ysgramor in his camp just as they had done at Saarthal. But this time, the Sons of Shor were prepared, and the Elves were crushed in battle. Ysgramor commanded the elves who had surrended to build a great stone fortress by the tomb of Yngol, and a great bridge across a river mouth, in which his army would be able to encamp safe from further attacks. Years it took for the great palace to be complete; when it was built at last, it was named Windhelm, City of Kings, and there Ysgramor sat on his throne, ruling his people as more and more Nedes came to settle in the new land.
But Ysgramor's conquests did not end there. His armies pressed westward, and northward across Solstheim, sworn to take vengeance upon the Elves wherever they found them. The Elves were scattered, their cities burned, their armies defeated, and their people humiliated. Great were these conflicts, and endless was the slaughter brought upon the Elves by vengeful blades. Terrified now by the wrath of Ysgramor and his last surviving son Ylgar, they fled to the mountains. Some lived on for centuries, but their numbers dwindled. In Solstheim, the great and noble Snow Prince himself fell before the axes of the north, after a long struggle. He was buried with honor for his valor, granted a barrow for his burial just as the great Nord heroes were given. As the Snow Elves were defeated again and again, it soon came to be that only the habitations of Man, and the underground cities of the Dwarves, remained in the lowlands.
As Ysgramor's armies conquered the lands to the west, one by one the heroes settled down, followed by many others coming from Atmora. In the heart of the lowlands, beneath the Throat of the World, that great mountain atop which Kyne had breathed life into the first man and woman, Jeek of the River found a great forge, indestructible, above which towered a great statue of an eagle. This statue was considered by the Snow Elves a divine relic, and thus they never would ascend the hill on which it stood. Jeek saw it therefore as a gift to him from the gods; he claimed the forge for itself, naming it the Skyforge in honor of Kyne's great power. There his smiths went to work, and forged blades and armor of wondrous power. Jeek and many of the Companions thus chose to settle at this place, and upon the hill built the great mead-hall Jorvasskr, named for the ship they had made their journey on. It was here that the Companions of Ysgramor all came to live, even after the death of their founder, for the many eras to follow. And around the hall many tradesmen and farmers settled, and named the town Whiterun.
Many other Companions, their sagas too many to name, set sail once more, journeying in their longships to all the lands of the earth: Yokuda, the land of dark-skinned men, in the west, Resdayn in the east, and the lands of the elves and beast-folk in the south. This knowledge was returned to Ysgramor. Ysgramor ruled his kingdom for many years, and it prospered; he made a written language for his people, and built many other cities. But he was still mortal. After all those many years he died, to feast and do battle forever in the great mead-hall of Shor. Ylgar reigned as High King in his place, but the Companions never called another man their leader. The land he conquered, Mereth to the elves, became known as Skyrim, the newfound homeland of mankind. As the Nedes migrated to many other parts of Tamriel, and the men of Yokuda came across the sea to the lands west of Skyrim, those who remained in the north became known as the Northmen, or Nords. It is they who remained the true heirs to Ysgramor, and who forever remembered Ysgramor as the greatest hero of mankind.
The Dragon War[edit | edit source]
It was in the age of Ysgramor's sons that the Dragon Cult followed the travelers from Atmora to Skyrim. In the mountains of the east of the land dwelt the eyries of many great Dragons, the mightiest of which was Alduin World-Eater, firstborn of Akatosh, Bringer of End Times. It is he who had been prophesied to swallow the world into nothingness, and reigned as lord over all Dragons. But it is the desire of a Dragon to dominate all who are weaker than him; so it came to be that Alduin and his younger brothers, though sons of the time-god Akatosh, claimed to the Nords to be Akatosh himself in mortal form. The Dragon Cult raised up great and foul sacrifices to these Dragon tyrants, and in exchange were granted immortality, at the cost of the lives of their subjects. All Nords, once the most free of all men, a budding civilization, became slaves to the Dragon Cult and to Alduin's false claim to godhood. The Dragons held the power of the Thu'um, or the Voice, the ability to through their breath and very words command reality to alter to their whim. No blade could slay that which could turn it to dust with a whisper, no armor could withstand that which could breathe engulfing flames down from the heavens. All Nords lived in misery, under the Dragon Cults and their puppet kings.
But Shor and his wife Kyne could not suffer to see their children oppressed so. So Kyne, through divine wind, granted unto all mortals the power to use the Thu'um too, should they exert themselves to do so with all their spirit. The great Dragon Paarthurnax, greatest of Alduin's lieutenants, scourge of mortals, performed an act of betrayal against Dragonkind, but an act of salvation for mankind; he showed those whose fathers he had once feasted upon how to use the Thu'um, and taught them the sacred language in which it must be spoken. The power of the Dragons had been stolen by mortals. Mankind rose up against the tyranny of the Dragon Cult, slaying them and all those who still worshiped the Dragons, and through the power of the Thu'um cast the Dragons down from the sky and slew them.
But Alduin would not be put down with ease. Every Dragon the heroes slew, he shouted back to life with the Thu'um. Every hero who challenged him, he shouted to ashes. None could withstand his power. Yet he was banished to the aether by a means long forgotten; some say he was slain, but he was a god all along, and thus lived on. Others say he was caught up in his own prophecy, written for him in the Elder Scrolls. But all Nords fear that one day he may return, to bring about the end times.

From these ruins was Skyrim rebuilt. The line of Ysgramor was no longer held back by the tyranny of Dragons, and was restored to its former glory. The many Jarls of those who had risen up returned to their people, and declared them free. But those who had sided with the Dragons and had fallen in battle were not allowed into Sovngarde by Shor, but rather forever wandered the land as the Draugr, the restless dead.
The Rise of Mankind[edit | edit source]
So it came to pass that Skyrim grew in size, expanding across many conquered lands, battling treacherous Elves and brute monsters in a never-ending struggle against the perils of the world. Too many glorious tales to name can be sung of this age; for the ancient art of song, that blessed wind of Kyne, was only made more noble when the power of the Thu'um was given to the Nords. For they knew that their very life's breath allowed to them to slay Dragons and grant them strength. It was breath and speech that granted them life in the mortal world, and even after their departure to Sovngarde, their deeds lived on through the songs breathed by others.
King Harald, 13th of the line of Ysgramor, completed this conquest. The long war against the Snow Elves ended after many centuries, when Harald defeated them once more. The Snow Elves were never seen again; many say that the Nords massacred them in cruel brutality, others say that those few that remained intermarried with Nords or with other elves, and faded into memory. But little trace that such a glorious and proud civilization had ever existed remained in the land; soon they became a myth, a superstition, a child's tale.
It was around this time that in the south, the humans whose ancestors had traveled to the jungle lands rose up against their Elven slavemasters and overthrew them, with the aid of the gods and many Nordic warriors. An empire for mankind had been founded in the heart of Tamriel. King Vrage, too, formed an empire of his own, taking the Western Reach, the crags to the west of Skyrim, and attacking the Elves in Resdayn to the east.
The Wars of Succession[edit | edit source]
High King Borgas was the last known descendant of Ysgramor's line. A century after the conquests of Vrage, Borgas died, causing the Jarls of Skyrim to convene in the Moot to determine the new High King. A bloody quarrel arose, and Skyrim fell into civil war. At this time, it lost control of Morrowind and the Western Reach. Chaos reigned throughout the land, with brigandry and the predations of the last few remaining dragons running rampant. The warrior Olaf One-Eye, the ruler of Whiterun, was named High King by Pact of the Chieftains after his capture and imprisonment of the particularly infamous dragon Numinex. But the borders of Skyrim had shrunk considerably over the past hundred years of conflict.
It was in this age that great Wulfharth arose, a mighty Tongue, whose Thu'um was so strong that he could not speak without unleashing it. He was Dragonborn, possessing the gift a Dragon's soul, the same that Alessia and her line bore. He was the Shezzarine, the champion of Shor through whom mighty Shor could influence the world of mortals. When the last of Olaf's line fell in battle against the Alessian Empire, he was named High King. He purged the land of the influence of Alessia's line, putting to death all priests who worshiped the gods in the manner of the men of the south. Through the Thu'um he saved his people from many perils, and led them to battle to come to the aid of the Dwarves and reclaim Resdayn from the Elves; for there it was said that Shor's heart itself beat within a great mountain of fire. But his armies were scattered before the power of Nerevar, an Elven hero bearing the blessing of the mysterious gods Azura, Boethiah and Mephala. He fell in battle at long last, but his name would be remembered for all time.
Soon after this day, the Dwarves disappeared in circumstances shrouded in mystery. Only the Nords remained from among the civilizations that had once inhabited Skyrim.
The Golden Age of Skyrim[edit | edit source]
Skyrim grew in might, her heroes of old not forgotten in their sacrifices. Through the ages, the Nords of Skyrim retained the old ways of the Nedes, although mixed at times with the more cosmopolitan habits of their kinsmen the Imperials. At various times they served the various iterations of the Empire, and at other times were independent. The tales of this time are endless in number. As long as could be dreamed of, the common people of Skyrim, free from Elvish tyranny, toiled hard in their fields, drank hard in their mead halls, and fought hard on the field of battle.
It was at this time, though, that the Thu'um began to be lost as an art and as a weapon. Jurgen Windcaller was the mightiest of the Tongues in the First Era, his power over the Thu'um unmatched. He shouted his enemies into defeat battle after battle, but grew tired of the slaughter after many years. Upon the defeat of King Wulfharth at Red Mountain, Jurgen began to wonder if the Thu'um was truly a tool meant to be used freely, or merely a gift for the worship of the gods, only to be used for harm in the darkest of times. He pondered this for years, and at last proclaimed that the Thu'um should not be used as a weapon, but only as a means of rendering praise to Kyne. The other Tongues challenged him over this; he swallowed their Shouts, and forced them into submission. The Tongues of Skyrim formed the Order of the Greybeards, living as monks atop the Throat of the World, and ceasing to use their power in battle.
But the power of the Thu'um was far from becoming a myth. For a hero arose in the Second Era, Talos, a master of its art both in battle and in worship.
Talos was said to be born in Falkreath, the densely forested land in the south of Skyrim. As a general to Cuhlecain, he led the armies of Falkreath to victory against Cuhlecain's rival Jarls and the Bretons of High Rock. Upon Cuhlecain's death, he took control of the armies, and conquered all of Tamriel through the Power of the Thu'um. For Shor dwelt within his heart, and even in life he reached nigh-omnipotence, shouting all the jungles of the Niben into a temperate forest, that Man might be able to tame lands they could not touch before. He crowned himself Tiber Septim, Dragonborn Emperor of Cyrodiil, and upon his neck took up the amulet of kings. He was Ysmir, Dragon of the North, Nord hero in the ways of old, conqueror of all Tamriel. Talos founded the College of the Voice in his age, so that the art of the Thu'um might be preserved for later eras. So great was his power that upon his death, he did not merely take a place in Sovngarde, but took up Shor's missing place on the Wheel of Existence itself. Talos became a living god, wielding eternal powers to protect mankind wherever Shor, as ruler of the dead, could not. It was this act that tied mankind forever to the stars, making them equal in divine power to the Elves.
As the heart of Talos' empire, Skyrim prospered, its people more affluent than their ancestors could ever imagine. Much evil arose in it, however; the madness of Pelagius, onetime Jarl and eventually an Emperor, and the reign of the witch-queen Potema. The decadence and corruption of the Empire had come to Skyrim.
The Fall of The Third Empire[edit | edit source]
But this era, the Third Era, came to an end. The hordes of the demon Mehrunes Dagon burnt it to ashes, and much of it splintered. Skyrim remained loyal, however, its armies fighting to protect Talos' legacy to the end. But as the last of the Dragonborn sacrificed himself to summon Akatosh himself to stop Dagon's rampage, the line of Talos withered away, the College of the Voice made no more. The Thu'um was lost, and the Nords were left in a decadent and slowly dwindling Empire, with no hero to lead them to battle.
A death knell was tolled when the Elves of Summurset Isle broke away from the Empire. Led by an order of mages known as the Thalmor, they took up the task of undoing the work of Shor, and destroy the world, and even the very possibility of mankind's existence, in hopes of attaining godhood. They made war upon the Empire, and forced the weak Emperor into submission.
The Coming of the World-Doom[edit | edit source]

The worship of Talos was forbidden by the Thalmor on pain of a slow death, and Elvish agents were sought to root it out wherever they might find it. These forces formed a secret police, scouring Skyrim for any who might still bear loyalty to the god-hero.
The Nords bore this oppression for decades. But many could not stand for long to watch their people, once free, forcibly marched along the path to extermination. With fiery words, the Prophet of Talos, Heimskr of Whiterun, preached day and night, protected by the gods alone as he spoke the truth aloud. Many others, too, plotted against the Thalmor in secret, even though doing so would put their lives and those of their loved ones at stake.
Among these was the Jarl of the East March, Ulfric Stormcloak. A former soldier for the Empire taken prisoner by the Thalmor, he vowed to one day destroy them. Many battles he fought to reclaim the Western Reach for the Nords, that he might be granted freedom to worship Talos as a reward, but he was betrayed. All around him, others cowered in fear of the Thalmor and the Imperial Legion. Ulfric challenged the young High King Torygg to combat by champion in the city of Solitude, invoking the ancient power of the Thu'um in honor of Talos and his ancestors. He slew the Imperial puppet king, and fled eastwards. Ulfric rose up in rebellion with the armies of half of Skyrim in the name of Talos, against the remnant of the very empire that Talos had created.
Ulfric's rebels met swift defeat at the hands of the Imperial Legion, near the village of Helgen. At the day of his execution, a strange roar was heard in the sky. A terrible creature descended from the skies upon the village, destroying it with its voice. In the midst of the chaos, Ulfric's supporters entered the village, slaying many Imperial legionnaires and cutting loose his bonds. But the Nords looked into the sky in terror upon this day; for as mankind was plunged into civil war, as their ancient enemies the Elves plotted to blot their names from existence, the harbinger of the end had appeared before them. Alduin had returned.
