Mon Musu Quest!
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Mon Musu Quest (Or Monster Girl Quest! in English) is a /d/egenerated fa/tg/uy's ultimate dream. MGQ is hentai visual novel that involves Monstergirls, role playing, and sorcery. Originally released in Japan only, it saw enough demand that it was eventually translated into English by a fellow named "Rogue Translator".
Overview[edit | edit source]

MGQ is a hybrid of an interactive visual novel and your classic RPG game, with monstergirls. It takes cues from Monster Girl Encyclopedia (infact Kenkō Cross, who worked on MGE, also worked on this game), where its basically a giant compendium of different types of monstergirls, but in game form.
The name of the game itself is pretty much what you do: go on a quest, slay monsters who are also girls, before they slay you. We're not kidding, in most cases, your character is either milked to death or raped and then fucking digested alive upon defeat. Beneath that, the game also has a surprisingly lengthy (if arguably good) story and some very good self-aware jokes that take shots at its own genre (I.E: The RPGish tradition of being able to break into houses and ransack it without the occupants giving a damn if you're the protagonist.)
Gameplay[edit | edit source]

For the RPG part of the game, its a bit half-and-half. For one, you don't really get to customize your protag or have your own party (For 2/3s of the game, you're largely fighting alone.). Luka's loadout is fixed and any changes to it is due to the story itself, not because of your call. Also, because of the limitations of the game's genre; just about all actions that need to be done, ranging from traveling, interacting, and combat, are done in a point-and-click fashion off a list of available actions you get. All in all, the game's progression is ultimately linear.
As for the combat part of the game, it uses the style of classic turn-based RPG-style combat. Enemies and abilities are represented on the screen as CG images that flicker and change during actions and you have a list of skills to choose from fight with. For the most part, battles aren't really hard as they're largely repetitive (although they do require a modicum of tactical sense to win) and they're largely a case of trial-and-error and a bit of luck. Still though, that doesn't stop it from being fun and it does have a lot of moments to keep you at the edge of your seat.
Ultimately, because its a simplistic visual novel; you do have to use your imagination to get the most out of it, rather than completely relying on the game for the experience.
Plot[edit | edit source]
The plot of MGQ follows the quest of a protagonist named Luka in his quest to become a Hero (A sort of in-world name for Paladins who slays monsters for Illias, their goddess.) and slay the Monster Lord. Despite his aspirations and firm faith in his religion, he aspires for co-existence between monsters and humans (Not in a perverted way you'd expect from a novel like this. He legitimately thinks that monsters and humans aren't that different and shouldn't kill eachother). He assumes that by killing the evil Monster Lord, peace between humans and monsters would become a real possibility. Along the way, he meets a seemingly out-of-the ordinary Lamia named Alice who decides to join his journey on a whim. Now, Luka must trek across the world, staving off monsters who wants to rape him, and train hard enough to make his vision a reality. But much like all things, things go on a long backroad to fuckups and plot twists before this becomes a reality.
The game is separated into three chapters, all of which lead up to the end. Starting relatively mild and generic, Luka's adventures start shaping several compromises between humans and nearby monster villages. One nice start involves a harpy village who kidnaps all males from a human village to reproduce, storming it and forcing the queen to come to a compromise and let her humans choose wives. Of course, the condescending attitude of Alice and monsters don't make it any easier: if it were anyone else than a typical doormat Japanese male, he would have snapped and killed someone or at least send a few monstergirls flying. But let's get back to the story. Luka "saves" the human village by rescuing the men who somehow forgot all about their families and were busy fucking feathery cunts, and the women sigh and let their husbands fuck harpies on the sly, and one villager woman who divorces her husband is mentioned.
Then off you go to the next city or village to fix stuff.
