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If you don't already have the first level's music in your head, you may be on the wrong site.

"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combatting the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon..."

Terry Pratchett

The granddaddy of the first person shooter, the original ass-kicking demon-slaying 3D slaughterfest, Doom is a franchise that demands respect even in the hallowed halls of /tg/. It was actually inspired by a Dungeons & Dragons campaign played by the founders of id Software; John Romero had given a demon lord the key to overrunning the material plane in exchange for a magic katana because he's an edgy little bitch like that, and John Carmack (the DM) decided it made a good premise for their new 3D game. The katana in question would later be used in Romero's game Daikatana, which was a total failure for reasons that aren't important enough to go over right now.

The plot? What do you think this is, urchin? Here's your plot: you are a Space Marine (no, not the 40K guy, a jumped-up soldier who is sent to fight on other planets, so closer to the Imperial Guard...though considering recent events he may be the equivelent of a standard astartes, just much shorter.) stationed on Phobos. Somehow, demons break through into our reality and slaughter everyone else. Your job? Fight your way to where, you hope, there's a ride off of this rock, and make bloody mincemeat out of everything standing between you and salvation. Standing in your way are armies of zombified fellow marines and eggheads, fireball-tossing imps, hulking flesh-eating demons, cyborg-demon monstrosities, and various other hell-spawned nasties who want to kill you horribly. Good luck. You'll need it...

Although not the very first of the FPS genre (even its predecessor, Wolfenstein 3D, wasn't the first, as the history of the genre goes back all the way into 70's), Doom was definitive to the genre, so much so that "Doom Clone" was the standard nickname for many years afterwards. People are still playing it and making it even more awesome with their own custom modifications 24 years later, which isn't something you hear that often outside of /tg/; this is one of the main reasons why the franchise is so well-respected.

Fun fact: that iconic Doom monster, the Cacodemon, was actually inspired by the artwork for an Astral Dreadnought on the cover of the Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition Manual of the Planes splatbook. Also relevant to /tg/ is that Sandy Petersen, co-designer of Ghostbusters RPG, creator of Call of Cthulhu, and author of some RuneQuest stuff, worked on the game. He designed some levels (more in the sequel) and made some contributions to the monster design.

Classic DOOM (aka The Good Shit)

"Welcome to DOOM, a lightning-fast virtual reality adventure where you're the toughest space trooper ever to suck vacuum. Your mission is to shoot your way through a monster-infested holocaust. Living to tell the tale if possible."

– README.TXT, Doom 1.8 shareware

The original Doom was fast-paced and bloody compared to what came before, but wasn't afraid to vary the pace with more labyrinthine levels or make you shit your pants by dropping you into a crowd of demons when you least expected it. (Fun fact No. 2: The extra levels included in the physical version of Doom (henceforth called Ultimate Doom) were built by the same guy who wrote Call of Cthulhu in just 10 weeks.) Doom II on the other hand was a circle-strafing explosion-rich gorefest, and is what basically everyone thinks of when they think of both Doom and 90s FPS gameplay in general. Plot was bare-minimum: Demons took over Phobos and ate Deimos, kill them all. Or, in Doom 2's case, Demons are trying to infest Earth in revenge, kill them all AGAIN. But this time, it's personal. (No, seriously, they killed your pet bunny Daisy.) The Doom engine is extremely mod-friendly for a 90's game (as both Carmack and Romero had been big into software tinkering in their day) and the modding community is still very present and perhaps even more prolific than it was back in the day. In fact, id Software actually paid some modding groups for the right to sell their works as retail (Final Doom and the Master Levels for Doom 2). Also relevant is SIGIL, John Romero's own 25th anniversary level-pack and unofficial Episode 5 for Doom 1 that he released to the public for free (unless you wanted the special Buckethead soundtrack for $6.66 USD).

Slightly more obscure but still relevant is Doom 64, which replaced the high-speed explode-o-rama with a stronger horror theme and more deliberate pace.

id Software then for a time turned toward more multiplayer-oriented games with the Quake franchise and gave Doom a well-earned rest.

The Doom Comic


– You, the moment you read that heading

The origin of Rip and Tear. Possibly the most ridiculously, amazingly, stupidly 90's thing that has ever been put to paper with the possible exception of Image Comics. It has to be read to be believed. So go read it.


Limited-edition monster minis from Reaper Miniatures. Admit it, you want that Cyberdemon for your Daemons of Chaos army.

These are the monsters you'll encounter in Doom 1, Doom 2 and their spinoffs.

