Epic Destiny

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Epic Destinies were a game mechanic introduced into the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, replacing the concept of Epic-Level Prestige classes used in the previous edition. Whereas PrCs were optional sub-classes that you could take to make your character more powerful, Epic Destinies are effectively mandatory. You take a Paragon path at level 21, and it bolsters you from there to level 30 -- the next step along the line from the Paragon Path.

Epic Destinies follow pretty standard motifs; they generally give you new class features at levels 21, 24 and 30, and a Daily Utility Power at level 26. Some alter this model, however. Many Epic Destinies allow you to cheat death, gaining a special restorative power as their level 24 power. All epic destinies come with a flavorful "immortality" feature, describing one probable fate for you after you hit level 31 and are retired from play. Although some Epic Destinies are tied into specific classes, many instead are more generalistic in tone.

Really, it's a pretty awesome concept. Want to become a fledgling god? A good-aligned lich? Somebody who travels the multiverse at will? A dragon? An immortal bastion against the forces of pure evil or the Far Realm? The genesis of an entire new planet/plane of existence/multiverse? Master of time itself? All of these and more are possible with Epic Destinies.

if you want to see the complete list, with sources and all of the original fluff, check out the Funin.space archive: http://funin.space/compendium/epicdestiny/

Generalist Epic Destinies

As their name suggests, these Epic Destinies are extremely open in origin. Many require at most belonging to a power source, but others have at most vague requirements (a feat, sufficient ability score, etc) or simply nothing more beyond being 21st level.

  • Bahamut’s Vessel (must worship Bahamut)
  • Ceaseless Guardian (any defender class)
  • Exemplar of Evil (evil alignment)
  • Guardian of the Void
  • Harbinger of Doom [PH2:172]
  • Hordemaster [DSCS:100]
  • Indomitable champion [HotFL:245]
  • Keeper of the Everflow
  • Lorekeeper (21st level, Intelligence 21 or Wisdom 21, training in two knowledge skills) [PH2:173]
  • Marshal of Letherna
  • Prison of the Winds [Dr371:30]
  • Radiant One
  • Raven Knight (must worship the Raven Queen)
  • Sage of the Swan Tower (must worship Ioun) [Dr397]
  • Shiradi Champion (any nonevil alignment)
  • Twilight Tribune
  • Wild Hunter

Deadly Trickster

Rogues, bards, and other trickster types who reach the levels of the epic adventurer find themselves regarded with great distrust, for such power in the hands of one guided by a love of mischief above all else can save or doom with equal ease. Should such a Deadly Trickster use their powers for good, then they will go be remembered forever as beloved saviors - but if they use their power to hinder and harm, then their names will become curses spat forever more.

This Epic Destiny is found in the Player's Handbook 1 and is open to any character with .

At 21st level, you gain the Sly Fortune's Favor feature, which lets you reroll a D20 roll of your choice 3 times per day.

At 24th level, you gain the Trickster's Control feature, which means that if you roll an 18-20 for your first attack roll with a daily or encounter attack power, that power is not expended.

At 26th level, you gain the Epic Trick Daily Utility power, which lets you spend a minor action to gain one of the following benefits: regain all hit points and healing surges, automatically save against all "save ends" effects on you, regain all expended encounter powers, or regain all expended daily powers - except this one; Epic Trick only recharges if you complete an extended rest.

At 30th level, you gain the Trickster's Disposition feature lets you declare a D20 roll of the DM's to be an automatic 1, which cannot be re-rolled, once per day.


In its way the purest and simplest of the Epic Destinies, Demigods are mortal adventurers who seek to carve out a place in the Astral Sea. Whether they will content themselves to serve another god or will strike out to make their own place in the pantheon is their business, but the way will always be long, hard and perilous.

This Epic Destiny is found in the Player's Handbook 1 and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Divine Spark feature, which increases two ability scores of your choice by +2.

At 24th level, you gain the Divine Recovery feature, which causes you to automatically regain hit points equal to half your maximum hit points the first time you are reduced to 0 hit points. This feature works once per day.

At 26th level, you gain the Divine Regeneration Daily Utility power, which grants you Regeneration equal to your highest ability score until the end of the encounter as a minor action.

At 30th level, you gain the Divine Miracle feature, which causes you to automatically recharge one Encounter power of your choice whenever you expend your last available Encounter power. Yes, you get to recharge a Encounter power of your choice when that one is spent too. And then another, and another... you can never run out of Encounter powers in the middle of a fight is what we're saying.

Eternal Seeker

The Eternal Seekers are cosmic vagabonds; free of the boundaries and guidelines of destiny itself, they are the ultimate free spirits, seeking only their own vision of what destiny may be.

This Epic Destiny is found in the Player's Handbook 1 and is open to Any Character.

Its 21st level feature is Seeker of the Many Paths, which lets them choose new class encounter or daily powers from any class they wish, although they don't gain class features that may be tied into those powers - an Eternal Seeker Fighter who learns a Wizard power or a Cleric power does not gain the ability to use Implements or Holy Symbols.

Its 24th level feature is Eternal Action, which means that when they spend an action point to take an extra action, they also gain a bonus action on their next turn, which does not benefit from their Action Point feature of their Paragon Path.

It's 26th level feature is Seeker's Lore, which grants them a 22nd level utility power from a class of their choosing.

Its 30th level feature is Seeking Destiny, which grants them the 24th level feature from another Epic Destiny of their choice.

Emergent Primordial

Introduced in Heroes of the Elemental Chaos, the Emergent Primordial is a character who has become spiritually meshed with a Primordial, imbuing them with the power to tap into its elemental might. Their ultimate destiny is to either merge with it, or destroy it.

Qualifying for this ED requires that the character have either the Elemental Origin, the Born of the Elements feat, or any Elemental power.

At 21st level, you gain the Primordial Rebirth feature: +2 to one ability score of your choice, Origin changes to Elemental, and you gain both Resistance 15 and +3 to damage rolls with your choice of either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder.

At 24th level, you gain the Primordial Rebirth feature... again. This is your "once per day, when you die" feature; regain HP equal to your Bloodied value, and all allies within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. Additionally, all allies within 10 squares with this Epic Destiny gain +20 temporary hit points and can shift 1 square as a free action.

At 26th level, you gain the Primordial Form feature, your daily utility power. As a minor action, you can assume the form of a Huge Elemental, in which form you gain +2 Reach, Resist 5 to all damage, and a +4 damage rolls with melee attacks and attacks that have the Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder keywords.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Primordial Ascendance feature; when you score a critical hit or reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hitpoints, each ally within 5 squares gains +10 temporary hit points and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Lord of Chaos

In the ancient days of the world, a race known as the Reigar - a human-like people who revered personal freedom, expression, and artistry above all things, and who were all natural Wild Mages - abandoned the material realms to pursue the power that could be found in the Elemental Chaos. Here, they learned to master the purest form of chaos magic, the power to create, transform, and destroy with purest thought. This discovery elevated them to a race of living godlings; self-centered, capricious, and driven only by their desire to experience new sensations and outdo each other in creative works. The brightest of the Reigar foresaw that this would ultimately doom them to dwindle and stagnate, and so they crafted a hyper-spell of their own design; a sentient, self-guiding force that would seek out brilliant and worthy souls and gift them with the powers of the Reigar, allowing them to preserve the race by preserving their spirit. Such Lords of Chaos are one in a million; brilliant, beautiful, willful and creative all at once, enough to be considered worthy heirs to the Reigar. Those Lords of Chaos who survive to master their powers go on to achieve many things, always drawn to the challenge of shaping and ordering their own private universe.

This Epic Destiny is found in Heroes of the Elemental Chaos and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Awakening feature, which transforms your Origin to Immortal (if it wasn't already) and gives you +2 Charisma. It also allows you to create a singular shakti, part artistic sigil and part tool, a token of pure chaos-stuff that you can turn into a +5 magic weapon, +5 magic armor, +5 implement, or +5 amulet of protection at will, choosing whichever form suits you best. Your shakti turns to dust if somehow removed from you, but you can recreate it as a minor action. The value of its tool settings increases to +6 at 26th level.

At 24th level, you gain the Rapid Reincarnation feature, which lets you, once per day, choose to dissolve your body into golden motes of light and revive at a point of your choosing up to 1 mile away with hit points equal to your bloodied value instead of taking a death saving throw. Reviving when you use this feature takes between 1 minute and 1 hour.

At 26th level, you gain the Whim of Creation Daily Utility power, which lets you use a minor action to remove difficult terrain, create difficult terrain, or create nondamaging weather conditions of your choice in a close burst 5. Whichever effect you desire, it lasts as long as you wish.

At 30th level, you gain the Master of Chaos feature, which lets you teleport yourself or the triggering enemy up to 10 squares as a free action whenever you bloody an enemy or score a critical hit against an enemy.

Thief of Legend

Stories abound of rogues who could achieve impossible feats of thievery. Tales are told of thieves who could steal the crowns from the heads of kings and queens without their royal victims noticing, move so stealthily that death itself couldn't notice them, and outwit gods - thieves who could steal laughter, memories, the color of a painting! You are one of these impossible rogues. You are a Thief of Legend - and you will prove it, or die trying.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any character Trained in Stealth and Thievery.

At 21st level, you gain the Uncanny Prowess feature, which grants you +2 Dexterity and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.

At 24th level, you gain the Steal Back The Soul feature; when you die, after 1 hour, your body and possessions vanish. 24 hours after this, you reappear alive and at full hitpoints at a safe place of your choosing, that is familiar to you, and that is on the same plane where you died. In addition, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or fewer, you can steal something intangible from that creature, such as the color of the creature’s eyes or its memories of its kingdom. The mechanical effects of this theft, if any, are left to the Dungeon Master.

At 26th level, you gain the Impossible Theft Daily Utility power. When you touch an unattended object or vehicle, you can teleport it to a safe location of your determination (which must A: be a place that you have been, B: be on the same plane, and C: cannot result in harm to any creature or the target) as a standard action.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Undetectable Thief feature, which grants you a passive Stealth score equal to 10 + your Stealth modifier. Any creature that has a passive Perception lower than your passive Stealth score, or that has an active Perception check result that does not equal or surpass your passive Stealth score, cannot see you unless you choose to let that creature see you.

Unyielding Sentinel

Every adventurer has some role to play in conflict. Yours is to hold the line. You will die before you let them get past. In fact, you probably have died before retreating, maybe more than once. It doesn't matter. Your duty, your destiny, is to plant yourself on that spot when your allies need you and hold the line. You are the unflinching shield of those in your charge, and your resilience can never be doubted. In the greatest conflict of the quest, you shall be the rock of the eternal shore, and your enemies will crash against you and be broken. If this requires you to break as well, then what of it? Live or die, your story will be told forever, for none will forget that you held the line.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any Class with the Defender role (Fighter, Paladin, Swordmage, Warden, Battlemind).

At 21st level, you gain the Stalwart Guard feature, which grants you +2 Constitution and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.

At 24th level, you gain the Unbreakable feature, which lets you roll twice when you make saving throws (including death saving throws) and pick the result to use.

At 26th level, you gain the Undying Vanguard Daily Utility power. As a minor action, you can enter the Undying Vanguard Stance. Until the stance ends, you cannot be subjected to forced movement unless you choose, you do not grant combat advantage, you automatically reduce all ongoing damage to 0, and you are immune to the auras of your enemies if you choose to be.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Vigor of Battle feature, which lets you regain hit points as if you'd spent a healing surge by dropping a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points. You only gain this healing once per round, even if you kill multiple enemies in that round.

Prison of the Winds

The dominion of Hestavar in the Astral Sea is famously scarred by the Dawn War, as a Primordial of storms and wind named Heur-Ket assaulted the place and has been trapped there every since. To maintain the bindings, mortal adventurers of great power are used to seal away a small but crucial fragment of the Primordial's essence. But there have been many of these Prisons of the Winds over the eons; all have succumbed to Heur-Ket's power and been unraveled from within, discorporating under the relentless assault on their very soul. But new Prisons continue to step forth, and ultimately, there will come one who will either destroy the Primordial totally - or set it free to ravage the multiverse again.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #371, in the article "Hestavar: The Bright City", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Essence of Heur-Ket feature, which grants you +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, and +2 Speed.

At 24th level, you gain the Storm Surge feature, which lets you, once per day, use a free action when dropped to 0 hit points to spend a healing surge (or gain HP equal to your Constitution score, if you haven't got any left) and unleash a blast of wind which pushes all creatures within 5 squares of you a number of squares equal to your Constitution modifier before knocking them prone.

At 26th level, you gain the Fury of Heur-Ket Daily Utility power, which lets you enter a stance as a minor action in which you gain a fly (hover) speed equal to your land speed and can choose to either push an adjacent enemy squares equal to your Constitution modifier or knock it prone when you hit it with a melee attack.

At 30th level, you gain the Storm Form feature, which causes you to become Insubstantial when you are bloodied and lose this trait when you stop being bloodied.


The Shadowfell may be a dark and sinister plane, but it is still home to many, either because they were born there, or because they revel in the powers that the darkness can grant, or simply because they see a reflection of their own soul in its bleak and sinister environs. The Darklords seek to master the Shadowfell, binding themselves to its sinister magic and learning to shape it to their will. The mightiest of these will succeed, their history and their soul finding reflection in a strange and eerie kingdom that births itself from the cold mists of that realm, creating a place that they are blessed - or cursed - to rule forever more.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Stand in Two Worlds feature, which lets you use either the Planar Portal ritual (Prime Material to Shadowfell or vice-versa only) or the Sahdow Walk ritual for free once per day.