Step by step, Luka starts liberating, compromising and fighting his way where monsters aren't killed on sight, but not vice versa, predatory monstergirls who eat their prey, even other monstergirls, are simply seen as a cycle of life, it's the humanity that's evil in disrupting this cycle. In typical cringe anime fashion, murderous monster girls with multiple human body counts are easily forgiven, even a utterly horrific human experimenting witch, who has entrenched in a village, bribed guards to kidnap people in full sight of everyone, lock them up and torture them to death in experiments to make Iron Maiden monster girls, who are women transforming to utterly mindless torture machines to kidnap their kin and suck their blood and semen to death. Said monster woman, Lily, is forgiven as villagers call out their names, fall into despair in tears, pick their daughters' dead bodies from laboratory, but saying if they execute her they will be as evil as her. But God forgive if a human militant throws a grenade to scare off misunderstood mermaids, they deserve petrification and death. Oh, the witch village's guards are forgiven back in their posts.
So Luka regularly discovers, explores and "solves" problematic locations where monster girls and men are in conflict, often lethal on humanity's part but it's anime so it's ok, in typical White Knight fashion Luka beats the monsters who have digested innocent human fisherman already married to another monstergirl but ssh, peace and stuff. If you kill your enemies, they win. Right Trudeau?
As Luka proceeds, Alice reveals that he needs to defeat four heavenly knights and gathers four elemental powers for imbuing himself to confront the Monster Lord for peace.
After a long bouts of sexual (and often unnecessarily lethal) monster girl rape attacks, Luka gathers enough artifacts and powers to go to the monster continent.
Obviously, monster girls in this continent become ever more violent and murderous, but it's ok sshh they are oppressed so Luka wanders to the monster castle to confront the Monster Lord but look, it's actually Alice! What a tweest!
Like we didn't figure this shit out...Anyway.
Alice lets Luka duel against her four lieutenants so his powers are honed, then confronts him herself. She asks to be killed so the next generation of people can live in peace, blissfully ignoring her OWN MOTHER TRIED IT and failed, resulting in death of a wizard girl whom the current anti-monster "racist" faction's leader loved, kickstarting another trauma and hatred cycle. But humans are disposable meat while it's always about our semen demons and their poor widdle oppression (a.k.a Pussy Pass).
In a rare moment of enlightenment AS IF TEN FUCKING HOURS OF COMPROMISES DIDN'T GET THROUGH HIS FUCKING SKULL, Luka's neurons finally manage to fire up between jerking off to monsters and getting sucked by Alice, realizing Ilias has been the other accomplice of this crapsack world, refuses to kill Alice and throws a hissy fit at Ilias.
Not amused, Ilias reveals her Nazi-Angel-Jesus archetype and starts a massacre of angels, her "angel" monster girls butchering everything in sight. Probably a mercy kill to this world at that rate, but we'll get to that.
This is when the third game starts, after which it becomes a powerplay campaign where Luka gathers more power to challenge Ilias and beat her.
The world seems to return to peace, except...well, some monster girls still catch and eat their unwilling mates but we need to respect their oppressed poor species' culture or something. And if you fuck anyone after the end game, you are fucked into eternity and cannot marry Alice or whatever, as if you needed to. And Ilias is back in heaven after her millennia long cycle of atrocities, everything is a-OK!
So, happy end I guess?
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox[edit | edit source]
A new trilogy made using RPGmaker, MGQ:P once again places us in the shoes of Luka, ready to close shop and become an adventurer. But things aren't as they seem, when a vision from Ilias saw her corrupted with visual glitches and we are soon introduced to a new character, Luka's childhood friend Sonya, the daughter of one of his father's party members who was never mentioned before. We quickly find out that this game takes place in an alternate timeline where the Remina massacre didn't occur, and was instead swallowed up by an abyss known as a Tartarus. The continent was split up by more Tartari and a magic renaissance happened, allowing humans to use magic and develop new technologies from advanced Makina recovered from the Tartari. The goddess Ilias had gone missing, her heaven destroyed by a massive Tartarus in the center of the world, and her religion facing a decline as humans and monsters begin coexisting everywhere, especially where her faith had once been the strongest.