  • Former human: Wet toilet paper. Only dangerous until you get a shotgun.
    • Former Sergeant: Still wet toilet paper, but full of broken glass; if one of these assholes gets behind you before you find armor you're probably dead. Likely to be your first source for shotguns.
    • Former Commando: Unlike the other formers, this guy is no joke: he's durable enough to not die when breathed on and his hitscan chaingun is almost as powerful as yours. Using hordes of these guys in an open arena with no cover is the pinnacle of dick moves in Doom mapping.
  • Imp: The first true demon you encounter with an easy-to-dodge projectile and more health than the formers. The first meaningful enemy you meet, and runner-up for most iconic non-boss monster.
  • Demon: Otherwise known as Pinkies. Giant hairless gorilla with a mouth that could give a squig lessons in eating. They can't walk and bite at the same time so you can just step out of their way, but they tend to come in large groups and dance around like spastic toddlers (which makes them harder to shoot) as they run up to you.
    • Spectre: Demon with Predator-style optic camo. An absolute bitch to deal with in dark environments, which is naturally where you find them.
  • Cacodemon: Mr. Astral Dreadnought Head. These fuckers can fly and you can't look up, so have fun fighting them in close quarters where they can float out of your field of view. Dangerous, but get a rapid-fire weapon and they become a joke as you stunlock them until they are all dead. The most iconic non-boss monster, partially because of its sheer WTFery but mostly because of how easy it is to chibi/make plushies out of.
  • Lost Soul: Floating flaming skulls that fly at you at approximately SANIC miles per hour. Fairly weak, but very fast and has a habit of nibbling at you while you focus on something more dangerous.
  • Revenant: Agitating skeleton aka DOOT. One of the few monsters that moves anywhere near as fast as you do, plus he runs up and tries to punch your head off if you move inside the minimum range of the homing rockets he shoots. It is an established fact that any given Doom map is automatically casuals-only unless the mapper adds at least 100 revenants.
  • Mancubus: HELLO I'M FUCKING FAT. Slow, but very tank and he has dual heavy flamers for arms that hurt like hell. Fortunately, this also applies to any nearby demons, so you can make them kill each other for your amusement just by standing between a mancubus and another monster.
  • Arch-vile: One of the few monsters that that's faster than the player at a full run. Sets you on fire with its mind and revives any monsters it comes across so you have to kill them all over again. Meeting one of these guys in a slaughtermap will make you hate everything forever.
  • Hell Knight: Now we're talking. Space Marine sized and equipped with a punch and moderate projectile attacks (fireballs). Shooting him in the face with a shotgun will kill him pretty quickly.
    • Baron of Hell: Super hell knight with double the health. Big and equipped with nasty melee and projectile attacks. Shooting him in the face with a shotgun just pisses him off. Super shotguns will work though. Probably the best known Barons are the "Bruiser Bros", the pair of Barons you fight as the bosses of the first episode.
  • Cyberdemon: Is huge, and therefore has huge guts. Basically a (Chaos possesed?) Carnifex with a rocket launcher for an arm, and significantly faster than he looks. Without a doubt the fuckingest monster in the classic game, and practically tailor made for soaking up BFG shots.
  • Spider Mastermind: Doom 1’s final boss, despite being inferior in almost every way to the Cyberdemon you fight earlier. Go figure. Even more XBOX HUEG than the Cyberdemon, but has a super-chaingun instead of a rocket launcher and refuses to let up until either you or it are dead. Has the critical weakness of BFG shots up the ass due to the way its hugeness interacts with the mechanics of the classic BFG.
    • Arachnotron: Babby Masterminds that go fast and shit plasma at you.

Doom 3

In the early 2000s, Doom 3 came along. It blows chunks compared to the classics, but since the classics are so damn good it ends up being passable anyway. Since Valve had made "story-driven" shooters and "realistic" scripted encounters the in thing id decided to rip off Half-Life, grafting on elements of the original Doom that had been scrapped at the concept stage. Unfortunately the gameplay was too slow and similar to the rest of the genre, the scripting and story interludes just made the gameplay even clunkier and the big technological gimmick (per-pixel lighting) meant you had to choose between seeing what you're supposed to shoot with a crappy little flashlight and actually being able to shoot it. Supposedly the lighting effects were resource intense during development and this was the "solution" (of course we know better that they wanted to make it a quasi survival horror). Naturally the first mod for the game was duct tape so you can use the flashlight and a gun at the same time. This mod would eventually become official when the BFG Edition re-release came around about a decade later.

The plot itself is essentially a reboot - You are a generic marine who just transferred to Mars and after pissing around with all your co-workers whom you will never see in one piece again, an experiment involving a portal to Hell (This time with no reason besides the head researcher being kinda absolutely evil) goes horribly awry and now the facility is completely fucked. Your task then devolves into simply surviving, as you're cut off from any command and have to make your way to various checkpoints. Along the way, you come across an ancient artifact made by the original denizens of Mars, who made it in order to kill all the demons, and so the demons sealed it away in Hell. After a couple trips in and out of hell, you manage to understand how the artifact works (by feeding off the souls of slain demons) and use it to kill the Cyberdemon, their greatest champion, and bail home. You'd think this is the end...except the mad scientist responsible for this is revealed to have turned into a full-blown demon.

Resurrection of Evil

An expansion to Doom 3, this game takes the original game and puts a few nifty spins to make it feel unique like the gravity gun (because Half-Life 2 did it too). Instead of the classic plot, you are now a nameless space engineer who comes across a different and wholly demonic artifact called the Hell Heart. This makes you more of a target compared to before, as Hell sends out three special hunters to reclaim the heart, each of whom give it a special ability for you to abuse once you kill them.

Doom 4 (aka DOOM aka DOOD aka Brutal Doom HD)

"They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you? You will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is DONE."

– A direct order from what is either God's seraphs or Khorne himself. Do you really need more of a mission briefing?

