Age of Darkness-Warhammer 30k/2.0 Tactics/Mechanicum Tactics
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the Antipath, Circuit preserve us
From the rage of the Beast, Iron protect us
From the temptations of the Flesh, Silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the Destroyer, Anima shield us
From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free.
Ave Omnissiah!
These are the current rules for the Horus Heresy era Mechanicum, featured in Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book.
Why Play The Mechanicum?

You've seen the models, right? For the first time since Rogue Trader, the followers of the Machine God can take to the field en masse! You can embody the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000 30,000 with your exotic Martian death-rays, terrifying Battle-automata and horrific Cybernetic monstrosities.
Also? Robots.
At the beginning the force used to be divided between the three ordos of the Mechanicum: the footsloggin MCs of the Legio Cybernetica, the more complete Taghmata (vanilla) and the extremely limited Ordo Reductor. This led to question why would anyone ever use Reductor when the Taghmata list had better siege engines. The most recent update, however, offers you six Orders of High Tecno-Arcana to choose from.
The list is still fairly small, with limited unit choices, but a large amount of flexibility within many of these units, and many units have been yeeted in 2.0. Furthermore, almost all the models are FW resin. Be warned, this is a slippery slope that may result in the loss of financial security, family, friends and house...
Also, BIG Robots!
Unusually for Forge World, the Mechanicum is one of the cheapest armies to get in to. It's possible to start an army with a single Magos, and a pair of Castellax or small Thallax Cohorts (Adsecularis if you really want to break the mold!). The army lists, whilst capable of standing alone, are intended to be used as allies for the Legion army list. As a starting point for a new army, this is ideal, as you need even less to get have something you can field. Mechanicum units provide you with some unique possibilities for conversions, too! Take a cursory glance around Coolminiornot or a painting forum and you'll find some damn fine examples. Of course, if this is not your thing, Forge World's own models are more than capable of satisfying any model fanatic.
Special Rules
- Advanced Reaction - "Scornful Fire": Triggered when the enemy shoots a unit containing an Independent Character. This unit can immediately shoot that enemy if they're within 12".
- Disruption (X+): The common rule for Arc weapons, this gun will deal instant glancing hits on vehicles and auto-wounds dreads and automata on an X+ to hit. If this is giving you uncomfortable shudders of old Gauss guns, you might not be far off.
- Data-Djinn: Weapons with this rule will not hurt any enemies that lack the Vehicle, Automata or Dreadnought unit types.
- God-Engine: Your Ordinatus and titans are all-out immune to psykers and cybertheurgy, not to mention Haywire and Disruption (X+) - any weapons using those rules must use their base Strength to wound your superheavies. In addition, any units within 12" of this God-Engine count as Fearless, which is a serious buff for your troops.
- Paragon of Metal: The special character upgrade for a lone Automata (Cybernetica) unit. This unit replaces the Cybernetica subtype with the Paragon Subtype as well as +1 to Wounds and WS, It Will Not Die (4+), Precision Strikes (4+), Precision Shots (4+) and Rampage (2). Simply put, this is a Primarch made of steel.
- Patris Cybernetica: Allows the Independent Character to join a unit with the Automata type or Monstrous subtype. Note that this won't work on anything else with the Monstrous subtype or Automata type, meaning your Magi on Abeyants can't fly alongside their pet Vulturax despite wishing to.
Warlord Traits
All generic Mechanicum Warlords from all three lists have the option of getting a Warlord trait from one of the charts in the main rulebook, or rolling on their own unique chart:
- A Soul of Cold Iron: The Warlord and any unit with 6" may still declare charges if they are under the effect of Pinning but are still subject to Snap-Firing. He also allows an additional reaction during the movement phase.
- The Logic of Victory: If the warlord has not shot, or is not locked in combat the whole army may make an additional reaction in all phases of the following turn. In addition the Warlord and a unit he is attached to gain +1 WS and BS during reactions, and +3 Movement and Initiative during movement based reactions.
- The Science of Slaughter: For each turn this Warlord is locked in combat (so staring on the 2nd round) he gains +1S and Strength for each round of combat he is in. After he has left the combat, his Strength and WS return to normal. The army may also make an additional reaction during the Assault Phase.
Psychic powers for machines. No, seriously. They're pretty much running the same rules as Psychic powers, only now you have your own unique Cybertheurgist unit sub-type. In addition, failing a Cybertheurgy check only deals 1 wound to the cybertheurgist, a fairly light injury for most magi but this becomes d3 wounds for vehicles or automata.
<tabs> <tab name="Artificia Machina">
- Animatus Integro: Allows the Cybertheurgist to apply Battlesmith (X+) to anything within 12", extending their support range considerably as they don't need to contantly be touching things to repair them. If you pass a Cybertheurgy check, this makes a second repair as if you had rolled for Battlesmith repairs twice. It goes without saying that repairing your bots and tanks is a necessity, so being able to restore 2 HP/wounds or fixing a wound and a lost weapon is a massive gift.
- Animatus Excindor: A wild 12" Assault d6 S1 AP1 gun with Haywire and Data-Djinn. This is basically devastating on any tanks or Automata you come across, though the swingy Assault d6 won't guarantee any kills and it's a waste against Terminators.
</tab> <tab name="Artificia Cybernetica">
- Cybernetica Exortus: Instead of shooting, you can target a unit with at least one Automata unit within 12" and make a Cybertheurgy test. If successful, you can apply a buff to the entire unit (Re-roll charge distances, ignoring the first wound from the shooting phase, +1 BS, overriding Reaction restrictions). Note that this only requires one model in the unit to have the Automata type, meaning that this can even work with Techpriest Auxilia who lost more Servo-Automata.