What would've been an easy quest for the fledgling adventurer was soon complicated by the appearance of Ilias herself, unceremoniously crash landing in the Yamcha pose. She turns out to be fine, except that she has been lolified with only a fraction of her power; her bolt of divine retribution inflicting nothing but static shock on Luka. The agitated goddess joins Luka to find out what the hell happened to her, and soon meets with a lolified Alice XVI who comes to blows with her. Luka can then decide to side with either Ilias or Alice to solve this mystery, which will affect certain dialog and give you access to exclusive characters (though you can redo the game on New Game+ to recruit the other exclusives).
Luka also encounters a mysterious pair of siblings: an outrageously dressed boy, Nero, with a chuuni streak, and his sister, Neris, who comes onto Luka at every opportunity she gets. Both are extremely powerful warriors from another dimension, saving Luka's bacon on numerous occasions. Later, they are revealed to be the children of Luka and Alice from the original trilogy, who have come to this alternate timeline to correct the timeline after the events of the 3rd game. Turns out the Ilias from that game was sent packing to this alternate timeline with most of her powers sealed after Luka and Alice blew her the fuck out, creating an imbalance of light and dark energies that also summoned the defeated Black Alice to the past in order to correct it. Unfortunately, these transgressions to the timeline hastened the spread of Chaos, which devours whole dimensions and reduce them to nothingness. In response, the timeline created the Tartari, and within it strange techno-organic monsters called Apoptosis were created from females that kill any intruders to prevent further changes to the timeline.
Things are further complicated when a trio of succubi and a group of powerful archangels show up, dispatched from dimensions where either Alice I or Ilias won the Great Monster War eons ago. Turns out that either world isn't particularly peaceful, where one is a monster dominated world where humans were kept as cattle/sex toys while the other is a world where humans live under the boot of Ilias and her angels, singing her praises lest they be purged. Not only that, the 6 Ancestors and 3 Archangels, top lieutenants of Alice I and Ilias respectively, are still active and actively hostile to humanity.
Not only that, the kingdom of Grangold has declared war on the other nations while another competition for the title of Monster Lord was occurring, as the dimension's Alice's mother, Alice XV, wasn't killed in this timeline and suddenly returned to take the throne, contested by Black Alice aka Alice VIII from the original trilogy and Neris, calling herself Alice XVII. To make matters worse, Black Alice recruited a number of powerful monsters, as well as several a legendary puppeteer who reanimated several of her ancestors, binding them to her service, while Alice XV seized command of the 4 Heavenly Knights and the Monster Army. Still, it's up to Luka to solve the mysteries of the Tartari, the disappearance of his dimension's Ilias and the strange connection his previously unknown childhood friend Sonya has to the Apoptosis, while preventing his fish from getting dried by thirsty monstergirls.
The game plays much like the early Dragon Quest/Warrior Monsters games, where battles are turn based and exploration takes place in a typical grid based JRPG fashion unlike the linear VN style progression of the original trilogy. Luka can have up to 7 other party members, with 3 active in battle and 4 in reserve that can be swapped out in battle if your party members fall. Monstergirls can be recruited by defeating them in battle, having a random chance to get them as a party member, where they will then be added to your party. Additional party members will be added to a pocket castle, where Luka can arrange his party, chat with them, get personal quests from them or perform sexual acts with them if their affection is high enough. Fortunately, after getting acquainted with the Reaper, Luka can be spat out of Hades if he dies, allowing him to experience sexual acts that normally results in his death, such as getting vored. Each party member has unique party chat dialog in response to many interactions, giving quite a bit of characterization to some one-off characters while expanding on more established ones. In addition to monstergirls, you can recruit a number of human girls known as Battle Fuckers, who you must beat in a Battle Fuck (actually just HP beefgating) in order to recruit them and potentially receive other rewards. There are also other human characters you can recruit including males, but only a few are relevant to the plot such as the San Ilia King and Lazarus, a friend of Luka's father.