The Geography of Skyrim[edit | edit source]

Skyrim is a vast and wild land, even after millennia of civilization. While great kingdoms rise in the valleys, strange creatures of all sorts lurk in the tundra and on the icy peaks of the towering mountains: trolls, frost giants, and even the deathly-cold Ice Wraiths against whom success in battle is considered the mark of a true warrior. The heights are covered in snow all year round, and summers are short in the northern climes. Icebergs dot the seas that the great longships and trading vessels navigate, and tales of great krakens and world-serpents lurking beneath the endless ice-filled waves, preying on those who would sail too far north, are told in hushed voices in the inns of the coastal villages.
The central lowland is the heart of Skyrim, where Whiterun and Windhelm were built long ago. High above towers the Throat of the World, and the fortress High Hrothgar, where the few Greybeard monks practice the Thu'um even in an era of its decline. To the east lies the Rift, a vast deciduous forest, and to the west Falkreath Hold, where the conifers grow. Along the northern coast of the land, beyond the northern mountains, are on one end Haafingar, or Solitude, and Winterhold. These two cities have grew rich during the Third Empire through trade, although Winterhold more recently suffered a great decline after a mysterious disaster believed to be caused by the local College of Magic. Solitude, on the other hand, boasts the Bard's College, where the finest musicians in the world are trained in the art of poetry, song and the playing of various instruments.
The Western Reach, on the border of High Rock, Skyrim and Hammerfell, has long been a disputed land. The Nords have laid claim to it many times, but the barbarian Reachmen, hill tribes known to practice strange witchcraft, have often fought to the death over control of its rich natural resources and authority over the region.
The People of Skyrim[edit | edit source]

The people of Skyrim are of a hardy temperament. Long have they fought the land and the long winters to survive. Nordic culture is full of many traditions, and the people are known to be hard-working, skilled at craftsmanship and seamanship. Nords have a strongly independent nature to their ways, valuing individual virtue and ability. They prefer strong ale, mead and roasted meat to all other forms of sustenance, mocking those who would drink milk or water instead. Life can be hard, but the Nords drink, tell long tales and make merry to music through it all.
Magic is distrusted by Skyrim's commoners. Magic is the tool of Elves, of witches, and of all others who would deceive or steal the souls of the innocent. The wilds of Skyrim have long been filled with rogue conjurers, vampires and foul enslavers of the long-dead, preying on lost travelers for nefarious reasons. Magic is therefore practiced and studied when necessary by the Nords, but the most valiant warriors of Skyrim generally prefer the free form of the Thu'um over the regimented Schools of Magic practiced by Elves; the power of the Voice, honed in the old Nordic way, is far more difficult to use for treachery than the power of sorcery.
Skyrim is often organized into nine Holds. Each Hold is essentially an independent kingdom under the rule of a Jarl, but each is also privy to the High King and to the Emperor. The Jarls are expected to rule their Holds, protect the liberties of their subjects granted to them by custom, bestow honors upon those deserving of them, and lead their people into battle should the need arise. The Jarls live in longhouses or in grand halls, and many nights a year hold great feasts for their most honored kinsmen and warriors. Those at the feasts often partake in contests of strength and drinking, and boast and taunt one another in their valor, all to the echos of the songs of bards around the roaring hearth. It is often at these times that a Jarl might bestow upon his men many gifts of fine weapons, strong armor and worthy titles. Among his councilors are the Carls, advisors and battle leaders, and a band of warriors serving as personal guards, the Housecarls. The most important individual soldiers in the Hold are granted the title of Thane; these warriors act as diplomats and champions for the Jarl's army. The title of Jarl is hereditary, usually through the male line(although not always, such as is the case in Hjaalmarch). The acquiring of the other titles vary from Hold to Hold, as many of each Hold's customs, organization and laws are unique; the title of Thane is always granted to the most honored of warriors, however.
The common people of Skyrim are at times called yeomen, or bondis. They are free under the law, but as could be expected must pay taxes to finance the Jarl, his court and his armies. In times of war, the elders of villages and the Carls are responsible for mustering an army from the commoners, whether by persuasion or conscription. It is the duty of a commoner to fight for their Jarl in times of war; this duty is often taken up willingly, out of the desire to seek glory and fame. But it is also for the protection of their land, their people and their way of life as free men that many Nords have fought over the ages, be it against Elvish tyrants, hordes of monsters come to pillage their farms, or even against their own rulers in times of dark oppression.
It is a reckless life that many Nords are bound to. Bravery and perseverance are seen as indispensable virtues in such a land as Skyrim, and death is an accepted part of life. For if a Nord proves himself honorable and heroic in life, he will be rewarded in death with an eternity in Sovngarde, the Mists of the Slain, the Hall of Valor. It is here that many Nords spend their entire lives trying to reach, a journey to find its mythic gate. For only the worthy may enter the Hall of Shor.
Nordic religion is very similar to the Imperial religion of the Divines, being the ancestral religion from which the Cult of the Eight and One sprang. It is perhaps centered around Shor, Kyne/Kynareth and Talos, however, more than Akatosh; for after the defeat of the Dragon Cult, many Nords came to fear the Dragon of Time, believing such a being to be either Alduin in disguise, or else, seeing the reverence of the Elves towards Auri'el, a friend of Elves rather than of man. The consolidation of human religion towards the Divines in the early First Era was thus met with resistance by some Nords, King Wulfharth being a prime example. The Nords also are known to call upon in battle the lesser gods who form the court of Shor, such as his Shield-Thane Tsun, Guardian of the Hall. The religion of Skyrim is thus essentially the same as that of the Imperial Province, but with less organization, and greater emphasis on the gods who have in the past shown special favor to mankind.
It is the armies of Skyrim that show the true face of their ways; fearlessness of death, honor in life. The Nords have long held against Elves, Orcs, Giants and countless other foes, and it is of these brave men that the bards sing songs in the mead-halls: these paragons of what it means to be a Son of Shor.
The following rules tell of how to field an army of Nords in Scrollhammer.
General Rules[edit | edit source]

Hale and Hardy:
The Men of the North value martial prowess and bravery in battle. Born into a frozen and dangerous realm, many Sons of Skyrim have fought since a young age, and long for a glorious death. Pain and fear are trivial. All Nord models in armies created using this list have the Stubborn universal special rule, and have increases to their base Strength and Toughness included in their profiles.
To speak a wondrous tale, to breathe the past deeds of ancient heroes, is among the finest arts of the Nords. The Bard's College in the city of Solitude educates young Nords in music, song and history. Those who learn well earn an honored place in their Hold, and in times of war are able to provide inspiration to those who fight alongside them. Bards count as being Musicians, but in addition to this may choose a Song from the Bard list. Once per game, at the beginning of your turn, a Bard may invoke his Song, granting his unit a special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
Mighty Deeds[edit | edit source]
The heroes of Skyrim and their sagas are without number. Countless seasoned warriors aspire to attain such glory. To represent the feats of battle that a Nordic warrior performs, and the legend which he hopes to forge, many a variety of characters and units in the Holds of Skyrim army have a bonus special ability of your choice, in addition to their other, fixed abilities. An Independent Character only gets bonuses from his own Mighty Deeds, not those of the unit he is attached to. Mighty Deeds are taken as part of your army list like any other upgrades.
The following lists contain the Mighty Deeds available to a single character as well as those available to a unit, where called for by their entry in the army list. The Bards list contains a list of Songs that a Bard can invoke, to grant his unit an additional special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
Heroes[edit | edit source]
Bear of a Man: This warrior possesses incredible strength. His Strength is increased by 1.
Feller of Giants: Sagas are already being written and sung concerning the countless towering monsters that this man has slain. This model has the Monster Hunter special rule, and his melee attacks have Heroic Killing Blow.
Free of Cowardice: Some men fight until they know all hope is lost. Others fight on, despite impossible odds. This character is Fearless, and his unit may re-roll failed saves against No Retreat wounds.
Never Back Down: Blows that would cripple a lesser man are shrugged off as scratches by those marked for great things. A character with this Mighty Deed has the Feel No Pain universal special rule.
No Arrow Could Touch Him: Countless heroes have fallen to the bows of ordinary men. But many, at the height of their glory, charge on, great figures on both sides dying around them, and do not pause until their blades reach the throats of their foes. A character with this Mighty Deed may re-roll failed armor and cover saves against all attacks outside of close combat.
Skilled Hunter: The pursuit of wild game to feast upon is a timeless interest of almost all Nords. Such practice often comes to aid them in battle. A warrior with this ability may re-roll failed wounds against creatures with Bestial Instinct, and instead of shooting normally during the shooting phase, he make a special ranged attack, shooting a ranged weapon(but not a spell or shout) at Move or Fire 1. This shot has the Heroic Killing Blow special rule.
Son of the Sky: This warrior's attacks fall upon his foes like a torrent of hail and thunder. He gets +1 on all his rolls to hit(a roll of 1 still always fails).
Sovngarde Awaits: The wind that flows within some men cannot be expelled with ease. When at long last they fall, it is a momentous occasion. If a character with this Mighty Deed is slain in close combat, he immediately makes additional attacks equal to his normal number with whatever weapons he has equipped. These attacks are resolved after all other attacks are resolved in the combat.
Strong Will and Stout Heart: A Nord bearing an honest, indomitable spirit can endure, bent but not broken, against whatever lies are thrown at him by his enemies to control him. His Leadership is increased to 10, his unit is immune to Fear and Terror, and he may re-roll all Leadership checks except for Shout tests and tests taken for his entire unit.
Unstoppable Fury: This warrior is always first into battle, far ahead of his men, hewing his foes to pieces no matter the odds. He has the Frenzy special rule, and gets an additional +1 attack to his charge bonus.
Warriors[edit | edit source]
Battle Rage: This band of warriors are known for exceptional ferocity in battle. They have the Furious Charge universal special rule, and their close combat attacks strike with +1 AP for each point of Strength they have over 4(not counting bonuses from wargear).
Cleaving Blows: A weapon deemed too cumbersome for use by an elf can be wielded as easily as a dagger in the hands of a seasoned Nord warrior. A unit with this Mighty Deed do not treat Great Weapons as Unwieldy or Very Unwieldy. In addition, their attacks with Greatswords and Battle Axes are Rending.
Fight All Our Lives: The bravery of the men of the North is legendary. To live in Skyrim's harsh land is to endure endless hardship. It is those who do not fear death who are remembered. A unit with this Mighty Deed that is falling back may automatically regroup at the beginning of your turn when it would be allowed to do so normally. Any Independent Character with this ability may choose to not flee with the unit they attached to, and may rally on their own regardless of whether or not their unit can or does. If the Independent Character does not have this ability, he must continue to flee even if the unit rallies. Any unit or model that rallies in this manner gains the Counter-Attack universal special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
North Wind: The passion of a Nord in battle is exceeded only by that of a madman. A unit with this ability have the Counter-Attack universal special rule, and gets an additional +1 attack to their charge bonus.
Out of the Mists: Legends tell of hordes of men, beards white as snow, coming forth from the cloudy mountains and descending upon their foes. The rocky cliffs and bluffs of Skyrim are known at heart by their inhabitants. Woe betide those who would invade the homeland of Man. A unit with this Mighty Deed have the Move Through Cover special rule, the Stealth(+1) special rule, and treat difficult terrain as open ground while charging(roll for dangerous terrain as normal).
Resilience: Some soldiers of the Holds of Skyrim are blessed or conditioned to have great endurance. A unit with this Mighty Deed is not Encumbered by their armor(see the Scrollhammer rulebook).
Shield-Brothers: A Nord's companions in battle are as siblings to him, his closest friends with whom he feasts all winter, and fights alongside when the spring comes and the snow thaws in the lowlands, protecting them with his life while at the same time fighting for his own glory. Models with Shields in a unit with this ability gain an additional +1 to their armor save in close combat, while at least 75% of the models in the unit carry shields and the unit remains at 75% or more of their original number. The unit gets +1 to combat resolution while the unit remains at 75% or more of their original number(neither of these bonuses are cumulative for multiple friendly units in a single combat). Independent Characters with this ability must be attached to a unit containing at least one model that is not another Independent Character to gain either bonus.
Sudden and Deadly: The wilds of Skyrim are rife with places for ambushes. A unit with this Mighty Deed may be Infiltrated. Any Independent Characters attached to it while being Infiltrated must also have Sudden and Deadly as a Mighty Deed, and may only use this Mighty Deed to Infiltrate with a unit that has this Mighty Deed.
Bards[edit | edit source]
Note: Multiples of the same song activated in the same turn do not stack on one unit.
Song of the Hero's Charge: The bard sings of a glorious battle, inspiring those near him. All models in the Bard's unit get +1 WS until the beginning of your next turn after this Song is invoked.
Song of the Hero's Stand: The bard reminds those by his side of how an ancient hero held out against all odds. All models in the Bard's unit cannot have their armor save reduced to worse than 6+ until the beginning of your next turn after this Song is invoked.
Song of the Hero's Fall: The bard tells the warriors of an honored hero who fell bravely in battle and passed on to Sovngarde, urging them to gladly make sacrifices if they must. His unit is Fearless until the beginning of your next turn after this Song is invoked.
Marching Song: The Bard's song keeps time to aid the movement of his men across the battlefield. His unit may march an additional 3" this turn, as long as they march through open terrain. If they do this, they may not begin or end their march within 9" of an enemy unit.
Sword Song: The bard recounts the tale of the forging of a blade of fantastic powers, and that weapon's name enters the battle-cry of the warriors around him. All the Bard's unit's non-spell weapons gain +1 AP until the beginning of your next turn after this Song is invoked.
The Dragonborn Comes: The Bard sings a battle-song famed across all of Skyrim. His unit may re-roll failed Morale checks and Shout tests until the beginning of your next turn after this Song is invoked.