- Mordeo Cogita: An instant-kill 12" Assault 1 S10 AP1 gun with Instant Death and Data-Djinn. Pretty much custom-made to eradicate lone tanks and automata, but you'll need to guarantee that you're actually going to hit them in the first place.
</tab> <tab name="Ephemera Incursus">
- Ephemera Perfidiae: Target one enemy vehicle or automata within 12" and you can make it shoot at its friends as snap shots because you managed to hijack its brain. If you make a successful Cybertheurgy check, these shots are made at the Cybertheurgist's base BS, not counting as snap shots. Whichever you choose, you just pissed off that engine so hard that it now gains Hatred (Cybertheurgists) for the rest of the game.
- Ephemera Exocluo: A 24" Assault 6 S3 gun with Data-djinn, Blind, and Vox Silence. While this won't hurt anyone, Vox Silence knocks enemy Leadership and Blind can hit them pretty hard nonetheless. Following up with a melee squad can see that target easily routed.
</tab> <tab name="Ephemera Lacyraemarta">
- Ephemera Instigare: Target a friendly Mechanicum infantry unit within 12". This unit can immediately move a distance equal to twice their Initiative bonus towards the closest enemy. If you pass a Cybertheurgy check, this unit also gets Hammer of Wrath (1) and Furious Charge (1), making this an ideal option for a melee-equipped pack of Thallaxi.
- Ephemera Excrusis: An AP3 melee weapon with Rad-Phage, Fleshbane and Concussive (3). A pretty sick weapon that can easily soften up any enemies you fight for an incoming pack of Vorax.
</tab> <tab name="Artifica Reductor">
- Portis Fractis: Target one occupied enemy building, fortification or transport within 12". A successful Cyertheurgy check must immediately bail out of their hiding spot and must make a pinning check, screwing over any camping snipers or heavy supports hiding in a bunker or a rhino carting tacs. Doesn't work on flyers or superheavies.
- Manos Ruinus: An Unwieldy and Cumbersome S10 AP1 melee weapon with Data-djinn, Armourbane, and Exoshock (3+). A ruinous weapon that'll only see use on tanks and dreads, but unlike the lascutters that can shoot, this can only be used as a melee weapon.
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High Techno-Arcana
Your specialised faction rules, which give you additional bonuses and buffs to units. Similar to the old Provenance of War that Imperial Auxilia used to get, these may be only taken if your army includes an Archmagos Prime, who may choose one High Techno-Arcana option for free. If your army includes more than one Archmagos Prime, then each must take a different option, which allows for some degree of overlap within the detachment.
<tabs> <tab name="Archimandrite"> Your dedicated supports, these guys work on making sure everything stays working at peak performance, if not better. While this doesn't outright improve anything, your Techpriests won't complain about having new ways to support your tides of steel and your Archmagos Prime will now become an even stronger Cybertheurgist.
- Bonds of Vassalage: The Archmagos Prime with this rule must become the warlord. As a benefit, you can include a Mechanicum allied detachment, though any Archmagos Prime attached to that one cannot take this Techno-Arcana as well.
- Magister Theurgica: The Archmagos Prime with this rule can select another discipline of Cybertheurgy.
- Master Technomancer: Units with Battlesmith (X+) gain two extra options when they repair things. One lets the unit use the Battlesmith's BS for shooting and the other gives vehicles the Power of the Machine Spirit rule.
</tab> <tab name="Cybernetica"> You want to focus on robots and have them as Line units, better shooters, and making them joinable units of bodyguards. Generally meaning that you have less concern about what other unit types are doing.
- Cohort Cybernetica: Your Castellax Battle Automa Maniples all become Line units and can therefore claim objectives.
- Networked Sensorium Protocols: If models with the Automata unit type are within 12" of two models with Cortex Controllers, when those Automata make a shooting attack they may reduce any cover save the target has by -2.
- Preservation Protocols: The Archmagos Prime with this rule gains the Patris Cybernetica rule and so may join units of Automata. In addition, when joined to a unit of Automata, all wounds that are inflicted upon them must first be allocated to the Automata models first, even those with the Precision Shots (X) or Sniper rules.
</tab> <tab name="Lacyraemarta"> The spooky zombie-makers. Their bots might not see any improvements, but their Adsecularis and Myrmidons will now become tougher to remove with a toughness that almost seems to reflect the purity of steel.
- Incorruptible Flesh: The Archmagos Prime with this rule and any infantry units can only be affected by Rending, Poisoned or Fleshbane weapons on a natural 6 to wound, making them hardier than anyone would expect.
- Opus Viscera: Units with the Battlesmith (X+) rule can now repair infantry. A successful roll lets them either restore a lost wound (Though resurrecting a model is impossible) or immediately move a distance equal to twice the unit's Initiative.
- The Sanguine Hook: The Archmagos Prime with this rule gains the Ephemera Lacyraemarta discipline of Cybertheurgy but cannot select any others.
</tab> <tab name="Macrotek"> The guys who build buildings, fortresses and other fortifications in giant forges. Their rules focus on buffing terrain and fortifications.
- High Enginseer: Techpriest Auxillia units may be taken as Troop Choices but they must take the Enginseer Techno-Arcana if they are taken as troops.
- Moderati Munitoria: During the battles set up, but before objectives have been placed you may move up to 3 pieces of terrain up to 6" as long as they are 2" away from another piece of terrain.
