Craftworld Biel-tan

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Official Languages

Eldar Lexicon


Minor Power



Head of State

Leading Exarch of Biel-tan

Head of Government

Exarch Council of Biel-tan

Governmental Structure

Authoritarian Magocratic Stratocracy (Pre-Fracture)
Federal Magocratic Stratocracy (Post-Fracture)

State Religion/Ideology

Eldar Mythology, Eldarcentrism, Militarism



Military Force

Craftworld Guardian Corps, Craftworld Fleet, Aspect Warrior Hosts, Wraith Hosts, & other Corsair allies

Biel-tan is a former Eldar craftworld which had a penchant for war. Unlike other craftworlds, who were generally ruled by Seer Councils, Biel-tan was led by a council of Exarchs, Eldar who are trapped on the Path of the Warrior. This gave them a rather idiosyncratic view of the galaxy and how to deal with it—in particular, their goal was nothing less than a re-founding of the ancient Eldar galactic empire, and to do that, they needed to cleanse the galaxy of all the upstarts squatting on planets they saw as rightfully theirs.

(former) Craftworld Biel-tan.

They perform this cleansing by assembling an army of Aspect Warriors and Exarchs known as "the Swordwind" to raid a planet, scour the inhabitants, and leave before anyone has time to respond. They prefer to target planets that have just been colonized, as the defenders will have had less time to get stuck in—in fact, many Explorator Fleets have discovered planets that still contain the corpses of previous settlers. This "cleansing planets" policy, however, only applies to Maiden Worlds, those under the rule of enemies of the Eldar such as Orks or Necrons, and to invaders of Exodite Worlds and Eldar colonies. They don't wipe out all non-Eldar life on every planet they pass.

To the surprise of no one, this causes the alliance between Iyanden, who had simpler goals, and Biel-tan (this was pre-Tyranid attack) to grow increasingly strained. This is why Orks are their most hated enemy; once Orks land on a planet, their spores will start to spread, and if they aren't wiped out quickly, they will be impossible to dislodge. Biel-tan armies will prioritize the eradication of Orks above all other foes, even allying with non-Eldar if that means the Orks die faster—though they have no problem turning on their one-time allies once the Orks are defeated. That said, they have occasionally relocated human populations instead of wiping them out, so perhaps they aren't entirely racist, edgy, genocidal pricks.

Biel-tan's greatest priority is protecting Exodite worlds, because they believe that the Exodites will be the foundation upon which the new Eldar empire will be built, with their planets used as staging areas for re-colonization and expansion efforts. Iyanden and Biel-tan used to work together on the "rebirth of the Eldar Empire" project, with Iyanden doing the colonizing and Biel-Tan acting as a provisional military force to protect the new colonies. However, Iyanden's refusal to aid Biel-Tan in protecting a Maiden World from Imperial attack (having decided that it would be a waste of time to do so when they could be fighting greater threats like Chaos instead) led to the alliance's dissolution, as the disagreement led to both craftworlds assuming that the other was not as fully invested in the alliance as they were. Unsurprisingly, Biel-tan is the most populous craftworld, with crazy high birth rates compared to other craftworlds.

Biel-tan's claims of military might are true. The forces of Biel-tan were able to beat TWO Imperium sector fleets and Space Marine chapters in order to get just one Maiden World. (As the saying goes: if six Space Marines fought six different Aspect Warriors, the Space Marines would kill all but one, and the last Aspect Warrior would slaughter all the Space Marines.) This contrasts to Alaitoc, which was attacked by a rather small Imperial force (given what they were up against) and the Eldar defenses were basically roflstomped at high cost to by the Imperial Guard.

Recent articles put out on allude to the fall, or fracturing of, Craftworld Biel-tan in the book "The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan". Until further news is released, it can only be speculated the Craftworld will fall just like the important Imperial fortress world *BLAM* small, insignificant, backwater world, Cadia.

The symbol of Biel-tan

Battle for Biel-Tan

In the Fracture of Biel-Tan book, Skarbrand and The Masque, with their respective demon hordes, seek to gain access to a Webway portal that leads straight to Biel-Tan itself. Discovering the plot, Biel-Tan Eldar attempt to intercept them before they can strike at the Craftworld itself, which failed. As Biel-Tanners fight to defend their home the Masque saw it fit to prey on Eldar souls in the Infinity Circuit. Timely intervention by Yvraine, who cast a spell that successfully summoned the Avatar of Ynnead stopped the Masque's feeding spree, though costing thousands of souls and fracturing the Craftworld in the process.

