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Revision as of 21:42, 21 September 2011 by 1d4chan>NotBrandX (fa/tg/uy Servers)
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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Minecraft is a fantasy game created by Scandinavian Markus "Notch" Petersen.

The game is first-person LEGO blocks; you walk about in a virtual reality, everything is made of cubes -- including the water, lava, animals and monsters -- and you can rearrange the cubes to suit your needs or desires. The maps are psuedo-random, allowing for a surface area that scales to larger than the surface of the Earth. There's no goal; it's a pure sandbox game. Some have used it to build models of D&D adventure maps, such as Kobold Hall from D&D4E, or the Keep On The Borderland from old 1st Ed. AD&D.

As a sandbox game, some compare it to Dwarf Fortress, though the two are nothing alike.

Minecraft Dwarf Fortress
3D look with first-person perspective. Blocks are textured, and changing texture sets is easy. Dwarf Fortress uses ANSI graphics which were good enough for your Dad so shut yer yapper.
Each world is a huge sprawling pastoral setting, where you can happily dig and build and farm. Monsters come out at night, so build fortifications. A world of strife and pain where you can happily watch your dwarfs go into a tantrum spiral and destroy themselves in riots unless they pass out dead drunk in their own puke. Monsters will siege your home for months at a time, which is not as bad as your own nobledwarfs doing crap like forbidding the use of coal, or sentencing your best axedwarf to death for drinking the wrong booze ale.
Minecraft starts at casual, letting you build a cottage home right away, but you can get deep into it, planning out huge mining operations or constructing castles that cover hundreds or thousands of square meters Dwarf Fortress starts so deep you can't even see casual with a telescope. There are hours of video tutorials on YouTube teaaching you how to play the game. The combat system keeps track of the status of each individual finger on both hands for every dwarf, and umpteen internal organs.
You can harvest materials to build tools You hopefully have the right materials to build the tools you -- "Craftsdwarf Gregor has stopped task: building granite doors; interrupted by zombie elephant. Craftsdwarf Gregor has died." oh for CRYING OUT LOUD!
People post screenshots of the pixel art they made with the coloured-wool blocks. People write huge sagas about their colonies, with fortress names like "Boatmurdered" and "Headshoots" spoken in reverent tones.
You can open the Magma Gates, which will bawleet a whole ton of your stuff, but is mostly fun to watch. Your will open the Magma Gates, which will bawleet EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE, and is an economic and engineering tragedy from which your fortress and dwarves will not recover.

The next release (Nov 2011) is v1.8 "the Adventure Update," which promises to have new map generating methods, "villager" NPCs and NPC/monsters that will also construct their own buildings. rolls out, Minecraft will become a full-fledged adventure game, and /tg/ will rejoice. Sort of rejoice, seeing as it is nowhere near as popular with fa/tg/uys as Dwarf Fortress, or, god forbid, Touhou. While Dwarf Fortress is more diverse by several magnitudes, Minecraft doesn't require a graduate degree in civic engineering, and feels more familiar to people who were raised on Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake et al.

If you want to get serious about Minecraft, /tg/ isn't the place to do it. You're better off going to /v/ and talking to the /v/idiots there about it.

fa/tg/uy Servers

/tg/entoo, private

Hosted on a dedicated gentoo machine (until hosting expires some time in mid 2010).

Where http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=485cb721f385a63c76ea7e23bb175681
(link broken, but no other info available)
Admin TomCo ; tgminecraft@gmail.com
Ops mrlyre, fistaxe, tomco, ocmot, swissaboo, bromcfat, marbo
Banned agauos, agauous, beanerburner, cobblestone, cockbat, crazafied, crazified, dr.diarreah, dr.diarrhea, fallen92, faquarl, geremy, griedmaster, ilovepenis, jebes, lailai, larry, mardy, moofle, paulhaas, pinworm, tompepper, xavierz, zilvinaser
Sanderson Ur ?

(don't know the real name). Mostly vanilla server, but the worldgen code heavily modified. A dune planet, with volcanoes, some oases, and fuckhuge obsidian crypts instead of dungeons.

Admin Zemus (?)
Mods custom worldgen, /sethome , /home
/tg/ Minecrafters

vanilla anarchy server. Custom worldgen, changes from week to week. The flavours available are: islands, primal desert, rainforest, golden tunnels, vanilla

Where moved to
Admin Glam (?)
Mods custom worldgen, restricted lava flow, restricted fire spread