Minecraft is a fantasy game created by a Scandinavian named Notch. No, it isn't a Traditional Game. Don't look at me like that!
It has better graphics than Dwarf Fortress, and about a kajillion mods. When the Adventure Update rolls of the line, Minecraft will become a full-fledged adventure game, and /tg/ will rejoice. Sort of rejoice, seeing as it is nowhere near as popular with fa/tg/uys as Dwarf Fortress, or, god forbid, Touhou.
The current /tg/ minecraft server is "/tg/entoo, private" which is hosted on a dedicated gentoo machine (until hosting expires some time in mid 2010).
Op List
mrlyre fistaxe tomco ocmot swissaboo bromcfat marbo
Ban List
tompepper mardy pinworm cockbat beanerburner paulhaas dr.diarrhea moofle faquarl agauous jebes griedmaster lailai geremy fallen92 larry agauos crazified ilovepenis crazafied dr.diarreah zilvinaser cobblestone xavierz
Email the host at tgminecraft@gmail.com for assistance or requests.