At 24th level, you gain the Return from the Shadowfell feature, which lets you revive yourself after being slain at the start of your next turn, healing to full health and gaining concealment and phasing until the encounter's end.

At 26th level, you gain the Shadow Stride Daily Utility power, which lets you teleport 20 squares as a move action, becoming invisible until either the encounter ends or you are hit by an attack when you reappear in your destination square.

At 30th level, you gain the Thrall in Death feature, which lets you revive any enemy you slay as a dominated 1 hit point minion; all such death-thralls are destroyed at the end of the encounter.


The multiverse is a source of endless fascination to those who can understand the scope of it. The Keybearers are those whose love of exploration meant that their awareness of the planes was a source of purest joy, promising them an infinity of realms to explore as they see fit. For the mightiest of these mystical travelers, soon, even the planes are not enough. Alien planets, alternate realities, even time itself can open up for the most determined Keybearer.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Portal Mastery feature, which lets you cast either Linked Portal or Planar Portal for free 1/day and lets you, 1/day, respond to being killed by healing to your bloodied value and teleporting to a permanent teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you have memorized on whichever plane you prefer.

At 24th level, you gain the Traveler's Tricks feature, which lets you teleport 5 squares as a free action whenever you roll an 18+ on an attack roll.

At 26th level, you gain the Reality Distortion Daily Utility power, which lets you spend a standard action to create a close burst 3 zone that lasts until the end of your next turn, but which can be sustained until the end of your next turn again with a standard action. This zone moves with you when you move, ensuring you remain at its center. While you remain in this zone, you gain an extra move action but any other creature that starts its turn within the zone must roll 1d6 to see what happens to it:

1—The target blinks out of existence until the start of its next turn. When it reappears, it returns to the space it left or the closest available space.
2—The target is dazed and immobilized until the start of its next turn.
3—The target is slowed and weakened until the start of

its next turn.

4—The target gains vulnerable 15 to all attacks until the start of its next turn.
5—The target grants combat advantage to all targets

and takes a –5 penalty to all saving throws until the start of its next turn.

6—The target blinks out of existence until the start of its next turn. When it reappears, it returns to the space it left or the closest available space.

At 30th level, you gain the Unfettered Passage feature, which grants you the Phasing trait; you ignore difficult terrain and can move through obstacles and other creatures, but must end your movement in an unoccupied space.


The Astral Sea abounds in dominions; proto-worlds and godly kingdoms, fashioned from the raw stuff of the soul itself. To the Planeshaper, this is an opportunity like nothing else: the chance to breathe life into a world entirely of their own vision. Whilst they start small, for those few who have the greatest drive (and luck), eventually, they may see themselves as progenitors to whole new worlds.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Ultimate Adaptation feature, which grants you +2 Intelligence and lets you designate one encounter power at the end of each extended rest; this designated power can be used twice per encounter.

At 24th level, you gain the Astral Critical feature, which allows you to temporarily banish any enemy you inflict a critical hit against to your astral seed, removing them from the battlefield until the start of your next turn.

At 26th level, you gain the Planar Refuge Daily Utility power, which lets you spend a standard action to teleport yourself and each willing ally within a close 5 burst to your astral seed; you reappear in the space you vacated at the start of your next turn, but you can spend a healing surge and recharge one encounter power.

At 30th level, you gain the Shape Reality feature, which grants you an aura 10 in which you can reshape reality as you see fit. Once during each of your turns, you can alter the environment in any of the following ways by spending a minor action:

  • Change the temperature. Creatures that start their turns within your aura automatically take 15 cold damage or 15 fire damage (your choice). You can spend another minor action to return the temperature to normal, eliminating this damaging effect.
  • Permanently transform any squares of difficult terrain within your aura into normal terrain.
  • Permanently transform any squares of normal terrain within your aura into difficult terrain.
  • Create breathable air in any or all squares.
  • Fill 9 unoccupied squares with a solid surface, such as stone or wood. If you fill a square with a solid surface that is not attached to another surface (in other words, you create a stone slab 5 squares up in the air), the surface hovers in place.

Prince of Hell

Baator offers a siren call to many souls, tempting them to risk their immortal existences for temporal power. That's not enough for those who would call themselves Prince of Hell. They will not merely take the power that the Nine Hells offer, they will turn that power on the devils themselves, carving out their own demesne in which to reign. It's a risky gambit... but, it's not impossible.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Infernal Form feature, which grants you +2 Charisma, Resist Fire 20 + 1/2 level, the Darkvision racial trait, and the Immortal Origin.

At 24th level, you gain the Hellfire Master feature, which means your fire attacks ignore fire resistance, and you can choose to apply the Fire keyword to one encounter attack power of your choice at the end of each short rest. Powers that already had an elemental damage keyword now do both types of damage.

At 26th level, you gain the Infernal Allies Daily Utility power, which lets you summon four Legion Devil Legionnaires within a close burst 3. These devils act according to your orders (free action) on your initiative count, and they gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls as long as you are conscious and alive. Each devil remains until it is killed, until you dismiss it (a free action), or until the end of the encounter.

At 30th level, you gain the Brimstone Step feature, which grants you a teleport speed of 5 and causes all creatures adjacent to you when you teleport away to take 10 fire damage.

Punisher of the Gods

Vengeance is a power that surpasses all others, at least so preach those who attain the mantle of Punisher of the Gods. So dedicated are they to the grim business of bloody retribution that even the gods admire their stalwart dedication to punishment, raising them up as slayers of their enemies, and perhaps, in a distant future, to the ranks of the gods themselves.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Imortal Curse Encounter Power, which lets you designate one nonminion enemy that you have damaged within a close burst 10 as a free action. Whenever you score a critical hit against the target of your immortal curse, you gain 1 action point. You must use this action point before the end of your next turn, and doing so does not count toward the once per encounter restriction on spending action points. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target drops to 0 hit points, at which point you regain the use of this power.

At 24th level, you gain the Devourer of Fate feature, which grants you a +5 bonus to saving throws against save-ends effects caused by the target of your Immortal Curse, and lets you make a saving throw when the target of your Immortal Curse makes an attack that could reduce you to 0 HP; if this save succeeds, that attack inflicts no damage and you can spend a healing surge.

At 26th level, you gain the Repel Legions Daily Utility power, which lets you create a Close Burst 3 zone of destruction and repulsion that lasts until the end of your next turn as a standard action. You can use a minor action to sustain the zone until the end of your next turn. This zone moves with you, always keeping you at its center. An enemy that starts its turn within the zone takes 15 radiant and necrotic damage and is pushed 3 squares away from you. If an enemy starts its turn within the zone and ends its turn adjacent to you, you can push that enemy 5 squares as a free action.

At 30th level, you gain the Bringer of Dooms feature, which causes you to automatically inflict maximum damage when you hit the target of your Immortal Curse.

Storm Sovereign

Many beings see and respect the power of the storm, but none are as dedicated to mastering it as the Storm Sovereign, the ultimate controller of wind, thunder, and lighting. Those who survive to attain the peaks of their powers are ultimately compelled to abandon the mortal realm for the Elemental Chaos, where they can embrace their full elemental might and ascend to the ranks of the Primordials.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to Any Character.

At 21st level, you gain the Stormborn feature, which grants you +2 Constitution as well as Resist Lightning and Resist Thunder 15 + 1/2 your level, and changes your Origin to Elemental.

At 24th level, you gain the Thunder and Lightning feature, which lets you react to being slain once per day by discorporating into a storm of elemental fury. You heal to one-half hit points and gain the insubstantial and phasing qualities. You gain an aura 5, and when enemies begin their turns inside that aura they automatically take 15 lightning and thunder damage, and you can slide that enemy 3 squares. You can use encounter and at-will powers, but you cannot use daily powers, activate magic items, or perform rituals. If you die in elemental storm form, you are dead. At the end of the encounter, after a short rest, you reconstitute yourself from the base elements. Your current hit point total is unchanged, but you no longer experience the other benefits and drawbacks from being in elemental storm form.

At 26th level, you gain the Scion of Chaos Daily Utility power, which lets you make a close burst 5 as an immediate interrupt when an enemy makes an attack against you. You choose a new target for the attack, which must be within the burst and the reach or range of the attack. Additionally, the attack roll for that attack is now considered to be a natural 20, regardless of what the original roll was.

At 30th level, you gain the Cyclone's Master feature, which grants you a Fly Speed equal to your Speed +2, the Hover trait, an Aura 5 that negates the thunder & lightning resistances of any other creature that enters or begins its turn within it, and lets you change the damage typing of your attacks to lightning or thunder at will.

Campaign-Specific Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies were tied into the three campaign settings that D&D 4e pursued; Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Dark Sun. Obviously, they're best suited to those campaigns, and so may pose issues trying to reuse in other settings.

Forgotten Realms


Like the Demigod, the Chosen has awakened a spark of divinity within themselves. Unlike the Demigod, the Chosen has done so by bowing to the will of a power greater than themselves and through in their patron deity; a Chosen lives to serve the will of their patron, and hopes to one day rise to the rank of an Exarch - a lesser deity that will act on behalf of their god for all eternity.

This Epic Destiny is found in both the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide and Divine Power and requires that the character be 21st Level.

Mechanically, this Epic Destiny is identical to the Demigod Epic Destiny, except that it replaces the level 26 utility power Divine Regeneration with a new utility power based on which god they worship. Because this appeared in the Forgotten Realms, only the 4e "greater gods" have valid powers:

  • Amaunator: Renewing Dawn: After you invoke this power as a minor action, whenever you or an ally spends a Healing Surge, this power deals Radiant damage equal to your level + your Charisma modifier to an enemy within 5 squares of the creature that spent the healing surge. You can sustain this power as a minor action.
  • Chauntea: Horn of Life: You can spend a minor action to let yourself or one ally within a close burst 20 spend a Healing Surge. At the start of each of your subsequent turns, your ally with the fewest hitpoints above 0 gains Regeneration 20 until the start of your next turn. This effect persists until the end of your encounter or you become unconscious.
  • Corellon: High Arcana: Invoke this power as a minor action to affect yourself and all allies within a close burst 10 with one of two effects; a +2 power bonus to attack rolls, or a +2 power bonus to all defenses against arcane attacks. Either way, the effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
  • Kelemvor: True Death: Invoke this as a minor action to hit all undead creatures within a close burst 10. All creatures struck lose their resistances, the insubstantial quality and the ability to recharge powers until they make 2 saving throws. You also regain 2d20 hit points for each enemy hit.
  • Moradin: Forge of Creation: Invoke this power with a minor action to let you and any allies who hit with at least one attack regain their second wind, regain one healing surge and gain the use of another daily magic item power. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
  • Oghma: Supreme Knowledge: When you are hit by an attack against Fortitude, Reflex or Will, you can use this power as an immediate interrupt. It lets you make a monster knowledge check that corresponds to the creature attacking you; if the check result is higher than its attack roll, then the attack misses.
  • Selune: Waxing Fortune: Invoke this power as a minor action to gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to the number of bloodied yet conscious creatures that are within 10 squares of you at the start of your turn. This effect lasts until the end of your encounter.
  • Silvanus: Divine Regeneration: This is the same power that the Demigod gets.
  • Sune: Sune's Censure: As a minor action, choose two creatures within close burst 20; one of the targeted creatures gains the vulnerabilities of the other, with both remaining vulnerable in this way until the encounter's end, even if they were originally only temporarily vulnerable. If neither target is vulnerable to any specific damage types, then they gain Vulnerable 5 All until the end of the encounter.
  • Tempus: Tempus's Glare: Invoke this power as a minor action to cause every creature that attacks you and fails to hit to take damage equal to 1/2 its level. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter.
  • Torm: Battle Judgment: When you drop an enemy to 0 HP with a melee attack, you can invoke this power as a free action to regain hit points equal to the damage that you dealt with the attack.

The Divine Power version also has a selection of powers for the chief gods of Nentir Vale:

  • Avandra: Freedom is Life: As a minor action, this gives everyone within 20 squares a +10 to all saving throws until the end of next turn.
  • Bahamut: Sheltering Wings: Invoke as a minor action to grant you and one adjacent ally HP equal to your bloodied value.
  • Corellon: High Arcana: Invoke as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you and any allies within close burst 10 can choose between +2 to implement attack rolls or +4 to all non-armor defenses each turn.
  • Erathis: Anthem of Progress: As a minor action, you and all allies within close burst 10 can now score a crit with at-wills on a hit roll of 16 or better.
  • Ioun: Unerring Knowledge: Invoke as a minor action to grant one ally within 10 squares a bonus action on their next turn. You can continue this on future turns, but you cannot target any ally twice during an encounter.
  • Kord: Test of Strength: Invoke as a minor action so you and an adjacent enemy can make a free melee basic attack. If you deal more damage, you can take a free standard action with +4 to any attacks made.
  • Melora: Wild Surge: Invoke as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you and any allies within burst 5 can score a crit with their daily attacks on an 18 or higher.
  • Moradin: Forge of Creation: See above
  • Pelor: Celestial Balance: Invoke as an immediate interrupt. If anyone within close burst 10 spends an action point, you or one creature can spend a healing surge and gain +1 to all defenses for the encounter.
  • Raven Queen: Death is Nigh: As a minor action, if an ally fails a death save, you and your allies gain +2 to all attack rolls for the campaign.
  • Sehanine: Horns of the Moon: Invoke as a minor action. For the rest of the encounter, each turn has you give one ally +2 to attack and one enemy -2 to all defenses as a free action.

