Advanced Squad Leader
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Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) is a tactical level counter based wargame set during the Second World War (a recent expansion also adds support for the Korean War). Although great fun (if tactical WWII combat is what your into) it is preposterously complex. How complex? The 'Pocket Edition' of the rulebook is 3/4 of an inch thick. The full version takes up most of a 2 inch 3 ring binder.
There is a simplified version available (ASL:SK), however, it is still very complex. Don't expect to be able to just sit down with your friends and play.
A Deeper Dive
The above is true. ASL is NOT a game you break out with some neophytes and try to play. Down that path lies madness. The rules ARE long and complex and likely the best way to learn to play is to acquire a mentor, likely some old neckbeard (or Grognard as they prefer to be called) who's been playing the game since the 90s. And there are ASL game cons.
While ASL is a vast steaming pile of rules, counters, boards and whatnot, one can dip their toes in without succumbing to the full breadth of the insanity. Here is how:
The rule book is organized into lettered Chapters (A, B, C, ...). At a bare minimum one should acquire the rule book. See below how to be a cheapo and still play ASL. BUT you will need the rules.
One does not need to read the entirety of the rules to play. Merely 1.5 chapters will suffice.
Chapter A
The meat and potatoes of infantry combat with a couple of toys thrown in (flamethrowers and demolition charges!). This chapter outlines the basics of the game and should be absorbed. It weighs in at 58 pages, so yeah, now you know.
Chapter B
Most of the basic terrain types and their effects on game play are in here. Along with many Fortifications (foxholes, wire, mines, pillboxes...). Chapter B comes in at a lean 44 pages, but, it's not necessary to read it all. One can merely read the rules for the Terrain types present in the Scenario being played. More below.