Listen to it here[1]

Then the latest Doom came out in May 2016. This rendition can basically be described as "3d Brutal Doom II" only sexier, with features like ripping enemies apart with your bare hands and having to stay on the move to avoid being torn to shreds. The plot is also about as bare minimum as the original (albeit with a surprising amount of lore hidden away in the Codex...that makes one feel it’s set in the 40k verse), kicking the player straight into the action with waking up on Mars, immediately smashing a zombie’s skull, and basically being told “demonic invasion, go kill everything.” Starts with corporate big wig trying to talk you into being on his side and your answer is a solid "FUCK YOU" fist. Also, the player this time around is someone the demons call the “Doom Slayer", who has traveled through “Worlds and Time” (hinting that the Doom Slayer could very well be the original Doomguy from the first two games, having also survived Doom 64 and has been traveling Hell since, later all but confirmed in the sequel), and millennia ago kicked Hell’s ass so hard that the best the demons could do is seal him away so that he wouldn’t destroy Hell. The Slayers testament tells in sparse detail but leaves enough imagination to realise what the Legions of Hell where up against. A near immortal being of pure hate, blessed by the Seraphims(or Khorne...which would make this an attempt at suicide), capable to stand agains Legions of Demons completely alone and harnessing their power as he slaughters them. THEN fought a Titan of "immeasurable Power and Ferocity" with only his Sword (it was a laser sword though so there's that), killing and absorbing its power to turn them on the Demons. Desperate now, the highest Archdevils realized nothing short of a God will stop the Slayer (fitting since a god summoned it in the first place), so they prepared an elaborate Trap involving what may have been a Blackstone Sarcophagus. It speaks for itself, of what the Bait, which lured the slayer to the temple of the bloodkeep, must have been made of...or was. Now at the peak of his might, with sword and shield of "adamantine Strengh" he stood before the Horde, and split heads open, punched, maimed, killed, burnt until finally the whole temple collapsed on him and was sealed in the Cursed Sarcophagus. Millennia passed until the UAC decides to deal with an Energy Crisis by quite literally slamming an Oil Derrick on a Hell Portal to siphon off Hell Energy for power, and just for giggles starts tomb raiding Hell for artifacts and treasures as well, ultimately running off with the Doomguy's sarcophagus. The demons see that the Doomguy’s prison/tomb is empty, and the subsequent invasion is actually a panicked attempt to stop the Doomguy from being woken up. Obviously they fail and he butchers every last one of them.

Samuel Hayden is the guy in charge of the UAC, a cyborg the size of a 40k Space Marine. He and Vega, the Mars UAC AI, are basically quest givers for the most part. His subordinate Olivia Pierce pretty much ran a cult while Hayden was pillaging artifacts from Hell, being the only one to make it back from the expeditions. When shit hits the fan he decides to wake the Doom Slayer up with the hopes that this wild card could help take control of the facility without causing capital damage. Of course, once awake, he goes on a rampage and busts the UACs shit, as Hayden's disregard for human life is too far even for Doomguy to take, expressing his outrage without the need for a voice actor.

So now it's up to the Doom Slayer in awesome power armor to rip and tear and dakka every demon he comes across to stop Olivia while wrecking UACs energy production. After going to hell at least once due to Olivia breaking an Argent Accumulator and making it back to Mars, then after Hayden installs a "tether" to him, Hayden sends Doomguy on a quest to find the Helix Stone, picking up the most powerful version of the BFG 9000 yet on the way(more on that below). Once he reaches the Helix Stone it directs Doomguy to acquire the Crucible, a relic in the Titan's Realm. So Doomguy has to kill the Cyberdemon to get back to hell, make a long trek and fight the three Hell Guardians who guard the Crucible and returns to Mars again. To finally stop Olivia, Hayden, being the bastard that he is, even sacrifices his old creation Vega, though unlike everyone else, at least our player character is nice enough to make a backup without anyone even bothering to ask. The Doom Slayer uses the Crucible to shutdown Hell's energy wells and releases the spirits of his old friends, the Night Sentinels.

Once Olivia is found once again, she transforms into the Spider Mastermind. If you've been collecting all the stuff like you should have, she can easily be(along with the other game other bosses in the game) cheesed by the best weapons even on the highest difficulty, with the Rich get Richer Rune fully upgraded. Once she's dead it's the final cutscene, Where Hayden steals the "Crucible" which turns out to be an energy blade that makes a Lightsaber look like a toothpick, than sends the Doom Slayer off to who knows where with the tether he installed into the Praetor Suit earlier, disposing of a potential threat before it decides to become one. After this you experience one of the best credit sequences made for a video game in over a decade.

Mick Gordon's soundtrack gives the game the best metal music ever. BFG Division being the standout in the soundtrack. Used for two whole levels and the final boss music is a Glitch remix of it. There is also some inspiration from RPG style FPS a la Metro 2033 and Metroid Prime. As collecting Argent Energy, weapon mods, elite guard tokens, and Runes allow them to upgrade the Praetor Suit and weapons to their preferred play style. The engine allows the Doom Slayer a wide range of first-person animations. As his destruction of UAC property and actions portrays an "I'm too old for this shit" attitude. Having to fight demons for centuries doesn't make for a happy camper.

The damage of the BFG 9000 itself is notable. This thing instantly vaporizes every non-boss enemy on-screen!(and them too if you exploit a glitch. However what a player does that the devs didn't intend is dubious canon.) You read that correctly, you don't have to aim it directly at your targets to kill them. You just have to find the right opening to make it kill every demon you can. As the Plasma Bolt throws out lightening or much more likely, solar flares. That would mean the Plasma the BFG fires is likely firing a fucking miniature star with each shot! The F in BFG may stand for Fermentation, Grimdark! with science!. We can wait while you Google it.