Elf High Mage

The most powerful and revered of all the sylvan mages, the Elf High Mage is an elf or eladrin wizard who has mastered the art of crafting Mythals; extremely potent, long-lasting ritual-based spells that can affect massive areas with near-permanent effects. The mightiest of these Elven High Mages will ultimately either pass on Arvandor as a near god-like figure of magical might, revered by their sylvan kinsfolk, or else will make the ultimate sacrifice by merging themselves with a Mythal, imbuing it with the power to heal, grow and change over time, whilst also allowing their spirit to be summoned forth from the Mythal in times of greatest need.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon #367. Qualifying for it requires that the character be 21st level, Elf or Eladrin race, and Wizard class.

At 21st level, you gain the features One With Magic' and High Magic. The former grants you +2 wisdom, lets you use the Detect Magic function of the Arcana skill as a free action on your turn, and roll three d20 at end of each extended rest; the results rolled can be expended to replace the results of an arcane attack roll or an Arcana check. The latter means that you gain a +5 bonus to Arcana checks made as part of casting rituals, and halve the cost of rituals. You can also perform acts of High Magic, but these are essentially campaign story events, as they require months or years of work and unique reagents or components in order to perform drastic effects, such as crafting enormous fortress-cities from living earth or wood or laying protective wards over huge areas.

At 24th level, you gain the Sustained by Magic feature. Once per day when you become bloodied or reach 0 hit points, you can heal yourself by expending an arcane attack power. If you expend an encounter attack power, you can spend a healing surge, end one condition currently affecting you, and teleport up to 10 squares. If you expend a daily attack power, you can spend 1 or 2 healing surges, end all conditions currently affecting you, and teleport up to 20 squares. The power you expend has no other effect.

At 26th level, you gain the Daily Utility power Starshine Upon the People, which requires a minor action and affects all allies within a close burst 10, letting them spend a healing surge and immediately make a saving throw against one "save ends" condition affecting them. All targeted eladrin, elf and half-elf allies also gain a +1 power bonus to their attack rolls until the end of the encounter.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Empowered by Life feature. When you have no healing surges left, you can choose to use the tension of the boundary between your life and your death to power your magic. You can use an encounter power you have already expended or gain a +4 bonus to any attack roll with a spell. At the end of your turn after doing either, you lose hit points equal to one-quarter your maximum hit points. You can use a daily power you have already expended or turn a hit with a spell into a critical hit. At the end of your turn after doing either, you lose hit points equal to one-half your maximum hit points. You can do more than one of these in a single turn.

Harper of Legend

Many are Those Who Harp, but only a privileged few can call themselves Master Harpers. And of these, few can be said to call themselves worthy of being deemed a Harper of Legend, one so true to the Harper creed and so honored that they have earned the divine blessings of the Seven Gods of the Dancing Place - Corellon, Mielikki, Mystra, Oghma, Selûne, Silvanus, and Tymora. When death inevitably claims them, such an individual can look forward to an afterlife as a Ghost Harper, one of the noble spirits that watches over the Harpers and seeks to preserve their traditions.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon #367. Qualifying for it requires that the character be 21st level, be Lawful Good or Good Aligned, have training in 2 skills from a list of Diplomacy, Insight, Nature and Stealth, and have membership in the Harpers.

At 21st level, you gain the Harper's Study feature, which grants you a bonus encounter power which is a 13th or lower level encounter power from your class (or any of your classes, if you are hybrid/multiclassed). You can retrain this choice later, but the bonus power must always have a level at least 6 levels below your character level.

At 24th level, you gain the feature Blessing of Mielikki, which means you start the day with 2 action points and, when an enemy spends an action point, you gain the ability to spend 1 additional action point in that encounter.

At 26th level, you gain the Daily Utility Power Tymora Smiles, which can be invoked as a free action to either end a "save ends" condition or to turn an enemy's critical hit against you into a mist.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Spectral Harpist feature: once per day, when you die, your body disintegrates into silver dust and your spirit walks free. You regain your maximum hitpoints, but lose half your remaining healing surges, and enter spectral form; in this form, you have the traits Insubstantial, Phasing, Immunity (Poison) and Resistance (Necrotic) 30. You reform your body after your next extended rest, but if you die in spectral form, then you are dead.

Mythic Sovereign

You are a foretold sovereign, destined to rule with wisdom and prowess. Basically, this is the Legendary Sovereign ED with references to Forgotten Realms kingdoms and rulers sprinkled on it.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon #367. Qualifying for it requires that the character be 21st level, and have the Fighter, Paladin, Ranger or Warlord Class.

Mechanically, this Epic Destiny is identical to the Legendary Sovereign, except that it lacks the Legendary Presence trait (so no +2 Charisma bonus) and its daily utility power is renamed Sword of Valor instead of Sword of the Sovereign.

Seriously, this is basically the setting-fluff-specific beta version of the Legendary Sovereign. Take that one instead.


Ironically, at least half of these Epic Destinies have a flavor sufficiently generic that it could work for any setting, and even the Eberron Player's Guide admits this.

Champion of Prophecy

You always knew that you were special. And your feelings have been proven true. You are a character chosen by destiny - in Eberron, your coming was foretold in the Draconic Prophecy itself. You shall achieve great things, and your deeds shall foretell the coming of future champions, weaving a story that stretches back and forth through time.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Eberron Player's Guide. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level features are Prophetic Blessing, which grants you a +2 to both one Physical Stat (Str/Dex/Con) and to one Mental Stat (Int/Wis/Cha) of your choice, and Unstoppable Prophecy, which means you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls until encounter's end whenever you fail a death saving throw.

Your 24th level feature is Critical Junction, which lets you spend a Healing Surge whenever you land a critical hit.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Prophetic Certainty, an Encounter Utilty which can be triggered as a minor action and which grants you a bonus to the next attack roll that you make before the end of your next turn; this bonus equals +2 per milestone that you've reached since your last extended rest.

Your 30th level feature is Prophetic Renewal, which lets you opt to regain an expended daily attack power instead of an action point when you reach a milestone.

Dispossessed Champion

War. War never changes. Across the many worlds and throughout the many planes, war brings ruin and destruction, leaving peoples dispossessed; cast out from their homes and set adrift to roam the land at the whims of fate and the mercy of others. You arose from such a people, and have sworn to do something about it. Whether by sword or by spell, diplomacy or force, you shall found a nation to let your people have hope and prosperity once more. Should you succeed, then truly you shall be a Dispossessed Champion, your name going down in the legends of your people, becoming a symbol of hope eternal and promise for a better future.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Eberron Player's Guide. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level feature is Lead to Victory, which means that whenever you shift, each ally within your line of sight can shift closer to you as a free action, shifting the same number of squares that you did.

Your 24th level feature is Burden of Leadership, which lets you spend a healing surge to heal an adjacent enemy equal to their healing surge value whenever they are bloodied by an enemy attack.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Legendary Defense, a Daily Utility which lets you enter a Stance as a Minor Action. Until this stance ends, all allies within 3 squares have Resistance (10) to All Damage and are Immune to Fear, whilst you can use a minor action once per round to grant an ally within 3 squares the ability to use a melee or ranged basic attack as a free action.

Your 30th level feature is Driven by Duty, which means that the first time you drop to 0 hit points after an extended rest, you can spend a healing surge as an immediate interrupt. If you do, all allies who can see you regain 2d6 HP, with HP beyond their maximum hit points score being retained as temporary HP.

Mourning Savior

When the Day of Mourning dawned and the Mournland was created, Khorvaire was devastated. None yet know whence the Mourning came, or why. But the Draconic Prophecy speaks of one who shall come; a Mourning Savior, who shall battle the monsters that plague the ravaged ruins of Cyre and ultimately sacrifice themselves to cleanse the Mournland and breathe life back into the ravaged lands once more.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Eberron Player's Guide. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level feature is Mournland Dedicate, which grants you a +5 bonus to skill challenges related to the Mournland, makes you immune to Mournland affliction, lets you ignore obstacles and fantastic terrain unique to the Mournland, and lets you and all allies within 5 squares of you benefit from healing powers whilst within the Mournland. Outside of the Mournland, healing powers targeting you or an ally within 5 squares of you heal a further +2d6 hit points.

Your 24th level feature is Memory of Cyre, which means that when you spend an action point to take an extra action, all non-undead and non-construct enemies adjacent to you suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls and all of their defenses (save ends).

Your 26th level Utility Power is Cleansing Presence, a Daily Utility you can use as a Standard Action to affect a Close Burst 20; all allies within the area of effect can spend a healing surge (with excess HP being retained as temporary HP), and all magical or supernatural-based fantastic terrain within the area of effect is permanently negated.

Your 30th level feature is Cyran Vengeance, which causes you to gain an action point the first time that you become bloodied in an encounter; this action point must be spent before the end of your next turn, but it doesn't count against your normal action point limits, and if you use this action point to attack an undead or aberration type creature, gain a bonus to the attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.

Sublime Flame

The Silver Flame was born from the souls of virtuous heroes, and it constantly seeks out like-minded souls. Those who prove worthy are scourged clean of darkness, filled with its purifying light and imbued with the power to serve as a vessel for the Silver Flame. These are the Sublime Flames, and whilst their ultimate fate shall be to merge with the fires of righteousness and fuel them to burn against the darkness of evil and sorrow, until that time, they shall wield the Flame's power to punish the agents of evil.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Eberron Player's Guide. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level, have a Divine Class and Worship the Silver Flame.

Your 21st level feature is Chosen of the Flame, which lets you select one of your Daily attack powers with the Fire or Radiant keyword at the end of each extended rest; the chosen power can be used 2/day.

Your 24th level feature is Argent Vessel, which comes into play the first time you drop to 0 hit points after an extended rest. When this happens, each adjacent enemy takes 10 fire damage and 10 Radiant damage, and each adjacent ally regains 20 hit points, whilst at the start of your next turn, you regain hit points equal to your healing surge value.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Silver Flame's Embrace, a Daily Utility which lets you enter a stance as an Immediate Reaction to being bloodied by an enemy. In this stance, you gain +2 to all defenses and saving throws, and whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, it must succeed on a saving throw or become blinded until the start of its next turn.

Your 30th level feature is Wrath of the Silver Flame, which causes your Radiant attack powers to deal +2d6 Fire damage and your Fire attack powers to deal +2d6 Radiant damage.

Reborn Champion

This is not the first life that you have lived. You achieved great things - if not necessarily virtuous ones - in your first life. Guided by the memory of who you was, you once more walk the path to greatness as a Reborn Champion. In Eberron, you are probably one of the champion-clones crafted by Mordain the Fleshweaver, and probably spent your childhood (or what passed for it) hidden in the village of Dolurrh's Dawn with other such clones and guarded from the hostile world by the Forest of Flesh... or perhaps you were brought back by the Draconic Prophecy itself. On other worlds, who knows what brought you back from the dead; a divine blessing, a loose stitch in the fabric of destiny, a curse, perhaps your own will. Whatever the cause, the reality is that you are here. And when you have achieved your goals, and faded from the world's eye, who knows? You already cheated death at least once: maybe you will return again...

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon #365. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level feature is Deeds of Song and Story, which lets you replace the results of a skill check with a 20 three times per day.

Your 24th level feature is Legends Never Die, which replaces the Death Saving Throw table from the PHB with this alternative one:

7 or less: You slip one step closer to death. If you get this result four times before you take a rest, you die.
8-17: No change.
18+: Spend a healing surge. When you do so, you are considered to have 0 hit points, and then your healing surge restores hit points as normal. You are no longer dying, and you are conscious but still prone. If you roll 18 or higher but have no healing surges left, your condition doesn’t change.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Stance of Legend, a Daily Utility which lets you enter a stance as a Minor Action. In this stance, you gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws. You can end this stance at any time during your turn as a free action, which lets you either regain your healing surge value in hit points or end all "save ends" conditions you are under.

Your 30th level feature is Legendary Action, which lets you take an extra standard action as a free action whenever you score a critical hit on your turn.

Heir of Siberys

Dragonmarks are the building blocks from which the demihuman peoples of Eberron have risen to their present glory. But not all Dragonmarks are created equal. Some souls are chosen by destiny to bear the Dragonmarks of Siberys; the greatest and most powerful versions of all Dragonmarks. Often, these individuals were not originally marked, but found the mark coming to them when they became the individual that destiny required them to be. No wonder then that these individuals are considered the Heirs of Siberys, for their very existence is intertwined with the Draconic Prophecy. And perhaps this life shall not be their last...

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon #388. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level features are Blessing of Siberys, which grants you +2 to two ability scores of your choice, and Will of Siberys, which grants you a cumulative +2 bonus to saving throws each time that you fail a saving throw against an effect with the "save ends" trait. This bonus is lost when you do end that effect.

Your 24th level feature is Lifeblood of Siberys, which lets you spend 2 healing surges once per day when you are either reduced to 0 hit points or fail a death saving throw.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Siberys Mark, which grants you a single Siberys Dragonmark of your choice. All Siberys Dragonmarks are Daily Utility powers.

