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Trident in front of a wave
Alignment Neutral Good
Divine Rank Intermediate Goddess
Pantheon Cerilian
Portfolio Explorers, grief, sailors, sea
Domains Good, Ocean, Protection, Travel
Home Plane The Waves of Grief (Elysium)
Worshippers Explorers, fishers, mourners, sailors
Favoured Weapon Trident

Nesirie (pronounced neh-SEE-ree-eh), also called Nasri, Narikja, and Neira, is the Cerilian goddess of the sea and grief, and the patron of the Masetians. She's the wife of Haelyn and mother to Cuiraécen.


Nesirie was the chosen of Masela at the Battle at Mount Deismaar, and with her death, Nesirie inherited her position and sadness, as her tribe, the Masetians, were largely killed and have since become a part of the Khinasi. Since then she has slowly started to assume responsibility as the guardian of the dead.


Nesirie often appears as a pale-skinned, black-haired woman with lines made by her tears on her face, wearing diaphanous robes. Sometimes she appears as a being made of water in a state of constant change, as well in the form of a mermaid.


Nesirie's followers believe the sea to be the lifeblood of the earth, and that the cycle of life and life of every human is reflected in its ebb and flow, along with lesser cycles like that of night and day. They help others understand and accept these cycles, along with helping them in dealing with grief. Many of them also work to preserve ruins and other works of the past, as they are said to guard over the spirits of the dead. Her followers often call for her protection against storms, sea monsters, and other realted hazards. Eve of the Dead is the main holy day of the Lady of Mourning, when the dead are remembered and those in mourning are comforted. The Masetians are also remembered this day and their relics are put on display.

Nesirie's church is roughly the same in every land, with the exception of the name used and some rites and ceremonies. The clerics often write down the local history, as only through memories of those left behind can a spirit find rest. They also bless new ships, take care of lighthouses, and use their magic to calm the weather when needed.

Eastern Temple of Nesirie

The church in Aerenwe, and the center of her worship in Anuire. They worship Nesirie less as the goddess of the sea, and more as the goddess of self-reliance.

Holy Temple of Nasri

The church in Ghamoura, whose high priest rules the land with an iron fist. The church acknowledges other gods, but their worshippers are put to death, and the local inquisition works root them out, along with finding other heretics, meaning priests of gods other than Nasri, and spellcasters. The high priest, Markhab el-Aldezar, also dreams of bringing the faith to the local "hedonists and degenrates".

Sailing Song of Neira

The church in Müden. Mainly focused in appeasing the superstitions of the local sailors, they're also affliated with Melisande Reaversbane, the admiral of Müden's Royal Fleet, as where ever she has authority, the temples follow soon.

Temple of the Ancients

The remains of the Masetian church of Nesirie. Alongside their regular duties and beliefs, they also worship Nesirie as the patron of the lost Masetians, keeping their language alive in their sermons and looking after their relics and memory.