Don't be impressed just yet. A Baron of Hell is 2000 pounds and because it turns everything into gibs it comes in contact with. That means it has to have 7 Gigajoules of energy and would have to be heated up to over 100,000 degrees Celsius! A temperature range which is only seen in small stars and nebula! That's not just GrimDark, that's just fucking cold in the most brutal way possible and speaks to the insanity of the UAC for building this thing. Are we sure somebody didn't screw up the name? Though Brown Dwarf Gun 9000 doesn't sound as cool.(Though why is it green? Because it's blue-green! As blue in space equals very fucking hot! Red Giant/Supergiants/Hypergiants are (relatively) cold because they are old, a young blue star, giant or not, is insanely hot) In all possibility, if the Doom Slayer didn't wear his Praetor Suit. Firing the weapon would instantly annihilate him too! (since Photons are their own particle and antiparticle the word is valid) No apologies for the science jokes. They are necessary evils in explaining how the BFG 9000 works.

It also says a lot of the bosses as a direct hit will merely stun them (without using the weapon wheel glitch) while shaving off large portions of their health. So you need either a very advanced suit of Powered Armor or a significant amount of mass to survive a direct hit from the plasma bolt and its flares. The only real con to using the BFG 9000 is it's limited ammo of four shots. Though a good player can get around that if they set up their Runes correctly.

Science and math mostly explained in this Youtube video . So yeah, the BFG 9000 shoots miniature stars.

DOOM Eternal

"Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send up to them, only you. Rip and Tear until it is done!"

– King Novik of the Night Sentinels

Doom Eternal was announced at E3 and a gameplay reveal was shown at Quakecon 2018. To say that its awesome is an understatement.

This article contains spoilers! You have been warned.
"The only thing they fear... is YOU!" If the whole Warp, set for Khorne, actively shits their pants when the Slayer comes, you`re in for FUN.

We are introduced to the Maykrs of Urdak, an elder race with a techno-angelic motif that serves as the Sentinels' patron. One of them was the so-called Seraphim that empowered the Doomguy even further, turning him into the nigh-godlike and unstoppable avatar of sheer Awesome that is the Doom Slayer (seriously, the Doom Slayer is compared to a Titan on the level of the Icon of Sin). They may actually be a group of C’tan, but we are not sure.

Sadly, all good things come to an end. The Sentinels were betrayed from within, the Doom Slayer banished to Hell again (eventually leading to him being entombed before the events of Doom 2016) and what's worse, it turns out the Maykrs were only using the Sentinels to further their own race's objectives. What's more, the current invasion of Earth was the result of one of their long-term plans, with humanity as simply one more race that was to receive "penitence" in their place (read: the Maykers are using Hell energy to prolong their lives, and willingly let Demons eat entire worlds to that end). Yet more evidence that these guys are C’tan.

The game picks up a few months after the end of the previous game with Samuel Hayden returning to Earth after the destruction of the Argent Tower on Mars that was the only way of getting free, unlimited energy out of Hell. But, he has the Crucible (confiscated from the Doom Slayer in the ending of 2016) with which he starts developing a synthesized form of Argent energy while the UAC begins to completely fall under the control of their leaders, the Hell Priests who entombed the Slayer so long ago. They start sacrificing humans left and right to start a ritual that will allow the demons to consume Earth, terraform the land to living flesh and molten lava, kill all that resist, transport their souls to Hell and refine them to pure Argent Energy while the impure Souls are made into new demons! A full-scale demonic incursion is now underway on Earth, with billions of dead, over two thirds of Earth consumed while half of the UAC has gone full Quisling to the invaders, with the other half putting up a token resistance. All hope seems lost...

Not unless you, the Doom Slayer, has anything to say about it.

Equipped like the Predator, as deadly as the Terminator, he seeks his prey from his orbital fortress (fittingly called the Fortress of DOOM) and will stop at nothing to repel the demonic invaders, even if he has to personally kill. Every. Single. Demon. With extreme prejudice.

Immediately after locating the first Hell Priest, the Slayer teleports onto his barge, kicks all doors in and vice grips the head off of the Priest, reducing the consumption of the Earth by 36,8%. He then uses the Priest's head to gain access to the Citadel, where the ritual of the Priests is being held, but is being interrupted by the Khan Maykr, who tells him even he goes too far this time, before teleporting the Priests out of the Slayer's reach. Since the Hell Priest classify as Alpha Plus Psykers, (the first one being able to command his own legion of Titans AND shield himself from even nuclear bombardment) they can be found with a Celestial Locator. To get the Locator, the Slayer goes to Exultia, a Night Sentinel world, only to be told by the late King Novik that Humanity are no longer his people to be saved. Realizing that no ordinary individual will help him, the Slayer enters Hell, and it's even more magnificent than Doom 2016, with gigantic walls and corridors made of flesh, abandoned Sentinel Mechs and the remains of the Titan Demons that were killed by them, and near everything you could think of, even the Tower Of Babel in the Background. Here the Slayer finds Valen known To most of the sentinels as to most of the sentinels as the Betrayer, father of the Icon of Sin, repenting in his exile. After telling the Slayer that saving humanity will only make his burden worse, the Betrayer nevertheless activates the Celestial Locator for the Slayer, As well as giving him something he may need later. Now being able to locate the other Priests, the Slayer goes to A cultist base in the Arctic, as yet more proof the maykrs are C’tan the priest found a extinct race of demons, and with nothing better to do, turned these things into Semi-Organic Necron Destroyers, and labelled them “Doom hunters,” After losing them, And complaining about it. the Priest, in face of his impending DOOM, tries to bribe the Slayer, which literally cost him his head.

