Silver Cataphracts

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"That is how you would describe those poor bastards final moments? 'Glorious'? 'Magnificent'? 'Heroic'? Do not waste my time with these words! All we are called to do is fight, and we are either kill or are killed."

Quote attributed to a Silver Cataphract, upon relieving the battered defenders of Terra.

Silver Cataphracts
Battle Cry "Let us finish this!"
Number XXIII
Founding First Founding
Successor Chapters True Sons of the Regent, Seers of Winter
Chapter Master Sergei
Primarch Alexandri
Homeworld Rosskar
Strength 150,000 or 190,000, or even more.
Specialty Attrition Warfare
Allegiance Imperium of Man
Colours Silver, Light Grey, Light Blue

Summary of Legion XXIII

Numeration: The XXIIIth Legion

Primogenator: Alexandri (also known as "The Regent")

Cognomen (Prior): None. Note: Alexandri never cared to change it, the name Silver Cataphracts assigned to them by Hektor Cincinnatus, the Arch-Traitor.

Observed Strategic Tendencies: Attrition Warfare, Generalist Approach To Conflicts

Noteworthy Domains: The Rosskar System (Primary), nineteen other systems held in tributary fiefdom at the closure of the Great Crusade.

Alliegence: Fedelitas Constantus

"I never understood the obsession with honor. Honor won't protect you, it won't shield you, and it definitely won't keep you warm. You can't touch it, you can't hold it, and you can't feel it. Trust in the heat of your brother's blood, and that of your own blood. The only truth in this world is the one you make of it, but blood is forever constant. It is always warm."

First Company Captain Sergei, M.30

The Silver Cataphrcats remain ever pessimistic of the future and bitter of the past, with only their contempt greeting the present. Dour and somber this Legion has always held realist views on subjects of glory, morality, and battle. Loyalty to them however is not cheap, and they keep it precious. They returned the loyalty of the Imperium with their lives, as they have proven time and time again since.

Legion Tactics

Always pragmatic the Silver Cataphracts prefer to wear their enemies down over an extended period of time throughout an engagement rather than attempt to bet the fate of an entire campaign on a single battle. Relying on an excess of troops and material the Silver Cataphracts usually maintain a sustained assault coinciding along multiple fronts. Seen as cowardly by most fellow Legions, the Legion brushes aside such petty opinions displaying their numerous orderly successes with limited casualties compared to the more zealous Legions.

The basis of all the Silver Cataphracts offensives depend upon a backing by more expendable supporting troops. Usually the Rosskar Strelky take this role on the battlefield as their own loyal force of auxiliaries. Although the Imperial Army and even fellow Legions can be put into this role. This force is used in either screening efforts or wave attacks, whittling down the main body of a foe before the shock troops sweep over the remains proper. When attacked, these forces allow for the Cataphracts to stand on their own admist the mayhem of combat.

Though no strangers to the carnage of melee fighting, they rarely commit themselves to a charge or throw themselves into the thick of a clash. The entire battle philosophy of the Cataphracts is to limit their own losses while maximizing those of the enemy. In symmetrical warfare with battle lines and fortifications they are able to dominate, but respond poorly to their own philosophy being used against them. Foes which strike before a response can be taken, or those who hit from within are able to reap great damage upon the Legion.

Legion Equipment

The Silver Cataphracts have always had an enormous amount of Marines, growing well beyond their ability to arm the marines sufficiently. Some Marines make do with outdated equipment such as lesser grades of power armor. Having no concept of the term 'conservation', the Cataphracts have been recorded to use twice the amount of projectiles than other Legions in the field. Bolt shells are extremely time consuming to replace, leading many in the Legion to prefer wielding heavy stubbers or other ammunition effective solutions.

Squad Sergeants of the Silver Cataphracts prefer to forgo the usual armament of melee weaponry to use a handy bolter or even use a plasma gun. The Captains almost never engage their foes in pitted close combat either, focusing all their attention on leading and directing the Marines under their charge. Huge vox-modules can be seen attached to each Captain, along with a vast array of grenades and pistols. Captains prefer to use pistols even when confronted with claws or blades, blasting away foes in point blank range just before they reach them.

