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This article contains PROMOTIONS! Don't say we didn't warn you.

Grow up men, grow up. You won't get a real "monster"GIRL in your whole life just showing her how much f scylla's anatomy you have learned playing roleplay games. GROW UP, you are more than adult enough. GO ON.

The Monster Girl Encyclopedia

This is the setting that provides a lot of the art in the gallery below, and it's one of the most well-known settings on /tg/ that isn't Monster Musume above. A guy named Kenkou Cross is writing and illustrating a NSFW encyclopedia on a world where all the monsters have been converted into hybrids between their old forms and Hot Chicks. Basically, they are all lustful and want to rape and/or marry whatever men they see (mostly the former).

The setting is quite notorious on /tg/. Although KC gets a lot of credit for being one of the oldest and most prolific "devoted to publishing monstergirls arts/setting" artists (Felarya is technically older but much, much more niche, and so less popular), he also gets a lot of flak. Why? Well, for starters, the big problem is that his setting design attracts an assload of roasting.

It is scarily simple to read the many complaints listed for a certain pile of festering failure and substitute in the demonic race and its leader from this one.

For more details, read the Monster Girl Encyclopedia page.

Monster Girl Quest

For those of you who prefer your Japanese content in a more interactive medium, this might just be the game for you. Go on a quest, slay monsters who are also girls, before they slay you. We're not kidding, in most cases, your character is either milked to death or raped and then fucking digested alive upon defeat. Beneath that, the game also has a surprisingly good story and some very good self-aware jokes that take shots at its own genre. A well known and well-liked game amongst a special brand of /d/eviant, it is quite like a visual novel. If you don't know what that means, go ask /jp/. We don't take kindly to those kinds of questions around here.

Being gang-raped to death by a group of sentient zombie monsters is kind of one of the tamer aspects of this game. Believe it or not, more extreme things happen.

Also, this game is even more grimdark than the MGE above, and it doesn't hide its grimmer elements away in background lore, either. In Monster Girl Quest, you are warned from the start that most monster-girls will casually enslave, kill or eat humans after sex, and this is not anti-xenophile propaganda like it is in the MGE. As stated above, death or devouring are the most common outcomes if you lose. Even fan-favorite partner Alice will casually swallow your character whole and digest him alive if you tick her off.

Although the developing storyline eventually reveals that most monster-girls are only this brutal because of the recent Church-inspired repression against their kind. For many of the monster-girls in this game, losing a fight means losing their life and their entire generation as they require human males to mate with to reproduce and sustain themselves. With the ongoing xenophobia enforced by the Goddess Illias, monsters will slowly die out and most of them realize that the only way to survive would be to force themselves on others. Thus, just about every monstergirl you encounter will molest you violently to the best of their abilities.

For more information, see: Mon Musu Quest!


Felarya is an... odd setting. Every so often, you see something that is created with the root of appealing to a certain fetish. Felarya is designed with a focus on the vore fetish (i.e. people getting swallowed whole and, in this case especially, potentially digested alive), done by naked monstergirls. Oh, wondering how that's supposed to work? That's simple. The monstergirls are are at least four stories tall, at a minimum, and it's not uncommon to see some that over a hundred feet. This whole thing can put people off easily, since the monstergirls, called predators here, eat humans alive and condemn them to a horrible death via digestion. The only bright side is that this setting is a prime example of there always being a bigger fish. The predators that eat humans? They're something else's dinner too. In fact, nearly everything in this setting is some sort of dangerous monstrous entity that eats some sentient creature for lunch.

If that description put you off, there's probably not much for you there. The giant boobs get disturbing quick if you aren't into the concept of unrelenting lethal vore.

What, no mentioning the Bards Adventures?

An artist named Frederik K. T. Andersson does a lot of interesting monstergirl (and monsterboy) artwork, sometimes in the form of comics. One of his recurring characters is a highly charismatic, lecherous fool of a bard who runs around like an animal in heat, sleeping with (and usually impregnating) every monstergirl he meets, much to the rage of his (implicitly jealous) female elf teammate. Perhaps his greatest...achievement(?) was siring a human/rock hybrid. Not with a golem or earth elemental. Just, a rock. Even he wasn't sure how that had worked.

Monster girls on tour

A humor comic with a cast composed entirely of monstergirl (and monsterboy); the protagonist is a Salamander warrior. The website has also a lot of monstergirl artwork


We have an entire website for monstergirls purely dedicated to fiction and drawn art.

The Kukuruyo dude above this link is also a member.


Hold on to your robe and wizard hat!

See Also