Now furious, The Khan Makyr leads the last Priest to safety, while demonic activity on Earth skyrockets. Realizing Earth needs immediate backup at the Super Gore Nest in Europe after a failed attack from the Earth Forces (with a casualty rate of over 87%), the Slayer arrives at what can only be described as Border between Slaanesh and Nurgle's Domains. Every building in the vicinity has grown flesh, teeth and openings that look like both mouths and birth canals, the air is filled with toxicity, tentacles sprouted everywhere. But after a nuclear meltdown of the local reactor which conveniently houses the heart of the Gore Nest, the problem is quickly taken care of.

Back to searching and destroying the last Priest, VEGA is sure that Samuel Hayden would be able to locate him immediately. However, a combined Demon attack on his headquarters left him badly wounded. Just as the Slayer gets to him and is about to teleport back to his fortress, the Earth quakes and a red portal opens up, out of it comes the Marauder. Imagine a Custodes corrupted and empowered by Khorne but with battle tactics from Tzeentch, the Endurance of Nurgle and the Speed of Slaneesh. These guys are absolutely no joke (yes, there are more of them) and if you haven`t been playing like your life depends on it, prepare to be absolutely curbstomped.

Meanwhile, its clear that Samuel Hayden knows *way* more about the Slayer, Hell, and the Maykrs than he let on in the last game, strongly hinting that Samuel may in fact be a Maykr himself (which begs the question of what he was up to if he understood just how dangerous Hell was and how Argent Energy was made). He tells us that the last Priest hides in the Arena of Sentinel Prime, the Capital of the Night Sentinels, and the only way to gain access is hidden in the core of Mars. But instead of calling the Mechanicus to help, the Slayer enters the Moon of Phobos, where the Battleship sized BFG 10,000 is Stationed, takes the Gun over, targets Mars and blasts the Core open... Despite Samuel’s protests. He then proceeds to hop into a giant mass driver and blast himself to his next destination, streaking across the ruined Martian sky like a rage-fueled missile.

Now on Sentinel Prime The game goes into who the Doom Slayer really is. It turns out the Doom Slayer really is the classic Doomguy from Doom 1, 2, and 64, who after staying behind in the warp hell he is eventually spat out, half-delirious and nuts from his experience of fighting off its hordes for an eternity, unto the world of Argent D'Nur, where he is found by the Night Sentinels, an order of techno-knights dedicated to fighting demons. He is nursed back to sanity, and joins their order, eventually rising through their ranks due the sheer Rip and Tear he was capable of.

The final Priest, hiding in the Colosseum, is confident that the Slayer would never kill him in the arena, as it is against holy law of the Sentinels to spill Priest blood. He sends out his Gladiator, a being that even if its flesh is destroyed, its soul would prevail until its body is reformed. But the Soul resides in the gigantic shield it uses, so the Slayer destroys the shield first and then the face of the gladiator, and despite the warning shoots the final Priest to death, by shoot to death we mean blow his head clean off with the shotgun while he smugly declares how he can't be killed. Khan Maykr is rather pissed about this.

As soon as he gets back home. She manages to hack into the Fortress of Doom, turning off the power and flooding the bridge with Demons. The attack obviously fails like so many other attempts. Hayden mocking her as the Slayer restores power with Hayden's own Crucible. Now the plans of the Khan Maykr are ruined, as there are no more priests to maintain the Hell gates, so if the Earth Forces kill all the demons, they would prevail. As a desperate last resort, the Khan Maykr wants to resurrect the Icon of Sin to eradicate all life on Earth. Of course, the prospect of seeing another Earth brought to ruin has made the Doom Slayer rightly pissed, and suffice to say, the Maykrs have no idea what they've just unleashed. So it's time for the Doomslayer to recover his own Crucible in Taras Nabad. Which was stuck into the skull of a Titan and breaks off the hilt to prevent it's resurrection. Now it needs to be recharged. Once finished there is attack from Demons to test out your new weapon. The Crucible is a one hit kill on all but the strongest of enemies and there are respawning charges only in this area. Use this for practice time before moving forward because the OHKO drops health picks faster than normal glory kills.

Doomguy now teleports to Nekravol, the City of the Damned. It's a place of biblical torment, fire and brimstone, cages bursting with humans piled up like livestock, a place where human souls are "tenderized" and tortured until all hope is broken and every sense but pain is gone. Only then can their souls be extracted and converted to pure Argent energy, which will be sent to the Khan Maykr in the City of Urdak (Heaven) A process which every Haemonculus pays respect to. As it is, things that are worthy of being called "holy" are often more horrendous than the horrors of Hell itself.

The Slayer rips and tears through all of that mercilessly, and finally destroys the transmitter tower. Its destruction resulted in the Slayer being transported straight to "Heaven", a completely unnatural location in true H.R. Giger aesthetic, littered with white and gold colors and blood red trees. In true Doomguy fashion, he interrupts the ritual that will resurrect the Icon of Sin by stabbing its heart with a dagger he got from the Betrayer. The Icon wakes up, corrupts the entire realm, and invites all sorts of demons to ravage Urdak before leaving to Earth.

