Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower

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Revision as of 15:49, 24 May 2016 by 1d4chan>Phantom Dusclops'92 (Wait, there's more!: It was released on both Android and iOS at the same time actually.)
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Initial concept of the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower page.

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is the new incarnation of the old Warhammer Quest, an as such a dungeon crawler boardgame set in the warhammer universe, but this time in the Age of Sigmar timeline.

The main plot revolts around a group of heroes aganist a Gaunt Summoner in it's lair in a Silver Tower of Tzeentch. Said group is.. well everybody who know about pen a paper groups knows how quirky they can be. They're pitted aganist cultists, horrors, Tzaangors, skaven and more people in their fight to retrieve and assemble the pieces of an artifact which ake them able to challenge the silver tower's marter itself.


To this date, very little info on the gameplay is shown. What has been sighted looks reminescent of AoS Warscrolls in style. But regarding that, very little is known.

On 14/05/2016 a week before official release, GW stores had open copies of the game to allow players to well... play the game.

The game is 2-4 players with each controlling one hero and the bad guys when it is their turn to be 'marked'.

The game is split into turns which where each player can do a number of actions depending on the 'currency' they role.

1) The Destiny step: The marked player rolls 5 dice. Any doubles are discarded while the rest go into a destiny pool that all players can use (say one rolls a 1,3,3,4,6 the double 3 is discarded) If a double is rolled an event normally happens (if a double 1 or 6 is rolled then the marked player has to roll 2 dice to see what kind of effect happens, others normally have another thing that needs to happen before it can activate, like having 3 ennemies on the board too.)

2)The hero step, Each player takes turns controlling their player. To do so the player has to roll 4 dice which becomes their 'currency' for moves. These dice are then used to pay for actions written on the character card.

E.G: Barbarian rolls a 1,2,4,6 He can only spend the 1 on an action which costs 1+ like moving or using a basic attack. He can however use his 6 to activate his ability which requires a 6+

Now during this phase the destiny pool can be used to pay for actions. Now there is a system to stop players from hogging all the good dice. If the player uses one of the dice then the highest dice in the pool not used cannot be spent by that player for the rest of the turn.

3) After all players have used up their dice it is the adversary phase. Here the players rolls for each group of enemies on the board (1 for all blue horrors on the board, 1 for all cultists on the board, etc) and then look at the unit's behaviour table. The adversaries will then follow the result and the marked player rolls for them.

Rince and repeat with the next player becoming marked. This continues until either a) a final room has been revealed and the party succeeds, or b) they die a horrible death.


Several of the heroes beating some tzeentch ass.

The core box includes six heroes:

  • Knight Questor: An errant Stormcast Eternal, dedicated to journey the Mortal Realms and help the free peoples wherever he goes. A dedicated brick wall who can pull enemies closer and keep them there indefinitely.
  • Darkoath Chieftain: The only representative of Chaos in the heroes team! This dude is on a Death Or Glory path and seeking the favor of the gods, and apparently topping the tower of another servant is a sure way to daemonhood...
  • Mistweaver Saih: The very first aelf miniature is weird as fuck. Apparently this chick is a wizard focused on illusions to annoy the hell of of her foes. Stuns whole rooms and then chucks magic missiles.
  • Tenebrael Shard: Another aelf, this time a guy. Is an assasin that can jump from shadow to shadow and has supernatural skills for assasination. ¿Sound familiar?
  • Doomseeker: An old-school Dorf slayer with the skin of a Fyreslayer. No really, there isn't much more to say.
  • Excelsior Warpriest: Another great piece of win: a Warpriest with all the badassery that the career entails. He's followed by a gryph hound. Capable of healing and smash heads alike.

There are included profiles for four additional heroes, but no cards or miniatures:

  • Knight Venator:
  • Slaughterpriest (with axe):
  • Auric Runemaster:
  • Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord:

Wait, there's more!

With the release of Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, a companion APP will be released called Warhammer Quest: My Hero(groan) which can track the campaign progress, equipment, abilities for your chosen hero. But here goes the bomb: It will allow you to create your own hero for the game using the AoS/WFB characters range. Empire (Free Guild) General? Go for it. Lord of Chaos? You bet. Ironjaws Megaboss? Of fucking course! NOPE! app was released and it is a broken mess... Crashes all the time, has to be connected to the internet to even get to the content one bought, and there is no sign of any create your own character! Also of the 37 characters released not a single empire or ogre character... but of course for some reason banner bearers and musician (sigmarine Heraldor) are playable but not ogre mercenaries and empire witch hunters...