  • Siberys Mark of Detection: Grant yourself Blindsight 10 until the encounter's end as a minor action.
  • Siberys Mark of Finding: Target one creature within 20 squares as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, the target grants combat advantage to you. Your attacks against the target deal 1d6 extra damage. The target does not benefit from cover or concealment against you as long as you can see the target, and you know the target’s precise location. If the target is more than 3 squares away from you at the start of your turn, you can teleport to any square within 5 squares of the target as a move action.
  • Siberys Mark of Handling: Invoke this power as a standard action to grant yourself a bonus standard action for each turn until the encounter's end, which can only be used to use an at-will beast power, command a summoned creature, or grant your mount an attack.
  • Siberys Mark of Healing: Invoke this power as a minor action to let yourself and each ally within a close burst 10 regain hit points as if you'd spent 2 healing surges (3 healing surges if bloodied).
  • Siberys Mark of Hospitality: Invoke this power as a standard action to create a zone in a close burst 2, which lasts until encounter's end or until you move. You and all allies within this zone gain +2 to all defenses and regain +20 HP when spending a healing surge. Allies can use a move action to teleport 10 squares to any square within the zone.
  • Siberys Mark of Making: Invoke this power as a minor action to automatically sustain all "minor action sustains" powers that you cast until encounter's end. After using this power, your powers will sustain themselves even if you are stunned or unconscious.
  • Siberys Mark of Passage: As a move action, you can teleport 20 squares to any destination that you like; all allies adjacent to your starting position can choose to teleport to a square adjacent to your new location.
  • Siberys Mark of Scribing: Invoke this power as a Standard Action to create a zone with an area of burst 1 within 10 squares. All enemies within this zone gain Vulnerable 10 against all damage and your allies can score critical hits against them on a natural attack roll of 19-20. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
  • Siberys Mark of Sentinel: Invoke this power as a Minor Action to grant yourself +5 to your Will defense and automatically succeed on saves against charm effects, both traits lasting until the encounter's end.
  • Siberys Mark of Shadow: Invoke this power as a minor action to become invisible to any creature that you have cover or concealment from until the end of the encounter.
  • Siberys Mark of Storm: Invoke this power as a Standard action to create a Zone in a close burst 3 that lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain for creatures on the ground. When a creature flies to a square within the zone, you can slide that creature a number of squares equal to its fly speed as an opportunity action, and then its movement ends. You can fly your speed and hover while within the zone. In addition, thunder and lightning attacks deal 1d10 extra damage against targets within the zone.
  • Siberys Mark of Warding: Invoke this power as a Standard action to create a Zone in a close burst 3 that lasts until the end of your next turn (sustain minor). Enemies cannot enter this zone, and allies gain a +2 bonus to all defenses while within the zone, but the zone ends if a creature inside of it attacks a creature outside of it.

Your 30th level feature is Speaker of Prophecy, which means that when you use an encounter attack power and miss all targets, that power is not expended.

Dark Sun


Such is your dedication to the art of preserving that you have managed to find a place amongst the Primal Spirits themselves, who welcome you as true kin. Through their power, you ascend into a form of goodly magic and life incarnate, a champion of the preserver's call dedicated to undoing the destructive touch of defiling magic and a symbol of hope that Athas can be restored.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level and belong to an Arcane Class.

Your 21st level features are Avatar of Preservation, which means you can no longer use the Arcane Defiling ability but you cease aging and gain a bonus to death saving throws equal to half your highest ability score modifier, and Perfection of Mind, which means that any two of your Mental Stats that you select (Int, Wis, Cha) increases by +2 each.

Your 24th level feature is Avangion Transformation, which grants you low-light vision, a fly speed equal to your speed, and the abilities to speak Supernal and to understand all spoken and written languages. Furthermore, as a free action, you can illuminate all squares within 5 squares of you with bright light; whilst you are glowing in this fashion, all of your attacks count as Radiant damage in addition to their normal damage type(s).

Your 26th level Utility Power is Wings of Gold, a Daily Utility which lets you create a zone within a close burst 5 that lasts until the end of the encounter and moves with you. Within this zone, all enemies with Vulnerability (Radiant) have Vulnerability (All) instead. Additionally, all allies that start their turn within this zone can make a save to end an effect on them, even if it is not a "save ends" effect, and if they are bloodied or dying they regain 10 hit points.

Your 30th level feature is Avangion Rising, which lets you spend a healing surge as a free action whenever an ally that you can see drops to 0 hit points in order to heal that character an amount equal to your healing surge value plus your highest ability modifier.

Dragon King

Embracing the power of defiling magic, you take it to its ultimate conclusion and begin the process of ascending into an Athasian Dragon. Should you survive long enough to complete your metamorphosis, the world will tremble at your will, for it shall become your plaything - let the petty Sorcerer-Kings beware.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level

Your 21st level feature are Skin of the Dragon, which grants you low-light vision, +2 to Intimidate checks, +5 max HP and increases your healing surge value by your Constitution modifier, and Draconian Defilement, which means Arcane Defiling now grants a +2 bonus when used to reroll attack rolls and a +6 bonus when used to reroll damage rolls.

Your 24th level feature is Draconic Transformation, which grants you a Fly Speed of 8, the ability to speak Draconic, and a +2 to two ability scores of your choice chosen from Intelligence, Strength and Constititon.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Draconic Rampage, a Daily Utility that lets you assume the form of a rampaging Athasian Dragon until the encounter ends. In this form, your size increases to Large, you gain 10 temporary HP whenever a non-minion creature within 10 squares of you drops to 0 HP, and you can make a melee 1 attack (primary ability score vs. reflex) as an immediate reaction whenever an enemy willingly enters a square adjacent to you; on a hit, that enemy takes 2d8 + ability modifier damage and is knocked prone.

Your 30th level feature is Draconic Terror, which grants you access to the Scathing Breath encounter attack power (Standard, Arcane/Fire/Implement, targets all creatures in a close blast 5, attacks with primary ability score vs. Reflex, on a hit does 4d8 + ability modifier fire damage and blinds the target until the end of its next turn) and also lets you use Draconic Rampage as an encounter power without expending its daily usage. When used as an encounter power, though, Draconic Rampage lasts until the end of your next turn.


Rejecting the lies and corruption of civilization, you become the ultimate champion of freedom; brutal and ruthless perhaps, but certainly cleaner and purer than the taint fostered by the Sorcerer-Kings. Assuming that you do not fall in battle, your actions shall reshape the Tablelands - for good, or for ill...

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level.

Your 21st level features are Horde Champion, which grants you +2 to two ability scores of your choice, and Swarming Followers, which means that when you are adjacent to an enemy, any ally that starts their turn adjacent to that enemy can shift 1 square as a minor action during that turn.

Your 24th level feature is The Legend Lives On, which means that if you die and are not revived within 12 hours, one of your followers takes your place - this follower is identical to you in all mechanical details, and can be played as if they were you until and unless you are resurrected.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Persisting Command, a Daily Utility that lets you create a zone in a close burst 5 that moves with you and lasts until the end of the encounter as a minor action. In this zone, all allies gain +2 to saving throws and double their healing surge value when they spend healing surges to regain health.

Your 30th level feature is Horde Attack, which means that once per encounter, when you or an ally within 5 squares of you is bloodied, you and all allies within 5 squares of you can use an at-will attack as a free action.

Mind Lord of the Order

Through your mastery of psionic powers, you have caught the attention of the Order; a mysterious cabal of master psionicists who strive to guard the powers of the mind and keep them from being abused, lest they become as much a tool of evil as arcane magic ever was. For the sake of knowledge, if nothing else, you at least pay lip service to this cabal and allow yourself to be counted as one of its members. Whether you will stay loyal to their passive preservation of the status quo, or strike out to attain a greater goal, such as the toppling of the Sorcerer-Kings and the scourging of arcane magic entirely, well, that's up to you.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level and belong to a Psionic Class that uses Power Points (Ardent, Battlemind, Psion).

Your 21st level features are Ordered Enlightenment, which grants you +2 Intelligence and +2 Wisdom, and Mind Lord's Armor, which grants you Resistance (Psychic) 15.

Your 24th level feature is Mind Lord's Projection, which lets you project your mind into the body of a willing ally within 10 squares of you whenever you drop to 0 HP or fewer. Whilst you are riding in a host's body, you ignore any effects that you were under when in your own body, but are subject to any effects that your host is under (except for damage). If your host body dies, you can project yourself into another willing host within 10 squares of the dying host. Whilst possessing another, you occupy their space but can continue to fight as yourself; you even retain the benefit of your magic items, but you cannot trigger their powers. However, you are still tethered to your original body, which is still taking damage and making death save throws as normal whilst you possess another; if it dies, you die, and if it is healed, you return to your own body.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Synchronous Minds, which lets you spend a minor action to affect all allies within a close burst 10; these allies can immediately use an opportunity action to take a standard action, although you decide the order in which they act, and you and the targets gain telepathy 10 until the encounter's end, which can only be used to communicate with each other.

Your 30th level feature is Psionic Reservoir, which causes you to regain 6 power points the first time that you start your turn without any power points during an encounter.


Kin to the Primal Spirits in some distant way, the Pyreen are the guardians of life and the preservers of nature, seeking to topple the Sorcerer-Kings and breathe life back into a world ravaged by black magic and war. Such is your affinity for the primal magics that the Spirits have rewarded you by transforming you into one of these eternal custodians. Perhaps you will find a place to claim as your own and slowly guide it back to true life again - or maybe you shall accomplish what others only dream of and throw down the Sorcerer-Kings, topple their corrupt cities, and guide the birth of new civilizations that will shed the dark lineage of the past.

This Epic Destiny appeared in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting. To qualify for it, you need to be 21st level and belong to a Primal Class or a Primal Theme.

Your 21st level features are Child of All Races, which lets you speak and understand all languages and roll twice & choose your preferred result when you make a Diplomacy or Insight check, as well as causing you to cease to age, and Strong in Mind and Spirit, which lets you boost any two of your Mental Ability Scores (Int, Wis, Cha) by +2.

Your 24th level feature is Resurgent Spirit, which lets you react to dropping to 0 hit points by regaining HP equal to your bloodied value and becoming insubstantial until encounter's end at the start of your next turn. You can benefit from this feature once per day.

Your 26th level Utility Power is Rejuvenate the Land, a Daily Utility which can be activated as a minor action. It affects all allies in a close burst 5, and each target can choose to lose 1 or 2 healing surges. For each healing surge lost in this manner, one target regains hit points as though they had spent a healing surge and can make a saving throw against one "save ends" effect. Additionally, the targeted area becomes a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn (sustain minor); enemies treat this zone as difficult terrain and allies that end their turn in it regain 10 hit points and gain a +2 bonus to any saving throws until the start of their next turn.

Your 30th level feature is Pyreen's Restoration, which means that any ally which starts their turn adjacent to you can immediately make a saving throw against one "save ends" effect they are suffering; if they fail their saving throw, you can transfer that affliction to yourself as a free action.

Racial Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies, like their equivalent Paragon Paths, are only open to members of a specific race.

  • Disincarnate (deva, memory of a thousand lifetimes power)
  • Heir of the Empire (tiefling)
  • Raven Consort (shadar-kai, must worship the Raven Queen)
  • Redeemed Drow (drow)
  • Soul of the World (deva)

Avatar of Io

Though Io was regarded as having broken into two halves, Bahamut and Tiamat, with only fragments being eaten by the Primordial Erek-Hus, there exists a sliver of Io's mind, hidden away from reality, that awaits for the time that the dragon god could return into being. Dragonborn, being the spawn of true dragons, are the ideal hosts for this shard. Though this shard is but an echo of the true power of Io, perhaps given enough time it will gather enough power to resurrect a god.

This Epic Destiny is found inPlayer's Handbook Races: Dragonborn and is open to Dragonborn only.

At 21st level, you get the Draconic Incarnation feature, giving +2 to Strength and Charisma only. You'd best hope that at least one of those scores is needed by your class

At 24th level, you gain the Wings of Io feature. You now have a hovering fly speed of 8 squares.

At 26th level, you have the Divine Resistance encounter utility power, letting you make a saving throw the instant you get affected by something.

At 30th level, you attain the Divine Discorporation feature. Once per day when you die with at least one healing surge, you can make a saving throw each turn, with a success spending a healing surge and bringing you back to life.

Free Soul

Though a Revenant can be brought back to life for a purpose, that does not mean that they will be forever bound to that purpose. Some of those half-dead entities manage to accomplish the impossible and reclaim their souls and destinies from that which chained them (normally the Raven Queen) and now they are forever Free Souls, beyond the reach of time and death. No god or primordial can contest this fact, as now this soul can show up whenever they wish with no telling where their loyalties lie.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #376. in the article "Playing Revenants", and is open to Revenants.

At 21st level, you gain the remarkable Destiny Claimed feature, preventing you from being forced to any re-rolls while allowing any re-rolls you make to always take the higher.

At 24th level, you get the Fate Denied feature. If you get stuck with a condition, you can make a free saving throw that prevents its condition from affecting you.

At 26th level, you get the Escape Fate daily utility power. You can re-roll a bad saving throw and now you can re-roll any future saves that you might need to make for the encounter.

At 30th level, you get the Twist Fate feature, letting you use the effect you saved with Fate Denied and inflict it upon whoever placed it on you.


