"As far as I can make out "edgy" occurs when middlebrow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy--not to mention the spending money--out of the "youth culture." So they come up with this fake concept of "seeming to be dangerous when every move they make is the result of market research and a corporate master plan"."
- – Daria, Episode [3.05] The Lost Girls.
"My name is Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!"
- – The player character of Hatred
"Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough but then, for the love of God, tell a joke."
- – Joss Whedon giving a nice example on how to avoid being edgy even while creating a dark world

Edginess refers to people pushing violent and controversial subject matter in their stories, especially when they're doing it to to try and be popular with tragic, violent or controversial stories. This often takes the form of senselessly driving a vague argument, a plotline or a scenario to its darkest possible outcome, all the while openly expressing their disdain for whoever "the establishment" is, rationalizing villains or finding a middle ground in discourses. Like most internet terminology, it has been beaten to death, resurrected hastily, and then beaten some more. Has no relation to Hunter: The Reckoning.
Another far less negative use of the term is to describe something on the 'edge' of what's acceptable, pushing established boundaries of convention. For example, by this definition Batman: The Animated Series was edgy for making an animated series which defied expectations of how true to its base concept and generally well-written a show designed to sell toys could be. Some more examples of this would be Ren and Stimpy (which was crude and vulgar) or Invader Zim (which could get dark in subject matter, and used a fair bit of black humor); in both cases, a decent bit of the comedy was of the "I can't believe that they did THAT on a kid's cartoon show!" variety. A milder version of this was Sonic the Hedgehog in contrast to Mario. In 1989 the Simpsons was the Edgy take on the classic family sitcom archetype and in 1999 Family Guy had slotted itself in as the Edgy version of The Simpsons. For the 1990s and early 2000s Edgy was a favored term of cynical marketing types which drew the attention of the world's sarcastic snarkers and contrarians, many of which came to congregate on sites such as 4chan.
An "edgelord" is someone who essentially is guilty of serial attempts to be edgy, like that guy at your tabletop role playing group who always, without fail, makes a specific type of self insert or wish fulfillment character; brooding, antisocial, militant types with problems with authority and a troubled past - all without the nuance or skill to actually pull it off (with their opponents often being stand-ins for whoever the edgelord considers "The Man™" or representing "the establishment™"). The end result is they makes themselves look silly.
"Art" done by edgelords contain characters who are as dark, brooding and as painfully unhappy as possible, conflicts have zero compromise, institutions are the villains unless the edgelord made them and any conflict of interest will have the worst possible outcome. In writing, edgelords will go out of their way to make the story extra depressing, and subject multiple aspects of it to an increased shock factor when it's clearly illogical to do so. Needless to say, it can drive a perfect idea to make an entertaining story into the shitter, grating the nerves of even the most jaded audience. When commenting, the "edgelord" will simply push any predicament in the artwork to the darkest, deepest, worst outcome, while describing his fantasies. For example: In an adult and/or bondage predicament picture, edgelords can be found describing a paragraph of horrible fate the captive would suffer, *should* suffer because slaves are shit, and *deserve* abuse, even when the picture was of a predicament with nothing in context. Or he will simply fill the comment of any NSFW picture with his own sick fantasies, surely adding "women DESERVE it".
This is not to say that said dark elements like murder, slavery, extremism and rape are bad for literature, but rather that their sloppy execution with no regard to their depth is. As shown above, even the most "edgelord" of concepts can be salvaged and even made bearable with proper handling, especially going by the latter definition - but if you do it enough, the boundaries shift and what was edgy becomes the new norm, and there is always the risk of falling over the edge. This is why the old definition has fallen increasingly out of favor as time has gone on — people began seeing the dross sold under the title of "edgy", and the idea of what it meant thus moved away from the positive connotations marketing execs desired and closer to the qualities described above. Plus, this is the internet, and people would rather a word just be an insult or a compliment to reduce confusion.