Doomguy immediately follows, but is interrupted by the Khan Maykr herself. In true Eldar fashion, she accuses Doomguy for all the bad things that HE did which broke the seal to Urdak, and that the use of thousand other species as Argent Energy for her race is justified in her traditions. Doomguy then slaps the shit out of her, and even in her final moments she tells us that we have doomed all of creation. It’s likely she’s lying to hide the fact that she’s a C’tan.

Back on Earth the final fight against the Icon of Sin begins. Now with a full body it is no longer a static boss fight but a semi static. You blow parts from the Icon, until you finish it with your Crucible, by slamming it into its forehead


Doom 2016 by itself has more demons than the classic games do, even though not all of them return from those games. Doom Eternal ups the count even more, although not all demons from 2016 return. Some demons are upgraded versions of a base model; they are sorted as such.

  • The Possessed: Zombified humans (read: wet toilet paper). They are some of the weakest enemies in the game and can easily be dispatched. In 2016 they are cheap glory kill fodder, in Eternal they are one of the chief targets of your chainsaw, flamethrower, ice bomb and all other ways with which to heal yourself.
    • Possessed Engineers: Little more than walking bombs. Either shoot them to detonate them or melee them to launch them and have them detonate on impact. Known as Cueballs in Eternal.
    • Possessed Soldiers: As above, but they have a bit more health and possess guns with which to defend themselves. They're still not much of a threat. In Eternal they are little more than Possessed with guns and flamethrowers, so make sure to keep some distance.
    • Possessed Security: wet toilet paper with shards of glass. Equipped with shields and shotguns, these can really ruin your day if you let them. The chainsaw and plasma gun are the best way to deal with them.
    • Hell Razer: 2016 exclusive, Hell Razers fight at a distance with arm-mounted laser cannons, which are actually parasites converting a human into a Hell Razer. Fire slowly and have distinct tells to their attacks. Don't pose too much of a threat: dodge their attack, get close and shotgun them.
  • Imps: The fodder from the original game, now quick as a hiccup. They jump all over the place, pelting you with fireballs and clawing at you if you get too close. Because they're one of the first enemies you face they don't pose much of a threat: your regular shotgun makes quick work of them (especially with the grenade mod). Also make for great healing fodder in Eternal.
    • Gargoyles: Added in Doom Eternal. Pretty much Imps with wings and scything talons, they hover in place and spit acid at you. When doing so they are easy targets, so take your opportunity. Also make for good healing fodder.
    • Prowlers: Originally added in the 2016 multiplayer, they were promoted to regular enemies in Eternal. They function the same as Imps but with more health and they can teleport, often right behind you to claw at you. Can't be as easily chainsawed as the Imps.
  • Carcasses: Debuting in Doom Eternal, the Carcass' attacks are not that powerful and they don't have a lot of health. What they do have is the ability to summon energy barriers, blocking your ability to move around freely, home in on them, glory kill other demons and use explosive weapons safely. Your primary target in an encounter because eliminating them makes a fight a lot easier.
  • Pinkies: Ol' faithful is now covered in armor, turning them into living battering rams. They (still) roar and charge in on you, dealing significant damage upon impact. The armor soaks most damage they take from the front, so circle them and attack their weak point for massive damage.
    • Spectres: As the Pinky, but invisible. A bit harder to deal with because of this, but thankfully a lot less common and lack the armor plating.
  • Cacodemons: They fly now! Their spit attacks slow and disorient you, and their bite attack does a lot of damage. But because they fly now you can easily pick them off with your rocket launcher or gauss cannon. In Eternal they decided to min-max there bite takes off a surprisingly large chunk of your health and there shots can stun lock you, but it comes with devastating weakness: a single grenade from your modded shotgun, your shoulder launcher, or your rocket launcher, into their mouths causes them to swallow it, instantly staggering them for an easy glory kill.
    • Pain Elementals: Returning in Doom Eternal, they chuck fireballs and Lost Souls at you. resistant to the grenade stagger that the Cacodemons got as there trade off (though it still works...if you can make the shot). they are more of threat that their short limed buddies could ever be.
  • Lost Souls: Horned, burning skulls that scream, fling themselves at you and explode for an annoying amount of damage. At least in 2016; in Eternal they also appear when summoned by a Pain Elemental which is when they function more or less the same.
  • Revenants: DOOT. Made from humans in a gruesome process, the Revenants have jetpacks that let them fly around to put themselves in the perfect possession to launch barrages of missiles at you. They can also claw at you for significant damage, so keep your distance and take them out. In Eternal you become able to shoot off their shoulder cannons, which pretty much cripples their ability to deal damage. Their meme potential is so great that a trumpet-equipped Revenant is a skin included in the pre-order edition of Doom Eternal.
  • Summoners: Only appearing in 2016, Summoners are paired down versions of the Archvile. They possess lithe bodies that lets them easily zip around and set up a summon circle away from your location, allowing them to call in aid. Sustained fire from just about any weapon will take them down.
    • Harvesters: Unique to the 2016 multiplayer, the only demon to be so. Harvesters move around and instead of summoning other demons will shoot balls of plasma and drain life from other players, allowing them to supercharge their regular attacks.
  • Arachnotrons: Back in Doom Eternal, the Arachnotrons are walking gun platforms that can cling to ceilings to get a better vantage point to shoot at you. Their weapons are very exposed, and shooting them off to limit them to their more managable barrage of bombs. Their resemblance to the Spider Mastermind from 2016 is intentional: the UAC cloned them using the Spider Mastermind's genetic material. and when the demonic invasion began the automated facility making them was taken over by the possesed...Which was planned