Unrelated to this guy, though it does have a similarity in that this requires a man to reunite the scattered tribes of humanity into a single empire, greater than even Nerath. Though far from any supernatural entity, this God-Emperor is revered no less by their followers and is considered the heart of their empire. As time passes, it becomes ever clearer that their influence has become so great that their presence everywhere their empire reaches.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon Magazine 411 in the "Quests for Humanity" article and is available to Humans.

At 21st level, you gain the Gifted Ruler feature, granting +2 to two ability scores of your choice.

At 24th level, you gain the Unquenchable Spirit feature, giving you an immediate heal from 0 HP to your bloodied value once each day.

At 26th level, you have the The Sovereign Will encounter utility power. This gives an aura 2 that makes any diplomacy check taken within it count as a natural 20.

At 30th level, you attain the Your Protective Wing feature, immediately teleporting any dying ally to your side.

Heir to the Empire

Bael Turath's fall was the fault of the proud and arrogant ancestors of the tieflings who did not realize the true power they possessed. The true Heir to the Empire realizes that no kingdom ruled by fear and darkness cannot thrive, but one founded upon justice and liberty can. This new Bael Turath will not be the plaything of the devils that destroyed it before, but it will become even greater as it rises from those ashes.

This Epic Destiny appeared in "Player's Handbook Races: Tieflings" and is available only to Tieflings.

At 21st level, you have the Born to Rule feature, gaining +2 to Intelligence and Charisma while also gaining a +2 to diplomacy, insight, and intimidate checks.

At 24th level, you get the Imperial Wrath feature. Targets of your Infernal Wrath racial power are now dazed and prone.

At 26th level, you have the Ruler of Life and Death encounter utility power. This takes a dying non-minion enemy, gives them 1 HP and 30+Charisma score THP while also rendering them save-ends dominated. Every time they fail a save, they gain 20 more THP, but if they save...well, they're back to being dead.

At 30th level, you acquire the Irresistible Will of the Empire feature, making the first enemy who hits you in melee each encounter dominated for a turn.

Raven Consort

The Shadar-kai love and admire one deity above all others; the Raven Queen. Bound to her by ancient pacts, they continue to serve out of genuine faith in her preachings. To become a Sorrowsworn, one of her divine minions, is a right that countless shadar-kai vie to achieve - and some have loftier goals than that. Raven Consorts desire to achieve the greatest ranks of the Raven Queen's exarches, or even to become her lover. And some hold darker ambitions than that - those who wish to win her icy heart so they may become the power behind the throne... or those who wish to topple her and take her place, as she did unto Nerull in the ancient times of the Dawn War.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Playing Shadar-kai", and is open to Shadar-kai who worship the Raven Queen.

At 21st level, you gain the Quickened Corpus feature, which grants you +2 Constitution, increases your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your new Constitution modifier, and makes you immune to the death penalty suffered after being subjected to the Raise Dead ritual.

At 24th level, you gain the Cycle of Life feature, which grants you a cumulative +2 bonus to all defenses and saving throws each time you make a death saving throw (these bonuses vanish at encounter's end) and allows you to gain hit points for rolling a 20 on your death saving throw without actually spending a Healing Surge.

At 26th level, you gain the Vitality Eternal Daily Utility power, which can be used to immediately end all effects you are suffering that have the "save ends" trait.

At 30th level, you gain the Death's Companions feature, which causes any creature you kill to rise again as a Deathly Companion (treat as a Lich Vestige that has been dominated by you), which lasts until the encounter ends.

Winter Sovereign

Amongst the Archfey of the Feywild, there are many different factions, of which the Winter Fey are only one. Still, the Winter Sovereigns are fey beings who yearn for greater power, and they see in the ruthlessly pragmatic Winter Fey's ranks an easier route. By dedication, drive and perhaps assassination, a skilled and lucky fey adventurer may find themselves promoted from a mere agent of the courts of ice and snow to a full-fledged Archfey of winter.

This Epic Destiny is found in Dragon Magazine #372, in the article "Masters of the Planes", and is open to any character with the Fey origin (Drow, Eladrin, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Hamadryad, Hengeyokai, Pixie, Satyr, Svirfneblin, Wilden) .

At 21st level, you gain the Lingering Cold feature, where enemies you hit with Cold attacks lose their resistance to cold (if any) until the end of your next turn. Enemies you hit with Cold keyword attack powers suffer a -5 penalty to saving throws made to end any effects that these powers create, and gain Vulnerable Cold 15 until the end of your next turn each time they fail a saving throw to end one of these effects.

At 24th level, you gain the Winter's Bite feature, which lets you designate one daily attack power at the end of each short rest to gain the Cold keyword (for existing elemental attacks, they now do dual-typed damage), as well as teleport 5 squares as a minor action until the end of your next turn whenever you hit at least one target with a power that has the Cold keyword.

At 26th level, you gain the Rime Armor Daily Utility power, which lets you spend a standard action to gain Immunity to Cold and a +10 power bonus to AC. Each time an enemy attacks you, reduce the power bonus by 1 (by 2 if the attack has the fire keyword). Any time an enemy hits you with a melee attack, the enemy takes 20 cold damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn. This effect lasts until the power bonus falls to +0 or until the end of the encounter.

At 30th level, you gain the Frozen in Ice feature, which you can use once per day as a free action when a creature fails a saving throw against an effect you caused with a power with the Cold keyword. The target is Restrained (save ends), and if it fails that save, it is instead Petrified. Cosmetically, it's frozen in ice instead of turned to stone, but all other effects of the Petrified condition remain.

Power Source Epic Destinies

A large number of Epic Destinies are limited to one of the six available Power Sources in 4e: Martial, Arcane, Divine, Primal, Psionic and Shadow. Some of them are available to all classes within this particular power source, while some are open to only one or two classes.

Arcane Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Arcane Magic; Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Swordmage, Warlock or Wizard.

  • Fatesinger (bard)[PH2:170]
  • Feyliege (any arcane class; must have the fey origin, be a half-elf, or be a warlock with the fey pact) [AP: 145]
  • Lord of Fate (any arcane class, unaligned alignment) [AP: 147]
  • Magister (any arcane class)[AP: 148]
  • Parable (wizard) [AP: 149]
  • Sage of Ages (any arcane class) [AP: 150]
  • Witch Queen (wizard)

Arcane Sword

The Arcane Sword has become a master of sword and spells. Their sword is now an extension of their body and a channel for their arcane might, and their magic has become a barrier. With nobody left to teach them anything, they have become roaming warriors, learning from the countless battles they encounter and seeking even greater challenges. What becomes of them is ultimately your choice, be it becoming a legendary mentor to future generations or becoming one with their blades and turning into a relic.

This Epic Destiny is from Arcane Power and is only open to Swordmages.

At 21st level, you gain the Spellsword Recall feature, letting you recover a swordmage encounter power any time you spend an action point for an action.

At 24th level, you gain the Sword's Vengeance feature; this allows your sword to fight in your stead once per day whenever you die, now immune to any attacks and restoring a single HP once the battle is over and a short rest is had - though this hinges upon your body still being there once finished.

At 26th level, you get the Massed Aegis Encounter Utility power. This is a close burst 2 that marks anyone inside it with your aegis power.

At 30th level, you gain the Spellsword Perfection feature, turning one swordmage encounter power you have into an at-will.


The Archmage is the epitome of wizardry, in the eyes of most wizards. They are those wizards whose hunger for power is surpassed by their hunger for knowledge; to learn everything about magic, to touch the demispell - the hyperplanar construct that is the embodiment of all spells that are, were and ever will be - that is their goal. Through their unparalleled understanding of arcane magic, they learn to wield it with a grace that other wizards can only dream of, ultimately infusing spells into their very flesh. Whether they go on to found isolated studies in the depths of the most inhospitable planes, or found wizardry academies, ultimately, the Archmage's understanding will transcend all others, leaving a legacy in the form of spells and rituals that other wizards will wield with respect.

This Epic Destiny is only open to the Wizard class and comes from the Player's Handbook 1.

At 21st level, you gain the Spell Recall feature, which lets you select one spell that you know and have prepared at the beginning of each day; the designated spell can be cast twice that day.

At 24th level, you gain the Arcane Spirit feature; once per day, when you die, you detach your spirit from your body and become an entity of living magical energy. When you enter arcane spirit form, you heal to your maximum hit points. In this form, you gain the Insubstantial and Phasing qualities, and can cast encounter spells and at-will spells, but you cannot cast daily spells, activate magic items, or perform rituals. At the end of the encounter, you can merge back into your body by completing a short rest; your hit points remain what they were when you were in arcane spirit form, but otherwise you are restored to normal. If your body is destroyed, you will need other magic to return to life, but can continue adventuring as an arcane spirit. If you are slain in arcane spirit form, you

At 26th level, you gain the Shape Magic Daily Utility Power, which lets you regain one expended arcane power as a standard action.

At 30th level, you gain the Archspell feature, which lets you designate one Daily spell in your arsenal as your Archspell, which you can cast once per encounter.


You know the story about how a lich is made: they begin fearing imminent mortality, they start looking for forbidden texts, and eventually manage to find a way to become an immortal lich. An Archlich is like those in that way, but have managed to steel their minds enough to not go insane by the process of becoming a lich and their soul has slipped from the grasp of Orcus, much to his frustration. You are now eternal, able to witness the coming and passing of countless things without end.

This epic destiny is available to Any Arcane Class and is from Arcane Power.

At 21st level, you gain a lot of things: you gain the Archlich Knowledge feature to get +2 to Intelligence, the Archlich Phylactery feature, which lets you resurrect whenever you die so long as your phylactery (a small but insanely expensive item with only 40 HP and resist 20 all protecting it) remains intact, the Lich Resistances feature for resist poison+necrotic equal to 5+half your level, and the Shroud of Life and Death feature, which makes any living enemy within 3 spaces of you take 5 necrotic damage while any undead within that area takes 5 radiant damage.

At 24th level, you gain the Mastery Over Death feature, which lets you avoid death once per day by recovering half your HP, but now you cannot use any healing surges and enemies who harm you take 20 ongoing necrotic damage.

At 26th level, you gain the Archlich Potency Daily Utility power. This enables you to recover one expended arcane fear or necrotic daily or encounter power that you already used while also gaining resist all equal to 5+half your level for the rest of the encounter.

At 30th level, you gain the Essence of Undeath feature, letting you recover an expended arcane encounter power whenever someone dies within 5 spaces of you.


During your journeys, you have found that there was always one particular spell that has always served you faithfully. This spell has fascinated you so much that you've delved into the countless intricacies of this spell as you try harder and harder to make this spell even better, even more perfect. Perhaps at the end of your journey, you might even become inseparable from that beloved spell - now anyone who uses it will know your name.

This epic destiny appears in Arcane Power and is available to Any Arcane Class.

At 21st level, you get the Signature Spell feature, which has you select one arcane daily attack power you know to gain +2 to attack with it.

At 24th level, you gain the Returning Spell feature, which halts your death by recovering you to half your maximum HP and recharging your signature spell if it was used.

At 26th level, you get the Channel the Signature Encounter Utility power, giving you resist 15 all until you either use your signature spell or until the battle ends.

At 30th level, you gain the Living Spell feature, turning your signature spell into an encounter power.

Draconic Incarnation

In the ancient days of the world, it was the dragons who first pioneered and mastered the arts of magic, honing their power over the arcane in an age when the elf and dwarf empires were new. But the heights they pushed magic to have been all but lost; it is unknown if the dragon magic were an entirely separate breed of wyrm or if they were taken from the ranks of the familiar breeds, but they were jealous and possessive beings, who hoarded their spells and refused to teach them to younger dragons, causing the extinction of their art. A Draconic Incarnation is a mortal arcanist who has a connection to these lost dragon-magi; a reincarnation of one such creature, most likely, or perhaps guided by an ancient dragon-mage spirit through spells they have unearthed. Those who survive to master this art will be reborn, transcending their humanoid origins and being reshaped into dragons in turn.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any Arcane Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Ancient Resurgence feature, which grants you +2 to either Intelligence or Charisma, +2 to one other ability score of your choice, and the ability to fluently speak, read and write draconic.

At 24th level, you gain the Spirit of the Dragon feature; Once per day when you die, the spirit of the ancient dragon within you surges forth to defend your body long enough to resurrect you from the dead. This draconic spirit is under your control and has all of the same statistics and abilities as you, except as follows: the draconic spirit is size Large, has your maximum hit points, and is both insubstantial and has phasing. The draconic spirit shares your powers and abilities (it does not have a pool of powers of its own), and it can use your magic items as though it was wielding them, including weapons and implements. At the end of the encounter, if the draconic spirit has any hit points remaining, the spirit disperses and at the end of a short rest you return to life with 1 hit point. If your body is destroyed, the draconic spirit cannot resurrect you.

At 26th level, you gain the Draconic Form Daily Utility power. This lets you polymorph yourself as a minor action, shifting into the form of a Huge dragon until the end of the encounter. In this form, your Reach increases to 3 squares, you gain a Fly speed equal to your Speed +2, and you can use Dragon Mage Breath as an at-will attack power. This is a Standard Action close blast 5 attack that targets all enemies in the area of effect, making an attack roll based on your highest ability modifier +9 vs. Reflex and doing 3d8 + your highest ability modifier Fire and Force damage on a hit.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Ancient Arcanist feature, which lets you take 2 level 25 (or lower, but why would you bother?) Daily Attack powers from any Arcane class and add them to your list of powers.


