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"Know, o prince, that in the time between the dull youth of the internet and the age of Newfags, that there was an ancient and awesome message board known as /b/. It was the first but not the last. Back in these ancient times of myth and legend, a foul kind known as Furries sought the coveted Wednesday slot, but lo, their dickishness knew no bounds, and soon, they sought the other days as well. And, lo, from the sky came the neckbeards, men of lore and wisdom, who saw the blasphemous evil and faggotry, and with righteous rage cast down the Furry and the Troll with powerful "Humanity; Fuck Yeah" threads and burning Rage! The purging of /b/ lasted many weeks, and the awesome power of neckbeards was REWARDED! AND LO! MOOT, God of /B/ crafted a sacred place of awesomeness and swelling pride, known as /tg/."

The Isle of /tg/, yar!
A /tg/ membership test.

An imageboard on 4chan, and the origin of this wiki and the stuff displayed herein. Mostly populated by neckbeards, its residents are often referred to as fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls, and sometimes variations thereof (like smar/tg/uys or rabbi/tg/irls). It is sometimes said that /tg/ is really about D&D and WH40k and anything that is not related to those two topics should be saged, but in reality almost any subject can be tangentially linked to the board, and the topics of discussion are many and varied. /tg/: you don't even need the other boards anymore!

Remember, /tg/ is 100% worksafe

/tg/ is supposed to be worksafe. This means that it is periodically flooded with various varieties of porn. The masturbatory habits of your average fa/tg/uy have some overlap with the domain of /d/ when it comes to monstergirls, so they are fairly common; elves in various states of undress are also a frequent sight, and the board is sometimes host to the furry plague that infests most of 4chan. Since /tg/ is among the least moderated boards of 4chan, NSFW material typically stays up for considerable lengths of time, and deletions for rule violations are infrequent at best.

Now it's ruled by mods, who have finally been able to formulate a reasonable set of rules and are now trying to enforce them. Not unlike the 40k universe, dark times for /tg/ indeed. Some newfags speculate that the mods are actually newfags themselves who wrote 500 words of convincing bullshit. Otherwise, most threads just get deleted because the mods are tired of bitching dickwads that keep spamming the report button.

The board is known was once known gets into pride vs. butthurt fights over whether the /tg/ hivemind is able to get shit done. See: /tg/'s homebrews and /tg/ IRL for what /tg/ has done in the recent past far distant past. *BLAM* cut that shit out.

A Quick Personal Perspective

In the discussion section of this very page, there is a brief conversation that sums up current era /tg/ very succinctly:

"The editor in me wants to wipe out the bitching... because it's destructive criticism, but I know it isn't just one butthurt voice in the wilderness, there's plenty of people who've been shut out of /tg/ for mentioning 4e in a 4e thread, or getting their threads about Pathfinder deleted with no explanation.

/tg/ really HAS gone down the shitter these days, it used to be one of the most fun and popular boards, but now it's a borderline ghost town run like a police state with a strict No Fun Allowed policy, a reason why most of the old populants of /tg/ have fled to other boards, namely /co/ and /v/. Dayum Shame..." -Nostalgiafag

"If you think /tg/ has decreased in quality, fine, but don't deface the /tg/ page to say so. Saying that arguments get you banned is obviously wrong. Saying that POSTING (!!!!!!) gets you banned is obviously wrong. Saying the drawfags are gone is obviously wrong. Whine and gnash and scream crap all you like in the talk page, don't do it on the main page." -Pedanticfag

"Yes because 1d4chan is all about srs business and no fun allowed. Grow a sense of humor, we're all about glorification and exaggeration, and if you can't take a hint then that's your own damn fault." -Nostalgiafag

"Oh, I know about exaggeration. That doesn't mean I agree with what you wrote." -Pedanticfag

While these two gentlemen probably never expected this exchange to be transferred over to the main page, it does actually present a very clear picture of what /tg/ is like now. On the one hand, you've got the oldfags who used to post on /tg/ prior to November, 2009, who miss what it was like when the board, honest to god, contained just about every interest you could have. He misses the fascinating topics of yore and the freedom.

The second individual is akin to the neckbeards remaining on /tg/ who actually like the way it is now. They never cared about the unique content posted on /tg/. In fact, guys like this welcomed the mods and during their inception insisted that /tg/ needed to be cut down. They'll argue that you can still post fun things on /tg/, but will neglect the fact that you can only post certain kinds of fun things that meet a very strict moderation standard.

The difference between these two individuals is not a matter of right and wrong. This is a subjective argument. It boils down to personality. The old fag full of nostalgia wants to do things right, but isn't sure he should take things seriously. In his mind, /tg/ and 1d4chan should be funny, irreverent, and not fully accurate sources of information. If someone can't handle that traditional games and the board related are all for fun, then that's their problem.

On the other hand, you've got the pedantic fag who probably has a sense of humor, but not anything of the kind required to write silly stories about serious settings. Reason being because this anon sees the world more through a lens of black and white. He doesn't think hyperbole is funny - he wants the wiki entries to be factual and he wants them to agree with his personal views. This is the guy who, when you make a joke about 40k, butts in to tell you that obviously you didn't read the fluff like he did because the setting is nothing like how you're making it out to be. Also note that he gets the final word in, but his final word contributes nothing to the conversation. Everyone on /tg/ knows a dork like this.

Both of these people are huge neckbeards. Otherwise they wouldn't be fighting about this. In the glory days of /tg/, the board was populated and run by the nostalgia fag, who thought everything should be funny, creative, and who respected a certain amount of chaos. Current /tg/ is more heavily populated by the pedantic fag, who has no problem with aggressive moderation and doesn't really want to talk about anything too outlandish anyway. It's the guy who plays for fluff versus the guy who plays for crunch. One guy wants the board to be fun and have personality, and the other wants the board to be clean, where more focus will be given to his otherwise less tantalizing army lists or character stats.

/tg/ is a little sterile now, but you will still find the occasional good thread, and the pedantic fags are all cheers and smiles.

Things /tg/ stands for

Traditional Gamers

See Also


/tg/: The Album
  • Our home - If you're clicking this link to find teegee, how the hell did you find this wiki?
  • 4chan status - Some days, you'll visit it more than you visit 4chan.
  • Sup/tg/ - Saves submitted threads and hosts /tg/'s favorite gaems. You'll feel more familiar with us if you spend some time browsing the archives.
  • 4chan's /tg/ catalog - All active threads on a single page, a.k.a. "catalog mode". Mootblox'd. Nope.
  • The archive formerly known as Easymodo - A real-time (more or less) archive of all the text on /tg/. Good for reading deleted posts, citing your shit, or as a "read-only" mode if you've gotten yourself b&.

/tg/ On Other Sites