Army List[edit | edit source]
A Holds of Skyrim army uses the following list:
Heroes: 0-1 Jarl, Holdcarl, Thane. 2 extra Thanes may be taken in addition to your other Heroes. 0-1 Court Wizard, Thaumaturgist or Wandering Bard may be taken as a Hero choice for each Jarl, Holdcarl or Thane in your army(you may not exceed your allowance of Heroes in this manner).
Core: Hold Guard, Huntsmen
Elite: Honored Veterans, Warrior Clans, Horse-Veterans
Support: Hold Riders, Wandering Bard, Thaumaturgist, Tongue, Catapult
Heroes[edit | edit source]
Jarls and Holdcarls[edit | edit source]

Every Nordic hold is ruled by a Jarl. The Jarls are a hereditary nobility, often tracing their lineage back to the time of Ysgramor. Many of the noble clans of Nords have produced Jarls, be it through intermarriage, conquest or direct descent, throughout the ages. Some Jarls are wastrels and fools; others know better, truly understanding that they are meant to lead. Jarls and their most prominent Housecarls, sometimes known as Holdcarls, are thus often found on the field of battle, commanding their people to feats of glory, having spent their entire lives training for war. Wielding the strongest weapons they can, they lead by example as an unstoppable force, first in the charge to cleave their foes asunder, and last in the retreat should the battle run foul. An exemplar Jarl inspires his people who follow him to battle toward similar bravery, through the strength of his own arms.
Jarl: 135 pts
Holdcarl: 100 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. You are limited to 0-1 Jarls in your army. A Jarl or Holdcarl may take a retinue of up to 3 Housecarls, for +20 pts per model. An army containing a Jarl may elect to take a single unit of Honored Veterans as a Core unit if the Jarl is on foot, or Horse-Veterans if he is mounted.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Jarl | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 1 | 5+ |
Holdcarl | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Great Weapon, Hand Weapon, Scaled Mail
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Mighty Deeds: A Jarl or Holdcarl must choose one Mighty Deed from the Heroes list and one from the Warriors list.
Leader of Men: Friendly units within 6" of a Jarl or Holdcarl who is not fleeing may use his Leadership for all morale tests they make.
Legacy of Kings: Once per game, while your Jarl is alive, you may choose to have a Bard invoke his Song for an additional turn(the turns need not be consecutive).
A Jarl or Holdcarl may replace his Great Weapon with one of the following:
- Poleaxe or Spear (free)
- Bow or Short Bow(free)
- Second Hand Weapon or Shield(free)
He may replace his Hand Weapon with one of the following:
- Dagger +1 pts
- Spear +4 pts
- Shield +6 pts
A Jarl or Holdcarl may replace his armor with one of the following:
- Full Plate Armor +12 pts
- Nordic Relic Armor +24 pts
A Jarl or Holdcarl may upgrade any number of his one-handed weapons to the following:
- Glass +4 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel +8 pts per weapon
A Jarl or Holdcarl may upgrade any number of his two-handed weapons to the following:
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel +10 pts per weapon
A Jarl or Holdcarl may upgrade one of his weapons to the following:
- Master-Crafted +8 pts per weapon
A Jarl or Holdcarl may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarls must be mounted as well, for +8 pts per model. If so, he may take a Lance for +10 pts.
A Jarl or Holdcarl may take the following special rule:
- Tongue +20 pts
A Jarl or Holdcarl with the Tongue upgrade may purchase up to two of the following Shouts:
- Throw Voice +8 pts
- Unrelenting Force +10 pts
- Whirlwind Sprint +10 pts
- Razor Edge +12 pts
- Elemental Fury +12 pts
- Disarm +15 pts
- Thunderous Siege +25 pts
- Swallow Shout +25 pts
A Jarl or Holdcarl may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Holdcarl may take up to 60 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Jarl may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Thane[edit | edit source]

Thanes serve as the champions of Holds. Once a title given to the finest of a Hold's muster, Thanehood in the age of the Empire often serves as merely an honorary title. Those who earn their title through feats of courage, however, are still found in those Holds that still stand true to the Nordic ways. A Thane's duty is to live a good life in times of peace, and be the figure who leads the Jarl's army in times of war. Regardless of the practicality of their appointment, they are largely independent figures, expected to act with individual initiative and self-reliance in their dealings for the Hold. It is therefore the Thanes who aspire to and often receive the highest battle-honors, who are the epitome of what it means to be Nord warrior.
75 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. You may take up to two Thanes in your army as fourth and fifth Hero choices. No two Thanes in your army may have the exact same combination of equipment, Shouts and upgrades, or of Mighty Deeds. A Thane may take a single Housecarl bodyguard for +20 pts.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Thane | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Great Weapon, Hand Weapon, Scaled Mail.
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
Mighty Deeds: A Thane must choose one Mighty Deed from the Heroes list and one from the Warriors list.
A Thane may replace his Great Weapon with one of the following:
- Poleaxe or Spear (free)
- Bow or Short Bow(free)
- Second Hand Weapon or Shield(free)
He may replace his Hand Weapon with one of the following:
- Dagger +1 pts
- Spear +4 pts
- Shield +6 pts
A Thane may replace his armor with one of the following:
- Full Plate Armor +12 pts
- Nordic Relic Armor +24 pts
A Thane may upgrade any number of his one-handed weapons to the following:
- Glass +4 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel +8 pts per weapon
A Thane may upgrade any number of his two-handed weapons to the following:
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel +10 pts per weapon
A Thane may upgrade one of his weapons to the following:
- Master-Crafted +8 pts per weapon
A Thane may take the following if he does not take a magic helm:
- Hunter's Cowl +6 pts
A Thane may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarl must be mounted as well, for +8 pts. If so, he may take a Lance for +10 pts.
A Thane may take the following special rule:
- Tongue +15 pts
A Thane with the Tongue upgrade may purchase up to two of the following Shouts:
- Throw Voice +8 pts
- Unrelenting Force +10 pts
- Whirlwind Sprint +10 pts
- Razor Edge +12 pts
- Elemental Fury +12 pts
- Disarm +15 pts
- Thunderous Siege +25 pts
- Swallow Shout +25 pts
A Thane may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
One Thane may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice.
A Thane may take up to 60 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Court Wizard[edit | edit source]
The use of magic is a subject not without interest in Skyrim. The secretive College of Winterhold provides instruction in the classical magic tradition to any Nords willing to learn such arts. Within the College's walls, dark secrets of Necromancy are often exchanged among wizards and their apprentices. And in the wilds, far from the vestiges of civilization, demon worshipers and hags perform unthinkable and savage rituals. It is from this dangerous abuse of magicka, this black sorcery, that many Nord villagers and common soldiers come to distrust magicians and their trade.
But magic is not without its uses. Every Jarl employs several wizards to provide counsel at his court, granting him access to and basic understanding of the nature of magicka. Court wizards often prefer to be neutral to political issues, especially those occurring between Holds, but it is not without precedent that a wizard might offer or be required to give magical support to his Hold's muster in time of need.
50 pts
0-1 Court Wizard, Thaumaturgist or Wandering Bard may be taken as a Hero choice for each Jarl, Holdcarl or Thane in your army(you may not exceed your allowance of Heroes in this manner). Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. A Court Wizard may take a single Housecarl bodyguard for +20 pts.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Court Wizard | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 5(6) | - |
Wargear: Dagger, Adept's Robes
Spells: Bound Sword, Frostbite
Special Rules:
A Court Wizard may take any number of following:
- Wizard's Staff +5 pts
- Shield +6 pts
A Court Wizard may replace his robes with:
- Light Mail (free)
- Chain Mail +5 pts
- Master's Robes +10 pts
A Court Wizard may replace Bound Sword and/or Frostbite with another spell from the armory (that casts on 5+ or less to cast) for free.
A Court Wizard may purchase an additional spell or replace Bound Sword and/or Frostbite with any spell for the following price:
Any Alteration Spell +5 pts
Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell +5 pts
Any Restoration Spell +5 pts
Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
Any Illusion Spell +10 pts
Destruction spells cast on 13+ or less +10 pts
Destruction spells costing 14+ mana +20 pts
Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +30 pts
Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+) +50 pts
Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
A Court Wizard may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants him the ability to buy a fourth spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +51 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +64 pts
Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) +80 pts
See Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults for rules for Daedra.
A Court Wizard may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarl must be mounted as well, for +8 pts.
A Court Wizard may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
Court Wizards are occasionally recruited from the natives of other provinces, whether they be students at the College or perhaps representatives of the Mage's Guild. A Court Wizard's race may be changed to Imperial for free, to a Breton or a Dunmer for +5 pts, or to an Altmer for +10 pts. If he does so, he no longer has the Stubborn ability, except of course when attached to or protected by another model with that ability. If an Elf race was chosen, he has -1 Strength on his default profile.
A Court Wizard may purchase any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Housecarls[edit | edit source]

The Housecarls form the personal guard of a Hold's nobility. They are a military elite, taken from the finest warriors in the hold, sworn to fight alongside and protect the Jarl and his Thanes.
Housecarls are not Hero choices in their own right, but may be taken as bodyguard upgrades for various models. Infantry, Nord. Unit size and formation are determined by what model they are attached to.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Housecarl | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield, Chainmail
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
Housecarls are always purchased along with an Independent Character. The Character and his Housecarls function together as a single Independent Character, except while he Character is in a challenge. Housecarls do not have the Precision ability, and cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from the character they are protecting.
A Housecarl adopts the unit size and formation of the unit he is attached to, and always functions as part of the Independent Character he is attached to(while remaining a separate model), with the exceptions described above. He does not benefit from the Mighty Deeds of the character he is attached to, other than Fight All Our Lives, Out of the Mists, and Sudden and Deadly. If the character he is attached to is a Bard, he still benefits from his Songs.
Any number of Housecarls may replace their Hand Weapon with:
- Spear +2 pts per model
Any number of Housecarls may replace both hands with:
- Great Weapon or Poleaxe +6 pts per model
- Bow or Short Bow +2 pts per model
Any number of Housecarls may replace their armor with:
- Light Mail (free)
- Scaled Mail +2 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
Any number of Housecarls may upgrade any number of their weapons to:
- Skyforge Steel +6 pts per weapon
If the model protected by the Housecarls is mounted, each Housecarl must also be mounted for +8 pts each. A mounted Housecarl may take a Lance for +3 pts.
Each Housecarl may take up to 15 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Core[edit | edit source]
Hold Guard[edit | edit source]

Hold Guard are the common watchmen of Skyrim's cities and villages. The guards of Skyrim's towns are the first to be called upon in war; where they enforce laws and catch petty thieves in times of peace, they are ever prepared to raise their swords in times of war. The Hold Guard consist of a motly assortment of young men aspiring to make a name for themselves, conscripted thugs, burly farmers sharpening their pitchforks into spears, battle veterans recovering from knee injuries, and officials sent to uphold the Jarl's peace among the settlements. But whatever their background, they are all common folk already toughened by their past lives, ready to fight and earn a place in Sovngarde at a moment's call.
8 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Nord. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hold Guard | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 5+ |
Hold Sergeant | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield, Light Mail
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
The Hold Sergeant is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Hold Sergeant for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +6 pts. The Musician may be further upgraded to Bard for +10 additional pts. The Bard knows one song from the list provided above.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade their armor to Chainmail or Plate Armor for +2 pts per model
The entire unit may replace both hands with:
- Spear and Shield +1 pts per model
- Bow or Short Bow +1 pts per model
- Great Weapon or Poleaxe +3 pts per model
The Hold Sergeant may upgrade his Light Mail to Scaled Mail for +3 pts, or upgrade his Chainmail to Scaled Mail for +1 pts. He may upgrade one of his weapons to Skyforge Steel for +5 pts. He may take up to 10 points worth of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Huntsmen[edit | edit source]
Many Nords of Skyrim are drawn to the dangerous wilds at an early age. They live a simple life, as hunters, poachers, or serving as the Jarl's foresters. Skilled archers are a powerful tool in battle, as from the folk of the backwoods come the bravest and hardiest lot in all of Skyrim. It is thus a common sight for a company of archers to be recruited from these rugged individuals.
9 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Nord. 5-15 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Huntsman | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Huntmaster | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Short Bow, Dagger, Leather Armor
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Move Through Cover.
One model per unit may be upgraded to Huntmaster for +15 pts. A unit containing a Huntmaster has the Scouts universal special rule.
The entire unit may replace their Short Bows with:
- Bows (free)
- Javelins (free)
- Crossbows (free)
The entire unit may take Huntsman's Cowls for +2 pts per model.
The Huntmaster may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Honored Veterans[edit | edit source]
The ranks of the armies of every Hold do not merely consist of commoners and watchmen called to war by the law of the fyrd, but also of the Jarl's own army, skilled warriors who have seen countless years of battle, yet have not yet reached the fated day when Shor's battle-wives choose them to join the slain in Sovngarde. These men are the core of a Jarl's forces, bands of brave men and fearsome berserkers who wear the scars and trophies of many victories. The warrior spirit of the Nords truly burns within their hearts.

15 pts per model. Elite. Infantry, Nord. 10-20 models per unit. You may choose to deploy a unit of Honored Veterans in ranks or in Skirmish formation.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Honored Veteran | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Honored Champion | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Great Weapon, Light Mail
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
The Honored Champion is a Character.
Mighty Deeds: Each unit of Honored Veterans must choose one Mighty Deed from the Warriors list.
Loose Formation: Nordic warriors are fierce and wild in battle, but also capable of fighting in a conventional manner when necessary. When a unit of Honored Veterans(and all attached Independent Characters) reforms during the movement phase, you may choose to change its formation type from Fight in Ranks to Skirmish, or vice versa. The models must reform into the coherency allowable by the new formation.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Honored Champion for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +6 pts. The Musician may be further upgraded to Bard for +10 additional pts. The Bard knows one song from the list provided above.