- Reactor Aedificii: Models with the Battlesmith (X+) rule may also repair buildings and they can choose to apply a special rule to models they have repaired, that means when they are targeted by an attack that inflicts either Exoshock, Breaching or Rending (so choose one, not all three) they are only effected by the rule on hit rolls of 6.
</tab> <tab name="Malagra"> The closest you get to tech-assassins. Everyone now has access to the data-spikes and a bit of extra mobility. The biggest winners of this are the Arcuitors, as you can take multiple of them to hunt down specific nuisances.
- Ictus Incindiae: Characters in this detachment can replace their machinator arrays and servo-arms with prehensile data-spikes for 10 points.
- Interfector Auxilia: All Techpriest Auxilia units must take the unique Interfector Techno-Arcana. This gives all models Scout and prehensile data-spikes.
- Sacred Mission: One Arcuitor Magisterium can be taken as a non-compulsory HQ choice. This does not preclude you from taking another as an Elite as normal.
- Court of Executioners: Instead of their usual Hunter-Killer rule, they instead get Scout and the ability to become a squad of up to three (each one costing 110 points) that are deployed together but are then split up after the game starts.
- Scindex-malagrus: The Archmagos Prime with this rule improves their WS and Attacks to 5. In addition, they gain the Hatred (Independent Characters), Precision Strikes (5+) and Monster Hunter rules, making them specially-tooled to murder things.
</tab> <tab name="Myrmidax"> All-out war is the name of the game here. You take this if you're planning on taking tons of Myrmidons with all the guns to destroy.
- Avatar of Destruction: One Thanatar-Calix automata can be taken as a non-compulsory HQ choice. While it cannot be a Paragon of Metal, any Myrmidons within 6" of it gain the Line sup-type and add +1 wound to combat resolution rolls.
- The Myrmidon Host: Myrmidon Secutors are now Troops choices and Myrmidon Destructors are now Elites choices.
- Sadly, only the two compulsory Myrmidon units are deemed Line units, so the rest of the slots will either need to crowd around daddy Thanatar or be used for other units.
- Vessel of Destruction: The Archmagos Prime with this rule now has 5 wounds and gains the Hatred (Everything) and Bulky (3) rules.
</tab> <tab name="Reductor"> Where the Macrotek builds, the Reductor destroys. Your Techpriests now have options to weaken vehicles and you have the means to demolish the buildings your enemies cower behind.
- Demolisher: Units with the Battlesmith (X+) rule now have offensive options for their rule. Now they can deal 1 HP of damage to a vehicle or building, deal an unsavable wound on a dreadnought or automata, destroy one weapon on a vehicle without dealing a wound or immobilize the vehicle without dealing a wound. Now your enemies aren't worried about those Techpriests because they can fix their tanks, now their land raiders might suddenly stop dead in their tracks or lose their precious sponson guns.
- Harbinger of Devastation: Before the objectives are set, pick three pieces of terrain, buildings or fortifications. Any cover saves they might have offered are now destroyed and now count as difficult and dangerous terrain. Any chosen buildings or fortifications now add +1 to the building damage rolls. The way to go when you plan on screwing over any defensive enemies and forces them to fight on your terms.
- Secrets of Annihilation: The Archmagos Prime with this rule gains the Artificia Reductor Cybertheurgy discipline but cannot select any others.
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Armoury of the Omnissiah
Being a heresy era list, we get some funky wargear that's not found in later eras/outside of the hallowed halls of the machine god. Augments may also be a thing.
Ranged Weapons
- Archeotech Pistol: S6 AP4 Master-crafted pistol with Rending (3+).
- Arc Weapons and Lightning Guns: Arc and Lighting weapons have seen some small changes from their 1.0/7th edition incarnations, but they are still reliable and solid weapons.
- Arc Pistol: A S6, AP5 pistol. It's has lost Haywire from it's 7th incarnation, but has gained Disruption(6+) instead.
- Arc Rifle: The standard Arc Weapon. With a 30" range, Rapid Fire, S6, AP5 and Disruption(6+), it's superior to the Bolter that Marines will be lugging around.
- Arc Blaster: The Heavy Bolter equivalent, dropping down to a 24" range, in exchange for Heavy 4 shots, Shred and Disruption(4+).
- Lightning Gun: Have gotten a pretty good buff for 2.0 as they now have two firing modes. The first is a fires 18" range, Heavy 3, S4, AP- shots with Shred for clearing hordes, and the second is an improved version of its 1.0 incarnation, firing a 18" range, Heavy 1, S7, AP4 shot with Rending(4+) and Shred, which is capable of dealing with meatier targets.
- Lightning Lock: Fires a single Small Blast(3), S7, AP4 Heavy shot at a 36" range and having the Rending(4+), Shred, Exoshock(4+) rules on top of that.
- Lightning Cannon: A super lightning Lock with all the same stats and rules, but at an increased AP3 and Large Blast(5).
- Autoweapons:
- Heavy Stubber:
- Rotor Cannon: Lost Salvo and is now Assault 4, S3 AP-. Not very strong but it does have Pinning with Shell Shock (1), making them very good for locking down enemies for another unit to assault.
- Light Autocannon: S6 Ap4 Assault 2.
- Autocannon:
- Icarus Autocannon:
- Defence Autocannon Battery:
- Phaeton Autocannons:
- Avenger Gatling Cannon
- Gatling Blaster:
- Macro-gatling Blaster:
- Bolt Weapons: Ever-present, ever reliable.