Magic isn't about the fancy words or the implements, it's not even about the various signs that pervade spellbooks. The Immanence realizes the truth about magic: it's all about the transfer of power. This special power can be converted to be anything, from magic to living beings to even the cosmos itself, and the end goal is to figure out this unifying energy and become it.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Arcane Power and is open to Any Arcane Class.

At 21st level, you're granted the Immanence Variable Resistance feature, which gives you resistance 20 against the type you are first hit with in the encounter.

At 24th level, you have the Spirit of Energy feature. This lets you cheat death once a day by recovering half your max HP and turning you insubstantial and phasing until you heal up from a party member or take a short rest.

At 26th level, you gain the Vary Resistance encounter utility power, letting you change the type of your variable resistance.

At 30th level, you have Shared Resistances, giving allies adjacent to you all of your resistances and immunities.

Sage of Ages

Knowlege is power. Everything can be broken down and explained, and the Sage of Ages is one such individual who has managed to understand practically everything. They can even comprehend destiny itself and once they have, they become some of the greatest repositories of knowledge in existence, so valuable even gods seek out their aid.

This Epic Destiny is from Arcane Power and is available to Any Arcane Class.

At 21st level, you get the Paragon of Learning feature, granting +6 to arcana, dungeoneering, history, nature, and religion checks.

At 24th level, you get the Keeper's Presence feature. You can now roll a d20 at the start of the encounter and replace one roll with that dice during your first turn.

At 26th level, you acquire the Trick of Knowledge encounter utility power. This lets you roll an arcana check for a special result based upon what the result of your roll is.

30 or lower: No effect
31–35: +5 bonus to saving throws
36–40: +2 bonus to all defenses
41–45: +2 bonus to attack rolls with arcane powers
46–50: Make saving throws at the start of your turn instead of the end of your turn
51–55: Pick two benefits you can gain from a roll of 31 through 50
56–60: Pick three benefits you can gain from a roll of 31 through 50
61 or higher: Gain all four benefits you can gain from a roll of 31 through 50

At 30th level, you gain the Reverse Time feature. Once per day, you can go from dead to full HP while also moving your initiative so you go right after whoever killed you.

Divine Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Divine Magic; Avenger, Cleric, Invoker, Paladin, or Runepriest.

  • Avatar of Death (Death Knell feat)[DP:145]
  • Avatar of Freedom (Path of Freedom feat)[DP:146]
  • Avatar of Hope (Hope Remains feat)[DP:147]
  • Avatar of Justice (Immediate Justice feat)[DP:148]
  • Avatar of Life (Pulse of Life feat)[DP:149]
  • Avatar of Storm (Storm Sacrifice feat)[DP:150]
  • Avatar of War (Path of War feat)[DP:151]
  • Revered One (any divine class)[PH2:175]

Dead God Avatar

Though a god may die, that does not mean that their time is at an end. Indeed, a particularly devout follower of this dead god may find their life being siphoned and gain the divine power. As this power grows, the god and mortal become closer and closer to one being until the revelation comes that this Dead God Avatar must die to resurrect their god - or perhaps they become their god.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon Magazine #390 in the "Power Play: Divine - Dead Gods" article and is open to Any Divine Class that worships a dead deity.

At 21st level, you gain the By Divine Command feature, granting resistance 10 psychic and immunity to charming, and the Divine Insight feature, which gives +2 to Wisdom or Charisma.

At 24th level, you reach the Astral Corpse feature. This makes any death save you pass count as a natural 20 and heals you by your healing surge value if you lack any to spend once per day.

At 26th level, you get the Summon Divine Presence daily utility power. This is a close burst 5 that deals vulnerable 10 to necrotic and radiant powers on top of another power based on the dead god you worship:

  • Aurom: Enemies inside the zone are dazed.
  • Haramathur: Allies in the zone gain +2 to AC and Fortitude, but enemies are slowed and are count as on difficult terrain.
  • Laeris: Enemies count the zone is heavily obscured to all senses, including blindsight and tremorsense.
  • Nusemnee: Allies in the zone gain +2 to saving throws and can use Second Wind as a minor action (or free if that was already possible).
  • Sagawehn: Enemies in the zone take -2 to attack rolls and all defenses.

At 30th level, you attain the Sacrifice;; feature. allowing you to sacrifice healing surges as a minor action to recover encounter powers (or a daily power once per day).

Exalted Angel

The gods have the power to elevate their most favored servants to Exalted Angels, immortal entities who are now in their masters' eternal grace. These beings are still able to assume mortal forms, able to access places that most angels cannot, but they still hold the unmistakable power of a divine being.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Divine Power and is available to All Divine Classes.

At 21st level, you get the Angelic Nature feature. This provides a slew a features: immortal origin, immunity to age, fluency in Supernal, resistance 15 against fire and radiant damage, and immunity to fear. On top of all this, you gain a pair of wings with a fly speed equal to your land speed +2 though you have to land each turn.

At 24th level, you have the Reborn in Light feature. Your death emits a massive burst 10 blast that deals 2d10+Wisdom mod radiant damage and save-ends blinds them, while you can immediately reappear after the encounter, good as new.

At 26th level, you get the Angelic Hosts encounter utility power. For the next turn, your allies all gain your fly speed and +2 to all defenses while you gain a free action that lets any one ally fly 8 squares and land with no fear of provoking anything.

At 30th level, you get the Angelic Form feature, making attacks against you take a -2 penalty while you're not bloodied and making your wings hover and fly without landing.

Revered One

Throughout countless adventures, it could eventually become clear that the roles of men and deities in the cosmos is actually quite different than everyone thought. Though this is bound to provoke ire from those who believe that these Revered Ones are trivializing the gods, the truth is actually the opposite - all gods are to be revered as examples to learn from.

At 21st level, you get the Immortal Foe feature, making immortal foes take -2 to hit you while you add your Wisdom modifier to damage against these foes.

At 24th level, you gain the Manifest the Divine feature, letting you use all your Channel Divinity powers once per encounter and allowing you to take [Divinity] feats from gods you do not worship.

At 26th level, you acquire the Serene Protection daily utility power. This sustain minor power gives you and all allies within close burst 5 resistance 30 to one type of elemental damage.

At 30th level, you reach the Bestow Grace feature, letting you sacrifice a healing surge to heal an ally who hits 0 HP.

Rune Maker

Runepriests are able to bend the runes to their will, but these runes are ultimately limited by their understanding. A Rune Maker realizes that these runes are not just conduits of divine power, but fragments of divinity itself. Their goal from there is to create new runes, unique in form and function and capable of reshaping reality itself.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Player's Handbook 3 and is exclusive to Runepriests.

At 21st level, you score the Rune of Might feature, adding +2 to Strength and letting you swap rune states as a minor action.

At 24th level, you gain the Lord of All Runes feature, which let you or an adjacent ally make a saving throw whenever you make change rune states.

At 26th level, you have the Persistent Runes encounter utility power, letting you activate a rune state despite missing with a runic encounter power.

At 30th level, you get the Rune of Immortality feature. This means that when you fail your last death save, you vanish and spend a healing surge. The next turn, you reappear with no conditions affecting you.


To be awarded the title of Saint requires countless years of loyalty, piety, and service to a god as an embodiment of their ideals. They are considered sterling examples of the faith to fellow worshipers and dreaded foes to the enemies of their deity. Though they are still ultimately mortal, their afterlife will see them elevated to the highest ranks of their deity's domain, to remain as a trusted servant.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Divine Power and is available to Any Divine Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Saintly Grace feature, which offers a slew of defenses. Your Non-Armor Defenses all gain a +2 bonus, you have a resistance to necrotic equal to 15+Wisdom modifier, and you can never be dominated, instead just becoming dazed.

At 24th level, you gain the Sanctified Touch feature. Any adjacent ally spending a healing surge can now make a saving throw (and vice versa if you granted them the save) while using the heal skill lets an ally spend a healing surge when stabilized or given a saving throw.

At 26th level, you get the Sanctified Revival daily utility. You can now resurrect an ally to max HP and end one effect that a save can end. For the rest of the encounter, this ally now gets +2 to attack rolls and to all defenses.

At 30th level, you attain the Golden Halo, a personal light source that grants +2 to all diplomacy and intimidate checks and gives +25 to all divine healing powers.

Martial Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Martial Might; Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, or Warlord.

Adamantine Soldier

Many warriors believe that their armor is one of their most valuable tools, but to an Adamantine Soldier, it is the most valuable tool. Not content with merely wearing their protective outfits, they seek to master the art of wearing armor and through it becoming unstoppable. To these adventurers, their armor is like a second skin - indeed, their armor becomes their identity, and ultimately they will prove themselves as a living symbol of toughness and resilience, perhaps even ascending to the pantheon of martial godlings who look out on all their mortal faithful.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Fighters and Warlords.

At 21st level, you gain the Armored Supremacy feature, which grants you +2 AC in Heavy Armor and lets you ignore the usual skill check & speed penalties for wearing it.

At 24th level, you gain the Unbreakable Skin feature, which grants you Damage Resistance (All) equal to your Constitution modifier whilst you're wearing Heavy Armor.

At 26th level, you gain the Inexorable Advance Daily Utility power, which lets you enter the Inexorable Advance Stance as a minor action. Until this stance ends, you can use your move action to shift 1 square into an adjacent enemy's space and then push it 1 square.

At 30th level, you gain the Hard to Kill feature, which lets you treat a saving throw as a natural 20 once per day.


Many rangers choose to fight alongside animal companions, but none of those match the intensity of the bond felt by a Beastlord. Indeed, ultimately, a Beastlord proves that they are not merely partnered with their animals; they are one and the same, a single spirit in two bodies.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Rangers with the Beast Mastery class feature.

At 21st level, you gain the Ultimate Understanding feature, which lets you use a minor action once per round to grant your beast companion a Standard, Move or Minor action.

At 24th level, you gain the Fused Fate feature, which allows you to designate your animal companion as an additional or alternative target to any effect which targets you, so long as it is visible to you and within 20 squares.

At 26th level, you gain the Quickened Companion Encounter Utility power, which lets you grant your beast companion a Standard, Move or Minor action of your choice as a free action so long as it's within 20 squares of you.

At 30th level, you gain the Shared Life feature, which means that so long as either you or your animal companion has at least 1 hit point left, the other cannot be killed, regardless of negative HP or failed death saving throws. That said, keep track of these traits; if both of you fall to 0 HP before you get patched up, then these take effect immediately.

Dark Wanderer

The Dark Wanderers are the stuff of story and legend; roaming cats-paw of fate who unwittingly bring luck and ruin in equal measure with them wherever they go. Some of these go on to become symbols of how fortune favors the bold. Others, grim arguments as to the inescapable pull of destiny. Some Dark Wanderers become figures revered as patrons (or prayed to for intercession) in matters of seeking or avoiding fate. Others become allies - or enemies - to gods of luck, fate and predestination. And others still? Nobody knows what happens to them...

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Rangers and Rogues.

At 21st level, you gain the Not My Destiny feature, which causes creatures of your level or lower that hit you to suffer a -4 penalty to all attacks against you until the end of the encounter.

At 24th level, you gain the Dark Road feature, which allows you to mystically teleport to any single specified destination you want by spending 24 hours doing nothing but walk. If your specified destination is inside of a particular building, your path will end at the front door of that structure. Otherwise, you can go anywhere that you want, even if your location lies on a different plane; the multiverse literally bends around you, twisted and tugged by your destiny so that your focused march always brings you where you want to go. You can take a number of companions with you on the Dark Road, equal to 5 + your Wisdom multiplier, and on the Dark Road you are not subject to any hazards, attacks or other dangers, and do not need rest, food or water.

At 26th level, you gain the Never At A Loss Daily Utility power, which lets you regain a previously expended daily utility power as a minor action.

At 30th level, you gain the Long Walk Back feature, which means that when you die, your body and possessions all vanish after 12 hours, and then at 12 hours from that point, you walk up to your companions, the place where you died, or at any specific place that you consider home; your condition is as if you were subjected to a Raise Dead ritual, but you do not suffer any death penalties.

Eternal Defender

The ideal of the fighter as a defender of those who are weak is renowned across many worlds. To the Eternal Defenders, this ideal is the only ideal worth living up to, seeking to hone their might and their vitality always for the purpose of better protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Some such souls become agents of deities who champion the defender's virtues, or even become worshipped as gods in their own right. Others establish a place in the multiverse to stand vigil against the destruction of assorted dark powers. Others still choose to watch over a chosen people, infusing their watchful spirits into the land as guardians, or even give up their essence to share with those who need most, and awaken new profusions of heroes.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Fighters.

At 21st level, you gain the Unending Strength feature, which grants you +2 Strength, doubles your normal/heavy/maximum load values, and lets you add a +10 bonus to a Strength check or Strength skill check of your choice once per day.

At 24th level, you gain the Godlike Stature feature, which causes you to increase your height by 25% and your weight by 100%; this does not directly change your size, but lets you wield weapons as if you were one size larger, and grants you +1 Reach if you were Medium or bigger before you gained this feature.

At 26th level, you gain the Implacable Destruction Daily Utility power, which lets you enter the Implacable Destruction Stance as a minor action. In this stance, every time that you miss with a melee or close weapon attack, you still inflict damage equal to your Strength modifier on the target.