Any number of models may replace their Great Weapons with any of the following:
- Poleaxe (free)
- Hand Weapon and Shield (free)
- Spear and Shield (free)
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Bow (free)
- Short Bow (free)
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Chainmail or Plate Armor +2 pts per model
- Scaled Mail +3 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
Any number of models may take:
- Dagger +1 pt per model
Any number of models may give the following upgrades to any number of their weapons:
- Skyforge Steel (Hand Weapon or Dagger) +2 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel (Spear) +3 pts per weapon
- Skyforge Steel (Bow, Short Bow, Poleaxe or Great Weapon) +4 pts per weapon
The Honored Champion may upgrade his Full Plate Armor to Nordic Relic Armor for +5 pts
The Honored Champion may take up to 16 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Warrior Clans[edit | edit source]
The wilds of Skyrim are a harsh place, yet many strong individuals stand against them. Mercenaries, outlaws, bands of adventurers, or ancient families devoted to war for generations form the many Warrior Clans of Skyrim. These bands of fighters are not always linked to a particular Jarl, but rather fight free-lance, serving whichever great man or cause they wish to serve, as the winds blow.
9 pts per model. Elite. Infantry, Skirmish, Nord. 5-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Warrior | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 5+ |
Champion | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield. Light Mail Armor.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
The Champion is a character.
Battle-Prowess: Each Warrior Clan has its own history of deeds, be they great, small, for good or for bad. Along the way, they may have picked up some unusual skills. Each Warrior Clan may purchase one of the following upgrades for every model in the unit:
- Skilled Fighters: All models in the unit have +1 WS. +1 pt per model.
- Fiendhunters: All models in the unit have Preferred Enemy(Undead, Daedra and Werewolves). +1 pt per model.
- Beastslayers: All models in the unit have the Monster Hunter special rule, and re-roll failed wounds against creatures with Bestial Instinct. +1 pt per model.
- Deadeye: All models in the unit get +1 BS. +2 pts per model.
- Expert Trackers: All models in the unit have Stealth and Acute Senses, and the unit may Outflank. +3 pts per model.
- Legendary Fury: All models in the unit have +1 A. +3 pts per model.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +14 pts
Any number of models may replace their Hand Weapon and Shield with any of the following:
- Poleaxe +3 pts per model
- Great Weapon +3 pts per model
- Spear and Shield +1 pt per model
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Bow +1 pt per model
- Short Bow +1 pt per model
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Chainmail or Plate Armor +2 pts per model
- Scaled Mail +3 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
Any number of models may take:
- Dagger +1 pt per model
Any number of models may give the following upgrades to any number of their weapons:
- Skyforge Steel +4 pts per weapon
The Champion may make one of his weapons Master-Crafted for +6 pts
For every 5 models in the unit, one model may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
The Champion may take up to 15 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Horse-Veterans[edit | edit source]
The many honored warriors of a Hold need not rely on fighting on foot. It is a common sight for a Jarl and the great men of his hall to take to the field upon tall steeds, combining the speed and brawn of their horses with their own wit and valor. Those Northmen adept at the art of riding are truly a sight to behold, swiftly overpowering the foe with great ferocity; for in an age of strength and steel, battles are won and lost by the skill of the horsemen.

30 pts per model. Elite. Cavalry, Nord. 8-15 models per unit. You may choose to deploy a unit of Horse Veterans in Ranks or in Skirmish formation. Horse-Veterans may only be joined by Independent Characters mounted on horses.
25mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Horse-Veteran | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4(5) | 1 | 4 | 2(3) | 8 | 1 | 5+ |
Horse-Master | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4(5) | 1 | 4 | 2(3) | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Lance, Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Mail. Warhorse.
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
The Horse-Master is a Character.
Mighty Deeds: Each unit of Horse-Veterans must choose one Mighty Deed from the Warriors list.
Loose Formation: When a unit of Horse-Veterans(and all attached Independent Characters) reforms during the movement phase, you may choose to change its formation type from Fight in Ranks to Skirmish, or vice versa. The models must reform into coherency allowable by the new formation.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Horse-Master for +12 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +8 pts. The Musician may be further upgraded to Bard for +16 additional pts. The Bard knows one song from the list provided above.
Any number of models may replace their hand weapon and shield with any of the following:
- Spear and Shield (free)
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Poleaxe +5 pts per model
- Great Weapon +5 pts per model
- Bow +3 pts per model
- Short Bow +3 pts per model
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Chainmail or Plate Armor +4 pts per model
- Scaled Mail +5 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +10 pts per model
Any number of models may take:
- Dagger +1 pt per model
Any number of models may give the following upgrades to any number of their weapons:
- Skyforge Steel +7 pts per weapon
The Horse-Master may upgrade his Full Plate Armor to Nordic Relic Armor for +10 pts
The Horse-Master may take up to 16 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Support[edit | edit source]
Hold Riders[edit | edit source]
The outriders of a Hold are experienced fieldsmen, trackers and mountaineers. Their skill riding their steeds through the snow and tundra is as useful on the battlefield as it is during the hunt. Hold Riders outmaneuver their foes through the fast traversing of the roughest of terrain, scouting the areas ahead for their lords, or else charging their foe and routing them in the blink of an eye.
15 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Fast Cavalry, Nord. 5-15 models per unit. Hold Riders may only be joined by Independent Characters mounted on horses.
25mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hold Rider | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4(5) | 1 | 3 | 1(2) | 7 | 1 | 5+ |
Snow-Tracker | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4(5) | 1 | 3 | 1(2) | 8 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield, Light Mail(or Leather Armor). Riding Horse.
Spells: None.
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Move through Cover.
The Snow-Tracker is a Character and grants the unit the Scouts special rule.
One model may be upgraded to Snow-Tracker for +15 pts
The entire unit may trade their Hand Weapons and Shields for:
- Short Bow +1 pt per model
- Bow +1 pt per model
The entire unit may take:
- Hunter's Cowl +2 pts per model
Wandering Bard[edit | edit source]
To be a Bard of Skyrim is an art and an honor. Trained by master musicians, often at the Bard's College of Solitude, it is the task of these minstrels to sing the sagas of past heroes. In battle, they provide companionship, mirth and inspiration to those around them. Some Bards are payed to sing at the court of a Jarl, or hired by innkeepers and traders to entertain their customers. Others wander the land, singing songs as they go for those with the coin, all while wooing fair maidens and dispatching brigands and monsters with a blade kept close at hand. Some call them vagabonds, and seek to reign in their exploits; others see them as adventurers of the finest sort, and have no qualms in seeking their assistance in battle.
26 pts per model.
0-1 Court Wizard, Thaumaturgist or Wandering Bard may be taken as a Hero choice for each Jarl, Holdcarl or Thane in your army(you may not exceed your allowance of Heroes in this manner). Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Wandering Bard | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Light Mail.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Master Storyteller: A Wandering Bard is a Bard according to the rules in this book. He counts as a Musician for the unit he is attached to. He also has 2 Songs, as listed in this book. He may invoke a Song twice per game(or both one time each).
Skilled Bladesman: A Wandering Bard may dual wield a Hand Weapon with a Dagger, and may Parry while doing so as if he had a shield..
Mighty Deeds: A Wandering Bard must choose a Mighty Deed from the Warriors list.
A Wandering Bard may take one of the following:
- Bow +3 pts
- Short Bow +3 pts
He may take the following:
- Dagger +3 pts
A Wandering Bard may replace his armor with one of the following:
- Leather Armor (free)
- Chainmail +3 pts
- Scaled Mail +4 pts
A Wandering Bard may upgrade any number of his weapons to one or both of the following:
- Skyforge Steel +7 pts per weapon
- Master-Crafted +6 pts per weapon
A Wandering Bard may take the following if he does not take a magic helm:
- Hunter's Cowl +4 pts
A Wandering Bard may take up to 10 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Thaumaturgist[edit | edit source]
The villages of Skyrim are rural settlements, their people vulnerable to disease and injury from all the dangers of the land. It is the profession of the wizards living in those villages, trained in the art of magicka yet not corrupted by promises of dark power, to render assistance to farmers, smiths and watchmen through the sale of salves, potions and services in healing. By no means are they as skilled as the alchemists of great cities, as priests of the Divines or as Imperial physicians, but their skill is invaluable in times of need. These village healers, if conscripted, save many lives of their fellow soldiers on the battlefield.
14 pts per model.
0-1 Court Wizard, Thaumaturgist or Wandering Bard may be taken as a Hero choice for each Jarl, Holdcarl or Thane in your army(you may not exceed your allowance of Heroes in this manner). Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Thaumaturgist | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 3 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Dagger, Leather Armor.
Spells: Heal Other
Special Rules:
Battlefield Healer: Other models in a Thaumaturgist's unit may use his potions as if they were their own. A Thaumaturgist may leave his own unit at the end of a round of combat using the rules for Hit and Run, if he successfully moves over 2" away from that unit. He join another unit that is not locked in combat if he chooses to do so. That unit may not use his potions until the phase ends, however.
A Thaumaturgist may replace his Hand Weapon with one of the following:
- Bow +2 pts
- Short Bow +2 pts
A Thaumaturgist may upgrade one or more weapons to the following:
- Poisoned(4+) +2 pts per weapon
A Thaumaturgist may take the following if he does not take a magic helm:
- Hunter's Cowl +4 pts
A Thaumaturgist may replace his armor with:
- Adept's Robes +2 pts
A Thaumaturgist may purchase up to 25 points of potions and 10 points of other magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Tongue[edit | edit source]
For centuries, the power of the Thu'um was the most powerful weapon of the Nords. Many aspiring heroes of the Hold, or wise sages, would shout their enemies to death, and with their breath shatter the gates of cities. It was these Tongues that truly brought fear into the hearts of Skyrim's foes, and countless sagas relate the deeds of ancient heroes and their deadly Shouts. It was only under Jurgen Windcaller that the Tongues became restrained, practicing their art as a monastic discipline rather than as a weapon. The sight of the Tongues upon the battlefield is a fading tale, as fewer and fewer of the pupils of the Greybeards dare to use the Way of the Voice as a weapon. But when a Tongue appears, it is truly awe-inspiring, as the fabrics of Mundus are warped to the mighty words in his breath.
26 pts per model.
Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Tongue | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Chain Mail
Spells: None
Unrelenting Force, Razor Edge, Thunderous Siege
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Tongue.
A Tongue may replace one both hands with one of the following:
- Poleaxe +4 pts
- Great Weapon +4 pts
- Spear and Shield +1 pt
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Bow +2 pts
- Short Bow +2 pts
He may replace his armor with any of the following:
- Light Mail or Leather Armor (free)
- Plate Armor (free)
- Scaled Mail +1 pt
- Full Plate Armor +4 pts
- Nordic Relic Armor +10 pts
He may take:
- Dagger +1 pt
He may give the following upgrades to any number of his weapons:
- Skyforge Steel +4 pts per weapon
A Tongue may take one of the following Shouts(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for the list of Shouts):
Throw Voice, Animal Allegiance, Clear Skies +8 pts
Disarm, Elemental Fury, Whirlwind Sprint, Aura Whisper +10 pts
Become Ethereal, Spectral Illusion, Swallow Shout +15 pts
Ice Form, Kyne's Peace +25 pts
A Tongue may take up to 15 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Catapult[edit | edit source]
Although the Tongues have often served as the traditional siege weapon of the Nords, their armies are not without conventional catapults as well. Although crude by the standards of the devices of many other lands, their construction is simple, durable and efficient. It is with these weapons that the walls of cities are broken, followed by the great hosts of the North flooding in through the rubble. Such weapons can also be used on occasion on the battlefield, being able to obliterate lines of infantry if placed in the right location.
80 pts per artillery. Skirmish, Artillery, Nord(crew). 1 to 3 artillery per unit.
25mm x 25mm base(crew), 50mm x 100mm base(catapult).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Catapult | - | - | - | 7 | 4 | - | - | - | - | - |
Crewman | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Crew: 3 Crewmen per Catapult
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Light Mail
Special Rules:
Catapult: Catapults are made up of crew and the actual artillery piece, with oncoming ranged attacks being split between the two(see rules for artillery in the Scrollhammer rulebook). The Catapult artillery model may not move, only pivot, and requires at least one crewman to make use of the special shooting attack. If a Catapult unit is forced to Fall Back while not locked in combat, and contains one or more artillery pieces, instead remove an artillery piece as a casualty.
Catapults fire with the following profile:
Move or Fire 1, Blast, Barrage, 12" to 96" range. All hits where a model's base is completely under the blast marker are resolved at S8 AP2, Multiple Wounds(d3). All hits where a model's base partially under the blast marker are resolved at S4 AP0. A Catapult always strikes buildings at Strength 8 AP2, and rolls 3d6 for armor penetration against them.
Mechanical: The Catapult model is Immune to Poison and Immune to Disease.
The Crewmen are Stubborn.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
Jarl Olaf One-Eye of Whiterun[edit | edit source]
In the latter years of the War of Succession, a one-eyed hero, Olaf by name, arose in the city of Whiterun. For as the Holds of Skyrim battled one another, the great Dragon Numinex terrorized the land. Olaf went forth, and according to his boasts, challenged the wyrm to single combat. With the power of the Thu'um, he cast the Dragon to the ground, and smote it many times with his great axe. The Dragon bowed to him as the victor, and Olaf gathered his men to shackle the sky-serpent. Into the Great Porch of the castle atop Whiterun they dragged the great monster, and there held it as a captive. Ever since that day, that keep was known as Dragonsreach.
Either by the glory of this deed, or by an earlier dealing, Olaf became Jarl of Whiterun Hold. He used his capture and imprisonment of dread Numinex to prove to the other Jarls his greatness. A council was declared, the Moot of Skyrim, at which Olaf persuaded the warring Jarls to cease their feud and name him High King. So it came to be that this great warrior became the ruler of all the men of the North.
The people of the north-western parts of Skyrim, of Solitude town and the forests of Haafingar, saw him still as a usurper. He made them kneel in submission, but secret slanders were exchanged among the people of Haafingar. A notable Bard wrote a verse accusing the Jarl of cowardice, of capturing Numinex while the Dragon was wounded, and stealing glory that was rightfully anothers. This verse was censored as sedition by Olaf's courts and councilors, but the legend of it still endured. Ever since his reign, the Bards' College in Solitude has burned Olaf in effigy for these abuses at the festival for the admission of new scholars and musicians.