The Anatomy of Edginess
Edginess is in some ways like a cargo cult. During WWII in the Pacific, the US military set up bases on remote, but inhabited islands, bringing with them a lot of stuff like planes and cars and so forth that was quite amazing to the stone age natives, to whom the world had been a few dozen square kilometers of land surrounded by ocean, with hazy stories of other such islands. When the military left, some of the natives took to making coconut and wooden radios and flight towers based off of some vague recollection of the military variants, unaware that making the shape alone does not get you the functional item.

In that vein, most of what comes to mind when people envision "edgy" artworks tends to be the result of people who wanted to make morally grey characters and subject matter, but lack the maturity/experience/focus/fairness necessary to NOT end up with anything other than a multiple-personality-disordered mess or a power fantasy wrapped in propaganda.
Someone with (at best) mediocre creative abilities sees some fiction that makes good use of melodrama, gritty settings, dark humor and such, made by people who know what the hell they're doing and figures "I can do that!", leading to said person haphazardly applying those elements incorrectly. The results of such efforts are either tiresome, unintentionally funny or just painful.
The stereotypical teenager, especially one with gothic/emo tendencies or problems with authority, commonly embody this - all too eager for "adult" things (eg: violence, sex, etc.) in their limited perception of such, often born of denial. Anyone or anything standing between them and what they want - or that's presumed to do so - will be seen as a terrible "evil" and dealt with as such. Individuals who pander to said demographic, are downright hacks and/or share their mindset will favor this approach over any sense of complexity, subtlety, nuance and some actual understanding of the human condition.
Edgy and Grimdark
While edginess is frequently associated with invoking grimdark for the sake of it and nothing else, it's important to remember that this alone does not edgy make. As an example, WH40K's Imperium of Man has reasons to be fair and kind when capable: though it has plenty of genocide, xenocide (completely annihilating species even when they are gentle and kind), torture, forced labor (they draw the line at commercialized chattel slavery, but un-unionized indentured servitude is fair game), witch hunts and militarism that would give Hitler a chubby beyond the grave, said horrors have reasonable justifications. Aliens were buying and selling humans like pets and culling them by the billion, operating slaver outposts even in our solar system before the Emperor came into leading humanity into a roaring rampage of revenge. And regarding souls and the universe after the Heresy, any deviation from faith in the Emperor will literally send a human to hell upon death, with their soul becoming dæmon food (and/or sex toys).
Any mistreated machinery will attract foul entities and corruption that will fuck you up seven ways till Monday and chew you out; any ill-coaxed Machine Spirit will jam and blow up in your face; and any laxity will make Chaos cults pop up by the billion in a week. Then there's the genocidal robots from another age, space elves that would murder a planet on the off chance that their Farseer would break a nail otherwise (and they're still the nice space elves despite that, as their webway dwelling cousins are even worse - murdering entire planets just because they like the sound of millions of people screaming), the ambulatory (AND belligerent) fungi that plague the entire galaxy in a series of wars, and extragalactic horrors that intend to eat everyone's face. TL;DR The Imperium acts like an asshole Hitler/Hirohito bastard child because the alternative is much, MUCH worse.
At the level of narrative, the fact that things are very very bad is a core thematic element of this world. As pointed out there are reasons why things are so miserable in this world which flow logically and despite this there can be points of contrast. Imperials still have the same potential to love and be kind like modern real world humans do. The Tau are hopeful despite the evils of this world. Occasionally pragmatism can overcome the deep seeded prejudices to overcome greater evils, if only for a while. And even if it is preformed by Conscript Guardsmen, Commissars or Space Marines, each the product of horrendous military institutions, can fight to achieve acts of genuine (if still typically brutal) heroism.
Now if you want a senselessly edgy story in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, an example would be the now non-canon Khornate Knights.
Who's An Edgelord?
Who's a cute little Edgelord? Yes, you, you adorable little mass-murderer, you!
"Edgelord" gets applied to two groups: Authors fixated on making edgy material, and the Edgy characters they write. While most of this article assumes the latter definition (as we at least try to avoid authorial mind-reading), it's quite possible for an Edgelord author to create an edgy work without an Edgelord character[1], and a non-Edgelord author to create an Edgelord character (either unintentionally, satirically, or de-constructively).