  • Whiplashes: The first all-female demons introduced in Doom Eternal resembling lamiae, but don't expect any monstergirls. They are as nasty as any demon in Doom, and they use their great speed to rush you and hack away at your health or pelt you with a barrage of laser attacks from a distance. Difficult to hit, but once you start hitting them they'll go down eventually.
  • Mancubi: Big fat bastards equipped with heavy cannons to blast you with and flamethrowers to keep you at a distance. They're big, slow targets with slow attacks so if you can keep your distance they're not too big a threat. In Eternal they got faster (and fatter) but you can blast their flamethrowers off, severely nerfing their damage output. After that, a few missiles will easily take them out.
    • Cyber Mancubi: Heavily armored versions of the Mancubus. They fire globs of acid that linger on terrain for a bit, limiting your movement options. In 2016 you just pour more damage into them to take them out. In Eternal you can punch off most of their armor with a single Blood Punch, which makes it easier for you to deal with them. But because their cannons are armored you can't blast them off like you can with the regular Mancubi.
  • Archviles: Oh HELL no. The Summoner on crack, an Archvile can put up barriers of fire to keep you away while they Summon more demons. If you don't interrupt them you'll be facing a more difficult fight, especially if they summon a MOTHERFUCKING MARAUDER. Even when not summoning they are tough and can do a lot of damage, and buff their friends, so after taking out all Carcasses in an area they are your next target if you want to win a fight.
  • Hell Knights: Big dudes who revel in wrecking your shit. They are fast, closing the distance to pummel you or they do a jump attack for area of effect damage. Keep your distance and pump them full of lead to take them down quickly if you don't want to be taken out yourself.
    • Dread Knights: Cybernetically enhanced Hell Knights, appearing only in Eternal. They have armored heads, arms and abdomen as well as a pair of energy blades and are equipped with the Butcher's Nails. This makes their jump attacks linger in place for a bit for continual damage and they can fire lasers from their blades at you.
    • Barons of Hell: Big red bastards who are the toughest regular enemies in 2016. They hit like trucks and can blast you with powerful balls of green fire. The best way to deal with them are a heavily upgraded chainsaw or the BFG to not deal with their bullshit. In Eternal they have been upgraded to be immune to the chainsaw and cannot be one-shot by the BFG, so you'll have your work cut out for you. This version of the Barons are also coated in fire with obsidian skin and have burning blades coming from their lower arms, which fits given how much more dangerous they are.
  • Tyrants: Pretty much downgraded Cyberdemons (Looking more like the classic Cyber rather than 2016's beefy monstrosity) and one of the most powerful common enemies in the game. Packing a powerful laser cannon, a laser blade and the ability to fire missile barrages, paired with a MASSIVE pool of health the Tyrant should be elimited as fast as you can so that you can deal with the rest of the demons. The fastest way to do so is with the Crucible, which will hack a Tyrant up in no time. Just make sure that you actually hit the Tyrant itself and not the fodder running around it.
  • Makyr Drones: The generic rank-and-file of the Makyrs. Annoyingly resilient with laser turrets, but headshotting them is a guaranteed insta-kill that provides ammo as well.
  • Marauders: Former Night Sentinels corrupted by hell, the Marauders are fast, deadly and a pain to kill. They possess energy shields that block all incoming damage, including the BFG, Crucible, and Un-Makyr, can attack at both long and short distance and can summon spirit wolves to hunt you down. When you are at the right distance their eyes will flash green as they swing their axe at you: use this as an opening to blast them with your Super Shotgun, then quickly switch to the Ballista and hit them. Repeat this, rip and tear, done.
  • Doom Hunters: Introduced as a boss and later reused as a common enemy. A species of demons driven to extinction by the Doom Slayer and brought back by the Hell Priest Daeg Ranak, the Doom Hunters resemble Necron Destroyers with a cannon and a chainsaw for arms and missiles that can be fired from its hoversled. They have an energy shield that you need to deplete to be able to damage them or attack their hoversled rather than the main body. Infamous for being a boss that is lazily reused during the course of the game, as early as THE VERY NEXT COMBAT ARENA AFTER FIGHTING THE FIRST ONE. However the non boss versions don't have immunity to ice grenades.
  • The Gladiator: The Last Living Hell Knight of DOOM II and unlike the Doom Hunter has survived the Extinction event that is the Slayer. Armed with a gargantuan Shield blocking all incoming damage, and a Mace with a chain for close and distance attacks. Like the Marauder, if his Eyes blink Green you have an opening to shoot your ballista or super shotgun at him. A headshot will stagger him for a Glory kill animation, but the Slayer will simply beat the shit out of him. Phase 1 ends with the destruction of the shield, and now the Gladiator goes ballistic with TWO mace. The best approach now is to shoot at it until it dies.
  • The Icon of Sin: Son of the Betrayer, his Soul deformed and warped beyond recognition, his very Existing in Realspace causing destruction and Madness. (Its described that if left unchecked, it will drag the whole material Plane to Hell. So basicly if one of The Chaos Gods himself manifests in Realspace.) The Khan Maykr thought It could be controlled, If they put it into Power Armour. But then the Doom Slayer stabs the Heart itself With a Dagger Without carving the Name of the Betrayer into it. The battle itself on Paper is Pretty easy: Since The Armour Clads the Whole Icon, shoot your whole Arsenal of Weapons against it, until it breaks. While doing that show the low demons that try to protect the Icon Who You Are!After The Armour is Gone do the Whole Process again, but this time Chip away the Flesh and Bone until the Icon collapses, giving you time To ram your Crucible into Its Brain.