Every playable character has a Race and a Job, the former which confers different stat bonuses and penalties, resistances and weaknesses, and grants unique passive abilities and skills while the latter grants various combat and utility skills, and dictates weapon of choice. Passive skills must be managed, with limited slots per character but active skills can be used regardless of class provided the class which has them is mastered and the appropriate weapon is equipped (if required). Basically the system is copied from later Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy games which may be familiar with some players, and you can change your party members' Race and Job at the appropriate facility if they meet the requirements for them. More Races and Jobs can be unlocked via sidequests or main quests, for example where Luka awakens his angel powers and gains access to the Angel Race. Races have more specialized sub-races which can give rise to many broken combos required to beat the notoriously difficult post-game bosses. Unfortunately, mastering each Race and Job will take a large amount of grinding typical to the genre but players familiar with these type of games can cheat themselves exp boosting items using 3rd party addons to hasten the grind.
Currently there are 2 parts of the MGQ:Paradox that have been released and translated, but the 3rd and final game is still in the works, and has been promised to be even bigger than the previous 2 parts combined. Time will tell when Part 3 gets a release date, but who knows how long will it take for a fan translation to happen, considering the estimated scale of the game.
tl;dr a sequel trilogy that greatly expands the lore of the setting, adds a whole lot of gameplay options with a huge selection of party members, each with plenty of dialog (including those that can't actually speak) and a challenging endgame if you want to get your minmaxing gear on.
Main Characters[edit | edit source]
Protagonists[edit | edit source]
Luka[edit | edit source]
Our violet-haired protag who you'll be controlling for the majority of the game. He's an orphan who lost both his parents at a young age, but decides to have a happier, peaceful, if not naive, outlook on life. He decides to be a hero at the behest of his mother's dying wish and trained to become one until his baptism into an official hero, where he intends to defeat the Monster Lord to allow coexistence between monsters and humans. Things go not as planned after Illias refused to show during his baptism and bestow him with her protection, and he was not made into an official hero (Although, its eventually revealed that the "protection" is just making their semen taste horrible to monsters, discouraging monsters from raping heroes). Regardless, Luka believes that a hero is an occupation, not a title, and decides to continue his quest anyway, despite the setback.
As a character, he starts out as your typical, happy-go-lucky everyday protagonist due to his naivet, but as the journey progresses, he eventually starts to realize that good-and-evil aren't as simple as black and white and develops a more mature, yet still righteous morality by the end of the game.
At the final parts of the game, Luka is revealed to be a Nephilim, the product of a mortal and an angel. It was revealed that his mother was one of the first angels created by Illias, who rebelled against her, and decided to live the remainder of her life as a mortal human. Due to his unblessed nature and half-angel origins, this has the observable side-effect of making his man juice tastier than usual, which causes monstergirls to utterly ravage him when he's defeated and molested. The fact that he's on a hair-trigger down there isn't doing him any favors in battle either, causing him to succumb rather quickly.
Alice[edit | edit source]
Alipheese Fateburn XVI is our female protagonist of Lamia origins and Luka's traveling partner. Originally found unconscious by Luka after crash-landing near his village due to an altercation with Illias (which subsequently prevented her from appearing in his baptism), she takes a liking to him after attempting to help her while she was unconscious and his particularly unique ideals of coexistence (although she originally found it idiotic). She decides to tag along with Luka on his quest, just so she could see him crumble at how hopeless his vision is, and also to taste the various foodstuffs around the world.
She's your textbook tsundere (albeit brutal), where she's completely indifferent to Luka at first, but starts to warm up to him after she realizes that he's dead serious about his aspirations of coexistence and his drive at making progress. Still, that doesn't stop her from privately raping and dominating Luka, both for sustenance and hidden feelings for him. Also, because Luka's a lovable idiot, she's commonly responsible for exposition.