Edgy Villains
There's an important argument to be made about villains and edginess. Frequently, it's necessary to engage in authorial behavior that would be considered edgy in order to properly develop a bad guy. There are a few important questions to ask in this case, the largest ones being "is this a Villain Sue situation, and if so, what kind of Villain Sue are we dealing with?"[2] and "are the author's sympathies clearly with the villain's agenda?"[3]
Edgelords and Mary Sues
A lot of edgy characters also qualify as Mary Sues. This is because many writers who aim for "edgy" in their works are terrible at writing, and writing a Mary Sue is a common result of terrible writing. Another reason is the "Power Fantasy" route, where the author uses their work and the character in question to attack something or someone from real-life that they oppose. There are a few important questions to ask in this case, the largest ones being "is this a Jerk Sue situation?", "do the villains represent a work the author hates?" and "do the villains represent a real person or thing the author is against?"
Be on the look out for plot armor, protagonists who not only share their author's values but are not challenged on these views in any way, and the other major Sue factors covered in our Mary Sue article.
"Right Target, Wrong Method" Characters
One important partial exception: Sometimes authors include a character that can be considered "Edgy" in theory, but in practice it's clear the author isn't rooting for them because they take things way too far. We're talking "Utopia Justifies the Means, No Matter How Horrific" and "Death Penalty for Jaywalking"-type characters.
While they can degrade into Edgelords quite easily, as long as it's clear that either the author's sympathies are not with them, and/or the story spends a lot of time on the collateral damage they inflict, they can be considered not wish-fulfillment enough to count as Edgelords. Note that such characters tend to degrade into Edgelordery over time (particularly if allowed to be a protagonist or when placed in the hands of a different author), for subtly obvious reasons.
Sidenote: Chunni
In some Weeb circles, an "Edgelord" is called "Chuuni", short for "Chuunibyou". This delightful Japanese word combines the concepts of "Sophomoric" ("Chuunibyou" literally translated means "Middle [School] 2[nd Year] Syndrome") and "Edgelord", with an optional side note of "I have supernatural powers". Importantly, the "Stupid and Lame" part is baked right into the word, while "Edgelord" is usually only implies stupidity.
In closing
"So maybe ordinary people don't always crack. Maybe there isn't any need to crawl under a rock with all the other slimy things when trouble hits... maybe it was just you, all the time"
- – Batman, The Killing Joke
There are many paths to success for a storyteller, some of which include going over dark territory in various ways or by innovating and pushing boundaries. However, all of them require care and attention to detail to pull off well. Being dark or pushing boundaries is not profound in and of itself. Shock value, twists and subverting expectations doesn't automatically equal good storytelling. Finally, using these things as an outlet for personal views/grievances is the writing equivalent of walking through a minefield.
How Can I Tell If My Character Is An Edgelord?
Every edgelord has at least four qualities; skilled at violence, moody, has easy access to weapons and are aggressively contrarian. While alone or even together these traits don't make an edgelord, each "Yes" answer from the list below gives your character a piece of edgelorddom:
- Are they either a power fantasy or deliberately written to offend "The Man™" or "the establishment™"? (NOTE: With one exception below, and even if not targeting "the establishment™", and/or instead targeting enemies of theirs such as criminals, a "yes" answer here automatically grants the character edgelord status.)
- Bonus points if their target is a real-life institution that has been so repeatedly made into villains that it's a cliche (most notably: oil companies, the military-industrial complex, God and/or the Catholic Church). Again, only counts if it's already a full cliche.
- The one exception are characters who start out as merely mildly edgy (particularly antagonists of the "right target, wrong methods" variety), and only graduate to full edgelord status if other writers are allowed access to them or the current writer gets carried away.
- Do they openly mock altruistic traits (like hope and love)? Compromise? faith or the Powers-That-Be? Bonus points if they do so without suffering negative consequences for it.
- Do they have a backstory dominated by abuse they suffered (often trotted out as an excuse for their violent contrarianism)?
- Are forgiveness and redemption things the character disregards, if not actively despises?
- Partial credit if they're seeking redemption... but only changing their targets instead of their approach or methods.