But in Whiterun, Olaf was beloved. When Numinex met eventual death, his skull was displayed above the Jarl's throne, irrefutable proof of the existence of the Dragons that once ruled the skies and terrorized the land, for all generations to come.
260 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. Olaf may be taken as your army's Jarl. You are limited to 0-1 Jarls in your army. Olaf may take a retinue of up to 3 Housecarls, for +20 pts per model. An army containing a Olaf may elect to take a single unit of Honored Veterans as a Core unit if Olaf is on foot, or Horse-Veterans if he is mounted.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Olaf One-Eye | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4(5) | 4 | 10 | 1 | 2+ |
Dragon-Cleaver: The axe of Olaf One-Eye is a Runic Hand Weapon.
Warmonger: This is a Runic War Hammer.
Nordic Relic Armor, Shield of Resist Flame.
Spells: None
Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Frost Breath
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Preferred Enemy(Dragons), Tongue
Guardian Stone Blessing: The Thief
Mighty Deeds: Feller of Giants, Fight All Our Lives
Leader of Men: Friendly units within 6" of Olaf, as long as he is not fleeing, may use his Leadership for all morale tests they make.
Legacy of Kings: Once per game, while Olaf is alive, you may choose to have one of your Bards invoke his Song for an additional turn(the turns need not be consecutive).
Olaf may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarls must be mounted as well, for +8 pts per model. If so, he may take a Lance for +10 pts.
Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak of Eastmarch[edit | edit source]
In the dark days of the Fourth Era, as the Thalmor-led Aldmeri Dominion rose to crush the Empire, a young prince of Skyrim pledged his sword to the cause of Talos, to defend the realm of his forefathers. Ulfric was his name, son of the Jarl of the East March. He fought long in the defense of Cyrodiil in a Nordic regiment of the Imperial Legion but met defeat in battle. He was held for many months a captive of the Elves, tortured by the Altmer agent Elenwen for information. There he was deceived into believing that the words forced from his mouth caused the Imperial City to fall to the Thalmor, not knowing that it had fallen and had been subsequently retaken. He was allowed to escape at this point, that discontent might be spread throughout the Empire.
After his release, Ulfric learned of the banishment of the worship of Talos, and the humiliation of the Empire at the hands of the elves. Swearing that he might strive to be a man worthy of his ancestors, he ascended the Seven Thousand Steps along the slopes of the Throat of the World, and atop the great mountain, at the monastery of High Hrothgar, spent many years learning the Way of the Voice from the Greybeards. But once his soul had grasped the Thu'um, he left the monastery, scorning the teachings of the Greybeards in favor of using the Thu'um as a weapon in the name of Talos. Crowned Jarl following the passing of his father, he offered the aid of his armies to Jarl Igmund of the Western Reach against the Witch-Men of the hills, who several years before had seized the city of Markarth and slain Igmund's father. The one condition for his aid to Igmund was that the Reach might become a sanctuary for the worship of Talos. Igmund accepted this offer, and with the Thu'um Ulfric shouted the barbarian invaders from the walls of Markarth and reclaimed it in the name of Talos. But Igmund, fearing the retaliation of the Thalmor and their allies in the Imperial government, denied the free worship of Talos in Markarth, and the great war-god's chapel renamed but an abandoned chamber.
So Ulfric returned in sorrow to Windhelm, never forgetting that the throne he sat upon was the same upon which great Ysgramor once reigned. There he found himself with two choices; submitting his beliefs and his way of life to the lies of Elves, or abandoning the Empire he once fought for, rising up against the Thalmor where the Emperor and his weighty assortment of bureaucrats and corrupt politicians would not. He chose the latter.
Mustering the strength of his fathers, Ulfric rode to Solitude, and declared a rebellion against the young, Empire-supporting High King Torygg. He challenged Torygg to combat by champion, that the loyalty of Skyrim might be settled there and then. Torygg, in an act of bravery worth a place in Sovngarde, accepted the duel, and fell before Ulfric's shout and his sword. Ulfric fled the city, leaving it in the hands of Torygg's widow. Accused of murder and treason for this deed, those who assisted him in this act within Solitude's walls were put to death, and the hearts of those loyal to Cyrodiil to the end were turned against him.
Upon his return to Windhelm, Ulfric declared all of Skyrim a separate kingdom from the Empire, under his rule. All the Jarls of the east of Skyrim swore oaths of allegiance to him, but those of the west, Igmund and Torygg's widow included, remained loyal to the Empire. Only Balgruuf the Greater, the good Jarl of Whiterun, remained neutral at this time, supporting the Empire in name while tacitly allowing the worship of Talos within his city. Ulfric's incredible leadership and strength saw the Imperial legion dealt crippling blows and nearly sent from the province, until The Empire sent General Tullius and the Fourth Legion against him, to put his rebellion down, but many Nord warriors flocked still to his ranks, seeking to fight to restore the worship of Talos.
Ulfric has never been without both friends and enemies in every Hold. There are many Nords in Skyrim who praise his great name and know him to be a selfless hero and true defender of the Nordic way of life. There are those yet devoted to the Empire who think him as a cruel barbarian warlord who seeks only to crown himself king. But none doubt his ferocity in battle and his skill as a general and a leader of men.

235 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. Ulfric may be taken as your army's Jarl. You are limited to 0-1 Jarls in your army. Ulfric may take a retinue of up to 3 Housecarls, for +20 pts per model. An army containing a Ulfric may elect to take a single unit of Honored Veterans as a Core unit if Ulfric is on foot, or Horse-Veterans if he is mounted.
Call to Rebellion: If the army contains both Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist, it may take any number of units of Honored Veterans and Horse-Veterans as Core units.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Ulfric Stormcloak | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 1 | 5+ |
Sword of the King: This is a Master-Crafted Ebony hand weapon whose blows cannot be Parried.
Cloak of Storms: This counts as 6+ Light Armor, and grants Ulfric +1 to his Feel No Pain against frost damage.
Axe of Dismay(Hand Weapon), Shield of Dwindling Magic.
Spells: None
Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Razor Edge
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Preferred Enemy(Aldmeri Dominion), Tongue
Guardian Stone Blessing: The Lord
Mighty Deeds:
Sovngarde Awaits, North Wind
Freedom or Sovngarde!: Friendly units within 12" of Ulfric Stormcloak may use his Leadership for all morale tests they make, so long as he is not fleeing.
Throne of Ysgramor: Twice per game, while Ulfric is alive, you may choose to have a Bard invoke his Song for an additional turn(the turns need not be consecutive).
Combat by Champion: Unsaved wounds inflicted by Ulfric in a challenge give +3 to combat resolution instead of the normal +1.
Ulfric may replace the Cloak of Storms with one of the following:
- Wolfpelt Mail(5+ Light Armor) +10 pts
- Nordic Relic Armor +35 pts
Ulfric may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarls must be mounted as well, for +8 pts per model. If so, he may take a Lance for +10 pts.
Galmar Stone-Fist[edit | edit source]

Of the men of Windhelm fighting in Ulfric's rebellion, Galmar Stone-Fist stands among the most loyal. Both a cunning tactician and a huge warrior, this elevated Housecarl has served as the second in command to Ulfric since the rebellion began.
Although born into a prominent clan in Windhelm, Galmar chose not to engage in the corruption found in many other wealthy clans of Skyrim, and nor did he choose the life of a drunken troublemaker like his brother Rolff. Rather, he forged a legacy in battle, a young warrior seeking to live up to the legacy of the honored dead in Sovngarde. Known well by the Imperial Legion, like his liege lord Ulfric he came to see the Empire as only a husk of what Talos made it, and after many trials swore to allow the Thalmor to persecute Nords in their own land for too long. His faith in Talos and his loyalty to the Nordic way of life exceeds that of even Ulfric; plain-spoken and strong-willed, his passion grants him strength, if it might one day be his undoing. Galmar Stone-Fist stands as the exemplar of all that the Stormcloaks, and all Nords in general, stand for.
140 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. Galmar may be taken as a replacement for a Holdcarl. He may take a retinue of up to 3 Housecarls, for +20 pts per model.
Call to Rebellion: If the army contains both Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist, it may take any number of units of Honored Veterans and Horse-Veterans as Core units.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Galmar Stone-Fist | 5 | 4 | 4(5) | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 5+ |
Axe of Eastmarch: This is a Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Battle Axe that strikes at full initiative the first round of combat.
Wolfpelt Mail: This is Light Armor(5+).
Hand Weapon.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Mighty Deeds:
Bear of a Man, Strong Will and Stout Heart
Leader of Men: Friendly units within 6" of Galmar Stone-Fist may use his Leadership for all morale tests they make, so long as he is not fleeing.
Highland Tactics: Galmar may Infiltrate his unit.
Galmar may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. If he takes this upgrade, his Housecarls must be mounted as well, for +8 pts per model. If so, he may take a Lance for +10 pts.
Hrormir and Darfang, Champions of Evensnow[edit | edit source]
Among the ancient sagas of the North tell of two great champions of a forgotten age, Hrormir and Darfang, of the age of the dark winters when Man struggled against Elf. It was in this age that magic was respected by all as a warrior art, before the College of Winterhold and the wilds became filled with necromancy and brigandry. Hero of the lost realm of Evensnow, the greatest swordsman in the land, Darfang, was seduced by dark powers, enslaved in mind and body. The wild, wenching wizard, Hrormir, went forth into the snow and reclaimed his friend from the sorcery that bound him. As he sought to free his boon companion, he became the lover of Nocturnal, goddess of thieves, and was given the magic of the shadow at his beck and call. His deeds were forever remembered in a great ballad, and his Icestaff was in later eras held as a relic of the Mage's Guild.
150 pts for Hrormir, 150 pts for Darfang
2 Hero choices. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. Hrormir and Darfang count as two Thanes in your army, and must always be taken together. Other Thanes in your army may take the same combinations of wargear, upgrades, Shouts and Mighty Deeds as them.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hrormir | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 5(7) | - |
Darfang | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 2+ |
The Icestaff: The fabled Icestaff freezes Hrormir's foes while cloaking them in a fey glow. Models Chilled by Hrormir's frost spells are Chilled for -2 Initiative rather than just 1, and lose their Night Fighting cover saves.
Master's Robes.
Frostbite, Bound Sword, Bound Armor, Ice Storm.
Special Rules:
Mighty Deeds:
Never Back Down, Out of the Mists.
Gift of Nocturnal: Hrormir may take the Guardian Stone Blessings of the Shadow and the Thief for +10 points each.
Blade of Darfang: This is a Master-Crafted Runic Hand Weapon of Striking.
Shield, Nordic Relic Armor.
Elemental Fury, Razor Edge.
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Tongue.
Mighty Deeds:
Son of the Sky, Shield-Brothers
The Companions of Ysgramor[edit | edit source]
After the Return, the warriors of Ysgramor settled around the mythic Skyforge, deep in the heart of the land. Naming their mead hall Jorvasskr in honor of Ysgramor's ship, they served as defenders of Skyrim and her people ever since. Through four eras, they have endured in one form or another, and their fame spans over all the Holds.
The forms they have taken have been for good or for ill. In days of old, they pledged themselves as warriors for one Hold or another; when Companion slaughtered Companion during the Wars of Succession, they agreed to not to involve themselves in feuds between Jarls in future eras. Instead, they serve as mediators in personal disputes and bounty hunters, whenever they are not defending Skyrim's people from wild beasts, Orcs, Giants, outside invaders. Armed with the mightiest steel of the Skyforge, crafted by the finest smiths in the land, the Companions are truly a sight to behold.
Ever since the passing of Ysgramor to Sovngarde, the Companions have never had a true leader. Every Companion is free to ultimately choose his path in life. Troubles within the organization are resolved by the Circle, the experienced champions. The worthiest of the Circle, the Harbinger, acts as the moral guide to the band, but even the newest blood may dispute his orders. The warriors of Companions for this reason dispense with all honorifics in their addresses and speeches, only referring to one another as brothers in arms.
In the Third Era, the Companions fell into a life of brigandry and dishonor. The name of Ysgramor was shamed by their deeds. But those few in their number still seeking honor gathered in secret, and returned to Jorvasskr to bring the corrupt Harbinger and his lackeys to justice. This action was met by violence, and many Companions spilled the blood of their brothers, but every criminal in the order was slain or driven out that day. Ever since, the Companions have sought to reclaim their lost honor, to find the lost Shield of Ysgramor, and to regain the pieces of his mighty axe Wuuthrad, long since scattered across the land.
A recent action of the Companions in their quest for glory has proven both a blessing and a curse; the blood of Hircine, God of the Hunt. For when the Glenmoril Coven, a band of foul witches, promised power to a hapless Harbinger late in the Third Era, he accepted, not knowing what would befall him and his Circle. For as each of them partook in a dark ritual with the witches, each of them transformed into a great wolf, and set upon their foes not in honorable battle but in ruthless savagery. Even as they recovered and returned to the human shape, half of the spirit of each warrior remained in the lupine aspect, able to transform again at will. Many sought to use this power in secret, for noble purposes; others found themselves unable to control this power, transforming in times of great bloodlust or at the height of the moons, tearing their foes to pieces and devouring their flesh. Every warrior of the Circle has since this day joined the ranks of the Hounds of Hircine, but many with regrets; for all who bear the Beast Blood are tied to the hunt, not to the path of Shor, and so must spend eternity not in Sovngarde, but in the great Hunting Grounds.
23 pts per model
Elite. Infantry, Skirmish, Nord. 5-20 models per unit. You may take 0-1 units of the Companions of Ysgramor as a unique Warrior Clan in your army.
25mm x 25mm base(Companion). 40mm x 40mm base(Wolf Form).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Companion | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Circle Champion | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Harbinger | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 5+ |
(Wolf Form) | 2 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 0 | -(6++) |
The entire unit has the following Special Rules:
For every 5 models, you may upgrade one model to Circle Champion for +20 pts
In a unit numbering 10 or more models, you may upgrade one model to the Harbinger for +30 pts
A unit of Companions containing a Circle Champion or the Harbinger have the Fight All Our Lives Mighty Deed.