Near the end of the first part of the game, she is revealed to be the Monster Lord (though there was enough foreshadowing that it was obvious, she even berates Luka for not realizing) and was traveling the world to correct a mistake she originally did as a child. Her mother, who was the previous Monster Lord, originally decided to sacrifice herself in order to bring peace between humans and monsters, as she believed she needed to die to quell human hatred against monsters. Things went not as planned when Alice stumbled upon her dead mother's corpse and the heroes responsible (who themselves, just realized her intentions) and proceeded to attack them, resulting in two of them dead, the other two seriously wounded, all the while destroying the message her mother died trying to get across.
Alice planned to have Luka face and kill her at the end of the second part of the game. The player has the option of facing her earlier, but beating her at the point is impossible and will lead to Luka getting eaten. She hoped that her death would allow a new era of peace, but Luka refused to kill her and berated her for trying to senselessly sacrifice her life. Instead, she and him focused on their real enemy, Illias.
The Four Heavenly Knights[edit | edit source]
The knights are the Monster Lord's closest advisers and comprised of the most powerful monsters of each race. All except Tamamo vied for the position of Monster Lord, but were all krumped by Alice in the end, cementing her position and accepting their loss without further contest (Tamamo only joined to prevent the three from possibly ganging up on Alice, ensuring her loss).
They all start out as mostly hostile to Luka, viewing him no more as a naive plaything, but eventually accept him as a serious peer, more or less, after defeating them in single combat.
Alma Elma[edit | edit source]
The Queen of Succubi and holds the element of wind. A whimsical succubus who's actions can be summed up as: "I do it for the lulz", she only does anything for her own amusement, caring little about the ultimate outcome (For example, she gave up early in the fight for the Monster Lord throne, despite having plenty of energy to fight left, only because she already had her fill of entertainment and saw little need to continue on).
Secretly however, she's also an accomplished martial artist, although does not actively use this as preferring violence over pleasure would disqualify her as the Queen Succubus, along with a personal disdain for violence. (Of course, she eats Luka alive if he is defeated, so kinda seriously bad writing there.)
Tamamo[edit | edit source]
The Queen of the Kitsune race and holds the element of earth. Similarly whimsical like Alma, although with more, she acts as Alice's spiritual mother after her real one was killed (infront of her, no less) and did everything so that she grew up without hating humanity, as the world can't afford another Black Alice, inciting another bloodbath.
Her character is the most mentally stable of the monster girls, already hinting that her age isn't what it seems to be. The worst she implied would do is to make Luka repair the castle's damage as her "love slave"(albeit well treated) if he lost, so she can be counted as This Guy's rule 63.
She acts as the mentor of each monster lord after the eighth and is the oldest of the Heavenly knights, despite her loli-like appearance. Its eventually revealed that she is one of the first monsters who served with the first Monster Lord, who avoided sealing by taking a child-like form.
Erubetie[edit | edit source]
The Queen of Slimes and holds the power of water. Originally a benevolent and kind ruler; due to humans encroaching on her people's territory and polluting their environment, making it uninhabitable for slimes, she had a hostile view of humanity, wishing to exterminate them to reclaim their lost homes.
She is unapologetically the most murderous of the monstergirl race, letting her slimes devour and eat men alive even in peacetime because civilization pollutes society, and goes on batshit enough to make a hydrogen bomb inside her body to destroy the world once she starts to lose, making her the series' edgy monster queen.
She was eventually convinced by Luka that attempting to exterminate humanity will only lead to more loss to her subjects, and overtime, came to accept his proposal of co-existence by the end of the game.
Granberia[edit | edit source]
An unparalleled dragonkin swordswoman who holds the power of fire. She was abandoned at birth near the volcano of Salamander, the spirit of fire. She was then taken in by her and trained in the way of the sword, eventually surpassing her mentor. Probably the most "righteous" of monster girls, Granberia openly avoids killing humans(knocking them out and boasting of her strength) and even saves them from murderous monstergirls, is one hell of a tsundere dom Musclegirl who likes to step on knocked out men's privates. Hey, I'm not judging if you aren't killing.