- Do they not care if they live or die? Or do they want to die?
- Do they have problems with authority? As in a negative attitude towards anyone else having authority over them.
- Are they heavily scarred individuals? (physical, emotional, whatever...)
- Do they regularly quote-mine philosophers or works of fiction and spout these quotes to validate their worldview?
- Do they share any of the same beliefs as the work's creator and openly express them? (for example, the protagonists of stories by Ayn Rand or Jack Chick). Bonus points if they're nihilistic. [4]
- Are these views never challenged or refuted in the story? Or are the challengers clearly strawmen, including tarring an entire group with the same brush as an extremist minority?
- The Star Trek Captain Exception: If said belief is cleanly confined to one speech towards the end of the story/episode, and the author seems to be legitimately trying to just sum up the message of the story, it usually doesn't count. (Normally not an issue for edgelords, but it has happened occasionally.)
- Do they always wear sinister-looking attire? Bonus points if the outfit;
- Includes a cloak or a long trenchcoat (think Neo's from the Matrix films).
- Has built-in blades or spikes
- Includes a fedora
- Any other excessively Cool Hat counts for half-credit--and yes, this does include Judge Dredd's Helmet.
- Is covered in insults, profanities, curses or threats
- Has tailored-on violent, anarchic or sacrilegious imagery
- Incorporates or is made of others' body parts
- Is alive (especially if it's a monster in clothing form or possessed)
- Do they wear warpaint?
- Do they have body modification, ranging from minor such as tattoos to extreme examples such as horns or wings? Bonus points if the modifications can be weaponized.
- Do they swear like a drunk pirate?
- Do they have an "adult" vice such as drinking or smoking (fantastical ones count). Bonus points if its an addiction.
- Do they have plot armor? (such as the Punisher being able to go toe-to-toe against superpowered beings who’d mop the floor with him otherwise)
- Are they a protagonist or antagonist written by Gav Thorpe, Garth Ennis, Mark Millar, George RR Martin, Garth Ennis or Alan Moore?[5] Honorable mention: Pat Mills (Note, an edgelord can be written by someone who's none of these people. And Moore and Martin, at least, are capable of writing protagonists and antagonists who aren't Edgelords despite lots of their characters being unnecessarily edgy.)
Notable Edgelords
- The Punisher (pictured above), depending on the writer, but especially when it's Garth Ennis. The ultimate example being Ennis' professionally published Hate Fic "Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe".
- Billy Butcher from "The Boys", a comic series written by the edgelord Punisher author named above, using knock-offs of Marvel and DC supers in an anti-superhero genre power fantasy. Possibly Garth Ennis' edgiest edgelord character ever. Given Ennis has a reputation as the edgiest edgelord author out there, that's really saying something.
- The Joker, depending on the writer.
- Batman can be made into an edgelord in an edgy writer's hands (for example, Frank Miller's "All Star Batman And Robin"), although more rarely than you might think, since his respect for at least some parts of the establishment - owning Wayne Enterprises, his unofficial alliance with Gotham's police including his personal friendship with Police Commissioner Gordon - and his "no kill" code usually heads off most of the edgelord tendencies.
- Lono from 100 Bullets skirts the edgelord event horizon so much he might have been one, though himself isn't edgy anymore at the end. Does all the things an edgelord does without the grim unhappiness. Starts out quite mellow and cheerful, kills and rapes for fun, then grows darker and brooding until his extremely painful escape and eventual torture and quasi-redemption as the servant of a catholic orphanage with genuinely good intentions.
- Lord Edgelord, later killed and brought back as Lord Edgegod, from Slackwyrm Keep. He's aware, and
he's loving it***CLANG!*** There's no love in edge, only chaos! - Adversary from DC Comics (pictured below), as a jab at edgelord characters and perhaps also their fans. In addition to meeting most of the criteria above, he works for a demon named Lord Satanus who gave him his powers and is actually a kid in a wheelchair.
- Jared Leto's Joker in "Suicide Squad (2016)".
- Compare this to Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight and Joqauin Phoenix's Joker in Joker. Ledger's and Phoenix's portrayals were "edge with a point"; the former was about exploring human evils regarding terrorism and the latter was about exploring the origins of evil (both avoiding ideological baggage).
