Codex - Orks Angry Greenskin Edition
Angry codices are an attempt to improve internal and external balance. Check out the Angry Codex hub for the other angry codices.
Note that I am not an Ork player and have limited experience watching them and playing against them. Tips from Ork playas would be greatly appreciated as I can only really work through mathhammer, and I only start working on things which I never see anyone take, see everyone take or is just glaringly unbalanced.
Games Workshop in no way endorses this codex nor any of the other Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger player base.
Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Add anything you like to any of the Angry Codices, except the Angry Necrons, Dark Eldar and Daemons, for these documents you should instead first argue in the discussion page before adding or changing anything. If someone objects to something you have written or changed, you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. If no conclusion can be made then the Angry Pirate has the final say, if he does not say anything remove any changes from the official codex. If you don´t agree with an edit the Angry Pirate has made you can write in the talk page of the relevant talk page or in my page by clicking the first blue link. Angry Pirate (talk)
WS 7
- Base unit cost - 50 pts
- Additional models - 5 pts/model
- Base unit cost - 30 pts
- Addiional Gretchin - 2 pts/model
- The entire unit may take Stikkbombs - 1 pt/model
- WS 5
- Additional models - 8 pts/model
- Eavy armour - 7 pts/model
- Warbikes - 25 pts/model
Boss Nob
- WS 6, T 5
- Base cost - 70 pts
- Additional models - 7 pts/model
Fast Attack
- Change Ramshackle to the following:
- Ramshackle: A vehicle with this special rule has a 6+ Invulnerable save.
- Base unit cost - 40 pts
- Additional models - 8 pts/model
Warbuggies, Skorchas and Wartrakks
- Now have the Jink rule.
- 28 pts
Flya Skwadron
- You may include 3 of the following models in any combination, counting as a single fast attack choice:
- Dakkajet - Burna-bommer - Blitza-bommer
- 80 pts
Heavy Support
Mek Gunz
- Mek Gunz - 30 pts/model
- Additional Gretchin - 6 pts/model
- Kannons´ - Shell now has the Fleshbane type.
Deff Dread
70 pts
Special Rules
- Move Through Cover
- ’Ere We Go!
- May replace any of its big shootas with one of the following:
- Rokkit Launcha - 5 pts/model - Kustom mega-blasta - 7 pts/shoota . Grotzooka - 10 pts/shoota - Skorcha - 0 pts/shoota
- May take any of the following:
- Grot Riggers - 7 pts - Extra Armour - 5 pts
Killa Kans
- 45 pts/model
- Has the Move Through Cover rule.
Special Rules
- Move Through Cover
- Cowardly Grots!
- Any Killa Kan can replace their big shoota with one of the following:
- Rokkit Launcha - 5 pts/model - Kustom mega-blasta - 5 pts/model . Grotzooka - 10 pts/model - Skorcha - 0 pts/model
- Any Killa Kan can take any of the following:
- Grot Riggers - 3 pts/model - Extra Armour - 2 pts/model
- Base unit cost - 95
- Additional models - 19 pts/model
- Armed with Twin-linked Deffgun
Flash Gitz
- 90 pts
- 1 pts/ammo runt
- 18 pts/model
Lords of War
- 295 pts
- Unit Type: Vehicle (Superheavy Walker, Transport)
- Now has the Knight Stomp special rule.
- Knight Stomp: Replace the 6 result on the stomp table with the 2-5 result, except carried out at S D AP 2.
- 280 pts
- Unit Type: Vehicle (Superheavy Walker, Transport)
- Now has the Knight Stomp special rule.
- Knight Stomp: Replace the 6 result on the stomp table with the 2-5 result, except carried out at S D AP 2.