Wargear: Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Great Weapon, Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Mail.
Any number of models may replace their Great Weapon or Shield with any of the following:
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Poleaxe (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Hand Weapon (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Spear (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Dagger (free)
- Bow (free)
- Short Bow (free)
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Chainmail or Plate Armor +2 pts per model
- Scaled Mail +3 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
Spells: None
Circle Champions and Harbinger
Wargear: Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Great Weapon, Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Hand Weapon, Wolf Armor(5+ Light Armor).
Any number of models may replace their Great Weapon or Shield with any of the following:
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Poleaxe (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Hand Weapon (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Spear (free)
- Master-Crafted Skyforge Steel Dagger (free)
- Bow (free)
- Short Bow (free)
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Full Plate Armor +3 pts per model
- Nordic Relic Armor +10 pts per model
Each Circle Champion may purchase up to 20 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory. The Harbinger may purchase any number of magic items where appropriate from the armory, and may purchase one or more of the the following artifacts:
The Shield of Ysgramor: Shield, Artifact. The ancient shield of Ysgramor may only be wielded by the Harbinger of the Companions or by the Dovahkiin himself. Bearer has +1 Wound and a 4+ Ward save against spell damage. +35 pts
Wuuthrad: Artifact, Battle Axe. The mighty axe of Ysgramor himself may only be wielded by the Harbinger of the Companions or by the Dovahkiin. Wuuthrad is a Master-Crafted Runic Battle Axe that strikes with +2 Strength, and re-rolls all failed wounds against Elves(including Falmer, but not including Orcs). The sight of such a mythic weapon, reforged after millennia, causes all friendly units from this army book within 6" of wielder to become Fearless. +48 points.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Character. The Harbinger is a Special Character, and so only one may be taken. Immune to Disease.
Mighty Deeds: In addition, each Circle Champion and the Harbinger must also take of the following Mighty Deeds: Battle Rage, Cleaving Blows, Skilled Hunter, Feller of Giants, Resilience, Shield Brothers(these Mighty Deeds only apply to them individually, not to the entire unit).
Battle-Prowess: Each Circle Champion and the Harbinger may take Skilled Fighter for +3 pts, Deadeye for +6 pts, or Legendary Fury for +10 pts. (See the Warrior Clans rules for further details). These upgrades only apply to the model purchasing them, not to the entire unit.
The Beast Blood: Once per game, at the beginning of your movement phase, if there are no Independent Characters (other than the Dovahkiin) attached to a unit of Companions, and no other friendly or allied units within 6" of a unit of the Companions, all Circle Champions and the Harbinger in the unit may call upon the power of Hircine. In a span of mere seconds, their bodies undergo a terrible transformation, from men into great savage wolves. While in this form, they use the Wolf Form profile rather than their own, and bear no wargear. \
Replace each model in Wolf Form with a more appropriate model if you wish; note that models in Wolf Form are mounted on 40mm x 40mm bases. At the end of each of your turns, if a model in Wolf Form has not slain a model, return that model to his normal profile, with all his previous wargear and abilities. No Independent Character (other than the Dovahkiin) can join a unit of Companions with one or more models currently in Wolf Form.
Wolf Form
Beasts, Skirmish, Werewolf.
The characteristics of a model in Wolf Form are included in the profile for Companions above.
Wargear: None
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Fearless, Rending, Causes Terror
Hircine's Blessing: This model is Ethereal, but the Ward Save granted against mundane attacks is only 6+.
Controlled Savagery: To enter the shape of a wolf is to endanger one's sanity, to subject oneself to the rage of a mindless killer. As each model that enters Wolf Form, that model must take a Leadership test on its own value. If that model fails, it gains Frenzied and Bestial Instinct, and if any of its attacks miss in close combat, you must instead allocate them to a non-Werewolf model in the same unit as the model that failed the Leadership check. These rules apply for as long as the model remains in Wolf Form. It cannot be shaken from its Frenzied state by any means other than leaving Wolf Form. If the Leadership check is passed, however, the model instead may continue to use its Mighty Deeds and Battle Prowess while in Wolf Form.
The Dawnguard[edit | edit source]
The Dawnguard are an order of vampire hunters whose named reached legend in Skyrim during their heyday. When the adventurous son of the Jarl of the southern Hold of Riften was infected with vampirism, he was unable to control his desire to drink the blood of the living. With great sorrow, the Jarl ordered him to be held under house arrest in a fortress near the border between the Rift and the land of the Dark Elves of Redoran. The Dawnguard were formed to protect this youth, and to protect any others who might from further predations of the undead.
The vampiric prince attempted an escape, and died in the process. The order began to lose favor at this point, and became more and more desperate in its methods. After several generations, the Dawnguard no longer held any righteousness at all in its cause, using the prison fortress as a base for leading raids against innocents to be robbed and tortured. The Dawnguard, having indulged in the tyranny it once sought to destroy, were eventually disbanded, sinking into outlawry.
In the Fourth Era, however, the Dawnguard were reformed. Vampires had begun a resurgence, each clan openly attacking travelers and villages, the most dangerous of them even plotting to blot out the sun itself. As the Vigilants of Stendarr fell against this rising menace, the strongest blades and brightest minds in Skyrim congregated under the old banner of the Dawnguard, to make a final stand against the night.
14 pts per Dawnguard model
Elite. Infantry, Skirmish, Nord. 5-20 Dawnguard(including Captain) per unit, plus 0-1 Battle-Trolls for every 10 Dawnguard. Battle-Trolls are Beasts, and are not Nords. You may take 0-1 units of the Dawnguard as a unique Warrior Clan in your army.
25mm x 25mm base(Dawnguard). 40mm x 40mm base(Battle-Troll).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Dawnguard | 3 | 3(4) | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 2 | 6+ |
Dawn Captain | 4 | 4(5) | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 4 | 6+ |
Battle-Troll | 3 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 0 | 5+ |
Crossbow, Dawn Axe, Dawnguard Armor.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Hatred(Vampires), Immune to Fear and Terror.
The Dawn Captain is a character, who must always challenge and accept challenges from Vampires when able to.
Battle Prowess: Fiendhunters, Deadeye(see the rules for Warrior Clans).
One model may be upgraded to Dawn Captain for +16 pts.
The unit may take a Battle-Troll(see below) for every 10 Dawnguard(including Captain) for +32 pts each
Any number of models may take one of the following:
- A second Dawn Axe +1 pt per model
- Shield +1 pts per model
- Spell: Flames +2 pts per model
- Spell: Sun Fire +2 pts per model
- Dawn Hammer +4 pts per model
Any number of models may replace their armor with:
- Dawnguard Heavy Armor +2 pts per model
Any number of models may upgrade their crossbows to:
- Enhanced Crossbow +3 pts per model
The Dawn Captain may take a Restoration spell from the Holds of Skyrim armory for +5 pts.
The Dawn Captain may upgrade his Dawn Axe:
- Runic Sun-Axe +15 pts
The Dawn Captain may upgrade his Dawn Hammer to:
- Runic Inferno Hammer +15 pts
The Dawn Captain may upgrade his Shield to:
- Blazing Rune-Shield +15 pts
The Dawn Captain may upgrade his crossbow to:
- Dwarven Crossbow +6 pts
- Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow +9 pts
Dawnguard Armory
Dawn Axe: This is a Hand Weapon that re-rolls failed wounds against Vampires.
Dawn Hammer: This is a War Hammer that re-rolls failed wounds against Vampires.
Dawnguard Armor: This is Light Armor(6+) that grants a 4+ Ward Save against spells cast by Vampires.
Dawnguard Heavy Armor: This is Heavy Armor(5+) that grants a 4+ Ward Save against spells cast by Vampires.
Enhanced Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +2 AP.
Dwarven Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +1 S.
Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +1 S +2 AP.
Runic Sun-Axe: Artifact. This is a Runic hand weapon that ignores Feel No Pain. Rolls of 6 to hit with this weapon against units containing one or more undead cause two additional rolls to wound to be made against that unit. Those two additional wounds are considered to hit the unit, and must be allocated to Undead.
Runic Inferno Hammer: Artifact. This is a Runic War Hammer that ignores Feel No Pain. If bearer is not engaged in combat, and has the Runic Inferno Hammer equipped, he may strike the ground with it after his unit marches or shoots during the shooting phase. If he does so, he automatically casts the spell Fire Rune without having to roll; he may do this even if he does not know the spell, he does not have enough power dice, or even if he is silenced. The range is always 3" for this casting, regardless of modifiers.
Blazing Rune-Shield: Artifact. This is Shield. If bearer successfully makes an armor save, and is locked in combat with an enemy unit containing one or more vampires, each enemy unit bearer is locked in combat with takes D3 S4AP0 hits. These hits can only be allocated to Vampires in that unit.
Sun Fire: Restoration, cast on 4+, shooting attack, 1-handed. Move and Fire 1, range 18". This spell has no effect on the living. Against the Undead, it strikes at S4 AP0, Ignores Feel No Pain.
Troll Armor: This is Light Armor(5+)
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Bestial Instinct, Stubborn, Causes Fear
Trollsblood: Battle-Trolls have Regeneration(6+), but flame attacks get +1 to wound against them.
Pummeling Blows: Melee attacks from Battle-Trolls get +2 AP.
Each Battle-Troll may take one of the following (mundane) Gauntlets:
- Bladed Bracers(Melee attacks gain the Rending special rule) +4 pts
- Flail Bracers(bearer gains the Rampage special rule as part of its Charge Bonus) +6 pts
Each Battle-Troll may replace his armor with the following:
- Heavy Troll Armor(4+ Heavy Armor) +8 pts
The Order of the Silver Hand[edit | edit source]
Among the more infamous of the warrior bands of Skyrim in the Fourth Era are the Silver Hand. Eternal enemies of werewolves, the Silver Hand seek to hunt down the terrifying man-beasts and make armor from their skins. Despite their hatred of this dangerous threat to innocents, the Silver Hand have no qualms toward preying on innocents themselves, robbing any passerby unfortunate to stumble upon any old fort they might inhabit. For this reason, they are seen as outlaws and butchers by the people of Skyrim, and their enmity with the Companions of Ysgramor has of late escalated toward total war.
14 pts per model
Elite. Infantry, Skirmish, Nord. 5-20 models per unit. You may take 0-1 units of the Silver Hand as a unique Warrior Clan in your army.
We Know What You Truly Are!: An army can never contain units of both the Silver Hand and the Companions.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Silver Hand | 3(4) | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 5+ |
Silver Hand Captain | 4(5) | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Silver hand weapon, Shield, Light Mail
Spells: None
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Hatred(Werewolves), Killing Blow
The Silver Hand Captain is a Character.
Battle-Prowess: Skilled Fighters, Fiendhunters(see the rules for Warrior Clans).
One model in the unit may be upgraded to Silver Hand Captain for +16 pts.
Any model in the unit may trade his hand weapon and shield for:
- Silver Bow +2 pts per model
- Silver Short Bow +2 pts per model
- Silver Poleaxe +3 pts per model
- Silver Greatsword +3 pts per model
Any model in the unit may trade his armor for:
- Chainmail or Plate Armor: +2 pts per model
- Scaled Mail: +3 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor: +6 pts per model
The Silver Hand Captain may make one of his weapons Master-Crafted for +6 pts.
The Silver Hand Captain may take up to 15 points of magic items from the armory.
The Dovahkiin[edit | edit source]

In the dark and song-barren days of the Fourth Era, when Nords shed their brothers' blood, as worshipers of Talos disappear in the night, a doom far more dire came upon the land. For the End Times had begun; the black-spined Dragon, Alduin World-Eater, Bane of Kings, Devourer of Souls, had returned, and every day Shouted awake a the dead Dragon of old. While Nords fought over Talos, all were united in their terror of the coming of the Dragons. All who knew that Alduin himself had returned knew that the final battle was nigh, that all would perish beneath Time itself, their souls reduced to long-forgotten nothingness.
But just as the Elder Scrolls foretold that Alduin would return in this age of conflict, so they also predicted the coming of the Last Dragonborn, Dovahkiin in the tongue of the Dragons. For he alone bore the mantle of Shor's ghost, and mastered the Thu'um as weapon and a tool, a free gift of Akatosh. A man in shell, but a Dragon in spirit, the Dovahkiin discovered his true nature when he saved the city of Whiterun from the Dragon Mirmulnir. As the beast fell before him, the power of its timeless soul was revealed to the Dovahkiin, stolen that this mortal warrior might learn the Thu'um from it.
The Storm Voice in his breath, the Dovahkiin ascended the Seven Thousand Steps, meeting with the Greybeards on the Throat of the World. Here he was proclaimed Ysmir, Dragon of the North, in the old Nordic way, his Dragon's soul meeting and swallowing the Shouts of the Greybeards that battered his mortal husk. He lent his hand to the ongoing war, but throughout it all battled the Thalmor in search of the answers toward the return of the Dragons. He learned nothing from the Elves, however; but with the remnants of the scattered Blades, the Dragonguard of the old emperors, he learned the truth of Alduin and of the end. Through the power of the Elder Scrolls, he learned the old Shout by which Alduin had been torn from the sky long ago. He bested Alduin, but the World-Eater retreated high into the mountains, to Sovngarde, to eat the souls of the newly fallen.
In pursuit, the Dovahkiin called forth the dragon Odahviing, and bested him as well, imprisoning him in Dragonsreach as Olaf One-Eye had done long ago. Odahviing judged the Dovahkiin worthy, and offered to grant him a chance to battle Alduin once more. Odahviing was freed, and upon his back the Dovahkiin rode to high Skuldafn. There he battled the ancient Dragon Cult, arisen in cursed undeath, and through an Aetherial gate journeyed to Sovngarde.