- Tyler Durden from "Fight Club". While he started out as "edge with a point" trying to give men catharsis from, and criticizing, the growing cultural and familial vacuum of the 90's, later in the film he descended into being a full-blown edgelord.
- Kylo Ren AKA Krylo Ben AKA Ben Swolo. The writers were doing it on purpose, to play up the First Order's dogmatic North Korea in space schtick, and to that end made Kylo an incredibly unsubtle Darth Vader pastiche. While "Kylo" may be the worst Skywalker ever, there is no denying that the edge is strong in his family. His mom's side are a bunch of crybaby desert backworlders with an incestuous sex drive and his dad was a scruffy, nerf herding spice smuggler - and all were war criminals, some with body counts in the hundred thousands and some with children's blood on their hands... He probably fits the mold better than we'd like to admit. Also, his edge is undermined by the fact that he never won a fight against Mar-Rey Sue Palpatine which doesn’t help things either.
- Peter and Paul from "Funny Games". Another "cool psycho gang that tortures, kills and dismembers a family" sort of director's wank which ups to eleven: when the woman in desperation manages to kill one, the other literally turns back time, and kills her child and husband, THEN tortures, gags, takes her for a boat ride and drowns her for fun, go to the next house and wink at the camera while acting happy and nonchalant, to start the cycle anew. Director Haneke has stated that the film is a reflection and criticism of violence used in media and definitely not getting his rocks off torturing a whitebread white woman with a family and gagging, killing, and raping her. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight (then again, this is a tame letdown compared to what a hardcore gorehound would watch, with cinematography purposely ruining any payoff. Very messed while also giving a middle finger to Slaanesh Worshipers as no rape occurs in the film). Oh, and he enjoyed it so much he remade HIS OWN MOVIE; after the original 1997 German language version, he made a 2008 English version.
- "The Strangers" from the 2008 The Strangers film. Literally a bunch of home invaders invade a couple's home, beat, torture and kill the husband, unmask themselves to the wife, act all chill and cute, act cool to a bible tract distributing kid and talk about "it will be easier next time". They are never found, never bested, and simply put, get away with everything in a "cool teenager" attitude. If we didn't know anything better, we would guess it's part of grooming the masses into helplessness.
Live Action TV
- Stargate's Sohkar- It's hard to get more edgelord than literally masquerading/cosplaying as Satan.
Video Games
- Shadow the Hedgehog for the PS2/XBox/Gamecube. For the unfamiliar: An edgy game about a radical edgelordy cartoon hedgehog shooting enemies, yet ESRB rated for Everyone 10 and up. Contrary to popular belief, though, this game is really main continuity Shadow's only real brush with being an edgelord.
- The villain Infinite from Sonic Forces, as a parody of edgy Villain Sue characters.
- Several characters from World of Warcraft, prime individuals being Deathwing, Sylvanas Windrunner, Sargeras and Illidan Stormrage (pictured below). There's also edgy groups including the Forsaken, Death Knights and Demon Hunters (Illidan even founded the latter) with edgelord members.
- Special mention goes to pre-retcon Sargeras. Originally, Sargeras was so traumatized by the evil of the demons he fought... he became convinced that good was futile and conscripted those same demons into an army to destroy the cosmos.
- Reaper from Overwatch. For whatever reason he cannot die, as he constantly regenerates his tissues (with an advanced necrosis, so he's basically sort of sci-fi undead). Of course, he blames his former friends from Overwatch (like he never considered it COULD be some side effect from supersoldier genetic modifications he'd received before forming of the Overwatch, even moreso when the shady scientist who modified him also joined Talon) for his sorry condition, so he became fixated on revenge and killing. Also, he was super jealous for his best friend, who was getting all the praise, while he was getting his hands dirty.
- Caesar's Legion and Caesar himself in Fallout: New Vegas (along with some of their fans and the writer who created them).
