
Pyreens are a non-playable demihuman race from the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Dark Sun. Born during the Rebirth at the start of the Green Age of Athas, they were created by the rhulisiti to be the defenders and protectors of Athas. As such, they are similar to 3.5 mongrelfolk in that they resemble a harmonious blending of the four main demihuman races - with the bodies of dwarves, the ears of elves, the eyes of humans, and the faces of halflings - whilst at the same time possessing seemingly infinite lifespans, supra-genius (19+) Intelligence, and the powers of high-leveled multiclassed psion-druids.
You might be wondering how Athas ended up such a shithole with these guys around. Well, it's actually ironic: one Pyreen went screaming off the deep end and became convinced that the rhulisiti had made a huge mistake adapting themselves into different races, so he created defiling magic and organized a centuries-long, planet-ravaging genocidal campaign called the Cleansing Wars that wrecked the world as part of a mad plan to recreate the Blue Age. That fuckwit's name was Rajaat, and it's all his fault.
So, the surviving pyreens dedicate themselves to undoing what can be undone. Which isn't easy, because there's only so many of them, there's a very big, ruined world to fix, and although they can cast the Rejuvenate spell, which reverses the damage done by defiling, they can only do so once per month.
In the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition reboot of the setting, Pyreen went from being a "proper" (yet unplayable) race into an Epic Destiny. Pyreens are the Epic Destiny for 21st level characters (not as hard as you think; 4e goes from 1st to 30th level by design) who have either a Primal Class (Barbarian, Druid, Seeker, Shaman, Warden) or a Primal Theme (Elemental Priest, Primal Guardian). Pyreens start by gaining +2 to two of their mental stats (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma), the ability to speak and understand all languages, eternal life (that is, they don't age), and the ability to roll twice for Diplomacy & Insight checks and take their preferred result. At 24th level, once per day, they can shake off being killed by coming back as a spirit and continuing to fight, fully resurrecting themselves after the battle is over. At 26th level, they gain the Rejuvenate the Land Daily Utility Power. And at level 30, they can transfer negative conditions from their allies to themselves.