The Fracture

Following the catastrophic birth of the new Eldar Death God's Incarnation, the Craftworld of Biel-Tan is too heavily damaged to support its population, with the remaining Biel-Tan ships and populace fragmenting and splitting into differing small groups until the Craftworld can be repaired and the Infinity Circuit replaced. At least one portion of this group has become part of the mobile army that is the Ynnari, whilst at least one army group has been mentioned as deciding to hide away in the Webway from now on, although as they are not Harlequins this cannot be a feasible long term survival plan. For the rest of the Eldar once part of the Craftworld, they are now simply scattered and divided nomads, bereft also of the Avatar of the War God they used to be particularly close to.

That said, the foes of Biel-tan have learned the hard way that they are far from defeated. Indeed, they have become even more efficient at surgical strikes due to the need for smaller forces, and are all too eager to exact revenge on Chaos.

Anybody who thought that the Eldar of Biel-tan might have learned a bit of humility is sadly mistaken. The Craftworld is still broken, and with half their population gone, either slain or departed to join the Ynnari, the ghost halls swell with newly animated Wraith constructs, due to their infinity circuit being kaput. These setbacks have only reinvigorated them, those who remain, move forward with renewed vigor and with a determination to scour clean all the would-be usurpers and bring about a new Aeldari civilization to rival the ancient empire of old.

Daily Routines

04:00- Wakeup: The Craftworlders of Biel-tan climb out of their beds. Fusion pistols and power weapons are kept close while they don their armor. Human slaves are told they are inferior and should feel inferior.

05:00- Snotty Arrogance: The Craftworld gathers to discuss why everyone else is inferior and they are superior. Anyone who dares suggest being less overtly racist to other aliens is forced to become an outcast.

06:00- Firing Practice: The Craftworlders practice shooting both living aliens. Humans and Space marines are a favorite target among the Craftworlders. Allowing children to fire upon their captured targets is heavily encouraged.

07:00- Morning Battle Practice: The Craftworlders release some of their captured slave laborers humans for a battle. On the rare occasion that the Humans begin winning, the farseers step in and curbstomp the humans.

09:00- Morning Meal: The Biel-Tan Eldar consume a meal. During said meal, they tell rude jokes about human physiology and teach their children how to kill people with bladed weapons. Children are also encouraged to throw heir food at the human slaves.

10:00- Psychic Meditation: The Biel-Tan Eldar practice controlling their emotions so that they may harness the powers of the warp without harming themselves. Children are excused to go make fun of and kill human prisoners.

11:00- Grand Assembly: The Craftworlders gather to hear the Seer Council report that the Eldar are the greatest race in the whole universe. Such announcements are always met with a parade of Howling Banshees, Guardians, Falcons, and Vipers. Children are encouraged to march as part of the parade as the "Junior Guardians".

13:00- Afternoon Meal: The Craftworlders eat lunch. Any Eldar who refuses to make rude jokes about humans or T'au is assassinated so they can become a new Wraithlord.

14:00- Endurance Training: The Craftworlders run all the way through the Webway to Alataioc and back. Those who cannot keep up are forced to join the piloting corps or the Bonesingers, both of which are less than ideal jobs.

16:00- Afternoon Firing Practice: The Craftworlders dim the lights so they can practice shooting inferior aliens in the dark. They often will try to shoot with their eyes closed, and often succeed in hitting the target.

17:00- Afternoon Battle Practice: The captive humans are released again, and this time the Craftworlders strike with fury. However, any human who survives longer than average is rewarded with being the new house slave of one of the Eldar.

18:00- Evening Meal: The Craftworlders have a great feast. They celebrate the Eldar race and spit on a slave whenever they say the names of inferior races. By the end of the meal, the slaves are drenched in covered in spit.

20:00- Evening Prayer: The Craftworlders pray to their dead gods for protection against Slaanesh. The Human slaves are confused when terrified Eldar use them as comfort objects after having a vision of Slaanesh. Any slave who announces this publicly is mailed to Commorragh.

21:00- Free Time: The Craftworlders spend their remaining time doing their best at their trades. During this time, Eldar are encourage to carry light armaments, such as flamers and D-cannons.

23:00- Bedtime: The Craftworlders insult their slaves one last time before heading off to bed. Before bed, children and adults alike place Shuriken pistols under their bed in case the inferior human slaves attempt to revolt or Slaanesh come looking for a fresh soul.