
- – The Grave Warning of the Outsider
Tsara'noga, more commonly known as The Outsider, is one of the C'tan (along with the Nightbringer) responsible for consuming many of its brethren during the War in Heaven. In The Outsider's tragic case, it was tricked by Cegorach (instead of the Deceiver) into believing that it would gain the power to rule over the material universe after cannibalizing its brethren (fuck knows why a C’tan would even listen to one of the Eldar deities at all). Additionally, C'tan consciousness is apparently so potent that a fragment of each consumed deities' consciousness still remained within The Outsider. For some weird reason, this apparently either only happened to, or only affected, the Outsider, as the Nightbringer ate at least as many of his fellows and nothing happened to him.
It is not known whether The Outsider is a dude or a chick. However, of the few fan artworks we have of The Outsider, it seems that almost all of them like to imagine it with dreadlocks, like a psychotic robo-Bob Marley or even as a hot chick, or some kind of immense dragon/leviathan-like creature, rather than taking on a humanoid form.
May or may not be a slavic king (TSARa'noga). More likely than not named after the Lovecraftian god Tsathoggua.
Lore[edit | edit source]
The Big Goof[edit | edit source]
The disjointed thoughts of hunger and half-formed memories of pain constantly claws at Tsara'noga's mind and eventually drove it insane with guilt and rage (it may just be all of the consumed C'tan nagging it on how much of a dumbass it is for fucking them over and turning them into Pokemon). In a fit of self-loathing, The Outsider fled the known Galaxy in a self-imposed exile (much like the Silent King, actually). With its eternally tormented mind turned inward, The Outsider's body drifted inert in deep space for millennia, eventually accumulating stellar debris and various exotic minerals, forming a planetoid with The Outsider at its core. A dark planet, floating in the infinitely dark space between galaxies.
But before everybody starts feeling sorry for this... thing, do not forget that all C'tan are immense and extremely powerful entities capable of warping space-time around them, yet The Outsider was strong enough and power-hungry enough to OMNOMNOM all but a handful of them. Its power was so great that it had a hellish presence, and the energy bleed of all the other C'tan it had consumed caused madness in all who came close to it. Many killed themselves rather than face The Outsider. Chaos wishes it could inspire this amount of madness. While it cannot match the Nightbringer for pure force, or the Deceiver for guile and cunning, The Outsider is rumored to be the most deadly and dangerous of the remaining C'tan. This is probably because the rest of the C'Tan gods are divided and Pokeymanned, or dead, and The Outsider is the last intact C'tan, especially after 9e revealed the Void Dragon has also been sharded.
So if the Outsider ever returned from its exile, the Galaxy would promptly shit a metric fuckton of bricks. What else would happen when an extra-galactic immortal ethereal entity of overwhelming power that consumes minds and destroys sanity itself returns for more? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
"Izzit Da Fukkin Buglord?!"[edit | edit source]
There have been rumors going around the Inquisition that The Outsider is somehow involved with the whole Tyranid affair, and some even claim that it is actually the Tyranid's Hive Mind. Of course such notion is not only Heresy in the extreme but also quite stupid, as The Outsider has been pretty explicit in not being too interested in Galactic affairs after the fratriphagy incident. Plus it would make no sense for a C'tan god to invest in biological engineering. For all the talk of being "the masters of evolution", the Tyranids have been shown recently to not be so infallible as once thought (there are multiple Imperial reports of entire Tyranid Hive Fleets starving to death because they could not find suitable biomass in time). So why The Outsider would decide to create a powerful but flawed biological race when its buddies down the block were creating the sheer rape machines that are Necrons and their subsidiary rape machines (such as their tank one-shoting, armor-melting, atom-destroying, house-cleaning, homework-helping, tax-doing, blow-job-giving guns) is unknown.
Maybe because it's crazy?
All that is known at this time is that more speculation is needed.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The Outsider's home. Large and cozy.
The Outsider in a necrodermis shell.