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Here are some examples of failure. If you don't get what I mean after seeing these images then it's ironic, that you're moronic. Oh, fail also causes rage.
Notable Examples[edit | edit source]
- Citadel Combat Cards
- Finecast
- Official Citadel Miniatures Paint Pots, complete with poorly-made bottles and tons of stains trying to open them.
- Age of Sigmar. May still be, depending on your view.
- Abaddon
- Slaanesh - The culmination of the Eldar’s degenerative folly made manifest into a singular being that not only brought ruin to the entire race, but is a constant reminder of their greatest failure. May or may not also be one in your eyes.
- Games Workshop
- Wizards of the Coast
- Indrick Boreale
- Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
- Primaris Desolators
- Pyrovore pre-8th edition
- Mandrake pre-8th edition
- Racial Holy War
- Matt Ward
- Tales of Fail
- 40K Rules Blooper Reel
- C.S. Goto
- Robin Cruddace
- 9th Edition Chaos Space Marines
- Robotech RPG Tactics specifically the Kickstarter
- Fallout 76
- Blizzard's Warcraft III: Reforged disaster.
- Dawn of War III. Basically a mega-fail: The game was so bad, it likely killed any chance of another Dawn of War game in the future.
- Erda: Indirectly responsible for the entire Horus Heresy because she decided to go full 'Karen took the kids'. Arguably a bigger fuckup than anyone on this list.
- WG10: Child's Play
- N2: The Forest Oracle
- Fascist Italy
- Warhammer+
- The Cabal - A terribly thought-out side plot meant to explain why the Alpha Legion "allegedly" turned traitor.
- OGL 1.1 - A terrible and eventually aborted attempt to replace the original OGL 1.0a with something much more draconian.