The Mutilators are massive horrible abominations of flash and metal, who live only to RIP AND TEAR. They are often called melee-oriented Obliterators, and though crunch-wise they are pretty close, fluff-wise they are nowhere near. Mutialtors once was terminator champions, who was so obsessed with close combat, that they merged with their weapon into one being. Apparently Spending 90% of your time in fucked up hell-dimension of Eye of Terror you can do such things without any daemonic techno-virus help. So now their bodies are covered in grown-in terminator armour, power weapons, chain weapons, lightning claws, and various other sharp objects, as well as their souls incorporate not only original space marine spirit, but also machine-spirits of all weapons they absorbed. Unlike Obliterators they still can speak non-binary language, but being absolutely batshit-insane butchers they rarely have anything to tell.