Dragon Warriors

The Dragon Warriors are a Chaos Space Marine warband specialized in short-range firefights, using melta and flame weapons (OF COURSE THEY WOULD.THE NAME SAYS IT ALL!). They are among the archenemies of Salamanders, wanting to see who are the best dragons in the galaxy, they even tried to capture the Salamanders homeworld, but failed... obviously. Just like many chapters created by GW, they are basically unused and lost to the lore. They got the potential to be a great warband, but with no fluff about them, kinda sucks ass. Fun thing about them tho, is their name is the same as the Salamanders Legion's original name. If they originated from a traitor Salamanders successor chapter, it could explain why the Salamanders don't acknowledge any of the other chapters believed to be their successors and why there are so few of them even though they have had thousands of years to rebuild their numbers.
Also, they have 3 peculiar members among their ranks: Lorkar, a former Marines Malevolent Astartes, Nihilan, A former Astartes of the Salamanders Chapter, now a Chaos Sorcerer and Vaitan Ushorak, former Chaplain of the Black Dragons. This also mean that they're most likely an undivided warband, as despite being red, having an eight, and liking fire weapons they have sorcerers so they can't be khornate.
Running a list of these guys with tons of melee, flamer, meltas, Vindicators and choppy daemon engines is fun as hell, even though you need to use the renegade legion trait an generic warlord traits and relics. THANK YOU, GW!