Craftworld Saim-Hann

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Official Languages

Eldar Lexicon


Minor Power



Head of State

Several High Chieftains

Head of Government

Chieftain Council

Governmental Structure

Confederal Chiefdom

State Religion/Ideology

Eldar Mythology



Military Force

Windrider Hosts, Aspect Hosts, Craftworld Fleet

The symbol of Saim-Hann

Craftworld Saim-Hann is one of the five big Craftworlds. Saim-Hann specialises in jetbikes and about everybody there is part of a Wild Rider family - basically a clan of crazy Eldar jetbikers. They are known for loving it fast and rough. Maybe they watched the Speed Freeks and thought "We can do that too, if not better!" (They, like the Speed Freeks and Blood Angels, believe that 'Red ones go faster!') Unlike other Craftworlds, they are not particularly big on the typical Eldar Path. Instead they are more outgoing, and enjoy the simple things of life to a higher degree than other Craftworld Eldar. This, however, has earned them a reputation as barbarians among other Craftworlds. Things like settling agreements with ritual duels and a general dislike for intrigue and manipulation do not help that impression.

The Craftworld was one of the first to flee the imploding Eldar empire, before Slaanesh feasted on their souls. As such, they care less about the dangers of letting their emotions run wild, and enjoy the thrill of danger. They are bros with some Exodites, in part due to their being less uptight about everything. However, they have been known to come into conflict with other Craftworlds and are distrusted because of this. The other Craftworlds have been known to try and enlist their support on several occasions, but such alliances tend to fall apart after whatever threat required them due to philosophical differences.

They'd be besties with the White Scars, were it not for the fact that both sides consider the other untermenschen. Unlike the other major Craftworlds, they don't have a single preferred enemy (though they do hold an especially great dislike for Orks and Necrons).

The Wild Rider clans are wild, loud and proud. They hold honour in far higher regard than many of the other Craftworlds, and are the closest thing in the setting you are going to get to Elven Space Wolves (just with much less wolf, and much better hygiene and fashion sense).

The Eldar of Saim-Hann are happy to help out Biel-Tan in cleansing aliens from maiden worlds, but are really turned off by Biel-Tan extreme xenophobic tendencies and habit of murdering all non Eldar life, even if they no longer pose a threat. They will also work well alongside the forces Ulthwé, but will quickly grow tired of the constant manipulation and are not above telling the Seers of Ulthwé to go fuck themselves when asked to attack an unprovoked foe. Plus they clearly inspired the whole red makes things go faster thing amongst the Orks… or could that be the other way around?

With the coming of the Great Rift and the massive social turmoil that has engulfed the Craftworlds, everyone wants the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann on their side. Despite the Clan’s wanting to keep their independence and freedom they are inevitably beginning to discover that it is almost impossible not to take sides in the civil unrest. They also got attacked by a Host of Death Guard who infected a part of the Craftworld, with a Clan trapped inside it. To avoid the spread of the disease, Saim Hann was forced to blow the part off and abandon the infected. This, understandably caused the infected to despair and fall to Nurgle so now reports of plague Eldar insect things attacking places are a thing.

Saim-Hann recently attacked a Chaos cult on the tabletop campaign planet Vigilus. Of course, the Imperium didn't know that was what they were doing, so Imperial forces showed up and kicked the shit out of them. No doubt the Eldar didn't bother killing just the guilty and just murdered their way through whatever parts of the planet the cult had a presence (ironically like the Imperium would have). Even if Saim-Hann was justified, that doesn't change the fact they attacked an imperial planet and killed its citizens. If they only targeted Chaos elements, the Imperial forces wouldn't have shot them because, y'know, all the Chaos shit around. Which means the Imperial forces found these asshats slaughtering people who were clearly not surrounded by Chaos symbols or mutated or other cult-related stuff and therefore probably totally innocent. Needless to say, the Imperium looks very badly on that (except when the Imperium does it, then they were obviously guilty because the Imperium does not make mistakes). Imperial propaganda is covering this as a misunderstanding (one of the rare instances of Imperial propaganda telling the truth), but really all the average Guardsman knows is "the Eldar are our allies now" and not really the details that they are only allied with the Ynnari and that the other Eldar are a total toss-up. Anyway, a Saim-Hann fareser decided to get revenge with another host of targets and ran into Ultramarine Primaris on the planet. Sucks to be the cone heads. Congratulations, Elfdar, you have started a war against the Imperium without any allies and attacked the legion and personal chapter of the only active being who could probably single-handedly eradicate all life on your Craftworld with his bare-hands. Oh, and since Vigilus is a Sentinel World at the end of one of the most important passages through the Great Rift, you can bet the Imperium isn't going to tolerate anyone who would dare threaten it.

Talk about arrogance. Just what did Saim-Hann think was going to happen? I mean, damn! Not to mention that their actions seeking revenge hurts the defenders and so threatens to enable Chaos to take the planet, so the other Eldar will probably have to get involved trying to keep the planet in Imperial control. Perhaps Saim-Hann thought they could kill all the humans and keep Chaos at bay by themselves (and repel any Imperial counter-attack at the same time, and the Orks, and the Dark Eldar, and the kitchen sink). That certainly seems like something Eldar would think outside of the Ynnari, who seem to have taken on a much more realistic view of the universe now that they have been thrust into the Eternal War rather than squatting and manipulating from the background with pinpricks.


Saim-Hann tactics are all about speed. They usually field large numbers of Guardian jetbikers, as well as Seer Councils on jetbikes and Vyper jetbikes.

Unsurprisingly they have a high concentration of the Swooping Hawks and Shining Spear Aspect Warriors on their Craftworld.


Saim-Hann, like Biel-Tan, is a name created by taking the name of a druidic festival (Samhain, Beltain), and tweaking it a bit. Why Games Workshop did this is unclear, but it may have something to do with the Eldar being Elves in space.