Legion Doctrine

The lessons learned by the Cataphract's Primarch Alexandri on the world of Rosskar play a vital role in their combat philosophy. Any tactic, any strategy, any act is not beyond them. They believe in the pure pursuit of victory by any means. Victory is the only justification necessary for them. For this can be seen as generalists, but their reliance on wearing down an enemy can also place them as attrition experts. They prefer to overwhelm a foe without ever being drawn out into an extended engagement. Hiding behind camouflage before ambushing or disappearing into the night after making a raid on the front lines are among their favorite ways of doing this. All over their enemies are struck, with little success being had and the Cataphracts reaping not heavy losses, but cumulative ones.

A major driving force for cooperation with other Legions is to copy what works for those Legions and what doesn't, applying it to their own strategies. The Cataphracts abhor the idea of glory, as they solemnly march on to the taxing duty of warfare. Honor is a fool's word to their minds, the notion having no place on the battlefield. Never are the Cataphracts malicious or cruel for no reason. The belief of killing for killing's sake is the worst crime in their eyes, as is the pointless waste of human lives. The key word in that sentence though is pointless, as they will happily sacrifice a few for the many.

Commonly viewed as fatalistic, a Cataphract Legionnaire simply has accepted his death as an inevitability. Without the illusion of a glorious demise or an honorable life, this leaves them reclusive and quiet individuals. A precious few among their number have a unique spark within them. The desire to either make things better for themselves, or for everyone. These members usually possess qualities of their Primarch, being gifted with skills in leadership and wisdom. Sometimes they are admired, other times they are looked down upon. No matter what, they rise to positions of power within the Legion in little time.

Legion History

Seen as overly cautious and without a fiery spirit for battle the members of Legion XXIII were often times ridiculed by their fellow Legionnaires during the early days of the Great Crusade. Hektor named them the Silver Cataphracts for their service alongside his own Legion, marching slowly forward as an unstoppable wall of bolter fire that eventually cleared away all opposition. Even in these formative skirmishes, the Cataphracts displayed what would soon be elaborated upon and practiced throughout their service in the Great Crusade. A influence that kept the flame of hope alive in the Legion was the guidance of Roman Albrecht, teaching them the ways of siege warfare and having his Steel Marshals work closely alongside them.

The momentary joy of their Primarch's discovery died shortly upon arrival to their new home. Alexandri had spent decades dealing with rebel plots and he still remained stunted after his Father the Emperor's attempt to 'integrate' his world. He would not trust a single Legionnaire until every last one had become a Rosskan. Every member of the Cataphracts was stripped of their equipment and status, thrown out into the cold to fend on their own. This was later known as 'The Regent's Process', which lasted for a whole year. Every Marine took this time differently. Some went to join the nomads who lived by trading massive amounts of wood for food. Some would become the supreme crime lords of subterranean sprawls, while a few even became the leaders of cities on the planet, swearing loyalty to Alexandri himself with self aware smiles. Eventually the year came to an end with every Legionnaire arriving to the former Imperial Palace. While their equipment was restored, some were able to enjoy promotion. Those who came to positions of power or showed particular cunning were rewarded. However those who kept to a rigid code of ethics and believed in honor were demoted if they held command positions before. The most exceptional of all the Cataphracts had to be First Captain Sergei. He gained his position of command after infiltrating the Rosskan Secret Police, and rising to be its leader.