Among the heroes of Sovngarde he feasted, but his still-living eyes could not comprehend the true power of Shor, beyond that which dwelt within him. Gathering the ghosts of the Tongues who had banished Alduin long ago, he charged out of the gates of the Hall of Valor, and before the eyes of Shor and Tsun themselves shouted Alduin into ashes. Time dwelt within his soul, and through his strength the doom of the world was averted.
Many are the other legends of the Dovahkiin, of deeds both great and small. All of them tell one tale; that of the valor of one hero in a sorrowful age, of a hero of even Ysgramor's stature. For even in an hour when all was lost, when the great men of old were all fallen, a warrior blessed with the power to change fate still came forth, and with the Thu'um sang the sagas of the future.
260 pts for the Hero of Skyrim profile.
145 pts for the Thane of Whiterun profile.
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord, Single Model. The Dovahkiin holds the place of a Thane in your army. His combinations of wargear, abilities, shouts and Mighty Deeds do not prevent other Thanes from having the same combinations. The Dovahkiin may take a single Housecarl bodyguard for +20 pts.
The Dovahkiin may be a common race other than a Nord. If this is chosen, his rules are altered: see below.
The Dovahkiin removes your army's 0-1 restriction on the Companions of Ysgramor and the Dawnguard. You may still only have one Harbinger in your army, however, if your army contains the Companions.
You may choose for the Dovahkiin to count as two Core choices in addition to a hero choice. If this option is taken, your army may take no other choices, except for Odahviing, Housecarls and one other Hero choice.
The Dovahkiin has two profiles and sets of special rules, each representing a different stage of his rise to glory. The Thane of Whiterun profile represents the Dovahkiin as a wandering hero, whose innate powers have only recently been discovered. The Hero of Skyrim profile represents the Dovahkiin at the peak of his might, at the time around when he traveled to Sovngarde itself to vanquish the great dragon Alduin World-Eater.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hero of Skyrim | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 5 | varies |
Thane of Whiterun | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 2 | varies |
Wargear and Spells:
The Dovahkiin has ONE of the following:
Adept's Robes Light Mail Armor Plate Armor
The Dovahkiin has a hand weapon, shield, Spell:Flames and TWO of the following(he may take two of the same):
- A second Hand Weapon, dagger
- Bow
- Short Bow
- Crossbow(cannot be upgraded in quality except with Crossbow only upgrades, see below)
- Poleaxe(+8 pts)
- Greatsword(+8 pts)
- Battle Axe(+8 pts)
- War Hammer(+8 pts)
- Wizard's Staff
- One free spell from the Holds of Skyrim armory or from the Dovahkiin armory
The Dovahkiin may replace one or more of his spells with any of the following:
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +7 pts
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +15 pts
See Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults for rules for Daedra.
The Dovahkiin may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts. A mounted Dovahkiin may take a Lance for +10 pts.
The Dovahkiin may make any of his weapons Master-Crafted for +8 pts per weapon.
The Dovahkiin may upgrade any of his weapons to:
- Skyforge Steel +8 pts per weapon
- Dawn Weapon(hand weapon and War Hammer only) +2 pts per weapon
- Enhanced Crossbow(Crossbow only) +4 pts per weapon
The Dovahkiin may take the following if he does not take a magic helm:
- Hunter's Cowl +6 pts
The Dovahkiin may replace his armor or unarmored clothing with one of the following:
- Leather Armor or Chainmail(free)
- Dawnguard Armor or Dawnguard Heavy Armor +2 pts
- Scaled Mail +2 pts
- Full Plate Armor +12 pts
The Dovahkiin(Thane of Whiterun) may take any number of magic items from the Holds of Skyrim armory, other than Artifacts.
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) may take any number of magic items, including Artifacts, and may carry up to 5 consumables. He may take(replacing similar items as always) any number of artifacts from the Dovahkiin armory, any number of the following artifacts from Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel: Auri'el's Bow, Auri'el's Shield, Azura's Star, Dawnbreaker, The Ebony Blade, Mace of Molag Bal, Mehrunes Razor, Oghma Infinium, Ring of Namira, Saviour's Hide, Sanguine Rose, Skull of Corruption, Spellbreaker, Staff of Magnus, Volendrung, Wabbajack, The White Phial. Artifacts may not be upgraded further except where normally allowed.
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) may take any number of artifacts from the Dovahkiin armory(instead of normally purchasing a similar item, as always). Artifacts may not be upgraded further except where normally allowed. The price of these items factors in the cost of the base item as well, as usual.
- Runic Sun-Axe +20 pts
- Blazing Rune-Shield +20 pts
- Runic Inferno Hammer +30 pts
- Shield of Ysgramor +35 pts
- Wuuthrad +60 pts
The Dovahkiin may purchase a single weapon upgrade enchantment from the Holds of Skyrim armory to upgrade Wuuthrad, granting it an additional ability.
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) may upgrade any of his weapons to:
- Glass +4 pts per weapon
- Ebony +8 pts per weapon
- Daedric +20 pts per weapon
- Dragonbone +30 pts per weapon
- Dwarven Crossbow(Crossbow only) +8 pts per weapon
- Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow(Crossbow only) +12 pts per weapon
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) may replace his armor or unarmored clothing with one of the following:
- Master's Robes +15 pts
- Nordic Relic Armor +20 pts
- Dragonscale Armor +20 pts
- Dragonbone Armor +25 pts
- Daedric Armor +30 pts
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) may take an additional spell:
- Any spell from the army spell list other than Summon Daedra +18 pts
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+15 pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30 pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Dragonborn, Eternal Warrior, Tongue
Mighty Deeds: Fight All Our Lives. In addition to this one, he has a unique Mighty Deed:
Dragonslayer: The Dovahkiin has Preferred Enemy(Dragons) and is immune to Fear, Terror and Panic. If his unit is caught in a sweeping advance, they are not destroyed, but instead remain locked in combat and takes No Retreat wounds as if they had lost the combat while Fearless.
The Dovahkiin may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
The Dovahkiin knows the following Shouts:
Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Whirlwind Sprint.
The Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) also knows the Shouts Dragonrend(see below) and Clear Skies. He may take additional Shouts from the rulebook with Cooldown 1 or less for +10 points each, Cooldown 2 for +20 pts each, and Cooldown 3 or higher for +30 pts each. He may take the shout Call of Valor for +20 pts(see below).
Dovahkiin Armory
Dawn Axe: This is a Hand Weapon that re-rolls failed wounds against Vampires.
Dawn Hammer: This is a War Hammer that re-rolls failed wounds against Vampires.
Enhanced Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +2 AP.
Dwarven Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +1 S.
Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow: This weapon strikes with +1 S +2 AP.
Dragonbone Weapon: This weapon strikes with +2 Strength +3 AP.
Dawnguard Armor: This is Light Armor(6+) that grants a 4+ Ward Save against spells cast by Vampires.
Dawnguard Heavy Armor: This is Heavy Armor(5+) that grants a 4+ Ward Save against spells cast by Vampires.
Dragonscale Armor: This is Light Armor(4+) that grants bearer a 3+ Ward Save against flame damage.
Dragonbone Armor: This is Heavy Armor(3+) the grants bearer a 3+ Ward Save against flame damage.
Runic Sun-Axe: Artifact. This is a Runic hand weapon that ignores Feel No Pain. Rolls of 6 to hit with this weapon against units containing one or more undead cause two additional rolls to wound to be made against that unit. Those two additional wounds are considered to hit the unit, and must be allocated to Undead.
Runic Inferno Hammer: Artifact. This is a Runic War Hammer that ignores Feel No Pain. If bearer is not engaged in combat, and has the Runic Inferno Hammer equipped, he may strike the ground with it after his unit marches or shoots during the shooting phase. If he does so, he automatically casts the spell Fire Rune without having to roll; he may do this even if he does not know the spell, he does not have enough power dice, or even if he is silenced. The range is always 3" for this casting, regardless of modifiers.
Blazing Rune-Shield: Artifact. This is Shield. If bearer successfully makes an armor save, and is locked in combat with an enemy unit containing one or more vampires, each enemy unit bearer is locked in combat with takes D3 S4AP0 hits. These hits can only be allocated to Vampires in that unit.
The Shield of Ysgramor: Shield, Artifact. The ancient shield of Ysgramor may only be wielded by the Harbinger of the Companions or by the Dovahkiin himself. Bearer has +1 Wound and a 4+ Ward save against spell damage.
Wuuthrad: Artifact, Battle Axe. The mighty axe of Ysgramor himself may only be wielded by the Harbinger of the Companions or by the Dovahkiin. Wuuthrad is a Master-Crafted Runic Battle Axe that strikes with +2 Strength, and re-rolls all failed wounds against Elves(including Falmer, but not including Orcs). The sight of such a mythic weapon, reforged after millennia, causes all friendly units from this army book within 6" of wielder to become Fearless.
Sun Fire: Restoration, cast on 4+, shooting attack, 1-handed. Move and Fire 1, range 18". This spell has no effect on the living. Against the Undead, it strikes at S4 AP0, Ignores Feel No Pain.
Dragonrend: In the age of Alduin's tyranny, the Shout Dragonrend was crafted not by Dragons but by mortals. Turning the Dragons' own power over time and reality against them, the Shout Dragonrend forces a Dragon's soul to glimpse mortal, if only for a brief moment. The Dragon's powers are drained, and it falls to the ground, feeling a fear that it could never have imagined before. It is only with the secret of this Shout that the Dovahkiin was able to stand as an equal against dread Alduin.
This Shout may be used at the beginning of any movement phase, and targets a Dragon within 24" and Line of Sight of the Dovahkiin. That Dragon takes a S5AP0 hit, and may not use Hit and Run, march or Fly until the end of next turn. In addition, it is reduced to Initiative 1 and must take Shout tests to use its Shouts, until the end of next turn. If it fails the Shout test, it may not use Shouts while under the effect of Dragonrend for the rest of the game..
Cooldown 1.
Call of Valor: It was in the mists of Sovngarde itself, at the gates of the Hall of Shor high in Aetherius, that the Dovahkiin challenged Alduin on the eve of the dragon's victory. At his side fought three heroes of old, the very ones who had created the Shout Dragonrend, and banished Alduin into to the strands of time aeons ago. It was then that Alduin fell by the hands of these four heroes. The god Tsun, Shield-Thane of Shor, granted these three heroes the power to one day return to Mundus for a short time, that they might aid the Dovahkiin should the need be dire. When the Dovahkiin shouts the Call of Valor, one of the three heroes is summoned to fight at his side once more.
This Shout may be used at the beginning of any movement phase. Until the end of next turn, the spirit of an honored hero is called upon to fight by the side of the Dovahkiin; that hero grants the Dovahkiin additional special rules until the end of next turn. Choose the hero each time you use the Shout:
Gormlaith Golden-Hilt: The shield-maiden Gormlaith grants the Dovahkiin Frenzy, Fearless, and makes 4 attacks at Strength 5 AP1 magic damage Initiative 4 each round of combat; these attacks count as coming from the Dovahkiin's model, but are made separately, not using his profile or equipment.
Felldir the Old: It was Felldir the Old, gifted in magic, who used the Elder Scroll to seal Alduin away in time until the Fourth Era. Calling upon Felldir immediately grants the Dovahkiin 3 Power Dice, and elemental weapons(including spells) used by the Dovahkiin strike at +1 Strength. Felldir makes 2 attacks at S6 AP1 magic damageInitiative 3 Critical Strike each round of combat; these attacks count as coming from the Dovahkiin's model, but are made separately, not using his profile or equipment.
Hakon One-Eye: Hakon is a mighty and tireless warrior. Hakon makes 4 attacks at Strength 7 AP3 magic damage Initiative 1 each round of combat; these attacks count as coming from the Dovahkiin's model, but are made separately, not using his profile or equipment.
Cooldown 3.
The dragon Odahviing may be taken as an Elite choice in an army containing the Dovahkiin(Hero of Skyrim) for +225 points.
Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon. Single Model.
50mm x 100mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Odahviing | 3 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 0 | 3+ |
Odahviing is covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with his movement. This gives him an armor save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the critical strike rule.
Special Rules:
Odahviing is a Character.
It's Coming from Above!: Odahviing lurks in his eyrie, or else wanders the skies, until called to battle by the Dovahkiin. Odahviing always arrives by Deep Strike. If while arriving in this manner Odahviing would land on a friendly model, or land on an enemy unit, or land on impassable(or lethal) terrain, shorten the distance he scatters to place him as close as possible to that model, unit or terrain without triggering a mishap( or landing in lethal terrain).
Serve the Strongest: Odahviing will only pledge his aid to the warrior with the mightiest Thu'um in the world; after the fall of Alduin, this happens to be the Dovahkiin. If the Dovahkiin is removed as a casualty, remove Odahviing from the game as a casualty as well; his service is fulfilled.
Unrelenting Force, Swallow Shout, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Clear Skies
The Race of the Dovahkiin
The following rules are also in effect, based upon the Dovahkiin's choice of race:
- Nord: Use the default rules shown above. The Dovahkiin may purchase a Mighty Deed from the Heroes section for +8 points, and a Mighty Deed from the Warriors section for +7 points.
- Imperial: The forces of the Aldmeri Dominion become Desperate Allies. You win ties on the roll to go first. The Dovahkiin is not stubborn, but his unit may always rally regardless of the number of losses, and may shoot or march the turn it reforms in the movement phase.
- Breton: The Forsworn become Desperate Allies. Alter the Dovahkiin's base profile so that he loses Stubborn, and has -1 Attacks and +1 Magicka. He may purchase a second additional spell from the armory(see above).
- Redguard: Redguards of Hammerfell become Trusted Allies. Alter the Dovahkiin's base profile so that he has +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Attacks and -1 Magicka. The Dovahkiin loses Stubborn.
- Altmer: The forces of the Aldmeri Dominion become Desperate Allies. Tribes of Valenwood become Grudging Allies. Alter the Dovahkiin's base profile so that he loses Stubborn, has -1 Strength, -1 Toughness, -1 Weapon Skill, and +2 Magicka. He may purchase a second additional spell from the armory(see above).
- Bosmer: The forces of the Aldmeri Dominion become Desperate Allies. Tribes of Valenwood become Grudging Allies. Alter the Dovahkiin's base profile so that he loses Stubborn, has -1 Strength, -1 Toughness, -1 Weapon Skill, +1 Ballistic Skill, and +2 Initiative.
- Dunmer: All Great Houses of Morrowind(other than Telvanni) become Trusted Allies. House Telvanni becomes a Desperate Ally. The Dovahkiin loses Stubborn, and may purchase up to two Destruction spells instead of his normal additional spell, for +10 points each.
- Orc: Goblin-Ken become Grudging Allies.
- Khajiit: Warriors of Elsweyr become Grudging Allies. The Dovahkiin gets -1 Strength, -1 Toughness, +2 Initiative, loses Stubborn and gains Fleet of Foot.
- Argonian: The Dovahkiin loses Stubborn and gains Regeneration(6+).
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of the base items found in the Holds of Skyrim army unique to this army book. Items not listed here are found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.
Nordic Relic Armor is ancient armor of incredible strength, crafted only by one of the finest smiths in history. Heavy Armor(3+).
Adept's Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.
Master's Robes are unarmored clothing that give +2 Mg.
Wizard's Staff is a staff which lets its bearer reroll 1 Power Die per game turn(you must abide by the second result).
Skyforge Steel weapons are weapons of exceptional power crafted at the ancient forge atop the city of Whiterun. Only melee weapons can be Skyforge Steel. They strike at +1 Strength.
Runic Weapons are ancient weapons of might, forged long ago of an art long forgotten. Covered in runes, and made strong through mysterious enchantments and steel honed to perfection, they strike with +1 Strength +1 AP, and are Otherworldly.
Huntsman's Cowls are non-magic Helms that grant Stealth to models wearing them.
Mounts[edit | edit source]
Warhorse: Models riding a Warhorse count as Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack. Mounted models use a 25mm x 50mm base size.
Riding Horse: Models riding Riding Horses count as Fast Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack. Mounted models use a 25mm x 50mm base size.
Magic Items[edit | edit source]
The Magic Items available to a Holds of Skyrim Army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]
Lunar Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +5 pts. This weapon strikes at +1 Strength while Night Fighting is active.
Holy Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +7 pts. Bearer gains Preferred Enemy (Undead).
Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and has Shred. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, granting it Multiple Wounds(d3).
Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit with Magicka Drain(1) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).
Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Attacks with this weapon get +1 to hit.
Weapon of the Vampire: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. This weapon has Absorb Health(6+)
Weapon of the Sorcerer: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, bearer gains a bonus Power Die when his power dice are replenished next turn.
Weapon of Dismay: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. Morale checks taken against casualties inflicted by one or more Weapons of Dismay are given a -1 modifier. This does not stack multiple times on the same unit.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Strikes at +1 Strength.
Staff of Magelight: Staff. Night Fighting never grants a cover save better than +1 against bearers unit's shots. +7 pts.
Staff of Daedric Command: Staff. Each time a Daedra would assign any number of attacks, hits or wounds directly to wielder, or assign Precision hits or wounds to wielder, it must pass a Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, those attacks, hits or wounds are cancelled this phase(it may not assign them elsewhere this phase) +10 pts.
Staff of Arcane Authority: Staff. Wielder causes Fear. +13 pts.
Staff of Flames: Staff. Wielder gets +3 to casting spells with a Flame effect. +13 pts.
Staff of Frostbite: Staff. Wielder gets +3 to casting spells with a Frost effect. +13 pts.
Staff of Sparks: Staff. Wielder gets +3 to casting spells with a Shock effect. +13 pts.
Staff of the Healing Hand: Staff. Wielder gets +3 to casting spells with a Heal effect. +13 pts.
Staff of Inspiration: Staff. Wielder may discard 2 Power Dice to re-roll failed morale checks. +16 pts.
Bow of the Hunt: Artifact, Short Bow. Strikes at +2 Strength against creatures with Bestial Instinct. +10 pts.
Windshear: Artifact, hand weapon. Enemy units suffering one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon strike at Initiative 1 until the end of next turn. +15 pts
Bolar's Oathblade: Artifact, Dagger. Morale checks taken against casualties inflicted by Bolar's Oathblade are given a -1 modifier. Enemies in base contact with wielder lose their charge bonus. +15 pts.
Trollsbane: Artifact, War Hammer. Trollsbane deals Flame Damage to Trolls, and may re-roll failed wounds against Trolls. +16 pts(+4 pts for a model that using a War hammer for no points cost)
Aegisbane: Artifact, War Hammer. Aegisbane deals Frost Damage, and ignores the armor saves granted by shields. Its strikes cannot be parried. An enemy unit suffering one or more wounds by Aegisbane gets -1 to its roll to Sweeping Advances and to its movement, until the end of the next turn. +20 pts(+8 pts for a model using a War Hammer for no points cost)
Grimsever: Artifact, Glass hand weapon. Deals Frost damage. Grimsever Chills on striking and ignores armor saves. +22 pts
Chillrend: Artifact, hand weapon. Weapon strikes at +1S, ignores armor, and deals Frost damage. Wounded models are Paralyzed until the end of next turn. +25 pts.
The Longhammer: Artifact, War Hammer. The Longhammer's wielder strikes at full initiative in close combat. +30 pts(+18 pts for a model using a War Hammer for no points cost)
Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]
Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.
Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armor of Dwindling Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armor of Might: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Shield of Blocking: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Shield of Dwindling Magic: Shield upgrade for +10 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
The Targe of the Bloodied: Shield, Artifact. While wielding this shield in close combat, for each 6 that bearer rolls on his armor save, he may immediately make an attack with the Targe, treating it as a basic close combat weapon. +10 pts.
Helm of the Knight: Helm. Once per game, bearer may re-roll a failed armor save. +5 pts.
Diadem of the Savant: Helm. Once per game, bearer may add +3 to all his rolls to cast spells this turn. +12 pts.
Gauntlets of Sure Grip: Gauntlet. Bearer gets +1 WS while using a 2-handed non-spell melee weapon. +12 pts.
Gauntlets of Wielding: Gauntlet. Bearer gets +1 WS while using a 1-handed non-spell melee weapon. +12 pts.
Gauntlets of Archery: Gauntlet. Bearer gets +1 BS while using a non-spell ranged weapon. +20 pts.
Belt of the North: Belt. Once per game, bearer may make a Feel No Pain roll, or increase an existing Feel No Pain roll to a 2+. +5 pts.
Braid of Severed Tongues: The tongues of mighty beasts are cut out by warriors in a long string, through which the Thu'um is channeled. Belt. Once per game, bearer may re-roll a failed Shout test. +6 pts.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
Amulet of the Knight: Once per game, bearer may add +1 to a single armor save roll(a base roll of 1 still always fails). +5 pts.
Amulet of Talos: Once per game, bearer may reduce the cooldown number of a Shout he is attempting to make by 1(to a minimum of 1). +12 pts.
Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.
Ring of Archery: Once per game, bearer may re-roll a missed attack with a non-spell ranged weapon. +2 pts.
Ring of Wielding: Once per game, bearer may re-roll a missed attack with a non-spell 1-handed melee weapon. +2 pts.
Ring of Sure Grip: Once per game, bearer may re-roll a missed attack with a non-spell 2-handed melee weapon. +2 pts.
Elemental Ring: Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save against Flame, Frost and Shock attacks. +20 pts.
Tome of the Rune Master: Artifact. Bearer may place markers for Rune spells at a range of up to 18", and may re-roll failed attempts at casting Rune Spells(he must abide by the second result). +20 pts.
Tome of the Power of the Elements: Artifact. Bearer knows the spells Firestorm, Lightning Storm and Blizzard in addition to his other spells. He gets +3 to his attempts to cast these spells. +80 pts.
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Potion of Magicka: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Potion of Feather: Drinker is not encumbered by his armor this turn. +1 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Potion of Cure Disease: Cures all Disease from caster's unit. +6 pts
Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit. +10 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Antivenom: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resistance: Drinker is unaffected by disease this player turn. +3 pts
Philter of the Knight: Drinker may re-roll a failed armor save this player turn. +4 pts
Philter of the Berserker: Drinker gains +1 WS this player turn. +4 pts
Philter of True Shot: Drinker gains +1 BS this player turn. +4 pts
Strong Mead: Drinker gains +1 additional Attack as part of his charge bonus, but gets -1 Ld this turn. +2 pts
Ice Wraith Essence: Frost damage gets -1 to wound against drinker this turn. +4 pts
The Way of the Voice[edit | edit source]
Many units in a Holds of Skyrim army use the Thu'um. The rules for the Thu'um, as well as a list of Shouts available, are found here:
Spells[edit | edit source]
The following spells are available to wizards in the Holds of Skyrim army:
School of Destruction[edit | edit source]
Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", frost, chills on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon with Chills on striking.
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.
Fire Rune: Cast on 8+ during your shooting phase, Rune. Cast only if caster is not locked in combat. Place a marker within 12" of caster. If an enemy unit moves, marches or charges to anywhere within 3" of the marker, that unit takes S4AP0 flame hits equal to the number of models in that unit within 3" of the marker. Remove the marker once this damage is resolved or at the beginning of your next turn.
Thunder Rune: Cast on 8+ during your shooting phase, Rune. Cast only if caster is not locked in combat. Place a marker within 12" of caster. If an enemy unit moves, marches or charges to anywhere within 3" of the marker, that unit takes S3AP0 shock hits that cause Magicka Drain(1) equal to the number of models in that unit within 3" of the marker. Remove the marker once this damage is resolved or at the beginning of your next turn.
Ice Rune: Cast on 8+ during your shooting phase, Rune. Cast only if caster is not locked in combat. Place a marker within 12" of caster. If an enemy unit moves, marches or charges to anywhere within 3" of the marker, that unit takes S3AP0 frost hits that Chill on striking equal to the number of models in that unit within 3" of the marker. Remove the marker once this damage is resolved or at the beginning of your next turn.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.
Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost
Flame Cloak: Cast on 14+, cast any time, Cloak. Enemy models in base contact with caster(and enemy models in base contact with those) take a S5AP0 flame hit at Initiative 10 each round of combat, until the beginning of your next turn. Only one Cloak can be active at once on a model.
Lightning Cloak: Cast on 14+, cast any time, Cloak. Enemy models in base contact with caster(and enemy models in base contact with those) take a S4AP0 shock hit at Initiative 10 each round of combat, until the beginning of your next turn. Models hit suffer Magicka Drain(1). Only one Cloak can be active at once on a model.
Frost Cloak: Cast on 14+, cast any time, Cloak. Enemy models in base contact with caster(and enemy models in base contact with those) take a S3AP5 frost hit at Initiative 10 each round of combat, until the beginning of your next turn. Only one Cloak can be active at once on a model.
Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Firestorm: Cast on 20+. May only be cast during your shooting phase. A model casting Firestorm cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Place the Large Blast Marker over caster so that the center circle is entirely within caster's base. Every enemy unit under the marker is hit once for each model under it. These hits are S8 AP1, Shred, Ignores Cover, Multiple Wounds(d6), flame.
Blizzard: Cast on 27+. Cast Blizzard during your shooting phase. A model casting Blizzard cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Weather effect. Until the end of next turn, all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S4AP0 frost hit at the beginning of every phase that Chills them until the end of next turn.
School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.
Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.
School of Alteration[edit | edit source]
Magelight: Cost 1, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster ignores Night Fighting, and enemies ignore Night Fighting against him, this turn.
Blade Rune: Cast on 8+ during your shooting phase, Rune. Cast only if caster is not locked in combat. Place a marker within 12" of caster. If an enemy unit moves, marches or charges to anywhere within 3" of the marker, until the beginning of your next turn friendly units that are locked in combat with that unit get +1 WS. Remove the marker at the beginning of your next turn.
Shatter Rune: Cast on 8+ during your shooting phase, Rune. Cast only if caster is not locked in combat. Place a marker within 12" of caster. If an enemy unit moves, marches or charges to anywhere within 3" of the marker, all models in that unit that are within 3" of the marker get -1 to their armor saves until the beginning of your next turn. Remove the marker when an enemy unit moves within 3" of it, or at the beginning of your next turn.
Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ironflesh: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ebonyflesh: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Dragonhide: Cast on 20+, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster gets Feel No Pain(2+) against non-spell damage this turn.
School of Illusion[edit | edit source]
Rally: Cast on 8+, during your movement phase, on a fleeing unit within 36" and line of sight of caster. That unit may immediately attempt to rally at its full Leadership value, regardless of how many models remain.
Paralyze: Casts on 11+. 1-handed, close combat phase, beginning of Fight sub-phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model is Paralyzed this phase.
Invisibility: Casts on 12+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster is Invisible.
Call to Arms: Cast on 26+, during your movement phase. A model casting Call to Arms cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. All friendly units within 12" of caster gain +1 WS, +1 BS, +1 Attacks and Feel No Pain until the beginning of your next turn.
School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.
Detect Life: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Models in target unit within 6" of caster that are not artillery pieces, Automatons or Undead lose all Cover Saves until end of turn.
Detect Dead: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Undead models in target unit within 6" of caster loses all Cover Saves until end of turn.
School of Restoration[edit | edit source]
Minor Healing: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 6.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Healing: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 5+.
Heal other: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6.
Repel Undead: Casts on 9+, at the start of any Shooting Phase. Range 6", requires LOS. Target unit consisting of majority Undead must take a Morale Test(even if Fearless). If the test fails, the unit falls back, losing Fearless until they regroup. They cannot be pursued by a sweeping advance if they flee from melee combat this way.
Shout to Talos: Casts on 18+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength and +1 Weapon skill this phase. Multiple instances do not stack.
Guardian Circle: Casts on 24+, during your movement phase. A model casting Guardian Circle cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Undead units cannot voluntarily move within 6" of caster until the beginning of your next turn. Caster Heals 1 wound automatically.