- Maxima Bolter: The basic armament on the Castellax (and free on Scyllax), it's a 12" bolter with Assault 3 instead of the basic Rapid Fire, meaning that they can always shoot at peak firepower.
- Kraken Bolter: Default on Scyllax, it's longer-range with 30" with S4 AP4. Better suited for front-line firepower.
- Mauler Bolt Cannon: Heavy Bolters +1, they're Heavy 4 24" S6 AP4 guns with Pinning. A basic gun for the Castellax to work with plenty of bite to work with.
- Defensor Bolt Cannon: A Mauler Bolt Cannon, but it's stuck on a superheavy. Though it can't pin, the Ardex-Defensor lets these knights and titans fire Overwatch with this gun.
- Vulcan Mega-Bolter: Only seen on titans and for good reasons. A Heavy 16 S6 AP3 barrel of death with Pinning and Shell Shock (1).
- Conversion Beam Weapons: Could be seen as inverse Melta, inflicting greater damage at longer ranges.
- Conversion Beamer:
- Conversion Beam Cannon:
- Heavy Conversion Beam Cannon:
- Cutting tools of the Mechanicum:
- Las Impulsor:
- Attrapos Phasecutter:
- Flame Weapons: Remain your reliable templates to cook through crowds of low-Toughness foes but will falter against most armor saves, especially against marines.
- Acheron Flamestorm Cannon:
- Inferno gun:
- Graviton Weapons:
- Graviton Gun:
- Graviton Imploder:
- Graviton Pulsar:
- Graviton Hammer:
- Graviton Ram:
- Singularity Cannon:
- Las, Photon and Pulsar Weapon:
- Las-Lock: The Mini-Ball muzzle-loaded musket to the Lasgun's AK47. Shorter 18" range, Assault 2, and packs a nasty S4 AP6 punch. Of course, as of current, AP6 is completely useless, but S4 however is not.
- Multilaser: 36", S6 AP6 Heavy 3 Guard players know and love.
- Photon Gauntlet: The photon pistol. 12" Assault 2 with S5 AP2 with Blind and Gets Hot!.
- Photon Thruster: 24" S6 AP2 Assault 2 with Blind, Lance and Gets Hot!. Its' usefulness against TEQ this edition is severely hampered by an additional wound they received.
- Darkfire Cannon: 36" S7 AP2 Heavy 2 with Blind, Lance and Gets Hot!.
- Defensor Lascannon:
- Pulsar-fusil:
- Magna Lascannon:
- Sollex Heavy-Las: An amped-up Heavy 3 Lascannon with S10 AP2 and Armourbane (Ranged) and Shock Pulse.
- Turbo Laser Destructor: 96" S10 AP3 (!!!) Destroyer 1 with Large Blast. Hilariously underpowered.
- Laser Blaster:
- Volcano cannon: 120" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Ignores Cover and Large Blast. Doesn't have Sunder.
- Belicosa Volcano cannon: 120" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Sunder and Apocalyptic Blast 9". Yes, this template doesn't exist. Doesn't have Ignores Cover.
- Nemesis Volcano cannon: 36-180" S14 AP1 Destroyer 1 with Sunder and Apocalyptic Blast 9".
- Melta Weapons: Short-ranged, but the Armourbane (Melta) rule means that they can roll a second die when rolling for vehicle pen or to wound Automata or Dreads.
- Thermal Lance:
- Thermal Cannon:
- Melta Cannon:
- Missile Weapons:
- Missile Launcher:
- Havoc Launcher:
- Hunter-Killer Missile:
- Whirlwind Launcher:
- Ironstorm Missile Pod:
- Stormspear Rocket Pod:
- Karacnos Mortar Battery:
- Apocalypse Missile Launcher:
- Terrebeax (?) Rocket Battery:
- Plasma Weapons: Plasma has taken a nerf in AP but have gained Breaching to make it count as AP2 against non-vehicle units on a certain roll to-wound. Be warned that while your models can take a Gets Hot! wound without dying, all other unsaved wounds received by the squad must first be allocated to a wounded model.
- Plasma Cannon:
- Phased Plasma-Fusil: 24" S6 AP3 Heavy 3 with Breaching (4+) and Gets Hot!.
- Plasma Mortar:
- Plasma Blastgun:
- Sunfury Plasma Annihilator:
- Rad Weapons and Irradiation Projectors: Rad-weapons contain the Rad-Phage rule, which reduces the Toughness of a target unit for the turn. While it can't stack, it will expose the enemy to a more dangerous set of guns, especially if you have something that can deal Instant Death.
- Lucifex: A little Rad Pistol with 8" range and a single S2, AP5 shot. Luckily it has Fleshbane so you'll actually have a good chance of wounding infantry and inflicting Rad-Phage.
- Irad Cleanser: A Cancer Flamer. Fires a S2, AP5 Template that has the Fleshbane and Rad-Phage rules.
- Irradiation Engine: The heavy Cancer Flamer. It's a bigger version of the Irad Cleanser, as it fires a S4, AP3 Template that has Torrent on top of Fleshbane and Rad-Phage.
- Radium Pistol: Despite not having Rad-Phage like other Rad Weapons, it has seen a buff from it's 7th edition rules as even though it's lost Rad-Poisoning, it's gained Brutal(2), which does the same thing but on all successful wounds, not just wound rolls of 6+. Apart from that it's a S3, AP- single shot pistol.
- Radium Carbine: Similar to it's Pistol counterpart it lacks Rad-Phage, but has Brutal(2) instead. Apart from that it's an 18" range, Assault 3 weapon with S3 AP5 shots. Due to the high number of shots it fires, a squad of these will burn through 5+ armour saves and Brutal(2) will also cause problems for 4+ armour saves since they'll have to make two saves with only a 25% chance they'll successfully make both of them.
