Gunpowder (Warhammer Fantasy)

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Gunpowder-also called Black powder or Dragon powder-is a mixture of sulfur, carbon and potassium nitrate and is used by many races throughout the Warhammer World.


The first race known to have used gunpowder are the mysterious Sky-Titans, a race once known to occupy the Mountains of Mourn, with their most populated area being within the Ancient Giant Lands. By -2750 IC, the Great Migration kicked in caused by a warpstone meteorite crashing into the earth in an attempt by the Dragon Emperor to exterminate the Ogres...Only to end up creating their new God, the Great Maw. At this time, Ironblasters were used as pistols, and the Sky Titans lived in huge, well defended cities in the mountains supporting huge populations and technological marvels. Unfortunately for everyone, Ogres set forth to raze down every capital in order to secure themselves food and a new home. (According to some legends, the Sky Titans are the ones who even cursed Ogres to always be hungry no matter how much food they ate as poetic justice...Not that it helped as it just made them fight more fiercely)

The next faction to crack the Gunpowder mystery would be to the far east and in parallel to the origins of gunpowder in our own world-Grand Cathay had gunpowder sometime before -1741 IC as is record in the Nagash Trilogy, having traded with the Eastern Cities of Nehekhara. Although crude, these rifles were very effective in combat to the point they were crucial in the defeat of Nagash in Mahrak and the establishment of Lahmia. It is fair to say after the establishment of Lahmia the city of Lybaras probably had similar devices given they had more advanced devices such as flying machines, but it seemingly didn't stick around or these devices were lost to time, as the Tomb Kings are not shown using any materials in battle. Cathay, however, still maintains a large amount of gunpowder weapons including cannons and weapons akin to blunderbusses, but seemingly are not as advanced in terms of rifling as the Old World is.

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