- Not Important aka The Antagonist aka The Crusader from Hatred. Imagine every trope related to nihilistic spree shooters, push them to their uncomfortable extremes and then plop the result in a monochromatic mess of a game. What you get is the story about a very unlikable man with dialogue written by less likeable people (including an edgy as fuck death metal band) going around and killing everyone because...fuck you, it's edgy.
- Elric of Melnibone, arguably the first one.
- Euron Greyjoy, Littlefinger, and Ramsay Bolton from A Song of Ice and Fire.
- Hamlet (yes, THAT Hamlet), possibly an example predating Elric. After his father dies dies, he wears black, becomes foreboding, dramatic and revenge obsessed for at least 6 months, monologues with skulls and murders his friends including the harmless father of his girlfriend (though to be fair he thought he was stabbing the man who he suspected killed his father).
Tabletop Games
- Blackguards
- Vlaakith CLVII, the Queen of the Githyanki. On top of being a callous, violent, paranoid tyrannical lich, she hates systems of authority but wants to be goddess of her people despite hating religion most of all. She values strength... but kills people who might become powerful enough to challenge her; textbook edgelord.
- Lolth from Dungeons and Dragons. Started with trying to overthrow her divine husband because she didn't like her job and it all went downhill from there. For more information, look at the Drow and remember they're like that because her laws require it.
- Warhammer settings have too many to list them all;
- 40k is the worst offender, with groups such as the Black Templars, the Marines Malevolent and most traitor marines.
- In particular, there's Konrad Curze...
- ...Fabius Bile...
- ...and the Dark Eldar, each to such a degree they each deserve a separate bullet point all to themselves.
- Speaking of Dark Eldar, even among them there's the Haemonculi, like Urien Rakarth. They're edgelords among edgelords, and helped make Fabius Bile even more of an edgelord.
- For Warhammer Fantasy there's Valnir the Reaper, Nagash and most Dark Elves. (None of whom are quite so needlessly edgy as to deserve their own separate bullet points, unlike the 40k Edgelords above.[6])
- On that note, Malal among the other Ruinous Powers.
- 40k is the worst offender, with groups such as the Black Templars, the Marines Malevolent and most traitor marines.
Fan Works
- Drizzt clones with extreme Alignment leanings, either towards good or evil.
- Various fan-made Sonic characters, particularly ones based on or inspired by Shadow.
- The protagonist of "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" and the story itself. A Fallout KanColle crossover fanfic that thinks it's a regular KanColle fanfic. It revolves around rape, killing, eugenics and an violent solipsistic protagonist with enough plot armor to make Ciaphas Cain look like a redshirt one day away from retirement. When the story was posted to a forum and scorned, the writer went ballistic against their critics.
- The whole "*teleports behind you* Nothing personal kid. *stabs you*" meme originated as a parody of edgelord characters.
- Half of the Animu protagonists in existence. Bonus points if the genre is Isekai, triple points if there's a harem involved.
- As a general trend: Vegeta, of Dragonball Z started a long term trend in Shonen anime and manga for "edgy badboy antagonistic rival" (who usually either starts out or winds up as a full-on (anti)villain) characters who are frequently more popular than the milktoast main character, especially in fanfiction. Examples include Sasuke Uchiha of Naruto, Bakugo from My Hero Academia, and, going further afield, Riku from Kingdom Hearts (/v/, rather than /a/, if a very /a/ shaded /v/), and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender (a Western example modeled on the type). Note that not all of them qualify for full "Edgelord", as many of them are merely mildly edgy, but it's a frequent enough vein of Edgelords that we need to mention it here. Particular mention should be made of...
- Bakugo from My Hero Academia, who probably counts as a deconstruction/parody of one. What else do you say about somebody who chooses the codename "King of Explodo-Kills" and later "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight" while training to be a superhero?