  • The Fortress of Doom is the personal fortress monastary/man cave of the Slayer, once used for the Galaxy spanning Crusade of The Night Sentinels. Features a Teleportarium with an absurd range (Teleporting from Earth orbit to a Sentinel World far beyond the Sol system), a Hangar bay with a Sentinel Mech, and a Prison, filled with Demons the Slayer undoubtedly abducted, to slaughter them for sport.
  • It is said, the "Wretch" who gave the Slayer an adamantine armor, forged from the Fires of Hell, was in fact Khorne Himself. Even if he can´t corrupt the Slayer, the carnage he brings upon demons is the equivalent of Centuries of War.
  • Since the Night Sentinels went to war against the Demons, they've been effectively a bit of many 40k Chapters, since they are to an extent Psykers, deploy with Argent (warp) using Weapons, have their own Titan Legion, Use a Space fleet of Flying Castles, have an Arena for duels to the Death, and only The Strongest among them can become King.
  • the makyrs seen in Doom Eternal bare a surprising resemblance to the C'tan (even being unable to show there true forms outside of urdak. they also posses a sort of metal skin on all of there race and there drones, resembling necrodermis.
  • sometime between the events of doom 64 and Doom (2016), the slayer was subjected to something called the "divinity machine," given his new abilities from that point forward, it's possible he had a fragment of the Warp hell itself imbued within him. there by making him a man uplifted with psyker argent powers. this might make him this dimension's equivelant of The Emperor...if this is a separate demension.
  • In Doom Eternal, the Slayers new Armor is not fully sealed, giving a look Upon His Arms, like a certain Swell Guy.
  • Said Swell Guy may or may have not been probably is a Descendant of The Slayer's "friend," Valen the previous holder of the title of betrayer. the best guess would be, that the Emperor Used his Genetic Code for The Basics of Angron, and Later the World Eaters Legion.
  • The Crucible uses pure Argent power to create its blade. This means its fuel powered and therefore, since the Doomguy absorbs the power of the demons (giving them a true death) uses the life essence of Demons to kill more demons.
  • The forces of hell seem to be a serious threat even judging the absurd Standard of 40k. Samuel Hayden gave the surviving humans insane technology (full functioning AI battlesuits for Infantry, and collosal Titan mechs, Dark Age Technology so to speak) and still couldn't get the upper Hand. The only viable Solution to gain Ground seemed to be total nuclear Annialation.
    • this seemed to be simply because of literally infinite numbers. even if they took out one thousand demons. one billion would take there place. it seems this was the only reason for there defeat. since once all of the avenues for invasion are cut off the remainder are mopped up without much fan fair. one wonders if all of the priests were on sentinel prime. how things would go. since there would be no cut off for the entering demons.

Doom: The Board Game

Yes, there is a Board Game - made by Fantasy Flight Games no less - giving the vague '/tg/ related' qualifications this site uses. It was released around the time Doom 3 was released, though it wasn't that remarkable and is pretty hard to find nowadays.

One guy plays the baddies, the other 1-4 players play a band of unfortunate marines. The heroes start with 2-3 powerup cards, and the baddies get 5 cards from his own deck and during the game, he gets to draw more (the rate of which is equal to how many marines there are) and if his deck is empty, he gets to insta-kill one of the Marines. His guys are more varied in their movement but they can only shoot once.

The marines have three options: move 8 spaces without shooting, move 4 spaces and shoot once, or shoot twice without movement. They need to explore the board, find computers and other events as the board provides. The baddies, meanwhile, can either upgrade his monsters or bring more to the board. Either way, his goal is to score 6 kills on the Marines.

A new board game got released shortly after May 2016 Doom, which, to my understanding, is basically just the same shit as before with a new coat of paint.

  • It's different, but not too different. Similar in concept and design, with the main differences seeming to be in how the Marines play, and victory conditions for certain scenarios. Absolutely beautiful models however, and incredibly fun. Highly recommended.


Also (roughly) around the same time as Doom 3 was a movie starring Karl Urban and former WWE superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It pretty much replaced the whole Hell plot with some genetic experimentation to give people superpowers that only succeeds in creating hyper-aggressive mutants, and a squad of Marines sent to investigate the mayhem. It wasn't that good, with the only really 'good' scene being this one scene where it's all FPS-style like the original games and has monster killing.

Another movie was released in 2019, named Doom : Annihilation. When asked what they thought about this, id Software simply replied: "We are not involved in the movie."

External Links

  • Doom Wiki for all your Doom-related needs
  • /idgames/, the home of pretty much every Doom mod worth playing (and pretty much every Doom mod that isn't worth playing) since 1994.