Total War Warhammer/Tactics/Bretonnia

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This is the tactics page for the Total War: Warhammer version of Bretonnia.

Why play Bretonnia?

Because you want to see the glorious knights of old ride down heretics, traitors and scum and you don't care how many peasants have to die to make it happen.


  • Cavalry: The widest selection of heavy cav in the entire game, each being able to fill out different purposes. While a minority of other faction's cav units can go fisticuffs with your horse boys, you are the cav faction.
  • No $$$ required.: It's the only completely free faction. All you need is the base game and the Bretonnia download or the Repanse FLC and you get the entire faction (Minus 3 legendary lords if you only get Repanse)
  • Air Force: You can really dominate the air if you wanted to invest into it. Louen combined with Hippogriff knights or Pegasus Knights can win most if not all sky engagements, and after that you can pick and choose your fights from the sky.
  • Numbers: Your peasants cost about as what you invest in their infrastructure, AKA Nothing! You are more or less the only order faction that can effectively use swarm factions due to how cheap they are.
  • High Armor: Aside from Peasants, you got a lot of armor on you, meaning your knights and more high tier units can be quite resilient especially with good micro.
  • Good economy: Your economy is easily the strongest in the game. Farms bring in insane amounts of cash and can be built literally everywhere. The way CA intends to counter this is through the Peasant Economy, that reduces income from farms when you have too much infantry on the field, but being a good Bretonnian, you don't really use Peasants except Archers anyway. Add in trade and a de facto monopoly on wine if you control Bordeleaux, and your treasury will never be empty again.
  • Easy Diplomacy: Everyone from the Order factions likes and trusts you, even the High Elves. This makes for easy trade deals and alliances, keeping your heartland safe from any outside threat.


  • Piss Poor Infantry: Your Peasants fight with shitty cheap weapons at best or farmer's tools at worse, have bad leadership, armor, and defensive stats and even your "elite" infantry get their booties smack by most mid tier infantry. Playing Bretonnia means conceding the frontline in most cases.
  • Bad Artillery: Don't let the memes fool you, trebuchets suck in this game. relatively low accuracy and large models mean they are easily sniped.
  • Anti Large: Any opponent with a functioning brain will get anti large against you. Expect halberds or big anti large monsters to try to wipe your cav out.
  • Micro-Intensive: To make the most out of your cavalry, you will need to micromanage your Knights a lot. Also: The lance formation is a trap, don't use it.
  • Very easy campaign: It's fair to say that if you are not necessarily a fan of sandbox campaigns where you actually are not doing a whole lot, Bretonnia can become very dull very fast. Once you have united Bretonnia, there is little to actually do outside of maxing out Chivalry and... that's basically it.