Total War Warhammer/Tactics/Greenskins

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This is the tactica for the Total War: Warhammer version of the Greenskins.

Why Play Greenskins?



  • Aggressive Infantry: What? You think Da Boyz are gonna lay about and let those gits come to them. Hell no! Greenskins are a rush faction and their infantry loves to run up and smash the hell out of their enemies. Combine this with your battlefield WAAAAAAGH mechanic, and you will either dominate the infantry fight or leave the enemy with damn near nothing left.
  • Durable: A lot of your units can take quite a beating. Black Orks, Rogue Idolz and Aracnarok Spiders have a ton of armor and defensive stats which allows them to take a beatdown and keep running.
  • Deceptively Good at Ranged: I mean, OK you aren't going to out shoot the Wood Elves anytime soon, but a lot of players underestimate how good you are at skirmishing. With cheap skirmish cav, surprisingly good archers that can defend themselves and really solid artilery, you are actually pretty damn good at wining fights from afar. Hell, in some matchhups this is sometimes your best way to win!
  • AP: You are a tank buster faction, with a crap load of AP in both ranged and melee. Factions who rely on heavy armor like Dwarfs or Chaos Warriors hate how well you can punch through their high armor values and delete models.
  • Monsters: You got a crap ton of big boys to choose from. From trolls, giants, spiders and rogue idolz, you have no shortage of big scary monsters to throw at your enemies if you want to.


  • Low Leadership: Da Boyz aren't gonna stick around for too long if they're losing or they're fighting something spooky. YOu can bring the Black Orc Big Boss to mitigate this issue, but expect your troops to be running fairly often.
  • Bad Heavy Cavalry: Boars tend to be slow and tend to lost to most other heavy cav within their price range. As such, don't expect to be leaning on them too much if you want to win a lot of your match ups. They are decently cheap, but that's their one redeeming quality.
  • Lack of Anti Large: Your anti large options are limited in a few regards, with the arachnorok spider being your only realy reliable way to deal with big stuff aside from shooting it. Combine that with most big monsters having fear and terror and yeah, expect a few big monsters in a lot of battles.
  • Slow Aside from your gobbo cav, your troops aren't the fastest things around, so expect to be out maneuvered by most good opponents.
  • DLC Reliant: As with all Core Races (and soon some DLC ones) a lot of your really good units are behind DLCs. If you want to take your green friends and win somewhat consistently, you may be forced to hand over some extra dough.

Universal Traits

  • WAAAAGH!: Did anyone really expect it to be called anything else? This is your in battle army ability, used in both campaign and multiplayer. For every second an entity (not unit, entity) is in melee, it will fill up a bar at the top of the screen. Once that bar is filled, you can call a WAAAGH giving your army a map wide boost to melee damage and Immune to Psychology. Even the humble Goblin can become a decently scary unit if he is backed up by a WAAAGH. This means you are rewarded for going with a wide melee build, as it will allow you to build up this bar much quicker and get these WAAAAGHs off much faster. In a way it's very similar to the Dark Elves' Murderous Prowess only it's actually much better for two reasons. One, since you have to push a button to activate it you can use it whenever you want, so you can wait for that perfect moment, and two if you keep the fight going you can use it more than once, though your troops need to be in melee longer and longer to get off successive WAAAGHs. In campaign, your legendary lords have unique WAAAGHs, that can reward going with certain army styles.


Legendary Lords

  • Grimgor Ironhide:
  • Azhag the Slaughterer:
  • Skarsnik (DLC):
  • Wurrzag, The Great Green Prophet (FLC):
  • Grom the Paunch (DLC):

Generic Lords

  • Orc Warboss:
  • Goblin Great Shaman:
  • Night Goblin Warboss (DLC):


  • Goblin Big Boss:
  • Orc Shaman:
  • Goblin Shaman:
  • Black Orc Big Boss:
  • River Troll Hag (DLC):

Melee Infantry

  • Goblins: Don't underestimate these guys, they're excellent tarpits.
  • Night Goblins (and Fanatics):
    • Da Warlord's Boyz (ROR, DLC):
    • Da Eight Peak Loonies (ROR, DLC):
  • Orc Boyz:
  • Nasty Skullkers:
  • Savage Orcs:
  • Orc Big Uns:
  • Savage Orc Big Uns:
  • Black Orcs:
    • Da Krimson Killas (ROR, DLC):