At 30th level, you gain the Great Power feature, which lets you either treat a successful melee attack hit you made as a natural 20, or treat a melee attack miss you made as a successful hit, once per day.


Whether they are assassins or hunters by trade, those who call themselves Godhunters live for the thrill of the hunt, and ache to prove their mastery over the mightiest quarries they can imagine. Nothing is safe should these unparalleled killers set their sights on them, and the fear that they cause ultimately becomes as deadly a weapon to them as their own skills.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Rangers and Rogues.

At 21st level, you gain the Peerless Predator feature, which lets you reroll an attack roll against a creature of higher level than you once per encounter.

At 24th level, you gain the Deific Agony feature, which causes a creature of higher level than you which takes a critical hit from you to suffer a -5 penalty to saving throws and be unable to regain hit points or recharge any powers until the end of your next turn.

At 26th level, you gain the Deicidal Eye Daily Utility power, which lets you target one creature in a close burst 10 as a minor. You ignore the targeted creature's resistances and immunities, and the creature suffers Vulnerable 5 against your attacks, until either you are reduced to 0 hit points or you recharge this power and use it on a new target. Increase the Vulnerability by +5 if the target is either higher levelled than you or a solo creature, and by +10 if it is both.

At 30th level, you gain the Blasphemous Recovery feature, which lets you treat an attack against you by a creature with a higher level than yours as a miss once per encounter, regaining the use of your second wind and of one encounter power that you used during this encounter in the process.

Legendary General

All warlords are leaders of men, but some... they have something more to them. Unparalleled in their expertise, these are the Legendary Generals, those who conquer empires in their own world - or who are sought out to lead armies across the planes themselves.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Warlords.

At 21st level, you gain the Mythic Inspiration feature, which means that when you spend your second wind, one ally within 20 squares of you can also use a healing surge.

At 24th level, you gain the Legendary Tactical Action feature, which lets your allies spend action points possessed by you or by other allies within sight of them once per encounter, ignoring the normal restriction of only being able to use 1 action point per encounter.

At 26th level, you gain the Legendary Exploits Daily Utility power, which lets you and allies within a close burst 20 regain the use of a level 25 or lower encounter or daily power. Using this power requires a standard action, and the power regained cannot be one that allows the target to regain the use of another power

At 30th level, you gain the Unyielding Company feature, which means that so long as you have 1 hit point left, all allies within 20 squres of you cannot fall unconscious at 0 hit points or die because of negative hit points. They still make death saving throws as normal and they can die as a result of failed death saving throws.

Martial Archetype

There are many paths to pursuing martial power, but for the Martial Archetype, no one path is good enough. Instead, they drive to master them all, combining and mixing tactics, techniques and styles to form lethally inventive new disciplines all of their own imagination. Those who attain true mastery go on to become the stuff of legend, and will ultimately found entirely new schools of martial thought.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Any Martial Class that is Paragon Multiclassed in a 2nd Martial Class. (Some DMs may accept the argument to let hybrid-classed martials take this ED too.)

At 21st level, you gain the Archetype's Edge feature, which grants you a bonus attack power in the form of a 17th level encounter attack chosen from any Martial class of your choice, as well as letting you regain the use of 1 martial encounter attack power whenever you score a critical hit.

At 24th level, you gain the Reliable Warrior feature, which causes all of your martial encounter attack powers that have single-target areas of effect and do not have any effect on a miss to gain the Reliable keyword, which means they are only expended when you hit.

At 26th level, you gain the Warrior's Ascent feature, which grants you a level 22 utility power from any Martial class of your choice and allows you to spend a healing surge as a free action when you critical hit with martial encounter and daily powers.

At 30th level, you gain the Perfect Warrior feature, which grants you a bonus encounter attack or utility power of any level you like from any Martial class you choose, and also allows you to make a melee basic attack against each adjacent enemy as a free action when you critical hit with martial encounter and daily powers.

Perfect Assassin

What separates a mere killer from a Perfect Assassin? The understanding that dealing death is an art, and that it takes a true dedication to become a virtuoso of slaying. Where that long and blood-soaked path ultimately leads? That's for the Perfect Assassin to decide; service to the powers of death, claiming the throne of the god of death, passing on their skills to a whole new generation of killers... the possibilities are theirs to decide.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Rogues.

At 21st level, you gain the Death's Eye feature, which lets you designate a visible enemy as your next target after you reduce a creature to 0 hit points; against this target, you gain combat advantage, and its attack rolls against you suffer a -2 penalty.

At 24th level, you gain the Assassin's Advantage feature, which means that when you miss an attack against a creature you have combat advantage against, you still inflict damage equal to your Dexterity modifier + (1 per die of Sneak Attack damage).

At 26th level, you gain the Spirit of Death Encounter Utility power, which lets you immediately end the dazed/immobilized/restrained/slowed conditions (if you are suffering any of these) and make a shift equal to your speed, counting as invisible and insubstantial until you end this shift. This power triggers when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points.

At 30th level, you gain the Pierce the Weakness feature, which lets you make an attack roll against a creature's lowest defense and dealing your Sneak Attack bonus damage against that creature, even if you don't have combat advantage, once per encounter. Using this feature does not count against your limits on Sneak Attacks.

Undying Warrior

For most warriors, life on the battlefield is brutal and short. Not so for the aptly-named Undying Warriors, who simply seem able to survive anything that destiny throws their way. At their mightiest, they may even become immune to death itself, gaining eternal life to do with as they please.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Fighters.

At 21st level, you gain the Wounded Resurgence feature, which lets you spend healing surges as a minor action whilst bloodied to restore your current hit points to your bloodied value, and makes you immune to the Death Penalty normally suffered by being subjected to a Raise Dead ritual.

At 24th level, you gain the Undying Stamina feature, which means you regain 1d4 healing surges each time you reach a milestone.

At 26th level, you gain the Undying Enmity Encounter Utility power, which lets you roll an extra D20 (or 2d20s, if you are bloodied) as a free action when attacking an enemy that you have marked or which is marking you and choose which result to use for your attack roll. These rolls cannot be rerolled.

At 30th level, you gain the Spontaneous Resurrection feature, which lets you return to life at will when slain (though you can also be subjected to Raise Dead if that would be quicker). Upon resurrecting, you appear in a space of your choice within 5 squares of where you died, with hit points equal to your bloodied value and freed of any temporary effects existing at the time of your death, though permanent effects remain. The time it takes for you to resurrect depends on how frequently you have been slain during that specific day: on your first death, you resurrect at the start of your next turn. On your second death, you return to life at the end of the encounter. On your third death, you return to life 1 hour after the end of the encounter. On your fourth death, you return to life 12 hours after teh end of the encounter. Finally, for your fifth death and all subsequent deaths that day, you return to life on your own 24 hours after the end of the encounter.


The Legendary Generals are great leaders of men, but even their skills pale in comparison to the Warmasters, those geniuses of the battlefield, who can instinctively command their troops to victory in any situation, and who seek to prove worthy of the mythical Eternal War, a place where the greatest generals of all history train their skills endlessly against each other, a paradise for their kind and which may become essential to the survival of all that ever was at the foretold dusk of creation.

This Epic Destiny is found in Martial Power 1 and is open to Warlords.

At 21st level, you gain the Tactical Awareness feature, which means that during a surprise round, you and any ally you can see can still act and do not grant combat advantage, even if you were surprised. Also, each ally that can see you who isn't surprised can still take the normal standard/move/minor action trinity on their turn during a surprise round.

At 24th level, you gain the Shock and Awe feature, which means that when you spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally within 5 squares of you can also take an extra action on their next turn.

At 26th level, you gain the Spring the Trap Daily Utility power, which lets you spend a standard action to grant yourself and all allies within a 5-square close burst the ability to take a standard action, move action, or minor action, going in initiative order.

At 30th level, you gain the Tactical Genius feature, which means you can spend as many action points as you want during a single encounter.


Across the many planes and upon the many worlds of D&D, one truth remains constant: dragons are seriously badass mothafuckers. As a Dragonheart, you admire dragons for their symbolism as power incarnate, and seek to prove yourself stronger than strong, tougher than tough - to show the whole multiverse that you have the heart of a dragon. And if you survive to level 31, then that's exactly what you do; whether you have finally stirred the long-buried blood of a draconic ancestor, or simply proven yourself so awesome that the multiverse itself bends to your wish, you forsake your former humanoid life and are reborn as a fully-grown dragon, ready to pursue the existence of a draconic warrior.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

Its 21st level feature is Dragon Spirit, which gives you +2 Constitution and means you can make an immediate save to end any charm effects or fear effects, even if they don't normally allow this. For continuous effects like auras, you get to make the save and, if successful, are immune to the effect until the end of your next turn, at which you can make the save again.

Its 24th level feature is Dragon Blood, which means you gain temporary HP equal to your Bloodied value the first time you become Bloodied in an encounter.

Its 26th level Daily Utility power is Dragon Shield, which causes you to enter the Dragon Shield Stance as an immediate reaction whenever you are Bloodied. Whilst in this stance, you gain Damage Resistance to ALL damage equal to your Constitution modifier, which increases by +5 each time that you take damage from a melee attack. It lasts until you are knocked unconscious or are no longer Bloodied.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the capstone power Dragon Soul, which increases your Healing Surge Value by 10.

Invincible Vanguard

Most young warriors believe that they are invincible - but you are dead set on proving it. Through some combination of determination, valor and sheer stupid luck, you always come out on top, and you shamelessly revel in proving yourself the greatest warrior that ever lived. Honing your skills to unimaginable peaks becomes your life's goal - and if you survive to the end of your career, then you have conquered everything that this world has to offer. How fortunate for you, then, that an entire multiverse awaits to challenge you; with that in mind, you leave this world for new realms and realities, always seeking the next battle. Such is the destiny of the Invincible Vanguard.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Invigorating Charge feature, which grants you +2 Strength and means that all basic attacks you make as part of a charge have the Invigorating keyword (once per turn, if Trained in Endurance, gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier).

At 24th level, you gain the Forever War feature, which means that once per day, when you drop to 0 hit points, you immediately regain hit points equal to your Bloodied value and can, as a free action, stand up, shift 2 squares, and make a charge attack. If this charge attack hits, gain temporary HP equal to your Bloodied value.

At 26th level, you gain the Endless Assault Daily Utility Power. As a minor action, you can enter the Endless Assault stance, which grants you a power bonus to your Speed equal to your Constitution modifier when you charge, and which causes charge attacks to deal +2[W] extra damage.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the 'Unstoppable Assault feature, which means you don't provoke opportunity attacks when charging, and can make a charge attack against a new enemy as a free action whenever you critical hit an enemy with a melee attack, bloody an enemy, or reduce an enemy to 0 HP.

Legendary Sovereign

In the realms of Dungeons & Dragons, rulers who gained their thrones at the point of a sword or with the swing of a club are legion. But some warrior-sovereigns are truly special; chosen by destiny to win admiration, glory and the ultimate power of a throne through their leadership skills and their martial prowess. These are the Legendary Sovereigns. And you are one such warrior, a hero who, whether defending an ancestral title, branching off to form a new dynasty, or emerging from humble beginnings, will go on to be respected and loved, leading your people to a golden age.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Fighters, Paladins, Rangers and Warlords.

At 21st level, you gain the Legendary Presence feature, which grants you +2 Charisma. You also gain the Great Captain feature, which lets you grant each ally within 10 squares of you the ability to make a basic attack as a free action in response to you scoring a critical hit once per encounter. Finally, you gain the Homeland feature, which, with the DM's approval, grants you a realm you are destined to rule; within this land, you have property or estates sufficient to provide for your ordinary needs, including household maintenance and a small force of loyal retainers, as well as gaining a +4 bonus to any Charisma skill checks that you make in this land.

At 24th level, you gain the This Is Not My Fate feature, which lets you automatically regain hit points equal to your Bloodied value, end any effects on you, and stand up once per day instead of having to make a death saving throw.

At 26th level, you gain the Sword of the Sovereign Daily Utility Power. When you score a critical hit or reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, as a free action, each ally in close burst 10 gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier, as well as a bonus to attack rolls with basic and at-will attacks equal to your Charisma modifier, with this attack bonus lasting until the encounter's end or your drop to 0 hit points.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Sword of Kings feature, which lets you pick one Encounter attack power with the Weapon keyword; this power is no longer expended when used unless you miss every target.

Star-Favored Champion

You are destined for greatness. It is literally written in the sky, in the form of a special star that came to life when you were born, and which moves in the heavens in response to the actions you undertake, waxing as you triumph and waning as you suffer defeat, moving into conjunction with other stars in symbolism of the trials and triumphs you are facing. Astrologers know that you are a Star Favored Champion, and that should you survive to the end of yoour long and perilous quest, you will be welcomed into the Astral Sea by the gods themselves, and your star will multiply to become its own constellation, forever reminding all mortals of your story.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Favored Warrior feature, which grants you +2 Constitution and a +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. You also gain the Favored Tenacity feature, which means that whenver your first first attack roll with an encounter power misses, until the end of your turn you can make a basic attack as a minor action.

At 24th level, you gain the Resurgent Star feature, which means that you automatically get 20s on your death saving throws so long as you have at least one Healing Surge left.