Alexandri had not been idle during the 'Process'. His foundries had been churning out thousands of MK.IV suits and even more than that in bolters. The leaders of several worlds had been bribed or coerced into cooperating with him on how to restructure themselves as well. When the Cataphracts were ready, they burst out onto the scene spreading fast and swiftly to conquer those worlds which hadn't joined the Imperium proper. The Fiefdom of the Regent was formed during this time, designed entirely on supporting and funding the Cataphracts efforts. Bit by bit the worlds surrounding Rosskar became more aligned and allied to it than Terra. Sergei trained thousands of recruits too, helping to swell the numbers of the Silver Cataphracts to never before seen heights. When time came to help in the Great Crusade, Alexandri chose to never reveal his Legion's true strength. Always lying about their numbers he was always able to leave a few thousand in reserve to conquer worlds in his name while helping take planets in the name of the Emperor. Sergei and the other Captains always took exception to this, not feeling it was wise to be dishonest with a man as serious as the Emperor. Nevertheless they moved onwards, fighting across the gulf of the stars from the final days of the Great Crusade all the way to the Scouring.

In the aftermath of the Heresy, the Legion was rocked to their core. Rosskar was heavily damaged by the ravages of the conflict, and in the wake of the Scouring they had even lost their Primarch. All the Captains vied for leadership of the Legion, but it was Sergei who ultimately prevailed. He divided the Legion into manageable Chapters in the fashion of the Codex Astartes, allowing all of the Captains to enjoy positions of high leadership. Upon his own death, Sergei revealed his own personal doubts as to the future of the Legion in the form of the Chapters. So many flawed Chapter Masters all attempted to emulate their late Primarch in different ways. This would ultimately mean the Silver Cataphracts successors were constantly at odds with each other, ambitions and passions flaring each time their interests collided.

Successor Chapters

The geneseed of the Silver Cataphracts is one of the most stable and reliable strains in the Imperium. This has allowed for a great multitude of successors to develop over the the many foundings. While this is all true, the geneseed has deteriorated due to rapid training and harvesting of geneseed. The Sus-an Membrane, Omophagea Implant, and Belcher's Gland are not longer compatible with the Cataphracts or their successors.

All successors also show universal disdain of the Codex Astartes, especially about the maximum amount of Marines in a Chapter. Commonly Cataphracts successor have numbers well beyond the established limits set, and use Imperial Guard regiments in a manner reminiscent of the Strelky of yore. However due to the nature of the Cataphracts few Chapter Masters can stay subordinate to one commander for long leading cooperation to become difficult as a Crusade pushes on. A common trait in the successor Chapters is the development of their homeworlds into industrial bases to help give them an edge in material over their enemies. Oddly enough The Silver Cataphracts and their successors cooperate closely with the Inquisition, sharing many views on the necessity of certain inglorious actions and conduct. Though there is intense arguments over the treatment of Psykers between the two organizations.

Second Founding

True Sons of the Regent

Sergei wanted to push all those fiercely loyal to the Primarch into one Chapter to help keep track of these uncommon, zealous elements. The True Sons of the Regent regarded their progenitor with utmost respect and reverence. His philosophy was recorded and taught as if it was religious text. His ideas on the Imperium were highly discussed and debated on the meaning as if scripture. Chaplains became theologians for this psuedo-Faith that flourished within the distant Chapter. They believed Alexandri truly was meant to be 'The Regent', meant to rule in the Emperor's stead if ever there was a reason for him to do so. Thus his word was as good as the Emperor's own, as their reasoning summarized.

The True Sons were always reclusive even by Cataphracts standards. Their homeworld was a colonized planet beyond the reaches of the Astronomicon. There in the realm of the Halo Stars they enjoyed total seclusion, protecting the Imperium at random intervals whilst keeping their lore and secrets. As the millennia dragged on, the Imperium worsened. The rise of tyrannical and evil rule became widespread. It was not even attempted to be stemmed in the slightest and in some cases even readily accepted. Religion took strong hold in the place of the Imperial Truth, tolerated since it gave the populace an opiate to sate themselves on. Even though they followed a cult of personality the True Sons demonized actual religious belief. Several times they had clashes with the Ecclesiarchy, incuring the wrath of the Ordo Hereticus.

