Trazyn the Infinite

Trazyn the Infinite, also known as Trollzyn the Tarpit Breaker, is the best Necron Overlord/Phaeron (while technically his title is Overlord, he has his own Overlord subordinates and rule his own little empire like Phaeron). Basically what you'll get if you combined Doctor Doom, a Tomb King, a Bloody Magpie and the Terminator.
Trazyn the Infinite is a preserver of histories, artifacts and events. In his possession are technologies and relics that are so valuable as to be priceless. Amongst his collection are the fabled wraithbone choir of Altansar, the preserved head of Sebastian Thor, the ossified husk of an Enslaver and a giant man clad in baroque power armour. This means that he is the only creature in this or any other universe that rivals the stealing power of the Blood Ravens. In such a dangerous galaxy, Trazyn is loath to go out and explore it himself, but with so many exquisite artifacts to see and catalogue, he cannot afford to miss out. As a result he will send out substitutes of himself to do his dirty work. On the battlefield this can become increasingly irritating, as killing what appears to be Trazyn may simply be a Lychguard or a Necron Lord. Meanwhile, somewhere nearby, the real Trazyn is busy smashing his way through his foes to get his metal hands on his latest acquisition.
(That's how the fluff handles it; the crunch rules imply that he simply takes over the body of another Lord, Lychguard, or Cryptek. He was there; you killed him; he just ran like the troll he is. Oh, and you didn't get Slay The Warlord by the way.)
/tg/ has gained a fondness for him, due to his thieving ways, his Doctor Doom-esque body doubles, and his polite yet trollish attitude. It is generally agreed that he is one of the only good things Matt Ward has ever put into the fluff.
"A war-torn city in the Ultramar system. The Ultramarines, aided by an Imperial Guard regiment led by Lord Castellan Ursarkar Creed, prepares to face an Ork incursion in a final battle. The Orks are numerous, but the Imperium has the upper hand, just barely, as Lord Creed's tactical genius has proven invaluable. As the Orks begin their final assault on the city, the Ultramarines ready their defenses. Creed, ever oddly silent, gazes intently at a large flagpole in the center of town, watching through binocs as the Orks' charge is funneled towards the center of the city. Suddenly, as the Orks near the square, the tip of a Baneblade's main gun can be seen coming around the flagpole. The great tank begins to emerge from behind the thin metal object, perfectly and impossibly concealed. It begins to move into its firing arc, and a great shout is heard from the Warboss down below, just barely carrying over the rest of the din. "CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-" Suddenly, the cry cuts off in confusion, as Creed spits out his cigar. Where the Baneblade once stood, there is air, thin air. Not a trace remains of the enormous tank. It has vanished completely. Then, gradually, a green, crackling, electrical rune appears hanging in the air where the Baneblade was. It extends gracefully, for its platonic geometric form. If Creed was given to poetry, he might even say it resembled a rose. But he knew better. A rage he had felt only once before began to boil deep within, and his cry shook the world as the Orkish tide began to slaughter his guardsmen and be slaughtered by Marines in turn. "TRAAAAAAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYN!"
From Ward Himself
"Trazyn's also no slouch in combat. Whenever his empathic obliterator kills an enemy, it has a chance to kill all other enemies of the same type in the same combat - perfect for Ork mobs. This isn't so useful against characters, but that's why Trazyn also carries a clutch of mindshackle scarabs - why kill an enemy when you can take over his mind and have him kill for you...?"
He also has a Polish-inspired name, and uses lame pseudonyms from eastern-European mythology, which makes him a filthy treacherous Slav. Moreover, he claims to have many of his subordinates infiltrated in the Sautekh Dynasty. Just compare the number of Egyptian crons with the number of Polish crons in the Sautekh Dynasty, and you'll understand...
The Infinite List of Dickings

Trazyn is universally regarded as a huge dick pretty fun guy to be around due to his rampant kleptomania erudition and wit. Here is a list of his crimes many-splendored accomplishments, compiled for the warning edification of /tg/.
- Killed five invading regiments of Catachans, then turned them into miniatures for his collection.
- Sent Inquisitor Valeria fan mail (maybe, we can't tell if he was being sarcastic in the letter) attached to an armed tesseract labyrinth as a reward for "gifting" him said Catachan regiments.
- Banned from the Necron throneworld of Mandragora after trying to loot Imotekh's staff.
- Pops in whenever he feels like it anyway.
- Stole Sebastian Thor's head.
- Took the World Spirit Shrine of Carnac, an Exodite world as a trophy for helping to conquer it.
- Uses other Necron Lords as body doubles without telling them.
- Told the greatest amongst us all he was old pals with Rawbutt Girlyman.
- And then informed them that maybe he was going to take Papa Smurf, as he'd be better off with him than in the company of the Ultramarines.
- Has a fucking PRIMARCH stored at his pad, supposedly...
- Told Vulkan He'stan he had the Song of Entropy, luring the Salamanders into a 10-year war with the necrons. At the end of it, Trazyn pretty much said "just kidding, I don't have the Song of Entropy," as he tried to steal the Spear of Vulkan. Kind of back fired when Vulkan He'stan decided to just give him the Spear. Tip first. He'stan was pretty pissed when he learned Trazyn just jumped into another body.
- Twice.
Things on Trazyn's 'Must Have' List
- A lock of the Emperor's hair
- Magnus the Red's favourite eye
- A living Tyranid zoo (no stuffed dolls for our old collector)
- One of each type of Eldar Aspect Warrior, arranged in complementing colour order (exarchs would be even better)
- A signed autograph from each Primarch
- A signed autograph from each chaos god (group photo with autographs is the dreeaaaaammmm :D :D :D)
- A sweet ride so he can cruise the galaxy looking for new junk
- A shoulder pad from each space marine chapter (Pre-heresy legions and post-heresy chapters all together of course, going for the complete set!)
- A Space Marine from each of the first founding chapters (this collection would be easily finished if not for the fact that he cant find any marines from the two missing legions).
- A painting of one of the Empra, Tzeench, Cegorach, and the Deciever's card games.
- A circus filled with nothing but Eldar Harlequins.
- A garage filled with one of each type of the Imperial Guard's tanks.
- A feather from Sanguinus's wing.
- An Imperial Titan that has been CREEEEEEED'ed.
- A snap shot of the look on Abaddon's face upon seeing aforementioned Titan in the middle of his battle line, shouting CREEEEEEEED
- A matching pair of Angry Marine Powerboots.
- His own C'tan shard (since every necron and their mechanical dog has one already...)
- At least on pair of Sisters Of Battle Regulation Holy Panties.
See Also
- [1] Compare and contrast, comrades.