At 26th level, you gain the Sign of Hope Daily Utility Power. As a minor action, you can both regain one expended martial encounter attack power and spend a healing surge.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Sign of Challenge feature, which grants you a Martial Encounter power of the same name. As a minor action, you can target one nonminion creature in a close burst 5. Until the encounter's end, you can roll twice when rolling to attack the targeted creature, and whenever you hit it, each ally that you can see gais a +2 bonus to attack rolls against any enemy other than that target until the end of your next turn.

Primal Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Primal Magic; Druid, Seeker, Shaman, or Warden.

  • Fang of the World Serpent (any primal class)
  • Fury of the Wild (any primal class)
  • Honored Ancestor (any primal class)
  • Master of the Eternal Hunt (seeker)[PH3:159]
  • Perfect Guardian (warden)
  • Primal Avatar (any primal class)[PH2:174]
  • Pyreen (any primal class or primal theme)[DSCS:102]
  • World Tree Guardian (any primal class)[PrP:156]

Glorious Spirit

Among the primal spirits that protect the world are those legendary heroes who stand as exemplars to their descendants. These are the Glorious Spirits, the tireless champions who have faced countless enemies in triumph. With enough victories under their belts, they may one day finally die and be welcomed to the afterlife, welcomed by their fellow ancestral spirits and given the chance to guide their descendants.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Player's Handbook 2 and is open to Any Primal Class.

At 21st level, you get the Worthy Foe feature. Once per encounter, you can deem the closest enemy as a sworn enemy and your attacks that turn ignore resistances and insubstantial. Each turn, one attack you make towards this foe deals +2d8 extra damage and if you kill them, you spend a healing surge.

At 24th level, you acquire the Seeker of Foes feature, letting you immediately teleport next to an opponent once an encounter.

At 26th level, you get the Spirit Steed at-will utility power. Whenever your worthy foe moves somewhere within 6 squares of you, you can immediately fly over to their side, ignoring opportunity attacks.

At 30th level, you gain the Bearer of Doom feature, making any attacks that target the worthy foe but miss count as un-expended.

Master Hierophant

Druids, while capable of harnessing the power of nature itself, are not aware of just how interconnected the energy of all live is. Those that reach the rank of Master Hierophant realize that the primal spirits are but the latent power hidden in all living things, just like the elements. Though these powerful druids know how to hybridize primal and elemental magic, they are also very aware that being careless with this power could also spell the undoing of reality.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Dragon Magazine #396 in the "Class Acts: Hierophant Druids" article and is only available to Druids.

At 21st level, you get the Epic insight feature, gaining +2 to Wisdom and one other ability score and becoming fluent in Primordial.

At 24th level, you reach the Epic Transcendence feature. You are now immune to aging and disease. You also gain the power once each encounter to enter suspended animation. You can no longer act, but you gain regeneration 5 and the ability to make a save at the start and end of each turn until the encounter ends or you decide to stop it.

At 26th level, you gain the Elemental Transmogrification daily utility power. You can turn into a huge elemental of one type:

  • Air: You now only have a hovering fly speed of 10 and can turn invisible whenever nobody is next to you until you attack.
  • Earth: You take -1 to speed but gain a burrow speed of 5 and can phase through earth.
  • Fire: You gain +4 to speed and a clumsy fly speed of 6. Whenever you're hit, all nearby foes take 10 fire damage.
  • Water: You are aquatic with a swim speed of 6. You also get +2 to hit non-aquatic enemies in water and the ability to slide enemies when you get hurt.

At 30th level, you gain the Elemental Ascension Feature, letting you take two types whenever you use Elemental Ascension and immediately giving you 50 HP the first time you hit 0 HP each day.

Mythic Spirit

The greatest of the primal spirits are immortalized because people always tell and retell their stories of epic bravery. Though these Mythic Spirits are not the great spirits, they have appeared time and again alongside them. Each of their stories sees them taking part in monumental tales, and as time passes they become even more ingrained into the narratives of the spirits. Eventually, it might seem that they were always meant to be one of the spirits, to last beyond their mortal lifespan.

At 21st level, you get the Foretold Destiny feature, adding +2 to one ability score and getting +2 to saving throws while not bloodied.

At 24th level, you gain the It is Written feature, letting allies adjacent to you make a saving throw when you pass yours.

At 26th level, you have the Fate Averted daily utility power. This allows you to teleport a dying ally to your side and raise them back to their bloodied value (with an additional +1 HP) and let them make a free basic attack.

At 30th level, you get the Mythic Rebirth power, allowing you to immediately use second wind while you're dying without needing to make death saves.

Reincarnate Champion

Not all champions consider death their end. Their souls remain in the physical world, waiting for the chance to be reborn again. These Reincarnate Champions have repeated this cycle before, and they will continue to repeat this cycle, and now they know how to draw from the powers of these past lives and will serve as guardian of the primal spirits.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Primal Power and is available to Any Primal Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Many Perspectives feature, granting +2 to any skill and ability checks using your mental stats, and the Past Spirit feature, making you count as a different race and taking a racial power that race possess. You then select a different race at 24th level and take a racial power from them.

At 24th level, you gain the Epic Vitality feature, granting +2 to one ability score of your choosing.

At 26th level, you acquire the Swift Reincarnation daily utility power. This allows you to return from 0 to half your max HP while also changing your appearance to that of another race, gaining use of that race's racial power instead of your own if you don't already have it. You can then go back to your original race after a long rest, though you can remain this new race if you've picked it as a past spirit race and turn your original race to a past spirit race.

At 30th level, you reach the The Champion Returned feature, giving you access to every racial power ever, though if the race isn't a past spirit race, you have to sacrifice one racial power to use it.

Sovereign Beast

Though all druids channel the primal beast in their ability to wild shape, this power is still different than the power of their humanoid form. When these two halves become one, they become a Sovereign Beast, a perfect hybrid of man and beast that embodies the best of both worlds.

This epic destiny appeared in Primal Power and is only open to Druids with the Wild Shape power.

At 21st level, you acquire the Magnificent Beast feature, allowing you to make your wild shape form be of large size and gain +2 to damage and speed.

At 24th level, you gain the Sovereign's Charge feature, giving a once-per-encounter ability to use a beast form encounter power at the end of a charge instead of an MBA.

At 26th level, you get the Resplendent Beast at-will utility power, following up from Wild Shaping to a large beast. You push away all adjacent foes and get combat advantage against enemies you see while they get a -2 penalty to hit you.

At 30th level, you get the Sovereign's Inheritance feature. Now every time you kill a non-minion enemy, you can either spend a Healing Surge or regain a encounter attack power.

Psionic Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Psionic Magic; Ardent, Battlemind, Monk, or Psion.

  • Eight Seal (any psionic class)
  • Godmind (any psionic class)[PH3:157]
  • Invincible Mind (battlemind)[PH3:158]
  • Mind Lord of the Order (any psionic class that uses power points)[DSCS:101]
  • Topaz Crusader (any psionic class, Psionic Augmentation class feature)
  • War Master (ardent)[PH3:161]

Cosmic Soul

The great cosmos of beyond has always been a fascinating place, but it is such a vast place and there is no way to traverse the entirety of it as a mortal. A Cosmic Soul seeks to transcend these mortal moorings and reach the moment where they can see everywhere and everything at once with total insight.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Psionic Power and is available to Any Psionic Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Cosmic Awareness feature, enabling you to master ans perform any scrying rituals without the need of a focus and with a +5 bonus on the ritual check as well as truesight 5. One ritual each day can also be made without expending materials.

At 24th level, you gain the Cosmic Experience feature, giving +5 to initiative and knowledge checks, as well as letting you speak any language.

At 26th level, you get the Merge With the Cosmos daily utility power. Whenever you die, you vanish from the field and leave a burst 10 zone centered on where you were, letting allies inside the zone take one standard action as a free action. You, meanwhile, recover a number of HP equal to your level and can then choose reappear a turn later - which ends the zone and gives you combat advantage against any enemies inside the zone - or remain hidden and perpetuate the zone.

At 30th level, you reach the Cosmic Connection feature, granting all of your ranged powers the range of your eyesight, making you able to hit anyone anywhere so long as they aren't hidden.


While most are satisfied with becoming gods, they are not the end-all be-all of greater entities and they are far from perfect. There is a source beyond their grasp, a perfect cause that is truly perfect. The Demiurge seeks to attain this perfect cause that is unreachable even by the gods and use its power to create a perfect universe of their own.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Psionic Power and is available to Any Psionic Class.

At 21st level, you attain the Becoming One feature, granting +2 to Charisma and one other ability score of your choosing.

At 24th level, you get the Perfection in Action feature, giving you 2 action points each milestone and allowing you to use more than one action point in an encounter after reaching your second milestone.

At 26th level, you get the Demiurge Resistance encounter utility power. This power requires you not to be bloodied, but it grants you a free saving throw against an effect, and if you roll a 15+ on this save, you immediately regain use of this power.

At 30th level, you reach the Deification of the Self feature, rendering you immune to anything below level 20, and giving a +5 to saving throws. Once per day, you can also teleport away from whatever bloodies you, spending a healing surge and rendering you insubstantial for the turn.

Diamond Soul

A monk's truest test is their constant pursuit of perfection. Their techniques must be refined until they reach a level of flawlessness unseen by mortal eyes. Only when they have reached the ultimate tier of perfection can these Diamond Souls find the ability to move beyond mortality and pass these secrets to students.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Player's Handbook 3 and is only available to Monks.

At 21st level, you gain the Diamond Body feature, adding +2 to Dexterity and rendering you immune to aging. You also gain the Monastic Perfection feature, enabling you to gain two monk encounter powers of your level or lower that you can reserve and swap one encounter power for each rest.

At 24th level, you have the Moving Perfection feature, giving +2 to speed and adding an extra square to any shifting.

At 26th level, you attain the Flawless Maneuver encounter utility power. This adds +10 to your next attack and makes it so that even a natural 1 doesn't count as a miss.

At 30th level, you have the Diamond Perfection feature, enabling you to re-roll one failed attack roll each turn.

Grandmaster of Flowers

There are those that believe that life, death, and rebirth are all cyclical. Each soul spends their reincarnations attempting to perfect themselves by improving upon the flaws of their past selves. There are those monks who envision it all as a garden, where death is a winter where the flowers die off while spring is when those flowers grow back. Only when they have perfected themselves will garden be truly perfect, free of all worries and moorings. These Grandmasters of Flowers then go into seclusion with their perfect bliss and share their knowledge with eager pupils.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Psionic Power and is only available to Monks.

At 21st level, you gain the Balanced Mind feature. This allows you to take 10 on a saving throw against a charm, fear, or psychic effect while also dealing 10 damage to anyone attacking your Will. You also get the Enlightenment's Blessing feature, adding +2 to Dexterity.

At 24th level, you have the Ubiquity feature, letting you teleport 3 squares so you're adjacent to your target when you hit them in melee.

At 26th level, you acquire the A Scattering of Petals encounter utility power. This halves the damage dealt by a ranged attack while you make the attack hit up to two other creatures.

At 30th level, you have the Luminous Consciousness feature. Your movement now ignores everything, terrain, opportunity attacks, and even gravity (as in you can fly for your movement, though you still need to land). Shifting also can be replaced by moving your speed.

Master of Moments

As anyone who's read Watchmen can attest, time is far from a linear stream. It's a vast ocean of moments, each interconnected with each other with casual relation to each other. Though most cannot hope to grasp such a concept in its entirety, a Master of Moments is someone who can use their power to manipulate the sea of time and hope to one day free themselves of any temporal anchor that prevents them from achieving their ultimate goals.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Psionic Power and is available to Any Psionic Class.

At 21st level, you get the Consummate Traveler feature, meaning you can now master and perform travel rituals with a +5 on the ritual check. You can also make one such ritual each day without any materials. You also have the Maximized Time feature, giving you a full turn (standard,minor, and move actions) whenever you spend an action point instead of just one action.

At 24th level, you now have the Bountiful Seconds rule, giving you a new minor action each turn (which means you can sacrifice both minors for a free move) and removing level restrictions on what travel ritual you can use.

At 26th level, you gain the Freeze Time daily utility power. This power locks an enemy you hit in place for a turn, rendering them incapable of any action while also rendering them immune to any attacks or effects.

At 30th level, you achieve the Boundless Presence feature, which gives teleport 5 as a new movement speed. Once per day, you can remove also yourself from play when you get bloodied or disabled. When you return next turn, you'll have taken a short rest.

Shadow Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies revolve around tapping into and mastering shadow magic. As this power source, alas, was utterly ruined by the shift from 4e to Essentials, there's no real class dedicated to this power source beyond the Assassin.

  • Guardian of the Void
  • Perfect Slayer (assassin)
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Classes
Player's Handbook 1 ClericFighterPaladinRangerRogueWarlockWarlordWizard
Player's Handbook 2 AvengerBarbarianBardDruidInvokerShamanSorcererWarden
Player's Handbook 3 ArdentBattlemindMonkPsionRunepriestSeeker
Heroes of X Blackguard* • Binder* • Cavalier* • Elementalist* • Hexblade* • Hunter* • Mage* • Knight* • Protector* • Scout* • Sentinel* • Skald* • Slayer* • Sha'ir* • Thief* • Vampire* • Warpriest* • Witch*
Settings Book ArtificerBladesinger* • Swordmage
Dragon Magazine Assassin
Others Paragon PathEpic Destiny
*·: Non-AEDU variant classes