On the world of Cyrona a Priest had cleansed one tenth of the population because he saw 'evil in their hearts'. The True Sons were helping collect tithe in system when hearing of this. A great battle raged between the Frateris Militia and the Imperial Guard assigned to the Cataphracts as the cleansing came to an end. The Space Marines swept in like a furious tide, killing every last member of the Adeptus Ministorum on the world. Any who wished to follow them were allowed to, leading to a massive population boon upon their homeworld.

The True Sons broke away from the Imperium, declaring they would no longer stand by and watch as world after world fell from within and without. Chaos planets burned where the Imperium was unable or unwilling to confront them. Hive Worlds were liberated from aristocracy and oppression, with the Imperial tithe still being paid but now with benevolent governments helped by the Cataphract's successor. Not all worlds were successful, but there was enough victories for the True Sons never to give up. Over the years however the constant warfare with all sides wore them down. A decision was made to become the ultimate pragmatists, even by their own parent Legion's standards.

Xenos who agreed not to endanger humans were accepted, some even fighting alongside the Chapter as auxiliaries. The Kroot were among the most cherished allies, seen as the truest of Xenos. Witches in the fashion of the old Rosskar Covens were used to great effect too. Imperial Guard forces abandoned in the wake of retreats or defeats were picked up, sworn in to obey the Chapter as the reborn Strelky. Elements of other Renegade Chapters were allowed in after thorough examination, as the taint of Chaos was still a major concern. The Inquisition has in recent history pursued this Chapter with the utmost fury, but due to their location in the fringes of mapped out space it is difficult to find their base. Some Inquisitors even muse the use of sorcery may give them a huge advantage, allowing them to make their own pathways in the warp.

Twenty-first Founding

Seers of Winter

The curse of the twenty-first did not spare the Cataphracts progeny. The only Chapter to survive this founding is the misbegotten Chapter of the Seers of Winter. The Seers had a horrible mutation in their geneseed, causing only one in one hundred recruits to live after ten years spent grafted with the genestock. Those handful that survived took specialist roles such as Chaplain or Librarian, with the few Captains living out their days along on ships with only the company of their Serfs to keep them company. Though hope was found when the Chapter Master came to a realization.

Not all their Marines needed to possess the geneseed. They could serve their Chapter as scouts indefinitely, only choosing to become full Marines on their own. While they had a ample supply of recruits, few ever survived after donning the Black Carapace. This allowed the Chapter to still operate, albeit in a limited capacity. Their small pocket of space is defended with a fury, fighting off Ork, Eldar, and Heretic alike. The Seers specialize in fast deployment, with a reliance on landspeeders and the element of surprise. Their scouts can stay behind enemy lines for months at a time wreaking havoc on the enemy from within. The lack of power armor means sometimes they must depend upon numbers, fielding at some times 30 Companies, all with scouts and landspeeders with the occasional Whirlwind or Predator company.

Alexandri, Primarch of The Silver Cataphracts

In summing up the life of Alexandri of Rosskar, it is right to judge him by his own standards - not out of sentiment, but because he viewed the galaxy soberly and correctly. Alexandri was not concerned with the love of the people, nor with gentleness and compassion. His whole existence was bound up with the struggle for Order, the only hope for mankind. Those who fret over the casualties of his campaigns miss the point. For every death caused by Alexandri's commands, a thousand more were saved.

If every general had done so much, we could lay down our arms and live in peace.

(Excerpt from Gaspard Lumey's Alexandri of Rosskar)


Regal best describes the towering progenitor of the Silver Cataphracts. A huge, flowing brown beard that goes down the front of Alexandri's power armour is a common sight to be seen even when he is on the battlefield. Having spent most of his formative years in regular clothing, Alexandri prefers when not on the Crusade to be wearing something other than his power armor. Despite commonly holding a smile and good humor on his face, Alexandri appears to have weathered the years less than handily when compared to his brothers. Dark circles have burrowed in deep into his eye sockets and many lines have formed on his face. Even specks of grey and white have touched his beard. All this only adds to his appearance as the iron-fisted ruler of Rosskar.