- Volkite Weapons: Certified Martian Death Lasers. Low AP but superior to Bolters in almost every way. The main gimmick for Volkite Weapons is Deflagrate, which inflicts an additional hit for every unsaved wound caused by a weapon with this rule. Note that these hits aren't affected by other Special Rules of the model.
- Volkite Serpenta:
- Volkite Charger:
- Volkite Caliver:
- Volkite Culverin:
- Volkite Incenirator:
- Volkite Veuglaire:
- Volkite Chieorovile:
- Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons:
- Sonic Destructor:
- Shock Lance:
Melee weapons
- Arc Weapons and Lightning Guns:
- Arc Lance: A spear that doubles as both shooting and Melee. Its shooting attack is a 12" Assault 1 S6 AP5 shot with Disruption (6+) while in melee it's S+1 AP5 with Disruption (5+). Either one can make them potentially terrifying for vehicles set upon.
- Corposant Stave: A Two-Handed S+1 AP4 weapon with Haywire, making it more effective against vehicles and automata than infantry.
- Arc Maul: The meaner weapon in the Secutarii armory and the default for the Axiarch, this is S+2 AP5 with Disruption (5+).
- Arc Scourge: An S+2 AP3 melee weapon with Rampage (d3) and Disruption (5+), making it more capable of hitting crowds as hard as it does automata.
- Chain Weapons: Got a decent improvement from last edition, now even the humble chainsword gets Shred, improving their effectiveness considerably.
- Chainsword The ever-humble CCW now has Shred to help get through armour saves.
- Chainfist:
- Chain Bayonet: Formely Heavy Chainblade. It's a Two-Handed S+1 AP- chainblade with Shred.
- Scyllax Combat Array:
- Reaper Chainblade: S9 AP2 Shred. No Brutal or Instant Death means surviving Dreadnaughts will tear you a new one.
- Reaper Chainsword: S10 AP2 Shred. Same here, better kill that dread or write your will.
- Reaper Chainfist: S10 AP2 Armourbane. For cutting up Vehicles.
- Cutting tools of the Mechanicum:
- Las Impulsor:
- Atrapos Phasecutter:
- Graviton Weapons:
- Graviton Hammer:
- Graviton Ram:
- Paragon Blade: S+1 AP2 Specialist Weapon without Unwieldy that inflicts Instant Death on a wound roll of 6.
- Power Weapons:
- Servo Weapons: The ever-traditional servo-arms and the like for the Mechanicum.
- Servo-Arm: Gives an additional attack equivalent to a power fist (S8 AP2 with Unwieldy).
- Machinator Array: While weaker against infantry at S+1 AP2 with Unwieldy, it's giving you two additional attacks with Shred and Armourbane (Melee).
- Prehensile Dataspike: Expect to see plenty of this with a Malagra army. While weaker with S5 AP4, it can beat most things to the punch with Reach (2) and can deal damage with Breaching (4+) and Murderous Strike (6+).
- Shock Chargers: The weapons of your automata, AP3 is no-frills and capable of taking down marines pretty easily.
- Siege Destroyers:
- Exotic and Miscellaneous Arms of the Mechanicum:
Equipment & Special Rules
- Armour of the Mechanicum: Unlike the basic power armor of the Adeptus Astartes, the various aromours of the Mechanicum is more varied than one would think.
- Corpus Skitarii: The armour of the Skitarii. 4+ save and re-roll FNP rolls against Poisoned and Rad-Phage attacks.
- Lorica Thallax: The heavy frame of the Thallaxi provides a 4+ save as well, but also forbids them from Sweeping.
- Titanshard Armour: The blessed armour of the Secutarii Axiarch, complete with a shard of an actual god-machine embedded in it. Provides a hefty 3+/5++ save and re-roll FNP rolls against Poisoned and Rad-Phage attacks.
- Augury Scanner: Prevents any units from deep-striking within 12" of the bearer. On top of that, the unit not only gets to ignore Night Fighting but also gets the ability to use the Interceptor reaction without eating into the reaction budget.
- Cortex Controller: Seen on all your magi. Cybernetica units with the Programmed Behavior rule ignore it when within 12" of the Controller. Critical for full control of your automata, as Programmed Behavior forces them to only shoot the closest unit or charge when they can.
- Cyber-Familiar: Provides a 6++ Invuln and allows a unit to re-roll any one test that don't involve Leadership each turn. More valuable in that it can boost an existing Invulnerable Save as well.
Vehicle and Battle-automata Equipment & Rules
Unit Analysis
- Archmagos Prime: Your head Cyborg and the guy you want to bring to almost every game. Like the Space Marines Praetor, the Archmagos is pretty much essential for your army as he allows you to bring Techno-Arcana rules for your army. His Feudal Hierarchy rule means you can only bring one of any type of Archmagos Prime, so he will be one of a kind on the table and important to protect. Coming standard with a Volkite Serpenta, Power Weapon, a Mechanicum Protectiva and a Cortex controller, the sheer amount of options he can be equipped with makes it so you can tailor him for most situations. He can be equipped with a Machinator Array to improve his Battlesmith rolls, Heavy weapons to make him a walking gun platform (even more so if you take the Myrmidax Techno-Archana rules), a Paragon Blade and Chainfist to make him as killy in melee as possible and he can even take a Cyber-familiar to improve his Invulnerable save to 3++. The sky is near enough the limit with this guy when it comes to customisation. He also comes with a bucket full of special rules having Relentless, Stubborn, Battlesmith (4+) and Firing Protocols (3) allowing him to shoot and repair multiple times in one turn. Master Cybertheurgist allows him to select either the Artificia Cybernetica, Artificia Machina or Ephemera Incursus Cybertheurgy rites, and the High Rites of Technoarcana allow for even more specialisation and customisation.
- He does have some drawbacks though. Firstly, as you could have guessed, a basic Archmagos is fairly expensive on his own, being 155 points for the standard Cyborg, and almost all these options will severely ramp up his price and it means you'll have to pour a fair bit of your army's allowance into him.
- Secondly while his BS, Strength and Toughness are all 5's, he comes up short when compared to his Marine counterparts in melee, as he has WS4 and only 2 attacks base (3 when adding his Volkite Serpenta and Power Weapon into the mix), meaning that he's going to be hitting tactical marines of 4's and Praetors on 5's, though it is possible to make him more adept at duelling with the right upgrades. Like most Mechanicum units he's better suited at shooting then combat and he relies primarily on his toughness and good saves to keep him alive during fights, over being able to kill his opponents quickly.
- Archmagos Prime on Abeyant: The same as above but mounted on a floating command console. For 30 points extra your Archmagos gains an extra point of toughness and 2 wounds bringing him up to T6 and 5W. He loses Firing Protocols and Relentless, but that's fine since he gains the Monstrous and Anti-grav sub-types which allow him to fire all the weapons he has and counts as stationary when shooting them, as well as lets him float over terrain. Finally, he also gains Pride of Place that stops him from boarding a transport, because the Abeyant is not cheap and he wants to show it off.
- Magos Dominus: A scaled-down Archmagos Prime, now only costing 75 points. While still very versatile, you'll notice the considerable drop in loadout options as well as the now Marine-tier BS4/S4/T4. While he comes with the Heavy subtype, he's also only one unit and most likely will strap him to Adsecularis or Castellax, things that wouldn't care about running anyways. You're probably going to need that extra kit too, because a power sword and laspistol will only carry you so far. Probably why there's no limitation on how many you can field.
- Firing Protocols (2) will make your decisions count more, as now you'll find yourself either needing to pick whether you need to fire that gun once or spend both rounds of shooting to repair your bots.
- Magos Dominus on Abeyant: See above, but now on the floating pimp-throne. You curiously still keep the Heavy subtype, giving template protection, but there's not going to be many cases where such can be the case when this guy is now a giant floating target.
Special Characters
- Calleb Decima Invictus, Lord of Ruin, Vengeful Archmagos of the Ordo Reductor: Look how far he's come. A Reductor Archmagos Dominus with a MC power axe and bolt pistol as well as a machinator array, all carrying Ignores Cover, Sunder and Wrecker to demolish tank and building alike while Hatred (Traitors) and Precision Strikes (5+) make him threatening in melee. On top of his Reductor rules, he also lets those within 6" of him gain Move through Cover, which can seriously help them go through the wreckage he causes.
- Calleb can pick up a pack of Scyllax or Techpriest Auxilia as a retinue, customized as you see fit including grabbing a transport. This retinue will also carry Ignores Cover, Sunder and Wrecker.
- Archmagos Draykavac, Warlord of Cyclothrathe, Sovereign-Prelate of House Atrax, Bringer of Perfection:
- Anacharis Scoria, the Xanophane Tyrant, the Fallen Master, Lord of the Nine Cohorts, the Apostate Magister: The absolute monstrosity of HH1.0 has returned. Now strapped to his giant scorpion-thing that used to be called an Abeyant, he's now a super Archmagos Prime with all known Cybertheurgy Rites (except those he can't learn from other disciplines), Battlesmith (3+) (and +2 from the Machinator Array means he's auto-repairing shit) and Move Through Cover. As if having a 2+ save on a 7W T7 beast with a cyber-familiar wasn't bad enough, he also has It Will Not Die (5+) so he can heal himself too. He's also a walking tank, carrying a photon thruster and two archaeotech pistols to get in close so he can smack them up with his Vodian Sceptre. While no longer the auto-wounding monstrosity of yore, a S+2 AP2 Two-Handed weapon with Armourbane (Melee), Exoshock (4+) and Murderous Strike (5+) is nothing to scoff at, especially if the enemy has to also contend with Fear (2) if they survive.
- His Warlord Trait, Forbidden Protocols, gives a 6" bubble, allowing units of Automata to make reactions despite any insistence otherwise. Adding an additional reaction each Movement phase means that he thrives on sending his bots over to rip up the enemy while he cackles and sends out whatever technosorcery he slings out.
- Techpriest Auxillia: The most customisable and utilitarian choice. You get a unit of 1-3 Tech Priests with 4-10 Servo-Automata. There is quite a lot to do with this unit, the Priests are Infantry (Character, Line) and are able to claim objectives, while the Servo-Automata are unit type Automata (Guardian) so will always be allocated wounds first, regardless of any other special rules. They Servo-Automata also have a decent range of weapon options that range from dirt cheap las-locks up to expensive Multi-Meltas, and they also bring the average toughness of the unit to T5.
- One Tech Priest may be upgraded to a Magos granting him several stat-buffs including an extra wound, and the ability to take either the Artificia Machina or Artificia Cybernetica Cybertheurgy options.
- The Tech Priests in the unit must choose a "lesser" Techno-Arcana option from a different list compared to Archmagos Primes.
- Enginseer: the Tech Priests gain Servo-Arms for free, and while there are any Servo-Automata remaining in the unit the Priests have Battlesmith (4+).
- Lachrimallus: Every model in the unit has Feel No Pain (5+). In addition, friendly units of Adsecularis Tech-Thralls within 6" of one or more Tech Priests with this rule gain +1 to their Feel No Pain rolls.
- Reductor: the Tech Priests gain Servo Arms for free, while all models in the unit gain the Sunder and Wrecker rules. Additionally, a Magos in the unit may replace their Servo-Arm with a Conversion Beamer or Graviton Imploder for 25 points.
- As a combined unit of models with the Battlesmith (X) rule and the Automata unit type, this unit is affected by quite a lot of the High Techno-Arcana rules that an Archmagos could take, so there is considerable room for additional function.
- Arcuitor Megesterium: Loyalist-exclusive techno-assassin.
- Myrmidon Secutor Host:
- Domitar Class Battle-Automata Maniple:
- Thallax Cohort: Ogryn equivalents, being pretty hardy with T5 and 3 wounds and are also equipped with jump packs and Lighting guns. They're stats have been slightly nerfed for 2.0 as they are now S4 standard and have had their Ld reduced to 7, though in return they can take Chain Bayonets on their Lighting Guns for 2 points each, giving them S5 attacks with Shred and now have Relentless, Stubborn and a 6+FNP standard. Additionally 1 in 3 can take either a Multi-laser, Irad-cleanser, Phase plasma-fusil, Multi-melta or a Photon thruster. They have a few extra special rules, with Djin Sight allowing them to reduce cover saves by -2 and no enemy unit can be set up with 24" of them, and their Lorica Thallax give them a 4+ armour save and stops them from Sweeping Advancing. Sadly they have lost Thallax Augments so you can't buff them any further outside of your chosen Tecno-Arcana.
- Adsecularis Covenant: The cheapest unit available in 30k just got pricier, 45pts for 10 dudes with Infantry (Heavy, Line). Don't expect the Heavy subtype to do much for them though, as they only have a 6+ armour save, so are not likely to be rerolling anything. Being Heavy really just means they cannot perform Run moves. Additionally, with the Rite of Pure Thought they also cannot perform Reactions or make Sweeping Advances. They have low stats; WS/BS/I are all 2, and their Ld value is 6 so their fighting ability is almost negligible, not to mention they have lost the ablity to take Carapace amour and all of their options from HH1. However, despite all of these downsides, they are the cheapest unit in the book, they are all Stubborn and they have Feel No Pain (5+) so they have some added resilience against low strength incoming damage, and can come in units of up to thirty models. They are an objective holding unit, and really that's all you need them for.
- For added protection, they gain a +1 to their Feel No Pain rolls while within 6" of a Tech Priest Auxilia unit who have the Lachrimallus Techno-Arcana upgrade. Granted, this still does nothing against S6 or above, but is a desirable bonus if you have several squads who are likely to be subjected to bolter fire.
- Mitralocks are not in the book for some reason, despite being available on FW site
- Castellax Class Battle-automata: Now troops with no "ifs", "ands" or "buts". These trustworthy brutes are plenty capable of taking the abuse with 4 T6 wounds and a 3+/5++ save. It's plenty well-rounded to take whatever role you assign it with two Shock Chargers and built-in Bolters as well as a Mauler Bolt Cannon.
- Despite being Troops, they lack the Line subtype and cannot ordinarily claim objectives, though can be given the Subtype if your Archmagos Prime has the Cybernetica High Techno-Arcana.
- Scyllax Guardian-Automata Covenant: Oversized Servo-Skulls with a 4+ save, BS4, S4, T5, 2 wounds each and 3 attacks, that come equipped with Kraken Bolters, Rad Furnaces and Scyllax Combat Arrays, they are quit considerably armed for their size. Move Through Cover, Relentless and Night Vision give them the ability to pootle around quite well, but they have the Heavy and Guardian Sub-types which restrict their movement and they need to be joined by characters if you want them working at full capacity. They have Line meaning they can score unlike Castellax, though they are a Support Squad so they can't act as your compulsory choice. They come in a unit of 4 which can add additional automata for 25 points to a maximum of 16 in a squad, and all of them can swap their Kraken Bolters out for Maxima Bolter for free or a Flamer, Volkite Charger or Rotor Cannon for 5 points. The Scyllax Combat Array has two settings; "Standard", which is S-User, AP5 and Shred or "Dismember", which is S+3, AP2 with Cumbersome and Unwieldy which will hurt their already poor WS, but won't effect their Initiative if they aren't joined by a Character since they will have penalties from Guardian, and the with the Rad Furnace, it allows them to infect instant death on Marines (if they are lucky enough to hit them). The "Dismember" setting could also be relatively effective at popping open light tanks. Finally for every 4 robots, 1 of them can take either Graviton Gun, Plasma Gun, Irad-Cleanser or a Melta gun for some added punch in shooting.
- The best way to utilise these guys is to throw a Magos in with them and to take them in a large unit to secure a chosen objective, while keeping the Magos alive and being tougher to shift than you would first think thanks to the bonuses from Guardian and Heavy.
Dedicated Transport
- Triaros Armoured Conveyer:
Dune TrainNot quite a CRASSUS, but close. 14/12/12, 5HP, and Transport Capacity of 22! The thing comes standard with a flare shield for all that -1 goodness. It also gets a shock ram.
Fast Attack
- Arlatax Battle-Automata Maniple:
- Ursarax Cohort: These are Thallax's less agile but stronger and faster siblings, with twin lightning claws (or Power fists) and Iron Man chest lasers.
- Vorax Class Battle-Automata:
- Vultarax Strato-Automata: A flying Castellax (FMC) with T6, armed with two Havoc Launchers and an Arc Blaster.
Heavy Support
- Thanatar Class Siege-Automata Maniple: A walking tank of a robot with S8 T8 W7 and 2+/5++ with an Atomantic Deflector. Each also comes with a TL Mauler Bolt Cannon so it can defend itself from crowds when it can't use its preferred weapons. While you can buy up to three Thanatars, they're ultimately on their own after the game starts.
- Thanatar-Cavas: The basic Thanatar, this comes with a pair of Shock Chargers for AP3 melee power, complemented by Hammer of Wrath (1). The Plasma Mortar provides it with plenty of bombardment with S8 AP4 Large Blasts with Breaching (4+) and Ignores Cover. Reactor Overload allows this cannon to shoot twice, but must suffer d3 wounds without saves to offset it.
- Thanatar-Calix: 20 points more expensive than the stock Cavas. The big draw is the Sollex Heavy-Las, a Heavy 3 lascannon with S10 AP2, Armourbane (Ranged) and Shock Pulse to flat-out demolish tanks. While it lacks the reliability of Shock Chargers, it comes with a Graviton Ram, which can either be used as an AP4 Template with Haywire, Grav Wave, Graviton Pulse and Concussive (1) or a S10 AP1 fist with Armourbane (Melee) and Concussive (2) for a more devastating stun.
- Myrmidon Destructor Host:
- Karacnos Assault Tank:
- Krios Squadron:
- Knight Moirax Talon:
Lords of War
Note: the Mechanicum Knights are not the same as the Questoris Knights from the Questoris Household army list. The Mechanicum Knights all have It Will Note Die (6+) built into their special rules, and all of them except for the Acastus Knight also come equipped with a Flare Shield for added protection, and cost around 20+ more points than their Questoris equivalent.
- Mechanicum Knight Magaera:
- Mechanicum Knight Styrix:
- Mechanicum Knight Atrapos:
- Mechanicum Acastus Knight Asterius:
- Ordinatus-Minoris Macro Engine: Comes in two flavours.
- Ordinatus Ulator:
- Ordinatus Aktaeus:
Divisio Tactica: The Titan Legions
Titans can be taken in two ways: either as a Lord of War choice in another army, or by using the Titan Maniple Force Organisation chart, which counts as a "Mechanicum" army for the sake of the faction and allies.
Its also worth pointing out that according to p10 of the Liber Mechanicum "no variant of the Mechanicum army lists may be allied with one another as part of the same army". Because the Titan Legion units on p66-72 may only be taken in these two ways, there seems to be no means of taking Secutarii alongside other Mechanicum forces.
Titan Maniples: requires 1 Lord of War OR 1 unit of Troops (either Peltasts or Hoplites). 2 HQs, 6 Troops and 3 LoWs can be added.
- Secutarii Axiarch: A support hero, he's pretty much marine-strength with S4 T4 while his Titanshard Armour gives him a 3+/5++ save that can re-roll FNP rolls against Poisoned and Rad-Phage hits while the Kyropatris Field Generator lets him re-roll armor saves of 1 and reduces the strength of any incoming attacks by 1 if he's accompanying a unit of 10+ Secutarii. The main purpose you grab him is for his Binaric Stratagems, which gives all Secutatrii in his detachment one of four rules (Feel No Pain (5+), Move Through Cover, Wrecker, Preferred Enemy (Infantry)), allowing them to specialize a bit.
- Strangely, despite being BS5, they're largely stuck with pistols, with the basic ones being a Radium Pistol or Volkite Serpenta. Even if you go for the Hoplite's Arc Lance and shield, your maximum shooting range is 12".
- Speaking of that shield, unlike the Hoplite Alpha, the Axiarch can't keep it while swapping out the lance. While one can argue that it's for the sake of balance (and it might if you could also take the arc maul), you also can't take any of the guns available to the peltast, including even the galvanic casters.
- Strangely, despite being BS5, they're largely stuck with pistols, with the basic ones being a Radium Pistol or Volkite Serpenta. Even if you go for the Hoplite's Arc Lance and shield, your maximum shooting range is 12".
- Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx: The marching line of shields and spears, the Hoplites are pretty well-protected with a 5++ Invulnerable, Feel No Pain (6+) and the Kyropatris fields. Each one comes with an Arc Lance, capable of both shooting or fighting at AP5 and Disruption (5+). That said, their melee prowess is sadly limited, as S3 (S4 with the lances) isn't very good and at WS3, punching marines is well out of their depth.
- Secutarii Peltast Phalanx: Though not as protected as the Hoplites unless you buy that Refractor Field, but more consistent in their shooting dedication. Each one comes with a Galvanic Caster with either S3 AP6 Flechette shots with Shred to handle most crowds or the short-ranged S2 AP5 Ignis Shots more meant to Blind and Ignores Cover. They can add onto this by buying Hammershot Rounds, a bit stronger with S4 AP3, but benefit most from their 30" range and Molecular Dissonance, which lets them auto-wound any non-Vehicle non-Primarch units on a 6+ to-hit. The Alpha can add some extra support if you decide to trade in his caster for a free Radium Carbine or an Arc Rifle.
- Their special rule is Blind Barrage, giving them a single-use attack that gives an allied unit that isn't a vehicle, Knight, Titan, or Monstrous the Shrouded (4+) save, a pretty strong defense.
Lords of War
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