Here is a list of all extra chars from app

  • Aspiring Deathbringer
  • Both Exalted Deathbringers (different rulesets, ones a blender and the other a counterattack machine)
  • Khorne Bloodstoker
  • Khorne Bloodsecrator
  • Both Slaughterpriests (exact same but one with axe has better attack stats that synergise better.)
  • Khorne Skullgrinder
  • Fyreslayer Auric Runepriest
  • Fyreslayer Battlesmith
  • Grimwrath Berserker
  • Black Ark Fleetmaster
  • Dark Elf Sorceress
  • Dark Elf Assassin
  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord
  • Chaos Lord
  • Lord of Plague
  • Cogsmith (Grima Burloksson)
  • Runesmith
  • Warden king (Belegar)
  • Unforged
  • Bray Shaman
  • Grey Seer
  • Skaven Warlord
  • Goblin shaman
  • Savage Orruk Warboss
  • Orruk Weirdnob Shaman
  • Orruk Warchanter
  • Knight-Heraldor
  • Knight-Venator
  • Knight-Azyros
  • Lord-Celestant on foot
  • Lord-Relictor
  • Lord-Castellant
  • Knight-Vexillor
  • High Elf Loremaster
  • Nomad Prince (Araloth)
  • Skink Priest
  • Saurus Oldblood
  • Wight King (can either use Krell or the generic guy)
  • Necromancer (with two Skellies)

Deniziens of the Silver Tower

The Silver Tower is not a fancy Daemon Engine of destruction and death capable of destroying armies magic-ing up their asses... Well, not only that. People live in there too, at least in the AoS version. Here's the adress layout of the neighborhood:

  • Gaunt Summoner: One of the slave sorcerers of Archaon, but the one in charge of the Silver Tower looks like he's on his own. He's a sorcerer and Tzeentchian, so expect trouble. The final boss.
  • Ogroid Thaumaturge: A great piece of win which seems like a Tzeentch-marked Doombull.
  • Skaven Deathrunners: A special kind of Skaven Assassin; the little shits can't keep their paws out of where they're not wanted. He's supplied in twos, one the real Assassin, the other a perfect doppelganger.
  • Familiars: Magic familiars. More like troops, they're markers of effects, either a buff if the heroes catch'em in time or debuff if not. Those who like to look to the past have a soft spot for them. All Familiars have a name and backstory of sorts:
    • Tweek: A little bird who thiks that he's a Lord of Change. Prone no megalomania and to disclose his "clever plans" to anyone who would listen, willingly or not. Lowers your hit rolls while on the board.
    • Blot: A book with legs that can provide helpful information and/or indecipherable blabbering on a whim. Not much else. Keeps you from using bonus skills while in the same chamber.
    • Slop: The fishy fella is the most annoying of the Familiars, and that's something. Known primarily for appearing out of nowhere and his fucking stink. Ironically the least annoying one in game as he only lowers the Heroes' movement.
    • Pug: Some sort of an imp with a half-moon face. This critter steals anyghting shiny that catches his eye. This include the heroes' loot and equipment, who can't use items while he's on the board and have a chance of losing their loot if he gets too close.
  • Tzaangors: Like the Khornegors and Pestigors before them, Tzaangors are Beastmen dedicated to Tzeentch. Their bovine features are somewhat regressed in favor of a more avian appeareance and the result is, as everything touched by the Changer of Ways, weird.
  • Kairic Acolytes: Probably related to Kairos Fateweaver, but saving that, just normal chaos acolytes (read: cannon fodder). Speech impediment unconfirmed but likely.
  • Horrors: Coming in the common varieties of pink and blue, but adding the cute little things that are the Brimstone Horrors, those come in pairs and work like some sort of bombs, dying after using their strongest skill once.
  • Grot Scuttlings: Some Goblins thought that sneaking in a Tzeentchian lair would be a good idea and got an extra pair of arms and legs for their trouble. Sneaky, agile and probably annoying as hell.

There are also exotic enemies which can be used instead of enemies mentioned above. These are all much tougher than what the box comes with, but get you extra renown for killing them and the game will never force you to use them.

  • Screamers: Extremely fast and a single one can easily kill a Hero who was at full health just moments ago. They're also pretty tanky. When they appear, you set up one per player but 3 max.
  • Flamers: Very strong shooting and pretty tanky. When they appear, you set up one per player but 3 max.
  • Exalted flamer: He can take more than a Gaunt Summoner and torches the entire chamber for massive damage if you don't kill him fast. Only ever appears on his own, thankfully.
  • Herald: Extremely annoying bugger who summons more Horrors and shoots devastating shots all over the place and even his melee is terrifying. He's also almost as tanky as the Deathrunner, but killing him gets lots of Renown and lets you loot his grimoire. Only ever appears on his own, thankfully.

See Also

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External Links

  • [http://www.something.com/whatever Links to external pages go here and look like this.]