During the first few years on Rosskar's surface, Alexandri did not wander the wilds as a savage or toil beneath the oppression of slavers. He was raised up in a quite wealthy family due to his quick grasp of mathematics and the arts. Orphans with capability were rare, and a good investment made by adopting them to help the family legacy grow was a common practice by the Rosskan aristocracy. Rosskar itself was a cold, frigid place filled with malicious forests and an endless host of terrifying monsters lurking within the depths of these mega-woods.

Alexandri learned of his true origins fairly early, leading him towards the desire of ruling over all of Rosskar. He began with a swift rebellion in his home city which saw the deaths of more than a hundred aristocrats, but no one else was harmed as a result. Alexandri first began to experience the revulsion from others as a direct result of his actions for the first time as he was disowned by the family who had come to love him and care for him. At the time, the Primarch did not care at all. He had a world to conquer!

The years drove on, his armies being halted until no progress was being made. The few cities holding out had fortified themselves to the point none of his forces could press onwards. Alexandri stayed young and healthy, while his family began to die around him. A great depression overtook the ruler which had him seek the society of witches upon his world, the Covens of Rosskar. Here he gained knowledge of both sorcery and the pragmatism that would dictate the rest of his life. A new, bloody and efficient doctrine still in use by the Cataphracts was employed to bring the capitulation of the remaining cities. Alexandri's grand ambition pushed him ever onward, seeking to fix the many problems with Rosskar and its people.

Sadly, this is frankly impossible. You cannot change fundamentals about a planet and it would take more than a few generations to change its people or its culture. Alexandri faced many attempts on his life by fanatic groups who believe this ridiculous change could only be brought about by his death. When these would-be assassins targeted his family, his nephews and nieces, this is when Alexandri forged his secret police which are still unknown to even his Legionnaires to this day. The police keep in check all movement upon Rosskar, making sure nothing threatens the rule Alexandri has put in place.

The Coming of The Emperor

At first the Emperor's coming was met with glee and celebration. The people of Rosskar were glad to not be the only ones alone in the galaxy. But not all turned about to be well. The Emperor disliked the existence of the Covens, which had helped the Rosskans through countless hardships and even helped Alexandri achieve victory and happiness, for a time. The Custodes were quick to expunge every trace of the society. When it turned out that some were being hidden from the Emperor by the secret police, more purges continued this time in the hearts of Rosskar's cities causing a great many deaths as Silent Sisters joined the fray, to null the effect of the witches' sorceries.

Alexandri would never forgive his Father for this act, but he understood the necessity of accepting it. He never once rose up his might to oppose him, and even as hundreds died in the purges he didn't attempt to bicker with him as a child either. A silent hatred grew between them, the same hatred which festers in the hearts of Rosskans secretly for the rest of the Imperium as a whole. It ruined their grand dreams of a better future. Every knew now that the rest of the galaxy is just the same, a damn shithole.

The Great Crusade

Never once did the Silver Cataphracts refuse the call to arms when summoned. Due to the massive population of Rosskar the Legion's ranks swelled to the brim, and then spilled over. It was never clear if the Cataphracts even once told the truth of the actual size of their Legion. To further add to this blatant growth of Astartes numbers, millions of regular human soldiers were introduced as part of the Legion as the Rosskar Strelky. The Strelky served as a valuable source of support during the Crusades, fighting as an auxiliary force to the Cataphracts main operations.

When not helping the Emperor or his fellow Primarchs however, Alexandri was eager to expand the realms of the Imperium on his own. He searched for worlds either with unrealized industrial potential or low population, high resource worlds. A huge warmachine was forged form the tiny fiefdom he claimed to help fund his ever expanding Legion and auxiliary force. When rumors of a rising amount of Librarians in the Cataphracts came to light, along with reports of witches serving in the auxiliary, it became clear that Alexandri had great ambitions that might upset the balance of order in the Imperium. Still, even if Alexandri broke regulations, he was always loyal to humanity, understanding the Imperium's way was the best way. The Imperial Truth just needed, bending.