- Keyaru from Redo of Healer deserves a spot for causing a localized shitstorm involving massive levels of skub in the anime fandom. He's a healing slave who was physically and sexually abused until he finds out a magic loophole allowing him to reset time and fulfill his fantasy. Keyaru believes that since history was reset, he can't take revenge for acts that were not commited; and in a twisted leap of logic, instead of preventing those things from happening, he decides to make sure his abusers actually repeat their wrongdoings (which include several months of sexual abuse while drugged in a filthy cell) so he feels justified when he inflicts his own kind of revenge. Revenge such as: breaking all the fingers of a princess, THEN healing them and start anew, THEN raping her repeatedly, THEN erasing her personality and make her his sex slave; or turn a guard into a little girl, and turns all his men into horny rape zombies, and has him raped to death, while he torches the building to make sure no one survives; or lock an enfeebled knight lady in a room with brainwashed, sex-crazed hungry cannibals, and promises her he will free her if she manages to satisfy them sexually all night long. She gets devoured by midnight. And the list keeps going. Of course, Keyaru will say that hatred is what gets him going and revenge is the best feeling in the world, next to sex and eating. When his whole home village gets razed in retaliation for the princess, he's actually overjoyed to finally have a justification to brutally murder THE WHOLE ARMY; he only manages to save a single boy from his village, but he makes sure the boy holds a grudge on him, because in his words "Only hatred can wash up the sadness of losing all your loved ones". Truly an endgelord among edgelords.
Notable NOT Edgelords
- Cad Bane (Star Wars The Clone Wars): Mostly lone wolf bounty hunter who once killed a guy in front of their brother just to get his fedora back ("What are you lookin' at? It's a nice hat."). Not an edgelord because he's perfectly happy to work for the establishment as long as the establishment is the highest bidder.
- Bronn/Ser Bronn of the Blackwater (A Song of Ice and Fire): Snarky mercenary who would kill a baby for the right price. Not an edgelord because he'll also work for the establishment - and does for much of the story - plus his SOLE focus in life is looking out for number one; he loves life and doesn't want to die.
- Darion Mograine (World of Warcraft): Former paladin turned Death knight with a literal hunger for inflicting pain. While bordering on edgelord and looking the part (see below), Darion is not an edgelord because he doesn't oppose love (he became a Death Knight by sacrificing himself to save his father's soul), faith or altruism and he doesn't have problems with authority or even his former paladin order.
The edgelord mindset in a nutshell.
If any fictional edgelord could be called well-written, it'd be Elric.
"Adversary" from DC Comics. Sinister clothes, aggressive name, smoking, swearing, trying to kill Superman for "rep"...
The face that launched a thousand edgelords (ironically doesn't wear dark clothes).
There's a small but distinct line between edgy...
... and edgelord.
Characters must be at least Ryuko-level to qualify for edgelord.
- ↑ How? Well, just to start with, picture a modern retelling of The Little Match Girl (the one where the title character freezes to death on the street--looking back on it, Hans Christian Andersen was Edgelord as fuck).
- ↑ For an example of a non-Edgelord Villain Sue, there are plenty of Villain Sues who the author clearly hates, but can't bring themselves to kill off for reasons of marketability. It's usually only when the Doylist definition of Mary Sue comes into play, where the Author sees themselves as the villain and has more sympathy for them than the protagonist, that Edgelordery starts to set in.
- ↑ Not with the villain himself; plenty of villains clearly have the author's sympathy (what TVTropes might call a "Villain Woobie" or "Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds"); what matters here is does the author believe what the villain believes. That may sound odd, but many cases of "The Bad Guy Was Right" involve characters created by another author, or are (usually bad) parody of such.
- ↑ This item is more a Mary Sue trope, but there is significant overlap between edgelords and Mary Sues.
- ↑ Yes, we did mention Garth Ennis twice on purpose; man is so edgy he probably belongs in the list three times. In short: Ennis is a fucking edgelord even compared to other edgy authors and some edgelords, so any character he creates is probably going to be either an edgelord or a punching bag for one. And the arguments in his original works often fall apart because he has to deliberately make his settings the way they are to justify his personal feelings about superheroes/corporations/God/whatever he wants to rage against.
- ↑ Nagash might come close, but is presented as more "he's just an asshole", compared to the "he might have a point" presentation of Bile or full Tragic Backstory of Curze. A similar point can be made about the Dark Elves (just assholes) compared to the Dark Eldar (who need to feed Slaanesh because if they don't s/he eats them).