Star Wars: Legion/Tactics/Rebels

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This page is in need of cleanup. Srsly. It's a fucking mess.


Why Play Rebels


  • Better infantry shooting.
  • Cheaper units on average.
  • Cassian Andor
  • You have Luke Skywalker, arguably one of the best all-around characters in the game
  • Overall, one of the strongest and most competitive armies that make it to tournaments. The rebels have many abilities that both let you keep your troops on objectives, and improve their survivability.


  • Literally everything in your army (with the exceptions of Luke and Mando units like Sabine) has white defense dice. literally. everything. Yes even the Airspeeder...This means that your troops are among the weakest in the game. Droids at least have the bodies to compensate. A 5+ and 6+ save aren't that different.
  • You will often be relying on your commanders and keywords for dodge tokens, because using an action to dodge is questionable, at best, and a lot of units need them.
  • You will almost always find yourself fielding either too much, or too little Anti-Tank in your lists, and find it equally punishing.
  • Your Corp choices aren't necessarily bad, but are still lacking. Rebel DLTs and naked troopers are most used.
  • You're technically terrorists. Freedom fighters, too, granted, but the point stands.
  • Your competitive lists are very linear, as most of your units aren't efficient enough in the current meta.
  • You have the worst heavy unit options in the game, and half of your special forces just really don't exist, competitively.
  • A surprising amount of your units are overcosted, in general. like how Wookies cost nearly as much as Mandalorians with a massive power gap between the two.



1-2 Selections

The focal point of you army they often have game changing abilities.

Luke Skywalker

The Rebel Alliance's only Jedi, he represents Luke as he was around the time of The Empire Strikes Back. So he's a pretty heavy hitter but he is not at the level of the actual Jedi or Sith that the other factions can field.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Rebel Officer

Essentially a much cheaper, half-strength Leia Organa.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Leia Organa

The badass princess herself. She excels at "short-ranged sniper attacks," otherwise known as utilizing a pistol, while also greatly supporting other rebel units.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Han Solo

An unconventional commander who excels at thinning out enemy infantry squads while playing havoc with his Command Cards.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Jyn Erso

Stardust. Errata dropped her points to 110. She's an all-rounder who is decent at both shooting and melee, and has some abilities that coincide with Rebel Pathfinders

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Captain Cassian Andor

Sneaky Spy with droid Buddy

For 90 points you get a premium spec ops agent for the Rebel cause. He comes with 6 wounds but only 2 courage, throwing white dice with surge on defense- but his Danger Sense 3 allows you to add defense dice equal to the number of suppression tokens he has (with a cap of 3) every time he defends. He also has offensive surge, punching for 2 red dice and his "Covert Blaster" is a pistol firing a red and two white dice with Pierce 1 at range 1-2. He can be upgraded with his unique A280-CFE rifle, which has two configurations- see "Upgrade Cards", below, for more details.

Since, as stated, he's a spec ops agent, he comes with a slew of special rules. For starters, he has the Covert Ops rule that allows you to change him to an Operative during deployment; if you do, he also can Infiltrate (you can deploy him anywhere on the table as long as he's not within range 3 of any enemy unit at the time he deploys- meaning if nobody's on the board yet when he deploys, he can deploy literally anywhere). This also means that if you don't field another Commanander, you are required to promote one of your Corps or Spec Ops units to be the army's commander (similar to when all of your commanders are killed- except in this case, it must be a Corps or Spec Ops). Marksman allows him to spend an Aim token to change a single attack die from blank to hit or from hit to crit, and Tactical 1 will ensure that if he moves, he gains that Aim token to do so. Lastly, Loadout allows you to set aside upgrades of same slot and equal or less points cost, and swap them out before the game starts- did you take Hunter but now feel like Endurance will serve you better? Swap them out!

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



0-2 Selections

Some heroes are not meant to lead. Operatives are powerful individual units often with unique abilities.


Wookiee first mate. The walking carpet, himself! No, like, really. It's his tag line under his name, on the card.

Nork Deddog but smarter, Vitrix Guard but shootier, Tyrant Guard but with eyes.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Luke Skywalker

Not to be confused with the Commander of the same name; note that operative Luke can use commander Luke's Command Cards, and vice versa.

He represents Luke as he was seen in Return of the Jedi, complete with the spiffy black costume.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



Everyone's favorite astromech droid, the architect of the Rebellion, the Resistance, and a elite operative of the GAR, R2-D2 has done brought down more governments than you could possibly imagine. Even if you could imagine quite a bit. Now he is an operative unit for the Good factions of legion. Bundled with his Robosexual life partner C-3PO in a Terrain expansion, you now have the option to add this smoking[1] robot to your army

Upgrade Cards


Command Cards


Sabine Wren

A powerful Mandalorian warrior who fancies herself an artist. She's a powerful damage dealer who also has the potential to survive a great amount of return damage.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



Droid Buddy to a Sneaky Spy

To start, he's got Detachment with Cassian Andor, so you have to field Cassian to field him (but not vice versa), and they have to be deployed near each other. He's got 5 wounds and courage 2, with a 4+ armor save (red, no surge) and Armor 1. Solid. For offense, he's only got a melee attack throwing 4 red dice with critical surge. Also solid. He's a droid trooper, meaning he's got all the fun droid trooper stuff like he can be repaired by a astromech or R2D2, he's immune to poison, he's immune to being suppressed but doesn't get the cover boost from suppression, etc. He has Calculate Odds like C-3PO, allowing him to give a friendly unit at range 1 an aim, a dodge, and a suppression at the cost of an action. And because he's a reprogrammed Imperial droid, he has Incognito, which disallows enemies from attacking him beyond range 1 unless at some point in the game he has attacked or used an objective card action (ie he's grabbed an objective somehow). Lastly, he's got Teamwork with Cassian- so drop Calculate Odds on Cassian and K-2 gets the green tokens too!

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



3-6 Selections

The meat, they hold the line and die in the trenches.

Fleet Troopers

Dakka troops. A slight points hike over the basic Troopers gives you one of the odder entries in terms of basic troopers. Each trooper throws around two white dice each, but only to range two. The have Ready 1 Giving you an aim token when you go on standby. They are profoundly good on tight maps (like inside a ship) when they can get in close or make the enemy to them. In more open maps they can have trouble getting in to range and end up losing your standby to suppression far more easily.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Troopers

They have big rifles and recycle dodges.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Veterans

Rebel troopers who've been in a few battles, so they've learned a thing or two.

Upgrade Cards


Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper

It's a veteran Rebel equipped with a miniaturized version of the Empire's E-Web blaster.

Upgrade Cards


Special Forces


Slightly more elite troopers to back up your Corps. Most of them are basically more specialized versions of Corps units.

Rebel Commandos

Veteran Rebel troops who specialize a little bit more in sniping and spec ops.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Commandos Strike Team

A two man team of Commando specialists.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Pathfinders

The squad of Rebels that accompanied Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor to Scarif at the climax of Rogue One. They excel at sneaking into forward positions and springing surprise attacks while maximizing cover to survive counterattacks.

Upgrade Cards


Wookie Warriors

Do you like tearing arms off things? So do these guys- it's a squad of Chewbaccas.

Upgrade Cards


Mandalorian Resistance

Currently On Pre-order

A squad of Mandalorian warriors fighting against the Empire. Sporting heavy armor and lots of pistols, will presumably mirror Sabine Wren's rules and be potent short range combatants. Apparently there will also be an option to field one squad of them as Clan Wren warriors under the command of their clan leader Ursa Wren (Sabine's mom) herself.

Upgrade Cards



0-3 Selections

Light vehicles and Beasts

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team

The big dish-shaped laser cannon from the Rebel base on Hoth during The Empire Strikes Back.

This turret is 100% stationary and incapable of movement except for pivots, although it can be deep striked when using rapid reinforcements (somehow). As compensation for its inability to move, it has a relatively powerful cannon with range 1-5, 5 black dice, and impact 2, one of your only true anti-tank weapons. This rolls an average of 3 hits per shot and 2 against armor, and outside the range of everything but snipers. It has a hard time pushing through cover on its own but it can still reliably suppress targets. It also has a 4 white dice secondary weapon, but its basically useless, as pivot firing is a better emergency option.

Sentinel grants improved standby range, which is situational but nice to have.

Upgrade Cards



Ironstriders, basically. These are your standard light tank, and nothing says janky rebel underdogs than using 20 year old clone war surplus to fight for freedom. They have an anemic 2 white dice attack and a white die with no surge on defence, but have armor to absorb hits. Do not under estimate their tankiness, as anything other than impact weapons has only a 1/8 chance to hit, and they have a decent health pool.

To make up for the weak emergency weapon the pilot carries, it`s hardpoint can be equipped for any mission and all choices hit pretty hard.

It has decent mobility with its larger base giving it a bit more speed and its height lets it cross barricades without being slowed, although this also costs it potential cover. Climbing vehicle lets it climb as if it was a trooper and Expert Climber lets it clamber without hurting itself, so you can take the high ground when the opportunity presents itself. Still abides by vehicle rules so it needs to steer like a car, think ahead of where it will end up so you dont waste actions pivoting.

Upgrade Cards


Tauntaun Riders

Cold weather fast attack.

Upgrade Cards



0-2 Selections

The other big units to build the rest of the your army around.

T-47 Air Speeder

Yet another repurposed civilian vehicle. This one was a shipyard tug. It is your air support. It has to make a speed 3 move (for free) every turn which means that it can zip around the battlefield faster than just about anything else. The cannons that were integrated were a fine choice as they are hands down the most powerful in the game. You also have immunity to a lot of things, melee, range 1, anything with blast, which in combination with armor makes you one of the slipperiest units in the game. All for less than the Palpatine you shot off the table turn two.

Upgrade Cards


X-34 Land Speeder

Remember watching A New Hope the first time and seeing Luke's beater space car of a land speeder and thinking, wow what a great vehicle to fight main line battle tanks with? No? well you should have picked a faction with a dedicated manufacturing base. Despite the improvised nature of the craft the base vehicle is fairly durable with six wounds Armor 2 and Cover 1 Base line it only has 2 white so it needs those upgrades.

Upgrade Cards


Unit Upgrade Boxes

Fantasy Flight Games has seen fit to release new boxes with additional and supplementary upgrades in them. Most of them can be applied to any Trooper unit with the proper slots.

Rebel Specialists Personnel

Personel Upgrades

Tactics & Build Help

  • Have you tried Taun-Tauns yet?
  • All of your commanders and operatives are good. Even the overpriced ones, like Han, are still good.
  • Taking Luke and Leia, the wonder twins, for their immense synergy is advisable. Luke is fast, hits hard but is the centre of attention while Leia can hand him dodge tokens to trigger deflect and is better at babysitting the troops.
  • The support rank is probably the best in the game with all 3 being solid choices. Taun-Tauns are kinda overpowered but the AT-RT is a flexible light tank with competitive hardpoints and the FD laser turret is an underrated but solid artillery piece.
  • Rebel DLTs are very competitive right now, outside of completely naked troopers.
  • Mandalorians and Sniper teams are amazing, although sniper teams have fallen off a bit since the Clone Wars strike teams released.

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