The Heresy


Alexandri had lost half of his entire family in the Heresy, but this did not stop him from pushing the remaining members to fulfill their ambitions. Alexandri's kin spread out into multiple high-ranking positions in the aftermath of the Heresy. The tragedy of the event had left quite a few shoes to fill. The remaining Loyalist Major-Generals were invited to Rosskar so Alexandri could speak with then, coordinate them, and recruit them to his future goals. At this point it was clear to First Captain Sergei what needed to be done.

The Silver Cataphracts would have followed Alexandri into hell, not out of admiration, but out of the logic that Alexandri would only go into hell if it was the best option. Now? He was being driven by dreams and fancies, not by reality. With the blessing of Gaspard Lumey, Sergei eliminated Alexandri. The assassination was made to look as if the age old Rosskan rebels had finally got him. After living through the trials of his own world's conquest, fighting to the end in the Heresy, and everything in between during the Great Crusade Alexandri the Regent died from a coward's bullet. Unremembered, unnoticed. At the time the Imperium was engulfed in the Scouring, with all resources and attention focused on rebuilding and fighting the Traitors.

Homeworld: Rosskar


Segmentum Pacificus


Kuzgeta Sector

Sub Sector

Rosskar Principality


Rosskar Solar Duality


10,000 Billion



Technological Level:

Industrial/Hive World.


Long before the Emperor even revealed himself to the feuding tribes on the fractured world of Old Terra a great many colonists hoping for a better life fled to the fabled Rosskar. The world was lush with vegetation and life, the soil itself so rich of nutrients that one could literally grow anything with just the smallest amount of light and water. The forests were blasted from orbit, the wildlife within scattered allowing the first cities to be built. It only had a single dim blue star but it was closer to the world than most allowing it to still give off enough light and heat to keep life on Rosskar. Sadly the Dark Age soon began with Warp Storms raging across the breadth of the Imperium stealing away contact and trade with the rest of mankind.

The Rosskans soon found that without constant orbital clearing of the wretched trees the mutated foliage soon grew back with a rabid tenacity. Within the forests lived many a varied killer, herbivore and carnivore alike all desiring to rend flesh apart. Upon this world of abundance had developed animals of unrivaled deadliness, which could only be kept at bay by removing their much needed forests. In this pandemonium arose a new class of aristocrats who came to own all the businesses and marshaled great militias to fight off the creatures and the forests.

Under the aristocrat's rule many died, starving and freezing on the cold world's surface while these elite ate feasts and lived in mansions.

Primarch's Rise:

Alexandri enjoyed a childhood without pain or suffering since he lived among these aristocrats. He mastered all of their known sciences before turning eighteen, becoming renowned for his size and intellect. When told of his true origins from the stars it did not come as a surprise to him, but the desire to be something more had been awakened in him. A dream of conquest came to him, to have all of Rosskar in his grasp! Arming the organized crime gangs of his city, bribing the aristocrat guards, and maneuvering himself sufficiently he was able to massacre the societal echelons of Rosskar to secure a position as ruler.

The years dragged on. His family never forgave him for his terrible acts. One by one they began to age to death before his very eyes. His armies had been stalled after conquering most of Rosskar, held back by the new strategies in the defense of the few remaining cities. With his dreams shattered and his family wasting away, loathing him Alexandri saught out the help of the witches of Rosskar. The Covens existed since the Dark Age, rising up after a population boom ensued on the world. Imparting to the Primarch wisdom and guidance rather than arcane help, he was able to see a clear path ahead on what to do next.

After conquering the world, Alexandri attempted to fix the many problems in a vain effort to craft it into a utopia. Sadly his dreams were never able to be realized as several factors contributed to his inability to bring about a better future on Rosskar. The populous he had stirred grew violent and angry, trying to assassinate him for countless years even after he met with the Emperor himself. Rosskar today houses billions of people who contribute heavily to the Primarch's Legion through both industry and manpower.



The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy
Loyalist: The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts
Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes
Traitor: Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor
Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire