Roman Albrecht

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This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

Roman Albrecht
Discovered (world)

Centauri Primus

Discovered (period)




Horus Heresy role



Unknown; likely perished in the Warp

There never was and never will be a finer swordsman. Roman Albrecht's mastery of the blade was exceeded only by the virtue of his character.

- Gaspard Lumey



It was fated that the young Primarch would be flung to the world of Centauri Primus, a planet of nobility and honor. Unlike many of his brothers, this son of the Emperor was not found by the natives of the planet and spent many years alone in isolation in the vast wilds. The isolation only ended when Olivaw Albrecht, a nobleman of Centauri Primus, happened upon the feral child while out hunting. The aristocrat took the Primarch into his household and named him "Roman", since he had "roamed the wilds so long." Roman quickly learned language and the other skills of a nobleman from his adopted father. Once Olivaw was sure that Roman was sufficiently 'civilized', the single father took him to see the rest of his world. New to the ideas of cities, Roman explored every inch of it, and eventually happened upon a manor where the rival of his adoptive father lived. Olivaw was spotted by Valrious Talon, and 'welcomed' into his home.

Though Roman had not known it, Valrious had challenged Olivaw to a duel. When weapons were drawn, Olivaw explained the situation to him. Not willing to allow his older father to die against the younger, more fit Valrious, Roman took the blade and accepted on his fathers behalf. Valrious mocked the 'wild boy' and readied himself. As the duel began, the inexperience of Roman was obvious, but even as they clashed blades the Primarchs natural strength and abilities kept him safe, until he eventually overpowered and killed Valrious in a series of rapid strikes. Shocked, Olivaw approached the boy, explaining what this meant. Since it was the House Albrecht that killed Valrious, House Talon would come under the fold of Albrecht, along with their vast network of wealth and power. Brimming with pride at not only protecting his adoptive father, Roman Albrecht had earned his last name and doubled his fathers holdings. It would not be the last time he would defend the honor of House Albrecht. He was quickly inducted into the Couro Prido as a full member, and his ascension was guaranteed.

As the young Albrecht rose to power, gaining fame and dominion over the competing houses, his rivals acted quickly to move against him. Disregarding the ancient Couro Prido, the rival Houses declared Roman a 'barbaric usurper', gathering their forces within their own cities. With outright rebellion not only against Roman, but the Couro Prido, the rival Houses gambled that Roman would step down from his title of 'Master Duelist' and give in to their demands. Much to their surprise, and to the astonishment of the people, Roman declared them renegades and enemies of the Couro Prido, and announced that he would break down their walls and bring them to justice. With great haste the young Primarch gathered his loyal men at arms, utilizing what little armored support they had, and set the first fortress, Castle Harkan, to siege.

The Great Crusade

The Hektor Heresy



According to the Imperial Faith, Roman Albrecht had the temper of a fine sword. The Primarch could be ruthless without giving in to bloodlust, merciful without being weak, and proud without possessing a trace of selfishness. In the Institutorum Astartes, he is held up as the example that all Space Marines should strive to emulate.

The truth is never quite as good as the dogma, but it must be said that Albrecht was not merely an extraordinary fighter and general, but a highly honourable and selfless being. Of all the primarchs, only Roman and Shakya Vardhana were entirely free from self-interest. For Roman Albrecht, it was a good enough thing to serve and a better thing to serve well, and it was this lesson above all others that he sought to impart upon his men. None the less, he did have flaws to his character. The primarch was single-minded and could often be caught off-guard, especially by political developments. A related flaw was his tendency to be too trusting, a fault that would cost the Steel Marshals dearly during the Heresy.


Roman was taller than an ordinary man, but he was short for a Primarch - only slightly taller than most of his Astartes. If this bothered him, he never showed it. A short-lived nickname for the newly discovered Primarch, "Short-sword", was quickly forgotten after he and Hektor fought a 'friendly' duel for three hours. With short-cut brown hair and grey eyes, Roman wasn't as handsome as his other brothers. His chin bore a small scar that he would not discuss. If ever pressed, his adoptive father (for the short time that he was alive after Centauri Primus union with the Imperium) would say that Roman was found with it in the wilds, and would not speak of how he got it.


The Primarchs of the /tg/ Heresy
Loyalist: Alexandri of Rosskar - Arelex Orannis - Brennus - Gaspard Lumey - Golgothos
Onyx the Indestructible - Roman Albrecht - Shakya Vardhana - Tiran Osoros
Traitor: Aubrey The Grey - Cromwald Walgrun - Hektor Cincinnatus - Inferox - Johannes Vrach
Rogerius Merrill - The Voidwatcher - Tollund Ötztal - Uriel Salazar