She comes to view Luka as a rival after seeing his potential in combat that very few have come to match.
Antagonists[edit | edit source]
Angels[edit | edit source]
Illias[edit | edit source]
The game's main antagonist, though it's not revealed for most of it. Initially she is believed to be the creator of humans and monsters, and the latter ran out of control. In reality, she grew jealous of the first Monster Lord and waged war upon her. The battle only ended after she threatened to exterminate everyone on the planet as a final word, which the Monster Lord could not afford. Thus, she and her advisers sealed themselves away to avoid this, leaving Illias the sole remaining deity alive.
She is the main deity worshiped throughout the setting and is the propagator of monster condemnation; proclaiming them to be evil creatures who only wish for the downfall of mankind, all interaction with them should be shunned.
In a Labyrinthine plot that would make a Lord of Change blush, she orchestrated the every last major event that happens in the game that leads up to the climax, in order for her to become the ultimate god of all by being able to manipulate both light and dark energies. This includes inciting a slaughter of a human/monster population to initiate monster hate, the entirety of Luka's travels, Promestein's and Dark Alice's rebellion against her, all the way up to her being consumed by Dark Alice so that she could absorb her powers once Luka inevitably gives her the knife.
Promestein[edit | edit source]
One of the angels under Illias, who was originally banished after interacting with humans to give them knowledge (namely, fire).
She was brought back by Illias in order to find a way to defeat the Monster Lord and the 4 Heavenly Knights, along with everyone else on the planet so she could rebuild it in her image. She does this by using chimeric beasts, synthetic life forms comprised of different creatures, along with traditional necromancy. Her chimeras, however, were also made so that she could rebel against her former master.
Monsters[edit | edit source]
Black Alice[edit | edit source]
Alipheese Fateburn VIII was one of the previous monster lords who incited war against humans, leading to a bloody chapter that only ended after she was defeated by an unblessed hero named Heinrich. Why she did so was not clear, some say she went mad with power, while a monster who was alive during her time said she did it for the preservation of her fellow monsters. In either case, its what caused Tamamo to mentor each subsequent Monster Lord to prevent her reign from happening again.
She was secretly resurrected by Illias so that she could have control over dark energy and was secretly planning along with Promestein to betray Illias. She consumes Illias near the end of the game, but this event was secretly planned by Illias in order to allow her to absorb Dark Alice's power, leading to a Tzeentchian plot of Not as Planned actually being Just as Planned.
The Art Style[edit | edit source]

Now, MGQ doesn't have a uniform art for all the monster girls in the game, which many of people will notice. Unlike the MGE, MGQ is a large game. Thus, Kenkō wasn't the only artist involved in this game. There were several involved in the project of creating and drawing a large roster of characters. Thus, the monstergirls tend to not have a uniform look. Some look like traditional animu characters (and even then, with their own variations), some look like they were drawn using a western-style art, and some don't look like anything in particular, with the artist using their own art style.
Some designs are quite recognizable as having been done by Kenkou Cross, others aren't and aren't really that bad, while others range much closer to the grotesque side. Many monster-girls in this game are, frankly disturbing, boiling down to "human face and one or more boobs on an otherwise repulsively monstrous body" or "human woman's upper torso mounted on a much bigger monster's body". The number of monster-girls in this game who have a gaping bestial maw filled with long, nasty-looking teeth where their female genitalia should be is quite offputting (But then again, if you're not part /d/eviant, maybe this isn't the game for you). That said, this isn't the total case. A lot of the popular species are drawn quite well enough.
External Links[edit | edit source]
- A pastebin containing most of the links you'll need to download the game in English. Its recommended to buy the retail version to support the developers, but den again, if you'z a freeboota, zog all dat noiz.